• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,780 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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Author's Note:

Dear Princess Celestia,

What have I done?

A ghostly image of Sweetie Belle walked by, entering a hotel. Watching this, the real Sweetie Belle found herself able to float, and glided up to the room. Looking in the window, she watched as multiple versions of her worked on certain stuff in the bedroom. The window opened, and one sailed right through Sweetie, giving her a shudder, despite the lack of sensation.

Looking around, Sweetie followed the ghost as it began its path back to Ponyville. There were multiple versions heading in this direction, and all scattered upon arrival. Watching three in particular, she realised they were from sixteen or so Loops ago. Turning, Sweetie flew toward her room, looking inside.

One version of her was choking, another was watching a teddybear vanish, another was sobbing over some ash piles. Going through the wall, Sweetie entered the hallway, looking toward Opal. For some reason, there were ghostly versions of Opal as well. One ghost in particular, drew her attention. Glancing between this one, and the version of her that was choking, she noticed their outlines seemed more solid. Was this due to the number of times she went through that death Loop?

Opal’s paw rose, and a thread of magic sailed out of it. Watching it, Sweetie looked as it shattered the invisible wall, sailing past her, and re-entered at the window. The window was flung open, seemingly slow from wherever Sweetie was, and the door opened. The magic dissipated, and the shattered reality quickly returned to normal. Turning, Sweetie continued on her way.

Flying out of the house, Sweetie hovered over the town, before heading into the Everfree. Going to the cave containing the Tree of Harmony, Sweetie saw a version of herself she didn’t recognise. The strangest thing was that she was following Opal. Landing, Sweetie followed them into the cave.

They seemed to be speaking about something, but Sweetie couldn’t hear them. After a moment, the ghost Sweetie concentrated, getting her horn to spark. Opal placed a paw on it, and began to glow. Unable to hear anything, Sweetie watched as both rose into the air, magic crackling around them. And then the ghost version of her vanished.

“Welcome,” a voice spoke behind her. Turning, Sweetie took in the fact that this Opal wasn’t ghostly in the slightest. The eyes betrayed a measure of intelligence, and the position Opal was sitting in was anything but cat-like. At least, until the moment Opal began cleaning herself. Watching this, Sweetie still couldn’t form words.

“Take your time my dear, we have plenty.” Rubbing her face with a paw, Opal began to slowly change into a more equine shape. Soon enough, there was no doubt at who was behind this, and who he had been disguised as. White beard reaching nearly to the ground, Cutie Mark of stars on a swirl, it was enough to break Sweetie out of her stupor.

“Starswirl,” she spoke, taking a step back. The stallion gave a slow nod, and didn’t move from where he was standing. Looking left and right, Sweetie noticed a version of herself running toward the forest to battle a Chimera. Looking back to Starswirl, she noticed him turn, and walk away. Following, their hoofsteps was the only sound for a long while.

“I applaud you for surviving as long as you did. Dealing with that much concentration of magic is quite a feat.” As they walked, Sweetie noticed how much wildlife they passed, ghostly images that tendrils of magic weaved around. Still unable to find the words, she remained silent. Something was rising up inside her, it only required a little more baiting.

“Don’t rush it, it will come. I am sure the many questions about the brilliance of my plan will be at the forefront of your mind.” Tilting his head, Starswirl led them to Twilight’s Castle, and walked over to a specific ghost version of Sweetie.

“Uh, no, my first question is about-” As Sweetie was cut off, her eyes narrowed.

“About what these ghosts are, yes? They’re the previous Loops, as you've probably deduced. I can even show you what other ponies were doing when you weren’t around. You might be the centre of the Time Loop, but you’re not the center of their world. But let’s move onto my plan, shall we, I mean even you will be blown away by it, I’m sure.” Chuckling, Starswirl gave an eager smile.

“No I-” Once more, Sweetie was cut off.

“Alright, I’ll show you. You pushed me into it though, remember.” Lowering his horn, he touched it to the ghost, and the entire scene lit up. Sweetie found herself the ghostly form this time.

