• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,690 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

  • ...

Crystal Empire

Twilight stared out of the train car’s window as they passed through the darkened scenery. It was snowing so hard that she could barely make out the forest just feet away from the train. The tips of her wings trembled, not from the many loud thunderclaps that made her ears flick back with each startling sound, but from the aftereffects of casting that unrestrained teleportation spell. With her head still feeling like someone had kicked it repeatedly without mercy, she thought to try a simple spell but quickly shoved that thought away for fear of worsening her headache.

Celestia had been most gracious in allowing them to use her personal train car, giving them the privacy that they needed; both Celestia and Twilight did not want the public to see her in such a weakened state.

Twilight sighed as she blinked a few times. Rainbow was fast asleep on the bed that she had snuck out of an hour ago, for she couldn’t sleep. The only light in the train car came from a single magical orb that floated near the ceiling in the middle of the train car, casting just enough light to illuminate the outlines of the furniture. Twilight closed her eyes as she tugged the blanket up a little further with a hoof, tucking it in around her barrel in a vain effort to try to warm her wings up.

Minutes passed in silence before she felt someone poke her flank, making her eyes snap open wide. “Oh, it’s you,” she softly said, letting a smile grace her lips.

“Yeah, it’s just me,” Rainbow said as she climbed up on the couch. She pulled the blanket out from under Twilight’s side and wiggled underneath it. “Here, I brought us another blanket,” she said as she draped another thick blanket over them. Rainbow snuggled up against Twilight’s side and laid a wing across her back. Twilight’s feathers felt cold to the touch. “You feeling any better, Twilight?” Rainbow hesitantly asked, fearing the answer.

“...No. Not really,” Twilight said as another shiver ran down her spine. She coughed a couple of times, then laid her head against Rainbow’s warm neck. After nearly a minute of silence, she asked, “What are you doing up? It’s the middle of the night; you should get some rest.”

“I could say the same about you,” Rainbow murmured. “What are you doing up?”

“...Couldn’t sleep.” Twilight coughed again.

Rainbow chuckled. “Even with an expert snuggler?”

Twilight laughed, but it turned into a cough part of the way through.

Rainbow’s eyebrows furrowed as she nuzzled the top of Twilight’s head. “You need some water, Twi?” she asked, wrapping a hoof around Twilight’s.

Twilight shook her head. “No. I... I just need you...” she said so quietly she barely heard herself speak. She cleared her throat, then asked, “So... what are you doing up?”

“Well... I woke up and realized that you weren’t there, so... yeah,” Rainbow lamely said. “Something the matter?” she asked, feeling her marefriend tense up under her wing. When Twilight didn’t respond, she huffed and flicked her tail. “Come on, Twi, what’s up?”


“Doesn’t seem like nothing,” Rainbow said. She glanced back at the bed, then nuzzled Twilight between her ears. “Scoots and Spike are still so asleep, so you don’t have to worry about them hearing us.”

Twilight sighed, then looked up at Rainbow. “I’m afraid to use my magic,” she finally squeaked out, her ears flicking back as her shoulders slumped. “There, I said it.”

I never would have thought to attack Scootaloo’s mom if I knew it would hurt her like this... Rainbow winced. “Well... uh...” She shut her mouth to avoid sounding like an idiot, then stayed silent for several seconds. “Why are you afraid? Does your head still hurt?” Twilight nodded. “Hm... do you still feel like throwing up?” Twilight shook her head. “Is your headache getting better or worse?”

“Better, but it still hurts. Like around here,” Twilight said, pointing around her forehead.

“Like at the base of your horn?” Rainbow brushed aside Twilight’s mane and took a better look. “Nothing looks different; at least your horn hasn’t fallen off,” she said with a giggle.

“Hehe, yeah, at least that hasn’t happened. It’s just... I’ve heard stories where unicorns have either lost nearly all of their magic or have permanently lost their magic by trying a spell far past their abilities. There was one instance where a mare even tried to bring a loved one back from the dead, but it ended up costing her her life. While my spell wasn’t as complicated as the ones in those stories, I cast it on an empty stomach, and it drained what little energy I had left. I’ve never felt this way before, and... I’m scared.”

“Well... you said it yourself; you’re starting to feel better. Just give it some time.” Rainbow stood up and trotted over towards the front of the train car and grabbed a couple of apples, then slipped back under the blankets. “Here, eat this; you need to keep your strength up.”

“I’m not that hungry,” Twilight said, laying her head on the windowsill.

“Twilight, I insist. You barely ate anything at dinner, and I know if I had ate so little, I’d be starving right now. To be honest, I’m a little hungry right now!” She lifted one of the apples to her lips and took a humongous bite. “Mmm... this might even be one from Applejack’s farm; here, try the other one!” She placed the other apple on the windowsill a few inches away from Twilight’s snout. “I think I’m right, but I’m not sure. Can you try it and see?” she asked with a grin. She nudged Twilight’s flank with her own as she took another bite.

