• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,429 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

Welcome to Storybrooke

The night had consumed the sky, the bright glow of the moon illuminating whatever darkness that covered the entrance to the mine. Everything was quiet the only sound’s that were heard were the crickets in the grass or the owls in the trees leaving the mine's guard a bit uneasy.

“So...any word.” The First guard asked

“Not a one.” Replied the second. “All we know is that the Queen has something up her sleeve, and it’s not good from what the Prince has informed me.”

“Well let’s hope they’ll be able to stop it.” The guardd took a deep breath and looked at the door that lead into the mines. “So...what’s been with the prisoner as of late.”

“He’s the same as ever. Insane little imp...” The guard was cut mid sentence as they heard some rustling coming from the trees, they got their swords at the ready incase it was dangerous.

Emerging from one of the trees a figure came, their body wrapped in a black cloak, and face concealed by a hood.

One of the guards walked up to the figure sword at the ready. “Halt this a restricted…” The cloaked figure suddenly outstretched their hand a light green aura coming from them as he put the guard under a magical choke hold.

“Hey.” The guard got his sword but the cloaked figure magically pushed him back using the’re other free hand, and with the one they had in a choke hold she slammed against the rock knocking him unconscious.

Once they were both knocked out the cloaked figure she opened the door and descended into the abandoned mine. Once she was inside, she removed her hood revealing herself to be a young girl with fiery red hair and yellow highlights. Using her magic she created a ball of bright yellow energy to illuminate the cave.

She made her way deeper into the mines her bright cyan eyes shifting all over the place as if something or someone was going to jump out at her, all the while the echoing of a insane cackle came from the distance.

Deeper and deeper into the mine she went, as the cackling continued to get louder and more insane with each passing moment. Finally at the end the cave was a makeshift dungeon cell.

“Finally.” The girl muttered to herself as she walked up to it, the insane cackling reaching it’s peak of intensity.

“Dark one!” she shouted. “Come out! The young girl went straight up towards the cell and looked through the bars to see nothing but darkness. The cave was now completely silent.

“Ugh...Stupid imp.” She turned away ready to head out, but suddenly she was grabbed a golden scaly hand and a whisper of a cold hight pitched voice came through her ear, and uttered three words.

“It has begun.”

There is a town called Storybrooke, a small community in the state of Maine, U.S.A. An ordinary place, with ordinary people living their ordinary lives day after day, year after year. One of these normal citizens of the town was a young girl named Twilight Sparkle. Now Twilight was a very quiet girl, keeping mostly to herself and spent most of her time on her studies, her only two real companions in her life were her older brother Shining Armor, a local security guard, the other was her pet dog and loyal companion through thick and thin Spike. He was purple

Twilight began her day like she did every other that came before, she'd wake up at exactly 6:30, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her long flowing Purple hair with a pink strip, once dressed in her pink skirt and blue bonnet she headed down to the dining room for a bowl of cereal and milk with her brother, parents and dog.

"Good morning Twilight." Shining Armor said pouring his morning cup of coffee.

"Hello BBBFF." Twilight said with a warm smile. "Heading out for work."

"As always."

"Going to pass Cadence by." Twilight asked, Shining Armor blushed.


"Oh come on now Shining I know you have a crush on her just ask her out." Twilight said encouragingly

"What...no, she doesn't want a guy like me, beside she's dating that other guy...I forget his name..."

"Well maybe if she gets to know you a little she might change her mind." Twilight suggested.

"I don't know Twily."

"Well... Then have a good time at work at least." She said as her big brother, headed off. "Poor Shining." Twilight said looking at Spike. "To bad he doesn't go up to her." Continuing to think of her brothers love life, Twilight continued to eat her breakfast before getting ready to head off.

Then at 7:30 exactly she would head off to school early to get some extra studying done before school officially started at 8:15. She walked down the sidewalk of the town Spike following right beside her, although it was against the rules she always secretly bring her dog to school, he was small enough to fit in her backpack.

