• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,726 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

  • ...

Morning Smooches

Rainbow woke up from the sun streaming in past the curtains. She laid the gentlest of kisses upon Twilight’s snout and lay still, staring at her with a soft smile on her face. Wanting to wake her up in the best way she could think of, Rainbow folded her wing back to her side and rolled over onto her belly. With a cheeky grin, she pushed herself on top of Twilight and nuzzled her cheek. “Hey there, cutie,” she whispered, her lips finding Twilight’s before she could open her eyes. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she gently pushed her tongue into Twilight’s mouth, wrestling with her half-awake marefriend for control.

A soft moan of pure content slipped from Twilight’s lips as she wrapped her left foreleg around the back of Rainbow’s head, deepening their kiss. The thought of being unable to do anything but kiss Rainbow back made Twilight’s wings flutter at her sides, and she wouldn’t have changed anything about it. Minutes passed in silence, save for the sounds of their kiss, before Rainbow pulled away, a thin bridge of saliva connecting their lips. Twilight panted softly as she stared deeply into her lover’s eyes, her heart yearning for more. With a smirk, she wrapped her wings around Rainbow and rolled over so that she was on top of her.

“Feeling better, Twi?” Rainbow asked, brushing a bit of Twilight’s mane out of her face.

“A little bit, yeah, thanks to that awesome kiss!” Twilight said with a giggle. “But I still have a headache, and I know of only one thing that can make me feel better.”

“Hehe, what’s that?” Rainbow asked, her tail swishing about underneath Twilight’s.

“More of this,” Twilight whispered, pressing her lips against Rainbow’s once again. She wrapped a hoof behind Rainbow’s neck as she held her close, feeling her squirm about beneath her. “Why don’t we—eep!” she said, her eyes going wide as they rolled over again.

Rainbow planted her hind legs in the sheets and used her weight to keep Twilight pinned down to the sheets, exactly where she wanted her. “Why don’t we what?” she breathlessly asked.

“Why don’t we do this every morning?” Twilight asked, biting her bottom lip as her heart soared in the clouds.

“Do what, exactly?” Rainbow smirked, her lips mere centimeters from Twilight’s lips.

“Oh, you know...” Twilight said as she blushed. Rainbow’s chest floof tickled her belly, so she leaned in and stole a quick kiss from her. “That.”

“Heh, that was nothing! Lemme show ya how it’s done...”

Twilight Velvet heard somepony rap on the front door. She set her cup of coffee down on the kitchen table and trotted through the tight hall leading towards the front of the house, wondering who it could be. Peeking through the window, her eyes went wide as she recognized the familiar shimmering mane of none other than the prettiest princess in all the land.

Second only to her daughter, Twilight, of course.

With her heart racing in her chest, Twilight Velvet began hyperventilating. “I haven’t showered, I haven’t brushed my mane, and I look like a mess!” Her head whipped around, looking for a brush, or anything that would improve her appearance, but it was all for naught. She bit her lip as she groaned, then used her magic to open the front door with a wide smile.

“Princess Celestia? How wonderful it is to see you!” Twilight Velvet said as she pulled the front door open the rest of the way. She bowed low before standing up a few seconds later. “It is quite an honor for you to visit us! I take it that you’ve brought news?” she asked, shooting a hopeful look up at her.

“Why yes, yes I have,” Celestia said with a warm smile. A yawn forced itself past her lips. “I am sorry for coming so early... I did not wake you, did I?”

“No, I’ve been up for a while. Would you like a cup of coffee?” Twilight Velvet stood aside and gestured for her to come in.

“If you have some tea, that would be lovely.” Celestia’s wings bristled in excitement as she trotted inside with a gleeful pep in her step. “How is Twilight? One of the guards outside told me that there was an incident on the flight back,” she said, no small amount of worry in her tone.

Twilight Velvet’s ears flicked back. “Yeah... She fainted, or... something minutes before she got here. She’s still in bed with Rainbow; those two are inseparable!” She nodded towards the kitchen. “If you would come with me, my princess, I can whip us up some of my favorite tea!”

“Please, just call me Celestia. There is no need to be so formal around me, especially when we’re in your home.”

Twilight Velvet paused. “Um... okay. If I may be so bold, why?”

“Well, with Twilight being a princess, that makes you royalty by default.”

“Oh! I see. So... where’s my castle?” she asked with a mirthful giggle.

Celestia chuckled. “That is a very good question, though I am afraid you will have to speak to Twilight about that.”

“Hehe, I figured as much. Or maybe I should talk to Shining and Cadence... If you would like to find a comfy seat, I’ll get the tea going and go wake Twilight up. I’m sure that she’ll be most pleased to hear that you are here!” She lit her horn, using her magic to fill the teapot with water.

She turned the stove on with her right hoof, then placed the teapot on the burner. “I’ll be right back, Celestia!” she said as she trotted away, a gleeful pep in her step. She made her way up the stairs and rounded the corner, finding her husband fast asleep on his side. “Get up, you big oof!" she said with a light giggle. She nuzzled him awake, then sat down as he wiped his eyes.

“Hey, you...” Night Light said with a grin. “Is it morning already?”