“So how are we going to stop that filly from going insane? All loop stories show that it is only a matter of time.” Watching the conversation, it took Sweetie a few moments to remember this Loop. It was the one Rarity had given her the Opal doll in. Sighing, she closed her eyes, disappointed to find out they had been planning for it so early.

“No, I want to know-” Getting cut off again, Sweetie’s eye began to twitch.

“Know what? Spit it out already, we’re wasting time that could be better spent explaining my plan. I mean yes, we have a lot of it my dear, and yes this place doesn’t exactly have a sense of time, but you really-” he continued speaking, and Sweetie slammed a hoof down, cutting him off.

“Why?” Sweetie spoke, turning toward Starswirl. The scene faded back to a ghostly version, and silence returned. Tilting his head, Starswirl seemed confused as to what Sweetie was talking about. Lowering her horn, she slammed her hooves down, and repeated her question.

“Why? Why! WHY! Why did you do this to me!” Anger finally burning, Sweetie approached Starswirl, features twisted by anger. Taking a single step back, he regarded her evenly for a moment, and then opened his mouth to respond. However, when no sound came from his mouth, and a simple shrug followed, Sweetie snapped.

Diving at him, she shouted bloody murder, magic coming to her horn like air. However, the moment she tried to use it, pain exploded inside her head, and she fell to the floor, sliding to a stop in front of Starswirl. Leaning over her, he raises an eyebrow.

“I would not advise using magic in your current state. I may be suppressing it for the moment, but it is still trapped inside you. At least, for now.” Stepping back, Starswirl avoided a hoof aimed at his head, and watched as Sweetie leapt to her feet, diving toward him. As her hoof sailed right through him, she thudded onto the ground, sliding slightly from the force of her own swing.

“You can’t hurt me here either my dear, time doesn’t exist in this plane. It is only through my own genius that we even come to stand here.” Motioning to the ghosts around them Starswirl seemed smug about it. Growling, Sweetie cried out in frustration, and tried to punch Starswirl regardless. After a solid five minutes, Starswirl sighed.

“I was hoping you would be more agreeable than this, I suppose that was wishful thinking on my part.” With a swish of his tail, Starswirl levitated Sweetie into the air, where she was unable to do anything. Struggling still, she howled in anger, eventually settling into a glare. Folding her arms, she focused on trying to find a way out of her predicament.

“Much better. Now you are somewhat complacent, do you have any questions? I mean, beyond the very concept as to why I have truncated your week.” Raising an eyebrow, Starswirl let Sweetie down, and once more began to walk. With no real way to hurt him, Sweetie begrudgingly followed.

“How,” was the first question she decided upon. As they walked, various ghost forms of her passed by, and Sweetie got a good look at the differences between a younger version of herself, and a recent version of herself. The contrast was striking; how contracted her irises were, the small ear twitch her later version had.

“In the first instance, my instance, I planned on becoming immortal, as I know you know. However, instead of becoming immortal, it is the world that became immortal around me. That is the danger with creating your own magic spell, you see. Shall I repeat my finished spell?” Glancing to Sweetie, he didn’t even pause long enough for her to nod.

“From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled. Transference of power to one more fitting, bring me time eternal, permitting.” Voice almost singsong as he spoke, Starswirl seemed to smile, and an ethereal breeze ruffled his hair. Tilting her head, Sweetie tried to decipher the spell. Starswirl chuckled, continuing on his walk.

“Of course, with magic you have to be more specific. Oh the spell transferred magic to me alright, and I was given time eternal. But alas, I was forced into the situation you see yourself in.” Motioning to a ghostly image of Sweetie talking to the CMC, Sweetie considered this, and followed.

“I won’t bore you with the details, let me simply say there was someone in the position I am currently in. We had a delightful chat, discussed the finer points of our goal, and decided our current iteration was not satisfactory enough to perform it.

“So that left us with the course of action whereupon we discovered that by using the power I had obtained during the iterations to create a hole in the magic to escape through. Thus, we began the search for a suitable unicorn by transferring to-” As Starswirl spoke, Sweetie found herself managing to understand nothing, and yet everything. It was hurting her head, and not in the regular way.