Twilight made it to the school, it was only 8:00 she had a least a good fifteen minutes to get some mid day studying in before the day began. "Okay, good." Twilight smiled. "Well Spike you know the rules." Twilight opened her backpack and let the little purple dog hop in.

"Good boy." Twilight smiled.


Twilight looked around as she heard the cry for help, there she saw a small boy being picked on, trying to get back his book. Twilight looked up to see that the person being picked on was Henry, one of her few friends outside her family, and the person doing the picking was one of the meanest girls in the town, Sunset Shimmer.

"Give it back Sunset Shimmer." Henry said trying to get the book back.

"Uh...No way shrimp. You know that mom told me to keep you away from garbage like this, fairy tales, as if. Beside, you should be lucky you're even out of your room after what you pulled last night!" Sunset said a evil smirk on her face.

"Hey!" Twilight said walking over to the bully. "Give him back his book."

Sunset looked up at Twilight, her eyes narrowing in anger. "What did you say to me!" she growled in anger causing Twilight to stammer a bit.

"Uh...give him his book!...Please." Twilight courage suddenly left her for a few moments. Sunset merely glared at Twilight her eyes piercing like daggers into her very soul. Suddenly a small smile appeared on her face. "Fine...But I hope he can read it afterwards." Sunset then threw the book in the air as it was about to land in small mud puddle, suddenly, as if by instinct Twilight jumped to grab the book. She managed to catch it but not before getting her skirt wet and covered in mud.

Sunset laughed at Twilight's humiliation. "Good luck getting those stains out. Remember that the next time you try to defy me Sparkle!" With a flick of her crimson yellow streaked hair she huffed of giving Henry a shove as she did. Twilight merely looked up wondering what she ever did to Sunset Shimmer that made her hate her so much.

Crystal Empire -Equestria: A long time ago.
"My crown!" Twilight, the young purple Alicorn princess, shouted as she saw the thief rapped in a hooded cloak running across the halls of the Crystal Palace. "Stop thief!" Using her magic Twilight teleported in front of her only for the mysterious figure to teleport herself. Twilight magically teleported again and managing this time to tackle the thief unhinging her cloak off her, revealing that the thief was a young orange unicorn with orange hair and a crimson yellow streaked mane. The two of them looked at the crown she had stole leap into the air and head straight into a magical mirror in the middle of the hall. The thief them gave a smirk and teleported again towards the mirror.

"Sorry it had to be this way...princess." With that thief jumped into the portal an out of sight. Suddenly five more ponies appeared before Twilight. A blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane named Rainbowdash, a yellow Pegasus, with pink mane named Fluttershy, a white Unicorn with Purple mane named Rarity, a orange Earth Pony with yellow mane and cowboy hat named Applejack, and finally a pink Earth Pony with pink fluffy mane named Pinkie Pie. They were all Twilight's closest and dearest friends.

"What happened?" Applejack asked sounding concerned.

"That unicorn stole my crown and headed into that mirror." Twilight said.

"Who was she?" Fluttershy asked sounding curious.

"Her name...was Sunset Shimmer." The six Ponies turned around to see two tall and regal looking Alicorns approaching, they were the two original Princesses of Equestria, Celestia Princess of the Sun, and Luna Princess of the moon.

"Who?" Twilight asked sounding curious. She had never heard that name before.

Celestia sighed. "Sunset Shimmer, she was once one of my personal pupils, however she became impatient and wanted to pursue higher levels of study before her time, thus she ran away through that mirror to another land, and hasn't been seen since."

"And now she has my crown." Twilight added.

"We have to get to back." Rainbowdash said pounding her hooves together sounding determined.

"Well how to do you propose we do that." Applejack said, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Well...uh...we go after her." Rainbowdash said.

"So you're saying we just go into that mirror into a strange new place. Without any foreknowledge whatsoever" Applejack said. "Rainbow that plans sounds....

