• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,429 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

The Mysterious Mr. D

Emma and Henry were walking back home e the streets were quiet as usual, like they were most nights, everything was at peace. Until suddenly a motorcycle came out of know where carrying two passengers. The first man a young strapping guy with a beard and leather jacket with a sent of mysterious behind him, he started to approach Emma while the other a much older gentleman with crazy white hair and mismatched clothing wild gray hair, twisted eyes and a swirly beard.

“Is this storybrooke.” He asked

“Yeah.” Emma replied, giving him a suspicious look. He was a newcomer form out of nowhere.

“Any place to get a room around here.”

“You plan on staying.” Henry asked looking suspiciously at him as well, but in a more interested and curious way.

“That’s the plan Just looking for a place to get a bed.” He replied looking at Henry with a bit of a smug grin.

Emma was still mesmerized by this strange, he looked at the other stranger who seemed to be waiting for him. “Uh...Grannies bed and breakfast is just up the road another two blocks down the way.”

The stranger walked away back to his motorcycle and began to talk to his partner for a moment the two seem to know each other quiet well.

“Hey I didn’t get your name.” Emma called out before he got back on his bike.

“I didn’t give it.” WIth those final words he got on his motorcycle and headed out leaving his companion on the streets waving. Then the other figure walked up toward him, this time with more a smile.

“Greetings young lady and young lad.” He said with a little bow and a chuckle.

“Hi.” Henry said, not sure what to make of this one.

“So...uh...who are you?” Emma asked looking at this wild eyed gentleman. If the motorcycle guy was crazy this was looked completely off his rail. The way he moved the way he talked there was nothing normal or strait about him, he was just one mismatch of chaos.

“My name is Mr.D it stands for Mr. D.” He said with a smile. “I’m so excited to be here oh, this is going to be so much fun!”

“Yeah...well...who’s your friend.” Emma asked looking at where the Motorcycle said.

“Ah yes him, well he told me not to tell you, sorry, he’s mysterious like that. I however am a complete open book, ask me anything. I wear a size seven pair of underwear and my favorite color is jelly.”

Emma and Henry exchange looks at one another both signaling the fact that this guy seemed a little of his rocker. Even Henry who believed that this town was a place of cursed fairy tales and ponies.

“Uh...okay. So, why are you here?” Emma asked.

“I have a few friends here.” He responded. “They just don’t know it yet.”

“Uh...how is that possible.” Emma asked,

“Well sometimes you know a friend, before they know you, or they know you they just don’t realize it yet.” Mr.D explained causing Emma even more confusion.

“Oh great, another riddler.” Emma whispered to Henry.

“Reminds me of Mr.Gold a little.” Henry whispered back. Mr.D must have heard for his ears perked up.

“Mr.Gold? Who’s Mr.Gold.” he asked sounding curious, as if he had heard that name in a long lost life or something.

“He’s the local pawn broker. His shop closed but it’s just around the corner to the left.” Emma said.

“Why thank you...uh...what’s your name.”

“Emma Swan.”

“And I’m Henry.”

“Well thank you Emma and young Henry.” Mr.D gave a little bow. “Well I’m off to the bed and breakfast, I hope they have tea and cucumber sandwiches.” With those parting words he left with a spring in his step and a tune to whistle. Emma just watched with both mistrust and bewilderment at what she just witnessed.

“Henry...didn’t you say nobody comes to Storybrooke.”


“Well...this is gonna be weird.”

Days, weeks, months, years, no it couldn’t have been that long, but for all they know, Twilight and company have been spending a long time in the woods, only making a few stops at a local village and market to replenish on supplies, all the while Twilight hand been spending time trying to figure out how magic worked in this realm. So only a little progress had been made, for one Twilight was able to conjure a small purple beam of energy like the one her horns were able to fire. Another tactic she tried was doing what her friend Discord did when using his magic and snap her fingers, in some cases it worked, she accidentally conjured a orange once doing it, another time she transported Fluttershy up a tree and turned Applejacks cowgirl hat into a fedora, thankfully she managed to turn it back after a few tries.

“Ugh...magic is so hard without my horn.” Twilight groaned rubbing her head. IT had been a few days of running and walking through the dark damp tree infested woods, she was getting tired, her new hooves or legs as they were called ached, her arms cranked and her back hurt. What was worse no magic, meant not being able to find the crown. Things were feeling desperate.

“Don’t worry sugarcube, you’ll get the hang of it eventually, I know you will.” Applejack encourage, as she started the firewood, she was always a natural at camping even when they were ponies.

Twilight took a deep sigh. “I hope so. Rumplestiltskin said, the magic will help locate the crown...somehow.”

“I still don’t trust that Rumple guy...first he tries to kill us, then he tells us that it’s all a test. Guy makes Discord look like Celestia.” Rainbow Dash humped, kicking a rock out of sheer boredom.

“Either way, it’s probably a good thing Twilight can do magic, he said Sunset cood, and that she’s knows how to use it well.” Rainbow Dash reminded them. “And we need every tool possible to take her and Queen down.”

“Not if we have anything to say about it.”

The girls and Spike turned around and suddenly got up and huddled together as several Black Guards appeared from the woods brandishing their swords, ready for a battle.

“The Queen’s been looking for you.” The head guard said looking at him with a sinister grin branding his sword and pointing it towards Twilight's neck. “She and are soon to be crowned Princess will be delighted to see you.”

“Princess?” Twilight said. “You mean Sunset Shimmer?”

He didn’t answer instead trying to swing his sword at her, only to miss. Twilight held out her hand and to her surprised fired one of those beams of energy at the guard pushing him back making him land on his back.

“Get them!”

The guards launched a full frontal assault, the girls tried their best to defend themselves, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were able to punch a few out of commission and even grab a hold of their swords. Rarity and Fluttershy stood behind either gathering rocks to throw at their heads. While Pinkie Pie was doing several wacky and mysterious things, she even managed to throw a cake she got out of nowhere into one of the guards faced.

“Girls we have to run.” Twilight said, as she was dueling with one of the guards with a sword she managed to swipe.

“Come on Twi, we can take them.” Rainbow Dash yelled kicking a guard the shin.

“No Rainbow Dash, I don’t think we …” She ducked missing a swipe of the guards Sword. “Can!”

