• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,429 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

Charming Books

Chapter 3
Morning arrived to the village,the girls and Spike stayed at the local inn and slept there for the night. As the sun came into their window, one by one they slowly began to wake up to take in the new day. Twilight was the first to awaken as she began to pack the supplies of food and drink they she had managed to secure from the local shops that were in the village, apparently bits were worth quite a lot in this realm.

"Okay girls." Twilight said as the others were now fully awake. "I was able to get this map of the realm from the inn keeper there's a local town a few hours walk from here."

"Ugh more walking." Rainbowdash moaned Twilight wasn't amused.

"Yes more walking. But if there's a town it probably has a library which we could use to some research on this place."

Spike seemed confused. "Uh Twilight we need to be looking for your crown not study."

"Spike learning about this place will help us get the crown back."

"Uh hate to be the bearer of bad news but we won't be able to do both if we don't skedaddle now!" Applejack said looking out the window. The rest joined her to there horror seeing Knights covered all in Black patrolling the village.

"I don't think we want to be seen by those guys." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Uh oh they're coming in here." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Will have to take the back entrance. Pinkie answered smiling. Everyone looked at her with bewilderment. "I found last night when I was midnight snacking."


"Let's just go with it." Applejack stated as she and the rest if the girls headed downstairs.

They slowly climbed down the stairs most of the people in the bar were acting normal but you could feel the tension in the room, it rise quickly as one of the black knights entered the inn by kicking the door.

The knight slowly walked across the inn everyone avoiding eye contact with him, as fir the girls themselves they hid themselves from upstairs as they watched the entire scene from above.

"Listen up everyone!" The knight shouted with a deep booming voice. "By order of the Queen we have come to search for new enemies of the land." He pulled out a poster and with six individuals on it, it was Twilight and her friends.

"Now we really need to get out of here." Applejack said worryingly.

"Come on." Twilight whispered as she slowly walked down the stairs trying to not alert the knight of their presence, her friends follow suite.

"The back entrance is behind the bar." Pinkie pointed out. They slowly headed to the back door every few seconds one of them turning their head to watch what the knight was doing.

Twilight got in front of the door. "Okay, when I open the door make a run for the woods.” she ordered as her hand slowly pushed the door aside. “One...Two…

“Wait!” Rainbowdash stopped Twilight before she ran out, pointing to the fact that outside two more black knights outside breaking into some of the home of the villagers.

“Dang it!” Twilight snapped, she chewed on her finger trying to think of a plan. She looked around trying to find a way out the mess.

Rainbowdash tapped Twilight on the shoulder while she continued her thoughts “Uh Twilight, no pressure but think faster.” The guard inside the inn was now heading closer to the back entrance, he was done questioning the customers.

Twilight started to sweat they were being closed in, if something didn’t happen soon, they were sitting ducks. They needed a miracle and fast.

“Stop you...ugh.” Screamed one of the knights from outside, the one inside turned around and rushed to see what was happening while the one’s in the back rushed away as well to check out the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked trying to see.

“I don’t know, but now’s our chance to get out of here...run!” Twilight then jumped out of the door and run across the field that led into the woods, the others following behind, as she did out of the corner of her eye she saw a hooded figure fighting the black knights and doing quiet a good job at it too. To her surprise it was the same on from before who rescued them from the vines.

“Were almost their Twi.” Applejack shouted interrupting her thoughts ash Twilight looked up to see they were now finally into the woods away from the black knights, who were apparently hunting them.

“Just a bit further girls then were in the clear.” The six girls continued to run and run as fast they could, not sure where they’re next stop would lead them, but they knew that if they were going to get Twilight’s crown back, the most important thing to do was to survive.

Days passed after the incident with the book and things in Twilight regular routine seemed to becoming different. For starters normally during lunch she would spend her time alone with a good book, but now those two girls Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie now always joined her. Sometimes separately sometimes together depending if whether or not they could stand one another. The days when they were together with Twilight, if they weren't bickering with one another then Pinkie would gone and on about some nonsense, only on days when Fluttershy came alone was Twilight able to read her book in piece. But those weren't the only changes happening, things in the town just felt better.

For one thing Henry seemed happier, his normally glum persona wa replaced by better, but Twilight couldn't put her finger on it. Another thing that Twilight had heard about was the local John Doe had woken up at the hospital and was identified as David Nolan and then the week after that a massive earthquake happened causing a part of the town mine to collapse. It's been a wild ride here in storybrooke. However something's still didn't change.

"Ha! You're such a doormat!"

Twilight and Pinkie were walking the school halls together to find Fluttershy cornered by Sunset Shimmer, again.

"Sorry." Fluttershy whispered

“Stop!” Twilight yelled, Sunset looked up and scowled.

“Okay, this is getting annoying.” she replied.

“Then stop bullying her.” Twilight demanded holding her own, Pinkie crouched behind her seeming a bit intimidated.

“Leave.” Sunset snarled as Fluttershy rushed off.

“Well...look at the time, sorry Twilight got to go to class.” Pinkie ran of at the speed of light leaving Twilight and Sunset alone, having what looked like a old western showdown. Sunset was the first to make a move as she walked up closer to Twilight.