“-It wasn’t too bad being a rat for that lifetime. We got plenty of cheese, even if we lost quite a few brain cells because of it. After that we became a-” Was Starswirl really going into detail about all his lives now? Groaning, Sweetie’s ears flicked backward, alerting Starswirl to the fact his audience wasn’t entertained.

“-And that uh, eventually brought us to the present life, where we took over a young feline called Opalescence. Upon seeing your poor skill in magic, we knew you were whom we were looking for, close enough to be usable with the Elements active, so we engaged plan Delta, and waited for the time you were of sufficient age. Does that answer how sufficiently enough for you?” Looking to Sweetie, Starswirl came to a stop as she did so.

“Operation Delta?” The name sent chills down Sweetie’s spine, and she couldn’t fathom why. Her head throbbed again, and she put of hoof to it, frowning. Why was her head all foggy? For some reason, Starswirl smiled at this.

“Well, how do you think we made you into a potential Element bearer my dear?” The smile on Starswirl’s face faded, and he tilted his head in question. Absorbing this information, Sweetie gripped her head, the fog growing stronger inside it. What was going on? Why did he keep saying ‘we’ like Luna?

“Split personalities…” Realisation dawning, Sweetie cried out as the fog cleared, and she felt it. Something, a part of her she had never known existed. The drive for new, the drive for fun, was it all because of that? Shuddering, she felt a disconnect, and slumped, unable to comprehend reality.

“Correct, my dear. We are...a lot more alike than you know.” Flashes came to her at Starswirl’s words. Discord mentioning Starswirl, being able to pretend to be him just from reading a few letters. Was it? Could it? No, no she couldn’t believe it. There was no possible way.

“I don’t believe you! I am Sweetie Belle!” Standing up, she took a battle stance, and shouted at Starswirl. Watching her, he shrugged, as if her words made little impact. Taken aback, she took a more neutral stance. Turning, Starswirl began to head out of Ponyville, following the train tracks.

“I am me,” she spoke softly, letting the doubt creep into her words. Trotting after Starswirl, she shook her head rapidly, discarding it. An identity crisis would have to wait, she had more important things to worry about. As they walked, Sweetie considered her next question carefully.

“What exactly is it you plan to do?” As they walked, Sweetie noticed Starswirl looking toward the sun, where it shimmered in a ghostly light. Making surprising time, they were already in Canterlot. Looking around, Sweetie realised they were heading towards where she had exited the Loop.

“I plan to bring everypony into their own immortality by using the black hole you created as the epicenter of the Loop. This means, since black holes cannot feel pain, that it will be able to both absorb and maintain the spell so long as we provide it fuel.” Beaming proudly, Starswirl smiled, expecting Sweetie to understand and marvel at his genius. Naturally, this didn’t happen.

“You’re doing WHAT?!” Standing in front of Starswirl’s path, Sweetie’s eye twitched. This entire plan was insane, and he expected her to congratulate him for it? Just what in Equestria was wrong with this pony? Slowly, Starswirl’s smile faded.

“You want to put everypony into this torture? Do you realise how insane that sounds?” Glaring at him, Sweetie had no idea which part she should criticise first. Chuckling, Starswirl merely shook his head.

“No, it’s not insane my dear. You see, if I dip a thin rope of magic into the black hole, I can-” As Starswirl went on, Sweetie’s eye twitch got worse and worse. Eventually, she could take it no more, and she screamed loudly out of frustration.

“Do you even realise what you’re going to be putting them through, what I went through? Don’t you remember YOUR Loop? Wake up Starswirl! How is this a solution?” Screaming at him might not have had much effect, but it did make Sweetie feel slightly better. What would have really made her feel better, however, would be to really knock some sense into him.

“I assumed you knew this already, but very well. If you haven’t had enough, I suppose I can explain a small measure more.” Clearing his throat, Starswirl tapped his foot a few times, and then smiled.

“Well, I made a promise to share eternity with everypony. And not just simply being able to live forever, but being able to see everything, hear everything. While I was in my Loop, I came to the realisation that even if we lived forever, outside factors would prevent us from seeing and hearing everything.” Looking to the sky, Starswirl put a hoof to his beard, beginning to stroke it.

