• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,430 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

The Girl who Cheats

Chapter 5

As Mr.Gold had said, his wish was to weaken the grip of Regina and Sunset on the town, and to Twilight’s surprise, it was coming true. But sadly, in tragedy, for one thing the local town Sheriff Graham passed away, leaving the sheriffs office in the hand’s of his newly appointed deputy, Emma Swan. Regina however had managed to counter this with the appointment of a new Sheriff Sidney Glass, one of her close personal friends .However Twilight didn’t have any time for these tragedies that moment thanks to her deal with Mr.Gold she was now going to be forced to sign up for the Fall Formal pageant less he release the secret about the foul play during the cider selling competition.

As she approached city hall she was going over what exactly she was going to do to win. If she was even going to try, she knew if she didn’t Gold, would definitely release those images even if didn’t care if Twilight won, something about his tone said otherwise.

“Hey kid.” Twilight thoughts burst as she looked up to see Emma walking towards her.

“Oh, Emma hi.” Twilight waved. “What are you doing here.”

“I’m here to discuss with the mayor about my job.” Emma said with a confrontational tone.

“I thought she appointed Mr.Glass?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah well Gold help me find a loophole.”

“Gold?” Twilight said sounding nervous. Great first he makes Twilight run for a beauty pageant now he’s helping Emma run for mayor, Gold wasn’t kidding about changing the status quo.

“So kid what are you doing here, doubt you're here to see the Mayor.” Emma said snapping Twilight out of her thoughts.

“What...oh...I um am...uh…*sigh* signing up for the fall formal Princess competition”

Emma blinked a seemed taken aback. “I didn’t take you for the competition type.”

“Well...I um...kind of doing it as a favor to a friend.” Twilight said not wanting to reveal to much.

“What did she dare you or something.” Emma asked.

“No...No...Just doing it as a friendly favor.”

“Well...good luck kid. I’ll guess I’ll vote for you then. See you kid.” With that Emma left and entered city hall while Twilight went up to sign up sheet for those running for Fall Formal Princess. She saw the sign up sheet posted on the ads board on that was on the front lawn of City hall.

“Well here goes nothing.” She started slowly putting her name on the sheet, putting her name on the second line, the top was already taken by non other that Sunset Shimmer herself. Once the deed was done Twilight turned around to head out. Or she would have had she not hit something in her way.


Twilight looked up to see what she hit. It wasn’t a what but a who, a fellow student by the looks of it. He was a young tall man wearing a sports jacket, with a white undershirt and spiky blue hair.

“Oh...sorry about that.” he said helping Twilight get up.

“Um...Thanks.” Twilight said rubbing her shoulder he looked at the boy’s face, he was quiet handsome that was for sure, causing Twilight to blush a bit.

“So uh...What are you up to.” He asked, rubbing the back of his forehead. He looked at the sign up sheet. “You’re running for Fall Formal Princess?”

“Um...yeah.” Twilight replied. “I’m doing it as a favor for a friend.”

“Cool. I’m Flash by the way, Flash Sentry.”

“Twilight Sparkle.” She replied shaking his hand the two of them smiling.

“So...what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I’m waiting for my girlfriend.” he replied. “She’s….


Twilight and Flash turned around to see Sunset walking out of the Mayor’s office. “I’m back...a Mayor’s daughter work is never…” She stopped and saw he and Twilight working together and narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing!”

“I was just taking to….

“Shut up!” Sunset snapped. “What are YOU doing!” she asked Twilight looking at her with a pen in her hand.

“I was uh...just signing up for….

“The Fall Formal!” Sunset pushed Twilight out the way to look at the sign up sheet. At first she scowled at Twilight but suddenly she burst out laugh. “You...you actually think...pfft ha! You can beat me...ha!”

Flash didn’t seem happy by his girlfriend behavior. “Sunset.”

“Oh please Flash...it’s hilarious.” Sunset laughed holding onto her gut. “I mean, what idiot convinced you to even join.”

Twilight was getting tired of Sunset insults. “Mr.Gold!” She shouted.

Suddenly Sunset stopped wrapping as her face turned to one of both shock, horror, and anger. “What? Gold?”

“That’s right. He thinks I could win too.” Twilight said, noticing Sunset face with Mr.Gold name being dropped.

Sunset then recomposed herself. “Pfft, whatever...He must slipping then. He sure bet on the wrong horse to win. Everyone know’s I always win the crown. Even if some idiot dares stands against me.”

“Well...maybe not this year.” Twilight argued.

“Please, do you know what happens to those who challenge me.”

“Yes...but that still isn’t going to stop me anyway.” Twilight replied sounding defiant.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Whatever Sparkle….Flash.” She snapepd her fingers signalling him to follower as she walked off with a strut.

“Sorry about that.” Flash muttered as he followed Sunset, Twilight watched as the two of them left, the only thing Twilight could think of at this moment. Was she always like this.

The Forest was quiet and peaceful, nothing seemed out of the ordinary the, woodland critters was bustling, and the trees blew gently in the quiet breeze. However suddenly the breeze began to harden, and become faster and faster the sky twirling and twirling until a bright flash of energy crashed in the middle of the woods creating a small crater in the ground. Slowly the dust began to clear revealing something in the crater, that something was a girl. A young girl, couldn’t be no older than 16 laying on the ground face flat on the dir, her red hair with yellow stripe highlights disheveled she was wearing a pathetic looking dress that looked more like rags. Slowly she got up her bright cyan eyes looking around wondering where she was.

She began to get up but fell down again the girl looked at her legs noticing something wrong. “What...what happened.” She extended her arms and hands to her face. “What happened to my hooves!” She began panting heavily for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “Okay, okay, calm down Sunset Shimmer...just...just walk normally.” The girl began to crawl on all fours as she began to climb her way out of the ditch she found herself. IT was difficult, her whole body had changed and she didn’t know how it worked. She kept falling and landing on her back.

