• Published 3rd May 2012
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The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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A Safe Place (The Last Roundup)

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight made their way back to Dodge Junction. The walk was relatively cheerful for the later three, with everypony just relieved that Applejack was safe and happy to come home. Dash started out absolutely thrilled with that, but as they got closer to the town something darker crept in.

Applejack just abandoned her over losing a stupid rodeo. She put her through Tartarus, and nearly gave her a nervous breakdown, just because she got second place. She was willing to throw away their love, her family, her friends, all because she was embarrassed. Something was wrong with that.

But that meant that AJ must have been lying, or at least not telling the whole truth. Two weeks ago, that would have seemed like a completely crazy idea. But in the past few days, Applejack had shown that she could get pretty technical with her definition of honesty.

Dash was getting really frustrated, she hated being alone, she hated these dumb guessing games, and she hated the pony she loved more than anything in the world for putting her through all of this. She had to talk to AJ. No, to be honest she had to yell at AJ. She had to make AJ see exactly what she was doing, and find out what had happened to turn her strong, honest marefriend into somepony who would break her heart over some ribbons.

Once they were on the train back to Ponyville, Dash turned to Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Guys, I have to have a talk with my marefriend.”

“Dash,” AJ whispered, “Cut out the marefri-”

“No. Right now I've had it with you hiding things. They already know, there's nopony else in this car, so I don't see why I should have to make them guess why I need them to leave for a little bit.”

“Um, we would've figured it out.” Twilight said, looking between Dash and AJ.

Dash threw a glare at Twilight.

“Right! Leaving! Come on, Fluttershy. I think these two need some time alone.”

As Twilight and Fluttershy headed to the next car over, Dash heard Fluttershy whisper “I hope they don't hurt each other.” Dash figured it was a little late for that. Then the door closed behind them.

“So.” Dash said, her anger giving the word a sarcastic bite. “Why did you leave?”

Applejack bit her lip and looked away, “I told ya', bout the ribbons and not winnin' the prize money.”

Dash narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, I heard that. It's probably true, you can't lie. Though you seem to be getting better at it these days.”

“I did not lie!” AJ said defensively.

“Maybe not, but you were doing some fancy hoofwork around the truth there. And you're still doing it. So are you gonna tell me the truth, or are you gonna let me believe that some stupid rodeo prize means more to you than I do?”

Applejack looked at Dash, shocked at the blunt accusation.“That ain't it at all! You know you mean the world to me.”

“Then tell me why you left me.” Dash said slowly, through gritted teeth.

“I'm sorry. I just. . . I failed. I let Ponyville down. I let my family down. I let you down. I just can't do it, and I thought it'd be better if I just quit now, before anypony else gets disappointed.”

Applejack did look genuinely sorry, but nothing in what she said made Dash feel any better, or did anything to make up for the anguish she'd been through, which just made her angrier at AJ.

“You lost at a rodeo, so you decided to abandon your entire life? You know, on the crazy scale this is up there with Twilight almost destroying the town over that stupid friendship report! You're tougher than that, AJ! I'm not buying it.”

Applejack just sighed, defeated. “Well I guess that's one more thing I messed up. I can't even give up right.”

“Argh! Will you listen to yourself? What is going on?” Dash rose into the air, gesturing with her front hooves. “Do you know how much you hurt your family and friends? Do you know how much you hurt me, how scared I was that something happened to you, how scared I am now that this was all my fault?”

“I said I'm sorry.” Applejack whispered.

“I don't want an apology! I want honesty!” Dash shouted, but she went on in an even tone, “And I never thought I'd have to ask you for that.”

“Stop it!” She yelled, nearly in tears. “I don't need to hear more ways I'm messin' up right now.”

“Fine.” Dash took a deep breath. She knew that she had every right to be angry, every right to demand the truth, but she couldn't just keep attacking AJ. “I'm not telling you how you messed up. I'm telling you how you can keep from messing up again. You can tell me right now what the hay has gotten into you, or. . . or we're over.”

Applejack just stared at Dash, and Dash tried to keep her expression strong. Despite her appearance, she was near crying, and every thought was begging Applejack not to call her bluff.

After what seemed like an eternity, Applejack sat down and looked at the floor. She gave a big sigh, then said softly, “Just look at my life. I got a whole farm to run, and a family I gotta take care of. Mac don't pay attention to nothin' but the crops, and Granny's gettin' too old and Apple Bloom's so young, so it's all up to me. . . then I got a whole town fulla ponies who don't think twice 'bout comin' to me for whatever I can give, and they expect me to give it just like Apples have been doin' for Ponyville since it was founded. . . then every now and again I gotta really step it up and go hoof to hoof with the worst evil Equestria's got to offer. . .then to top it all off, it's all gonna go in the history books and some day ponies who ain't even born yet are gonna sit there and decide just what kinda pony Applejack really was!”

