Once Upon a Equestrian Girl

by jidbrony

First published

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

Once Upon a Time
A group of pony friends entered the Enchanted Forest, a place filled with all the classical fairy tale characters we know...or we think so.
One day they all found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen and their friendships broken...our world
This is how it happened

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Welcome to Storybrooke

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The night had consumed the sky, the bright glow of the moon illuminating whatever darkness that covered the entrance to the mine. Everything was quiet the only sound’s that were heard were the crickets in the grass or the owls in the trees leaving the mine's guard a bit uneasy.

“So...any word.” The First guard asked

“Not a one.” Replied the second. “All we know is that the Queen has something up her sleeve, and it’s not good from what the Prince has informed me.”

“Well let’s hope they’ll be able to stop it.” The guardd took a deep breath and looked at the door that lead into the mines. “So...what’s been with the prisoner as of late.”

“He’s the same as ever. Insane little imp...” The guard was cut mid sentence as they heard some rustling coming from the trees, they got their swords at the ready incase it was dangerous.

Emerging from one of the trees a figure came, their body wrapped in a black cloak, and face concealed by a hood.

One of the guards walked up to the figure sword at the ready. “Halt this a restricted…” The cloaked figure suddenly outstretched their hand a light green aura coming from them as he put the guard under a magical choke hold.

“Hey.” The guard got his sword but the cloaked figure magically pushed him back using the’re other free hand, and with the one they had in a choke hold she slammed against the rock knocking him unconscious.

Once they were both knocked out the cloaked figure she opened the door and descended into the abandoned mine. Once she was inside, she removed her hood revealing herself to be a young girl with fiery red hair and yellow highlights. Using her magic she created a ball of bright yellow energy to illuminate the cave.

She made her way deeper into the mines her bright cyan eyes shifting all over the place as if something or someone was going to jump out at her, all the while the echoing of a insane cackle came from the distance.

Deeper and deeper into the mine she went, as the cackling continued to get louder and more insane with each passing moment. Finally at the end the cave was a makeshift dungeon cell.

“Finally.” The girl muttered to herself as she walked up to it, the insane cackling reaching it’s peak of intensity.

“Dark one!” she shouted. “Come out! The young girl went straight up towards the cell and looked through the bars to see nothing but darkness. The cave was now completely silent.

“Ugh...Stupid imp.” She turned away ready to head out, but suddenly she was grabbed a golden scaly hand and a whisper of a cold hight pitched voice came through her ear, and uttered three words.

“It has begun.”

There is a town called Storybrooke, a small community in the state of Maine, U.S.A. An ordinary place, with ordinary people living their ordinary lives day after day, year after year. One of these normal citizens of the town was a young girl named Twilight Sparkle. Now Twilight was a very quiet girl, keeping mostly to herself and spent most of her time on her studies, her only two real companions in her life were her older brother Shining Armor, a local security guard, the other was her pet dog and loyal companion through thick and thin Spike. He was purple

Twilight began her day like she did every other that came before, she'd wake up at exactly 6:30, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her long flowing Purple hair with a pink strip, once dressed in her pink skirt and blue bonnet she headed down to the dining room for a bowl of cereal and milk with her brother, parents and dog.

"Good morning Twilight." Shining Armor said pouring his morning cup of coffee.

"Hello BBBFF." Twilight said with a warm smile. "Heading out for work."

"As always."

"Going to pass Cadence by." Twilight asked, Shining Armor blushed.


"Oh come on now Shining I know you have a crush on her just ask her out." Twilight said encouragingly

"What...no, she doesn't want a guy like me, beside she's dating that other guy...I forget his name..."

"Well maybe if she gets to know you a little she might change her mind." Twilight suggested.

"I don't know Twily."

"Well... Then have a good time at work at least." She said as her big brother, headed off. "Poor Shining." Twilight said looking at Spike. "To bad he doesn't go up to her." Continuing to think of her brothers love life, Twilight continued to eat her breakfast before getting ready to head off.

Then at 7:30 exactly she would head off to school early to get some extra studying done before school officially started at 8:15. She walked down the sidewalk of the town Spike following right beside her, although it was against the rules she always secretly bring her dog to school, he was small enough to fit in her backpack.

Twilight made it to the school, it was only 8:00 she had a least a good fifteen minutes to get some mid day studying in before the day began. "Okay, good." Twilight smiled. "Well Spike you know the rules." Twilight opened her backpack and let the little purple dog hop in.

"Good boy." Twilight smiled.


Twilight looked around as she heard the cry for help, there she saw a small boy being picked on, trying to get back his book. Twilight looked up to see that the person being picked on was Henry, one of her few friends outside her family, and the person doing the picking was one of the meanest girls in the town, Sunset Shimmer.

"Give it back Sunset Shimmer." Henry said trying to get the book back.

"Uh...No way shrimp. You know that mom told me to keep you away from garbage like this, fairy tales, as if. Beside, you should be lucky you're even out of your room after what you pulled last night!" Sunset said a evil smirk on her face.

"Hey!" Twilight said walking over to the bully. "Give him back his book."

Sunset looked up at Twilight, her eyes narrowing in anger. "What did you say to me!" she growled in anger causing Twilight to stammer a bit.

"Uh...give him his book!...Please." Twilight courage suddenly left her for a few moments. Sunset merely glared at Twilight her eyes piercing like daggers into her very soul. Suddenly a small smile appeared on her face. "Fine...But I hope he can read it afterwards." Sunset then threw the book in the air as it was about to land in small mud puddle, suddenly, as if by instinct Twilight jumped to grab the book. She managed to catch it but not before getting her skirt wet and covered in mud.

Sunset laughed at Twilight's humiliation. "Good luck getting those stains out. Remember that the next time you try to defy me Sparkle!" With a flick of her crimson yellow streaked hair she huffed of giving Henry a shove as she did. Twilight merely looked up wondering what she ever did to Sunset Shimmer that made her hate her so much.

Crystal Empire -Equestria: A long time ago.
"My crown!" Twilight, the young purple Alicorn princess, shouted as she saw the thief rapped in a hooded cloak running across the halls of the Crystal Palace. "Stop thief!" Using her magic Twilight teleported in front of her only for the mysterious figure to teleport herself. Twilight magically teleported again and managing this time to tackle the thief unhinging her cloak off her, revealing that the thief was a young orange unicorn with orange hair and a crimson yellow streaked mane. The two of them looked at the crown she had stole leap into the air and head straight into a magical mirror in the middle of the hall. The thief them gave a smirk and teleported again towards the mirror.

"Sorry it had to be this way...princess." With that thief jumped into the portal an out of sight. Suddenly five more ponies appeared before Twilight. A blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane named Rainbowdash, a yellow Pegasus, with pink mane named Fluttershy, a white Unicorn with Purple mane named Rarity, a orange Earth Pony with yellow mane and cowboy hat named Applejack, and finally a pink Earth Pony with pink fluffy mane named Pinkie Pie. They were all Twilight's closest and dearest friends.

"What happened?" Applejack asked sounding concerned.

"That unicorn stole my crown and headed into that mirror." Twilight said.

"Who was she?" Fluttershy asked sounding curious.