“I know you found that book.”

“That was Henry’s book that you tried to throw in a dump.”

“Pfft...It was a stupid book, it belonged in the garbage.” Sunset replied giving Twilight a sinister looking smirk.

“That’s not your decision.” Twilight defended.

“Yeah, it is, I rule the school, my step mom rules the town, so…

“So what...your the town princess.” Twilight rebuttled.

Sunset eyes widened as she gave a evil smile. “Exactly.”

The bell rang, Sunset looked at the clock and shoved Twilight out her way. “Better hope that nothing happens to the books YOU love so much Twilight.” With that she huffed off, leaving Twilight on the ground by herself, alone, until.

“Woah.” Twilight immediately looked up to see Rainbowdash in shock holding her soccerball in her arm.

Twilight slowly got up. “Oh...hi.” she said wiping a small tear from her eye.

“You know, for a moment, you were pretty awesome there.” Rainbowdash said helping Twilight straighten out.


“Yeah, standing up to Sunset Shimmer like that...pretty sweet in my book.” Rainbow said with a smile.


“We should totally hang out after school.” Rainbowdash exclaimed sounding hopeful. “I’m usually not doing anything, we could hang out at Grannies or something.”

“Don’t you have practice after school.” Twilight asked looking at the soccer ball.

“Yeah, about they those chumps kicked me off the team.” Rainbow Dash explained. “Guess they want to lose or something.”

“Really? You're the best player this school has.” Twilight said sounding shocked.

“Yeah, they said something about me needing to learn team Spirit and being loyal to the team or something I don’t know...so Grannies, what do you say.”

“Um...okay.” A part of Twilight wanted to say no, she was used to just sitting at home reading one her books, or staying at the school library most of the time. “I like to normally stay at the school library after school, you could meet me there.”

“Okay, sounds cool.” See you then. Rainbowdash headed out kicking her soccer ball while walking, Twilight headed to her own class.

Unknown to both of them however Sunset Shimmer listened in to the entire conversation, a brief scowl appeared on her face. She huffed off down the hall and entered a abounded class room where three big muscular almost dog like kids were sitting around, ironically eating dog treats.

“You three!” She barked causing them all to jump.

“Agh, Sunset Shimmer...what’s it’s that you want.”

“I got a little job for you three?”

The three brutes looked at each other trying to get the other’s opinion on the matter. “Reward?”

Sunset went into her pockets looking for something, when she found it she dangled it front of the three brutes like a piece of raw stake being dangled in front of a dog. “How about these diamond encrusted earrings.” She said giving them all a evil grin.

“Diamonds! Yes Diamonds Diamonds!” The three of them reached out to grab the earings Sunset pulling back.

“Uh, uh, job first, diamonds second! Got it!”

The three brutes agreed.

Sunset Shimmer gave a evil grin. “Perfect.”

The school day had ended and like always Twilight headed to the library for a bit of after school studying, although this time she was going to have company, she was a bit worried that she might have sent the wrong idea by telling Rainbowdash to meet her at the library to hang out, although she was nice Rainbowdash was never the most studious student at the school, but she hoped she would enjoy her company anyway. Twilight made her way down the hall only to see in her horror the library completely trashed, bookshelves toppled books ripped, it was a nightmare.

“What happened!” Twilight yelled sounding horrified.

“Jeez, this is some workout.” Twilight turned around to see Rainbowdash walking up the library. She turned to see Twilight panting heavily. “Jeez Twilight what’s wrong.”

“Whats wrong! What’s wrong! The School library is a wreck that’s what’s wrong!” Twilight yelled grabbing Rainbowdash by the color of her shirt.

“Okay, okay, calm down, I didn’t know the library was so important to you.”

“Important! Important! Rainbowdash, the library is my sanctuary a place for me to breath and relax.”

Rainbowdash seems a bit bewildered by Twilight lust for the library. “Well it looks like your sanctuary is now battlefield, but hey, maybe you can relax at Grannies. Come on.” Rainbowdash grabbed Twilight by the arms as she almost had to drag her out of the school.

Once Twilight stopped resisting the two of them arrived at Grannies for a nice beverage and Coco. As Rainbowdash lounged and indulged herself in her coco Twilight still couldn’t believe that the school library was a wreck and probably going to be closed down for a couple of weeks if not a few months.

“Calm down Twilight, it’s not like you still can’t read or anything, although still, reading is boring compared to a good soccer game.”

“Rainbowdash, the school library was pretty much the only thing this town had to a actual public library not since the town library closed down. Plus all those books are now ruined, and there were barely any as it is.”

“You know, how long has that placed been closed.” Rainbowdash asked.

Twilight was about to answer but then she thought about it, and it came to her, she didn’t remember when that place closed down, as far as she knew that place had been closed since as long as she could remember. “You know, I’m not sure. But all I know is that it’s boarded up and no one’s allowed in.”

Then suddenly Rainbowdash jumped up a wide grin appeared on her face. “Well, who’s to say no one’s allowed in…

“Rainbow...what are you…

“I say we break in their and go check it out and bring some of the books to the school, plus come on a it’s old abandoned library, maybe there’s a ghost there. That’d be cool” Rainbowdash beamed at the thought of haunted spirits inhabiting a old building.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t know…

“Come on Twi...Maybe there are some cool books inside? It’s not like anyone’s going to miss them, and if the place opens again you can just donate them back.”

