• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,430 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

Trial by Fire

Chapter 4
Ever since they’re little escapade at the library Twilight had continued to obsess over the the book she had found with the Unicorn on the cover. Although the night she had just starred at it going over the contents within it, trying to figure out where she had seen this book before. But every time she went through the book one phrase continued to pop out of her Elements of Harmony .

“Such a strange phrase.” Twilight said as she sat at personal desk at home looking over the book, her dog Spike standing beside her wagging his tail. “Oh, I’m being silly, this is just fantasy nonsense. But still...I just can’t shake this feeling. I wonder if this is how Henry feels.”


Twilight turned around and saw her Alarm clock said 7:50 am in the morning, her eyes snapped open. “I’ve been up all night! And I’m going to be late for school!” With this realization she jumped out of her chair grabbed her bag and rushed out of the house and ran straight onto the road to hear the loud squeak of the someone hitting the breaks on the car.

“AGH!” Twilight covered her eyes ready for the impact, thankfully it never came.

“What in tarnation!” Twilight opened her eyes to see a big red truck standing right in front of her and from one of the window’s Applejack popped out her head. “Twilight, what are you doing running the middle of the road.

Twilight took a deep sigh of relief that she wasn’t hurt. “Sorry Applejack, I realized I was going to be late for school.”

“Oh...well hop in then I’m heading there myself.”

“Really...thanks.” Twilight entered the truck, the front seat was a bit dirty and looked like it had not been washed in weeks but she wasn’t going to complain. Applejack started up the agnestition as they drove on out.

“Thank you so much.” Twilight said.

“No problem Twi. Always happy to help, feel free to have to Cider on the way.” Applejack pointed to one of the boxes of Sweet Apple cider underneath the seat.

“Oh, thank you. But I’m not thirsty right now, but I appreciate the offer.”

“Don’t worry, maybe you’d like to come to the farm after school, my Granny Smith cooking a nice Apple pie for dessert tonight.”

Twilight seemed hesitant about another invite Applejack took notice.

“Don’t worry though we won’t be breaking in anywhere this time. Still felt that was a stupid idea, but at least the school library has a new collection of books, so….you know.”

“Well...I guess that would be nice.” Twilight replied. “Okay then, I’m in.”

“Great! I hope you enjoy the Cider, my family is providing the Cider for this years Fall Formal pageant, we provide it every year.” Applejack said sounding proud of this achievment.

“Fall Formal?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, it’s some stupid pageant thing Mr.Gold shop sponsors every year to advertise his store or something.”

Twilight then remembered that she had heard about this pageant before. “Hey doesn’t Sunset Shimmer run in that pageant every year.”

“Yeah, that’s the last thing that girl needs. Another ego boost. Of course she and the Mayor always scare off anyone who has a chance of running against her.”

Twilight grimaced at having both Sunset and Mayor Regina as a enemy, that would be the last thing she needed. After some more idle chit chat Applejack pulled up the car to the school, and dropped off Twilight.

“Well see you after school?” Applejack asked.

“Sure. Till then.”

“Oh great, the nerd and the hick.” The two girls looked up to see Sunset Shimmer looking at them smugly.

“Do you just like picking on Twilight.” Applejack asked sounding annoyed, almost ready to smack Sunset a new one.

“Careful they’re Applejack, from what I here, it took some convincing to get Gold to give you another month to pay for the rent of the farm.” Sunset replied mockingly.

“Yeah, well he’s paying a pretty penny for our Apple family Cyder.”

“That’s not what I heard, I heard he found two new guys to supply him with the Cyder cheaper and faster.” Sunset mocked. “Heard he’s planning on giving them your land to build a factor.”

“WHAT!” Where do you hear that.” Applejack yelled out. “Who are these two?”

“The Flim Flam brothers.” Sunset said. “They’re good friends of mom’s so I suggested told them that you’re barn might be up for sale soon.”

“WHY YOU!” Applejack looked like she was going to sock Sunset right in the gut by Twilight held her back not wanting to cause any trouble.

“I guess you country folk aren’t that bright.” With a laugh Sunset headed off Applejack continuing to glare at her.

“Sorry Applejack.”

“I’m not losing my barn that easily.” Applejack replied.

“Well...maybe...maybe you could talk to Mr.Gold, maybe he’ll see reason.”

“Reason!” Ha! That no good swindler always goes with anyone who make him a quick buck.”

“Well...you should still try.” Twilight said sounding determined.

“I really doubt it Twi. You don’t know him like I do.”

After a few days of travel Twilight and her friends had finally arrived to the location known as the Dark Castle. The trip itself was not as perilous as they thought, they had stayed in the forest for the most part only taking the main road only when needed to avoid detection from the Queen’s forces. But now they had arrived, in front of the gates of a mighty castle, the place itself seemed like any other castle that could be found in Equestria, however the atmosphere itself seemed dark, and twisted, like some ancient malice had lived here for centuries.

“This place is scary.” Fluttershy whispered shaking a bit.

“They don’t call it the Dark Castle for nothin.” Applejack said looking up at the castle.

“Well I’m not scared, I can take on some wizard.” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Well then, lets get going.” Twilight looked walked up toward the gates about to knock however slowly the door slowly opened up revealing a grant hallway with suits of armor and other artifacts located in it.

“Hello.” Twilight said as she slowly walked into the castle the rest of the girls following. “Anyone home.”

“Man this place is big.” Rainbowdash said as they started to walk down the hall.

“Look, I see a light in coming from the room.” Fluttershy pointed out to a door with a glow coming from it.

“Maybe he’s in their.” The girls slowly snuck across the hall towards the door, and saw a divine looking living quarters with a long table in the center and back of a chair. The entire area was filled with all sorts of antiques and nick knacks, and other sorts of strange artifacts.

Rainbow Dash peered her head. “Think he’s in their.”

Suddenly a high pitched laugh echoed through the halls terrifying the girls. “Does that answer your question dearie.”