"Her name...was Sunset Shimmer." The six Ponies turned around to see two tall and regal looking Alicorns approaching, they were the two original Princesses of Equestria, Celestia Princess of the Sun, and Luna Princess of the moon.

"Who?" Twilight asked sounding curious. She had never heard that name before.

Celestia sighed. "Sunset Shimmer, she was once one of my personal pupils, however she became impatient and wanted to pursue higher levels of study before her time, thus she ran away through that mirror to another land, and hasn't been seen since."

"And now she has my crown." Twilight added.

"We have to get to back." Rainbowdash said pounding her hooves together sounding determined.

"Well how to do you propose we do that." Applejack said, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Well...uh...we go after her." Rainbowdash said.

"So you're saying we just go into that mirror into a strange new place. Without any foreknowledge whatsoever" Applejack said. "Rainbow that plans sounds....

"Perfect!" Twilight said, to the shock of everyone. "That's exactly what we have to do."

"Twilight are you sure." Celestia said. "The realm that Sunset went to is a dangerous one, while similar in some ways to Equestria it is home to some very powerful magic and with an Element of Harmony there, there is no telling what Sunset might do with it.."

"Well Princess Celestia, that's just the risk we have to take." Twilight said. “Beside i don’t think we have any other good options.”

"And will be with you all the way." Rainbowdash boasted.

"Girls, I couldn't ask you do this dangerous task with me." Twilight said not wanting to get her friends into trouble.

"No way Twilight! We have to stick together, were best friends!" Pinkie said. "Were going!"

"I agree Twilight, if you plan to face what's in that world, then you will need your friends more than ever." Luna said. "But we warned once you're through, it will be very difficult to get back to Equestria."

"What!" They all shouted.

"I'm afraid, that the mirrors powers will only last two full moons. Then it will close for the next 30 moons." Luna replied.

"But do not fear, I know there will be those who will help you, with magic that will help guide you back home." Celestia said trying to reassure her fellow Princess and subjects.

Twilight nodded. "Well I'm willing to take that risk."

"So am I!" Applejack said.

"Me too." Rarity said.

"Me three!" Pinkie squeaked.

"As are we." Rainbowdash said speaking for both her and Fluttershy.

Twilight smiled at her friends, a look of determination on her face, "Okay girls, meet back here in a hour with supplies and then get ready."

As they headed off Luna and Celestia looked at each other with a sense of hesitation.

"Sister." Luna said. "Do you think we should warn them about... him."

Celestia side, "I'm afraid the deal we made forbids us, beside I have a feeling that'll he'll play a role in whatever Sunset Shimmer is up to before the end."

Slowly Twilight got up wiping of as much mud from her as she could. "Here you go Henry." Twilight said handing him the book.

"Sorry Twilight." Henry said, looking at Sunset.

"It's okay."

"I guess you're lucky though, I have to put up with her after school."

"Oh yeah I forget she's your step-sister sometimes." Twilight said sounding remorseful.

"More like evil step sister. But don't worry Twilight, I'm going to make it up to you." Henry said sounding determined.

"Oh no, Henry you don't..."

"No, I found someone who's going to stop her and my mom."

Twilight blinked a few times. "Wait...what?"

"Don't worry, I think I found a way to save us. Thanks to the book Ms Blanchard gave me" Henry said.


"Got to go. No time to explain" Henry then ran off before Twilight could say anything else.

"Wait...what do you..." But it was too late, Henry was gone, leaving Twilight in a state of confusion. "That's strange what did he mean save us. Save us from what?" Twilight decided it would be best to shrug it off. She entered the school and headed quickly to the girls bathroom as possible hoping to get to the wet stains off her cloths.

"Ugh...Come on." Twilight said using as many pieces of toilet paper as possible.

"Um...Excuse me darling." Twilight whirled around to see another girl looking at her, she had pale white skin and curly purple hair. "I can't help notice your little...problem."

"Oh, yeah." Twilight said looking at her stains.

"Maybe I can help." the girl said taking a look at the stains almost to the point of examining them. "Ah yes, mud stains, terrible business, but don't worry." the young girl began to fiddle through her purse, looking for something. "I just got just the thing." She pulled out the strange spray like substance and put it one of the pieces of toilet paper. She then began to rub it on Twilight stain skirt and blouse and in an instant the stains were gone.

"That's...That's amazing." Twilight said. "Thank you, thank you so much."

"No problem, always happy to help, besides gave me an excuse to try out the new cleaning material I've invented." The girl said, sounding quite proud of herself.

"You made that." Twilight asked sounding shocked.

"Yep." The girl responded as she put the spray back in her purse. “Not only do I have a good sense for fashion but I’m trying to perfect the means to keep them clean and bright as a whistle.”

The bell suddenly rang before Twilight could respond back.

"Oh dear I got to go, don't want to be late. I'm Twilight by the way."

"My name is Rarity, happy to help." Twilight headed off as Rarity waved goodbye.

"Well she was nice." Twilight thought as she rushed off to school unaware that perhaps the ties that bound her and that girl were closer than one appeared.

"Come on dear, nothing wrong with taking at least a few nice outfits, you want to make a good first impression for the people were going to meet in the new land." Rarity said as she used her horn to levitate some dresses into her saddle bag.

"Rarity, I don't think will have to time to socialize with anyone." Twilight said as she was packing her thing by levitating objects with her horn." Twilight was preparing for the worst, she thankfully had managed to put a expansion spell on her saddle bag which mean that she was able to fill it with objects that normally wouldn't fit. She packed all the essentials, spell books, ingredients for potions, medicine, first aid kit, band aids, lots of food supplements, and a tent. She did this with everyone else's as well so that they could back as many essential supplies for this massive journey they were about to embark on.

"Oh please darling, one must consider the impression she gives when entering a whole new world." Rarity argued.

"Please Rarity, I don't think the first they'll be looking at is your new dress." Applejack said entering the room with her saddle bag in toe.

"Ugh...Fine...But I'm packing a few just in case." Rarity huffed levitating a few of her custom made dresses she made for her and her friends into the bag.

"So are we ready to hit the hay or what." Rainbowdash flew in, sounding ready to go. "I'm ready to kick some flank and take some names." She kicked her hooves in the air as if punching something that wasn't their.

"Almost." Twilight packed a few more books into her saddle bag, along with a picture of her and her friends that was taken a very long time ago, back before she was a Alicorn Princess. She sighed wishing those simple times where here again, but she new that she a mission to complete and she was going to do it.

Standing in front of the mirror, the six of them were all but ready to head to the new realm to reclaim the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia, Luna, her brother Shining Armor and Wife Princess Cadence were there to say goodbye.

"Careful Twily." Shining said as they hugged Twilight.

"I will BBBFF." Twilight smiled.

Celestia walked up the six Little Ponies. "This journey will be perilous, you face a mighty and difficult task but as long as you keep together and stay true to your friendship you will succeed."

Twilight and the others smiled, they turned to the mirror, they headed Celestia's words to heart as long as they stick together and let their friendship guide them, they would never lose. With that they charged into mirror and headed into the strange new land, wondering what would come from it.

Lunchtime, Twilight normally spent this time eating and studying, sitting alone at a desk in the corner of the Cafeteria, she got her lunch from Granny Smith and opened up her mathematics book and started reading. Spike popped his head out of the backpack which Twilight put under the desk so he would be hidden from site allowing Twilight to scratch his head.