“So in reality, my promise was realised, I did discover the true immortality. Once everypony is in their own personalised Loop, with access to the archive of the Loop, we will have achieved both parts of the promise. And with everyone aware of it, I won’t have to worry about policing the Loops like I did with yours.” Nodding twice, Starswirl regarded Sweetie, raising an eyebrow.

“Wait, policing?” A cold chill passed through Sweetie as Starswirl teleported them back to Ponyville, and pointed to the room. Magic on his horn, time rewound to a minute after midnight, and Sweetie blinked, seeing the thread of magic weaving around all her friends that she had brought into the room.

“You were behind that?” Tears stinging her eyes, she turned toward Starswirl. Giving a nod, Sweetie tried to grab him, and found her hooves pass through him. Anguish in her voice, she sobbed into the ground.

“Why, why would you do that? Why did you put me through all this!” Unable to do anything, Sweetie found herself even unable to cry, tears unable to leave. Still, she sobbed, and for a moment, Starswirl hesitated. Looking around, he pursed his lip, and crouched down, putting a hoof under Sweetie’s chin. Using his magic, he slowly lifted her head up so their eyes met.

“Come now, you won’t remember it once all this is over, what use is there crying over it?” Giving an encouraging smile, Starswirl stepped back as Sweetie tried to break free. Standing up, she narrowed her eyes.

“What?” Eye twitching, Sweetie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“You won’t remember it. Once everypony is inside, I’ll wipe your memory, meaning none of this ever happened.” Smiling warmly, Starswirl motioned to the room, and walked outside. Following, Sweetie stood in front of him, unable to really do anything to stop him. Thankfully, Starswirl paused.

“You think wiping it away erases the amount of pain you’ve caused me!?” Glaring at him, Sweetie wished she had some way to expel the volcano erupting inside her. Calmly, Starswirl pointed toward a house Sweetie recognised, raising an eyebrow.

“Like how the Loops erased the pain you caused that music pony?” Shaking his head, Starswirl walked around Sweetie, continuing on his way. Frozen, Sweetie realised he was right. Looking at the town, her mind scanned her memories, remembering everything she had done, and went blank.

“I-but…” Unable to make a counter argument, Sweetie watched as Starswirl walked away.

“Hypocrisy paints us all a terrible color, my dear. Please take your high horse elsewhere when trying to rationalise what you believe in.” As he walked away, Starswirl failed to see Sweetie’s eyes widen.

“He was preparing me for this…” Speaking softly to herself, Sweetie gave a short laugh, catching Starswirl’s attention. Glancing back, he raised an eyebrow. Looking at him, Sweetie stood proud, and declared her words.

“Even if I won’t remember it, you will! And even if you don’t, that doesn’t change the importance of those memories. I may have done terrible things in the Loops, I won’t deny that. But wiping my memory of them does not make that time vanish, even in an immortal space. This is my life, for better or for worse.” Smiling, Sweetie sent out a silent thanks to her Dragon friend. Thorak had come through for her.

“Hrm,” muttered Starswirl, considering this as he stroked his beard. After a few moments, he shrugged, and turned his back to Sweetie once more, beginning to walk once more.

“Very well, you can keep your memories when this is over. Regardless, the pain I caused is vastly outweighed by the final result. If that is everything, we really should begin.” Horn lighting up, Starswirl lifted up Sweetie, leading them to the center of Ponyville. Unable to get out of his magic, Sweetie struggled vainly.

“No! You can’t do this! No one wants this!” Crying out, Sweetie risked magic, and shuddered as pain once more hit her. Ignoring it, she tried to cast a spell, and only managed sparks. Glancing back, Starswirl seemed mildly surprised by this display, but quickly shook it off.

“No one wants immortality? I suppose you are right, no one would consider it possible, so no one would wish for it.” Nodding to himself, Starswirl placed Sweetie down in front of the Tree of Harmony, and drew a star in the space with his magic. Struggling, Sweetie cried out for help, knowing no one could.

