• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,726 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

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Absolute Terror

Scootaloo froze, her heart racing in her chest. “N-no...” she stuttered, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Her wings drooped down, her ears flicked back, and her eyes widened as large as dinner plates. “No!” She was so terrified that she felt her bones turn to jelly.

She turned and ran back to her bedroom. Slamming the door behind her, she fumbled with the lock for a few seconds before she got it to turn. Looking for avenues of escape, Scootaloo looked at the window before throwing the idea out of her mind. The window’s latch had been permanently stuck in the locked position, and she wasn’t anywhere near strong enough to break the glass. On top of that, she didn’t see anything she could use to break it. Scootaloo knew that the locked door wouldn’t hold her father back for long, so she frantically darted around her room, looking for anything to barricade the door with.

Her eyes fell on her nightstand; it was the only thing that was light enough for her to move. She swiped everything off of its surface, not caring about her favorite comic that she’d left behind. Scootaloo had left behind quite a bit of her old personal life. Part of her wished that she had come back to grab some of her personal belongings, but that opportunity was long gone now.

As she heard her parents run upstairs, she got behind her nightstand and put all of her weight against it as she pushed. It barely budged. She strained against it, her hooves uselessly scraping against the wood floor. “Come on! Move!” she yelled, hearing her parents make it just outside of her door.

Scootaloo gave up on trying to push the nightstand. Instead of trying to push it in front of the door, she grabbed the bottom of it and tried to tip it on its side. She pulled upwards as hard as she could, making her hind legs tremble from the sudden stress. Her back started to hurt, but she forced herself to forget about the pain, especially when she saw that it started to tilt. A sudden and jarringly loud hit on the door shocked her, making her drop it on her back left hoof.

“Ow!” she cried out. Another bang on the door made her look up in terror. The doorknob jiggled wildly, only making her freak out even more. She heard her parents hit the door again, and much to her disbelief, she saw it start to splinter in the middle. Her breaths came in short pants and her heart was beating so fast she thought it was going to break through her skin and escape. Scootaloo watched, utterly terrified, as the splinter suddenly became a small hole with another hit.

Her terror giving her the strength she needed, she put her front hooves back under the nightstand’s edge and pulled upwards with all of her strength. It didn’t budge much at first, but she was able to make it fall on its side, half of it laying in front of the door.

Now that she had bought herself more time, she took a couple of deep breaths and looked around. She was trapped in her room, and the only way to safety was through her window. Scootaloo knew the door wouldn’t hold forever. Her head whipped about. She didn’t see anything sitting around her room, so she dashed over to her closet. She whipped the door open and rummaged through the mess until she found her old scooter. Her breath catching in her throat, she stared at it, wondering if she’d be able to use it to break the window. Another bang on the door, followed by sounds of the door splintering even more, made her make up her mind rather quickly. She heard her father breathing heavily and her mother egging him on, although she couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Scootaloo grabbed the scooter and pulled it out of her closet. She shot a glance over her shoulder as the door broke nearly in half. Her father was peering through the door with one eye.

“Be a good little filly for once and unlock this door, hm? I promise I’ll make it quick...”

Hearing that scared Scootaloo to heights previously unknown. Scootaloo lifted her prized possession as high as she could and threw it at her window. The glass cracked, but it didn’t shatter like she had hoped. She lifted her scooter again and threw it at the same place.

“Aw, come on, now! Don’t be like that!”

With one last throw, the glass finally shattered. Her scooter fell through the window to the snow just outside of her window, disappearing in the thick snow. The sight of the glass shattering brought hope to her. She swiped at some of the jagged glass, trying to widen the hole. It was just big enough to fit her forelegs through but not the rest of her body. The sound of the door splintering apart scared the living daylights out of her, and as she swiped at the glass again, she cut her hoof on a particularly sharp piece. The pain from that was just enough to make her falter, giving her father the time her needed to break down the door.

Scootaloo’s head snapped around just in time to see her father rush over to her, a maniacal grin on his face. She tried to push herself through the small hole she made, uncaring as to how bad the glass would cut her, but her father grabbed her hind legs and yanked, nearly ripping her away from the window. The sharp glass cut into her legs, but she wouldn’t let go. She couldn’t.

“Help! Rainbow, anypony, please help me!” Scootaloo screamed at the top of her lungs a moment before her father tossed her all the way across the room. She hit the floor hard, knocking most of the breath from her lungs. Her head slammed into the wall, making her vision become blurry. Scootaloo tried to get up and used a wing to help her do so, but before she could stand up all the way, her father stomped on it. Pain exploded from her wing, making her scream out in agony. It was the same wing that had been broken before and it sure felt like it was broken in the same place.

Scootaloo looked around for any other possible avenues of escape. She thought to make a run for the hallway, but her mother stood in the doorway. Her wings were flared and held low, blocking any avenue of escape that Scootaloo once might have had.

Scootaloo’s chest heaved up and down as she looked up at her father in fear. Knowing exactly what Rainbow Dash would do, Scootaloo tried to put on a defiant look, but the pain was simply too much to bear. He simply stared right back at her, his unsettling grin never faltering. She whimpered as she slumped down against the wall. “Wha... what are you going to do to me?!” she asked, her voice trembling. She couldn’t stop shaking. The bones in her legs felt like jelly again, and the pain from her broken wing robbed her of her strength.

“What do ya think, ya runt?” he asked with a chuckle. As her father raised his hoof to hit her, Scootaloo came to one simple conclusion: she was going to die.

Rainbow... save me, please!