• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 12,464 Views, 412 Comments

The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

  • ...

Best Laid Plans (The Best Night Ever)

(Warning: This fic contains one line of dialogue that takes place in the middle of. . . personal relations. Nothing else is described, and the line is set off by a line break, so if ponies doing that bothers you then you can skip that line and pick it up from context.)

Princess Celestia had been kind enough to offer all six Ponyville ponies a room in the palace after the Gala. She was even kind enough to sneak them back in to avoid any nasty looks they might have received for their parts in the events of the evening.

The rooms weren't lavish, there were Very Important Ponies in town for the event who were staying in the fancy tower rooms. But the suite of three rooms, each with two beds, and bathroom and sitting room was more then welcoming to the six bedraggled ponies and their dragon companion.

Once they were inside, Rarity put her hoof to her forehead, “I, for one, am exhausted. What were those sleeping arrangements again, Twilight?”

“You and Fluttershy are in one room, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are in the second, and Spike, Pinkie and I will take the third.”

Applejack felt herself start to blush, wondering if any of them thought twice about putting her and Dash in the same room, but nopony seemed to notice. All of them were yawning and making their way to their rooms.

All of them except for Rainbow Dash, who had been a little jumpy since they returned to the palace. Applejack elbowed her in the side, “Wanna hit the hay?”

“Um. . . sure! Yeah, boy am I tired. Looong night.” Dash said, trying to blend in with the rest of the retiring ponies as she darted for the empty bedroom. Applejack just rolled her eyes and followed.

As soon as they were inside, AJ threw off her dress. “Well now, that was a night.”

“No kidding.” Dash said, tossing her own dress on the floor next to AJ's while Applejack shook the braids out of her mane and tail. Dash flew over to the bed and laid back. “That was not what I expected. What happened to your other boot?”

“There was a flyin' cake, a stampede of wild animals, the whole room darn near fell in. . . take your pick.” Applejack said as she got her remaining boot off and laid on the bed, nuzzling Dash's neck.

“AJ, are you sure you want to do this tonight?” Rainbow Dash asked, seeming worried.

Applejack stopped nuzzling and stared at Dash, “I told ya' weeks ago I was sure. I didn't change my mind cause of some dumb party.”

“I just don't want you to be nervous or anything. And with how tonight's been, I'm pretty sure we're due for an earthquake, or a flood, or, I don't know, can hurricanes happen in a bedroom?” Dash glanced around nervously.

Applejack chuckled, “Well it's a good thing I got my own weather pony, ain't it?”

“I'm serious, AJ. I just want this to be special for you, since you waited so long.” Dash said. And she did look serious, for once in her life.

“Is that what all this is about?” Applejack asked, surprised. “Dash, I tried to tell ya, I was only waitin' for it to feel right. And it feels right with you, so I don't care if it's perfect this time. I mean, it ain't like this is the only time we're gonna have sex, right?”

“Right. I mean, I hope.” Dash said, still sounding unsure.

Applejack smiled and started nibbling on Dash's neck again. “'Sides, if it don't go smooth, I reckon that just means we need some practice.”

Dash grinned, “I always like a good long practice session.”

“Then get on over here and gimme a work out.” Applejack pulled back as Dash rolled over on top of her.

“You want a work out, huh? Let's see if you can handle this.” Dash said, smiling as she reached over and turned out the light.


“Ooh Dash. . . Aw yeah. . . Yeah. . . YEAH. . . Oh my! I'm- unh!. . . YEEEEEE-HAAAAAAW!”


A few moments after her shout, Applejack laid back against the pillows, out of breath and blushing.

Dash was next to her, also out of breath, mostly from laughing her tail off for the past few minutes. "I can't believe you- that was- Yee-haw! I've never heard that one in bed before!"

"It wasn't that funny." AJ said, but she started to chuckle in spite of herself.

"It just. . . surprised me.” Dash said, her expression changing from amusement to worry. “So that was good, right?"

"It was amazin'. Least, until I went and embarrassed myself." Applejack blushed even more deeply. "Sorry 'bout that, I guess I got a bit carried away."

"What? That's not embarrassing." Rainbow Dash grinned. "It's just funny. Ponies do funny stuff all the time during sex. Now this one time I was with another pegasus and his feathers kept getting in my face, and I sneezed all over him, right in the middle of it. That was embarrassing."

Applejack cringed, "I can sure see how that'd be embarrassin'. . . thanks for keepin' your feathers outta my face."

"Don't mention it.” Dash replied with a grin. “But stuff ponies say, and faces they make, well, everypony's a little goofy during sex. And none of them are as cute as my cowpony."

"You're just sayin that." Applejack said, blushing.

"Nope! Totally cute." Rainbow Dash leaned against Applejack and started kissing her neck.

"Ya' really think?" AJ smiled and gently ran a hoof over Dash's shoulders.

“I think I can't wait to give you another ride.” Dash said, then she looked up and smirked, “But you have to wear your hat next time. And we'll have a talk about the lasso later.”

“Hey now, what this talkin' bout me? I never even got a chance to get my hooves on you.” Applejack kissed Dash, moving her hooves down Dash's back to the base of her wings.

