• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 12,449 Views, 412 Comments

The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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Moving Slow (Suited for Success)

So far, the date had gone better than Applejack hoped. Rainbow Dash took her to the Ponyville High polo match against Cloudsdale, which was especially exciting because she'd never mentioned to Dash that she used to play for Ponyville High. AJ never got to see a game much anymore, between work on the farm and spending time with her friends, so it was a treat to cheer her lungs out for her old team.

Over a late dinner they talked about the game, a mostly friendly discussion of the various ground, magic, and wing fouls that had been called or missed by the ref. It never got too heated, they were quick to remind one another that it was just a game, and neither of them were even on the teams.

Now the date was winding down. They were walking slowly back to Sweet Apple Acres, neither of them seemed to be in any hurry for the night to end. They were also closer than they usually walked, flanks brushing occasionally, each time sending a tiny chill up AJ's spine.

“So, second date?” Rainbow Dash asked casually.

“Sure. Yeah. I think I'd like that.” Applejack smiled at the pegasus.

Dash smiled back, but that turned to a teasing grin. “Maybe I'll take you someplace fancy, so you have to dress up.”

“Sweet Celestia, we done enough of that this week, haven't we?”

“Two fashion shows in two days is two too many. On the up side, you did look pretty cute in the dress Rarity designed. That other one, though. . .” Dash laughed and shook her head.

“Ya' mean the one I designed?”

“Yeah,” Dash said, trying to fight off full out laughter. “With that hat. And those-”

“It wasn't that bad!” She had liked it. There was no accounting for the taste of those fashion ponies.

“Galoshes!” Dash cried out, laughing to the point where they had to stop walking. “You wanted to wear galoshes to the Gala!”

Applejack tried to pout, but a smile was forcing itself on her face. Come to think of it, she really wasn't sure where she got that idea. But she wasn't about to let Dash get her laughs off of it. “Ya' know, I don't recall yours bein' much better there.”

“My outfit was awesome!” Dash protested, calming herself to the occasional snicker.

Applejack started to chuckle, “It looked like somethin' outta one’a them comic books!”

“So? Dressing like a superhero is appropriate for any occasion!” Dash said with a grin.

“So're galoshes!”

“That settles it,” Dash declared. “For our next date, you wear your red hat and galoshes, and I'll wear my superhero costume, and we'll go wherever we want because they're both perfect for anything!”

“I'm pretty sure the only place Rarity's gonna let us wear 'em is a cave or somethin'. And even then it better be a really dark cave.”

She felt Dash's wing rest on her back and squeeze her close. “Hey, I'm up for that if you are.”

Applejack caught the slightly leering smile on the pegasus and blushed. “On our second date? I ain't that kinda filly, Dash.”

The wing loosened its grip, but stayed draped casually over AJ's back as Dash smiled and said, “Sorry. . . you know I move fast.”

AJ smirked. “Ya' know, I hear that ain't always a good thing in these situations.”

“Hey! I didn't mean like that!”

“Well then you'll havta slow down and maybe you'll get to prove it one’a these days.”

Dash leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I can go as slow as you want.”

The feel of her breath and the brushing of their flanks made Applejack blush as much as the implied meaning. She was so focused on it that she was surprised when she looked up at the Sweet Apple Acres buildings.

“Wow, we're here already?” Applejack said, looking at the house.

“Guess so.” Rainbow Dash stared at the farmhouse for a minute, then her eyes went wide. She quickly pulled her wing away from AJ and started flying backwards away from the earth pony. “Uh. . In that case. . . seeya!”

Applejack looked at her like she'd gone crazy, “Dash, you okay?”

“Yeah! Just gotta. . . uh. . . I have toast in the toaster, ya' see. .. and. . .”

“What's got into you?” AJ asked, confused and a little hurt. “Not five minutes ago you were comin' on to me, and now ya' ain't even gonna kiss me g'night?”

“I- um-” She was still eyeing the farmhouse. Applejack looked at it, confused. It looked perfectly normal.

“You look like you're scared of the farmhouse. But ya' been here a million times, and you were fine when ya came to pick me-” A thought struck AJ, and she frowned. “Dash, just who let ya' in the house when ya' came to get me?”

“Big Mac.” Dash squeaked.

“I thought so. And did that big lump say somethin' to ya then?”

“Um. . . yeah. . . He said if I liked my wings, I wasn't gonna lay a hoof on you. And there's a light on in the house and. . . I really like my wings, AJ.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Oh hay and tarnation, wait'll I see him!” She took a deep breath, and her expression softened as she focused on the pegasus. “Look here, Dash, Macintosh ain't gonna do nothin' to ya. I'll take care’a my brother. You don't gotta be scared of him.”

“I'm not scared!” Dash said, landing and relaxing a little. “It's just. . . what the hay do you guys feed him? He's, like, twice my size!”

“Well I can tell ya' he'll be eatin' my hoof for what he said to ya'. But lemme worry 'bout that later, so we can finish our date. I was kinda hopin' you'd say g'night proper.”

With one last nervous glance at the farmhouse, Dash looked deeply into Applejack's eyes. Then Dash smirked and took a step towards her. “How proper do you want?”

Applejack smirked back. “Just proper 'nough for a first date.”

“Gotcha,” Dash said, as she closed the remaining space. For a few seconds their faces were inches apart, and Applejack could feel Dash's breath on her muzzle as she stared into those magenta eyes. Then she felt warm lips against hers and she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation.

Dash was softer than she expected, and the kiss was chaste compared to ones AJ had seen other ponies give. But it ended with a teasing lick on her lips, and a nuzzle on her cheek that seemed to have lit a fire inside of her.

She whispered, “Uh. . . what's second date proper like?”

“I'd show you buuuut. . . I'm trying this slow thing someone told me about,” Dash said with a huge, teasing grin. “I guess you'll have to wait and find out.”

AJ tried to quickly steal another kiss, but Dash was too fast, hopping backward through the air and leaving the earth pony leaning in awkwardly.

“Rainbow Dash! You get that fancy tail back here!”

Dash was hovering in the air and laughing now. “It is an awesome tail, isn't it?”

Applejack darted forward and caught the end of Dash's tail in her mouth, yanking her from the sky. Spitting it out, she put a hoof on it to keep the stunned pegasus grounded. Dash looked shocked, and shook her head to clear it as she stood up as much as she could.

AJ leaned in and gently kissed Rainbow Dash again. This time she was the one pressing it just a little, her tongue just parting Dash's lips and meeting the tip of the pegasus's tongue.

Applejack pulled away, grinning at Dash's surprised expression. She winked. “G'night, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash just stood there with the expression frozen on her face as AJ trotted into the farmhouse.

Inside, Applejack happily leaned against the door as she closed it, thinking about kissing Rainbow Dash and feeling downright giddy. She was pretty sure this was that love stuff everypony was always talking about, and it was pretty darn good.

Then she suddenly stood up and straightened her hat, heading upstairs. As she got to the second floor, she saw the light go out in Macintosh's bedroom, but that didn't stop her. She knocked at the door, and Mac opened it warily. “Heya, AJ.”

Applejack just glared at him. Neither of them spoke for a good minute, and AJ's face held her glare, while Mac's went from slightly embarrassed to downright scared. Finally, Applejack said, “You ever gonna butt in my love life again?”


“Right then. G'night.”