Twilight thought about it, the thought of unique books that the school didn’t have did intrigue her, but on the other hand breaking into closed off areas seemed a bit risque however books won out in the end.

“Okay...fine, what time?”

“Tonight, like at 9:00.”

“Okay see you then.”

Rainbow Dash got up from the table. “So, you want to go for a jog or something I love a good walk.”

Twilight smiled. “Sure.”

“I hate walking.” Rainbowdash moaned as her and the rest of the group continued to walk through the dark thick woods of the Enchanted Forest.

“Come on Rainbow, don’t tell me you getting tired already.” Applejack said with a friendly smirk.

“Tired never!” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Come on girls, we should been getting there soon...hopefully.” Twilight said, however she was unsure of herself as she held the map in her hands not taking the main road made travel very difficult.

“That’s good, these woods are getting dirt all over my corset.” Rarity whined dusting off the bits of twig and leaf that attached themselves to her cloths.

“Well, I’m sure will be there….” Twilight stopped as she heard the snapping of a twig from the distance. Everyone froze, someone was with them.

“Uh oh.” Fluttershy whispered. “Were we followed?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight whispered back.

“I say lets take them.” Rainbowdash argued.

“Rainbow don’t…

“Alright, come out and face us like...like...whatever the heck you are!” Rainbowdash yelled out sticking out her firsts ready for a fight. “Put um up! put um up!”

The woods began to rustle even louder as someone began to slowly approach, causing even Rainbowdash surge of confidence to dwindle, as she was afraid of what was to come. As the footsteps grew louder and louder the girls huddled together preparing for the worse, but what they got was something quite, charming.

A tall rugged looking man wearing a leather jacket with a cotton undershirt and tights arrived on the scene. The girls were a bit amazed and taken in by this quiet charming individual who approached them.

“Um, hello.” Twilight was the first to say sheepishly still not sure whether or not he was friend or foe.

“Greetings, strange to see such young maidens traveling these next of the woods.” He said.

“Were kind of lost.” Pinkie answered with much more confidence than Twilight. “Can you help us mystery man.”

The strange man gave them a look for a moment contemplating his option and then he smiled. “Of course, I’ll be happy to get you out, but first…

Suddenly more rustling came. “Come this way. Quickly” With haste the mystery man escorted them to to one of the trees, the girls followed his direction although they felt uneasy doing so.

“Um...excuse me...Mr…?” Fluttershy stopped not knowing what his name was.

“It doesn’t matter.” He said.

“Oh well, why are we hiding.” She said in a low whisper.

“I set a trap for a bandit who stole my mother's wedding ring from me.” He explained.

“Oh how awful.” Fluttershy exclaimed.

More rustling came from the woods, Twilight looked from the branch to see who the bandit was, and to her shock, it was the same mysterious cloaked figure who had saved them twice now since they had arrived in this place.


“I see Twilight.” Rarity said.

“Me too.” Applejack responded.

Pinkie looked around. “What I don’t see any…” the trap had been set causing the bandit to be lifted her into a next that dangled from a tree.

“Wait here till it’s safe.” The mysterious man said as he made his way out towards the bandit, He got up to head for the trap while the others just waited behind the tree, however they were able to hear every word of the conversation.

“I told you I’d find you.” The mysterious man said with a smirk as he made his way to get a good look at the bandit. “No matter what you do, I will always find you.

The bandit finally spoke and to the girls surprised she was a woman. “Is this the only way you can trap a woman, by entrapping her?” she asked.

“It’s the only way I catch thieving scum.” The mysetrious man retorted.

“Well aren’t you a real prince Charming.”

“I have a name you know.”

“Don’t care charming suites you. Now CUT ME DOWN charming.”

Charming gave a small chuckle. “I’ll release you when I return the leather pouch you stole with my jewel.”

The girls watched the entire conversation go on from behind the forest, Twilight however felt she needed to do something, this was the person who save them twice, and it felt wrong if they didn’t at least vouch for her. She looked at the girls. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking girls.”

“Yep.” They all said. Twilight got out from behind the tree revealing herself to the bandit andC harming .

“Stop, she’s okay.” Twilight said. Charming turned around a bit surprised.

“Who’s this?” The bandit asked.

“Stop, this bandit saved us twice since we came here. She can’t be that bad.” Twilight said.

“Saved you?” Charming asked sounding puzzled.

“Yeah, a couple days ago from some creepy vines.” Pinkie explained. “They were all over us and we were all like AAH and then she came and she was all ike WOOSH WOOSH! and then there were these scary looking Knights and they were all like GRR and she was all like GRR and we were all RUN!”

“PINKIE!” The girls exclaimed.


Twilight took a deep breath before continuing. “My point is, she can’t be that bad.”

Charming took a deep sigh as he pondered it for a moment. “Well, although it is commendable for saving your life from attacking trees, she still stole my mothers ring.” He took a pause “ Also I’m afraid they’re is a reason she attacked those Dark Knights.” Charming went into his pocket and pulled out a wanted poster with her face on it. It said, Wanted Snow White.