“UGH! This is ridiculous!” Sunset screamed!

“Need some help dearie.” A shadow suddenly emerged over Sunset, looking up she saw the outline of a strange man standing above her. Slowly his hand extended toward her revealing that it the skin was that of scaly gold the nails horrid and dirty. But Sunset didn’t care, she wanted out of the ditch and she’d take anyone’s help as this point. As he helped her out Sunset began to see more of her mysterious assailant she saw that he was a strange looking individual, the rest of his skin was a scaly gold, his cloth were crocodile leather and a mish mash of other messy material, his hair was a curly brown and his eyes, his eyes were that of a demonic hobgoblin, almost lizard like. As he helped her out he merely smiled at her showing off his crooked teeth. Once out Sunset stood up mimicking her rescuer's posture.

“Th...Thank you.” She said.

“You’re welcome dearie, not every day we get new arrivals.” He responded.

“New arrivals?” Her mysterious rescuer pointed with his scaly finger to the sky the remainder of the swirling vortex disappearing returning the skies to normal. “Oh...right...I guess, I’m not really from around here I guess.”

“That much is certain.”

The two of them just looked at each for a few moments in silence Sunset not sure what to do now, she was in a whole new world away from home, and in a strange new form.

"So...what are you?" Sunset asked looking inquisitively at him

"Well that is a rude question indeed. I am not a what my dear." He said.

"Sorry. Sunset replied annoyed with his playful nature. "Who, are you then."

"That's more like." The mysterious figure than stood in front of Sunset and gave a little bow as said. "Rumplestilskin."

"Now then I've told you my name tell me yours."

"Sunset Shimmer."

Rumplestiltskin. "My, my what a name, what a name indeed. So specific so symbolic."

"Why do you care?"

"Names are my stock and trade dearie, to know a name is to know a person very core." Rumplestiltskin then his arm around her shoulder making her feel a bit uncomfortable.

“Come dearie, walk with me, I’ll take you to the near by village for a drink and along the way you can tell me your tale.”

Not having any other options she decided to accept his offer but with hesitation and suspicion. “So dearie...tell me your tale.”

As the two of them walked across the forest, Sunset told the mysterious man about her tale where she was from, who she knew and why she had come to this realm. The mysterious figure took intrigue with every aspect of her tale, the ups the downs, and especially his favorite part seemed to be, the desire for power.

“My, my dearie you had quiet an adventure getting here.” The mysterious figure replied. “You seem like a girl who knows what she wants in life. An aspect I’ve always valued myself.”

"Thank you..,wish others did." Sunset mumbled.

"What's even more amazing is the fact that you've only been here for a few seconds and you've managed to adapt to your me form quiet well."

Sunset then looked down to see that she was using these strange lower hooves to walk quiet well.


"No problem...so...let me get this straight one more time, you were a unicorn once, correct."


"From a real of sentient horses?"

"Yes I know that is surprising but it's true."

"Let me ask did you know ...magic."

A small smug appeared on Sunsets face. "Like I said I was the personal protege to the princess of the realm. I was quiet powerful."

"Oh I bet in fact on our world we have a little saying about magic."

Sunset groaned. "Let me guess Friendship is Magic."

Rumplestiltskin. "Your land is a strange one indeed then for that is not however see magic here." He then smiled showing off his crooked teeth. "Here...magic, is power."

A small evil grin appeared on her face as she heard the phrase. "I like the way this world thinks."

Rumple took a look at Sunset and smiled. "You know, I like your coffers. So I'm going to help you out, my name has some weight behind it, I know the royal family of this realm, I'm on good relations with the queen, she's looking for a lady in waiting, I'll by you some suitable attire and go the castle, they are allowing most maidens to attend."

Sunset pondered it for a meant she had nothing in this world and with heragoc surly gone she had to find someway to survive. "It's okay rather have someone looking for a princess though."

Rumplestiltskin did one of his high pitched giggles. "Well Hi diddly dee isn't the princess life for thee."

Sunset lowered her head looking saddened.

Rumple took notice for he said. "I know it's not exactly what you're looking for when you came to this real but trust me, it is a start."

“Yeah but still, why would I, seems like a step down not up!” Sunset grumbled.

Rumplestiltskin however was not taken aback by her stubborn nature, in fact her smiled. “You know...I wasn’t going to say anything, but… you see...I have a little gift.”

“Really what?” Sunset asked.

“I can see the future.” Rumplestiltskin replied.

Sunset rolled her eyes she wasn’t taking any of this nonsense. “The future really, we had fortune tellers back in Equestria too, we called them con men.”

“Really a world with magic, and yet no one could see the future.” The imp asked sounding puzzled.

“Well...not everyone, I heard the Princess could…

“Then why can’t I?”

Sunset pondered his notion for a moment still feeling skeptical. “Well then, tell me what you see, and I see if I believe you.”

“Deal.” Rumplestiltskin closed his eyes and began to move his hands around as if searching for something. “I see...I see you… you’re...you’re holding a crown in your hands. You're smiling, a grin a victory and great triumph has come to you.”

Sunset was slowly becoming intrigued but she still wasn’t quite sure if he was telling the truth.

“Now...now I see you putting on the crown, you’ve sprout wings and...and…”

“What!” Sunset asked now becoming excitied, only one other object showed her sprouting wings before. “Yes...yes...come on.”

Rumplestiltskin opened his eyes and grinned. “And you’ll have more power than you could have ever imagined.” A brief moment of pause as Sunset began to take in everything he had said.

“So dearie, well you except my offer and take the first step into gaining that power. For I foresaw becoming the Lady in Waiting to the queen is a crucial first step in that journey.”

Sunset looked up at Rumple and nodded. "Deal!"

Monday came and all the students had gathered in the auditorium . Mr Gold had arrived at the school to make the big announcement to the youth about the Fall Formal, for only those of youth could run for Princess. Twilight was there along with the other girls who she had found herself being around note and more with.

