• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 12,464 Views, 412 Comments

The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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Rainbows and Roots (Family Appreciation Day)

(Author Note: Slightly sad? Well, not as happy as normal.)

Applejack waited until Apple Bloom was at school and Mac had started in the fields before she went looking for Granny. She had to ask Granny's permission for something. She hadn't really asked Granny's permission for anything in years, AJ was a grown mare after all. But this was family business, and when it came to that it was only right to defer to Granny.

She found Granny in the kitchen, carefully lining up jars on the table for later interrogation.

“Granny. . . I dunno if you noticed that my friend Rainbow Dash has been 'round a lot lately.” Applejack started nervously.

“I guess I noticed that. I ain't blind, missy.” Granny said after carefully setting a jar on the table and eyeing it suspiciously.

Applejack nodded, then forced herself to go on. “Well, I know. I just. . . well, she and I ain't exactly friends.”

Granny looked over at her, “I said I ain't blind. Ya' think I can't tell when a filly's in love?”

“Ya' knew?” Applejack asked, eyes wide.

“Ha! You young'uns, probably think you invented fillyfoolin'. It's been 'round since my day at least. Never was my nevermind what two ponies were doin' together.”

“So you don't have a problem with. . .?”

“Where you're stickin' your nose is your own business, missy.”

“Well. . . I guess I'm glad of that. Real glad.” Applejack said, blushing. She was partially relieved that this wouldn't be the issue she had feared, but mostly she never wanted Granny to use that turn of phrase when talking about this, ever again.

Applejack took a deep breath and got to the point of the talk, “But I was tellin' ya this to say, I- well, I wanted to ask her to help with the zap apples.”

“You and Mac can get 'em just fine.” Granny pointed out, giving Applejack a stare not unlike the one she gave the jam jars.

Applejack nodded, “I know that. It ain't cause we need help. It's cause. . . I want her to be there.”

Granny turned back to the jars and nudged one into place. After a minute she said softly, “Well, she ain't gonna be there.”

“Alright.” Applejack said, looking down. Granny was still the last word at Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack wasn't about to argue it.

“Don't you pout like that.” Granny ordered. “You can ask her all ya' want. I'm just tellin' you you're wastin' your breath. When I was a filly, folks always said that pegasi got some pretty feathers, but they don't know how to land. There might be a some exceptions, but that filly you got ain't one of them.”

“You're wrong, Granny. Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty. She ain't like that.” Applejack said with certianty.

“Oh, I don't doubt she'll come through if'n you need her, but you're not askin' for help. You're askin' her to be an Apple, and that means puttin' down roots. And I'm tellin you plain, cause you're a big pony, rainbows don't got roots.”

Applejack was speechless, hearing her fears put so bluntly. She stammered a little, then managed to say, “I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Granny.”

As Applejack left the farm to find Rainbow Dash, she considered what Granny said. She wasn't sure that Granny was entirely wrong. Still, it couldn't hurt to ask.

She was feeling a lot of weight, lately. The farm, the town, her friends and family, she couldn't afford to let them down. There was no one thing she couldn't handle, just a long list of things that were hers to do the way everypony expected her to do them, one hundred percent right.

It wasn't that she needed somepony else to help her with anything. She needed somepony to help her with everything. To share the list with her, to share the pride in doing it all right, and share the blame if something happened and the job wasn't up to standards. Somepony who would stand with her and put Ponyville and the farm and her family first.

When she finally came upon Rainbow Dash praticing in a field, hurling towards the ground in a tight corkscrew that looked to the earth pony like a very colorful way to commit suicide, she started to suspect that Granny might have been right.

Rainbow Dash pulled out of it at the last second, flying in a streak of rainbow parallel with the ground. She came to a stop a couple yards away from AJ, shook her head, then flew right up to her with a grin.

“Hey AJ! I'm practicing some new moves, wanna watch?” Dash said, then gave her a quick kiss, hovering in front of her.

Applejack had to smile. “I'm kinda busy today, zap apple harvest and all.”

“Yeah, I heard, that means I have four whole days off! You guys sure you can't do this more often? Once a week would be cool.”

Applejack chuckled, “If we could we'd be doin' it, but not for the benefit of lazy pegasi.”

“Do I look lazy to you?” Dash said, putting her forelegs on her hips, “I'll have you know I've been training all morning.”

“I know. I was kiddin'. You look good.” Applejack said.

Dash smiled and leaned in a little closer, “Up there or down here?”

Applejack glanced over Dash's wind swept mane and coat. She stepped forward and nuzzled Dash's cheek, enjoying the faint smell of sweat and clean fresh air. “Well if I gotta pick one, I'd say down here's where I like ya' best.”

Rainbow Dash planted a long, sweet kiss on Applejack's lips, then pulled away smiling. “You're suuuure you have farming to do today?”

“Yup. All those days you got off, I've got work to do.” Applejack said, sighing a little.

“Hmm. When you put it that way, this isn't as much fun.” Dash said with a little frown. “Can a pony sleep in zap apple trees?”

“Only if you wanna end up with a fried tail.” Applejack chuckled. “They don't call 'em zap apples for nothin'.”

“Definitely no fun. I have an awesome four day vacation, and my marefriend is busy for all of it.”

Applejack looked down and pawed at the dirt with her front hoof. “Well, there is a way we could spend some time together. Not really alone, so much, but. . . I was wondrin' if you wanted to help harvest the zap apples with me and Mac.”

“Sure! I'll tell the rest of the girls, and we can get it done in no time.” Dash said happily.

AJ just shook her head. “Don't bother the rest of them. It ain't that we need help, it's just. . . this is kind of a family thing. We Apples have been harvestin' the zap apples here since Granny Smith was a filly, this is the only place they grow in Equestria. It's part of what makes you an Apple, I guess. And I want you there with me, if you wanna come.”

Applejack's heart fell as Dash's face went from happy to confused to slightly uneasy.

“This isn't about hanging out, is it?”

Applejack shook her head.

Now Dash looked panicked. Her eyes were darting around, Applejack wasn't sure if she was thinking of an excuse, looking for someplace to run, or trying to make decision. AJ felt sorry for her, she should have known the answer to this. She never should have asked.

“Don't worry 'bout it, Sugarcube. You just work hard at your flyin'.”

A look of relief crossed Dash's face. “AJ, your family is awesome and all, but. . . I'm not an Apple. I mean, I can't sign up for that, not right now. You know that if you need me I'll be there faster then you can call my name, but. . .”

Applejack sighed and nodded. “I know. It was just a thought.”

“I love you.” Dash said with a pleading look in her eyes.

Applejack smiled through her disappointment. “I love ya' too, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on top of hers, looking into her eyes. “Someday. I mean it. I'll be ready someday, and when I am. . .”

Applejack knew that Dash hated to disappoint her. But AJ couldn't help being disappointed, even though she'd been warned. She truly believed Dash's promise. Or, she wanted to believe it. But it did nothing for her in the here and now. There was still too much to do.

“I understand, Dash. I gotta go. . . zap apples and all.”

“Okay.” Dash said, hesitating. She seemed to want to say more, but all she added was, “Be careful with that wild weather.”

“Will do.” Applejack nodded, then made her way back to the farm.