"Hmm, interesting." Twilight said as she immersed herself in the book. "I do love mathematics."

"Oh...Twilight." Twilight looked up at the book to see one of her favorite teachers in the school, Mary Margaret Blanchard. Although she taught the younger students of the school she Twilight would always leave some time to help her after class if she needed.

"Miss Blancher. Hey." Twilight said smiling. "How are you."

"Fine, as normal, you." She asked.

"Oh, okay, hey I ran into Henry today, he seemed very...I don't know, different today." Twilight said. She had known Henry for a while now, most of the time she'd knew him Henry tended to be a bit of sad boy, oh sure he was sweet and kind but a part of him always seemed sad. "Apparently he was in trouble with the Mayor or something."

"Oh that...well.." Mary Margaret looked around to make sure no one was looking. "Well, I shouldn't say, but Henry found his real mom."

Twilight gasped. "His real mom! But...how...why?"

"He and Regina have been...having problems." She explained.

"Yeah, I bet Sunset hasn't been helping." Twilight added.

"Yeah. I keep telling Henry he has to stand up to her. She's never going to learn unless someone does." Mary Margaret said.

"I know, I tried too, but then well...you know." Twilight looked at her clean blouse sure it was clean now, but she could still see the outline of the mud stains from earlier.

"I met her this morning. Mary Margaret suddenly said.

"What?" Twilight said snapping out of her thoughts.

"Henry's real mom I met her. Her name is Emma."

"Emma, that's a real nice name." Twilight said. "What's she's like."

"Not sure yet. I don't even know if she'll be staying long." Mary Margaret replied. "I hope so though, I feel she could really help Henry out."

"Well I hope so." Twilight said, feeling sorry for her friend. “Hey Miss Blancert, uh...I probably shouldn't tell you this but...Henry said something very strange to me earlier.”

“Really what?”

“Henry said, that he found a way to save us...um...do you know what he means.” Twilight said.

Mary Margaret sighed. “Oh, it’s uh...Henry’s little theory about us and this town.”

“Theory? What theory?” Twilight asked sounding curious.

“Oh, that were all fairy tale characters from another land and that we all forget our memories.” She explained. Twilight seemed taken aback. She knew that Henry had an active imagination sometimes but this just seemed a bit weird to her.

“Really...Fairy tale characters.” Twilight asked sounding a bit skeptical.

“Well some us are.” She explained. “According to Henry, some of us are actually mystical creatures.”

“What? That just seems silly.” Twilight said, sounding astonished. “I hope his mom doesn't know about this.”

“No, but i think that’s why he gets picked on a lot.” Mary Margaret sighed.

The bell suddenly rang signaling the end of lunch. "Well better head back to class. "Mary Margaret said. "Nice talking to you Twilight."

Twilight waved goodbye as she got up as well to head into the schools hallways continuing to look at her book only to suddenly find herself losing her balance and find her face slamming straight into the book on the ground.

Slowly Twilight got up to see a big black and purple boot standing right in front of her, looking up Sunset Shimmer stood tall and evil smirk on her face arms folded.

"Where did you learn to walk." Sunset mocked as she kicked Twilight as she tried to get back up.

"Leave her alone you big bully." A feminist southern accent said Twilight looked up.

Sunset merely snickered. "Oh yeah, like I'm going to listen to Storybrookes only country hick."

"Why you..." The young cowgirl skin began to turn a fiery shade of red.

"Heh...You cow folk aren't so bright aren't you." Sunset took Applejack hat and shoved it under her face.

"You really are horrible, I can't believe your mom lets you get away with this, no wonder Henry found his real mom." Twilight said, causing Sunset to turn around and turn angry.

"That's none of your concern!" She shouted. "Mother will get rid of her by the end of the day!" She then got close up to Twilight and looked at her straight in the eye. "And don't you dare try to stop her from leaving either!" With that Sunset kicked Twilight one more time before marching off.

Slowly Twilight got back up again, this was the second time she had fallen, at least this time there wasn't any mud on her. "Hey...Thanks for sticking up for me...uh...Applejack right, your the Cafeteria lady granddaughter."

"Yep." Applejack replied. "Sorry I wasn't much help though."

"That's okay. I've had worse." Twilight said.

"Haven't we all. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way " Twilight said picking up her book.

"Glad to meet yuh, and yeah she sure is bad, only other person who I can think of who's worse is Rainbowdash." Applejack responded.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"Rainbowdash, you know captain of every team here at the school, plus a know good little backstabber. Tricking me and Fluttershy like that..." Applejack started talking more to herself than to Twilight

"Wait...who...what did she..." Twilight couldn't finish her question as the second bell rang. "Oh no I'll be late...sorry to cut it short." Twilight then began runoff, losing balance for a few times.

"Careful Twilight! jeez wonder where she learned to run, girl can barely keep balance." Applejack just shook her head and headed off in the opposite direction

A great flash of light appeared in the middle of the woods, as a small vortex was formed suddenly six individuals fell out of the vortex to land on the soft grass in the middle of the woods.

Twilight couldn't see or feel anything at first, but slowly her senses began to return to her, however, everything felt...different, funny. As if she wasn't herself, oh mentally she was but something about body felt very, very wrong.

"Whu...Whu ...What happened." Slowly Twilight opened her eyes to look at her hooves, except when she looked to make sure they were alright they were gone, her hooves were gone. Replaced by these strange things with small appendages sticking out of them.

"Wait...What are these...what happened." Twilight begins to panic as she looks at herself her body had completely mutated, it wasn't the same, she suddenly looks around and sees the girls they two looked strange, their bodies to were no longer the same. Twilight began to breath heavily until finally.


"Twilight calm down!" Twilight suddenly fell silent as she looked around hearing a familiar voice, it was Spike, a baby dragon and number one assistant.

"Spike! What are you doing here, I told you stay in Equestria." Twilight said sounding both shocked and annoyed.

"And let you go to a whole new realm on your own, I don't think so!" Spike said. "Glad I did to, considering your different, in fact your all different."

Slowly one by one, all of Twilight's friends begin to awake.

"Ugh, my head." Rainbowdash said rubbing it with her strange looking hoof. "Wait...hold on...my hoof!"

"My hoof!" Rarity screamed.

"My hoof!" Fluttershy screamed!

"Hey I have hands, sweet!" Pinkie cheered. "Uh...I mean my hoof!"


"Girls please!" Spike shouted, shutting everyone up. "Screaming isn't going to help."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Spike's right. Just because we're...whatever we are, doesn't mean we can't stop in our quest."


Once the panic subsided they took a good look at one another. For the most part their faces and hair remained the same. However their noses were gone replaced with smaller strangely shaped ones. Another big chafe was their cloths, they actually had them.

Rarity was wearing a long brown dress with corset bonnet a brown hooded cloak covering her back.

Applejack on the other hand actually wore as rugged looking silk shirt and pants, much like a village farmer would wear ,the only thing that remained the same was her cowgirl hat.

Rainbowdash looked like a woodsman, her garments were those of the woods and a long green hooded cloak covered her back which would allow her to camouflage herself

The rest were wearing rugged looking dresses, they looked like average peasants.

As the girls continued to examine themselves Pinkie Pie suddenly got up on her two legs and began to practice walking.