"Perfect!" Twilight said, to the shock of everyone. "That's exactly what we have to do."

"Twilight are you sure." Celestia said. "The realm that Sunset went to is a dangerous one, while similar in some ways to Equestria it is home to some very powerful magic and with an Element of Harmony there, there is no telling what Sunset might do with it.."

"Well Princess Celestia, that's just the risk we have to take." Twilight said. “Beside i don’t think we have any other good options.”

"And will be with you all the way." Rainbowdash boasted.

"Girls, I couldn't ask you do this dangerous task with me." Twilight said not wanting to get her friends into trouble.

"No way Twilight! We have to stick together, were best friends!" Pinkie said. "Were going!"

"I agree Twilight, if you plan to face what's in that world, then you will need your friends more than ever." Luna said. "But we warned once you're through, it will be very difficult to get back to Equestria."

"What!" They all shouted.

"I'm afraid, that the mirrors powers will only last two full moons. Then it will close for the next 30 moons." Luna replied.

"But do not fear, I know there will be those who will help you, with magic that will help guide you back home." Celestia said trying to reassure her fellow Princess and subjects.

Twilight nodded. "Well I'm willing to take that risk."

"So am I!" Applejack said.

"Me too." Rarity said.

"Me three!" Pinkie squeaked.

"As are we." Rainbowdash said speaking for both her and Fluttershy.

Twilight smiled at her friends, a look of determination on her face, "Okay girls, meet back here in a hour with supplies and then get ready."

As they headed off Luna and Celestia looked at each other with a sense of hesitation.

"Sister." Luna said. "Do you think we should warn them about... him."

Celestia side, "I'm afraid the deal we made forbids us, beside I have a feeling that'll he'll play a role in whatever Sunset Shimmer is up to before the end."

Slowly Twilight got up wiping of as much mud from her as she could. "Here you go Henry." Twilight said handing him the book.

"Sorry Twilight." Henry said, looking at Sunset.

"It's okay."

"I guess you're lucky though, I have to put up with her after school."

"Oh yeah I forget she's your step-sister sometimes." Twilight said sounding remorseful.

"More like evil step sister. But don't worry Twilight, I'm going to make it up to you." Henry said sounding determined.

"Oh no, Henry you don't..."

"No, I found someone who's going to stop her and my mom."

Twilight blinked a few times. "Wait...what?"

"Don't worry, I think I found a way to save us. Thanks to the book Ms Blanchard gave me" Henry said.


"Got to go. No time to explain" Henry then ran off before Twilight could say anything else.

"Wait...what do you..." But it was too late, Henry was gone, leaving Twilight in a state of confusion. "That's strange what did he mean save us. Save us from what?" Twilight decided it would be best to shrug it off. She entered the school and headed quickly to the girls bathroom as possible hoping to get to the wet stains off her cloths.

"Ugh...Come on." Twilight said using as many pieces of toilet paper as possible.

"Um...Excuse me darling." Twilight whirled around to see another girl looking at her, she had pale white skin and curly purple hair. "I can't help notice your little...problem."

"Oh, yeah." Twilight said looking at her stains.

"Maybe I can help." the girl said taking a look at the stains almost to the point of examining them. "Ah yes, mud stains, terrible business, but don't worry." the young girl began to fiddle through her purse, looking for something. "I just got just the thing." She pulled out the strange spray like substance and put it one of the pieces of toilet paper. She then began to rub it on Twilight stain skirt and blouse and in an instant the stains were gone.

"That's...That's amazing." Twilight said. "Thank you, thank you so much."

"No problem, always happy to help, besides gave me an excuse to try out the new cleaning material I've invented." The girl said, sounding quite proud of herself.

"You made that." Twilight asked sounding shocked.

"Yep." The girl responded as she put the spray back in her purse. “Not only do I have a good sense for fashion but I’m trying to perfect the means to keep them clean and bright as a whistle.”

