• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,780 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

  • ...

Sequence of events-Read this if you get confuzzled.

Author's Note:

Spoilers-Not advised to read this before the other chapters.
Note: Rarity is said to be in Manehattan on Tue, but she leaves on Mon.
To find a specific loop, press ctrl+f and type in the loop number.
Be sure to check out our group: A Little Fan Content.

Normal loop:
Sweetie wakes up in bed, pancakes, she is late.
Cherilee is teaching about how diamonds are formed.
Twilight greets Sweetie, Rarity to Manehattan.
Sweetie goes to school. Homework on family history due.
Sweetie goes to school, information on how Pegasi buck clouds.
Sweetie and everyone try to get hole digger CM, get grounded. Rarity returns.
Snow day, allowed to go out and play in the snow until the arvo, when they have to go attend school. Math class.
Cherilee does presentation on tides, organises event to spend some of the night stargazing on Monday, when the slips will be given to give to the students.
Loop 1 and 2:
Exactly the same as Loop 3 excluding the Luna event.
Loop 3(Chapter 1):
Sweetie wakes up in bed, pancakes, she is late.
Cherilee is teaching about how diamonds are formed, Sweetie calls in sick due to headache and goes home early.
Twilight greets Sweetie, Rarity to Manehattan, long day of tests to determine the cause.
Sweetie has to levitate objects to stop the headaches.
Sweetie and everyone try to get hole digger CM, get grounded. Rarity returns.
Snow day, allowed to go out and play in the snow until the arvo, when they have to go attend school. Math class. Sweetie talks to Cherilee, convinces her to send the slips on Fri and organise it for that night. Says she will get Luna.
Lesson on tides, slips handed out and stargazing. Luna greets them and organises a comet shower in the sky for them.
Loop 4:
Sweetie wakes up, pancakes, she is on time.
Cherilee is teaching how diamonds are formed, Diamond Tiara is shown her place.
Twilight greets Sweetie, Rarity to Manhattan, Sweetie gains list of books from Twilight about 'time loops'.
Scoots tries to get speed CM, scooter is broken, Sweetie feels guilt because it was her suggestion.
Snow day, allowed to go out and play in the snow until the arvo, when they have to go attend school. Math class.
Cherilee does presentation on tides, organises event to spend some of the night stargasing on Monday, when the slips will be given to give to the students.
Sweetie stays up all night to try and catch the loop resetting.
Loop 5:
Sweetie gives Rarity book list to take to Manehattan and buy books.
Sweetie goes to school. Homework on family history due.
Sweetie goes to school, information on how Pegasi buck clouds.
CMC try to get building CM's.
Rarity returns with books.
Sweetie stays home to read.
Sweetie tries leaving a toy outside, borrows Rarity's clock.
Loop 6:
Cherilee is teaching about how diamonds are formed.
Sweetie convinces Diamond Tiara she wants to be part of her passe’
Twilight greets Sweetie, Rarity to Manehattan.
Sweetie fakes sick.
Sweetie joins DT at her house to be inducted in ‘how great she is’
Sweetie manages to get 'dirt' on DT.
Sweetie goes to school.
Loop 7:
Sweetie convinces Silver and Diamond to teach them fancy in return for autograph
Lessons begin
Applebloom get’s CM
Lessons continue
Scootaloo get’s CM
Sleepover at Diamonds
Sleepover at Sweetie’s
Loop 8
Rarity comforts Sweetie. Twilight teaches Sweetie how to copy notes.
Rarity in Manehattan. Sweetie practices spell to copy notes.
Rarity returns.
Sweetie is forced to go to school. CMC say they’re no longer friends.
Snow day. Sweetie and Rarity prepare for trip to Canterlot.