"Uh, Pinkie what are you doing." Rainbowdash asked looking confused.


"Like...that." Rarity questioned.

"Well, I think this is how it works." Pinkie said. “Try it.”

Slowly everyone got up and tried walking on their two legs...Everyone had difficulty keeping balance everyone tripped left and right like there was no tomorrow.

Twilight being the fastest learner masters the skill first able to get her legs balanced and more than just a few steps. "I think a got the hang of these things."

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" Everyone turned to see Rainbowdash of all people screaming in terror.

"What is it Dashie." Fluttery said with concern,

"My wings there, they're ... Gone!" Rainbow said almost on the verge if tears.

"Ugh Rainbow I don't think having your wings gone is the biggest of our problems now!" Applejack grumbled.


"She's right Rainbowdash we barely know how to control these new bodies. Not to mention we don't know we're we are." Twilight explained.

“Yeah...well your horn is gone too.” Twilight then looked up at her head and wasn’t able to feel her horn anymore.

“So are our tales.” Applejack said.

“Hey!” Spike shouted again before everyone got all up in a tizzy. “Look, your tales, horns, and wings are gone, but I don’t think that’s the most important thing right now. Lets just see how these new bodies work.” Spike said. “Beside, walking not that hard once you get the hang of it.” He was right, Spike walked bipedal all the time.

“He’s right girls.” Twilight said. “The sooner we master walking the sooner we can find a way out of this forest.”

“If there is a way out of this forest.” Applejack said sounding pessimistic.

"Tweet, tweet, tweet." Everyone looked up to see a bird flying by them.

“Really.” Fluttershy responded, smiling. “Which way?”

“Tweet, tweet’, tweet.”

"Why thank you Mr Bird." Flutters said warmly “Don’t worry girls, we have our answer.”

"Uh Fluttershy not to be rude but I don't speak bird." Rarity said.

"Oh right well... He said that this place is called the Enchanted Forest and that the nearest road is that direction." Fluttershy pointed northward

Twilight then straighten up "Well girls let's go find out more about this, Enchanted forest and go get back the crown!”

With that the girls headed off deeper into the woods, they didn't know where they were, they didn't know what they were, but all they knew that as long as they stuck together the dangerous would not seem as bad in this strange new realm that they suddenly found themselves in.

Unknown to the girls however, the forces of darkness were watching from afar, inside a dark and treacherous marble castle a strange figure in the shadows smiled showing off horrid and wretched teeth as he looked into a crystal ball that stood in front of him.

“Well...Welcome to the Enchanted Forest...dearie.”

School was out and Twilight had managed to avoid Sunsets Shimmers wrath for most of the day although she had gotten hit in the head by a couple is spit wads by her goons Snips and Snails.

After a few hours of staying after school Twilight began her trip home. The sun was starting to set.

"I stayed behind way too late this time." Twilight told Spike. As she continued down the path she noticed a strange women walking around, looking lost. At first Twilight wanted to just ignore her bit get involved.

"Hey kid!"

"Shoot." Twilight muttered as the strange woman walked up to her. She was young looking with long curly blonde hair wearing a red jacket.

"Um hi." Twilight said

"Hey sorry to bother you but does this town have like motel or something a need place to stay for the night."

"Uh yeah grannies diner and inn I walk pass it every day on my way home you can come with me till then." Twilight didn't know why she said that last part, part of her wanted the stranger to say no.

"Sure why not, lead the way."

Twilight sighed she was okay with being around people for a few seconds but to walk beside them or worse striking up meaningful conversation.

"So kid, lived here a long time." The stranger asked

"All my life." Twilight replied.

"Bet you have a lot of friends."

"No, not really."

After that the two of them were silent. They kept on walking for a few more minutes until they reached the inn. Twilight followed her inside although a part of her wanted to just leave she felt it was the right thing to do.

"Excuse me I'd like a room." The stranger asked Granny. After a few seconds passed she gave her a key to one of the rooms in the in.

She turned to Twilight. "Thanks kid."

"Your welcome I'm Twilight Sparkle by the way." She extended her hand.

The stranger shook it. "Emma, Emma Swan." Twilight eyes widened. "Henry's real mom."

"Emma...what a lovely name."

Twilight 's face froze she recognized that cold voice anywhere, everyone did she looked up to see a tall yet skinny man, wearing final trimmed suite with short brown hair that went down to his next carrying a metal cane in his hand .

"Mr...Mr Gold." Twilight said her voice shaking,

"Ah Miss Sparkle, pleasure as always. Mr. Gold said with his crooked smile of his . "Good to see you made a friend." He looked at Emma. "You know what they say about friendship."

"Uh...no." Twilight said almost in a whisper.

Mr. Gold chuckled. "It’s magic." He looks at Emma again and nods. " Well...Welcome to Storybrooke...dearie." Mr. Gold then takes the rent money he was owed and leaves.

Emma shrugs not quite sure what to make of the scene she just witnessed. "So... Mr.Gold he owns the inn or what?"

"No." Twilight responded still a bit shaken. "He owns the town."

Vines at the Dump

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Chapter 2
After that very strange night of meeting Emma Twilight woke up to once again begin another day of her regular mundane lifestyle. Once again Twilight did her daily routine as always, getting up, brushing her teeth, eating her cereal, and heading off to school early to get in some pre class studying.

As Twilight walked down road like she always did, her dog Spike by her side she noticed something different on this day. The clock tower on top of the old abandoned library which for as long as she could remember, has always been stuck, actually moved.

“Hmm, must have finally fixed it.” Twilight mumbled. “That’s nice.”

Twilight finally turned a corner only to stop mid track as she came across…

“Madam Mayor!” Twilight shouted stopping dead heat in her tracks, she had just ran into Regina the town’s mayor and another one of the most feared people in the town. “I’m so sorry! I didn't see where I was going I...”

“Enough.” Regina said in a very serious yet deadpan tone. “Just...head on to school or wherever you're going.”

“Yes, again so sorry…” Twilight began to head off before Regina stopped her again.

“Just a moment.” Twilight froze and slowly turned around. “Yes...Madam Mayor.”

“Twilight Sparkle, that’s your name right.” Regina asked.

“Yes.” Twilight mumbled.

“Your friends with my son Henry right.” Regina asked moving in closer to Twilight.

“Um...Well, I do know Henry and help him every now and then with his homework.” Twilight said trying to very careful with her words. “But we’re not I mean….”

“Good enough.” Regina interrupted. “I would wish if you no longer talked to him anymore.”

Twilight blinked, she wasn’t sure what she had done. “Miss. Mills, I...I don’t understand, did I do something wrong, I’ve always been nice to Henry.”

“I don’t want my Son hanging around a negative influence.” Regina interrupted again sounding quite forceful on the matter.

“Negative? Me. Why?” Twilight asked.

“Do you of the felon Emma Swan.” Regina asked.


“Yes, felon as in she committed a crime.” Regina voice become more angry. “I heard you aided her last night, but showing her Grannies.”

“I, I...I didn't know.”

“Well...It’s a good thing I handled things before they got out of hand, however i can no longer trust your judgment, thus I no longer consider you as someone my son should be around.” Regina finished in a very business like fashion. She then turned around and marched off, leaving Twilight stunned.