“Rumplestiliskin?” Twilight questioned as she entered the room.

“Come in, come in dearier, it’s not nice to lurk in hallways, it’s rude you know.” The Dark One said in a high pitched voice. The rest of the girls plus spike entered the room as they only wondering what exactly they would find. Finally they heard movement coming from the chair as a body began to emerge from it and what the girl saw shocked them.

They saw was a man, but he didn’t seem quite human. His skin was a mixture of gold and green giving it a very scaly like figure. His cloths matched as well a crocodile like suite with leather over shirt with a spike like color around it but underneath both the jacket and shirt was a tunic that gave it almost a royal flair. His hair too was a mess and his eyes, his eyes were wide and almost demonic. But what did one expect from the Dark One himself.

“Greetings my little dearies...I am Rumplestiliskin.” He said giving them all a little bow.

Twilight decided to be polite and return the bow. “Thank you, my name is…

“Your name...is Princess Twilight Sparkle, of a Equestria.” Rumplestiltskin said stopping Twilight in mid sentence. She was shocked.

“How do you…

“How I know that you and your friends are prancy pretty ponies from another land, simple. I know everything.” Rumpelstiltskin said with tooth filled gin. “Well that and...I’ve been to Equestria on a few occasion here and their.”

“You’ve been to Equestria.” Twilight said looking surprised.

“Indeed I have. So tell me did Princess Luna ever succeed in that eternal night business, I sure hope those powers I loaned her did the trick.”

“Wait...WHAT!” Twilight yelled looking shock.

“Kidding dearie, I already know you defeated her and she’s back to normal.” Rumple giggled. “Those Elements of Harmony are powerful things after all, I’m not surprised at all that Sunset Shimmer would try to steal one for herself.”

“Well that’s why we came to you Rumplestiltskin, we were hoping you can help us get it back.” Twilight replied sounding hopeful.


“Yes, do you know where it is.”

“Well if you thinking Sunset Shimmer has it then you’re in luck, she doesn’t.” Rumplestiltskin replied.

Twilight took a sigh of relief and smiled for once some good news on this journey. “Then you know where it is.”


Suddenly all those hopes dashed away as quickly as they had arrived. “So, you won’t help.”

“Well, the question I ask you dearie is why do you need my magical forte when you have all the magic you need.”

Twilight and the others look confused.

“What in tarnation are you talking about buddy.” Appleajack.

“Oh come now honest Applejack, even someone such as I knows the power of the magic of friendship.” Rumplestiliskin replied popping up from behind Applejack. “BUT! You also have something, a little more...practical.” Suddenly his demonic eyes shifted back to Twilight. “Tell me my dear, you are a alicorn correct?”

“Yes.” Twilight replied sounding scared.

“That’s all I needed to know, will you please if you will hold out your arm. and open your pawm. That’s where you hoof would be.”

Twilight was hesitant as well as the rest of her friends, they all looked at Rumplestiliskin with suspicion looks.

“Do not fear dearie, it won’t hurt at all, I just want to show you something.” As per request Twilight straighten out her arm and opened her palm. With his scaly hands Rumple slowly and gently took Twilights hand wrapping his scaly one around hers.

“Magic.” He said. “Is constant, it can never be destroyed, it only changes forum. It also works differently depending on the world, so...being a Alicorn, you are infused with it.”

“What does that mean?” Rainbow Dash asked sounding confused.

“It means my loyal friend. That while her horn is gone, a new way of changing magic, must be found.” Rumple gripped his hand over Twilight a little hard as suddenly a purple aurora began to engulf her pond until in turned in a big ball of pure energy.

“What is that!” Twilight yelled.

Rumple let go and the ball of energy evaporated. “That...was magic.”

School had ended and as promised Twilight had decided to join Applejack for a visit to her farm of Sweet Apple acres. During the ride their Applejack still was upset over the whole idea of Mr.Gold forcing them out their farm.

“Don’t worry Applejack maybe he’ll see reason.” Twilight said. “He can’t be that mean.”

“Oh trust me Twilight he is. if they gave a prize for being mean the winner would be him. Trust me old Gold loves his money, thinks it’s gives him power over us.” Applejack replied.

“I bet if he were candy I’d bet it would be sour!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as he popped up from behind the front seat causing Applejack to lose control of her truck for a couple of moments.

“PINKIE PIE!” What in the heck are you doing here!” Applejack yelled.

“I was stowing away in your car.” Pinkie said.

“Why!” Applejack yelled.

“I don’t know just cuz.”

Twilight was also weirded out by Pinkie Pie’s weird behavior.

“So Twilight how you doing.” Pinkie asked filling the silence.


“Heard about your adventure in the library, that David Nolan sounds so awesome, like a knight in shining armor taking down those thugs...one two...sock up.” Pinkie said making punching sounds.

“Yeah….I guess.” Twilight said.

“Oh speaking of, still fretting over that book you found.” Applejack asked Twilight.

“Um...A little.”

“Oh, oh you should ask Henry, he might have a good theory.” Pinkie interjected. “He’s normally good at those kind of mysterious thing.”

“Hmm...Maybe...I don’t…

“What in tarnation!” Applejack yelled out as she immediately stopped her car. Twilight looked outside to see a fancy looking black car parked right outside Sweet Apple Acres.

“Gold.” Applejack burst open the door and walked out waiting outside for them was Mr.Gold who was waiting for them.

“Ah Miss Applejack, and I see your brough Miss Sparkle and Miss Pie along as well, greating ladies.”

“HELLO!” Pinkie waved.

“What the hay are you doing here. We don’t owe you money for a few more weeks.” Applejack said.

“Yes, that is the true, however I’ve been made a offer for this place, and let me say quite a profitable offer in that.” Mr.Gold explained. “Two brothers by the name of Flim and Flam, they can open a Cider making factory here, and i can raise the rent for them to quite a hefty fee.”