Sweetie and Rarity prepare for Canterlot trip.
Loop 9:
Sweetie skips school to go over her plan.
Sweetie copies over notes
Sweetie is forced to go to school, she sneaks away.
Sweetie vanishes, get’s caught.
Sweetie goes to school. Watches the reset from the hallway.
Loop 10
Sweetie goes to school, makes friends with Snips and Snails.
Sweetie get’s fabric from Rarity to prove she’s looping.
Hanging out with S&S
Rarity to Manehattan
Sweetie get’s book from Twilight to prove she’s looping.
Sweetie hangs out with S&S
Sweetie decides to do something different, and hang out with S&S
Sweetie goes to bed at the normal time.
Loop 11
Sweetie convinces mane6 she is looping.
Twilight and the others devise ways to make Sweetie convincing them easier.
Twilight runs tests
Twilight writes down her notes into a book, gives it to Sweetie.
Rarity gives Opal doll.
Twilight gives plant and milk.
Sweetie watches the stuff Twilight brought on Thur.
Loop 12:
Rarity tries to deal with the new ‘skylight’
Twilight learns of results
Message to Celestia
CMC make up
Royal Carriage to see Celestia/Luna with Rarity and Twilight
Find out about past loopers
Sweetie and Rarity have fun in Canterlot
Sweetie get’s CM
Celestia provides list of low-power spells that might be of use.
Back to Ponyville
SB restarts loop in clubhouse.
Loop 13
Note: From now on I’m only going to mention days if something different happened on them
Sweetie asks Twilight why her CM stayed
Sweetie dies
Loop 14
Sweetie Wakes up, Twilight forbids anyone going outside due to reset.
Sweetie and Twilight talk
Loop 15
Sweetie talks to Twilight and Celestia to become best princess.
Operation Coronation
Loop 16
Sweetie learns where she can train each loop.
Loop 17
After working out, Sweetie goes to Twilight to discuss plans.
Sweetie tries restarting a loop with Philomena
Loop 18
Sweetie attends school as normal.
Philomena becomes a looper.
Celestia arrives
Normal loop reset
Loop 19
Sweetie gives up
Sweetie convinces Rarity to take her to Manehattan.
Sweetie and Rarity in Manehattan
Sweetie and Rarity in Manehattan
They return home
Normal loop reset
Loop 20
Sweetie hangs out with S&S
Sweetie introduces S&S to CMC+DT&SS
Sweetie get’s Applebloom and Scootaloo their CM’s.
Snow day
Sweetie asks for loop proof.
Loop 21
Sweetie moves on to intermediate spells.
Sweetie tries to increase her magic power.
Loop 22
Sweetie pretends to be a fortune teller.
Loop 23
Sweetie does fortune telling.
Loop 22
Sweetie tries to find Derpy a job.
Loop 25
When dealing with Ditzy, Sweetie runs into Time Turner
Loop 27
Sweetie goes to visit Time Turner again.
Sweetie reads Starswirl’s final diary entry
Loop 27
Sweetie ‘cleans up the world’
Loop 28:
Please note, from now on I will just say what happened differently that loop.
Sweetie goes to Manehattan to hang out with Babs, they go to the water park.
Loop 29:
Sweetie tries to skip school for an entire loop.
Loop 30:
Sweetie masterminds an epidemic of cooties.
Loop 31:
Undercover Agent Sweetie Belle
Philomena is lost to a Loop reset.
Loop 32
Farts Warming Eve
Loop 33:
Sweetie explores the old sister's castle
Loop 34:
Sweetie goes to a Museum
Loop 35:
Nutella, Sweetie reads looping notes.
Loop 36:
Sweetie learns about Discord
Loop 37:
Sweetie talks to Discord
Loop 38:
Sweetie talks to Discord again
Loop 39:
Sweetie pretends to eat meat
Loop 40:
Sweetie asks about the EQG universe, told her week doesn’t fall on a full moon.
Loop 41:
Operation Eternal Night
Aka Luna prank
Loop 42:
Sweetie has her birthday.
Loop 43:
Try getting ‘kidnapped’ (So as to determine if it’s possible to just isolate for a loop.)
Loop 44:
Spend time with Ditzy
Loop 45:
Challenge PP and RD to a prank war.
Loop 46:
Challenge them for a second time.