Spike merely growled at her as Regina left. “Well, I see where Sunset gets it from.” Twilight muttered as she picked Spike up. “Just because she mayor of the town doesn’t make her a queen or anything like that.”

Twilight headed off not knowing just how wrong those words were.

“Sorry it had to this way...princess.” Sunset jumped through the portal leaving Twilight and the rest of her friends behind. There was a blinding flash of light until Sunset found herself in the middle of the woods, no longer she was a pony but her body was now human female. She wore a regal black gown with a combination of red and yellow highlights, it made her look like a member of a royal court and a powerful sorceress mixed into one.

Now that she was through the portal Sunset began to immediately look around the surrounding area for the missing crown. However the more she looked she wasn’t able to find it.

“Ugh...Where is it!” Sunset yelled getting annoyed.

“CAUGH CAUGH!” Sunset looked up to see a crow screeching at the top of it’s lungs looking at Sunset as if talking to her. Sunset’s eyes narrowed as she groaned.

“Ugh...Fine!...I’m coming.” Suddenly Sunset disappeared in a green puff of smoke, only to reappear in magnificent marble room, the walls covered from head to toe with mirrors of all shapes and sizes. Sunset looked around as if expecting someone to meet her there .

“Did you get it?” Sunset turned her head and saw walking up to her, a tall slim, regal looking woman wearing similar if more outlandish black robes, she was Sunset’s mentor and alley in this realm, she was the Evil Queen, Regina.

“No.” Sunset grumbled she sat down on the fur covered bed in the corner of the room. “I lost it. Stupid Sparkle, I had it in my hooves! Now it’s lost somewhere in the Enchanted Forest.”

Regina raised an eyebrow before smiling. “Well, don’t fear my dear. If it’s somewhere in the land will find it, in time.”

“Yeah, but the mirror still open, Twilight will soon be looking for it.” Sunset argued.

“Then we’ll have the home advantage. Guards!” Two of Regina’s black knights entered the room.

“Yes my queen!”

“Sent a legion of knights after a missing crown, post a reward of gold to anyone who finds it.” Regina commanded.

“Yes my queen!” The Two guards then left to obey their ruler’s command.

“Pfft, like that’s going to make a difference.” Sunset said sounding pessimistic about her allies plan.

“Perhaps but it is a precaution, we need to insure that when this Princess arrives, she won’t be as warmly welcomed as we hope.”

“Regina.” Suddenly a voice emerged and one of the mirrors on the wall began to glow as a face appeared on it. “Perhaps I can be of assistance on...welcoming our new arrivals.” Suddenly the mirror began to fizzle and then show a image of six girls sitting in the middle of the woods having difficulty walking.

“It’s her!” Sunset said getting up walking up to the mirror. Slowly a evil smirk appeared on her face. “Hmm...Maybe we should give them a...Enchanted Forest welcome. Lets say, a thousand pieces of gold for her head.”

“That's my pupil. Now, let me give them my own welcome to the realm greeting.” Regina then looked into the mirror hand extended and clenched her fist.

“Ugh, how far till the road Twilight.” Rainbowdash asked as she and the rest of the girls tried to walk through the treacherous woods.

“I don’t know, the bird told us to go this way. That’s...what he said right Fluttershy.” Twilight said getting annoyed at Rainbow’s complaining.

“Yes.” Fluttershy muttered. “I’m pretty sure.”

“Pretty sure, or your sure, sure.” Pinkie Pie asked. “That’s an important distinction.”

“Um...Pretty sure.” Fluttershy muttered again, getting nervous.

“I wish i had my wings, then I’d just be able to fly and see how far we needed to go.” Rainbowdash groaned.

“Well you don’t RD so please, stop your bellyaching.” Applejack scolded.


“What was that!” Rarity asked looking around thinking they were being followed, all she saw was nothing but empty forest.

“Sure it was just you steppin on a twig Rarity.” Applejack said, continuing onward.


“There it is again.” Rarity said sounding scared.

“Rarity please, it’s just nature doin it’s thing. Nothing else.” Applejack reason.

“Well then nature is weird because this vine is crawling on my leg.” Pinkie commented. Suddenly everyone turned around to see the vine grabbing Pinkie Pie by the leg as it tighten its grip and lifted her up into the air.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled but before she could do anything Twilight herself got caught up in one of the vines and was lifted up into the air, soon everyone else was caught by the vines and lifted into the air.

“What...Uh...Going...On!” Rainbowdash yelled as she struggled to get out of the vine’s grip only for more vines to grab onto different parts of her body.

“I have no idea, but it looks like….this forest...is alive.” Twilight said as she was being flinged back and forth as more vines began to cover them slowly suffocating each and every one of them to death.

“Ugh.” Twilight tripped on a vine as she headed outside to the school’s soccer field hoping to find a nice quiet place to read outside, she felt getting fresh air every now and then was important for her, that and her parents wanted her not to be stuck in a stuffy library all day.

She pondered about what happened this morning and what Miss Mills said to her about Henry.

“Hey Twilight.” She looked up and saw Henry standing right next to her. Henry was petting Spike on the head giving him a little scratch behind the ears which he enjoyed.

“Uh...Henry.” Twilight said sounding a bit astonished. “I ...uh…”

“I know, I’m not supposed to see you anymore.” Henry said. “My mom told me, but i’m not going to.”

“Aren’t you worried about getting in trouble?” Twilight asked, sounding concerned. She didn’t want to get him in trouble.

“I don’t care.” Henry responded. “I found my real mom now.”

Twilight looked disapprovingly at the young boy after that statement. “Now Henry...

“Heads up!” Twilight looked up to see a soccer ball heading straight toward her she covered her face with her book blocking the impact.

“Sorry about that.” A young girl ran up to her she was athletic, agile with long Rainbow colored hair.

“No problem...uh...uh…”

“Rainbowdash.” Henry said.

“Hey aren’t you the Sunset’s little brother.” Rainbowdash asked.

“Step brother, but don’t worry, we don’t get along.” Henry said reassuringly.

“Okay, cool.” Rainbowdash said. “What’s your name.”

“That’s Twilight.” Henry said. “She one of my friends.”

“Hey, cool. Nice to meet yuh. So...want to play a round” Rainbowdash asked bouncing the ball on her knees.

“Uh...No thanks, I’m reading at the moment.” Twilight said showing her the book.
“Ah...I see egghead type.”

“I’m not a egghead! I am well read.” Twilight said annoyed at that remark.

“Yeah, egghead, but hey, it’s cool. Some people just aren’t into awesomeness like me.” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Well see you later, “ Rainbowdash headed off to continue with soccer practice.

“Well she’s very...boastful.” Twilight said, giving Rainbowdash a bit of glare.

“Yeah, but she’s always like that, but she’s very loyal too that’s why she’s your best friend.” Henry said.

“Wait...What...but I don’t even know her.” Twilight said sounding confused.

“That’s because you don’t remember, but my real mom going to help you.” Henry said. “Now come on.” Henry grabbed Twilight by the hand and started dragging her off. “I want to show you something.

“Hey where are we going!” Twilight asked, sounding unsure.

“Trust me.”

Henry rushed Twilight all the way over to the local diner named Grannies there the two of them along with Spike went in. He pointed to one of the tables where Twilight saw Emma sitting drinking a nice warm cup of Coco.

