• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 12,464 Views, 412 Comments

The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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Tough Ponies (The Return of Harmony)

Applejack stared at the wall of her dark bedroom. She was so tired, and all she wanted was sleep. She tried closing her eyes once again, but she was greeted by the same terrifying yellow eyes, and echoing laughter. Her eyes snapped open a second later.

With her eyes open, she could see that everything was normal. When she closed them, she couldn't be sure.

From behind her in her bed, she heard a whimper, followed by a sharp cry of fear, and Dash's wings opened, ready to fly.

Applejack rolled over to face the pegasus. Rainbow Dash was still asleep, but the whimpering continued, and Applejack shook her gently. “Dash, wake up. It's a dream, Sugarcube. He ain't here, it's only me here.”

Dash gasped deeply for breath, and rose a few inches off the bed as her wings flapped in panic. She seemed to notice Applejack there and tucked her wings away, landing close against AJ. Applejack wrapped her forehooves around Dash, who returned the hug with almost uncomfortable force.

After catching her breath for a few seconds, Dash relaxed a little. “Sorry. You know. . .”

Applejack knew exactly. It was the reason that Dash had been sleeping at Sweet Apple Acres for the past week, and also the reason nopony knew it. Since they defeated Discord, neither of them had been able to sleep without the other. They would never admit it to anypony, and by mutual agreement they didn't say the word to each other, but they were scared.

Applejack couldn't close her eyes without seeing him. That meant that she didn't get to sleep until she was so tired she didn't know she was doing it. Dash had no problem falling asleep, but had awful nightmares once or twice a night. It was after one of those that she had flown to Sweet Apple Acres and knocked on AJ's window in a panic.

They both agreed that first night that taking over a pony's mind was low-down, dirty cheating. Fighting a dragon, they knew where they stood. Win, die, or run away. But the idea that they could have spent their lives as those hollowed out husks, never knowing friendship or love, or even that there was anything wrong with the world, was too much for the two straight forward ponies to take. They couldn't buck something that could use their own minds against them.

Fear burrowed into their minds even though he was defeated. They hated it, and they each knew exactly how much the other hated it. So Dash came to AJ's window every night, and they helped each other through it with as little fuss as they could.

“Yeah, I know. It's okay. Need some water or somethin'?” Applejack said in a low voice, so as not to wake the rest of the household.

“No.” Dash responded with a sigh, also keeping her voice down. “I just need to talk about something normal.”

Applejack nodded and relaxed into the pillow, letting go of Dash so that she could do the same. “Alright then. I got a new record.”

Dash raised a skeptical eyebrow, “Is it one of those country music things?”

AJ smiled, “Sure is. I know you wanna hear it tomorrow.”

“You know, I think there's some kind of weather stuff I was supposed to do all day tomorrow.” Dash said with a smirk.

Applejack chuckled softly, “Funny how that always seems to work out.”

“It's not really that funny. You just have the worst taste in music.” Dash said as the smirk became a teasing grin.

“Beg pardon?” Applejack said, raising her eyebrows in mock offense, “You're the one that listens to that screamin' and yellin' rock music.”

Dash nodded. “Right. I listen to awesome rock, and you listen to lame country.”

Applejack grinned, “Oh, you wanted to hear me tell ya' again 'bout all the great and talented country music stars of history? Well sure. Now real country music started with-”

“Please stop?” Dash interrupted. “I'll kiss you if you stop.”

Applejack chuckled, “I guess I can shut up for that.”

“Double win.” Dash grinned and pressed her lips to AJ's. It was a chaste kiss, neither of them was interested in doing anything in AJ's house.

The kiss broke, and they settled back into their pillows. AJ went on, “Anyhow, the record is Tawny Cash. You like Tawny Cash, remember?”

“He's not bad.” Dash agreed. “Kinda mopey though.”

“Soulful is how it's generally put, Dash.”