“Ugh...Fine.” Rainbow Dash groaned, as the guard and her lock sword with one another. With kick and punch she freed herself from it's iron grasp “Scatter!”

They all headed off into the woods running as fast as their legs could carry them. Sweating out of fear knowing that if they got captured noting but horror and terror awaited them.

Twilight grabbed Spike and put him on her back so he could keep up with them, his legs to short to run on their own. He managed to use this new found distance to keep an eye on what was going on. “We have incoming.” He yelled pointing to the black guards chasing after them. They slowly began to catch up to them, Twilight managed to think as best she could thinking of what to do next.

“Twilight we should split up." Rainbow Dash yelled as she caught up to Twilight.

"Rainbow no!" Twilight didn't want to be suppurated from her friends, she needed them as much as they needed her.

"If we thin them out they'll be easier to take on."

“But we won’t be able to find each other.” Applejack reasoned.

“Then we just hope to believe we do.”

Twilight thought it over seeing the swarm toward then gaining closer and closer toward them. She looked at Rainbow Dash and nodded.

"Everyone scatter!" With that one command they all went their separate way, Rainbow Dash and Applejack headed west, Pinkie Pie headed in a southward direction while Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy and Spike headed north. The six girls and one baby dragon who stood together through thick and thin, were now separated, all heading their separate ways.

“No...Can’t do that, oh...not doing that...uh...I don’t know how that’s possible.” Twilight was at Granny’s diner reading every single thing she could on beauty pageants and how to win them. “I’m still not cut out for this.” Twilight had been spending all day reading some books Rarity gave her on pageantry and how to be the most effective at winning.

“Just be yourself.” Twilight looked up to see Mary Margaret with a cup of coffee, sitting alone by herself. “Normally, just being yourself is the best way to win anything.”

“Thanks Mary Margaret, but trying win against someone like Sunset Shimmer isn’t going to be easy.”

“Nothing in life is.”

Suddenly the doors to the diner opened as David entered the room, he was hear to get a nice cup of coffee before he headed off to work at the animal shelter. Before he heads out he walks up to Mary Margaret's table.

“Good morning.”

“Morning.” She says sounding surprised.

“Um...Um...I should go I’m going to be late for work.”

“Oh how’s that going.”

“Well the apes haven't taken over.”

“Yet.” The two of them share a laugh.

“Not on my watch.”

David leads with the coffee in his hands. Mary Margaret looks out the window to see his wife Catherine in the car the two of them seem very happy together, this leaves Mary Margaret almost saddened, as if her heart was slowly getting crushed before her eyes and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Twilight looked at her and then outside, and then back at Mary Margaret, it took a while but finally she came to realize what was happning.

Oh my goodness, Miss. Blanchert is…

“This is making a Volcano.” Emma came in interrupting Twilight’s train of thought.

Mary Margaret looked shocked not expecting her to come. “I was…”

“I get it.” Emma nodded in understanding.

“He comes here every morning at Seven fifteen a.m to get coffee.”

Twilight listened into the entire conversation while holding up her book to hide that fact she was, but she quite shocked that her old teacher Miss.Blanchard would so this. Sure she guessed the heart wanted what it wanted but it was still a bizarre situation, she knew best not to get involved instead focusing on how to win the Fall Formal.

A few miles down from Grannies across the road, was the animal shelter, and every day Fluttershy would stand there wanting to enter, hoping to see the animals, of course she never had the courage to for the animals never were quiet fond of her. For some reason though despite their feeling towards her, her feelings toward them never faltered, she adored animals, all of them big and small. She wished she had the courage to enter.

“Huh...Maybe next time.” Fluttershy turned around to leave only to find herself hitting something, or someone.

“Oopsie poopsie, my apologies.” Fluttershy looked up to find the unrecognizable voice, she saw a strange man with crazy white hair and swirl goatee beard. “Hello.”

“Epp!” She took a few steps back, not recognizing the strange. “Um...hello…” she whispered sounding scared.

“Ah, yes you don’t know me right. I am Mr.D.” He gave a little bow to her Fluttershy still seeming bewildered. “Oh, oh, can I guess your name, please, please...I’m kind of physic.”

Fluttershy was silent, a bit bewildered by this individual and also very nervous. He was strange, bizarre, someone who pops out of nowhere and just starts asking random question and being friendly was something Fluttershy wasn't used to, it freaked her out a bit. Okay, more than a bit, a lot actually. She was horrible in conversation with people she did new now to meet a complete strange, this was a scary situation she was in.


“Yay! Goodie. Okay, your name is...Ingrid.”


“Of course not that was kidding it’s...Marian.”


“Okay, I know i got it, it’s….Fluttershy.”

“N...Actually yes.” She nodded, surprised he actually got it correct, her name wasn't a common one..

“Excellent! Score one!” Mr. D said cheering doing a little gig. “See psychic.”

“Um...okay.” Fluttershy whispered slowly taking a few steps back from this strange indvidual. “I’m going to now.”

“Oh, wait my dear, mind if I join you…

“Oh, I don’t know if I…

“Come on, I’m new here, I don’t have many friends and I don’t really know this place that well. I could get lost.”

“Oh, well...okay. What exactly do you want to do.”

“I could use a tour of the town.” He asked hopefully.


The two of them headed out, she did what she promised and showed him around the town pointing out all the stops, grannies, the library, the sheriff's office, she did it of course with a air of timidness and a whisper. However during the whole thing Fluttershy thought and thought and still she wasn’t sure why she was showing him around, she didn’t even know him, nor did she really want to. She barely was brave enough to be with people she liked, yet for some strange reason this strange felt so odd, she felt comfortable around him, oh sure he was strange, but it’s as if they knew each other, but from where.

“So, Mr.D is it, what does D stand for.”

“Sorry that information is classified till further notice.” He replied acting very seriously.

“Oh...sorry, are you a secret agent? Or a spy.” she asked curious but also scared.

“I wish! No, but I have to be mysterious till further notice.” He said giving her a smile.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“No, need to apologize, asking question is the key, always question everything. Especially now. “


“Trust me. You’re going to want to.” He replied his tone changed from one of pure seriousness. Fluttershy shuddered a bit at his response. “Oh, I think I see one of my friends coming.”