“Paxagick Foaxaldow Chaxalswilr, ug whaxavo pit signibicaxank faxaraxanco eb he'ep-axapt ewick.” There was a shattering sound, and the Draconequus flew in, knocking Starswirl away with his tail as he plucked Sweetie up in his claws. As they flew away, a bolt of magic curled around his tail, bringing Starswirl along for the ride. Discord brought Sweetie close to his face.

“Sadly I can’t do much in the current circumstances, but I wish you the best of luck.” Kissing Sweetie on the horn, Discord tossed her away, and flipped onto his back, raising a fist to try and hit Starswirl. Starswirl’s magic crushed Discord, and he flew out the hole he had created, which Starswirl repaired without another word.

“Right, let’s get this done before he has a chance to barge in again.” Gripping Sweetie, Starswirl slammed her back onto the star, and sent a beam of magic straight at the Elements. They glowed brightly, and a rainbow began to swirl around the star. Stepping inside the rainbow, Starswirl smiled mockingly.

“And we’re off!”

“Welcome to the aetherial plane my dear.” Bowing his head, Starswirl released Sweetie from his magic. Looking around Sweetie could see various star-like twinkles floating around them. There seemed to be a glowing light that kept the blue around them a shimmering aqua color. There seemed to be floating screens casually floating around as well.

“If where we were is considered a place where time doesn’t exist, this is where time converges. It is also where we will be casting the final spell to complete my dream. Well ‘we’ being more you in this case.” Chuckling to himself, Starswirl turned toward Sweetie. Trying to take a step back, Sweetie yelped as a sharp pain travelled down her side.

“I’m not doing anything for you!” Glaring, Sweetie tried to move again, and felt another spike of pain. Looking herself over, there was a glowing line in the color of her eyes traveling down her neck and into the ground. Narrowing her eyes at Starswirl, Sweetie saw the magic enveloping his horn.

“Well, it’s a very good thing you don’t have to do anything.” Giving a gentle smile, Starswirl closed his eyes as he approached. Biting her lip, Sweetie leaned back as far as she could without moving, looking around desperately for something she could use. Lowering his horn, Starswirl tried to touch it to Sweetie’s, who instinctively dodged it, bring up a hoof to try and knock him away,

Surprisingly, her hoof connected, sending Starswirl falling to the floor. Blinking in surprise, Sweetie watched as Starswirl got up, and narrowed his eyes. Charging at Sweetie, he held her down with his magic. Struggling, Sweetie found her body phased through it with little resistance, and she got another solid hit off on Starswirl.

“How could somepony so inadvertently insane have the sense to counter the magic of time with chaos!? That old fashioned, ill brained, insane, ludicrous, two-bit brain of a monster!” Shouting in anger, Starswirl shattered one of the screens, snorting as he faced Sweetie. Magic powering to a second level, he fired a binding spell at Sweetie.

“Now, I won’t claim to be as smart as you or Twilight, and I have no clue what time and chaos have in common, but there is one thing I know well. And that simple fact is this: I can hit you now.” Blocking the binding spell, Sweetie winced as pain throbbed for a moment. Smiling, she looked Starswirl in the eyes, and prepared for a fight.

“You’re gonna fight me? While experiencing excruciating pain from the forced transfer?” Snorting, Starswirl nearly broke into laughter. However, instinct prevailed enough that he had the good sense to move his head as a beam of magic sailed past. A sharp stab of pain came, and Sweetie winced, and broke into a big smile.

“This is barely even Loop 15 level of pain. If this is all the magic is going to hurt, then I will gladly ignore it for the chance to really punch you in the face. Because sometimes, somepony really deserves a punch in the face.” Charging her horn, Sweetie fired off another bolt of energy, and Starswirl narrowed his eyes.

“Very well, if it is a fight you want, you shall have it.” Waving his horn in a circle, a star shape appeared in the air. Beneath them, earth began to appear, followed by tall winding trees. Around them, the landscape vanished into mountains, and the stars became further away. Standing atop a hill, Starswirl bowed his head. Ladies first.

Rising slightly into the air, Sweetie’s connection to the ground ended, causing a sharp jab of pain that quickly faded. Learning this fact, Sweetie switched her magic to creating wings and placing a shield over herself. Rising further into the air, she closed her eyes, spreading her wings wide as she called upon an instinctive link to the aetheric plane.