Twilight grabbed the apple with her right hoof, glanced at Rainbow, then took a small bite. After a few chews, a small grin broke out on her face. “You know, you just might be right. Applejack’s have always had their own special taste, or... maybe we’ve just grown used to eating her apples for all these years,” she said. She took another few small bites, then swallowed. “You think that Princess Celestia buys Applejack’s apples and has them shipped to the castle?”

“They’re the best in Equestria, and they’re definitely fit for royalty, so probably, yeah,” Rainbow said. She finished off her apple and tossed the core aside, then patiently waited for Twilight to finish hers. “Doesn’t Applejack ship some of the farm’s cider to Celestia’s castle?”

“Maybe. I don’t remember.”

“I’m pretty sure she does. We can just ask her when we get back to Ponyville.” Rainbow kissed Twilight’s cheek and nuzzled it in for good measure. “So... feel better now?”

“A little bit, yeah.” Twilight laid her head down in between Rainbow’s forelegs as she closed her eyes, then felt Rainbow lay her head on top of hers. “Thanks, Dash.” A soft smile graced her lips as she felt Rainbow kiss the base of her horn, and as she felt Rainbow’s warmth seep into the back of her neck, she finally slipped into the blissful world of dreams.

As the train came to a jarring stop, Twilight cracked her eyes open and noticed that Rainbow had placed her head beside hers; she knew from experience that sleeping like that would end up with a sore neck. The orb was significantly brighter, as if it knew that they had reached their destination. As she lifted her head, the blankets that she and Rainbow shared slipped down to the small of her back, revealing just how cold the air was. She shrugged the blankets back up as far as she could, then nuzzled Rainbow awake; somehow she hadn’t woken up. “Rainbow, it’s time to go,” she said, laying a light smooch on her cheek.

“Ugh... five more minutes,” Rainbow groaned. “Oh, right; we’re on a train. Are Scootaloo and Spike up?” she asked as she looked up.

Twilight glanced back at the big bed, then nodded. “Yeah, they are. Come on, we gotta get our stuff.”

“Good thing we traveled light, huh?” Rainbow asked as she stretched.

“Mhm... Say, do you mind fetching our scarves from our bags?” Twilight asked as she pushed herself up. She yawned as she trotted over towards the bed. “Alright sleepyheads, time to go find Shining and Cadence,” she said.

Scootaloo slid out of bed and stretched like a cat, letting loose a ferocious yawn. “Okay, but only if one of you carries me. I’m super tired,” she said, rubbing her right eye with a hoof.

“I can do that,” Rainbow said as she came back with everyone’s scarves. She looked at the base of each scarf and handed them to their rightful owners, then helped Twilight put hers on. “All good, everyone?” she asked as she looked at each of them in turn. She tightened the strap of her saddlebag, then slipped on Twilight’s saddlebag as well, even though she knew she’d look goofy.

“Rainbow, I can get that. You don’t have—”

“Nah, don’t worry about it; I got this,” Rainbow said. She nodded towards the exit. “You think Shining and Cadence are waiting for us on the platform?” she asked, peering out through the window. “The snow’s still coming down pretty hard.”

“If they are, we shouldn’t keep them waiting,” Twilight said, casting a forlorn glance at the blankets that had just moments ago kept them as snug as a bug. “I’m certain that it’s freezing outside, and I’m not sure how long they’ve been waiting, either.” She leaned down and let Spike climb up to sit near the base of her neck.

“Yeah, no kidding...” Rainbow took a deep breath as she stopped in front of the door leading outside. As Twilight walked up beside her, she stopped her with a hoof, then draped a wing over her back to help keep her warm. Twilight smiled at her, making a few butterflies flit about in her stomach. Scootaloo scampered up her hind leg and settled down in between the saddlebags. “Ready, Scoots?” she asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be!” she said, wrapping her front hooves in her scarf to help keep them warm.

“Good.” Rainbow opened the train car door and walked out onto the platform, her hooves sinking several inches into the snow. “Kinda wish that we packed some mittens,” she muttered.

“Would have been a good idea, yeah,” Twilight said, glancing around. “Shining? Cadence?” she called out, her words getting lost in the howling wind.

“Over here, Twilight!” came a familiar voice.

“Shining? Is that you?” Twilight called back.

“Yeah!” Shining said, his voice sounding a bit louder.

He came into view from the other end of the platform, weaving his way in and out of the passengers. “You guys just had to take the last train here, didn’t ya?” he asked with a smile.

“Heh, you know it!” Dash shot back.

Twilight nudged Rainbow’s shoulder with her own and shot her a smirk. “Where’s Cadence?” Twilight asked, peering around her big brother.

“She’s already in bed,” Shining said. “I told her that I’d pick you guys up so that she could get some sleep. I’m sure you guys are pretty tired, so we had the servants set up a couple of rooms for you guys when we got the letter saying you were coming.” He lit his horn and gently lifted the saddlebags from Rainbow’s back. “Here, allow me,” he said as he fastened them around himself.

“Thanks,” Rainbow said as a shiver ran down her back. “Uh... can we get a move on? If we stand around out here any longer, my hooves are gonna freeze off!”