“Mmm. . . I guess I can wait a little while.” Dash said as she flared her wings.

Applejack smiled and ran her hooves gently over the wings, to the tips. “Good, cause I wanna see what funny noises I can get you to make.”


The next morning, after a short but comfortable night's sleep, Applejack was awake. She sat on the bed tying her mane and tail in her red ribbons. She felt great, her activities with Rainbow Dash were a wonderful way to work off the stress left over from the Gala. And when she closed her eyes she could still feel lips and feathers and hooves everywhere, which sent a happy shiver up her spine.

Dash rolled over, mumbling next to her.

Applejack just grinned and said cheerfully, “Rise and shine, everypony's up already.”

“Mmmph. How do you know?” Dash asked, her face still in the pillow.

“I can hear 'em rustlin' 'round in there.”

Dash shot straight up, hovering over the bed, her eyes wide.

“So now you're up. What's got into you?” Applejack asked, surprised.

Dash landed on the bed, still slightly panicked. “AJ? Did you have a good time last night? With me, I mean?”

Applejack smiled, “Well, 'course. I thought you knew that.”

“Just remember that. You had a good time.” Dash took a deep breath, and went on. “Because we might have been a tiny bit. . . loud.”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow, “Loud? What do ya mean?”

They heard several loud thumps from the next room, then Twilight's voice came through the wall clearly. ”Pinkie! Spike! Do not jump on the beds in Canterlot Castle!”

Dash swallowed. “Like, that loud?”

Applejack's face was frozen in shock,“You're sayin' they could hear us?”

“Yeah. Probably.” Dash said with a little nod, her eyes never leaving Applejack's face.

Applejack took her hat from the nightstand and flipped it on her head so it sat low, covering her eyes. She laid back on the bed. “If you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna sit here and die of embarrassment.”

“It's not that bad, AJ.” Dash said, putting a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

“First off, they're gonna know just what we got up to. And even if they already expected as much, now they're all gonna know that my cowpony comes out in the sack.” She cringed, almost wishing she hadn't enjoyed last night quite so much.

“They'll all be way too embarrassed to say anything.” Dash pointed out.

“Course they will." AJ agreed. "They didn't wanna know that 'bout me any more then I wanted 'em to know it. But they're gonna know it anyhow.”

“So what? It's not like we all live in the same house or anything. They heard you get a little wild in bed, and after this morning no one will ever think of it again.”

AJ sighed, “Fine. Maybe I'll show my face again. Someday.”

Rainbow Dash slowly lifted Applejack's hat, and gave a seductive smile, “Of course, since they probably figure your marefriend is the best lover in Equestria, they'll all be jealous of you.”

At that Applejack started to chuckle. She raised an eyebrow at Dash, “Is that what they're gonna be thinkin'?”

Dash nodded, still smiling. “Totally. You'd better come out there with me. They might all come after me at once, and I don't know how long I'll be able to fight them off.”

Applejack smiled, “Well, if ya' need my protection, maybe I can help ya' out.”

“Hey, I mean, I could handle all four of them, but not after how amazing you were last night. I think you almost wore me out.” Dash teased her with a cocky grin.

“You are the craziest darn pony.” Applejack said. She got up, still dreading seeing the others, but Dash's teasing did lighten her mood and make the situation seem a little sillier.

“It got you out of bed.” Dash said, brushing by Applejack with a kiss on the cheek.

Dash flew out of the room first, but AJ was walking right behind. Applejack couldn't stop herself from blushing as she saw her friends in the sitting room. They were already talking and laughing, probably about her unfortunate performance last night. She grit her teeth as she and Dash joined them.

“So, did everypony get a good nights sleep?” Rarity chirped, seeing the two of them make their way out to the sitting room.

“Uh, yeah.” Applejack said, cringing slightly and waiting for the glares or smirks she was sure to get.

“Oh yes! Those ear plugs were a great idea, Rarity!” Twilight said happily.

AJ looked up, and Fluttershy and Pinkie were nodding.

“Oh I know, they're lifesavers. After that trip to Appleloosa, I knew they'd come in handy. Besides, with all the ponies here for the Gala, one never knows what might be going on in the next room.” Rarity said, looking straight at Twilight without a glance at Applejack or Rainbow Dash.

Applejack caught Rarity's eye with a questioning look. Rarity had never offered her ear plugs. Rarity just met her eyes with a wink.

Applejack felt her blush fade, and the tension drain from her shoulders. She grinned,“Yeah, thanks Rarity. That was real nice of you to think of.”

“Don't mention it, dear. Now move along, everypony, Canterlot awaits!” Rarity said, ushering the ponies out the door. Rarity herself was the last one out, but Applejack hung back a little and noticed the unicorn's horn glowing.

Looking past her, AJ saw the blanket on the second bed in the room AJ and Dash had shared being pulled from the bed and dropped again, as though somepony had slept in it.

Rarity just smiled at her. “For appearances, darling. If somepony would talk to me once in a while, I could give them some advice.”

As Rarity and Applejack caught up with the rest, Applejack could only smile and mutter under her breath, “Sweet Celestia, thank ya' for my friends.”