“WHAT! Those two, they’re crooks.” Applejack exclaimed.

“Perhaps, but they’re cider making device is quite unique and much more efficient than your...traditional methods. Speaking of.” Gold signaled someone to come closer to them, suddenly two men dressed like a classic barbershop quartet one of them had a mustache.

“Flim, Flam, you apparently know Miss Applejack, these are who compatriots Miss Sparkle and Miss Pie.”

“Greetings Ladies.” Flim Said.

“Greetings indeed.” Flam echoed.

“Now gentlemen if you please, show these fine ladies you’re little money making device.” Gold asked. One of the brothers pulled out a remote and pushed the big red button in the center, suddenly the sound of roaring engine as a strange looking device emerged.

“This is the Super Cider Squeezy 6000.” Flam declared sounding proud.

“It can make Cider, better faster and cheaper than any farmer could.” Film boasted.

Mr.Gold grinned. “As you can see Miss Apple these two believe in innovation, sadly something you’re family does not.”

“You can’t do that we signed a contract and…

“And the contract states you have must pay the first of the quarter and I extended that contract by a week.” Mr Gold finished.

“Please Mr.Gold.” Twilight walked up to help out her friend. “Maybe...maybe Applejack’s cider is better than those two. Isn’t quality a product better than quantity.”

Mr. Gold thought about it for a moment and scratched his chin, suddenly a idea popped in his head as his crooked grin wrapped itself around his face. “I’m going to make you an offer then Applejack. You have one week to pay the rent, instead how about we have a competition, whoever sells the most cider before the end of the week wins. Deal?” He held out his hand.

Applejack took it. “What you know we can’t sell that much cider.”

“Well then trial by fire.” Rumple replied. “Do we have deal.”

Applejack mused it over for a moment not sure she was willing to risk her home and livelihood, but she knew she was between a rock and hardplace. “Deal.”

“Very good, feel free to have your friends help you after all.” He looks at Twilight with a grin. “Friendship is magic.” With that he headed to car and drove on off Applejack glaring at him while he did.

“Why he’s a no good varmint.” Applejack muttered.

“At least he gave you a chance to save your farm.” Twilight said trying to comfort her friend.

“Yeah, and a fun way too.” Pinkie Pie said. “Oh I could make awesome Apple Family Cider posters, I’ll get to work on it ASAP!”

Applejack was still upset. “Still...that Gold...he’s just such a jerk! I wonder how anyone or if anyone could stand him!”

Twilight continued to look at her hand and see the ball of energy that was around it.

“My magic?”

“Yep.” Rumple replied grinning. “It’s still here, and you just didn’t know it I also believe generous Rarity also has it, as well.” He then looks at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “Perhaps next time my kind and loyal friend you should consider touching a cloud and seeing what happens and of course the laughable Pinkie Pie, your’s is a magic I will never fathom.”

“Thank you.” Pinkie Pie smiled as she randomly pulled a cookie from her hair and ate it.

Twilight continued to look at her arm with shock, surprised her magic was still with her and that she could use it. However then a horrible thought popped into her mind. “Wait...if I can use magic does that mean.”

“I’m afraid so.” Rumplestiltskin replied sounding his voice become morbid. “And she’s been around the Evil Queen herself, and I assure you, she’s taught her a trick or too.”

“So what, you sayin we’re screwed.” Rainbow Dash asked bluntly.

“No not necessarily, you are ...as you so elegantly put it, screwed if you don’t know how to control the magic.” Rumplestiltskin answered back. “You see, magic works differently between the realms, in some places it is a weak and neglected stuff of legend, in other worlds such as here and in Equestria, it is strong and hardy! But! Still works differently. Obviously in Equestria Miss Sparkle had her horn to release the magic that contained within her, but now...she’ll have to find another way to wield it.”

“Could you show me how.” Twilight asked sounding hopeful.

“Well I could, but that depends...are you willing to pay the price.”

“The price?” Twilight asked sounding scared.

Rumplestiltskin gave a smile as he started walking around the room. “I have trained my share of witches, wizards, and demons over the centuries, even had the delight of training a trio of sirens once. But in the end, they never fully understood the most important thing about magic.”

“What’s that?”

“Simple, all…

“Rumplestiltskin?” A voice came from behind the girls, it was a lovely kind sounding voice, turning around they saw a young woman with long flowing brown hair, wearing a lovely blue and white dress carrying a broom with her entering the room.

“Oh...I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

“Hello!” Pinkie Pie waved. “I’m Pinkie Pie what’s your name.”

“Belle.” She replied.

“Hi Belle.”

After that brief introduction Belle then looked back to Rumplestiltskin. “I...uh...I finished cleaning the east wing like you said.”

“Did your brings those books down like I asked.”

“Um, yes i have them here.” Belle pulled out a majestic looking book and handed it to Rumple.

“Thank you dearie. You may clean the outside halls till I’m done conducting business.”

“But I just cleaned them this morning.” Belle argued.

“Then do them again.”

“And this afternoon.”

“Third times the charm.”

“And this…

“Okay okay fine.” Rumpelstiltskin was getting annoyed. “Then just wait outside the door and ...I don’t know, read a book or dream or whatever it is you do when you're not cleaning.” Belle agreed but not without rolling eyes as she headed out.

“Bye Belle.” Pinkie waved.

Once Belle was gone Rumplestiltskin turned his attention back to the girls. “Sorry dearies, but good help these days is really hard to find as you can see. Now back to business...the price.” Rumple walked up Twilight outstretching the spell book in his hand. “I’ll give you this simple book of spell, and in exchange… I want...uh...a full pardon, for any and all crimes I may or may not have committed in Equestria.”

“WHAT!” All the girls yelled out shocked by the request.

“So you want to get away with anything in Equestria!” Applejack accused.

“No...I just want to make sure that if I should ever return, certain alicorns won’t get in my way.” He replied.

“Don’t do it Twilight! He’s going to go to Equestria and terroize everyone.”