“Really! Well you know what they saw about friends, they’ll always find you.” Mr.D looks around to see who was coming this way. It was Twilight was drenched in one of the books she brought to the diner.

“Hi Twilight.” Fluttershy waved, she looked up from her book and saw Fluttershy and then she noticed Mr. D and looked a bit shocked.

“Oh uh...Hi Fluttershy...who’s your...uh...friend?”

“Ah Hello there, I’m Mr.D newcomer to town.” Mr. D said shaking Twilight’s hand with much enthusiasm, sadly Twilight did not share in it. “I’m so excited to meet you. Your associate Fluttershy was showing me around town.”

“Hello...uh...Mr.D.” Twilight said. “Well hope Fluttershy gives you a lovely tour of the …

“Now...now, no need to be rude, stay for a while and lets talk, the more company the merrier.” Mr. D said as he grabbed hold of her holding her back causing her backpack to open up, the books inside it falling to the ground.

“Oopsie! Doopsie! I am so sorry, here let me help.” Mr. D picked up the books until he stopped though when he saw the Book with the Unicorn emblem on it. He picked it up staring at it for a moment. “Well, well, what a very fascinating looking book you have here.”

“What...that...oh thanks.” Twilight picking up her remaining book and storing them in bag.

“Now this is one remarkable looking book!” Mr. D was now looking inside the book contents, scanning the pages through. “Tell me how much have you read.”

“Just that story about the two Pony sisters, why?” Twilight asked, distracted by her disheveled books to really understand what they were talking about.

“Well, now that’s not enough, you must read the whole thing. It’s important to learn.” Mr. D said sounding quiet serious.

“Uh...sure, can I have it back please.” Twilight held out her arm.

“What...oh yes of course how silly of me, here you go my dear.”

“Thanks.” Twilight headed off leaving Fluttershy alone with Mr. D again.

“Also, what are these books on pageants all about?” Mr.D asked.


“She’s running for Princess of the Fall Formal.” Fluttershy explained.

Mr. D squealed with delight. “Oooh! Really! Oh goody goody, I love a little competition. How much fun, you know I’m a bit of a expert of getting peopled rallied up. If you ever require any assistance.”

“Um...Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll be fine.” Twilight said blushing as she headed off.

“Bye, bye dear, remember to read the whole Pony book!”

“Why does she have to read the book.” Fluttershy asked.

“Because books are important to read that’s why.” Mr. D responded. “Well that and may save the fate of multiple worlds, but reading books is important just the same.”

Fluttershy did a double take. “Wait, what?”

“Tut, tut, no need to fret right now. Please continue the tour of the town. Tell me, do you have a place that serves cucumber sandwiches.”

A few blocks standing in the corner Sunset Shimmer watched as Fluttershy and this mysterious Mr.D walked down the streets, she glared at him, wondering who he and the other mysterious figure who had popped by to her house and talked to Henry was. Snips and Snails were standing right next to her with dull expression on their faces. She turned them and pointed at Mr. D

“Follow him.”

They saluted and headed off to do their Evil Princess’s bidding.

Rainbow Dash was now on her own, running away from two of the Queen’s Guard’s, although she wasn’t able to fly, she still had a good need for speed. She really wished she had wings right now, so she just fly away from these two idiots and be done with it.

“Get back here!” The Guard shouted.

“Hah! Try to catch me you…AGH!” Rainbow Dash flew a feet into the air and then landed face flat onto the ground the dirt and mud getting into her mouth. “Ugh...My head.” Suddenly two shadows covered her she looked up to see two guards standing in front of her.

“Hello there love.” The first guard said. “Queen’s been dying to see you.”

“I bet she has. Well you tell her that she can see me, only if she let’s my first meet her face!”

“Insolence!” The guard grabs Rainbow Dash by the collar of her cloak and started to drag her. “You will punished before the Queen herself.”

“And our soon to be crowned Prin…” suddenly the second guard gasped for air and remained completely still. Slowly he felt to ground revealing a arrow penetrating his back. The guard carrying Rainbow Dash put a dagger to her neck.

“Come out or the girl dies!”

“I thought the Queen wanted me alive.”

“She’ll understand… I hope”

The guard looked around the empty forest hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious assailant but all he saw was the neverending layer’s of trees that spanned for miles on end. All the while there was a constant uneasy silence. Then, a rustling came from the woods again, then another from the right. The Guard slowly dragged Rainbow Dash and himself to behind one of the trees.

“I’ll tell you I’ll gut her...I’ll gut her right in the …” Suddenly the guard felt a hand grab hold of his arm that was holding the knife. Only for another hand to pop behind the tree punching the guard straight in the face knocking his lights out.

Rainbow Dash was free from her grasp she fell onto the ground and crawled a few inches away from him in case he needed to make a run for it. She looks up to see who had saved her and stopped to realize who it was. Her face beamed with joy.


Snow White emerged wearing her woodsmen gear also carrying a giant spear with her. “Rainbow Dash? I haven’t seen you since I parted ways with Charming.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash got up. “Been a while.”

“Where are the others.” Snow asked looking for her friends.

“We split up. Those guards were chasing us, I thought if we separated then at least one of us would escape and be able to help the other out in case we get caught. That Queen and Sunset want all of us.”

“Still...being separated from your friends.”

“I know it’s hard but hopefully will find each other.” Suddenly Rainbow Dash rememberd something. “Oh...and Snow uh...I should probably tell yuh...Um, the guard was talking and uh...I think you’ve been replaced.”

“Yeah...Wait...What?” Snow looked confused.

“Yeah, well the guard’s were talking and they called Sunset the soon to be crowned Princess.”

“Princess?...Ugh, Regina.” Snow moaned as she started walking off. “Come on! I have a little hut where we can rest.

“Hey wait up.” Rainbow Dash followed behind. The two of them headed off into the woods. “So uh...that Queen must really hate your guts if she wants to replace you.”

“You have no idea.” Snow replied with a huff.

The two of them headed through the woods for a few minutes until they entered into a feeld of hay a small cabin in the distance.

“That where you live.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No, I just come here when I need to meet with a friend.”

“Oh...cool.” Rainbow Dash said, as she sat down on one of the log’s Snow sitting next to her. “So...how are thing going.”