The bell suddenly rang before Twilight could respond back.

"Oh dear I got to go, don't want to be late. I'm Twilight by the way."

"My name is Rarity, happy to help." Twilight headed off as Rarity waved goodbye.

"Well she was nice." Twilight thought as she rushed off to school unaware that perhaps the ties that bound her and that girl were closer than one appeared.

"Come on dear, nothing wrong with taking at least a few nice outfits, you want to make a good first impression for the people were going to meet in the new land." Rarity said as she used her horn to levitate some dresses into her saddle bag.

"Rarity, I don't think will have to time to socialize with anyone." Twilight said as she was packing her thing by levitating objects with her horn." Twilight was preparing for the worst, she thankfully had managed to put a expansion spell on her saddle bag which mean that she was able to fill it with objects that normally wouldn't fit. She packed all the essentials, spell books, ingredients for potions, medicine, first aid kit, band aids, lots of food supplements, and a tent. She did this with everyone else's as well so that they could back as many essential supplies for this massive journey they were about to embark on.

"Oh please darling, one must consider the impression she gives when entering a whole new world." Rarity argued.

"Please Rarity, I don't think the first they'll be looking at is your new dress." Applejack said entering the room with her saddle bag in toe.

"Ugh...Fine...But I'm packing a few just in case." Rarity huffed levitating a few of her custom made dresses she made for her and her friends into the bag.

"So are we ready to hit the hay or what." Rainbowdash flew in, sounding ready to go. "I'm ready to kick some flank and take some names." She kicked her hooves in the air as if punching something that wasn't their.

"Almost." Twilight packed a few more books into her saddle bag, along with a picture of her and her friends that was taken a very long time ago, back before she was a Alicorn Princess. She sighed wishing those simple times where here again, but she new that she a mission to complete and she was going to do it.

Standing in front of the mirror, the six of them were all but ready to head to the new realm to reclaim the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia, Luna, her brother Shining Armor and Wife Princess Cadence were there to say goodbye.

"Careful Twily." Shining said as they hugged Twilight.

"I will BBBFF." Twilight smiled.

Celestia walked up the six Little Ponies. "This journey will be perilous, you face a mighty and difficult task but as long as you keep together and stay true to your friendship you will succeed."

Twilight and the others smiled, they turned to the mirror, they headed Celestia's words to heart as long as they stick together and let their friendship guide them, they would never lose. With that they charged into mirror and headed into the strange new land, wondering what would come from it.

Lunchtime, Twilight normally spent this time eating and studying, sitting alone at a desk in the corner of the Cafeteria, she got her lunch from Granny Smith and opened up her mathematics book and started reading. Spike popped his head out of the backpack which Twilight put under the desk so he would be hidden from site allowing Twilight to scratch his head.

"Hmm, interesting." Twilight said as she immersed herself in the book. "I do love mathematics."

"Oh...Twilight." Twilight looked up at the book to see one of her favorite teachers in the school, Mary Margaret Blanchard. Although she taught the younger students of the school she Twilight would always leave some time to help her after class if she needed.

"Miss Blancher. Hey." Twilight said smiling. "How are you."

"Fine, as normal, you." She asked.

"Oh, okay, hey I ran into Henry today, he seemed very...I don't know, different today." Twilight said. She had known Henry for a while now, most of the time she'd knew him Henry tended to be a bit of sad boy, oh sure he was sweet and kind but a part of him always seemed sad. "Apparently he was in trouble with the Mayor or something."

"Oh that...well.." Mary Margaret looked around to make sure no one was looking. "Well, I shouldn't say, but Henry found his real mom."

Twilight gasped. "His real mom! But...how...why?"

"He and Regina have been...having problems." She explained.

"Yeah, I bet Sunset hasn't been helping." Twilight added.

"Yeah. I keep telling Henry he has to stand up to her. She's never going to learn unless someone does." Mary Margaret said.