Rise for me on winds of ice, dancing swords for a fight, you must. Calling upon the ancient powers, protect us while you also empower.” Voice layered with magic, she felt it swirl around her, magic draining from her horn and forming a whirlwind of snow around her.

“Arise!” Flapping her wings once, the snow seemed to shatter around her, revealing ten blades of ice swirling around her. Looking to them, Sweetie turned her attention to Starswirl, ready. Raising an eyebrow, he shrugged, and touched his horn to the earth. Without warning, a large root lifted him up into the air, level with Sweetie. A tree grew around him, leaving only small holes where he could be seen through.

Magic flaring, the fight began. Sweetie forced off fire from her horn, gliding around the tree as her swords remained poised, but out of the fire. Magic drained from her horn constantly, powering both her shield and a spell to maintain the swords. As the tree began to burn, a large glow came from inside, and Starswirl teleported out of it.

Turning, Sweetie deflected the blade of wood, backflipping out of the way of Starswirl’s second attack. Flaring her wings, she dove into the sky as a ball of fire came for her. Raising her horn, she fired off ten bolts of gray magic that curled around, aiming for Starswirl. Dodging most, Starswirl deflected the remaining with a shield conjured from his horn.

The magic impacted on his back, having homed in on him once he’d dodged. Falling forward, Starswirl landed on the ground, and dove into the air, another root springing from the ground. Landing on it, more and more platforms rose around him. Breathing in, Starswirl leaned back. A large sound crashed into Sweetie’s ears, and she turned to look behind her.

Rising into the air, Sweetie watched as the tsunami rose with her, and scowled. Magic curling around her horn, the air froze, her swords spreading out to form a bubble of water around her. Freezing, the ice shield was complete, and Sweetie let herself fall, backflipping into a dive and aiming for Starswirl.

The wave hit, and demolished most of the trees, leaving the branch Starswirl was standing on. Gritting his teeth, he conjured a shield of fire, and exploded it outward, demolishing both the wave and Sweetie’s shield. A single sword of ice appearing, Sweetie aimed it at Starswirl, aiming for serious injury.

Pure magic formed around Starswirl, and erupted outward, knocking Sweetie to the ground. Eyes glowing with power, Starswirl’s horn gained a third layer of magic, and the earth beneath Sweetie began to shake. Leaping to her feet, she teleported into the air just as a large crevice formed where she had been, and slammed closed a moment later.

"Earth crumble before me! Bow to power and obliterate my enemies!" The mountain rose into the air as Starswirl vibrated with a crackling energy. For a brief moment, Sweetie’s mouth opened in shock. That moment was interrupted when the mountain began to sail toward her, and Sweetie teleported higher into the air.

Eyes widening, Sweetie had time to see the mountain switch directions immediately, heading for her. Slamming into it, Sweetie heard something crack, and cried out in pain as her shield also fizzled out. Gasping, she felt gravity begin to take effect, and noticed she was on the bottom, with the ground racing toward them. If she didn’t move, she would be crushed.

“Arrgh!” Charging her horn, Sweetie’s eyes glowed with power, and a lance of pure magic came from her horn. Doing a flip with her wings, Sweetie sliced straight through the mountain, causing it to separate. Flaring her wings, she flew through it. Narrowing her eyes, she flew as fast as she could, growing a cone as the mountain tried to close her inside it.

Slipping through the top, Sweetie felt her tail lose a few hairs, and caught her breath for a moment, checking her injuries. Magic quickly examining her body, she was cut off from determining what had caused it as the mountain rose around her once more. Gritting her teeth, Sweetie teleported to Starswirl, swords forming around her, and aimed for his neck.

Starswirl teleported away, discarding the mountain. It crashed into the ground, raining debris around them. Sweetie growled, teleporting just as Starswirl teleported away, and got fed up with it. Magic charging, she gained another aura on her horn, and screamed the words of power.