Principle Celestia took the stage. "Students, today I am pleased to welcom Storybrookes own Mr.Gold who is one again hosting the Fall Formal ball."

Mr Gold then walked up to the podium a small smile appearing on his face. "Dearies, as you know, when people hear the word princess they think it as something one is born to become, but what very people realize that it's not. To be a princess or any member of royality for that manner, is something that is earned, by proving yourself worthy of that title. Through deeds and heart." Mr. Gold looked at the audience, more specifically at Twilight and she could swear he gave a small wink.

"And now dearies, the prize. For every Princess deserves a crown." Rumple got something from under the podium, it was a crown, a golden encased crown with a purple diamond in the shape of a star engraved in it. He held it up for everyone to get a good look. Twilight looked at the crown, and felt her brain twitch, she didn’t know why but something about that crown looked all so familiar.


Twilight turned around to see Henry, who was sitting next to her lean in edgewise. “That’s your’s.”

“What?” Twilight whispered.

“That’s your crown.” Henry said. “The one Sunset Shimmer stole from you from Equestria.

“Henry not now!” Twilight whispered angrily.

“That’s your’s.” Henry whispered back.

While Henry continued to convince Twilight about the ownership of the crown, Sunset Shimmer to looked at that trinket with a look of realization on her face, she too recognized that crown...and she was furious.

“GOLD!” Sunset Shimmer slammed the doors of Mr.Gold’s pawn shop opened as she looked for it’s infamous owner. She stormed her way looking through all the mysterious antiques and knick knacks that piled the shelves. Jewels, diamonds, and even collectables anything that was everything could be found in Mr.Gold’s Pawn shop.

Not seeing him, Sunset went to the back of the shop where he would normally be found. “Gold!” Again he wasn’t there just more items plastered around the place. Tired of waiting Sunset began to muse through some of the items, picking them and examining them, seeing if she liked anything she saw. She then a cute little tea cup sitting on one of the stoles, it had a tiny little chip on the top. Sunset was going about to pick up and take a look, when suddenly in one fell swoop the tip of a metal can swing right up to her neck pinning her against the wall. Looking around Sunset saw Mr.Gold glaring at her almost to the point that if she had touch that cup he would have killed her on the stop.

Breathing heavily Gold finally spoke. “Don’t...touch...the merchandise.”

“Okay, okay!” Sunset said panicking. Gold released her from his cane’s grip and quickly returned to his normal demeanor.

“Now then what can I do for you Miss Shimmer, does anything tickle your fancy?”

Sunset calmed down after nearly being killed by Mr.Gold but suddenly remembered why she came to the shop causing her temper to return “That crown...That’s my crown.”

“Well aren’t we confident.” Mr.Gold taunted.

“You know what I mean.”

“No...No I don’t. Perhaps you should try being something that I like to call... specific.”

“The crown! That crown! My Crown! How long have you had it.” Sunset yelled.

Mr.Gold continued to keep calm giving her a small smile. “I’ve had that crown for a long time, been in my shop for years, one of the many trinkets I’ve found over the years.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“Then whatever do you mean then?” Gold asked. Sunset was fuming with rage. “Are you sure you’re okay dearie you’re face is turning red.

“Ugh...Forget you!” Sunset then stormed off slamming the door on her way leaving Gold standing their.

“Well then dearie, enjoy your day and good luck in the competition.”

Sunset had decided that if Gold wasn’t going to help then perhaps the only person she even considered a friend, the Mayor herself, Regina Mills. Sunset stormed her way into the mayor’s office slamming both of the doors open, noticing Regina at her desk doing her mayoral duties.

“I see we’re in a chipper mood today.” Regina stated not even taking the time to look up and focusing instead of her work.

“Gold is impossible.” Sunset mumbled.

Regina gave a small laugh. “Tell me something i don’t know.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Listen! I need you to rig the Fall Formal for me.”

This finally caught Regina’s attention as she looked up from her paper work. “Really? You’ve never had a problem before.”

“Yeah, well before we there weren’t any real stakes.” Sunset said.

“Yes, you not winning a popularity contest with stakes, I shiver already.”

“NO! ...The prize...It’s the Crown.”

“What?” Regina curiosity now perked up. “What crown?”

“The...Crown, the one we’ve been looking for, the one that will give us EXACTLY what we want.”

Regina thought about it for a moment. “I see you’re point.”

“Exactly, and Gold has it.” Sunset replied sounding annoyed. “And what’s worse, he’s making Twilight Sparkle, run for Fall Formal Princess.

Regina pondered things over for a moment thinking of her next move. “First Swan now this…” Regina continued to think it over. “I believe we need to delegate our efforts, for now I have to deal with this Sheriff elections, but don’t worry I’ll come up with a plan for Gold.”

“Maybe you should steal that tea cup of his in his shop, he seemed really attached for it for some stupid reason.”

Regina smirked as an idea came to her head. “I think I have a idea for later, in the mean time you deal with any rivalries that are challenging you at the moment.”

A evil grin appeared on Sunset face. “Don’t worry, that I know how to do.”

Sunset Shimmer, now wearing a regal looking pink dress which Rumpelstiltskin had described as, “Frilly but will get you through the door, now made her way to a very regal looking castle which seemed to be made completely out of a strange silver material. Before she left however Rumplestiltskin gave Sunset a quick rundown of all the body parts that now made up her new body and how they worked. With that knowledge in hand she walked up to the castle gates, a guard was standing by.

“Halt, state your business.” The young guard said.

Sunset stopped a bit nervous at being halted by a fully trained armed guard that wasn’t from Canterlot but she knew how to handle herself. “I’m here for the position of Lady in Weighting for the Queen, I hear she is looking for one.”

The Guard nodded. “Come with me, you’re in luck, the tryouts are starting today.” The guard began to escort Sunset Shimmer inside the castle, it was quite beautiful, the floor was made of marble, and the ceiling with aligned with beautiful chandeliers. Sunset marveled at it’s beauty and wonder this place was worth of royalty indeed.

