• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,780 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

  • ...

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Sweetie didn’t understand. Was this all the note said? There was nothing more? No sudden clue to her escape? No realisation that would help her cope? Nothing. Sweetie shook her head, no, that couldn't be right. Sweetie had probably misread it. Yeah, that was it, Sweetie was sure of it.

Sweetie read the note a second time, and a third, before scrunching it up and tossing it out her door. Gritting her teeth, she felt like pulling her hair out in frustration. Starswirl knew how to get out, but wasn't telling her. More to the point, he apparently knew why she was looping. Sighing, she flopped backward on her bed, and looked at the ceiling.

“So, he knows why I’m looping. Somepony saved me from that death loop. Magic being lost that I should have access to. There’s no other possible conclusion, somehow Starswirl is behind this.” Sweetie bit her lip, and sighed another time as she relaxed. Closing her eyes, she levitated over her toy Opal, and hugged the doll closely.

“Why me, why couldn’t he have chosen Twilight or somepony else? All I wanted to do was get a Cutie Mark and live out my destiny. And now I can’t. I’m never getting out.” Sweetie bit her lip, drawing blood as it mixed with the tears streaming down her face. Was this to be her life? Was this her punishment for deeds she had done while trying to get her Mark?

“Please, somepony, anypony, help me. I don’t want to watch my friends glare at me anymore. I don’t want to see Ditzy lose her job. I don’t want Rarity to constantly go to Manehattan. I don’t want to know that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are nice behind their bullying. I don’t want pancakes. I want tomorrow.” Sweetie sobbed, hugging her Opal doll tighter.

Suddenly, Opal walked in from the open door, and leapt onto the bed. Purring, she rubbed her body against Sweetie, who opened her tear-stained eyes and glanced to the cat. Opal rubbed her head against Sweetie, who giggled despite her sad mood.

“Stooop Opal,” she whined. “I’m trying to be sad here.” Sweetie shook her head as Opal’s tail swished against her head, and felt a smile fall on her face. Reaching out, Sweetie went to pat Opal, who hissed, and swiped at her. The cat turned, and skulked out the door. Sweetie watched Opal go, the barest hint of a smile still on her face.

“She’s right of course,” she told her Opal doll, looking at it as she rolled onto her back. Raising the doll above her, Sweetie looked at her doll, painstakingly made by her sister to help comfort her. Sweetie nodded, determined, and sat up. Walking over to the mirror, she looked at herself.

“Okay Sweetie, crying isn’t going to solve anything. There’s nothing you can do in your current situation but learn more about what is happening, look for irregularities. But don’t forget to have a little fun. We don’t want ourselves going off the deep end.” Sweetie nodded at her reflection, and smiled.

Turning, she placed her Opal doll on the bed, and removed her saddlebags. Going through her notes, she began to sort them, and then pulled out her very first note. Looking to one of the possible solutions out of the loop, Sweetie smiled, and turned to look toward Philomena's corner of the room, where a jar of money still stood, containing what little remained from her fortune teller loops.

Sweetie began to make a list of materials she would need. First off, plenty of toothpaste. Secondly, she would require the help of at least one Princess. Twilight or Luna would be best. Sweetie was sure Celestia wasn’t one to get her mane dirty if she could help it. Sweetie nodded, toothbrushes as well.

“Oh! I should also do a loop where Time Turner is right, and I help start of heart song about how the world is ending and everypony prepares for it and it turns out it’s a day wrong.” Sweetie giggled, rubbing her hooves together. Writing down her idea, she also mused on events in Ponyville that she hadn’t been a part of, but had heard about.

“I wonder what happens if you Duplicate Parasprites…” Sweetie paused, and smiled. That was something she could even get Celestia in on, and not tell Twilight. Chuckling, Sweetie could imagine the look on Twilight’s face as Parasprites invaded Ponyville when Celestia was visiting for a second time.

“I also have to do Luna’s Prank too now that I think of it.” Sweetie mused for a moment. Once she did it though, she would be obligated to do one for Celestia. It could end up being a multiple loop prank war, with only pictures to prove they had done something. Sweetie bit her lip, it didn’t sound too fun.

“Oh! A Changeling attack! And a-And a Dragon invasion! Oh! I need to learn to fight a dragon! This is so exciting I can’t wait, I mean, eeee-” Sweetie couldn’t help but squee in glee. So many ideas, so much time to enact them. But first, Sweetie had to focus on the first idea.

“Right, time to go shopping.” Sweetie levitated up her jar of bits, and turned, heading downstairs. Smiling, Sweetie wondered just how much toothpaste she could fit in her room. Not to mention she needed to leave enough room so she could breathe during the loop reset, considering Philomena would be there.

“Maybe I should move into the main room…” Sweetie nodded, there was a lot more room there. Loop reset location decided, Sweetie turned, heading for the Toothpaste Emporium. Sweetie had always wondered why this shop existed. But, considering how many earth ponies lived in this town, a shop dedicated to tools to help brush teeth was not that strange.

After all, they had a couch and quill shop.

Author's Note:

In case you still can't read it:

If you are reading this, then you probably ran into my old friend the Changeling
Prince. Quite a cooky fellow by my count, but he means well. I don't think I can
really talk at this point. After all, I'm 97% sure I'm quite insane right now. When
consequences no longer exist, actions that normally seem barbaric are no longer
the case.

So, you're probably reading this due to it being my last entry, and probably had
to go through a lot of trouble to translate it. I really outdid myself with the coding.
It is absolutely perfect, even the princesses couldn't crack it.

So, I will tell you the truth. There is a means to get out. I found it, and I plan to
use it. However, I will not tell you it. The reason for that, I am sure you will find in
time. After all, I know why you are looping, even if you do not.

So, if you are in a time loop, relax, let go of your inhibitions, put on a good show.
You're not getting out.

Trust me.

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