“Henry? What are you doing here? Isn't it school or something.” Emma asked seeming confused.

“I brought someone to help with operation Cobra. This is my friend Twilight.” Henry had Twilight sit down next to Emma.

“Hey Emma.” Twilight said sheepishly. “Remember me.”

“Yeah,you helped me last night.” Emma said.

“Yeah..heh.” Twilight seemed a bit nervous she didn't exactly know why Henry had brought them here.

“Okay, so here’s the plan….

“Wait...Henry, why I am here, you haven’t really explained.” Twilight asked.

“Oh yeah, Operation Cobra, it’s our code name for breaking the curse.” Henry explain.

“Curse?...What curse?” Suddenly Twilight remembered what Mary Margaret had told her yesterday about Henry’s little theory about the town. “Wait...Henry, stop, look…

“Just play along…” Emma whispered.

“Henry, you do realize that were not fairy tale characters right?” Twilight asked.

“No, your not a fairy tale character…” Henry said.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief…”Oh good, for a moment I though…

“Your a pony princess from Equestria…”

“Pony Princess really kid.” Emma said, sounding skeptical.

“Yeah, see look.” Henry then got out his book that said ONCE UPON A TIME and opened it. “See look.” he showed Twilight a page of six individual ponies each with their own unique color patterns. “See, the purple one is you, and there’s Rainbowdash, see.”

Twilight looked at the book cover. “Well...I kind of...I mean, in the right light..” Henry then turned a few more pages and pointed to another picture in the book.

“See, there you are as a human, that’s when you first came to the Fairy Tale World.” Henry explained.

Twilight again looked at the image seemed to reflex her in some ways, but still, she wasn’t buying Henry’s theory.

“Uh...Henry? Are you sure.”

“Yeah, see there are all your friends.”

“I don’t even know these girls? I only met three of them...” Twilight looked at the book noticing that the picture in the book had images of three of the girls she had met earlier.

“Hello!” Twilight looked up, to see one of the waitresses standing in front of her, she seemed like a bubbly girl with a big pink fluffy hair. “Hey, you're new here, I’m Pinkie Pie welcome to Storybrooke.”

“Hi.” Emma said giving her a small wave.

“Hey! I could throw you a Welcome to Storybrooke part, I rarely get to throw those since no one new ever shows up here.”

“Um...No, no thanks.” Emma said sounding a bit hesitant at Pinkies quick offer to throw her a party.

“Oh, okay.” Pinkie hair suddenly deflated a little.

“Sorry.” Emma said.

“No...It’s okay, most people say my parties aren’t that good anyway.” Pinkie sighed. “Trust me I know...I don’t even like my parties.”

Twilight and Emma just exchanged looks, first at each other then at Henry.

Suddenly Pinkie perked up. “So, can I get you anything?”

“I’ll have a milkshake please.” Henry asked.

“Coming right up Henry. What about you...uh…”


“Gotcha. What about you Twilight?”

“No I’m good.” Twilight said.

“Okie Dokie Loki.” Pinkie headed off to get Henry his drink.

Henry then looked at Twilight. “See, that’s another one of your friends, she used to throw great parties! At least that’s what the book says.”

“Henry, I’m not a Fairy Tale character.” Twilight said trying to have her friend see reason.

“That’s because you just don’t remember yet. But look, see, this is the story of when and your friends first arrived in the Enchanted Forest.”

“Ugh...Having...trouble...breathing…” Twilight tried to scream as the vines continued to tighten their grip on them.

“Ugh...Come on you stupid...nature.” Rainbowdash struggled trying to get a hold of the vines as if trying to snap them in half.

“I’m feel sick.” Spike said his face turning green from being flung all over the place.

“WEEEE!” Pinkie was the only one enjoying herself. “This is so much fun, it’s like jumping in a bounce house, except this one’s trying to kill you.”

"Pinkie...this is...serious!" Twilight shouted, trying to think of a way to get out. Suddenly a arrow emerged through the woods hitting the vine causing it to coil in pain causing it to loosen its group on Twilight making her fall to the ground.

Five more arrows hit the vines releasing the other five. After a few moments of riling in pain the vines regrouped ready to attack the mysterious assailant.

As the girls got up the slowly began to make our more and more of their surroundings. They saw a mysterious figure coveted by a hooded cloak attack the vines cutting them with their sword. One by one the no steroid vines were slashed as they screamed in agony only to finally be silenced. The Hooded figure took a sigh fighting those monstrous vines took a lot out of her. The figure then turned and looked at the girls who seemed both grateful but also a bit fearful.

“Um...Thank you.” Twilight said, hesitantly. Suddenly the figure pointed her arm leftward.

“What’s he doing.” Rainbowdash said.

“I think they want us to go that way.” Twilight deduced.

Suddenly the figure rushed off into the woods.

“Wait!...Hold on…” Twilight shouted hoping they’d come back, it was too late the mysterious figure was already deep into the woods, leaving the girls behind.

“Well, now what?” Applejack asked.

“I guess we go in that direction.” Twilight said pointing to where the mysterious figure had pointed continuing to walk into the thick eerie forest, hoping that sooner or later they’d find some source of civilization.

Back at the Queen’s palace, Sunset and Regina looked in the mirror knowing their plan had failed, Sunset was furious at the defeat, but Regina just had a smirk on her face.

“Well, that was a bust, some plan.” Sunset groaned.

“Not necessarily.” Regina snicked. “I believe having the six girls here will give both exactly what we want. “You’ll have the magic you desperately desire, and I’ll soon have Snow White’s head on a silver platter!”

Sunset Shimmer didn't understand at first, she thought for a moment of what Regina was talking about, until suddenly it clicked. As it did, a twisted malevolent smile appeared on her face, she now knew what Regina meant, as she liked what she heard.

Twilight left Grannies diner after a few more hours of listening to Henry spout his ridiculous theory about Storybrooke being nothing more than a prison for Fairy Tale and mythical creatures. But she didn't want to hurt the poor boy’s feelings and merely indulged him while he did. She even decided to agree to Henry’s request to take his book with her for the rest of the day to hide it from both Regina and Sunset.

Emma followed her for a few moments as they were both heading in the same direction.

“Sorry about that kid.” Emma said.

“Oh, about Henry...well...I guess we should just indulge him.” Twilight said. “ He’s had it a bit rough .His mom and step sister are well…”

“Pieces of work.” Emma suggested.

“Yeah. I’m sure his mom cares for him, but Sunset just constantly picks on the poor guy to no end.” Twilight nodded.

“Well, curse or no curse, that I’m willing to help him on.” Emma said.

“It’s nice to know Henry has someone looking out for him.” Twilight responded a small smile appearing on her face.

“Well see you later kid.” Emma headed off in another direction while Twilight headed in another, leaving Twilight and Spike on their own.

“Ouch...Ouch!” Twilight looked around to see another one of her fellow students from school getting pecked on the head by a ugly looking raven.

“Hey...Stop that.” Twilight shouted as she helped the poor girl get away from the raven, it flocked off after a few more attempts to pluck her head off.

“There you go, are you alright?” Twilight asked, looking at the girl. She was a meek looking girl, with long flowing light Pink hair.

