• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,762 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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“Excuse me Discord, but do you mind if I have a word with you?” Sweetie waited patiently as a sigh echoed around her, and the Draconequus in question materialised. Sweetie showed him the picture, and he rolled his eyes, folding them in irritation.

“How do you know Starswirl?” Sweetie waited as Discord snapped his fingers, transforming a cloud into a stone chair. Sitting down on it, he growled. Sweetie could tell Discord obviously did not want to be here. And yet, he was making the effort to remain, to which Sweetie was grateful.

“I was created when he escaped from his time loop. The energies of the spell coalesced into a discordic center that created me. I was incredibly handsome and already older than time by that point, he merely gave me form.” Discord waved his hand in a circle, creating a tornado on his fingers. Rolling it around his hand, he snapped his fingers and sent it toward Griffonia.

“Do you know if there’s a way for me to escape the time loop?” Sweetie was surprised to find out Discord was born the day Starswirl died. Well, according to him it was the day he gained form. Sweetie supposed that explained the lack of, well, morals.

“Yes, the same way Starswirl escaped. Harnessing the energy to create an immortal creature. You could always create another Draconequus.” Discord snapped his finger again, summoning a chicken that squawked the alphabet.

“Wait, immortal?” Sweetie blinked, eyes widening as Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Well what did you expect the way out was? A spell made to make someone immortal can only be completed when this occurs. Starswirl couldn’t make himself immortal after realising this due to being the epicenter of the loop, so he instead focused the energies into a center point, and added a spark of life.” Discord flicked the chicken into the air, watching in boredom as it began to dance, strobing disco lights coming out from it’s primary feathers.

“A-And how does one create a spark of life?” Sweetie didn’t really like the idea of her being the source behind another Chaos God, but if it was the way out, then she would take it.

“All the necromancer books I’ve eaten on the subject say it’s a spell that is only conceived, and has never been created. You’d have to be as smart as Twilight to ever attempt it. Which, sorry to say, you are not.” Discord snapped his fingers, exploding the chicken into a thousand tiny, strobing, dancing chickens. Chuckling, he materialised sunglasses on both himself and Sweetie.

“And before you ask, no Twilight couldn’t do it. She’d need more than a week.” Discord cracked his fingers and leaned forward, regarding Sweetie. Snapping his fingers, he began to mess with her appearance by first turning her a sickly green.

“What about you? Could you do it?” Sweetie silently hoped Discord reverted her to normal at the end of the conversation, wincing as a tiny chicken landed on her head, still singing the alphabet. Sweetie didn’t entirely like the fact Discord was messing with her appearance, but it was keeping him somewhat entertained while she got answers.

“Hardly, my magic is so unpredictable it would more than likely create a spark of light. But I digress; your efforts are futile. There is no escape.” Discord sighed, leaning back as his chair shattered into diamonds. Looking up, he folded his arms behind his head, closing his eyes as chickens began to land on his body, still dancing.

“Alright, thanks.” Sweetie bit her lip and sighed, disappointed that another lead had turned up dry. At the very least she could use Discord for a prank later on in another loop. Sweetie paused for a moment, and shook her head rapidly. No sense dwelling on the dead end. She had to think what she could do that would be new.

“Are you gonna eat that?” Discord pointed to the tiny chicken on her head, and Sweetie blanched as she shook her head. Discord grabbed the chicken and swallowed it without chewing. Sweetie covered her mouth, trying not to barf.

“Thanks for your time Discord, but you can go now. Unless you want to discuss a looping prank.” Sweetie forced herself to a smile, and waited as Discord quickly returned everything to normal. Discord snapped his fingers, causing a Hawaiian shirt and suitcase to appear.

“I’ll pass, that sounds dreadfully mundane. Try not to be too picky with what you decide to do, I hold no responsibility for changing the prank if it’s boring. Ta Taa~” Discord vanished, and Sweetie breathed out.

“That does reveal an interesting idea though.” Sweetie mused on the chickens for a moment, remembering how Twilight had mentioned burgers during Twilight Time once.

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