“Fine...Just living off the land, in solitude...alone...hiding…” Snow sighed.

“Sounds rough.” Rainbow Dash replied sounding sympathetic to Snow’s plight.

“Yeah…” Suddenly a pigeon came down towards Snow and landed right on her. She stared at it until she realized there was a small piece of parchment on it. She Rainbow watched as she opened it and saw that on her face a wide beaming smile appeared she looked at her. “But I think it’s about to get better. Snow put the letter down and began to prepare her equipement, Rainbow Dash picked up the letter to read it herself

[i[Dearest Snow.
I have not heard from you since our meeting and can only assume you found the happiness you so desired. But I must let you know, not a day goes by that I have not thought of you. In two day’s time, I am to be married. Come to me before then. Come to me and show me you feel the same and we can be together forever. And if you don’t, I will have my answer.


Mr.Gold was busy cleaning up his front desk insuring that everything was in tip top shape for another day of business. Suddenly the bell to his shop rang he looked up to see a familiar sight. “Ah...Madame Mayor, to what do I owe the honor.”

“Enough games Gold. I know you know!” Regina accused.

“I know a lot of things, please be specific.” He retorted with a smirk.

“Then tell me why you helped Miss. Swan win the Sheriff’s election.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mr.Gold replied as she kept cleaning the cupboards and shelves, almost ignoring the fact he was talking to the mayor.

“Oh please, she practically accused outright, and besides...who’d else have the guts to bomb my office.”

“One you’re enemies.”

“Yeah...you're on the top of that list.”

“Oh...come now, that’s not fair, we’ve been best friends for too long for you to think that Madame Mayor.”

“And will you drop the act I know you know.”

“Again, what is it that I know?” Mr. Gold asked pondering. “You’re starting to sound like your step daughter, vague and confused.”

The Door to gold’s shopped opened again, as Sunset Shimmer entered. “Well speak of the demon.” Mr.Gold replied with a smirk as Sunset marched up to Regina.

“Hey one of those newcomers I saw talking to Twilight.” She said as she pulled out her phone to show Regina the image she caught with it. Mr.Gold leaned in to see it for himself as well.

“Well, well, isn’t he quite the interesting looking figure. You know I think I saw him walking with Miss Shy.” Mr. Gold replied with a smile. “Nice to see the town’s tourist industry is finally blooming.”

Regina rolled her eyes. “Great, now we have two of them. Who’s this one called.”

“I heard he was called Mr.D”

“Great, another mystery man with annoying last name.” Regina glared at Gold for a couple of seconds who continued to clean his front desk, he just responded with a smile and wink.

“Should we do something.” Sunset asked sounding nervous.

“If you want to learn anything about them, perhaps I could help. For a price of course.” Mr.Gold interrupted continuing his cleaning.

“Were fine Gold.” Regina responded. “ I think I can handle.”

“Really, because if last I checked, anything you can do I can do better.” He taunted.

“No you can’t.”

“Yes, I can.”

“No you can’t”

“Yes I can.”

“Guys! Please!” Sunset interrupted getting annoyed by the two’s constant bickering. “Focus!”

Regina coughed as she recomposed herself. “Right. Like I said Gold, we can handle this.”

“Fine. But please if you see this Mr.D please tell him to come to my shop if he wishes, he seems like a man with fine taste.” Mr.Gold said, as he watched the two fine strong ladies head off.

“Oh, and uh...Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset turned around.

“Don’t forget, you still have a pageant to win.”

“Yeah...And Sparkle and her friends…

“Who said they were friends.” Mr. Gold interrupted.

“Well they’re helping…

“Doesn’t mean they’re friends. I just means they’re working together...after all the enemy of my enemy if my friend until that enemy is gone.”


“Meaning! You only need to keep this from becoming a real friendship. Trust me as long as their in this state, you have nothing to fear.”

“And were back at the animal shelter again.” Fluttershy said as she had finally finished up the tour of the town, they had been to every important landmark and shop that the town had to offer. Mr. D relished at the tour and enjoyed his time spent.

“Oh that was quite the delightful tour.” Mr.D said chuckling. “I did quite enjoy it. We should do it again sometime.”

“But you know where everything is.” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, but it still fun anyway. Who knows I might forget, I’ve only been here for one day.”

“Hmm...I guess that make sense.”

“And even if it doesn’t it’s still fun anyway.”

“True.” Fluttershy then heard a door open and saw Mary Margaret walking up towards them she seems to be carrying something in her hand.

“Miss Blanchard” Fluttershy said with a smile, then she saw it, a adorable dove in a cahe. “Is that your pet dove.” she asked

“What? No, I need to get this bird back to it’s flock, it’s wing is broken.”

“Oh no that’s horrible.”

“Yes, yes, quite horrible indeed.” Mr. D concurred although he didn’t seem as sincere in his concern as Fluttershy was.
“Do you need any help.” Fluttershy said looking at the poor little bird.

“Um...Sure.” Mary Margaret said. “Here you can help me carry the cage.”

Fluttershy took the cage, the dove flapped his wings a big seeming a bit scared. “Don’t worry little guy, will get you back to your flock.”

“And I’ll be more than happy to help you.” Mr. D stepped him with a cheeky grin, extending his hand to Mary Margaret. “Mr.D at your service Miss Blanchard, but I am curious why no one from the animal shelter is helping you, the do seem to be the experts in these matters.”

“Well...I did go to them to nurse the wing, but as for getting him back to his flock... I felt I should do this on my own.” She said trying to conceal her voice of a secret.

“Interesting. Well, pick your battles that what I always say.” Mr. D said shrugging off his suspicions.

“Oh, but aren’t you and Mr. Nolan friends.” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes...kind of. It’s, complicated.”

The bird began to flutter in cage signaling it wanted to be freed. “We better get going.”

Rainbow Dash and Snow White crossed the woods together until they reached what looked like a magnificent castle surrounded by the stone wall. They both wore cloaks to conceal themselves from any unwanted attention, Snow had insisted on going it alone but Rainbow Dash being the ever loyal friend wanted to help.

“Follow my lead.” Snow whispered as the two of them entered the castle together.

Inside the castle courtyard where a few guards patrolling the way Snow and Rainbow Dash tried to remain as silent as possible not avoiding detection.

