• Published 3rd May 2012
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The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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Ropes and Feathers (May the Best Pet Win)

Rainbow Dash made sure the apple tree at Sweet Apple Acres had been bucked already before she settled in to nap. While Applejack didn't mind Dash napping in her apple trees, she never wasted time giving a warning that Dash was getting in the way of real work. And despite similarities to other words, getting bucked was never fun.

Rather then falling asleep, she found herself scanning the ground for Tank. She brought him when she came here to nap because he seemed to like to eat the fallen fruit on the ground. And AJ liked that he liked it, because it was less for her to clean up. Any time Dash could make her favorite pony and tortoise both happy without having to lift a wing was pretty cool.

When she first got Tank home, after the adrenaline from the rock slide had worn off, she briefly wondered if she'd gone crazy. She was a pegasus, and she now had a tortoise for a pet and an earth pony for a marefriend. It was like she was trying to chain herself to the ground. But both of them were too awesomely amazing to pass up just because they couldn't fly.

With Tank, it was easy. She got him his flying belt. She also set up a big tank- a Tank tank, she had joked- in her cloud house since the tortoise couldn't walk on the floor. The problem was solved, and she had the best pet in the world.

Tank was pretty easy to spot on the ground, another benefit of his flying device. Dash figured she was a genius for thinking of that thing. Tank was smart too, he totally got the hang of it in no time. And it was really cool having somepony to fly with whenever she wanted, even if that pony was a tortoise.

She heard the thump of hooves hitting tree trunks farther down the row of trees. Her earth pony was more complicated. Dash was fairly sure it would be a very bad idea to suggest that AJ get a flying device like the tortoise. Besides, AJ would never enjoy flying with a clumsy machine with Dash flying circles around her.

This did lead Dash into her guiltiest of fantasies, though. It made her feel bad to think of, but every now and then she couldn't help imagining AJ with a set of orange feathered wings. The idea was so awesome, fun, and sexy that Dash had to be able to enjoy it from time to time.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, and lost herself in a fantasy of soaring through the air with AJ at her side. Applejack would be a strong flier, she figured. Not as fast as Dash, but at least as powerful, probably more stable in high winds. She'd have amazing stamina, they could probably race to Cloudsdale and back. Now that would be a race, just the two of them and the open sky. And afterward they could curl up on a cloud and watch the sunset over Sweet Apple Acres.

Just as Dash was getting to other activities two pegasi could do on a cloud, she was inturrupted by a voice from below.

“Well hey there, Tank. You cleanin' up the bad apples for me? I bet this means there's a lazy pony up in onea my trees.”

“Not lazy, just conserving energy. I might need it later.” Rainbow Dash said, opening her eyes and glancing down at Applejack. For a fraction of a second, she was disappointed to see AJ's smooth back, but that was quickly pushed aside by the warm, happy feeling that came from seeing those big green eyes and beautiful smile.

“Ya' got big plans, huh? A trainin' session?”

“Nope, better.” Dash flew out of the tree, landing in front of Applejack. “How about if I take you flying later? You can hold onto my back.”

“Flyin'?” Applejack raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Why? There's no place we can fly to that we can't walk just as easy.”

“Yeah, I know. But it would be fun. I mean, I can't do my best tricks, but I can give you a show.” Rainbow Dash grinned.

AJ smiled, “I got a better idea. Why don't we have a run, then you can show off your best tricks and I'll watch.”

“Oh come on, you're not scared, are you?” Dash taunted with a smirk.

“Of course I ain't scared!” Applejack said firmly. “I just- look, if ya' really wanna take me flyin', that's fine.”

Dash could tell that it wasn't fine. She frowned, slightly hurt that AJ would just go along with something she didn't want to do rather then admit to Dash that she didn't want to fly. “Why don't you want to go?”

Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes, “I just said I'd go, Dash.”

“Yeah, but you don't want to. Why not?”

“I don't much like bein' in the air, is all. Feels weird.” AJ said with a shrug.

Dash rose into the air a few feet and crossed her forelegs. “So you're scared.”

“I rode on top a balloon and lassoed you at the same time, Sugarcube. I ain't scared of bein' in the air.” Applejack said, then she thought for a moment and went on, “But I guess I spend the whole time thinkin' bout getting my hooves on the ground again. It's like this shiver all over, and it makes me kinda jumpy.”