Loop 47:
Showing Sweetie's proficiency in spells.
Loop 48:
Sweetie moves onto advanced spells.
Loop 49:
Operation Discorded
Discord pranks
Loop 50:
Sweetie asks Twilight if she’s strong enough to take on a dragon yet.
Finds out her exercise is affecting her body.
Loop 51:
Sweetie convinces ponyville she is looping via heartsong.
Loop 52:
Sweetie goes to Celestia and Luna for advice.
Loop 53:
Sweetie goes to Manehattan to see the zoo, and get’s lost. Self inflection.
Sweetie uses the highest level shield spell to keep the headache away.
Loop 54:
Sweetie decides to try the Princesses plan to fake their death. It doesn’t work.
Loop 55:
Sweetie tries having one of the Princesses step out of the room just after midnight. It doesn’t work.
Loop 56:
Sweetie tries transferring her magic to Twilight. It doesn’t work.
Loop 57:
Sweetie tries using necromancy, but only spawns zombies. Zombie pony apocalypse.
Loop 58:
Sweetie talks Twilight into telling her how Sweetie made copies, they try it with two Sweetie Bell’s in one room. Only the real one survives.
Loop 59:
Sweetie, getting desperate, goes over Starswirl’s notes once more, asking Time Turner about stuff. He tells her how to find Chrysalis.
Loop 60:
Sweetie leaves ponyville with camping supplies.
Seeing the EOH tree, is stopped from looping in the cave with it.
Loop 61:
Sweetie battles monsters from the Everfree.
Loop 62:
Sweetie returns, and robs the only bank in Ponyville, before going back into hiding.
Loop 63
Sweetie does it in song.
Loop 64
Sweetie plays matchmaker.
Loop 65:
Battle the monsters in the Everfree.
Loop 66:
Sweetie travels to the badlands and finally rides a dragon. Is given a dragon egg as a reward.
Loop 67:
Sweetie runs Equestria for a week. Surprisingly doesn't burn it down.
Loop 68:
Sweetie goes and visits Chrysalis. After defeating the hive, she asks questions.
Loop 69:
Creates a spell to make Pudding, makes it rain it.
Loop 70:
Sweetie tries alcohol in Las Pegasus after learning how to alter her age.
Loop 71:
Sweetie spends time 'getting to know' Snails.
Loop 72:
Sweetie wallows
Loop 73:
Sweetie delves into the canterlot archives for ‘new’ magic.
Loop 74:
Sweetie realises she can ‘steal’ a pony’s Cutie Mark if they have been drained in her room, gaining a portion of their talent.
Loop 75:
Sweetie tries casting the shielding spell Twilight uses, it causes a reset.
Loop 76:
Sweetie practices necromancy.
Loop 77:
Sweetie practices cooking.
Loop 78:
Sweetie trains with Dragons.
Loop 79:
Sweetie goes to the crystal empire.
Loop 80:
Sweetie spends time seeing everything.
Loop 81:
Sweetie pretends to be Mare-Do-Well
Loop 82:
Sweetie finds an inventor.
Loop 83:
Sweetie passes off his invention as her own.
Loop 84:
Convince Chrysalis to invade Ponyville.
Loop 85:
Sweetie follows a pony around.
Loop 86:
Sweetie plays pranks on that pony.
Learns what changes.
Loop 87:
Plays pranks a second time, accidentally force the pony to suicide.
Loop 88:
Reflection on actions, Sweetie drags Diamond to a cliff, and throws her off it.
Loop 89:
Sweetie poisons Ponyville's water source.
Loop 90:
Sweetie gains chicken summoning powers.
Loop 91:
Sweetie uses SMUC to take over Equestria.
Headaches return.
Loop 92:
Sweetie tries to find more powerful spells to cast.
Loop 93:
Sweetie takes over raising the sun and moon.
Loop 94:
Sweetie tries giving her magic to Celestia and Luna. They explode.
Loop 95:
Sweetie learns transformation spells, uses them to help clear her head.
Loop 96:
No longer works, Sweetie asks Celestia what she can lift next.
Loop 97:
Sweetie tries to levitate the earth to stop the headaches.
Loop 98:
Sweetie tries to destroy the sun.
Loop 99:
Sweetie tries to implode the sun and create a black hole.