“This place is amazing.” Sunset said.

“Indeed it is.” The Guard replied.

Sunset looked up at the guard, she couldn’t help but notice how dashing he was, especially those big blue eyes of his.

"So...how long have you been a royal guard?"

"This is actually first year." The Guard responded. "I was personally selected by the king himself.

"Fascinating." Sunset replied

"It's been my dream to be a knight since I was a boy." He said. "To protect our kingdom from whatever evils it may face."

"Sounds noble."

"It is."

They began to descend a flight of stairs until the reached a secluded hallway a few other maidens were there probably also seeking the same position .

“These are the queen’s private chamber’s the guard said pointing to the door. She shall be with you soon.

He left Sunset alone with the other maidens who were also seeking such a position.Sunset merely stood in silence avoiding eye contact with the others as they waited for the doors to open.

Sunset sat there and contemplated to herself. She was alone, knew no one and worse without magic. "What am I doing here."

Finally the doors opened however instead of a regal king a elderly looking man emerged. His face was strained, as it has see much abuse.

"Greetings madams I am Henry Mills, the Queens Chief of Staff, and I will be overseeing the choosing process."

All the girls gave a small bow to him.

"Thank you. Now I will be giving you each a series of task for you to complete and whoever does these task with the most efficiency gets the position."

" Great a test, using these. " Sunset looked at her hands in despair.

"The first task is quite simple, tell me your name."

The first candidate stepped up, a young girl twenty at the oldest wearing a lovely blue silk dress with red heels. "Joan."

The second candidate then stepped up she was wearing a green dress with a silver bow tied around it. "My name is Elizabeth."

Finally it was Sunset tern. "My name is Sunset Shimmer."

“Thank you, now that names are out of the way. Time for your first official duties…” As he said, they’re first official duties were to test out how they were in terms of poise and posture. The Queen’s father and chief of staff asked the ladies be show off their elegance and regality as best possible. Sunset found this annoying, and impractical, serving royalty wasn’t about how one looked or walked, it was about how competent you were with your duties. Thankfully though being around royalty and the elite herself had caused her to know how to walk with the regality of that of a royal. However to make the task a bit more difficult they were forced to carry books on the top of their heads and balance them while walking.

As they began walking across the hall Sunset notice that the other two candidates stumbling a bit, almost losing their balance. Suddenly the words Rumpelstiltskin had spoke poped in her head. ”More power than you could ever imagine” .Sensing an opportunity she slowly outstretched her leg causing the girl named Joan to trip and fall flat on her face. While down Sunset had a little smirk on her face

“Hope you didn’t hurt yourself.” Sunset replied with fake sincerity as she passed her by.

“Alright ladies, that’s enough. Now for a much harder task.” Henry Mills lead the candidates out into the Castle gardens, it was quite lovely for it was filled with the most beautiful of plants and wildlife. Even a few birds chirping on the trees, and strangely a few crows as well. “Her majesty always loved the sanctuary of the gardens, one important thing her majesty does is tend to her Apple tree, it is her prized possession. So, for you next task, I wish for you to practice your trimming

With that they girls were given their own shrubs to trim.

“Great another mundane task.” Sunset replied. “I’m beginning to wonder if this was worth it.” Sunset continued to grumble to herself as she passed one of the other candidates shrubbed, she saw that she wasn’t paying attention to her shrub still in awe by the castle grounds. Again sensing another opportunity to sabotage her opponent and once again the words that Rumpelstiltskin had spoke returned to her head. “ More power then you could ever image .Sunset managed to slash one of the antlers off of the moose shaped shrub as she walked over to her own ironically shapened Pony shrub.

“I noticed that.” Sunset looked up to see a women walking up to her, she wasn’t one of the candidates but a older woman with black hair and regal disposition to her.
“Whatever.” Sunset pouted focusing on her task. “Beside, they’re probably dunces anyone, I deserve this position.”

“So you’re willing to whatever it takes to get it?” The woman asked sounding more curious than disappointed.

“Why do you care?” Sunset asked.

“Just curious?” The woman asked again. “Although I know for a fact that the Queen has many a strain artifacts hidden within her room perhaps it will...help, with this little competition of yours.”

The woman began to leave before Sunset turned around one more time

“Who are you?” Sunset asked.

“Just someone who live in the castle.”

With that she left leaving Sunset to ponder who the mystery woman was, but more importantly how to get into the Queen’s private chamber.

“But it’s your book Twilight.” Henry said as the two of them walked across the school halls together. Ever since the assembly Henry had been going over and over again about how that crown Gold should them was rightfully Twilight and how she was a pony princess from a land called Equestria. To Twilight this just silly.

“Henry, Fairy tales aren’t real okay, I know that you think we’re all fiction but we’re not! Okay.” Twilight said, reaffirming his position.

“I know you think that but you’re wrong...not that it really matter though.” Henry mood suddenly looked glum.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s my mom, my real mom...she’s running against Sidney for Sheriff.”

“Yeah...so.” Twilight asked.

“Bad things happen to those up against me mom, my step-mom, like with Sheriff Graham.”


“I just know my mom did something to him...I just know it.”

The two of them walked over to Twilight’s locker. “Come on Henry! I think you’re blowing your suspicion way out of proportion.”

“No! Bad things happen to those who oppose my mom and Sunset.”

“Oh please no they…AGH!” Suddenly Twilight found herself covered from head to toe in a pile of mud as well as her entire locker for that matter.

“See...bad things.” Henry replied. “This is just a taste. I know it.”

Twilight tried to move away for a locker but slipped and fell to the ground. However she did not feel the impact of the floor hit her head. Confused she looked up to see Flash Sentry holding onto her before she fell onto the floor. Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment “Oh..um..hello.”

“Hey Twilight.” Flash then saw Henry. “Hey little Dude.”

He turned back to Twilight looking confused. “What happened?”