“She’s Snow White, former Princess of the Realm.” He then looked up at Snow. “So...help me get my ring back or I turn you over to the Queen.”

“The Queen!” The girls yelled in shock.

“Well that’s funny the Queen’s hunting us to.” Pinkie said..


“Oops...Did I say to much?”



Charming then looked at the girls and then back at Snow, he almost looked annoyed. “Is today just meeting bandits day or what?”

“Okay, okay...I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of gaining true love. I’ll help you.” Snow said

“Good.” He looks at the girls. “And you’ll come with us.”

“Are you still going to help us?” Twilight asked.

“I have no quarms with you, and to fair, I feel sometimes the Queen’s enemies tend be the the innocent victims...most of the time.”

“Oh thank you!” Twilight said hugging james.

“Okay, okay...can someone cut me down.” Snow White yelled out sounding annoyed. James looked up at Snow with a smirk and then with a swish of his sword he cut her down causing her to plop on the ground flat on her face.


Nine o clock Storybrooke, Twilight wearing a nice purple sweater to keep herself warm was at the old abandoned library waiting for Rainbowdash to arrive, her dog spike was with being kept warm by Twilight hugging embrace.

“Oh I don’t know Spike, this is probably a bad idea.” She asked her loyal companion. “What do you think.


“Hmm...I don’t know.” Twilight responded as if she could understand him.

“Hey Twilight.” Finally Rainbowdash arrived and to her surprise she was joined by none other than Applejack who did not seem to be happy to be there. “And Applejack?”

“I’m only here to make sure THIS one.” Applejack glared at Rainbowdash. “Doesn’t do anything to get you in harms way.”

“Sorry Twi, unfortunately I had a run in with her and she insisted I tell her what was up. Then she insisted on coming!” Rainbowdash glared back at Applejack. Twilight sensed the tension which made her even more hesitant about going along with this stupid idea

“I knew this was a bad idea maybe I should…

“Oh no you don’t.” Rainbowdash pulled Twilight by the swetter. “Were doing this, were here, and we’re all in.”

“Rainbow...Can’t you just let the poor girl…” But she wouldn’t listen, Rainbowdash started grabbing the boards on the door and started taking them down. She tried to open the door but it was locked, so she tried to knock it down.

“It’s locked Rainbowdash, don’t you see the gosh darn lock in front of yuh.” Applejack yelled.

Rainbowdash looked at the lock and growled. “Dang! Well maybe if I...just...try...harder.” She continued to slam her body into the door.

“HAY!” The girls jumped as they saw a large pick up truck heading their way. “What are you doing?” It took a while to see who was driving the car, however the driver opened his door and walked up to them.

“Hey I know you, you’re that David Nolan guy who was in a coma in the hospital.” Rainbowdash said pointing to him.

“Yeah, and either people enter buildings differently now or you’re doing something illegal.” He said accusingly.

“Hey we’re just curious.” Rainbowdash said. “This place has been closed for like ever. We just want to see what’s inside.”

“And you thinking breaking down the door is going to help.” David replied.

“Uh...yes.” Rainbowdash said.

“See I told you this was a stupid idea.” Applejack complained.

“Hey, I just wanted to help Twilight out, since the school library got trashed.” Rainbow argued.

“The school library got trashed?” David said sounding concerned. “How?”

“I don’t know?” Twilight said. “It happened today actually. But a whole bunch of books got ripped up and the shelves are completely destroyed.”

David scratched his chin until he realized something. “Hold on did you say your name was Twilight...Twilight Sparkle?”


“You’re friends with Mary Margaret right?” He asked.

“Yes, I know Miss Blanchard.” Twilight said. “We were hoping to that maybe we’d just sneak in and give some of the books to the school since the one’s at the school were ruined.”

David then walked away and headed to the back of his pickup truck. “Well if you're going to enter the library.” he said to then pull out to large heavy pliers. “Then at least don’t break your shoulder doing it.” He headed to the door and took down the lock with ease, allowing them to open the door to the library. “Mi-ladies.” he said jokingly in a prince like manner as he let the girls enter the library first.

“Thanks dude! I knew you were cool!” Rainbow beamed.

“I’m only doing this because Mary Margaret was helpful to me for my time in the hospital, maybe helping the school library will be a way to repay her.” David said as he followed the girls.

“I still think this is a stupid idea.” Applejack moaned

As they entered the library Twilight was amazed by how many books there were in the place, considering it was abounded. There were books on all sorts of topics, science and math, but also several books on fantasy, sci-fi, many of the classic fairy tales were in this walls as well.

“Wow, you’ve hit the motherlode of books.” Rainbowdash commented as she herself was in awe by the library. “Now to find that ghost.”

“They’re aren’t any ghost Rainbowdash. It’s a library, it’s like saying there’s a dragon underneath the town.”

“That be cool too.”

Applejack rolled her eyes.

Twilight continued to pick out some of the books that the school didn’t have or she personally thought were interesting, classic tales like cat in the hat, other’s like Snow white, even a few on the joys of mathematics, however one book caught her eye in ways that the others didn’t. It was a older looking book, very much like Henry’s slowly she took it out of the shelf, looking at the cover it had a image of a majestic Unicorn.