“Oh come, come dearie, it’s true that in the past I was a nasty, but I mended most of my ways. Besides, how do you plan on surviving in this world without magic.”

Twilight thought about it, on the one hand she needed some type of magic if she were to find the element of harmony, however to let someone like Rumpelstiltskin who just by the look of him she knew would cause great damage in Equestria if he were given free reign a royal pardon. This was quite a conundrum. But Twilight knew in her heart what the right decestion was.


“What?” Rumplestiltskin seemed puzzled.

“No, I’m sorry but I can’t do something like that, I can’t put the citizens of Equestria in that kind of risk. Even without magic I’ll find another way to find the Element of Harmony.”

“Yeah, you tell him Twilight.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Good for you darling.” Rarity added.

Rumplestiltskin much to Twilight’s surprise smiled causing everyone to shudder a bit. “Hmm...I like you Miss Sparkle, you have guts and by the looks of it so do your friend. But I’m afraid if you won’t pay the price then ...I can’t help you. Belle!”

Belle popped her head from the hallway and entered the room. Rumplestiltskin handed her the book.

“Please show are lovely guest out, and return the book back to the library when you done.”

“Okay. Um...This way.”

“Ta ta My Little Dearies, if you should be willing to change your mind...I’m always up for a deal.”

The girls left Rumplestilskins chambers and followed Belle down the hallway to the castles front gait.

Belle stopped them. "Wait." She then pulled out the spell book. "I want you to take it."

The girls looked at each other not sure what if she was genuine or not.

"What?" Rainbow Dash finally blurted out.

"I overheard your conversation with Rumple and I think it's unfair he won't help you, so here, take the book.” Belle handed Twilight the book everyone still seemed bewildered by her actions.

“But what if he finds out you did this.” Twilight asked sounding concerned.

“It won’t matter I can handle him.” Belle replied.

“Sorry for not believing you darling, but from I’ve seen that man is nothing more than a beast.” Rarity replied.

“I know Rumple is difficult but trust me, even if he finds out, he won’t hurt me. I’ll just try to explain what I did and get him to see reason.”

“Yeah, but if he comes after us for taking his book.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“I doubt he’ll find out, he rarely looks at this book anymore.” Belle said. “Don’t worry, just trust me, I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt you.”

“But what if he hurts you.” Fluttershy said.

“He won’t… I know him. He’s not as monstrous as people make him out to be.”

“I still don’t know about this.” Applejack said sounding hesitant.

“Well...It’s a risk I think we should take.” Twilight suggested taking the book from Belle. “Again are you sure…

“Don’t worry, sometimes you don’t know what’s really in a person’s heart until you truly know them.”

“That Gold’s heart is as black as dust.” Applejack shouted to the high heavens during dinner, Twilight was asked to join them along with Pinkie Pie, Applejack’s whole family was there her Granny smith, her little sitter Applebloom and big brother Macintosh.


“Don’t worry Applejack, I bet we can sell three times the Cider those Flim Flam brothers can.” Applebloom said trying to boost her sister’s confidence.

“I hope so little sis. Otherwise I don’t know what were going to do.”

“Hey I know...Maybe Rarity could help you.” Pinkie Pie suggested. “She has really good business savvy. Her dresses are horrible but she know’s her business.”

Applejack’s face soon turned red and her eyes narrowed. “Oh no! Not again! Last time me and Rarity worked on a project it ended in disaster for the both of us.”

“What happened.” Twilight asked sounding curious.

“Girl got all controlling and wanted to make everything fancy shmancy, said my stuff was uncouth.” Applejack yelled.

“What were you doing with her?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh, I don’t know some school project or somethin, taught me though never to work with her again.”

“Well, maybe she’ll be a little more understanding since the stakes are so high.” Twilight suggested.
“No way Twi! Me and the family can do this on our own.

“Okay.” Twilight said worried that Applejack was letting her own pride get the best of her family.

As the next few days passed Twilight’s fear’s began to come to fruition, Applejack tried her best to sell as much Apple Family Cider as possible and while the usual takes would help out, Mary Margaret, Granny, Doctor Hopper, Twilight, Pinkie, and Henry, it still wasn’t enough, one could say many thing but one could not deny they were excellent salesmen, they knew exactly how to rally the crowds and get them to buy their product. Each day Twilight would see Applejack by her stand in market place or going around town going door to door trying to sell cider, and fail. Applejack’s was getting more and more stressed by the day.

“Excuse me miss would you like some…” The woman closed the door before Applejack could finish her pitch. “Oh...okay nevermind.”


Applejack turned around to see Twilight walking down the street. “Oh hey Twi...just uh...just selling some cider.”

“How’s it going?”

“Good. Good.” Applejack lied, she tried putting on a good face but Twilight saw straight through her ruse.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah...I’m sure.”

Twilight continued to stare disapprovingly at Applejack until finally she took a deep sigh. “Okay, okay you got me...I’m doing terrible, I’ve barely sold have my stock.”

“Then maybe you could use some help...someone who knows business.” Twilight replied.

Applejack grumbled and moaned for a few moments. “Oh...Alright fine! Will to go Rarity’s. But you’re coming with me.”


Applejack and Twilight walked down to the town’s few fashion boutiques, it was small but quaint, and apparently it actually had some well made dresses. Twilight was surprised from what everyone said in school Rarity was known to be a horrible fashion designer, Twilight though they weren’t have bad herself.

“Hello Rarity...anyone home.” Twilight called.

“Oh, just a minute!” Rarity answered back with a singing tune to it. After few moments of of ruffling she arrived to the front of the store. “Welcome to Rarity’s…” She stopped as she saw both Twilight and Applejack standing there, her face turning morbid. “Oh...hello Twilight.”


Applejack merely folded her arms and frowned.

"Applejack." Rarity said acknowledging her presence.


Twilight felt uncomfortable and decided to break the ice. "Um Rarity, Applejack needs your help."

