• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 12,463 Views, 412 Comments

The AppleDash Project - bookplayer

A series of AppleDash scenes related to episodes.

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Awesome (The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well)

“You really had to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked, as she and Applejack watched the sunset over Sweet Apple Acres. Dash had an emotionally draining few days, and finding out that AJ, along with the rest of her friends, had been avoiding her to play the part of her hated rival was just the confusing cap on it. She knew she acted badly, but she still couldn't see where she had acted badly enough that they would just. . . abandon her like that.

“After that stunt ya' pulled with the picture?” Applejack said, raising an eyebrow. “You know darn well how I feel 'bout that in public. Immortalized as your friend. . . you're lucky Twilight talked me down, 'cause my plan was to immortalize your tail by nailin' it to the wall.”

Dash smiled and relaxed a little. That made more sense, she did know that AJ hated anything mushy between them in public, and she had gone a little over the line there. “So instead of nailing my tail to the wall, you just turned into a masked hero. . . remind me not to tick you off again.”

“Another fine lesson to learn.” Applejack smiled and said with a nod.

“Maybe I should have added that to my letter.” Dash grinned. “'Dear Princess Celestia, PS: I also learned that my marefriend turns to costumed heroics when I act like a jerk. Let me know if you ever need the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, 'cause I am awesome at making Applejack mad.'”

Applejack smiled and nuzzled Dash. “Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that there ain't a force in Equestria that's gonna keep Dash from actin' crazy. But for some darn reason I go right on lovin' her.”

Dash returned the nuzzle and ran a hoof down AJ's side. “Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that Applejack looks amazing in a skin tight body suit. I hope this will be really important to certain activities later tonight.”

“I'm pretty sure the Princess don't need to know about that one.” Applejack chuckled.

“Are you kidding? Your flank looked so hot you could stop the royal guards in their tracks. She needs to have somepony keeping an eye on that. And I'll selflessly and humbly volunteer, for the good of Equestria.”

AJ paused for a moment, “So. . . my flank looked hot, or Mare-Do-Well's? There were four of us in those costumes.”

“Well, I guess you all looked pretty hot.” Dash said, smiling. Applejack's glare told her that this was the wrong answer, so she went on quickly, “But, I mean, you looked the most hot.”

“You didn't know it was me, Dash.” Applejack noted, clearly not appeased.

“Hey, before I knew it was you guys I wasn't even thinking of her flank, except how I wanted to kick it!” Dash said.

Applejack latched onto the flaw in that, with the instincts of a jealous marefriend. “So you're sayin' that you were thinkin' Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy looked hot after ya' knew it was them?”

“Um, there's no good way out of this conversation, is there?” Rainbow Dash finally admitted. “Look, there are a lot of good looking ponies in the world, and some of them are our friends. But you're the one I'm in love with, and you definitely have the best flank.”

Applejack was still pouting a little, so Rainbow Dash grinned, and leaned over and whispered, "Personally, I like Kicks best, but I'm don't want to make Bucky jealous."

Applejack had to chuckle at that. “I don't rightly care if you think I got the best flank, but I'd rather you weren't checkin' out other mares, and especially not our friends.”

“Can I still check out stallions?” Dash grinned playfully.

Applejack glared.

“It was a joke!”

Applejack raised her eyebrows, “I catch you checkin' out anypony else, and you can forget 'bout Kicks and Bucky both for a long while. Got it?”

What Dash got was that AJ was jealous, just like she had been of Dash's heroics. She also got that she had not done anything wrong, she'd never so much as winked at another pony since she asked out AJ. And she could have called AJ on it, then they could have had a fight, which Dash was pretty sure she could win.

But the feeling of loneliness from the past few days came back to her, hard. The cost of winning a fight with AJ didn't seem worth it. Applejack could leave her, she was pretty sure of that now. And she couldn't leave AJ. It seemed impossible.

Dash swallowed, “Yeah. I got it. I'm sorry.”

“Well. . . good.” Applejack watched Dash for a moment, before suspicion turned to concern on her face. “You okay?”

Dash nodded and leaned against AJ. “Fine. Just fine. I was really lonely without you. Without everypony. I hate being alone.”

Applejack put a front leg around Dash, “I'm sorry, but I just couldn't take ya when you got like that. I love ya', but that don't mean I gotta put up with anythin' disrespectful.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, and hesitated before she whispered, “Applejack. . . you still think I'm awesome, right?”

“Course I do, Sugarcube! I was darn proud of ya, before you started puffin' up, and I'm proud of ya now.” AJ answered, smiling.

“Do you think Scootaloo and the other ponies in town still think I'm awesome?”

Applejack laughed, “I can promise Scoot does. But I do hope they threw away those wigs, or hats or whatever they were. That was kinda creepy.”

“Okay, yeah, I guess it was.” Dash said with a nod. “I should have had a talk with Scoot about that. But it's so cool when ponies think I'm awesome.”

Applejack smiled, “Can I tell ya' a secret? Ya' ain't allowed to tell anypony I told ya. . .”

“Pinkie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. What is it?”

Applejack got closer, and Dash felt AJ's warm breath on her ear as AJ whispered “You are awesome, Rainbow Dash. That's just a fact, and anypony with a brain ain't gonna need t-shirts and autographs to remind 'em of that.”

Rainbow Dash wasn't sure if it was the feeling of Applejack's breath, or her voice, or what she said, but Dash's whole body relaxed. Applejack somehow made everything perfect, and Dash could never give this up.