“Wutcha got there Twi.” Applejack asked looking over her shoulder.

“It’s one of the books I found.” Twilight said continuing to stare at the book, she didn’t know why but it felt familiar to her.

“Well open it up and start reading.” Rainbowdash said, curious as well.
“Okay...here it goes. The first part’s called The Mare in the Moon.”

Charming, Snow, and the rest of the girls have been traveling for what seemed like hours into the woods, Snow leading the way. For the most part everyone was quiet, there was a uneasy tension within the group. As they made their way through the forest with the mystrious man or as Snow called him Charming, notice her playing around with a vile she wore around her neck.

“Though you weren’t the jewelry type. What’s that around you neck.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Charming, not quite trusting Snow White still grabbed the vile from her neck Snow immediately trying to take it back, the rest of the girls stopped in their tracks.

“Carful! It’s a weapon.”

“Of dust? What kind of weapon is dust?” Charming asked seeming perplexed.

“Fairy dust.” Snow said trying to grab it back.

“Thought that was a good thing?

“When it comes from a good fairy but that stuff is deadly, it transforms the most fearsome of adversaries into something that can be easily squashed.”

“Then why didn’t use it on me.”

Snow paused looking at Charming pondering the question herself, finally she spoke in a very monotone voice. “Because you’re not worth it. Charming however decided it would be best to keep the dust in his pocket just in case of any double dealing.

“I’ve actually read books about evil fairy dust.” Twilight told the girls as they walked behind Snow and Charming. “It’s actually quite powerful especially in the wrong hands.”

“Wonder why she has it then?” Applejack pondered.

“How come you have the fairy dust Snow White?” Pinkie asked as she popped behind Snow from out of nowhere causing her to jump in surprise however she calmed down quickly.

“I’m saving it for someone special.” She responded.

Pinkie squealed in delight “Oh, like a surprise I like surprises, oh who’s it for, is for a bestest friend, or a really bestest friend or...

“She means if for the Queen my Pink haired friend.” Charming responded. He looked at Snow. “Gotta lot of anger there don’t you Snow.

Snow was quiet for a moment looking down, both Charming and the girls seemed curious about why exactly that was, although they didn’t know one another Snow didn’t seem like the vengeful or angry type.

“The charges on her posters our lies you know, didn’t stop her from sending her huntsman to rip out my heart.”

Fluttershy face turned green thinking of that gruesome image.

“What happened?” Charming asked.

“Well not everyone is a soulless royal, he took pity on me and let me go, been hiding in the forest ever since. Been amassing a fortune so I can leave this place escape to another realm. Somewhere isolated where I can never be hurt.”

“Sounds lonely.” Charming said.

“Lonelier than a arranged marriage.”

“Hey at least I don’t prey on the innocent.”

“Until now I’ve only stolen from the queen, I thought that carriage was one her’s only she uses that trail.”

“I took the sinque route.” Charming defended.

“Very Funny. All I’m doing charming is what it take to surive.”

Twilight didn’t know why but she felt she needed to add her two cents into the conversation, even if she knew deep down it wasn’t her place .“Aren’t you going to miss your friends?” Twilight asked, causing Snow to turn around. She was quiet as she thought about it.

‘Yes. But then they won’t be hurt either.”

They kept on walking for a few seconds in silence before Charming spoke up again. “What did you do to incur so much wrath.”

“She accuses me of ruining her life.”

“Did you?”

Snow paused for a few seconds before answering. “Yes.” before continuing onward. With that Charming just remained silent as well as the girls.

“So ladies, where do you hail from? One of the nearby Kingdoms or are you subjects of my realm.” He asked.

The girls all looked at each for a moment, deciding whether or not to tell Charming their story or not, however after a few nods and looks they all agreed honesty for them would be the best policy in this circumstances. However before they could Snow stopped them near the stream.

“I’m thirsty...may I.”

Charming thought about it. “Of course, make it fast.” The two of them headed down by the river while the girls waited at the edge of the forest.

“So thinks it’s a good idea to tell them.” Rainbowdash asked Twilight.

“I think we can trust them.” Twilight said. “Applejack what do you think.”

“I think so, that Snow White seems honest enough despite being a bandit and all.”

“She seems to have been through some rough times.” Fluttershy added.

“I would be quite irritated myself if I was hunted and had to wear that outfit all the time.” Rarity said.

Suddenly the heard the sound of feeting coming toward them as they saw Snow running across the woods.

“Hey were she’s going?” Rainbowdash added.

“And where’s that Charmin fellah.” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Hey Snow.” Rainbowdsah got up to go after her, the rest following her pace. Snow continued to run out of the woods until she was back on the main road again the rest of the girls right behind.

“Hey Snow where’s….” Rainbowdash couldn’t finish her sentence however for suddenly the sound of horses were heard coming down the road, they were being ridden by three black knights.

“Uh oh.” Fluttershy whispered as she quivered in fear.

“Huh...Look who we found.” The head knight said as she got up his horse. “They’re nowhere to hide the Queen want’s your heart.” He got out a knife and headed toward Snow White. “And were not going to disappoint her.” He then looked at the girls and grinned. “Ah, the six girls who the Queen also desire’s, lucky for you, she wants you alive.”