“Whatever.” She replied. “It means the same thing. But at least Tawny Cash is tough and mopey. Maybe we can curl up and listen to it in the barn when you finish work.”

Applejack smiled, “I'd like that. I'll make a country fan outta ya' yet.”

Dash responded by rolling her eyes and pretending to gag. “Please, I was just looking to make out with my marefriend and listen to some okay music that just happens to be country. Rainbow Dash is not now, and is never going to be, a country fan.”

Applejack gave her a teasing grin, “I dunno, Dash, you'd look mighty cute in a stetson.”

“That's only because I look awesome in anything.” Dash grinned.

“Too bad we'd never find one big 'nough for-” Applejack interrupted herself with a yawn, “For your big head.”

“What time were you up yesterday?” Dash asked suspiciously.

“5 o'clock. Same as always.” Applejack said. Just saying it made her sleepy.

“And what time is it now?”

“1:30, or thereabouts.” AJ said as she yawned again.

“You were up this late last night, too. You need sleep, AJ.” Dash pointed out, surprisingly sensible for a change.

“I know, but I can't.”

Dash just nodded, “You should have said so earlier. Roll over and close your eyes.”

“Thanks, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she rolled over, facing away from Dash. She closed her eyes.

There they were. Those awful yellow eyes staring back at her. The laughter started soon after that. Her body tensed, and she fought her instincts to keep her eyes closed, until she felt Dash's body pressed against her back, and heard her voice whispering, “Applejack, it's okay. He's not here. I'm here with you, I'm right here. I understand, and I love you. You're brave, AJ. We both are. We won't be like this forever. Everything out there is normal, and soon we'll be normal again too. Until then, I'll be right here for you. And you'll be here for me. That doesn't make us weak. It makes us way stronger then he was. . .”

Rainbow Dash kept whispering to Applejack until all she could see was the darkness behind her eyelids, and all she could hear was Dash's voice. She was finally able to relax and drift off to sleep, and her last thought was of how lucky they both were to be strong enough to take care of each other.


Rainbow Dash awoke early the next morning to a knock at the door. She was expecting it, before she went to sleep she had turned off AJ's alarm clock. This plan involved making Applejack furious at her, and letting Big Mac know that Dash had been sleeping in his sister's room, but those weren't even in the top five most dangerous things she'd done this month. Of course, the Discord thing was throwing that list off a little.

Dash got up and flew to the door quickly, before the knocking could wake AJ. She opened the door to find Big Mac standing there. He looked surprised to see her, but she held a hoof to her mouth to signal him to be quiet until she could step out into the hall and close the door behind her.

Once the door was safely closed, Dash swallowed nervously. ”It's not what you think.”

Mac just stared at her.

“Applejack and I are. . . dealing with something. But she's barely had any sleep for the past few nights, and she can't get up and work today. So you're gonna let her sleep, and I'll do her chores. Got it?” She said, her voice barely cracking at all.

“AJ know about this?” Mac asked.

“Well. . . not exactly." Dash admitted. "But you know she'll work herself to death before she'd think about taking care of herself. It's my job to take care of her, and right now that means letting her get some sleep.”

He seemed to consider this, then said slowly, “She ain't gonna be happy when she gets up.”

“Yeah, she'll be pretty mad at me, but I can take her.” Dash said, then she grumbled, “I'll be listening to a lot of country music to make up for this one.”

“Eyup.” Mac said, smiling.

Since Mac was smiling, and not trying to rip her wings off, Dash decided the plan was probably a success. The fact that success meant that she had to do AJ's chores just went to show the extreme level of sacrifice Rainbow Dash was willing to make for Applejack. “So, um, what kind of chores are these, exactly? Are there chickens to wake up or something?”

Mac raised his eyebrows, still smiling. “How 'bout if I take carea the chores, and you just deal with AJ?”

Dash grinned. “Deal.”

Mac turned and started down the stairs, while Dash turned back to the door to AJ's room.

“Sucker.” They both muttered at exactly the same time.