"I know, I tried too, but then well...you know." Twilight looked at her clean blouse sure it was clean now, but she could still see the outline of the mud stains from earlier.

"I met her this morning. Mary Margaret suddenly said.

"What?" Twilight said snapping out of her thoughts.

"Henry's real mom I met her. Her name is Emma."

"Emma, that's a real nice name." Twilight said. "What's she's like."

"Not sure yet. I don't even know if she'll be staying long." Mary Margaret replied. "I hope so though, I feel she could really help Henry out."

"Well I hope so." Twilight said, feeling sorry for her friend. “Hey Miss Blancert, uh...I probably shouldn't tell you this but...Henry said something very strange to me earlier.”

“Really what?”

“Henry said, that he found a way to save us...um...do you know what he means.” Twilight said.

Mary Margaret sighed. “Oh, it’s uh...Henry’s little theory about us and this town.”

“Theory? What theory?” Twilight asked sounding curious.

“Oh, that were all fairy tale characters from another land and that we all forget our memories.” She explained. Twilight seemed taken aback. She knew that Henry had an active imagination sometimes but this just seemed a bit weird to her.

“Really...Fairy tale characters.” Twilight asked sounding a bit skeptical.

“Well some us are.” She explained. “According to Henry, some of us are actually mystical creatures.”

“What? That just seems silly.” Twilight said, sounding astonished. “I hope his mom doesn't know about this.”

“No, but i think that’s why he gets picked on a lot.” Mary Margaret sighed.

The bell suddenly rang signaling the end of lunch. "Well better head back to class. "Mary Margaret said. "Nice talking to you Twilight."

Twilight waved goodbye as she got up as well to head into the schools hallways continuing to look at her book only to suddenly find herself losing her balance and find her face slamming straight into the book on the ground.

Slowly Twilight got up to see a big black and purple boot standing right in front of her, looking up Sunset Shimmer stood tall and evil smirk on her face arms folded.

"Where did you learn to walk." Sunset mocked as she kicked Twilight as she tried to get back up.

"Leave her alone you big bully." A feminist southern accent said Twilight looked up.

Sunset merely snickered. "Oh yeah, like I'm going to listen to Storybrookes only country hick."

"Why you..." The young cowgirl skin began to turn a fiery shade of red.

"Heh...You cow folk aren't so bright aren't you." Sunset took Applejack hat and shoved it under her face.

"You really are horrible, I can't believe your mom lets you get away with this, no wonder Henry found his real mom." Twilight said, causing Sunset to turn around and turn angry.

"That's none of your concern!" She shouted. "Mother will get rid of her by the end of the day!" She then got close up to Twilight and looked at her straight in the eye. "And don't you dare try to stop her from leaving either!" With that Sunset kicked Twilight one more time before marching off.

Slowly Twilight got back up again, this was the second time she had fallen, at least this time there wasn't any mud on her. "Hey...Thanks for sticking up for me...uh...Applejack right, your the Cafeteria lady granddaughter."

"Yep." Applejack replied. "Sorry I wasn't much help though."

"That's okay. I've had worse." Twilight said.

"Haven't we all. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way " Twilight said picking up her book.

"Glad to meet yuh, and yeah she sure is bad, only other person who I can think of who's worse is Rainbowdash." Applejack responded.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"Rainbowdash, you know captain of every team here at the school, plus a know good little backstabber. Tricking me and Fluttershy like that..." Applejack started talking more to herself than to Twilight

"Wait...who...what did she..." Twilight couldn't finish her question as the second bell rang. "Oh no I'll be late...sorry to cut it short." Twilight then began runoff, losing balance for a few times.

"Careful Twilight! jeez wonder where she learned to run, girl can barely keep balance." Applejack just shook her head and headed off in the opposite direction

A great flash of light appeared in the middle of the woods, as a small vortex was formed suddenly six individuals fell out of the vortex to land on the soft grass in the middle of the woods.