“Remember, be a subtle as possible.” She walked up to one of the guards. “Flowers for Prince James wedding.” She held up a empty basket Rainbow Dash standing behind her her faced covered by the hood.

The Guard looked at Snow and Rainbow with contempt. “Top of the northeast spire. Take the service stairwell. The guards will toss you over the walls.”
The two heroines walk past the guard as they enter the castle taking of their cloak for greater speed. They continues down a hall, when she hears the sound of a door opening. Snow White hides behind a pillar as the person walks past. She realizes it’s Prince Charming, but is suddenly grabbed from behind by a guard.

“Ugh...let go!” Rainbow Dash yelled as another guard got her as well.

“So much for subtlety.” Snow looks at the guard with contempt. “I am a royal emissary.

“The King will decide your fate...and the fate of your friend.”

Snow and Rainbow Dash try to shake of the guard unsuccessfully but the guards grip was to great . The guard takes her to the dungeon and throws her in one of the cells throwing them both in like garbage.

“Agh!” Rainbow Dash was the first to get up. “Well...This stinks.”

Snow tried finding a way out even trying to climb out if that was even possible but sadly to no avail. Snow landed on the ground while Rainbow just leaned on the wall.

“Lets face it...there’s no way out.”

Suddenly the two them heard the sound of whistling coming from the cell next to them.

“Who’s there.”

“What are you looking at, Sister? Tried it all. Steel gets stronger as we grow weaker.” Rainbow and Snow looked to see a grumpy looking dwarf sitting in his cell mooping. Snow didn’t seem to listen however as she kept trying at it.

“Well...I’m not...giving up.”

Rainbow Dash inspired by Snow determination tried to pull on the steal as well. “Neither am I...I’m not going to abounded my friends that easily.

“Give it time...Grumpy.”

“I’m not Grumpy.” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“No My name...Grumpy I’m telling you there’s no way out.”

Snow kept slamming her self into the steal. “There’s someone out there for me – someone I love very much. And I will not lose him.”

“Love huh...Good luck with that.”

“Yeah what do you know about it.” Snow replied seeming sounding smug.

“It’s why I’m stuck in this hole. I had it bad. She was beautiful as a fairy. But I lost her. I was desperate to get her back, so I came up with a plan. I worked at the diamond mines. Traded all my wages to the foreman for a diamond to propose. But I got swindled. It was a stolen rock and I took the blame. I’m no thief, but they think I am. Should’ve known better. But I wasn’t thinking clearly – all because of love. And now here I am – trapped – with no way out.” The Dwarf slowly sunk, the sound in his voice was one of defeat and humiliation, and one of loss.

“Geeze sounds to me you had it rough buddy.” Rainbow Dash said feeling sorry for the guy. “How’d you end up all locked up and stuff.”

“Long story kid…”

Suddenly a rustling came from behind one of the rocks, Rainbow Dash looked through her cell trying to see what it was.

“Maybe I know way out.” Suddenly another Dwarf wearing a wannabe Ninja outfit emerged.

“Stealthy.” Grumpy said sounding actually happy for once.

“Ready to go home.”

“How’d you get here.”

“Doc whipped up the sleeping gas – knocked all the guards out cold. The rest are waiting with transport.”

“There’s more of you.” Snow asked.

“Geez how many dwarves are there in this place.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Who are they...Rainbow haired one is cute.”

“They’re no one Come on-Lets go.”

“Hey he can’t leave us here.” Rainbow Dash yelled looking at Snowing hoping to do something.
“Grumpy!” Snow called out...paused for a moment and smiled. “Good luck. I hope you get your love back

Grumpy groaned really wanting not to turn back. “Son of a ...Give me that.” Taking the keys from stealthy he opens Snow’s and Rainbow’s door and lets them out. “Come one.” With that Snow and Rainbow followed the two door out of the dungeons hoping to escape the castle before they were caught again.

Mary Margaret, Mr.D and Fluttershy took a few moments before arriving at the edge of town the sky was looking a bit bleak but that didn’t stop them anyway from accomplishing their task.

“How far is it.” Mr. D whined. “Me feet hurt.”

“Were almost there.” Mary Margaret said. “I told you that five minutes ago.”

“Yes, and my feet still hurt.”

“Then you shouldn’t have come in the first place.” Fluttershy finally blurted out. Mr.D had been complaining ever since they started walking. “That poor bird is hurt and we need to help it. Now please...stop complaining and be of help.”

Mr .D sulked a bit feeling a bit ashamed of his actions. “Oh...sorry.”

“That’s better.” Suddenly the sound of flapping was heard from the sky.

“Do you hear that...You're flock.” Mary Margaret looked at the bird and then at the sky.

“Oh I gotta see this.” Fluttershy ran up to Mary Margaret to the edge of the cliff, where she was about to release the bird. Mr. D stays behind he didn’t care much about seeing a bird join it’s flock, it wasn’t really in his nature to care. However the moment was ruined by a loud thunder boom causing the two girls to shake and fall of the edge.

“Mr. D...help!” Fluttershy cried. Sprinting into action Mr.D grabbed onto both of their arms however the weight was too heavy, he wasn’t able to pull them back up, one of them was going to slip.

“We need a good look for you darling, something that says I’m proud, yet innocent...strong...but sweet.”

“Uh, Rarity. I think my own look will be fine.” Twilight said she stood on the stage as Rarity took her measurements.

“Nonsense darling, if you going to win the Fall Formal you're going to need to have a look that people remember. Trust me darling I tried my hand at one of these pageants once. Of course I didn’t win thanks to betrayal of a so called friend, who said her family would help out only to be ditched because of some...supposed infestation! Only to then find out their was no infestation and that she claimed...I never asked!...But that’s in the past right.”

“I’m guessing that person was Applejack.”

“Like i said...The past.” Rarity said trying her best not to sound bitter.

Suddenly the doors burst open as Rainbow Dash ran in with a skate board. “Hey peeps what’s the haps.”

Twilight and Rarity both looked at her confused. “Say what now?”

“Ugh...you people need to learn you slang.” Rainbow said as she took of her helmet. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know I can get some of the town’s sports league to help you out if you want.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash that will help.” Twilight said. “Oh, but I still think what I’m doing is silly, I’m not into beauty pageants or Princesses or…”

“Darling please...it’s not about beauty pageants, it’s about showing Sunset Shimmer the what for. Trust me, I wouldn’t working with Rainbow Dash or Applejack if it didn’t have a common enemy.”