"Oh really, she didn't seem that way two years ago when we had to….

“Well you were so controlling during the whole thing! I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”

“I was just trying to make things elegant and beautiful…

“Well I was just trying to make things pratical and…

“Girls! Stop!” Twilight yelled out, tried all the complaining and whining, finally making things calm. “Sorry, but that was get annyoing.”

“Well she started it.” Applejack yelled.


“It doesn’t matter.” Twilight interrupted before the fighting started again. “Look Applejack your farm is in trouble and…

“Wait...what? Your farm, what about your farm?” Rarity asked sounding concerned.

“Mr.Gold is going to force them off the land if they don’t sell more Apple cider than the flim flam brothers.” Twilight explained causing Rarity to gasp.

“Mr.Gold!” Suddenly a small glare appeared on her face. “That no good, fashion blind….um...pardon my language but I won’t let that greedy, selfish degenerate gold ruin another life, you know what I had to do to get this building for my boutique.”

“What did you have do?” Twilight asked.

“Remember the Spring Fling?”

“Yes.” Twilight said remembering how she was humiliated by Sunset Shimmer during that local town padgent.

“Gold made me participate.” Rarity explained. “Don’t know why everyone knew Sunset Shimmer was going to win anyway, maybe he just wanted to see me humiliated or Sunset asked him to give her more victims for her to mess with. Either way...I want to see him go down!”

Applejack was surprised by Rarity’s vigor to take down gold. “Well then, if you want to help me sell my cider, then what do you have my mind.”

Rarity gave a small smirk. “Well…”

“Any luck.”


“How bout now!.”


“How about now!”



“What about…


For two days now Twilight had been trying to find a way to see if she were able to reconnect with her magic, looking over the spell book to find any answer to this mystery. The girls had set up camp in the middle of the woods a few miles away from Rumplestiltskin castle. They wanted to get as much distance from that place as possible, but even they couldn’t go on for the rest of the knight.

“Ugh...I just can’t get it.” Twilight yelled sounding exhausted, she had concentrated as hard as she could but she still couldn’t activate her magic. Not one bolt of fire power not even a little levitation, nothing work.

“Don’t worry Twilight, we’ve been in worse predicaments than this.” Applejack said trying to buck up he friend.”

Rarity nodded “Applejack’s right, you really shouldn’t be so discourage, you’ll figure it out, you always do.”

“Well, you might want to figure out how we’re going to stay dry, it’s about to rain soon.’ Rainbow Dash said looking up at the clouds.

“How can you tell.” Applejack asked.

“Clouds are same no matter where you go I guess, I can tell a rain cloud when I see one, and that looks like a big one.” Rainbow Dash acknowledge.

“To bad you can’t just grab it and move it out of the way.” Fluttershy said. However this gave Rainbow Dash an idea.

“That’s it! Twilight levitate me up the cloud and let me move it.”

“WHAT!” Twilight snapped. “Are you kidding me, I can barely move a twig, how in the hay do you think I’ll be able to move you.”

“Well...maybe you’ll be able to do something in crisis.” Rainbow suggested. “Sometimes a little trial by fire is the best way forward.”

“But even I do, what the chances of you being able to touch the cloud let alone move it.”

“We have to try, I say it’s worth a shot.”

Twilight thought about it, but after hearing the loud booming thunder she decided it would at least be best to try. “Okay, lets do this.” Rainbow Dash positioned herself in front of Twilight. Twilight closed her eyes and held out her hands toward Rainbow Dash focusing with all her might.

“Just imagine you got your horn, and that you’re in Equestria.” Applejack suggested.

Pinkie Pie was also cheering Twilight on. “Yeah, be the crane...be the crane…

“What does that have to do with a levitation spell?” Rarity asked.

“Oops, wrong story.”

“Shhh…” Twilight needed everyone to be quiet, magic required concentration, especially when she was using it in a way she never knew how to before. However Twilight did feel something, a small tingle coming from inside of her. She opened her eyes but still wasn’t able to see anything.

A lightning bolt struck as the rain finally began to poor down causing everyone to get wet.

“Don’t stop now Twi!” Rainbow Dash said noticing her friend faltering. “Come on, lift me up, so I can show that cloud who’s boss.”

Twilight did as she was told but still didn’t know if she could, be she saw her friends getting wet from the rain triyng to hide under the trees to stay dry.

“Hey, something happening.” Rainbow Dash said, noticing a pink aura coming around her. Slowly her feet began to rise into the air and slowly head up into the sky, Twilight arms rising with them. “You’re doing it Twi, okay now get me to that cloud.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, her confidence in herself and her abilities rising. Twilight raised her arms higher to get Rainbow Dash into the postition of the cloud.

“Just a little closer Tw.”

“Careful Twi, we want to get her down safely too.” Applejack said getting nervous watching her friend go higher into the sky.

“Okay...little more...little more…” Rainbow Dash said feeling the rain hit her harder as she got to the cloud. Then she adjusted herself in the air and kicked her leg straight into the cloud center causing it to disappear, noticing that it worked Rainbow kicked another cloud, then another, then another, creating a little patch of dry spot for the girls to sleep in the night.

“Okay got it! Okay Twi...Now just lower me down.”

“I’ll try.” Twilight began to lower Rainbow Dash back to the ground however she began to slowly lose control as her friend felt heavier in her hand. The Pink aura around Rainbow began to fade. “Uh oh...come on just a little more.” But it was too late, Twilight lost control as she felt onto the ground and Rainbow Dash began a free fall.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled.

“I got her.” Applejack said ready to catch her friend, she was a few feet down to the ground ready to make impact until, she stopped. Rainbow Dash was once again floating in mid air as she slowly began to make her way to safety back onto the surface.

She sighed in relief. “Nice catch buddy.”

“Uh...Rainbow Dash, this isn’t me.” Twilight replied still lying on the ground.

“Then if it’s not you then who….

