• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,725 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

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A Star Shining Bright

Scootaloo sat between two guards on one of the tallest towers of the palace, helping keep watch for anything out of the ordinary. Spike was still running around the streets with some of Cadence’s guards as they searched every alley, road, and corner. With all the running around she’d done with him, Scootaloo was grateful for a reprieve, even if it was still out in the cold. Part of her wanted to get back out there with him but her legs were so sore from running non-stop throughout the night. A warm blanket sat upon her back, just thick enough to shield her from the bite of the wind. With the two most important ponies in her life missing, there was no way that she would ever let her head grace the soft embrace of a pillow until they were brought back safely.

While the storm from last night still poured a hefty amount of snow all around them, the wind had started to abate about an hour ago, taking most of the chill with it. Scootaloo was thankful for that, for even with her thick blanket, she was still cold from head to tail.

She noticed the morning light start to creep out from behind the mountains. The faint glimmer of light illuminating the clouds far away gave her hope that the harshest conditions were soon to be behind them. If Twilight and Rainbow were still alive, a bit of warmth would surely help them.

The guard to her right bore Princess Cadence’s insignia while the one on her left bore Princess Celestia’s. While Celestia’s guard was rather imposing and fearsome, Cadence’s guard seemed younger than even Rainbow, as if he was nothing more than a fresh recruit. However, it was the Celestial guard that drew Scootaloo’s attention. He stood taller than the other and was the older of the two by many years. He wore a seasoned look, his eyes locked on the mountains far off in the distance. There was very little to do other than stare into the darkness, she figured. Scootaloo kept glancing over her left shoulder up at him, hoping that he would notice her and drum up a conversation to break the silence. They’d been out here for over two hours without uttering a single word, other than greeting her when she showed up.

She wondered what he was thinking about, though she was more concerned about the stump where his right wing should have been. She dared not speak of it for fear of seeming rude or insensitive but yet, she still was curious about it. To see someone serving the Princess in a coveted role with such a detriment gave her a glimmer of hope that she too could attain such a high stature in life, even with her own disability. To have small wings was one thing, but to lose one entirely was something that Scootaloo simply couldn’t fathom. To go on after losing part of oneself, to be a pegasus who couldn’t fly, must take real strength, she reasoned. She looked up at him with a newfound respect, though this time he noticed her gaze.

“What is it, kid?” he asked. His voice was rough like sandpaper though it still bore some semblance of gentleness.

“N-Nothing, sir,” she stammered out. A shiver ran down her back as she looked back up into his vibrant blue eyes.

“Are you getting cold? You don’t have to be out here with us,” Cadence’s guard stated.

“I’m colder than an icicle, and yes, I do have to be out here.” Scootaloo rubbed her front hooves together to generate some warmth. “I’m sure you two are freezing, though. How are you guys not frozen solid?”

“It’s not that bad,” Celestia’s guard replied. “And call me Phalanx. I’m not an officer; I work for a living.”

“Okay, Phalanx it is,” Scootaloo said with a smile. “I’m Scootaloo.”

Cadence’s guard cleared his throat. “And my name is–”

“Nobody asked,” Phalanx quipped.

“No need to be rude,” Cadence’s guard retorted. “Like I was saying, I’m–”

“Prissy pink princess guard? Where’s your tutu and pink lipstick?” Phalanx interrupted him again, this time making Scootaloo giggle.

“Whatever,” Cadence’s guard laughed.

Their conversation lapsed into silence as a strong gust of wind stole the words from their lips. Phalanx shook the fresh layer of snow off his snout, then groaned. “How are we supposed to see farther than twenty feet in this snow?” he finally asked.

“You’re not. You’re here to guard this entrance to the castle and to ensure the safety of those inside.”

“But we’re so high up.”

“We sure are. It’s still an entrance.”

“We can’t stand guard inside? Where it’s warm? This has to be the worst post.”

“No. Our commander said to keep watch outside the door.”

“Still the worst post we could have been assigned,” Phalanx grumbled.

“Why did you two get assigned here?” Scootaloo asked.

Phalanx snorted. “I suggested that Shining Armor chill out and allow me tostart aerial patrols. I was trying to be funny.”

“I don’t think he liked that joke.” Cadence’s guard snickered. “And that’s why you’re here.”

“Hey, you laughed too!”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Was it worth it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Always is,” Phalanx said. “Never much cared for Shining anyways. I was glad when he and your precious pink princess moved up here. We got a better captain after Shining left.”