Two of the others guards got out there swords and pointed them at the mane six while the leader of the group took Snow White and bolted her against a tree with his hands holding the knife to her heart. He was about to plunge into her body, but then that next second a WOOSH sound came and the guard became pale, until he collapsed on the ground with a knife on his back. Everyone turns around to see Charming who is soaking wet, pull out his sword ready for action. The second black knight pulls out his sword as he and charming duel with one another Snow and the girls watching in awe. Snow using this opportunity of distraction gets up and tries to escape but is picked up by one of the Black Knights on a horse and is rushed away.

“Yo charming.” Rainbowdash yells, pointing in Snow’s direction. Without a moments notice Charming knocked out the other guard and began to follow the other Knight, he got out his arrow and aimed it a few inches away from the horse, and seconds later he fired it, managing to knock out the guard and keep Snow and the horse alive. With the knight gone Snow managed to get her balance and get on the horse slowing it down. Charming and the girls ran to her position to make sure she was okay.

“You alright.” Charming asked, Snow was panting and seeming a bit bewildered.

“You...You saved me.”

“Seemed like the honorable thing to do.”

There was a brief pause as the two of them just looked at each other waiting for the other to speak.

“Ready.” Charming finally said.

“For what?”

“My jewels.”

Snow seemed a bit taken aback but snapped out of it and got back to reality.” Right...you got a wedding got get to, and you got to help...these girls with whatever the problem was, anyway the trolls I sold them to are just beyond the next bridge we need to be careful.”

“What trolls?”

“You clearly never met them.”

“Aren’t they little people.”

“No those are dwarves. Show a little respect they’ll cut of your hand sooner before you can shake it.”

Rarity and Fluttershy grimaced at that gruesome image.

“I thought trolls were friendly.” Fluttershy whispered seeming horrified.

“I guess they aren’t here.” Rainbowdash whispered back.

“Well then lets get this over with.” Charming said as he began get ready to follow snow.

“Yes, we both got places to be so lets go.” Snow replied

“You have you isolated corner to find.

“And you have a loveless fiance to please.”

Charming turns around to look at the girls. “Well come on girls, maybe on the way you can explain why the Queen is out for your head too.”

Twilight face blushed. “Well...it’s a interesting story.”

“Well that was a cute story and all Twi. But I don’t see anything special about it.” Applejack said as she and Rainbowdash looked over Twilight shoulder at the book Twilight had found at the town library. Twilight however still couldn’t shake off the feeling that this book was special, something about seemed all too familiar.

“Come on it’s just a book, nothing special.” Rainbowdash said snapping Twilight out of her deep though. “So come on, I want to put these books into David’s Truck so we can get them ready for the school.

David himself was busy looking at some of the books himself, many of them sleazy romance novels about couples who couldn’t be together for one of them was married to someone else.

“Hey David, were ready.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Okay I’ll get my truck ready.” As he went out the truck he felt himself almost something pink and soft. He looked up to see Mary Margaret walking down the street.


“Um..Um Mary Margaret, uh...Hi. What are you doing out so late.”

“I had to go the store to get something for Emma. What are you doing here...and with you truck.” She noticed the truck backed up to the library.

“Um...Uh. Well you me and …

“Miss Blanchard.” Twilight jumped as she too walked out side.

“Twilight? What are you doing here.” Applejack and Rainbowdash came out from behind looking nervous.

Mary Margaret looked at them all with confusion. “Okay, what is going on.”

Applejack and Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash to explain however she just remained silent and scared. “Uh...Well...uh…

“It was my idea.” David said stepping in. “I heard about the school library and I heard they’re were books here in the library so I thought I’d...borrow some.”

“By breaking into the library.” Mary Margaret replied raising a eyebrow.

“I know, not the best thought out plan but...I really wanted to help.”

Mary Margaret seemed a bit flabbergasted by how someone would go to help the school that she worked for. She and David locked eyes with one another however this moment was interrupted by the sound of cracking fist. Everyone turned around to see a group of dog looking individuals approaching them looking ready for a fight.

“What do you want?”

“Books for Diamonds!” One of them demanded.

“We don’t have any diamonds.” David said.

“We were promised diamonds for books.”

“What are they talking about.” Rainbowdash whispered Twilight shrugged but she was nervous.

“Well if you want these books you’re going to have go through me.”

The three thugs looked at each other, and nodded, it appeared there was going to be a fight.

“Equestria?” Charming said, sounding amazed. “So you from another realm entirely.”

“Yep.” Twilight said nodding.

“And Sunset Shimmer took this magic crown of your’s and now your looking at it.” Snow asked trying to make sure she got the whole stoy.

“Pretty much our story in a nutshell.” Applejack answered.

“Strange, I knew Sunset Shimmer from the castle, she was Regina lady in waiting, they became pretty close.”

“How long as she been with her.” Twilight asked.

“She arrived a few weeks before my Father’s death, so only a couple of months to maybe a year. She always had a arrogant attitude.” Snow responded.

“But why would she want you’re crown? Stealing it just seems petty to me.” Charming replied.