“Thank you.” She muttered, looking down on the ground. “Animals don’t tend to like me very much.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.” Twilight said feeling sorry for her. However her statement might not have been entirely true for Spike the dog went up to Fluttershy wagging his tail a big smile on his face. Fluttershy seemed hesitant at first to pet him, slowly Fluttershy extended her and touched Spike and slowly began to pet him.

“Your dog is very cute.” The Girl said said as she petted him with more confidence.

“Thank you, I've had him for a long time.” Twilight said. “So, what’s your name?”

The Girls seemed hesitant first not wanting to speak, she was very quiet as she muttered something.

“Sorry what?”

She muttered again, this time even quieter than before.

“What? Come on you can tell me.” Twilight said, trying to be as kind and encouraging as before.

The girl took a large gulp and breathed. “Um...Fluttershy.” she finally said getting it out.

Twilight extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, I'm Twilight.”

“Awww...how cute, loser meets cowrd.” Twilight and Fluttershy turned around to see Sunset Shimmer, giving the two a evil look. Fluttershy cringed as she hid behind Twilight.

Twilight scowled a bit. “Not now Sunset.”

Sunset looks down to see Twilight holding Henry’s book under her shoulder. Immediately she grabs it from Twilight.


Sunset opens the book and looks at it. "Pathetic" she mumbles. "Fairy tales, I should put it where it belongs... In the garbage."

“Give it back!” Twilight demanded, getting angry.

“Mmmm...No.” Sunset then ran off with the book in hand. Twilight went to chase after her, she wasn’t going to let her get away with Henry’s book. To her surprise Fluttershy followed behind, although more out of fear than of courage. The chase was on, Sunset managed to outpace them while Twilight kept only a few steps ahead, Sunset however turned a corner and was able to climb over the metal fence while Twilight slammed face first into it and feel.

“Ugh…” Twilight slowly got up to see Sunset running away with the book. “Oh no.” She muttered.

“Um...Sorry.” Fluttershy said standing right behind Twilight not sure what to do.

Twilight groaned. “Great, I promised Henry I’d keep a any eye on that book.”

“Maybe I can help.” Twilight and Fluttershy turned around and to Twilight surprise Pinkie Pie was standing behind them with a big grin on her face.


“Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie acknowledged.

“Yeah, Pinkie Pie, thanks for helping but Sunset's long gone by now.” Twilight said dusting off her skirt.

“Yeah, but we need to track the book not Sunset.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I don’t know Twilight I wouldn't trust her.” Fluttershy said a sense of resentment in her voice.

“Hey! I can be helpful!” Pinkie said suddenly glaring.

“Like how you were helpful at the silent auction!” Fluttershy argued back.

"Oh come on you said..."

"Girls please!" Twilight shouted. "Look I just need to get back that book I don't care who helps."

"Well I'll help...but just for you." Fluttershy says eyeing Pinkie Pie.

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie responds "But only because I like helping.

"Okay great. So uh Pinkie how can you help?"

"Pinkie sense!" She shouted

"What?" Twilight sounded skeptical.

"Pinkie sense it allows me get a certain sense on certain things. It sort of like my own brand of magic."

"Uh...magic?" Twilight seemed a bit weirded out by this idea.

"See I told you she wasn't helpful." Fluttershy whispered.

"Trust me It can work." Pinkie said, suddenly she began to motion her hands as if trying to get a sense for something in the air suddenly her body began to shake. "Ooh got it, come on!"

"Great were still lost." Twilight groaned as they continued their journey through the woods after being rescued by the mysterious figure.

"It's getting dark out here." Fluttershy said shaking in fear.

Rarity moaned "If we don't find civilization soon...

"Wait!" Pinkie interrupted her body beginning to shake. "My Pinkie sense is kicking in!" Pinkie started running deeper into the woods .

"Wait...Pinkie!" Twilight started running after her followed by the rest. Pinkies speed increased she ran left, right, zig zag, every direction one could think of into the woods.

"Where in tarnation is she goin?" Applejack asked having trouble keeping up speed.

Pinkie continued to increase her speed. “Where almost there girls.”

“Where?” Rainbowdash yelled.

“Here.” Pinkie finally jumped out of the woods to reveal a road and few feet away from it, a small town.

“Pinkie...uh...uh...how did you?”

“Yours till doubt Pinkie sense Twilight, come on you should know better.” Pinkie scolded.

Twilight sighed. “Yeah, your right. Thanks Pinkie.” She turns around to look at the others. “Come on girls, lets see if we can’t find a place to stay for the night.”

The girls entered the town, the style of the structures reminded them a lot of ponyville, however instead of colorful ponies walking around the streets, strange bipedal creatures filled the streets. Many of them didn’t look very friendly some gave the girls strange looks while other just stood in the middle of the streets minding their own business.

“Oh, look I found a place a Inn.” Pinkie said enthusiastically to a building with a sign at the door that said Prancing Pony. “Must have rooms made especially ponies.”

“Well, lets go in then.” Rainbowdash said as she opened the door for her friends. The entered into a small tavern like area, people were either smoking, drinking, or both. The girls seemed a bit weirded out by everyone, but that wouldn’t stop them.

"So, what do we do?" Applejack asked. "This place seems shifty."

"Don't worry Twi, I can take on anything that comes at us." Rainbowdash boated doing some Kung fu.

"You could barley walk this mornin RD, how can you even fight." Applejack retorted.

"Girls come on, let's see if we can spend the night hear and continue on till morning. Besides we should probably find out a bit about..."

"Hello Mr.Barkeeper do you know where we are!" Everyone turned around stunned to see Pinkie Pie sitting at the bar with a drink at hand.

"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled.

"Well miss your in the town of Hamiilon." The bartender replied.

Twilight was taken a back and decided to join Pinkie. "Um... Where exactly is the town in, where not from around here you see."

"Oh this is the Enchanted Forest my dear"The bartender responded.

"The Enchanted Forest." Twilight mumbled contemplating. She wondered if this place was literally enchanted, which were the case mention there was magic involved, but without her horn she wondered if her connection to magic had been severed. Twilight looked to the others signaling them to join her. They did so without hesitation.

"So what yuh find out." Applejack asked.

"Well we know wherever are. This place is called the Enchanted Forest." Twilight told them.

Rainbowdash groaned "That doesn't tell us much, like how to find Sunset Shimmer."

The bartender suddenly dropped one of the cups her was cleaning. "Uh...you ladies know Sunset Shimmer." He asks sounding scarred.

"Um... Not really, should we." Twilight asked sounding concerned.

The bartender seemed nervous as he looked around hoping no one was listening. "She's only the right hand of the Evil Queen Regina."

"Evil..,Queen?" Twilight sounded nervous apparently Sunset had made a dark and powerful friend here.

"Yeah... Terrible, she has been hunting are rightful ruler the princess Sniw White for ages, as for that Sunset girl she jus popped up one day by the Queens side, although she's just as bad as her." The Bartender explained. "I hope you don't run into them during your travels from what I heard those two witches like to turn their enemies into worms and feed then to the crowd."

"How in tarnation do they do that." Applejack asked.

"Magic of course." The bartender responded as if Applejack should have known that already.

So this world had magic after all, as Twilight pondered over this news, she knew that her quest to get the crown would be even more difficult especially if Sunset had a friends in this, Evil Queen.