“A bit harsh isn’t it.”

“For once I agree with prissy pants.” Rainbow Dash said. “Sometimes having a common enemy brings people together.”

Twilight pondered this notion. “But then what happens once they're defeated.”

“I don’t know...we go our separate ways.”

“Doesn’t seem like a great way to make friends.”

“Well who’s here to make friends darling.” Rarity said suddenly noticing her outburst. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company...you are quite pleasant to be with.”

Twilight sighed. “Thanks...I guess.”

Rainbow Dash looked around. “Hey where’s Fluttershy, wasn’t she supposed to show up today.”

“Hang on...I gotcha….Nope...Losing you.” Mr. D used as much might as possible to pull up the two ladies as she could but he was slowly losing his grip. However another figured soon appeared. It was David Nolan.




David grabbed Mary Margaret hands allowing Mr. D to focus on Fluttershy.

“Hold tight. Come on.” Together the two of them pulled the two ladies off the edge and far back to safety.

Once they were safe David checked Mary Margaret to make sure she was okay. “You’d really think I’d let you come out here alone? You okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine thanks.” She was a bit in shock that she was even here.

“Well it’s good thing you came.” Fluttershy said.

“Although I could have handled the entire situation by myself thank you very much.” Mr. D responded self righteously.

“Yes you handled it marvelously.” David responded with a hint of sarcasm. “David Nolan by the way.”

“Mr. D. “The two shook hands. Mary Margaret on the other hand decided not to stay and head her way out.

“Where are you going?” David asked.

“I came to find the flock.”

“And I came here to get you before you got hurt. We have to go.”

Suddenly the rain began to fall causing everyone to becoming soaking wet, and the ground started to become mud. Mary Margaret find the doves cage the gate is closed.


“Doing this on foot is not the best plan.”

“The gate was closed.”

“I know I saw it’s to late we have to go.”

“I agree with Mr. Nolan on this one.” Mr. D insited.

“No but the fl

David took Mary Margaret by the arm as the two of them looked into each others eyes. “Mary Margaret it’s not safe We need to get out of here come on!”

“Um...He’s right.” Fluttershy whispered her wet hair covering her face.

Finally after some fussing they agreed David covering Mary Margaret so she would keep dry while Fluttershy and Mr. D followed behind.

“Why those too make a cute couple don’t they.” Mr.D commented as they headed off to find shelter. Hoping the rain would clear off soon.

Snow, Grumpy, Stealthy and Rainbow Dash trekked through the lower dungeons inside the castle avoiding detection from any guards that were awake trying their best to keep their wits about them.

As they passed through a entrance Snow stopped them. “Oh hey wait. The stairs.”

“The Stairs?” Rainbow Dash seemed confused.

“No, we sneak out through the courtyard.” Stealthy said.

“No it’s safer if we crawl over the curtain wall. Trust me hiding from royals is my life.”

Grumpy looked at Snow and then at stealthy and then back at Snow. “Sorry lady but Stealthy got me this far.” With that note the two dwarves headed out leaving the Snow and Rainbow on their own.

“Grumpy...Grumpy wait!” Snow called out. She sighed.

“Well Snow...I’m sticking with you. What’s the plan.”

Outside Grumpy and Stealthy were in the courtyard making their escape. All the guards were gone now it was just the two dwarves on their way to freedom and better things in life. Or so they thought for not only did a legion of guards appear but also his majesty King George of the realm emerged.

“HALT! Those two are prioners”

“Grumpy run! We can make it.”

“Stealthy no!”

Stealthy ran as fast as he could Grumpy tried to stop him however a guard on the tower had a arrow. He fired...and Stealthy ...was no more.

“No! Stealthy.” Grumpy ran to his friend as he laid down and out.

King George however bore no interest in the two dwarves he had more pressing matters to attend to. “Where’s the girl.”

“What girl.” Grumpy said with defiance.

“Kill him.”

“Looking for us.” The Guards and King George turned around to see Snow White and Rainbow Dash together holding torches.

“Let him go or this place burns.” Snow demanded.

“Yeah...Flames and all.” Rainbow added.

King George looks at Snow thinking whether or not to call her bluff. Then finally he speaks. “Be gone Dwarf.”

Grumpy looks up at Snow who merely smiles. “Go Grumpy.” Rainbow Dash seemed surprised even shocked.

Wow… Dude ditched us and she’s doesn’t mind. That’s some loyalty. ” Grumpy headed off, but he felt bad deep down

While Grumpy was leaving King George looks at Snow White and Rainbow Dash a fury in his eyes. “Now Snow White...We need to talk.” He turns to his guards. “Make sure the other one doesn’t cause any trouble.”

The guards escorted Snow and Rainbow Dash to the private quarters of King George deep inside the castle where Snow and the King were going to have a little chat, sadly Rainbow Dash was forced to wait outside guarded by two knights to make sure she didn’t stir up any trouble. However that didn’t mean Rainbow was unable to overhear the conversation and get a good peek through a crack at the door.

“So you're the one.” King George taunted as he examined Snow

“I don’t know what…”

“Enough. I know everything. You poisoned his heart, now his marriage. And with that, the entire kingdom. All because of your feelings.”
“What a jerk.” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“I wish feelings could be helped, but they can’t.”

“You go Snow!”

“Quiet.” Yelled the guard as he pushed Rainbow in the shin.

Apparently Snow’s resistance managed to upset the king as well. Of course they can. Love is a disease. And like all diseases, it can be vanquished in one of two ways – a cure or death. Do you know where your beloved is right now? He’s right down that hallway. Packing for his new life.

“Or you’ll kill me.

Rainbow couldn’t tell but she though she saw The King give a small smirk. “Oh, no. I’ll kill him. Killing you would just make him love you more and the marriage – and the kingdom – would ultimately crumble. But if he were to die at an assassin’s hand, he would die a martyr. Midas would forgive, even laud, the death and the merger would be complete.”

Rainbow was shocked. “He’d do that to his own kid.”

However her question was answered when King George sneared. “ He is not my son!” WIth those final words King George stormed out of the room. “Come!” He ordered his guards leaving Snow and Rainbow Dash alone.

