• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,781 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

  • ...

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Sweetie Belle blushed uncontrollably as she tried to hide behind her milkshake. Glancing from the corner of her eyes at Snails, she saw he was also blushing. Unsure how to feel about that, her blush deepened. Sipping her drink, she didn’t even notice when she reached the bottom. Snails scratched the back of his head, and gave an unsure smile.

“Uh, want another milkshake?” Snails looked around, not sure how he was supposed to treat this. He knew it was a date, but what exactly was he expected to do on a date? All Snails knew was that he had had be polite, and pay for everything. At least, that’s what Snips said you did, he had told Snails how to act during lunch.

“Oh, uh, no ‘mfine.” Sweetie stopped hiding behind her milkshake, and forced herself to smile at Snails. Glancing away, she wondered if she should suggest an activity. Her hair itched as she gave another shaky smile. Snails looked toward the window, eyes picking out the sign that indicated their bowling alley.

“Oh! That’s right.” Snails turned, a cheerful idea bursting on his face. Tilting her head, Sweetie forgot her nervousness for a moment, following his hoof as he pointed out the window. The bowling alley? Watching it, she saw groups going in and out of it. Despite its centralised location, it wasn’t a common hangout for younger ponies.

“Snips and I often get free games there because my parents run the place. I could get us a free game, I mean if you want.” Looking at the table, Snails bit his lip. As he reached over to finish off his milkshake, Sweetie was struck by how awkward Snails was. Without the eager hoof of Snips to guide him, the more easygoing personality of Snails was given time to shine.

“Sure, sounds like fun. But my Cutie Mark isn’t a bowling mark, so uh,” she trailed off as she looks out the window. Blinking, Snails looked to Sweetie, widening his eyes as he realised she looked almost excited at the prospect. Gulping, he took a breath, and smiled, standing up and holding out a hoof, hoping Sweetie would take it.

“Uh...-D-don’t worry, they have these little railing things so that people who aren’t good can still have some fun. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Snails was awkwardly smiling as he held out his hoof. Giggling, Sweetie was struck by how silly he was standing. Taking his hoof, she slid out of the seat, and gave an eager smile.

“Sure! Let’s go!” Humming cheerfully, she was slowly escorted toward the bowling alley. Closing her eyes, she began to skip along too. Snails watched this closely, the blush not leaving his face as he gulped. Thoughts trying to ignore the feeling in his chest, he wondered why Sweetie had picked him over Snips, considering he was more in the background compared to Snips.

“Oh hey Snailsy, what are you doing here at work? Where’s your little Snips friend?” Blinking back to reality, Snails realised they were already at the counter. Sweetie rocked back and forth eagerly on her hooves. Looking to his mother, he tried to hide his blush as he looked to Sweetie.

“Uh, well, you see, uhm. This is SwEE-tie Belle, a friend at my s-school. And I decided to hang out with her today. But we ah, don’t have bowling cutie marks so uh if you could do the thing that makes it so we can…” Speaking rapidly, Snails tried to explain in a constant mumble what he wanted. The mother chuckled, looking to Sweetie with a wink. Blinking, Sweetie tilted her head, and then blushed and looked away herself.

“No problem dear, you have fun. I’ve cleared lane 7 for you, mmkay~?” Cheerfully, the mother began to bounce around the small area behind the counter, humming a merry tune. Turning, Sweetie gasped, seeing these small mini-railings hide the drains at the sides of lane 7. That’s what they were called, right?

“T-Thanks,” muttered Snails in response, following Sweetie meekly toward the lane. The mother quickly popped by to provide a ramp device, explaining that they could use it if they wanted. Sweetie declined, knowing she wasn’t going to be as destructive as Apple Bloom. Picking out a light bowling ball, she watched as Snails did the same.

