• Published 5th Nov 2014
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A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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“Sweetie Belle, wake up, it’s time for school!” Sweetie opened her eyes, and sighed as she stared at the ceiling. In a corner of her room, Philomena quietly preened herself, preparing to leave via the open window. Closing her eyes, Sweetie let her arms fall on her face, letting the feeling of her fur slowly bring back reality.

“What’s the point,” she mumbled to herself, rolling onto her side to look out the window. Sighing again, Sweetie opened her eyes slightly, watching life pass by outside. It wouldn’t be long before Rarity came upstairs looking for her. Sweetie sat up and looked to her hoof.

“The only way out of the loop is to end the source or find the correct spell to get me out of here. We can experiment all we like but it isn’t going to change anything. It’s time-It’s time to accept this is my life now.” Sweetie hugged herself and bit her lip. After a moment, she stood up, and walked over to her desk as she pulled out a piece of paper. Looking down at it, Sweetie lifted a pen up, and scratched a line through the fifth item.

1: Deal with DT and SS.
2: Get CM, and get friends said CM.
3: Learn every question going to be asked during school so I don’t have to listen during class.
4: Win snowball fight.
5: Get out.
6: Get DT and SS to become CMC.
7: Regain friends

“I should probably add a few more items when I get time, but it might be better to just make a list of things I want to do. Hrm…” Sweetie folded the piece of paper up, and put it in her bag. Pulling out a fresh piece, she mused for a moment, before shaking her head.

“No, I’ll just end up needing to change it again. Alright! Time for something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.” Sweetie beamed a happy smile, and left her room. Philomena took that as her cue, and flew out the window. Sweetie trotted downstairs, and held the note out for Rarity once more.

’Alright, now I just wait for Rarity’s normal reaction...There! Now I can speak.’ Sweetie quickly cut off Rarity, and opened her mouth to speak.

“At midday, somepony is going to come around and take you to Manehattan. I want you to bring me with you.” Sweetie saw the gut-rejection as Rarity denied that ‘even if it was true she would never’. After a moment, Rarity blinked and scratched the back of her head, remembering who she was talking to.

“Well Sweetie Belle, if you really want to do so, it doesn’t hurt me to do so. Just remember to stay close and not go off by yourself.” Rarity smiled as Sweetie nodded enthusiastically, and both shared a quick moment of glee. Rarity upon realising she was going to be showing off her fashion in Manehattan, and Sweetie for finally seeing something new.

Sure enough, the stallion appeared at midday, and the three were off without a second brush of the mane. Sweetie sat down next to Rarity on the train, both quietly discussing what they would be doing while in Manehattan. However, the stallion quickly cut them off.

“I’m afraid Miss Rarity will be too busy organising the fashion shoot to spend time on such activities.” The stallion pulled out a noteboard and handed it to Rarity, who blinked open mouthed at the list on it. Sweetie sighed sadly, now she wouldn’t be able to spend time with her sister. Rarity mused for a moment, before smiling.

“Sweetie Belle, how about we spend one more day in Manehattan so you and I can experience the city sights together?” Rarity winced as Sweetie hugged her tightly, and chuckled, returning the hug just as tightly. Rarity quickly went over the list, working out where there would be time to cut corners and spend a moment or two with Sweetie.

Discarding such thoughts, Rarity realised Sweetie would just be happy to see her working as if she wasn’t with her sister. Rarity frowned, wondering how she knew that, but shrugged it off as intuition. Sweetie looked out the window as the scenery passed, thinking of how much she had been wanting to do this trip.

Getting off the train, they followed the stallion to the hotel they had been assigned, and were given half an hour to settle in. Rarity ordered room service, and they both lounged on the beds for fifteen minutes before Rarity left to get ready. Sweetie smirked, and pulled out her coronation dress from her saddlebags, and quickly got dressed before Rarity was done in the bathroom.

“Oh my!” Rarity fawned over Sweetie’s dress, her amazement only growing when Sweetie explained Rarity herself had made it. It was absolutely perfect for Sweetie in her opinion, the black bringing out the filly’s white vibrantly. Rarity looked to her sister’s hair, and quickly ferreted her into the bathroom so she could make the curls really stand out.

Finished just in time, both bowed to the stallion as he looked at them, gulped, blushing as he turned away. Both sisters giggled, and followed the stallion to the cab, and off to the building the show would be at, so Rarity could get an idea of the scope of her work. As Rarity looked it over, she nodded, this was definitely workable.

“Sweetie Belle, be a dear and help yourself to the hors d'oeuvres while I handle business.” Rarity watched as her sister went over to the table and began to eat delicately. Where had her sister learned how to act fancy, she would never know. Turning, Rarity began working over the details of the decor, designing the place so it would best complement the clothes being shown off.

Sweetie ate slowly, feeling a sense of pride as Rarity sent her an approving glance. Sure, it wasn’t as fun as playing with her friends as doing extreme hang gliding was, but it included a lot less tree sap. In fact, the amount of tree sap was 0 exactly. Giggling at her silent joke, Sweetie took a seat so she could watch her sister work, wondering how she would tackle the decorations.

Sweetie personally thought it needed pink.

A lot of pink.

In fact, paint the whole building pink. That would be perfect.

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