“Snow.” Rainbow Dash slowly walked into the other room. “You okay.” She was silent, her face was filled with eternal conflict. “I uh...kind of heard the whole thing.”

Snow was still silent.

“So..what are we going to do.”

Snow looked at Rainbow Dash almost about to cry. “We do what we have to. Go wait for me outside.” With those comforting words Snow left the room leaving Rainbow Dash alone, she didn’t know what was going to happen, but she knew one thing, it couldn’t be good.

The rain continued poor hard causing everyone to get soaked wet, Mr.D and Fluttershy were right behind David Nolan and Mary Margaret but they could tell those two were worried more about each other than them.

“There!” David pointed to a nearby cabin in the middle of the woods. “Come on!”
“Oh thank heavens somewhere dry.” Mr. D said as she rushed inside pushing aside, David, Mary Margaret and Fluttershy to get in first and dry himself off. “Ugh...Mud, dirt shoes, I can’t take.

“Um...Are you sure this is okay.” Fluttershy whispered unsure if she should even enter the unknown cabin.

“Hello. Is anyone there.” Mary Margaret called. Nobody answered. “Who’s cabin is it, are you sure it’s okay to do this..”

“Well, you’re roommates with the Sheriff, so I doubt she’ll arrest us for breaking and entering. Here.” David commented as he started looking for towels. Mr.D and Fluttershy were busy drying themselves from the rain.

“I didn’t even know this town had cabins.” Fluttershy said.”

“What this town has a good chunk of wood.” Mr. D replied he looked around. “Look a extra room my dear, perhaps we should go in there while David and Miss Blanchard talk.” He took her hand and walked her to the other room.

“Um...Why?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh...you know, love needs it’s privacy.”


Mr.D opened the door allowing Fluttershy to enter first. She dried her hair. “So...Um...Mr.D right?” He nodded. “So, why are you so...curious.”

“About what my dear?” He asked sheepishly.

“About ...well, everything. You seemed so eager to talk to me and then help those two out. You haven’t even been in this town for less than a day.”

Mr. D smiled. “Well, I guess I’m just kind of guy.”

Fluttershy seemed suspicious, sure she had met some kind people in her time but never so eager to help or even eager to get into other people business. As she lied on the bed she pondered this notion scratching her head. Finally he spoke again.

“My dear, do you believe in other lives.” He asked. She looked at him confused.

“You mean like death.”

“No, no...I mean like...Other lives...That you could have lived more than one.”

“Um...Not really.” Fluttershy replied, this was a strange question to ask, another life, was that even possible. She doubted it, you only get one right?

“Really, because I do.” Mr. D replied. “I believe that once we were not who we were. We were, someone else. And that our lives we were once something beyond our imagination.”

“So...We are not who we are then?” Fluttershy asked confused by the concept.

“Perhaps.” Mr. D replied. “Or perhaps we’re just living in our own little dream world.” Suddenly the loud rain stopped as the sun began to shine through one of the cabin windows. “Well, won’t you look at that. I give a epic speech and the sun comes out. HA! I am good aren’t I.”

“Uh...I guess?” Fluttershy replied. “You know, this is a nice cabin.” She said looking around, the place made her feel quiet and relaxed. “I wish I lived in a nice place this, or maybe a cottage somewhere in the forest, away from the asl the hustle and bustle.”

Mr. D smiled. “I think you’d have a lovely cottage Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy seemed a bit taken aback by that statement. “Um, thank you Mr. D.” It was weird, Mr. D was older than her, she barely knew him, he was a complete and utter stranger to her in every way possible. Yet, she had this feeling, a feeling of peace, a feeling of familiarity, but also a strange feeling that she wasn’t being judged by him. “Mr.D?”


She was silent. No, no it was a silly notion. “Nevermind. We better go see to help that bird.” She got up from the bed and headed outside, noticing David and Mary Margaret were no longer inside and actually had taken the bird cage with them.

“No Davis stop it’s too painful” Fluttershy heard Mary Margate say outside. She paused something was going on between those two, maybe Mr. D did have a point when he said love.

“It doesn’t have to be. We don’t know if Kathryn’s pregnant.” David Replied. Pregnant now Fluttershy face got red, Mr. D listened in as well.

“It doesn’t matter you choose her.”

“I know, but I still have feelings for you.”

“You can’t have both.”

Mr.D sighed. “Well that’s just silly why can’t you have both.”

“Because that would be wrong, sometimes we have to make sacrifices, you can’t have everything in life.” Fluttershy responded.

“Well that’s no fun.” He muttered.

“But I do have both. I know… I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s like I have these two conflicting lives. Memories of feelings for her and real feelings for you.”

“Who’s to say which is real?”

“I can’t get you out of my head.”

“I know, me too. But we’re going to have to. We’re just going to have to forget each other.”

Rainbow Dash had been waiting outside the edge of the castle walls for what seemed like hours now. Now word from Snow, no guards attacking them, no nothing, things didn’t seem right, they didn’t seem right at all.

“Geez Snow...Where are yu.” She muttered as started to pace back and forth, finally she heard the shuffling of feet heading her way. It was Snow, but something was wrong, she looked as if all the life from her was drained away.

“Snow...Snow? You okay pal?” She asked. Snow just walked past her in plain silence. “Hey wait up.” Rainbow Dash slowly followed behind looking concerned, wanting to say something but afraid to, however that was soon brushed aside as more footsteps were heard, Grumpy their dwarf friend emerged and walked up to Snow.

“You okay sister.” He asked, his voice sounding less gruff and much more caring than before.

There was a moment of silence before finally Snow spoke almost bursting into tears. “Not even close.”

“Oh no, Snow must have told Charming she doesn’t love him, but why?” Rainbow Dash thought.

“You didn’t find him.” Grumpy asked Snow.

“No...I lost him.”
Grumpy patted Snow on the shoulder to comfort her. “Come on.” Slowly more Dwarves began to come around there were at least six of them, including Grumpy that made seven, seven dwarves.

“Were you taking us.” Snow asked. Rainbow Dash seemed confused too.

“Home.” Grumpy responded. “We all lost someone today.”

Then the Dwarf wearing the spectacles spoke. “Now were seven.”