“Sunset happened.” Henry replied.

“Well they’re no proof that…

“Nah...this is her handy work.” Flash said looking at the mud stained locker. “She’s done to others before. Sadly.”

“Yeah and you helped.” Henry added.

“I...I ...you know how she is.” Flash argued.

“You don’t see me helping my step mom.” Henry replied.

“Okay...guys...stop!” Twilight said. “I’m a mess, can someone help me out here.”

“Here let me help.” Flash took out his undershirt and gave it to Twilight buttoning up his jacket so he wasn’t seen shirtless.

“Thanks.” Twilight said taking the shirt, her own clothes continuing to drip with mud. She entered the girls bathroom alone Flash and Henry waiting outside while she changed.

“So...uh...little dude, how are you doing.”

They just looked at each other for a moment, as they watched students pass by.

“Do you like Twilight?”

“What?” Flash face turned red. “Well, she seems nice...but I’m...you know...dating your sister.”

“Do you like Sunset?”

“I’m dating her.” Flash replied bluntly.

“But do you like her?”

However Flash wasn’t able to answer that question for suddenly Sunset arrived looking all high and mighty. “Flash? What are you doing with my dork of step brother.”


“He was just hazing me.” Henry winked at him.

“Ah yeah..you know...because...dork and all.” Flash was a terrible actor.

“Why do you have you're jacket button up.” She asked.

“It’s cold.”

Sunset merely rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the hand as the two of them walked off. “Whatever come on. We’re going to hang out at my mom’s office the rest of the day.” She then saw Twilight’s locker opened and gave a evil grin. “See the egghead got my little suprise, ha. Oh I can’t wait for her to see what I got in store.” Flash turned around to look at Henry with a worried expression, Henry nodded as he and Sunset walked off.

Once the two of them had gone, Twilight came out of the bathroom wearing Flash’s shirt and looking much cleaner. “Thanks again Flash for…” Twilight looked around to see where Flash had went.

“Where’s Flash?”

“Sunset came and took him to my mom’s office.” Henry explained.

“Oh...okay.” Twilight lowered her head a bit disappointed that she didn’t at least get to say thanks to Flash.

After school Twilight began her walk back home, still wearing Flash’s shirt and having her own blouse in her backpack.

“Hey kid.” Twilight looked around to see Emma driving by in her BMW. “Need a ride?”

“Oh...Emma...uh…” A heavy breeze began to blow into town. “Sure.” Twilight entered the old rickety card.

“So...nice shirt.” Emma commented.

“Oh, it’s not mine, it’s a friend. Mine is well…” Emma looked at Twilight bag to see Twilight's blouse a complete mess.

“Let me guess, prank.”

“More like punishment.” Twilight said. “Lets just say Sunset Shimmer doesn’t like healthy competition.” She took a deep sigh. “Maybe I should just drop out of the fall formal altogether.


Twilight looked up surprised by Emma’s bluntess. “What?’

“No! You can’t let them push you around are tell you what you can or can’t do. Give them a inch they’ll walk all over you. That’s what i’ve learned.”

“What am I supposed to do, go to Sunset Shimmer and beat her up.” Twilight said.

“No...Although it might be a good idea, but anyway….you got to actually compete, show her that she just can’t get away with anything.” Emma explained. “Confront her. Tell her off, she Henry the good guys can win.”


Emma coughed realizing she revealed too much I her perk up speech. "Uh, nothing kid."

While Emma might have slipped up her words did ring resonate with Twilight. “Hmm...Maybe you’re right.” Slowly her confidence in herself came to her. “Hey Emma, uh...could you take me to town hall. My friend’s their and I never got thanks.”

“Sure...I was heading there anyway. So...he work at city hall after school or what?” Emma asked.

“No,no he’s uh...he’s kind of Sunset Shimmer’s boyfriend.”

Emma then became stone face. “Careful kid, if Sunset anything like Regina then...she won’t take well to you being chummy with her boyfriend. Trust me...I have experiance.”

Twilight grimace.

Emma notice and gave a smirk. “But then again ...sticking it to those two isn’t necessarily bad thing.”

After a few moments driving Emma pulled up to City hall and she and Twilight entered together, a bit confident than when they left and headed to the mayor’s office. Outside Twilight saw Sunset sitting outside the Mayor’s office. Sunset looked up and gave a small smirk at both of them.

“I think I’ll let you handle this one I’ve got my own problem to deal with.” Emma headed into the Mayor’s office leaving Sunset and Twilight alone.

“Where’s Flash?” Twilight asked.

“He left, he needed to go home.” Sunset explained. “Here to give him back his shirt.”

“Wait how do you…

“You’re still wearing it.”


“Plus I made him tell me.” Sunset said. “Took a while but I wormed it out of him.” she gave another smirk impressed by her handy work.

Twilight face turned red with anger. “You are a jerk you know that.”

“Yet I rule the school and the town.” Sunset replied.

Suddenly the Offices door opened as Regina and Emma came out apparently having their own argument about old documents and Henry. Now that the office was free Sunset decided to walk in Twilight following her.

“You’re mean, and cruel and…

“Bla, bla, bla.” Sunset mocked. “Like I care. Sometimes the peasants need to know their place.”

“That’s how you think you’ll get your way, by cheating and humiliating others.”

Sunset then turned on Twilight becoming menacingly now. “Just be happy that’s the only thing I’m doing cause trust me Sparkle, i can be much worse!”

Night had befallen the castle and Sunset had entered the spare room provided for her and the other candidates to sleep. Sunset herself however was asleep instead she was awake in her room pondering her next room, contemplating about what that women had said about the Queen’s chamber and how it had strange artifacts that could be useful to her.

“I could just sneek in and...No...NO...Well.”

More power then you could ever imagine

Sunset continued to think.

More power then you could ever imagine

“Okay, okay...I’ll do it.” Sunset exited her room and headed to the halls trying to find the location of the Queen’s private chambers, however before she could she ran into someone.