“I know I can ask for help. I know y'all will do your best for me. But at the end of the day, you think anypony's gonna say 'Applejack's friends just couldn't handle runnin' that farm,' or 'Applejack's friends just ain't as dependable as her grandfolks were'? You think those history books are gonna read 'Even though Applejack was the element of honesty, Applejack's friends just couldn't keep her life from fallin' to pieces?!'”

Applejack paused, realizing the rant that her pent up frustration had become. She shook her head and calmed herself. “I'm sorry, Dash. I'm so sorry. I just lost at the rodeo, and I didn't get the prize money, and I couldn't stop thinkin' about alla that. I was so tired and I couldn't sleep and I didn't know what to do.”

Dash just blinked. She knew that AJ worked harder than anypony she'd ever met. She had just never thought about the kind of pressure a pony would have to be under to make them work that hard all the time. Just the thought made Dash want to hide, and AJ lived with it every day of her life.

Dash flew over and sat down next to Applejack, wrapping her wing around her. She nuzzled AJ's cheek and said softly, “Well telling me this stuff would've been a good start.”

“What's that gonna do? You don't wanna-” Applejack stopped herself, then looked at Dash sympathetically. “You got your own life. And it's a darn good one, Best Young Flyer and Wonderbolts, savin' ponies lives. You're right, one day every foal's gonna wanna be Rainbow Dash.”

Dash struggled with what to say to that. The anger was completely gone, something had been really wrong with AJ, she had been scared and alone. It just wasn't something she'd let anypony see. Dash wasn't any better than AJ at opening up her doubts and insecurities, but it might make AJ feel better to know that she wasn't alone. And right now, making AJ feel better was top priority.

“Hold up.” She said softly, this was for AJ's ears only, even if they were alone in the train car. “I only won Best Young Flyer because Rarity decided that she was too cool for wings. I bombed my whole routine before that, and I hadn't done a sonic rainboom in years. And I. . . I'm not a Wonderbolt.”

“Yeah, just give it time. You're a shoo in. It's your destiny.”

Dash shook her head. "Wrong. Take a look at my flank, AJ. This isn't the Wonderbolt's insignia. I hope I'll make it. I work my tail off so that I will. But it's not a done deal, I know that way too well some days. But I always thought that if. . .”

Dash took a breath, and gently turned Applejack's face toward hers, “If I don't, there's a beautiful mare, with a farm that makes amazing cider, in a town with all of my friends. My safe place to land. And when you left it didn't seem all that safe any more. I was scared, AJ. I need you.”

Applejack bit her lip, fighting back tears. “I'm sorry I let you down, Dash. But that's just it, one more pony who needs me, and I let her down. Where's my safe place when I fail at alla this?”

“I'll be your safe place. I promise you, if you lost the farm, if you let Ponyville down so bad that they ran you out of town, there would be a rainbow to take you someplace safe. I would be right there for you, however you need me. And as long as you stay with me, you can't let me down, because. . . that's all I want.” Rainbow Dash said, gazing into those green, teary eyes. She felt her own eyes filling with tears, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but making AJ understand how much she meant that, from everything inside of her.

Finally Applejack smiled, and brushed the tears from Dash's eyes, then her own. “You tryin' to make me all sappy now?”

“Payback.” Dash said with a smile, then she leaned in and kissed AJ deeply. Loneliness and fear melted away, and everything was perfect again. The kiss continued, flowing naturally into more kisses as they wrapped their forelegs around one another.

After a few moments, Dash pulled away and rested her head on AJ's shoulder. “So, this really wasn't my fault at all? Nothing to do with zap apples?”

“Nah. I'm sorry 'bout that too. I was just thinkin' that if somepony was there with me in alla it I'd feel better. But I knew that wasn't somethin' you could take on now.”

“It's not,” Dash agreed. “And. . . maybe I should have thought that sometimes you don't like having all of that responsibility for other ponies, either. Sorry, but you didn't really pick the most sensitive of marefriends.”

“Nah. But I picked the strongest one I could find, the one that'll never let me fall, and I couldn't be happier with her.” Applejack kissed her just below the ear, then whispered, “I missed you so much, every darn day I was gone I missed you.”

Dash just grinned and nuzzled her neck. “I was totally strong and in control the whole time. Just don't ask the girls about that. And don't ever do that to me again.”

Applejack chuckled, “You got my word. I'll even Pinkie Promise, and I do believe she's gonna hurt me if I ever mess 'round with onea them again. . .say, what ever happened to her and Rarity?”

Dash thought for a moment, then her eyes went wide. “I. . . um, kinda left 'em behind when we were chasing you.”

You left 'em behind? Miss Loyalty?” Applejack said raising an eyebrow.

Dash blushed, “Heh, yeah. I was kinda focused on other things. Soon as I know you're safe at home I'll fly back and find them.”

Applejack smiled and gave her a squeeze. “I'm sure it'll be okay, Sugarcube. We all fall down on the job every now and again.”