Spell list
1: Water
3: Stop-Sneeze
4: Wake-me-up
5: Knockout
6: Trip
7: Itch-be-gone
8: Stun
9: Telekinetic force(Knock-back)
10: Disarm
11: Teleport
12: Fireworks
13: Smokebomb
14: Cloudwalking
15: Flight Spell(Wings)
16: Fire
17: Levitate self
18: Change gravity
19: Transform
20: Shield

Battlemagi Battletastic Battlespells
1: Lightning Bolt
2: Inferno shield
3: Icestorm
4: Magic Missile
5: Supermegaultrachicken(Aka, death)

Ancient Unicorn Battle Magic
1: Swords Dance
2: Flare
3: Terravolt
4: Ultimite Seeker

Comments ( 1100 )


“There, whew you’ve got a magical future ahead of you with that sort of magic potential.” The nurse sat down as she puffed, fanning herself with her hoof. Sweetie smiled and stood up, finding herself free of the headache that had been plagued her for three weeks now.

Wait, three?

5232962 It's going to be interesting. Every time loop event I have seen in shows, movies, games, and stories always have it be 1 day at most. Remembering all the events in 1 day is easy and how they all interact and change. 5 days in a row tho? Dramatic things can happen just between 2 days, let alone 5! Especially when you have to do an event on day 1 and make sure not to do something on day 2, then have to do something day 3, prevent something day 4, just so one person can be in the right spot to do the right thing in day 5. And that is just 1 item out of probably 1000+ to get out of the loop! To remember all the events and how they react to eachother in 5 days? Especially with you being able to over sleep, get exhasted, or pass out between each night and miss something?! :pinkiegasp: It's just too much to handle and keep in control of easily, which is why it's rarely used. :twilightsmile:

5240730 Well why make it easy for the character? Difficulty is a part of life, and the universe isn't exactly a place that goes "Oh, making the loop shorter will make it easier for you? Aw okay I'll get right on it." And some loops just go on forever. O-O like hard reset.

5240770 Actually hard reset is a few hours loop, depending on if you neutralise the Elements in time.


Technically speaking, Hard Reset's loops could last til the end of the universe (as stated by Changling Queen Twilight) it just happens that by sheer chance the loops starting point was only a couple hours before an event forces it to reset (in most cases, the Elements nuking Equestria) but thats just technicalitys.

as for the story itself i have to say you sir have my interest, nothings more enjoyable than a good time travel story imo and this is building up to be awesome :rainbowkiss:

course, there is one thing that i'm mildly confused about which i'm guessing will be explained later. Sweetie mentions not being there for scootaloo the 1st time.. but according to this list of events the Original loop she actually WAS around for the Reports. did she just forget the original iteration ( along with Loop 2 from the looks of it) or was she just not brave enough to stand up for her friend before this all started?

have a like and my continued interest.

5238431 Falling dead was what my dad taught me, and it was what the original rhyme was before the Department of Education changed the nursery rhyme to something less morbid.

Sweetie Belle get's stuck in a time loop.


Please note: This poem is how I was taught it. It may not match your version.

It's not my version it doesn't match, it's the historical (and correct) version it doesn't match. The line is "To ashes, to ashes" not "a tissue, a tissue", because the poem was referring to the Black Death. Rather grim, when you know the real meaning.

True, because as I mentioned in my last comment the poem was about dying from bubonic plague.

5236691 It is actually about the great plague from England in 1665. The ashes are from the bodies, houses, and belongings that were burned. It's actually a really dark nursery rhyme when you understand the origins.