Suddenly a high pitched giggling laugh echoed through the forest, and then to their horror, Rumplestiltskin emerged from one of the trees extending one of his hands in Rainbow’s direction his fingers curled as if he was holding a doll in his hands. “Hello dearies.” He lowered his arm a little more and then opened his palm causing Rainbow to plop down to the ground.

“Rumplestiltskin.” Twilight said getting up and huddling with her friends. “Uh...what are you doing here.”

Rumple smiled disingenuously and slowly walked toward them. “Oh, I was just in the neighborhood, and well...I was also hoping to get back my stolen property.”

“Stolen...uh...what stolen….” A poof of red smoke came from behind Twilight bag as Rumple held up his spell book.

“This...my dear...was stolen.” Rumple replied holding the book in his hand. “And you...are the thieves.”

“We didn’t steal anything.” Applejack replied, technically it was true.

“Yes...you did.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “And I’m afraid I can’t let that stand.”

“What are you going to do us.” Fluttershy asked quivering in fear.

“Oh...don’t be scared my little dearie, I will give you the chance to defend yourself, I hope your friend will be able to harness her magic in combat.”

“But...but…” Twilight was speechless she had just managed to get levitation down, now she had to do full on combat. This was madness.

“You know what they say dearie. Trial by fire.” With that Rumplestiltskin opened his pawm as a ball of fire emerged from it, it was time to duel.

Rarity business savvy was quite impressive even for someone of her young age. After Applejack had explained the situation in further detail, Rarity knew that the best way they were going to win this was to usher in a full on sales pitch to get people to buy the cider at any cost. The two of them had spent most of the day at Rarity’s boutique Twilight staying to play as a moderator in case things got out of hand.

“Well the first thing I would suggest would be to increase the price of you’re cider products.” Rarity said, Applejack looked stunned.

“What! Are you nuts were trying to sell the cider!”

“Yes, but Mr.Gold won’t be looking for numbers of quality he’ll be looking for the amount of profit you bring in.” Rarity said. “And by the looks of your uh...profit charts, the price of you’re cider is way under than you’re production.”

“Okay, fine, but we still need to SELL the stuff.” Applejack protested.

“We will, we will. Second is that we need to spice up your cider.”

“My cider is fine!”

“No, no ,no darling. We will never compromise the product, we just need to make it look good on the outside.” Rarity implied.

“I don’t like where this is going.” Applejack muttered.

“Come on Applejack, it could really help.” Twilight muttered.

“Oh..fine! What do you suggest on that.”

Rarity scratched her chin and had a suggestive smile on her face. “Well…

The next morning came, Applejack decided to make their big pitch to sell the cider at the school, since most of the kids Twilight’s age liked cider anyway. Twilight arrived ahead of the crowd before Rarity and Applejack to get a good layout of the area.

“Hey Twilight.”

“Oh hey Henry.” Twilight replied seeing her young friend walking up to her.

“What’s up?”

“I’m waiting for Applejack and Rarity they’re going to try and sell some cider here at the school before the day starts.”Twilight said.

“Oh yeah, I heard about that. Can’t believe you got those two to work together especially after the last time they tried.” Henry responded.

“What happened last time?” Twilight asked.

“Well I heard that….

Suddenly the sound of loud pop music approached began to approach the school. Twilight turned around to see Applejack’s truck with two audio amplifiers tucked into the back of it, and rigged out with a orange and red color of Apple’s. Suddenly Rarity and Applejack popped out wearing outfits similar to the Flim Flam brothers however there were a bit more colorful and sparkly.

“This idea is stupid.” Applejack muttered under her breath to Rarity however seemed to revel in the attention.

“Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, or in this case, showmanship, with showmanship.” Rarity then hopped out and pulled out a box of cider. “Come one, come all and delight yourself in this illuminating elixir of wonders.”

“A what of what now?” Applejack asked.

“Just go along with it.” Rarity muttered.

Applejack gritted her teeth but finally put on a good face. “That’s right delight in this uh...deletictple...uh drink.” Her acting was atrocious at best but she at least tried to put on a good pitch for the cider.

“Well I’ll take one.” Henry stepped up taking a drink of cider.

“Thanks Henry.” Applejack said, she looked up to see if any of the pop and circumstance was working.
Sadly it was not.

"So what makes this stuff better than the other stuff." One of the students asked Applejack.

"Well uh....uh...

"Well for one thing this stuff is the prime of Storybrooke." Rarity explained.

"Yeah but it's expensive." He accused.

"It's the lifeblood of the entire town. Quiet worth the price don't you think. " Rarity battered her eyelashes for added effect.

"Well...okay. I'll take two.

"Thank you for your patronage." Rarity beamed excepting the mans money.

Once he was out of earshot Applejsck became annoyed again. "What the hay was all that about...lifeblood and stuff."

"Just spicing up your product, making it a bit more appealing."

"The appeal should be in the taste."

"I know that but sometimes the customer doesn't...you try."

Applejack hesitated but saw customer walking up to her. "Hey there try a taste of they uh...blood of the town."

Rarity face palmed. "Life blood get it right."

"Whatever." The customer went away.

She turned to Rarity again looking even angrier than before. “It ain’t workin!”

“Well you’re just not enthused. I’ve managed to get five people myself to buy from me.” Rarity said, as another person bought a batch of cider from her.

“Yeah, but that’s only six people total.” Applejack said.

“Yes, but since we increased the price the profit margin is up.” Rarity assured.

“Well not up for long.”

Rarity and Applejack turned around to see Flim and Flam riding up with a several truck’s load of cider, and cheap cider at that.

“Come one come, all for some cheap and inexpensive Cider and don’t worry there's plenty for everyone.” Suddenly the crowds began to gather the Flim Flim brothers leaving Rarity and Applejack in the water.

Twilight watched the whole scene dissapointed.

“Ha! Oh this is to rich.” Sunset Shimmer said as she was taping the whole thing on her cell phone.

Twilight growled. “Do you have to be here now.”