Sunset froze however taking a few seconds to think about it she recognized the voice.

“Sunset Shimmer?” She looked up to see the young guard she had met on her first day patrolling the halls. “What are you doing up?”

“Oh...uh...couldn’t sleep.”



“Yeah, I heard the task have been quite difficult, only the best for the Queen I supposed.”


“So...need any help or something.” The guard asked adjusting his helemt making sure it was on straight.

“Uh...yes, I want to get up bright and early for the next trials and hope to know the quickest way to the Queen’s chamber.”

“Oh just take the third hall and the second sarcase then make a left.” The young guard replied.

“Thank you.” Sunset gave him a small bow. He left the hall to patrol the other areas of the castle, once he was fully out of side Sunset headed straight to the Queen’s chamber. Most of the halls were empty every now and then they’ll be a guard patrolling the hall but Sunset manage to avoid their detection. Then she spotted the chamber, strangely the door was open, but it meant less work for her. She slowly opened the door and entered the chamber, strangely the room was empty, perhaps the Queen was out for a late night banquet.

“Well, i’m in the chamber, now were the stuff?” Sunset looked around the room for a few moments trying to find something that looked promising. She looked through some of the draws and cupboards and all she saw was jewels.

“Ugh..no of this is going to help, not unless I choke them with this necklace.”Sunset kept looking through some of drawers until she found a small box that a had bright green glow to it. Opening it was a vile of green glowing liquid. It was some sort of potion, or poison. Sunset lift up the veil to take a deeper look, opening up the cork to smell it.

“What is this?” Sunset asked herself. “It smells like…

“A neurotic position.” Sunset turned up, the same strange woman from before was in the room. “It’s a toxin that will weaken the minds of any who drink it.”

“So, basically it’ll make them drunk, could have just spiked their drinks with cider.” Sunset replied sounding unimpressed by the vile.

“No.” The woman replied. “Because these effects are permanent.”

Suddenly Sunset took another look at the vile again, looking shocked. A poison that effects would be permanent, never again to be normal, and to carry that damage to the end of your days. She looked up the mysterious woman again, confused. “Who are you?”

“Just someone who’s is interested to see how far you will go.” The woman replied.

“How far I will go to what?”


Sunset then looked at the vile one more time and just like all the other times an opportunity came to her the words of the Rumplestiltskin entered her mind. ”More power then you could ever imagine.” With a clench of her first Sunst took the file and headed out leaving the strange woman alone in the chamber with a smirk on her face.
“That doesn’t give you the write to just push people around.” Twilight yelled.

“It gives me every right. The peasants need to know their place and sometimes fear is the only...”

BOOM! A loud explosion had come from downstairs, suddenly a bunch of smoke raced it way into the office.

“A fire!” Twilight yelled.

“Yeah, I see that!” Sunset retorted.

Twilight rushed out to the hall but saw the fire was blocking the staircase. “We’re trapped.”

“Great!” Sunset yelled as she was looking for a way out. “Now what?”

Twilight quickly scattered her way trying to find a way out the smoke continuing to enter the office thickening the air. Then she the top of a tree branch.

"Sunset!" Twilight called as she opened the window. "We can use this way...Hay” Sunset pushed Twilight out the way to jump out the window and head for the tree. “Why...ugh never mind.” Twilight followed behind managing to stick the landing on the tree.

“Careful Sparkle, you’re going to break the branch!” Sunset yelled as Twilight caused the branch to shake a bit. Suddenly it broke causing Sunset to lose balance and fall Twilight catching her and hanging out to the edge of the tree before she plummeted to the ground.

“Hang on!” Twilight yelled.
“Yeah like I want to die.” Sunset replied sarcastically. Twilight continued have one arm hanging on the tree the other holding on to Sunset Shimmer who kept dangling. Twilight then notices another branch next to her one that was long and dangly.

“Sunset...I’m going to jump!”

“What! Are you insane! You want to kill me don’t you!”

“NO! Just trust me!”

“I’ll trust you as far as I can through you!”

“Well...hang on anyway!”

“Sparkle you better…” Twilight then throttled her way to the other branch grabbing onto it and held on it as it dangled them closer to the ground until was safe to jump. Then with a thud the two girls landed on the ground, a bit bruised but unharmed. Well except for Sunset Shimmer

“Ugh! You idiot, i think I twisted my knee.”

Twilight went to help her up. “Here let me help…”

“No! I got it you…AGH!” Sunset fell back on the ground. “Fine! Just try not to touch me too much.”

Twilight carried Sunset all the way to the front of the town office where they already saw fire trucks and ambulances near by Emma and Regina apparently a bit bruised up but nothing too serious seemed to appear.

“Kid.” Emma said noticing Twilight walking up to them. “And...you?” she noticed Sunset.

Sunset merely moaned as Twilight helped her into one of the stretches set out by the ambulance medics. She turned her head to see Regina sitting on one as well as they both exchanged looks of humiliation and annoyance at their rescuers.

“Well this is humilating.” Sunset groaned.

Regina merely nodded “Agreed, we shall never speak of it again.”

“So...you okay kid.” Emma asked.

“Yeah...What happened.”

Emma looked at the Mayor’s office as the fire continued to burn. “I don’t know, but I;m going to find out.”

In fact Emma did find out and the truth was rather shocking, although there was no evidence to prove it, apparently it was Mr.Gold who set up this little show, in order to get Emma the popularity boost needed to win the Sheriff election. Emma admitted this during the debate between her and Sidney Glass and even then Emma still one anyway. However Gold’s little fireworks display also had effects at the school as well.

“I heard you single handedly carried Sunset on you’re back.” Rainbow Dash questioned, she had met Twilight in the hall earlier.

“That’s not what I heard you took out the whole fire by yourself.” Pinkie commented.