“I don’t know but the Crown has magical abilities, and it would be awful if it fell into the wrong hands.”

“Heh, maybe we could borrow some of the fairy dust of yours.” Rainbow Dash joked Snow not taking pleasure in it though.

“Well, Snow looks like you found someone you can share stories with,”

“We actually haven’t been here that long.” Twilight explained.

“Then you don’t know how harsh it can get, trust me, these are the easy days.” Snow responded causing Twilight to gulp, her confidence was not boosted by this statement.

“Well as long she us by her side she can’t fail.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed putting her arm over Twilight shoulder for support.

Snow rolled her eyes a bit by the hopeful optimism. “I hope your right kid, things are just going to get worse for you the longer you stay here.”

As Snow and Charming road on horse the girls followed by foot along the road until they found themselves near a creepy looking stone bridge, a dark mist covering the ground beneath it. Something about it seemed dark and sinister, as if a evil presence had been lurking here for centuries.

Snow and Charming stopped and got of the horse, Snow immediately sending it away. “Trolls don’t like horses. We walk from here, follow me and keep quiet. You six stay here.”

Snow and Charming slowly approach the bridge, the girls staying behind huddling together, not sure what to expect.

“Look.” Pinkie whispered, the girls looked at were she was pointing and to her horror saw horrible creatures with sharp teeth wearing nothing but black rags their hair rugged and messy slowly crawling up the bridges.

“Those must be the trolls.” Twilight deduced as they encircled Snow and Charming. Twilight tried to hear what was going on and managed to pick up some of the talking.

“Why you here.” The troll demanded in a deep gruff voice.

“I want to make another trade. “Snow answered.

“Who’s he!”

“He’s no one.”

“Looks like they’re not into charming that much.” Rainbowdash replied watching the situation unfold from afar.

“Shhh..I’m trying to listen in.” Twilight said.

“Uh, oh.” Applejack said also watching.


“Looks like things are going south fast.’ The trolls began to fidget and move around harshly until finally Charming got out his sword as one of them took Snow by the neck while the others took out the supplies and trinkets from Charming’s person.

“We gotta help them.” Fluttershy said.

“I got a idea.” Rainbow Dash grabbed a large pebble and threw at the troll holding charming. “Hey ugly take that!” The troll released Charming allowing him to pick up his sword and fight, first tacking down the one holding Snow.

“Go I’m right behind you.” Snow got up picking up her fairy dust and ran off.

“Snow!” Twilight yelled out. She stopped to see Charming had been cornered by some of the trolls. Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to help but they to got knocked out by the trolls. Snow hesitated she had her chance, either to run now and be free or to help her friends.

On the bridge the Trolls were ready to gut Prince Charming like a fish. “Royal blood is the sweetest of them all.” The Troll lifted his sword ready to take the plunge but before he could strike he was covered by a blast of light and dust and transformed into a bug. The other two looked around to see Snow White standing their with the fairy dust in her hands. Before they could strike Snow poured more dust into her hand and blasted it at them turning them into bugs. The battle was over, they won.

Charming slowly got up to see what happened. “You...you saved me.”

“It was the honorable thing to do.”

“What about yoru special someone?”

“I’ll think of something else.”

Charming straightened up a bit before looking up at Snow again. “Thank you.” The two of them got their supplies and joined up the girls who were waiting outside the bridge.

“Anyway...how can I let prince Charming die.” Snow said with a smirk.

“I told you, I have a name...it’s James.”

“It’s nice to meet you James.” She said this time actually smiling. “We should go there could be more coming.” She looked at the girls. “Come on you six, you can stick with us the rest of the way.”

The Girls, David and Mary Margaret were surrounded by these three tough looking dogs, they had had their hands raised like claws ready to slash their enemies in whole. Rainbow Dash was especially sacred, preferring to run than fight.

“Well, look at the time...gotta bail!” Rainbow Dash ran off, one of the thugs tried to get her but David gave him a good kick in the shins slowing him down dramatically.

“Well ain’t that just like Rainbow, running off instead of staying for a fight.” Applejack replied. “Some loyalty from the that girl.”

While one thug was down the other two were much tougher managing to get the jump on David, Applejack tried her best to pull them off him but even her strength wasn’t enough, Spike bit one of the thugs leg but that was more of nuisance than anything else.

Rainbow Dash continued to run as far away from the fight as possible, but she could still hear the struggle from behind.

“HELP!” she heard Twilight scream from the distance. She stopped in her tracks and turned around looking back, hesitant to return, wanting so much to run and keep on running and save her own skin.

Twilight was cornered, two of the thugs were about to tackle her. “Please don’t hurt me to bad.” she squeaked, they were about to strike, until suddenly one of them stopped mid strike and slowly fell to the ground unconscious, the other looked around to see a soccer ball in front of him. Rainbowdash had come back.

“Hey! Pick on someone your own size.” Rainbowdash said. The thugs growled at her and ran toward her ready to strike, but Rainbowdash took them out one by one either with her sheer muscle or her soccer ball.

“Rainbow Dash! Your back.” Applejack said looking amazed.

“Yeah well...I couldn’t let Twilight get hurt now could I.” Rainbow Dash said as she took out another thug.