Twilight couldn't see or feel anything at first, but slowly her senses began to return to her, however, everything felt...different, funny. As if she wasn't herself, oh mentally she was but something about body felt very, very wrong.

"Whu...Whu ...What happened." Slowly Twilight opened her eyes to look at her hooves, except when she looked to make sure they were alright they were gone, her hooves were gone. Replaced by these strange things with small appendages sticking out of them.

"Wait...What are these...what happened." Twilight begins to panic as she looks at herself her body had completely mutated, it wasn't the same, she suddenly looks around and sees the girls they two looked strange, their bodies to were no longer the same. Twilight began to breath heavily until finally.


"Twilight calm down!" Twilight suddenly fell silent as she looked around hearing a familiar voice, it was Spike, a baby dragon and number one assistant.

"Spike! What are you doing here, I told you stay in Equestria." Twilight said sounding both shocked and annoyed.

"And let you go to a whole new realm on your own, I don't think so!" Spike said. "Glad I did to, considering your different, in fact your all different."

Slowly one by one, all of Twilight's friends begin to awake.

"Ugh, my head." Rainbowdash said rubbing it with her strange looking hoof. "Wait...hold on...my hoof!"

"My hoof!" Rarity screamed.

"My hoof!" Fluttershy screamed!

"Hey I have hands, sweet!" Pinkie cheered. "Uh...I mean my hoof!"


"Girls please!" Spike shouted, shutting everyone up. "Screaming isn't going to help."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Spike's right. Just because we're...whatever we are, doesn't mean we can't stop in our quest."


Once the panic subsided they took a good look at one another. For the most part their faces and hair remained the same. However their noses were gone replaced with smaller strangely shaped ones. Another big chafe was their cloths, they actually had them.

Rarity was wearing a long brown dress with corset bonnet a brown hooded cloak covering her back.

Applejack on the other hand actually wore as rugged looking silk shirt and pants, much like a village farmer would wear ,the only thing that remained the same was her cowgirl hat.

Rainbowdash looked like a woodsman, her garments were those of the woods and a long green hooded cloak covered her back which would allow her to camouflage herself

The rest were wearing rugged looking dresses, they looked like average peasants.

As the girls continued to examine themselves Pinkie Pie suddenly got up on her two legs and began to practice walking.

"Uh, Pinkie what are you doing." Rainbowdash asked looking confused.


"Like...that." Rarity questioned.

"Well, I think this is how it works." Pinkie said. “Try it.”

Slowly everyone got up and tried walking on their two legs...Everyone had difficulty keeping balance everyone tripped left and right like there was no tomorrow.

Twilight being the fastest learner masters the skill first able to get her legs balanced and more than just a few steps. "I think a got the hang of these things."

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" Everyone turned to see Rainbowdash of all people screaming in terror.

"What is it Dashie." Fluttery said with concern,

"My wings there, they're ... Gone!" Rainbow said almost on the verge if tears.

"Ugh Rainbow I don't think having your wings gone is the biggest of our problems now!" Applejack grumbled.


"She's right Rainbowdash we barely know how to control these new bodies. Not to mention we don't know we're we are." Twilight explained.

“Yeah...well your horn is gone too.” Twilight then looked up at her head and wasn’t able to feel her horn anymore.

“So are our tales.” Applejack said.

“Hey!” Spike shouted again before everyone got all up in a tizzy. “Look, your tales, horns, and wings are gone, but I don’t think that’s the most important thing right now. Lets just see how these new bodies work.” Spike said. “Beside, walking not that hard once you get the hang of it.” He was right, Spike walked bipedal all the time.

“He’s right girls.” Twilight said. “The sooner we master walking the sooner we can find a way out of this forest.”

“If there is a way out of this forest.” Applejack said sounding pessimistic.

"Tweet, tweet, tweet." Everyone looked up to see a bird flying by them.

“Really.” Fluttershy responded, smiling. “Which way?”

“Tweet, tweet’, tweet.”