“L-Ladies first,” he spoke, hiding behind his bowling ball. Giggling, Sweetie approached the lane, furrowing her brow. Gripping the ball in her magic, she rolled it forward with a decent amount of strength. It jumped slightly, and rolled forward in the lane, hitting the railings before taking out half the pins.

“Oh my gosh! Did you see that?” Turning, Sweetie gripped Snails eagerly, excited by the fact she had managed to hit some. Mumbling, he quietly congratulated her, and she sniggered, picking up her ball for the second shot. Or at least, she thought that was how it worked. Taking out a few more pins, she was proud of her score, and moved aside to let Snails have a turn.

Gripping the ball in his mouth instead of his magic, Snails tossed it, watching it head toward one side. Ping ponging down the lane, it hit right in the center, taking out nearly all the pins. Glancing back, his ear flickered as Sweetie clapped him, giving a bright smile. Turning away, he gulped, and got ready for his second shot. Unsurprisingly, he missed.

Time passed quickly, and soon both's awkwardness gave way to pure fun.The score was close for most of the game, with Sweetie even scoring a lucky strike once! As the final ball rolled down the lane, Snails won by merely 3 pins. Looking around, both realised they were the only two remaining.

“Here, I cooked you some tea, and I called your sister Sweetie to tell her where you are. She said it’s fine to stay over tonight if you want.” Giving a warm smile, the mother led the two over to a table, and placed some hayfries down. Retreating with mentions of dessert to follow, the two quickly dug in.

“So what does your Mark mean Sweetie Belle?” Taking a bite of his food, Snails used his weak magic to pick them up. His mother had told him to practice his magic at every meal, it was almost habit by now. Pausing in her own food, Sweetie tilted her head, frowning.

“Well, it’s sorta hard to explain. I got it by helping a mare with a music Cutie Mark realise her full potential. As I listened, my horn suddenly came to life, and I learned this spell that allowed me to sorta see the notes? I don’t think it’s simply relating to just music though. I guess the best way to describe it is my talent is uh, bringing out the best in others?” Shrugging, she returned to eating.

“Have you tried using it on somepony who doesn’t have a music Cutie Mark?” Curious, he leaned forward and motioned with one hoof. Shaking her head, Sweetie sighed, taking another bite of her food. No, she hadn’t. Really, it was something she should have tried, but for some reason she hadn’t wanted to really explore her talent. After all, what was the point?

“Well if you want, you could try it on me tomorrow. I’ve gotta go help out Fluttershy, and it isn’t that far out of our way after school.” Giving a cheerful smile, Snails waited for Sweetie’s response. However, her reaction caught him by surprise, was that...trepidation?

“Oh, sure, sounds like fun,” she replied, giving a beaming smile after a moment. Finishing their food, they gasped as dessert came out, ice cream, and dug in. Conversation quickly dissolved into small talk. All the while, Sweetie couldn’t help but shake the fear that her mark really was only for music.

Only for helping one specific type of pony, and never herself or others.

“Hey Fluttershy, I hope you don’t mind me bringing Sweetie with me.” Walking close beside each other, they greeted Fluttershy with bright smiles. Looking between them, she gave a loving smile and shook her head, leading the way along a dirt path around her cottage.

“Not at all Snails. Just remember to be careful with the snakes, they’re a bit testy because it’s getting close to winter.” As they walked around, Sweetie noticed a medium sized cave covered in moss behind Fluttershy’s house. Pulling the moss to one side, she let them in, and flew off to tend to the other animals.

“Snakes?” Looking around, Sweetie realised the entire cave was infested with many creepy crawlies. Rapidly backpedaling, it was only Snails grabbing her by the hoof that stopped her from fleeing instantly. Looking at Sweetie calmly, he held a hoof to his mouth.

“Don’t worry Sweetie, they won’t hurt you. Just be quiet or you’ll startle them.” After a moment, he blushed and rapidly let go. Breathing in, Sweetie forced herself to remain standing in the cave, and watched Snails make his way through it.