Grumpy nodded. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the two of you. So you’re coming home with us, Snow, Rainbow Dash we’re going to protect you.”

“Protecting?” Rainbow Dash asked seeming a little incensed by the mere notion she needed a babysitter.. “That’s nice and all but….

“The only thing that needed protecting is destroyed – my heart.” Snow interrupted causing Dash to back off realizing that she was hurting now. No time for stubborn pride to get in the way.

“It will get better.” Grumpy responded

“Yes.” Snow replied, Dash was surprised by her quick rebound. However Snow pulled out a vile. “Yes, it will. This will take all of my feelings – all of my pain – and destroy them.”

“Where did she get that.”

“No.” Grumpy put the vial away he was about to let Snow do this.

“But why? You, of all people, should understand. You’ve lost love. What if your pain could be erased?”

Grumpy looked at Snow with the most stern and determined looked Dash had ever seen. Sort of reminded her of herself in a way. Loyalty to friends was something she admired in people. “I don’t want my pain erased. As wretched as it is, I need my pain. It makes me who I am. It makes me Grumpy. Look around, Snow. You’re not alone anymore. I promise you that’s all the cure you need. If the pain’s too much, you can always drink it. But for today, put it away.”

Snow white took a sigh. “Okay.”

A couple days passed, and Rainbow Dash went with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves to their cottage for a bit of rest and to hide while Dash thought of way to find her friends and avoid detection. Life their was somewhat peaceful if not a bit boring though for Rainbow Dash, however she was able to get along with most of the Dwarves surprisingly grumpy, however in the back of her mind a small bitterness rage began to build. She was tired of being away from her friends, tired of being away from Equestria, she missed her house, her wings, and being a pony.

However those thoughts were interrupted when Grumpy came running into the cabin. “Where’s Snow. Where is she.”

“In her room.” Rainbow Dash responded.

Grumpy went in. “Snow! Snow! The royal wedding! The kingdom’s abuzz. It’s off, Snow. He left her. James left Abigail. Did you hear me? Your Prince Charming isn’t getting married.”

“Oh wow that’s great.” Rainbow Dash responded for once a piece of good news had come her way. Isn’t that great snow.”

“Who?” Snow responded.

“Wait what?” Rainbow Dash responded, she looked at Snow, something was wrong, very very wrong, she seemed almost in a daze, looking around Rainbow Dash saw it, the vile...She drank it.

Fluttershy and Mr. D returned to town staying a few steps behind Mary Margaret and David until the two parted ways. Now knowing the secret of their, love affair they both decided it would be best if they kept it between themselves for the time being.

“Well Fluttershy this is where I take my leave for the day.” Mr.D responded giving her a bow. “I sure did have a doozy of time.”

“Why...Why thank you.” Fluttershy responded. “I don’t think I was that fun though.”

“Well, people see fun in all sorts of ways.” Mr. D responded. “Until next time.” With that Mr. D walked off leaving Fluttershy with a bit more confidence today then she had earlier, she still didn’t know why but she liked Mr. D, and hoped to see him again.

As for Mr. D he continued walking across the streets until finally he popped by the one place he had been wanting to go since the day he arrived in this town. Mr. Gold’s pawn shop. He opened the door causing the little belle to ring. Then from the back room Mr. Gold emerged noticing Mr. D arrival. There was a pause as the two of them just looked at each, Mr. Gold breaking the standoff when he smiled.

“Welcome to my shop, my help you help with something.” he said in a very polite voice.

“Oh, nothing I just wanted to meet you in person, everyone talk about you around town.”

Mr. Gold chuckled. “Really. I’m not surprised. I guess my reputation precedes me. Excellent.”

Mr. D laughed. “Oh I bet you like saying that.”

“Yes, now that you’ve met me may I help you with something. My shop has many artifacts, knit knacks and other...unique things.”

“Oh. I’m just browsing now. Although I have been interested in one thing.”

“Oh really, what might that be.” Mr. Gold asked raising an eyebrow.

“Perhaps you could help me with a experiment. I want to see if certain objects can somehow grant the impression of someone living a past life.” Mr. D responded. Now Mr. Gold was curious.

“Oh...how very interesting, well it is possible, but I don’t think I have anything that might be able to help you with that experiment at the moment. Granted anything can cause someone to believe anything if you give them the right nudge.”

“My thoughts exactly so, have anything of interest.” Mr. D asked looking through the cases of artifacts.

“You know...Books can be a way of learning about the past.” Mr. Gold replied.

“I know...But sometimes a little more is required.”

“But what is there is none.”

“Then I just deal with the resources given.”

“But if it’s not enough.”

“Then I’m sure someone came up with a backup plan.”
“Indeed. Especially considering you don’t live in this town.” Mr. Gold replied. Mr.D got up from his knees and started to stare Mr. Gold right in the face.

“So, you don’t like it that I’m here.”

“Of course not, I don’t know you.”

“Or maybe you in a past life.” Mr. D replied. “It’s possible.”

“You're really into that idea aren’t you.”

“More you think.”

Mr. Gold smiled. “Well then...If that is the case.” He extended his hand and Mr. D took. “It is definitely a pleasure to see my favorite God of Chaos...Discord.”

Discord. “Same here...Rumplestiltskin.”

Author's Note:

I have returned and in Honor of the Return of Once Upon a Time This Sunday. A new chapter for all those who were patient with me. :)

Comments ( 13 )

My God, Rumple and Discord... Together... Shit, my dreams came true! :raritystarry:

5671282 I hope I can do my best. Also same here.

This chapter had me squealing like the Rumple and Discord fan that I am. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

:pinkiegasp: new chapter! must resist reading, must go to bed, ngh, well, screw bed time, I've got fanfiction to read :pinkiehappy:

5672329 hope you enjoy

5672332 I noticed that you don't have an avatar, so I got this one for you (the one I'm currently using) it's the ponified version of henry and emma :twilightsmile:

5671293 You will. Don't worry :ajsmug:

5672370 So are you going to use it or should I switch back to my old avatar? :rainbowhuh:

5689505 No I'll use it ...give me a second.

5689505 Okay.....Uploaded.

When r u going to write the next chapter

Please continue the story I am a big fan of once upon a time and mlp and I want to know what happens next.

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