"Why thank you Mr Bird." Flutters said warmly “Don’t worry girls, we have our answer.”

"Uh Fluttershy not to be rude but I don't speak bird." Rarity said.

"Oh right well... He said that this place is called the Enchanted Forest and that the nearest road is that direction." Fluttershy pointed northward

Twilight then straighten up "Well girls let's go find out more about this, Enchanted forest and go get back the crown!”

With that the girls headed off deeper into the woods, they didn't know where they were, they didn't know what they were, but all they knew that as long as they stuck together the dangerous would not seem as bad in this strange new realm that they suddenly found themselves in.

Unknown to the girls however, the forces of darkness were watching from afar, inside a dark and treacherous marble castle a strange figure in the shadows smiled showing off horrid and wretched teeth as he looked into a crystal ball that stood in front of him.

“Well...Welcome to the Enchanted Forest...dearie.”

School was out and Twilight had managed to avoid Sunsets Shimmers wrath for most of the day although she had gotten hit in the head by a couple is spit wads by her goons Snips and Snails.

After a few hours of staying after school Twilight began her trip home. The sun was starting to set.

"I stayed behind way too late this time." Twilight told Spike. As she continued down the path she noticed a strange women walking around, looking lost. At first Twilight wanted to just ignore her bit get involved.

"Hey kid!"

"Shoot." Twilight muttered as the strange woman walked up to her. She was young looking with long curly blonde hair wearing a red jacket.

"Um hi." Twilight said

"Hey sorry to bother you but does this town have like motel or something a need place to stay for the night."

"Uh yeah grannies diner and inn I walk pass it every day on my way home you can come with me till then." Twilight didn't know why she said that last part, part of her wanted the stranger to say no.

"Sure why not, lead the way."

Twilight sighed she was okay with being around people for a few seconds but to walk beside them or worse striking up meaningful conversation.

"So kid, lived here a long time." The stranger asked

"All my life." Twilight replied.

"Bet you have a lot of friends."

"No, not really."

After that the two of them were silent. They kept on walking for a few more minutes until they reached the inn. Twilight followed her inside although a part of her wanted to just leave she felt it was the right thing to do.

"Excuse me I'd like a room." The stranger asked Granny. After a few seconds passed she gave her a key to one of the rooms in the in.

She turned to Twilight. "Thanks kid."

"Your welcome I'm Twilight Sparkle by the way." She extended her hand.

The stranger shook it. "Emma, Emma Swan." Twilight eyes widened. "Henry's real mom."

"Emma...what a lovely name."

Twilight 's face froze she recognized that cold voice anywhere, everyone did she looked up to see a tall yet skinny man, wearing final trimmed suite with short brown hair that went down to his next carrying a metal cane in his hand .

"Mr...Mr Gold." Twilight said her voice shaking,

"Ah Miss Sparkle, pleasure as always. Mr. Gold said with his crooked smile of his . "Good to see you made a friend." He looked at Emma. "You know what they say about friendship."

"Uh...no." Twilight said almost in a whisper.

Mr. Gold chuckled. "It’s magic." He looks at Emma again and nods. " Well...Welcome to Storybrooke...dearie." Mr. Gold then takes the rent money he was owed and leaves.

Emma shrugs not quite sure what to make of the scene she just witnessed. "So... Mr.Gold he owns the inn or what?"

"No." Twilight responded still a bit shaken. "He owns the town."

Author's Note:

Well, here we go again. My THIRD! Yes THIRD! attempt at doing a proper Once Upon a Time/ MLP Crossover! You will not believe that now I think I finally got the right format down. I will bring the BRONIES and ONCERS together!

Also whenever you see ***** that means obviously we are doing Flashbacks between Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke.

Also, yes Sunset Shimmer and Henry are Step brother and Sister. It was either that or Sunset be Henry's babysitter...but when you see what Sunset's relationship with Regina is then you will understand. Trust me that was a hard call to make, but I did.