A brilliant explosion lit up the mountaintops far away from where they sat, illuminating not just the mountains themselves but the surrounding clouds in a cyan-magenta light. The force of the detonation pushed the clouds away. Scootaloo’s eyes went wide at the sight. “That doesn’t normally happen, does it?” she asked Cadence’s guard.

He shook his head. “Sure doesn’t! We must alert the princesses at once!” He flung open the door behind them and darted down the stairs at breakneck speed. The light in the mountains began to fade away then winked out of existence a few moments later.

“You think it’s them?” Scootaloo asked Phalanx. “It kinda looked like Twilight’s magic, but I’ve never seen it colored like that. Or that big.”

“It has to be them. What else could it be?” He held out a hoof to help Scootaloo onto his back. “Hang on, kid.” Phalanx waited until Scootaloo wrapped her forelegs around his neck before he ran down the stairs after Cadence’s guard. Once they reached the bottom of the steps, they quickly caught up to the galloping guard, keeping pace with him all the way to the throne room. He slowed to a fast trot and nodded at the guards posted at the entrance to the throne room. Princesses Celestia and Cadence were deep in conversation with Shining in the far corner of the room facing away from the windows.

As Cadence’s guard wheezed trying to catch his breath beside him, Phalanx slowed to a halt, then saluted the group of royals and stood stock-still. Scootaloo slipped off of his back and looked up at him as she waited for him to tell the princesses what they’d just seen. Several seconds passed by before she nudged Phalanx’s right leg with her shoulder. “What are you waiting for?” she whispered.

“You never interrupt the Princess,” he whispered back. “Shining included. He’s the biggest princess of them all.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but giggle at that, but she still felt like they couldn’t wait. “Good thing I’m not in the military; I don’t have to obey those silly rules.” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “Hey!” Scootaloo trotted up between Princess Cadence and Princess Celestia and looked up at them, only then feeling just how small and inconsequential she felt standing under them. “We know where they are!” she exclaimed, interrupting their conversation.

Cadence cocked her head to the side. “How?” she cautiously asked.

“You didn’t see?” Scootaloo pointed out the window facing the mountains. “There was some kind of big explosion out there just a minute ago. The three of us saw it. It was…” She trotted up to the window and peered through it, trying to remember exactly where the light came from. The falling snow made it rather difficult for her to see, but she was still able to remember. “I don’t know exactly where they are, but we saw a big purple and bluish light shine behind the first or second row of mountains to the left of that really high peak,” she said, pointing with her right hoof. “You see where all the clouds got pushed away?” She squinted and thought that the opening in the clouds had moved. “They’ve moved a little bit to the left… I think.”

Celestia looked back at Phalanx and Cadence’s guard. “You two saw this?” she asked.

“Yes, my princess,” Phalanx replied. “I am certain we’ll find them there.”

“Well done,” Celestia told Scootaloo. She looked back at Shining and Cadence. “If Twilight’s condition is as you say, I…” Celestia’s gaze fell on Scootaloo as she fell silent.

Scootaloo’s ears flopped down as she searched Celestia’s eyes for a hint at what she might say next, praying that she wouldn’t say what they all feared. “They’re still alive out there, I know it!” she adamantly said.

“Of course they are, little one,” Celestia said. She made her way to stand next to Scootaloo, then knelt down to get on her level. “Show me exactly where you saw this burst of light.”

Scootaloo nodded and pointed out the window again. “The light came from behind the first or second row of mountains, Princess. It looked like it came from around the second or third highest peak. That one right… there,” she said.

“The one really far away?”

Scootaloo nodded. “That’s the one.”

“Wonderful…” Celestia stood back up then turned to face Shining and Cadence. “Cadence, you and I will teleport out there at once. Shining? Prepare the infirmary for our return. Make sure everyone is ready. We will return there with Twilight and Rainbow as soon as we are able.” Once Cadence reached her side, Celestia’s horn grew bright, and with a flash of light, the two disappeared from the room.

Phalanx cleared his throat, attracting Scootaloo’s attention. “Come on, kid, let’s go see if the doctors need any help getting set up.”

“We need to go find Spike first. He’d hate me forever if we got Twilight and Rainbow back and we didn’t tell him.”

“Sure thing. You know where he is?”

Scootaloo groaned. “Yeah, he’s outside on the streets… somewhere.”

“Great… back out into the cold?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Let’s do it.”