“Hey! I go to this school too you know. To bad the hick can’t learn about modern day technology.”

“Hay!” I know all about modern day doo hickeys.” Applejack yelled. “I got a cell phone too you know.”

Sunset laughed “Please whatever. Looks like you’re old fashion selling means failed, and Rarity’s...whatever the heck she tried ways failed to. Get ready to give up the farming business Applejack.” Sunset laughed some more as she walked off.

Applejack growled and gritted her teeth wanting so much to punch Sunset in the face. “Why I would love to pound her face into a ….

“Applejack please...calm down.” Rarity said. “Will find a way, I won’t let her and Gold win!”

“How!” Applejack yelled. “They got the tech the skills and what we have bubcess.”

“Well if we stick together then maybe…

“Forget it Twi...since when has ...sticking together. Ever helped!”

“RUN!” Twilight screamed as Rumple threw a giant ball of fire at her almost sourcing her skin.

“Good doge dearie, but I’m afraid it won’t be good enough.” Rumple threw another fire ball at them again, missing. “Hmm...Perhaps something a little more earthly” Gesturing his hands again all the vines and routes of the trees began to move tying their technical like arms around the girls and Spike legs.

However this time they were prepared, as Rainbow Dash got out a dagger that Twilight bought from the village sliced down the roots of the trees, only for them to magically grow back.

“Twilight, if you have magic, now would be a good time to use it.” Rainbow Dash said continuing to cut the roots of the trees.

Twilight looked around to see her friends about to get caught in the trees web. Her friends were in trouble and she had to do something. She pushed her hands and to her suprised created a surge of energy that pushed Rumplestiltskin onto the ground.

“I did it.”

“Enjoy it while you can dearie.” Still on the ground Rumple magically pushed Twilight slamming her into the trees.

“Twilight.” The girls shouted.

“I’m okay.”

“No for long I’m afraid dearie.” Rumplestiltskin watched as the trees branches extended and began to encircle Twilight grasping her chest and started squeeze the air right out of her. Rumple continued to watch his insane smile widening as Twilight face began to turn red.

“Come on dearie!...Don’t tell me this is all you got.” With his other free hand he used his magical energies to grab a hold their throats and slowly squeeze the air of their lungs as well.

“So this it how it ends my little dearies...slowly suffocating, and all because you stole from me. I guess the people of Equestria will have to get used to life when Sunset Shimmer and Regina find a way to your world, and thinks of all the friends and family that…” Suddenly Twilight eyes opened up and glew bright white along with the rest of her friends. Rumple looked surprised and almost fearful as a colorful burst of energy emerged from all six of their bodies throttling Rumple a few feet away from them crashing straight threw one of the trees and making him land on his back.

Slowly the vines crushing Twilight released themselves and her friends plopped on the ground having the ability to breath again. Once Twilight was able to gain her baring she got up to see if they were alright.

“Girls. Are you okay.”

“Were good.” Rainbow Dash asid.

“Never better. “ Spike replied

Slowly Twilight helped them all get up and dust up the dir from their dresses. “What happened?” Fluttershy asked.


The girls turned around to see Rumpelstiltskin slowly get up from the ground looking exhausted by unphased by the experience. “Magic happened.”

The girls stepped back waiting for another strike but the malevolent imp merely smiled at them.

"Congratulations dearies you passed my test with flying colors, see what happens when friends stick together. "

The girls were stunned.

"What...this was a test." Twilight said shocked.

Rainbow Dash winced at the sound of this. "Your sick man."

"Perhaps." Rumple replied. "But it was effective. Like I said trial fire. It can make us do things we never expected."

Twilight was still confused. "So the book...

"Oh I knew Belle would give you the book if she overheard your plight. She...she..." Rumplestiltskin paused, a small genuine smile appearing on his face as he looked down at the ground. "She's kind like that... Always wanting to help those with...noble causes." Suddenly he snapped out of his daze as his more crooked smile returned. "Anyway, yes as for the book itself you may actually keep."

"Really." Pinkie said. "But what about your royal pardon?"

"Oh that, that was just another test, to see if you willing to do whatever it took to be victorious and thankfully Im this case you stuck to your morals. Besides it's just a simple spell book, mostly the basics. I'm sure it will help in journey. Which, believe you and me is going to get a lot more difficult from here."

Everyone grimaced.

Rumple then looked at the sky as it continue to darken. "Well I better run my little dearies, but should you ever need assistance I will be able to help for a price of course." He began to walk off but turned around one more time to look at Twilight directly. "Oh and miss sparkle don't forget..."


"Friendship is magic." And with that high the imp vanished in a puff of read smoke. Leaving the girls and Spike alone with a spell book.

"So...basically, he played us like chumps." Rainbow Dash moaned .

"That guy is nuttier than a tree with squirrels ." Applejack added.

Fluttershy sighed heavily all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked her friend.

She looked up at Twilight. "I don't know why, but I really miss Discord all of a sudden."

The last two days passed and while Applejack attempted one more time to beat the Flim Flam brothers at their own game of thrills and showmanship it didn't help at all. She still didn't sell any cider and I just wasn't in Applejacks nature to brag or boast.

Once the week was finall up Twilight had decided to pay Applejack a visit at her farm hoping to make sure she was doing okay. As she arrived she saw a black car in front of the farm and to her horror Mr. Gold returning to it.

"Ah Miss Sparkle just the girl I wanted to see."

"Mr.Gold." Twilight gulped.

"Why so glum Miss Sparkle, I thought you'd be please to here that young Applejack could keep her farm."

"Well I....wait what!"

"That's right." Mr Gold smiled. "Apparently while effective and cheap the Flim Flam brothers cider was...less than adiquet in terms of taste."


"Really, so I decided that perhaps I return to the status quo."

Twilight beamed. "Oh that's wonderful news Mr.Gold, I'm so happy for Applejack."

"Indeed and I would hate for anything to ruin this lovely moment."