“This is my talent Sweetie. I’m not so good at the bigger creatures, but bugs, snakes, and snails are creatures I can talk to. This is what my Mark means.” Glancing to her, Snails waited as Sweetie gulped once more, shaking as she imagined the thousands of creatures on the roof falling on her.

“Sorry, I should have warned you first.” Turning, Snails began to help Sweetie out of the cave slowly. Once outside, she hugged herself and shook. Muttering uncontrollably, she couldn’t help but wish she was all the way in Canterlot and far far away from this cave. Pausing, she noticed how sad Snails looked, and breathed in.

“Just...give me a moment here. I-I’ll try again.” No, there was no way Sweetie was going to give up at such a simple hurdle. It was unexpected yes, but she needed to at least tolerate this. If she really did like Snails, she needed to be able to accept every part of what he really was, even it it involved bugs.

“You don’t have to if you…” Trailing off, Snails noticed the look of determination on Sweetie. Waiting, he watched as she stood up, breathed in, and looked him straight in the eyes. Nodding once, he once more led her inside the cave. Looking around, Sweetie forced herself to remain in the cave, and focused on Snails instead of the bugs around her.

“I won’t be long, I just need to check on some of the more temperamental bugs.” Walking slowly through the cave, Snails avoided stepping on anything with ease. Watching this, Sweetie bit her lip, concentrating as she tried to recast the spell she had learned upon getting her Mark. It took a few tries of it fizzling out, but eventually her horn glowed softly, and she looked to Snails.

Blinking, Sweetie was struck by the calming aura Snails was giving off as he interacted with the insects. As he radiated it, they flocked to him. The more that flocked, the stronger the sensation grew. Snails was subconsciously maintaining a field of positive emotion that both soothed and invited.

Canceling the spell, Sweetie looked to the insects around her, realising she wasn’t as frightened of them as she had been a few moments ago. Was that the effect of those like Fluttershy and Snails? Did they simply have a calming presence that ponies needed? Kindness, Sweetie realised, they both radiated Kindness.

Snails said he can’t handle the larger creatures. Does that mean Fluttershy has an even stronger field?’ It made sense, she supposed, considering Fluttershy was an Element bearer. Blinking, she realised she had been so absorbed in her observations, that Snails was looking at her with worry.

Leaving the cave, Sweetie smiled warmly, understanding Snails a little better than before. Glancing to the setting sun, they begin to head back to town.

“So, did your spell reveal anything?” Curious as ever, Snails was rewarded by a nod, and Sweetie turned, giving him a warm smile. Struck by impulse, she gave him a light peck on the cheek before skipping ahead to cover the bright red blush covering her face. After it had calmed down, she glanced back to see Snails hadn’t even moved.

My Celestia, what do I even describe him with?’ As Snails began to follow meekly, Sweetie resumed walking, examining her feelings. Beating as it was, her heart was causing her no small measure of worry. It was almost like it was sinking in her chest, she glanced toward Snails, feeling it ease slightly.

“See ya Snails,” she spoke as it was finally time to go their separate ways. Snails chuckled, waving goodbye as she skipped merrily away.

“See you tomorrow Sweetie!”


Sweetie froze in her tracks, and looked back as Snails walked away.

“...Don’t go,” she whispered, tears starting to fall down her face.

Sweetie couldn’t bear to see Snails, so she hid in her room. Thursday passed quickly, and as Friday ticked by all she could do was cry. Why had she thought this was a good idea? She was going to lose them for a second time now. The pain in her heart as she constantly remembered over and over again seeing them all turn to dust was crushing.

And so, Sweetie’s time ticked by as she huddled in her blankets, unwilling to face the reality that Snails would not remember in a few hours. Why had she thought this would be a good idea? Not only was she still alone, she now had more heartache. Clenching her eyes shut, she heard the clock tick, and cried herself to sleep.

Author's Note:

We're back! Every 2nd day for now, I need to get back into the swing of things.

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