I am really enjoying the story. Groundhog Day loops are a favorite of mine.

Nice error spotting.

I don't get it....somepony please explain!!!!!

5242204 Just a summary of what loops have been. There's going to be a lot of them.

5242211 okay thanks.......

So, what started it all.....have we gotten to that part yet?

So is this chapter going to be getting updated with each new chapter?

5242245 Yep

5242225 If I told you that what point would there be to read the story ;)

5242510 Oh...okay.:applejackunsure:
Guess I will just have to wait.................:ajbemused:

(PS: Great story so far!:pinkiehappy:)

But what happened to Loop 2? I assume this is a mystery to be solved at a later date - if so, I'm guessing that it holds a lot of clues as to why all this is going on. This is getting really interesting.

5243830 Loop 1 Sweetie didn't know it was a loop. Loop 2 Sweetie was the same. Loop 3 is where she starts to realise, aka chapter 1.

5244554 Well frankly they showed, in canon, that Scoots can't fly...even Faust said she's crippled...but meh and all right I understand what you want to do

I'm leaning towards the perfect loop thing. Except I'd rather it didn't just happen because wouldn't it be better to make it happen to Diamond if lessons are meant to be learnt. So actually I have no conclusive idea.

That said, someone has to have a sleepover at Sweetie's and see what happens, preferably Twi but that might be hard to do.

5244603 One loop at a time. Can't do everything in one loop.

5244977 Well she has been spending time with Twilight ;)

Ring around the rosey,
(The black rings appear across their body)
A pocket full of posies,
(The doctors wore masks filled with various sweet smelling flowers and herbs to mask the scent)
A tissue A tissue,
(The victims cough and sneeze)
We all fall down.
(Everyone dies)

Love how this nursery rhyme is about the Bubonic plague...

What do you mean? All of them are around 2k in length, so I guess it just seems short?

Maybe you need to brush.

Whoever taught you that version of the poem probably didn't know the origin of the poem... lol

5245977 Then why the tissue? So you don't find out what it was about as a kid?

5245990 Google it, I'm tired of having this conversation every day.

5246225 Sorry, I know these sections are typically meant for criticism on the actual story. I never get much so I guess I got into the habit of just using it to make conversation.

I googled it.

5246228 It's not that, just read back. I've had this brought up so many times I even put a disclaimer in the description.

5246244 Many people do not like reading the comments (if that's what you meant). People spoil stuff about stories without thinking. As for your story it's an interesting idea. Sorry to flood your comment box with non sense.

5246247 No it's more of the fact:

"Your poem is wrong"
"No, the poem should be this version"
"Actually there are many different versions."
"It's the wrong version."

I enjoy comments, I love hearing what people think, and there's always plenty of amusing ones. I just dislike these comments, because it's always the exact same thing.

Anywho, thanks for the praise, and I'm sorry you got some of my backlash. I think I'm going to have to make an edit to the notice so this doesn't happen again.

5246376 Backlash is fine by me. I can certainly see how comments like those would be an annoyance... maybe not the same, but I've gotten some where someone simply said "no, that character should act like this because they do in the show and I say so"... when it's my story and not theirs.

5246389 Anywho, I'll see you next time you comment, I gotta go.

5245032 It's so interesting that an innocent nursery rhyme has such a dark meaning behind it.

Here's an alternate version that I know of.

Ring around the rosie,
a pocket full of posie,
ashes, ashes,
we all fall down.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I've heard this rhyme in Plague Inc also. It sounded almost identical too.
(@ 1:16)

For those checking the story when it normally updates; not today. Real life and a mixture of 'I refuse to let you work on your writing when you want to because I'm a stupid brain that has decided I will not have the attention span to do so today'.