Suddenly the atmosphere around Twilight darkned, something was wrong, very wrong. Slowly Mr. Gold pulled out his cell phone and stated typing on it.

"You see dearie I actually know the reasons for the brothers failure, and I think you'll be quiet interested in seeing." He gave Twilight his phone to show her image of the Flim Flam brothers cider making device. Suddenly however a figure arrived carrying a huge crowbar and began to smash the device. As Twilight looked harder at the image she was to figure out who was responsible for this.


"Yes...indeed, it's amazing what desperation can make us do."

Twilight looked back up at Mr.Gold who took his phone back. "But why show me this if you told them they can keep their farm."

"Well that all depends on what you do next.""

"What I do?"

"Yes..." Mr Gold went into his suite and pulled out a flire. "As you probably know Miss. Sparkle I will be throwing. The annual town ball The Fall Formal, and as you know there is a little competion to become Princess. So basically I want you to run."

Twilight was speechless. "Uh...uh

"Run or I'll have to tell the Apple family the sad truth and I hate to ruin their....honest reputation."

Twiligt was still speechless. "Me...but why? I'm not Princess material or sociable or..or."

"I don't need you to win, just run." Mr . Gold assured her. "And yet I think you put yourself down more than warranted."

"But Sunset Shimmer will..."

"Oh I think you can handle her. Beside I myself am getting tired of her and The Mayors stranglehold on the town myself, which is why I believe the time has come for a change and I believe you...will be a part of it.”

This was a harsh decision on the one hand Twilight had no social skills whatsoever sure she can hold a conversation but note night to win a popularity contest. But on the other hand if she didn't someone would lose their home and livelihood.

"Okay..,I'll do it."

"Excellent. Then we have a deal."

Twilight scowled at Gold who merely took it with a smile. “Applejack was right, no one can really stand you.”

However instead of a frown Mr.Gold kept his calm and his crooked smile. “I know Miss Sparkle...I know.”

The darkness had covered the sky by the time Rumplestiltskin returned home to his mighty fortress in the forest. He enjoyed in the delight of returning home, and even better the continuation of his plans. As he entered the hall he saw Belle carrying a basket of straw walking down the stairs.

“Rumplestiltskin I didn’t know you were...oh no..” Belle suddenly realize what happened. “You didn’t….

Rumple wanted to speak but Belle rushed to him. “Look, it was my fault, I was the one who…


“I didn’t think it was fair that you wouldn’t help, which it isn’t by the way and…


“I don’t think they’ll use those…

“Belle! Please.” Rumplestiltskin said gently taking her hand. “They’re fine...I didn’t hurt them...well...they’re not dead if that’s what’s your wondering.”

“You didn’t…”

“No...In fact everything went exactly as I planned it.” Rumplestiltskin replied calmly,

Belle was confused, this wasn’t like Rumple to be so calm when someone stole something of his, she had witnessed first hand what happened to those who stole from him and new what he was almost capable of.

“Wait...so, you tricked me?”

“It was necessary.” Rumple replied. Suddenly Belle smacked him in the head. “What was that for!”

“You tricked me! If you wanted them to have that book then why didn’t you just give it to them in the first place.”

“Because I needed to test them! I’m not just going to hand magic willy nilly!”

“Yes but that doesn’t give you the right to trick me like that! Or making me think you went and killed six innocent girls.


“Doesn’t matter!” Belle huffed off and walked upstairs.

“Belle wait!” She stopped to look down at Rumpelstiltskin who just stood there looking up at her his eyes widened and face saddened. “Um...Sorry for tricking you.”

Belle sighed knowing this was as good as Rumplestiltskin was going to get at that moment, for she had been with him for quite some time now and knew that while he still had dark ways, he was not always the beast everyone made him out to be. “Apology accepted Rumple...Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Belle.” He watched Belle walk upstairs to her bedchamber in the library encapsulated by not only her beauty but also by her sheer kindness and strength. She seemed to be the only person in the realm who could truly stand him.

“Well who could that be?” Rumplestiltskin asked himself as his imp like nature returned, with a snap of fingers he opened the door and to his perceived delight a young girl with fiery red hair wearing a regal red dress with black highlights stormed into the room.

“Ah...Sunset Shimmer and what do I owe the displeasure.”

“You better show me more respect Rumple if all goes according to plan Regina will soon make me Princess of the realm.”

The evil imp giggled in delight. “Oh...How that word never sounded so hollow coming from you.”

“Please, once I am princess and all the crown’s power belongs to me everyone will love and respect me.”

Rumple giggled again even more insanely. “Love and respect...HA!...Sorry dearie that won’t happen they’ll still hate yuh. Magic can do much but no that!”

Sunset merely scoffed at Rumple. “Whatever, anyway I’m here because I need you’re help with a problem of mine.”

“Would this problem go by the name of Twilight Sparkle perhaps.”

At this moment Sunset looked shocked, she was unaware of what had transpired a few days ago. “How do you…

“She was here few days ago at the castle, asking for help, and I did...I gave her magic back. Or at least, helped her hone her ability to degree.”

“WHAT! That little….she has her magic.”

“Well, she’s learning.” Rumple said smiling. “But she seems like a quick learner so if you want to take her out you better find her soon dearie.

“What! Why!” Sunset asked. “I thought you are my side.”

“No dearie, I’m on my side.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “I’ll only help if you have something I want and at the moment...you don’t.”

Sunset was no enraged by Rumple’s treatment toward her, he had always been annoying but now he was just being insulting to her. She stomped her feet and rushed off. “Fine! Whatever, when I’ll get that crown I’ll be powerful enough to get rid of her and you and be the greatest princess in all the realms!”
“Oh you poor poor dearie.” Rumplestiltskin said shaking his head in disappointment. “You forget the most important rule of magic.”

“What?” Sunset asked as she turned her head around to look at Rumple straight into those insane demonic eyes.

“All Magic comes with a price!”