Dash just frowned. How could flying not feel amazing? Sure, for a scared-y pony like Fluttershy it might be weird, but Dash believed AJ when she said she wasn't scared of it. In fact, she was pretty sure she knew exactly the feeling Applejack was describing, she just hated to think that flying would make Applejack feel like that.

Applejack seemed to think she'd offended Dash. She said gently, “I did say I'd go with ya', and I meant it. I'll be okay with flyin' once in a while.”

Dash shook her head, “That's okay. I want you to want to come. But. . . I totally understand how you feel in the air, it's the same way I feel when my wings are tied. I won't do that to you without a good reason.”

After a moments thought, Dash grinned and added, “Or if it would be really funny.”

“I do have a lasso, ya' know.” Applejack warned with a smile.

Dash started to laugh. Then it hit her, a way she'd have no problem getting AJ to agree to fly, even if it was just for a little while. And it would be totally fair, too. “And I have an idea. Get your lasso.”

“Ain't it a little early for that kinda game?” Applejack teased.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “It's not that kind of game. Totally innocent. We can invite our friends to watch, if you want.”

Applejack just smirked and raised her eyebrows.

“Not like that! Sheesh, since when do you have a dirty mind?” Dash said, laughing.

“Musta borrowed it from this pegasus I know.” Applejack said as she grabbed her lasso and followed Dash away from the orchard.

About an hour later, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were standing in the middle of the park, about twenty feat apart, facing each other. They'd marked off a large field, and outside of the boundaries their friends and a handful of bystanders were watching.

“Ya' ready?” Called Applejack.

“I was born ready! Count us off, Twilight.” Dash said, crouching down.

“On your marks. . . get set. . . go!” Twilight shouted, playing her usual roll of referee.

Dash took off in a blur over AJ's head, stopping just short of the out of bounds mark behind AJ. Dash looked back, hoping for a clear shot, but Applejack's rope was already spinning in the air.

AJ turned and grinned, the rope held loosely in her teeth, and moved slowly towards Dash. “Ya' can't hide over there, Sugarcube.“

“Who said anything about hiding?” Dash answered with a matching grin.

Dash flew around the edge of their playing field, staying far enough from AJ to make her hard to catch. AJ's eyes were following the pegasus, and Dash knew the only chance was go get her to toss that rope and miss.

“What's wrong there, cowpony? Am I too fast for ya?” Dash taunted from what she hoped was a safe distance.

Applejack, who had been moving cautiously, galloped towards her with a burst of speed and the lasso flew toward Rainbow Dash.

Dash darted up, narrowly escaping the loop. She wanted to say something snappy, but there was no time, this was her chance. Flying over AJ, she looped down to the ground behind her and landed, galloping towards the blonde tail as the earth pony was collecting her rope again.

Dash put her head down and darted between AJ's legs, then stood and spread her wings with AJ firmly on her back. Dash took off and only got a few feet in the air, before AJ wrapped her legs tightly around the pegasus.

“Woohoo! First point!” Dash yelled, and their friends cheered from the sidelines.

“Congratulations, now put me down!” AJ said urgently, but she was laughing. Rainbow Dash felt her nuzzle her neck.

“Down? Which one's that? I get kinda turned around up here.” Dash said, laughing as she flew a loop that made the earth pony hold on tight.

“The one you're gonna fall to if I start bitin' out your feathers!”

“Oh, that down.” Dash said, landing gracefully in front of their friends.

Applejack slid off Dash's back with another quick nuzzle. “Not bad for a first try. Course, that ain't gonna happen next time.”

“We'll see about that. Grab your rope, let's go again.” Dash said eagerly, stretching her wings.

“Sure thing!” Applejack trotted over to her lasso and they both took their starting positions again.

They played the game for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes Applejack wound up in the air, and sometimes Rainbow Dash ended up tied on the ground. But there was enough laughing and joking, and a few subtle nuzzles, so that neither of them got angry or upset with the situation.

As Dash waited for AJ to untie her wings after losing the last round of the game, she was actually grinning. The friendly competition had turned a giant gap between them into a joke, something to laugh about and play with. This game wouldn't be half as fun if they weren't so different, and for once Dash was actually glad that she had a beautiful, amazing earth pony for a marefriend.