5240789 like 5240837 said, the loops in Hard Reset lasts until Twilight does, which in 2 loops, her being a Changeling Queen and her being a goddess, is forever. That's why after 'breaking from the loop', Twilight freaks out. 1, because she can no longer see every option choices can lead to, and 2, because she had no way of knowing if the loop was actually truely 100% broken, because the only way it resets is if she dies. And if the loop isn't broken, nothing bad happens. If it IS broken... she dies... forever.

Sweetie Belle killing herself is taking a very big risk. Twilight's looping revolved around death, it was the way to reset. Sweetie's tho is revolved around her room, not death. So killing herself most likely will just end with her dead, not resetting the loop. The main problem for Sweetie so far, is that there is no conflict. In Hard Reset, the elements were exploding, Twilight had to do the correct events to prevent that, save her friends, and so on. Sweetie Belle tho... There is nothing, She doesn't even need to sleep. At midnight Friday night, it resets. Period. From a certain point of view, it means there is 2 possibilities. Either there is no way out, or the room is what's causing it for some reason. With her magic getting stronger and out of control, I wonder if she cast a spell on her room in her sleep, and needs to dispel it.

5247271 I've only read the first one so thanks for the spoilers.


MageAloo is anyfic where Scootaloo does magic (usually via wings, or the power of her mind). There are a few good fics out there. Since it is a rarity (which only increases its awesomeness when you see it.):

- http://www.fimfiction.net/story/85758/just-winging-it. The Author already stated that his Scoots is going to be a magic user. But Scootaloo is still developing the Skills. Right nw she can cast Sigil / Chaos Magic without her having a horn [ala Twilight Spell]. Great fic and very interesting so far.

-http://www.fimfiction.net/story/146732/one-in-a-million A little annoyed that she's dependant on Wing Flapping for power control, but that's understandable habit from being used to being a Peggy. Still wonderful fic, interesting, and unique.

-http://www.fimfiction.net/story/54692/pegasus-horns. First Magealoo fic I ever read that wasn't an Alicorn CMC fic. Basically Pegasi make Psionic horns and can cast spells like a Unicorn. Other races can do it to (including Griffons) if taught. It's well worth the time to read just for the remise alone. Parts of it were iffy t the time, but used to reading about Celestia "enforcing harmony" in darker fics now. It's rather tame to see it in that story, and the only mark against it.


Still a Magic CM Scoots and Sweets are both more interesting than Scooting Scoots (Which in the show she does to get around until she's able to fly and be more like her big sister (like Sweets fashion attempts)), and Singing Sweets (since in canon she only likes show tunes, and its somethin she does privately for fun. Rather than something she wants to do with her life.).

Are the chapter names the number of weeks Sweetie's been looping?

Even if you might ignore it I've got to comment on the poem, you might have learned it like that but I have a feeling you didn't READ it like that. It's not meant to be "A tissue" it's "A-tishoo!" as in a sneeze. The song isn't meant to represent a tissue in anyway, that line just alludes to sneezing itself.

Comment posted by ActionPony deleted Nov 10th, 2014

5253231 the line ashes ashes we all fall down since the song I about the Bubonic plague that killed 1/3 of olden day Europe. Ring around the rosey(dont remember the meaning of this line), pockets full of posies(a flower, posies, that doctors used to try and cure it. Religious people thought if they put them in their pockets it would keep them protected), ashes ashes (the burning of the bodies to keep from spreading Bubonic plague), we all fall down(dead, 1/3 of Europe dead). Lots of British nursery rhymes are based on horrible events in their history. London Bridge is falling down was about the Germans invasion of France, and the bombing of Britain.

5245032 it was ashes ashes we all fall down, they burned the dead to prevent the bubonic plague from spreading as much as they could.

I know what it's referring to, I don't know why you're explaining it to me. The first line is referring to a symptom of red circles around the eyes of the victims, the one you are talking about is the american edited version, trust me when I say the way the author has it (changing "a tissue" to "A-Tishoo!") is the common British way. Please research something before trying to correct someone.

5253544 If you continue, I will be forced to start deleting comments. This is turning into an argument, and I have clearly stated not to discuss it.

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