"Shatter the millions and shock the world! Find the slippery and stop their heart!" There were crackling sounds, and bolts of lightning exploded outward. Starswirl teleported rapidly, avoiding the bolts as they trailed him like dogs on a trail. Throwing up a shield, Starswirl cried out in pain as the lightning sliced through it like butter, shocking him. Most of the shock went into the tree he was standing on, but he was still damaged by it.

"Blazing wings of molten fire, eyes of malice intelligent pyre. ARISE!"” Fire bursting out of his horn, the trees around him exploded into ash. Flying higher, Sweetie’s eyes widened as she watched a dragon form out of fire. Roaring, the entire plane seemed to heat up.

Narrowing her eyes, Sweetie reformed her ice blades, preparing for a fight. Starswirl stood absolutely still inside the foot of the dragon, horn glowing with incredible power. Narrowing her eyes, Sweetie dived at the dragon, avoiding a claw, and sliced directly through it. It roared, turning to breathe fire on her. Freezing temperatures folding around her, Sweetie dove through the fire, rising above the dragon.

Wings flaring, her horn erupted in a torrent of water, causing steam to obscure her location as she turned the dragon into steam. Whittling it down, Sweetie dived for Starswirl, swords aiming directly for him. Grabbed in his magic, Sweetie was tossed to the ground as the earth around them vanished.

“Enough! This is a pointless fight! We are too evenly matched.” Raising a hoof, Starswirl looked Sweetie seriously in the eyes. Standing up, her horn buzzed with energy, but she didn’t attack. Breathing out, Starswirl sat down, closing his eyes and rubbing his chest. Sweetie didn’t let her guard down.

“Right, we need to figure out a conclusion to this. Do you agree?” Raising an eyebrow, Starswirl seemed completely at ease. Slowly, Sweetie returned to a more neutral standing position, magic still hovering on her horn. Rolling his eyes, Starswirl tended to his injury. Begrudgingly, Sweetie took the chance to do the same.

“Right, here is what I propose; you provide one valid reason why ponies should not be given eternal life, and I shall concede.” Shrugging, Starswirl levitated up one of the glass screens, one decrypting Sweetie reading his note. Pulling it out of the screen, he concentrated, blasting it with a bolt of magic.

“Here, the truth hidden behind the cipher.” Levitating it out, Starswirl waited patiently as Sweetie read it. Folding it up, she rubbed her temple, and sighed. Folding her arms, she considered this information, and discarded it. Starswirl’s reasons did not change her opinion. she just had to justify it.

“Well…” Raising her head, Sweetie racked her brain for an answer, one that wouldn’t be disputed. Thinking back on her Loops, Sweetie came up with a single word; boredom. Pursing her lip, she looked to Starswirl. A hint of uncertainty in her voice, she tried to string along a reasonable objection.

“Well, in my Loop it got really boring after a while. The problem with everything being the same is well, what’s left once you’ve done everything?” Nodding to herself, Sweetie considered her argument valid. Hopefully it held up to Starswirl’s scrutiny.

“That’s simple my dear, there will be no end to things to do. With the way the Time Loops will be set up, to bring somepony into the same Loop, all you would have to do is restart the Loop with them in the same room. Thus, the amount of things that can be done increases insurmountably by each pony who does this.” Shrugging, Starswirl beckoned for Sweetie to continue.

“And they’ll have access to that ghost world you showed me?” Tilting her head, Sweetie sighed as Starswirl nodded, giving a cheerful smile. Truly, she didn’t know what was worse; the fact this was the pony responsible for so much pain done to her, or the fact she couldn’t find anything wrong with his plan.

Okay, other than boredom, there must be something.’ Closing her eyes, Sweetie rubbed her temple as she tried to think of something. Gritting her teeth, Sweetie begged her brain to bring up something, anything, that could justify the wrongness she felt from Starswirl’s plan. Before anything came, however, she was gripped with magic, and slammed into the floor.

“You see, I am far smarter than you my dear. Experience and all that. Do you not think I considered this myself?” Raising an eyebrow, Starswirl once more began to inscribe the star pattern into the floor. Struggling, Sweetie felt tears sting her eyes. Why couldn’t she think of anything? Why was there always ponies who were smarter than her?