David and Mary Margaret too took a out a few thugs as well, to David’s surprises Mary Margaret was able to hold her own quite well in a fight.

“Your a school teacher?” David asked.

“I work out.”

Finally after a few more moments of sparing the thugs ran of knowing they were beaten.

“Huh that’s right run you dogs!” Rainbow Dash yelled as they headed off. “Showed them huh.”

“Yeah, I guess we did.” David saw chuckling once the air had finally cleared.

“Wonder why they attacked us.” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know. But I actually did recognize one of them.” Rainbow Dash said. “He goes to our school.”

“He does?” Twilight then pondered for a moment. “Hey...you don’t think…

“It wouldn’t surprise me.” Applejack nodded.

“But why?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Who knows.” Twilight said, as she put that book with the Unicorn on the cover in her personal bag. “But come on lets take some of these books for the school.

“Are you sure this isn’t stealing.” Mary Margaret asked still sounding concerned.

“Well if it is, then if this place opens, we can always donate them back.” David compromised.

She shrugged. “I guess so.” With that the girls, David and Mary Margaret began loading the books onto the truck so the school would soon have new books for it’s library.

In a dark alleyway next to the library, Sunset Shimmer had watched the whole event unfold, her anger grew with every second it passed. She turned around to see the three thugs standing next to her kneeling down in fear. She looked at them with scorn.

“I told you to teach them a lesson!” She yelled. “Does it look like they learned one!”


“Exactly and also those two...” She pointed to David and Mary Margaret “...are becoming close. Do you know what would happen if they get to chumy..”

The three thugs looked at each confused, Sunset rubbed her forhead in exhaustion.

“Ugh, you two are just as bad as Snips and Snails.” Sunset looked at Twilight her eyes narrowing. “First that Emma arrives to ruin the town and now Twilight is starting to be chummy with the girls...It’s time to step up my game. Time to make a deal with the Dark One."

Snow, Charming, and the girls walked a little bit more till they reached the main road. Now was the time to part ways. Charming eventually stopped and looked at Snow with a grin, the two of them continued to exchange a few ackward looks and grunts and grins, the girls merely watched.

“Oooh, I can sense some lovable tension.” Rarity whispered to Rainbowdash

Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue. “Ugh, romance.”

“Uh...I think you want this.” Charming finally replied as he pulled out Snow’s bag of stolen goods. Snow looked at it for a moment confused until realizing what it was.

“Oh right the gold. Thank you.” She strapped the bag to her belt. “And uh...you can’t get married without this.” She pulled out the ring.

Charming grinned. “I know not your style.”

“Only one way to find out.” Snow put on the ring to test on herself she looked at it for a moment, almost entranced by it. The ring fit her quite well, as if it were made for her and her alone. However the moment past as she took it out and gave it Charming. “Yeah not my style. I’m sure your Fiance will love it.”

“Yeah.” Charming said, and although he smiled he couldn’t help but sound disappointed. “You can have the rest of you…

“Oh no. Thanks…We both got what we wanted.”

Charming smiled. “Well if you need anything.”

“You’ll know were to find me.”


Snow sighed but still continued to smile. “I almost beleived that. Well goodbye prince Charming.”

“It’s James.”

“Nah...I still like Charming better.” Before she left she walked over to Twilight and her friends. “Well girls, good luck on finding your crown.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said shaking Snow’s hand.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful, it’s going to get a lot harder from here on out and Sunset Shimmer is really looking for that crown and she’s got the Queen behind her, it’s going to difficult.”

“Well as long as we stick together, we’ll win.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Lets hope you're right.” Snow said. “But if you ever need to contact me, send a mesage with one of the blue birds, they know where to find me.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, she gave Fluttershy a look to see if she anything about bluebird communication.

“Well...goodbye.” With that Snow headed off leaving the girls and Charming behind. After a few moments of pause Charming turned to the girls himself.

“Well ladies, I said once I was done with the bandit I’d help and I’m a man of word.” Charming said.

“Thank you James.” Twilight said giving him a slight bow. “We are very grateful, but we don’t know what you could do, we don’t even know where are crown is.”

“You said you’re crown was magical correct?” Charming asked.


Suddenly the atmosphere darkened a bit as Charming looked around to see if anyone was listening as he slowly walked up to Twilight and talked in a hush whisper. “I know someone, someone well versed in magic.”


“A wizard, a very powerful wizard, the most powerful in all the realms. Normally I would not reccomend him in any circumstance but if you dealing with the Queen he seems to be your only option at the moment. But I warn you he is quite devious be carful around him”

Twilight and the others got a little nervous as they were told about this powerful wizard but they knew they needed to do what it took to find the crown and so they had no choice.

“Who is this wizard.” Twilight asked hesistit.

“His name.... Is Rumplestiliskin.”

Author's Note:

Okay so as you probably noticed in terms of Present Day I skipped some episodes, because I don't have enough ideas for every single Episode of Once to have some Pony addition to it. Same goes with past. So basically this will how it play out. Some episode will be either be original stuff, Once Episode mixed with Pony elements, or Pony episode mixed with Once Elements.

Also I hope my ONCERS out there caught the reference to Season 1 Finale of ONCE.