“Girls please, I just helped out like any GOOD PERSON would.” She emphasized that last part seeing Sunset Shimmer walking down the halls, for once Sunset just ignored her looking annoyed.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but now you’re the talk of the school.” Rainbow Dash said. “This will help big time winning the Fall Formal.”

“Really.” Twilight asked. “You mean, you think I have a chance.”

“Of course.” Rainbow Dash said. “If our new Sheriff Swan can stand up to Mr.Gold of all people who says you can’t beat Sunset Shimmer.

“I reckon you can kick her to the curve in a instance.” Applejack said she and Fluttershy were walking up to Twilight, Rainbow Dash groaned but decided it was best not to lick old wounds right now. “You know Twi, if you need any help, just like me know. I’ll even...uh...you know...deal with you know who over their.” Applejack tilted her head towards Rainbow Dash who just gave her death eyes.

“Same here.” Fluttershy also indicated. “I’ll be happy to help too...as long as it not to scary.

“Here, here.” Rarity then walked up to the group. “I’ll be willing to tolerate unpleasant company if it means, kicking Sunset Shimmers...uh...back end.”

“I’ll help through the ultimate party!” Pinkie cheered. “Boy, with you and Emma Swan taking on the evil Trio things in this town are going to get interesting”

Twilight looked confused. “Evil trio? Wait...who’s the third person!”

Late morning had come the Castle and the next of task was about to begin, Sunset got up nice and early even had time to wash and clean her hair. They’re final task apparently was to take place in the castle kitchens and they had to personally deliver a meal to the Queen herself in her private chamber’s.

“Hmm...Where are the other two candidates.” Mr.Mill asked looking around Sunset was the only one in the room so far.

“Who know? I hope they didn’t sleep in.” Sunset said with a fake tone of concern.

Suddenly a constant clanging sound came from the hall as the two other candidates stumbled their way around their eye diluted as if they had taken way too many sips of whisky. They fumbled their way into the kitchen barely able to stay straight.

“Well then now that we are all here. You may deliver these meals to the Queen in person, and then she will decide who gets the job.” Mr. Mills left not even taking notice at the fact that too ladies look drunks as heck. The two of them fumbled to get their trays Sunset the only one’ managing to do it without a single problem.

“Oh dear ladies is anything wrong?” Sunset asked again with that same false sense of concern.

“I don’t know, I feel really woozy.” Joan said.

“Oh dear, I hope it wasn’t anything you had to drink this morning.” Sunset said. “Heh, heh.” She took the plate and left the two ditzes at the kitchen as they struggled to get their trays up. As she did again, she saw the young guard who he had met the last day


“I’m busy.” She grunted.

“Sorry...sorry...but uh, where are the other two candidates.” The guard asked.

“I don’t know, must have been stressed seems to me they had too much to drink.” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Pressure must have gotten to them.” The guard reasoned.

“Guess so. Well...time to finish my final task.” With a swift stride Sunset walked the stairs to the queens chamber every step she took she felt the sweet breeze of victory blowing on her face, and it felt good. This was going to be her first step she felt into something wonderful.

Slowly she opened the door to the Queen’s bed chambers ready to meet the royal once and for all. Sunset put on her best innocent face as possible. “Greetings your majesty I am…. You!”

Sunset looked up and saw standing right in front of her the woman, the same woman who had told her to poison the two other candidates earlier, the same woman who wanted to see how far she was willing to go to suceed.

“Now, now is that any way to address a Queen.” She replied with a smirk.

Sunset was still speechless.

“Surprised you didn’t drop the tray, good coordination.” The Queen replied.

Sunset was still speechless. "You...you...you're the Queen?"

“I hope this slip of intelligence is just mere shock and not something I’ll have to constantly deal with.” The Queen replied. “But yes, I will re-iterate, I am the Queen, Regina is my name.”

Sunset was still in a bit of shock but stood up tall and handed the Queen the meal to finish her task. “I guess you wanted this.”

“Not really, but I’m glad you remembered anyway.” With a woosh of her hand Regina magically put the tray of food away. Sunset just looked at her empty hands in shock. “How did you….

“Magic dear, that should be obvious.”

“Magic? You have magic.”

“Of course, this is a place with magic.” The Queen replied. “I thought you were aware of that.”

Sunset was still in a bit of shock her mind racing several different direction, magic, betrayal what the heck was going on. “Hold on.” She finally said. “Why did you want me to take out the other candidates, are you even looking for a Lady in Waiting.”

Regina gave a small chuckle and smirked. “Not exactly. No those two were merely ploys, test subjects to see if you were willing to do anything to achieve victory...and thankfully you passed my test with flying colors.”

“Test? This was all a test?” Sunset asked sounding surprised. “Why?’

“Because my dear, believe or not, I see a lot of myself in you, after hearing your story, I found someone to share in my ambitions.”

“Your ambition?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, don’t you think you deserve a happy ending? To be the princess you’ve always wanted to be.”

Sunset still seemed confused.

Regina noticed and smiled. “Don’t worry, if you accept my offer I shall explain to you what will soon happen to this realm and Kingdom.”


“To be my protege and to learn the magic that I know.” Regina said causing Sunset to gasp.

“But...But I can’t do magic here.”

“Of course you can, magic works differently between lands. Just because you don’t have you’re horn doesn’t mean you can’t activate your magic through some other means.” Regina answered.

Suddenly after a few moments of conversation Sunset came to another realization. “Wait...how do you even know I’m a unicorn, how do you even know I wanted to be...

“A princess dearie.” Sunset turned around to see a figure in the shadow’s slowly walking toward them revealing himself. It was Rumplestiltskin. He looks at Regina with a toothy grin. “I see our young friend here know’s you’re little secret.”


“Calm, down dearie.” Rumplestiltskin said. “Let me explain, you see me and the Queen here have been...well…

“Partners.” Regina said giving the imp a glare.

“I was going to say I’ve been the master and she’s been my student, but okay as of NOW we are partners.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “However like I said, I see the future, and I foresaw a third partner joining our little group of our’s and that...my dear...is YOU!”