“Why…” Why had Twilight and her friends assumed she was going to go insane? Why had Twilight done that spell to clear out a blockage in her magic? Why was Starswirl’s plan so understandable, and yet left a gut feeling in her chest that is was the wrong idea? Why had she been chosen, above all others? Sweetie knew of one other unicorn who had skills that were as bad as her own.

“Calm down, it will be over soon, and everyone will be facing eternity.” Smiling gently, there seemed to be a note of tenderness to Starswirl that sent shudders deep down Sweetie’s back. Facing eternity? Were they even ready for that? Both she and Starswirl had struggled to face it. Sure, they’d had a painful handicap, but even without that there was the-

“Facing eternity!” Gasping in shock, Sweetie lit her horn, knocking Starswirl back and leaping out of the star. Looking at Starswirl, things fell into place in her mind. And some of her dread ebbed. Starswirl sighed, rolling his eyes as he motioned for Sweetie to continue.

“Ponies aren’t ready to face eternity, Starswirl, you know this.” Narrowing her eyes, Sweetie pointed at Starswirl, who blinked in surprise. Taking a step back, he glared, opening his mouth, about to speak. Sweetie cut him off, standing tall as the final piece of the puzzle fell into place.

“You’re smarter than me, just as Twilight is. You know this, you just choose to ignore it. We are very alike, and I understand where now. We both couldn’t take the pressure of eternity. Don’t you see? Even without the pain, we would have eventually gotten bored and began to delve into the darker parts of our mind. Our minds are not made to handle eternity, to know everything. And you know this.” Sweetie regarded Starswirl calmly.

“No! You’re wrong! Th-The pain was the problem! I-If we remove the pain then there will be no problem with-” As Starswirl spluttered an excuse, Sweetie merely smiled sadly, and walked over. Looking him directly in the eyes, she spoke softly, and sadly.

“Yes, there will.” Silence followed Sweetie’s words, and Starswirl looked everywhere but at Sweetie. Waiting patiently, Sweetie still had the sad smile on her face. Starswirl eventually grabbed the sides of her head, and began to shout into her face.

“But all the pain I felt! All the pain I caused! You’re telling me to just give up on that? I can’t! I won’t!” Starswirl’s magic flared once more, and he slammed Sweetie down. However, Sweetie didn’t bother resisting, merely opening her mouth to reply.

“Bad things happen, and most people don’t have the option to reverse or forget. Sometimes, the best of intentions can lead to the worst of results. But yours wasn’t even the best of intentions now was it?” Sweetie regarded Starswirl calmly as he cried out loudly to the heavens, and shouted once more in her face.

“It is the best! The world needs me! THE WORLD NEEDS ME!” Shooting, Starswirl’s transformation flickered, and for a brief moment, Opalescent was glaring at Sweetie, claws digging into her fur. Smiling sadly, Sweetie closed her eyes.

“They didn’t need you during the time you were animal hopping now did they?” For once, silence was all that remained after Sweetie spoke. Opening her eyes, Sweetie watched as Opal got off her, and transformed back into Starswirl. Looking to the ground, he sat down.

“Is it wrong to not want to die?” Clenching his eyes closed, a single tear fell from Starswirl’s eye. Walking over, Sweetie put an arm around Starswirl, bring him half into a hug.

“No, but we all have to face it someday. You can’t run forever, you need to accept this is the fate of every pony.” Stepping back, Sweetie watched Starswirl, feelingly only pity for the pony, despite what harm he had put her in. Closing her eyes, she waited.

“I’m afraid,” he spoke, barely above a whisper. Looking to Sweetie, their eyes met, and she gave a sad smile.

“We all are. But sometimes you have to face your fears.” As they looked to each other, silence was the only sound between them. It was a long time before either one made a move, but eventually Starswirl stood up, walking over.

“Forgive me,” he spoke, and Sweetie shook her head. Lowering his, Starswirl looked toward the star he had engraved on the floor, and walked toward it. Closing his eyes, his horn toughed it, and tears began to fall from his eyes.

“Goodbye Starswirl,” she spoke.

“Goodbye, Sweetie Belle.”

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