“Yes, and you need to move! Princess Celestia is in our kitchen!” Twilight Velvet hissed out, unable to keep her tail from flicking about.

“What? Why?”

“She brought news for Twilight, and you and I both know it’s not nice to keep a princess waiting!”

“But... our daughter is a princess. Wouldn’t it be considered a crime to wake up a sleeping beauty?” Night Light asked with a smirk as he pushed himself up.

Twilight Velvet simply rolled her eyes, knocked on Twilight’s door, then pushed it open. “Twili— Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” She glanced away and shielded her eyes with a hoof, but she’d already seen Rainbow laying on top of her daughter with their lips locked.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she heard her mother’s voice. Her ears flicked back as she broke away from Rainbow’s soft lips, her heart yearning for more. “M-Mom!” Twilight indignantly said, lifting a wing to hide her crimson cheeks. “Haven’t you heard of knocking first?”

Rainbow flopped down on her side, Twilight’s saliva still wet on her lips. She bit her bottom lip as her eyes danced across the room, rather ticked off that they had been interrupted.

“I, uh... I did knock first!” Twilight Velvet stammered out.

“Well, we didn’t hear you!”

“Obviously! You two were too busy smooching,” Twilight Velvet said. She peeked over her hoof. “Are you two, er... decent?”

Twilight’s blush deepened twofold. “Mom! Of course we’re decent! We were only, uh...”

“Making out for the last twenty minutes,” Rainbow said with a smirk, earning a playful shove from Twilight. “I think that might be a new world record!”

Twilight Velvet scoffed. “Only twenty minutes? Heh, try an hour,” she said with a smirk.

Rainbow shot her a grin. “We’d have kissed for a lot longer if you hadn’t interrupted us,” she said. She and Night Light kissed for an hour? Geez... that’s gonna be hard to beat, but I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind breaking her mother’s record with me!

Twilight rolled her eyes as she folded her wing back to her side, wiping Rainbow’s saliva from her lips with a hoof. She sighed, then momentarily glanced at Rainbow. “What’s so important that you had to storm in here?” she asked, setting her gaze on her mother as Rainbow laid her head on her belly.

“Princess Celestia is here to see you!” Twilight Velvet said. “She said she has news!”

Rainbow’s ears perked up. “Okay, that’s a pretty good reason to run in here.” She pushed herself up, then hopped over Twilight. “You coming?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

“You what?!” Twilight shrieked, her eyes wide. She ignored her throbbing headache. The cup of tea held aloft with her magic fell to the floor, the fine china shattering upon impact. She shot a quick glance at Rainbow and saw that she shared a similar expression of disbelief.

Celestia’s smile widened. “We caught Tranquil Breeze.”

“How?” Rainbow demanded, placing her forelegs on the table.

“She was hiding on top of a cloud, just outside the city.” Celestia smirked. “A few of my guards found her and subdued her with little effort. They told me she tried to hide herself in the cloud, but it was not big enough. I personally threw her in the prison chariot, and she is now residing in the dungeons beneath my castle. I would love to see her try to escape from those.”

Rainbow burst out laughing. “What an idiot! I can’t believe she actually tried to do that!”

With tears in her eyes, and with her legs feeling like they were about to collapse, Twilight walked around the table and wrapped her legs around her old mentor’s neck. As tears streamed down her cheeks, Twilight nuzzled Celestia’s neck over and over again. “Th-Thank you...” she murmured.

“You are most welcome, little one,” Celestia said, returning Twilight’s nuzzle. She pulled her into a hug as Twilight cried her cute little heart out, her tears wetting her fur. Celestia wrapped her wings around Twilight’s back, concealing her from everypony’s view in a vain effort to preserve her dignity.

“But what about Scootaloo’s father?” Rainbow asked.

“He is still... unaccounted for,” Celestia said. She felt Twilight tense up in her grasp.

“He’s... missing?” Twilight asked as she sat back, looking up into Celestia’s eyes.

“Yes, he is. We have no idea where he could be, but he is definitely not in Cloudsdale. Tranquil Breeze, in her flurry of threats aimed at me, let slip that he was due back in town sometime today or tomorrow, so I have stationed guards all over Cloudsdale. I truly hope that his capture will be swift and uneventful.”

“Yeah, hopefully.” Rainbow grinned as her eyes lit up. “I gotta go tell Scootaloo!” she said before flying at breakneck speeds down the hallway and up the stairs. She landed at the top of the stairs and galloped down the hallway, then burst into Scootaloo’s and Spike’s room. “Guys, wake up!” She flew onto Scootaloo’s bed and shook her awake before lifting her up and pulling her into the tightest of hugs.

“Oof! What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked, wiping her eyes with her front hooves. “Why are you so excited, Dash?”

“Your mother was caught last night!” Rainbow exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed.

“R-Really? How?!” Scootaloo asked, her wings fluttering at her sides as her eyes went wide.

“Celestia’s guards found her cowering on top of a cloud!” Rainbow giggled as she nuzzled Scootaloo’s head. “They didn’t catch your dad, though, but I’ll take what I can get!”