“Me? Why me?”

Rumpelstiltskin giggled with a high pitched voice. “Simple...you’re powerful, you were the protege of Princess Celestia herself. Surely someone like that is destined for something greater. Obviously that’s why you left Equestria and came here correct.”

“Yes.” Sunset said almost sounding guilty for a few seconds before looking back up a the two of them.

“Exactly.” Regina said. “That’s why we want to help you, become the person you’ve always wanted to be. A real princess.”
“And how am you going to do that.” Sunset asked now sounding suspcious.

“Magic of course.” Rumple answered.

“Which i will be teaching.” Regina answered emphasizing the fact that she would be the teacher of the group.

“But NOT without my help.” Rumplestiltskin added. Sunset began to notice that the two of them seemed like the type that bickered quite often with one another.

“How exactly are you going to do that?” Sunset asked again.

“Simple.” Rumplestiltskin said. “Hold out your arm.”

Sunset took a few steps back not sure whether or not to trust him. Both he and this Regina had lied and manipulated her to get to this point. This wasn’t quite the best way to make new friends, not that Sunset needed friends herself.

“Come on dearie...trust me….I’m your friend.” Rumplestiltskin said.

“Do you want to become a princess?” Regina asked. “You were willing to poison two innocents to get this far. Why stop now.”

She looked up at Regina and then at Rumple and decided that she probably didn’t have a choice to back up now. So she extended her arm as if to be injected by a needle. Slowly Rumple’s hand made it’s way to her arm and squeezed onto it.

“Now...close your hand dearie.” Rumple commanded. Sunset did as she was told. As Rumplestiltskin held onto her she began to feel a small tingling in her hand as if something hot was about to burst out from it.

“Now...open it.”

Sunset did and suddenly the heat went away but the tingling continued for floating above her pawn was a giant ball of light green energy.

“Is that….

“Magic.” RUmplestiltskin said.

“And quite powerful magic too.” Regina added.

Rumplestiltskin let go and the ball of energy vanished leaving a light green dust floating to the air. “Well ta dah dearie you magic has been restored thanks to your truly.” The imp gloated.

“It is quite amazing my dear.” Regina added. “Such power in the hand’s of a princess would be worth of my teaching.”

“Well...I wouldn’t say that.” Rumple teased much to Regina’s annoyance for she glared at him. “But then again...it’s your job, not mine, I’ll only pop in when need be...now dearies, if you excuse me I have things to do. I’ll leave you too...Royals to your work. See you soon.” With a wave and a giggle he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Does he always do that.” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow.

“Sadly yes.” Regina moaned. “But, we won’t have to deal with him every day. Now sha’ll we begin.”

Sunset looked at her hand again still sensing the magic that had come from it. “So...you’ll teach me magic...real...magic.”

“Well I hope that you’re experiences from your land means you know a thing or two about the basics of magic. But what I’ll teach you is something they don’t have in a land of...ponies.”

“Like what?” Sunset asked.

“That guard you were talking to earlier, I noticed a few blushes when you spoke to him.” Regina said. “How would you like to have his heart.”

“You mean, make him fall in love with me.”

“No...I mean really, have his heart.” Regina explained.

Sunset thought it over and a small smile appeared on her face. “So...where do we start.”

“We begin with the first rule of magic.”

“What’s that?”

“Magic...is power.”

After her little run in with the girls Twilight spent the rest of the day alone, it was nice to think that at least she'll have some help with the Fall Formal, even from people who couldn't stand each other at the moment. But she was still nervous, she was taking on Sunset Shimmer the meanest nastiest person in school if not the town, apart from The Mayor or Mr. Gold. She was starting to feel woozy in the pit of her stomach.

“Hey Twilight.” Flash Sentry said as he walked up to her in the hall. “I just wanted to see how you were feeling, I heard about what happened at City hall.”

“Oh I’m fine.” Twilight lied. “You.”

“Okay...um...yeah.” Flash scratched the back of his head trying to think of what to say.

“Oh, I wanted to say thanks for the T-Shirt.” Twilight said. “That’s why I went to city hall in the first place.”

“Well, no problem.” Flash said. “Hey are you still running for Fall Formal Princes.”

“Well...yes...kind of...I’m not sure where to start.” Twilight said getting nervous now.

“Well you got my vote.”

“Wait? Aren’t you and Sunset dating?”

“Well...I’m kind of thinking of ending things with her.” Flash replied.

“Really?” Twilight spirits slightly brightened up but she didn’t want to seem rude about it.

“Yeah, she and I ...well...she’s been acting more nasty lately, I don’t think I can handle it any more.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Twilight said sounding sincere in her concern. “Anything I can do.”

“No, no...I’m good, but if you need any help winning any more votes give me a shout out. Kay.”

“Kay...thanks Flash.”

Unaware that they were being watched Sunset Shimmer had overheard the entire conversation, in a fiery rage she stopped her way to her locker pushing anyone who go in her way against the wall. Once at her locker she shuffled through the various items and books, throwing everything against the wall not caring for their well being.

“Where is it! Where is it!” She screamed her eyes slowly watering. Then she found it a box, a very fancy wooden box with little engravings on the edges. Slowly she opened it emulating from it was a red glow. The glow came from a heart, a real actual heart. She took out the hear and held on to it, slowly she began to enclose her fingers about to crush the heart. But each time she tried she faltered as if she did not have the willpower to what she wanted to do.

“AGH! Stupid Flash!...why are you such uh...and Twilight's and those five pathetic...AGH!” Suddenly Sunset stopped coming to a realization, and slowly evil grin appeared on her face. “Fine, you want to be Twilight’s friend sure...go ahead, you be Twilight’s friend...while I watch the whole thing from here.” Sunset held the heart and just looked at it with a smug, for it was going to be the key to her victory in the Fall Formal, and finally her getting that crown that was rightfully hers.