“Were here!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she had lead both Twilight and Fluttershy to the Storybrooke dump.

“Ugh...It stinks.” Twilight said plugging her nose. “Are you sure the book here’s.”

“Sure as sure can be.” Pinkie nodded.

Twilight sighed. “Well, better start digging.”

“Don’t worry, my Pinkie sense is like a magnet, we won’t have to go through...most of this pile of hideous and gross garbage.” Pinkie added trying to cheer Twilight up.

“Maybe...um...maybe we should split up just in case.” Fluttershy meekly suggested.

“Oh come on my Pinkie sense can totally find the book.” Pinkie retorted sounding annoyed at Fluttershy’s doubt.

“Like it sensed that I wanted a silent auction.” Fluttershy grumbled.

“Hey!” Pinkie yelled.

“Girls please, not now!” Twilight said getting in front of the two of them. “They’ll be plenty of time to fight later, I really need to find that book, my friend Henry is counting on me.”

“You mean the mayor’s kid...Why didn't you say so!” Pinkie exclaimed! “I’ve heard about the poor little guy! Having to live with the two biggest meanies in town.” Pinkie then rushed into the dump and started tracking.

“Well...lets get digging.” Twilight joined in Pinkie Fluttershy slowly following behind.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy got their hands dirty quite literally as they searched the entire dump head to toe, scrounging through piles of dirty garbage and junk. They continued to go through it for what seemed like hours, going through piles and piles of junk, too little to no avail.

“Pinkie are you sure this is where you...sense, the book.” Twilight asked. “Not like sensing a book is even possible.” Twilight mumbled

“I knew this was a bad idea.” Fluttershy muttered to Twilight.

“Hey! My Pinkie sense never fails me!” Pinkie yelled back getting angry at Fluttershy.

“Your Pinkie sense always fails, and who has a sense anyway!” Fluttershy was starting to get angry.


“Oh yeah, well...well...you…

“If your Pinkie sense really worked you would have known I wanted a silent auction hence the term silent.” Fluttershy rage increased.

“But that’s not what you…


“Hey kid!” Suddenly everyone turned around to see Emma, walking toward them.

“Who’s that?” Fluttershy asked Twilight.

“That Emma, Henry’s real mom.”

“I didn't know he had a real mom.” Fluttershy asked.

“Me neither.” Pinkie said.

“Guess your Pinkie sense didn't sense that either.” Fluttershy retorted.

“Shh, not now!” Twilight muttered. “Emma! What are you doing here?”

“I saw you in the dumps, also I found this.” Emma was holding Henry’s book.

“Henry's book!” Twilight cheered for joy. “How did you…”

“I saw that Sunset Shimmer kid, running with it and throwing it at the dumps, but I got it out a few hours ago.

“Oh thank you Emma!” Twilight said extremely grateful. “I was so worried I lost it, and that Henry would…”

“Nah, don’t worry, I took care of it. But uh…mind if I hold on to it for a while, I kind of want to uh...I kind of want to take a look.” Emma said.

“Um...Sure.” Twilight. “Go ahead.”

Emma suddenly looked around noticing how dark it was getting. “Come on, let me walk you guys home.”

“Can we trust her.” Fluttershy asked.

“Don’t worry, she knows Henry.” Twilight acknowledged as she began to follow Emma, Fluttershy and Pinkie following behind.

“See I told you, Pinkie sense never fails.” Pinkie said sounding proud of herself.

“Well...technically, Emma found it.” Twilight said.

“No, we found the book, at the dumps, and Emma was at the dumps, thus the book was at the dumps.” Pinkie rationed. Twilight thought it over, she was kind of right.

“Still can’t get the differences between a silent auction and party though.” Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

Sunset Shimmer was heading home, seeming confident of herself, she had got rid of that stupid book of her step brother Henry’s and managed to mess with Twilight in the process. It was a good day.

“Oof.” Sunset felt something heavy bump into her, she looked up to see the tall skinny body of Mr Gold looking down at her, as he leaned on his cane.

“Sunset, good evening. Having a good time.” Mr. Gold asked.

“Pretty good, now that I got rid of a pesky book.” Sunset Shimmer snickered.

“Book? Hmm, that’s strange. I saw Miss Swan earlier with a book, she with Miss Sparkle and two other girls.”

“What!” Sunset yelled.

Mr. Gold smiled. “My, my, you're just as bad as Regina, she seems to get the same angry look whenever I mention Miss Swan.”

Sunset began to grit her teeth her anger growing with every second. “Why...that...little…”

“Well, I better be going, but, if you ever have a problem with uh...anything, you know where to find me, and I'm always happy to help...for a price, of course. Till next Sunset” With that Mr.Gold left but not before accidentally stepping on Sunset foot with his cane, although she saw a small smirk appear on his face. But it didn't matter Sunset Shimmer was too deep in thought, the anger in her heart growing with each passing second, she now knew that Twilight Sparkle would soon become a threat to her and everything she had made for herself in Storybrooke, especially if Twilight’s was now friends with this, Emma Swan.

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Chapter 3
Morning arrived to the village,the girls and Spike stayed at the local inn and slept there for the night. As the sun came into their window, one by one they slowly began to wake up to take in the new day. Twilight was the first to awaken as she began to pack the supplies of food and drink they she had managed to secure from the local shops that were in the village, apparently bits were worth quite a lot in this realm.

"Okay girls." Twilight said as the others were now fully awake. "I was able to get this map of the realm from the inn keeper there's a local town a few hours walk from here."

"Ugh more walking." Rainbowdash moaned Twilight wasn't amused.

"Yes more walking. But if there's a town it probably has a library which we could use to some research on this place."

Spike seemed confused. "Uh Twilight we need to be looking for your crown not study."

"Spike learning about this place will help us get the crown back."

"Uh hate to be the bearer of bad news but we won't be able to do both if we don't skedaddle now!" Applejack said looking out the window. The rest joined her to there horror seeing Knights covered all in Black patrolling the village.

"I don't think we want to be seen by those guys." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Uh oh they're coming in here." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Will have to take the back entrance. Pinkie answered smiling. Everyone looked at her with bewilderment. "I found last night when I was midnight snacking."


"Let's just go with it." Applejack stated as she and the rest if the girls headed downstairs.

They slowly climbed down the stairs most of the people in the bar were acting normal but you could feel the tension in the room, it rise quickly as one of the black knights entered the inn by kicking the door.

The knight slowly walked across the inn everyone avoiding eye contact with him, as fir the girls themselves they hid themselves from upstairs as they watched the entire scene from above.

"Listen up everyone!" The knight shouted with a deep booming voice. "By order of the Queen we have come to search for new enemies of the land." He pulled out a poster and with six individuals on it, it was Twilight and her friends.

"Now we really need to get out of here." Applejack said worryingly.

"Come on." Twilight whispered as she slowly walked down the stairs trying to not alert the knight of their presence, her friends follow suite.

"The back entrance is behind the bar." Pinkie pointed out. They slowly headed to the back door every few seconds one of them turning their head to watch what the knight was doing.

Twilight got in front of the door. "Okay, when I open the door make a run for the woods.” she ordered as her hand slowly pushed the door aside. “One...Two…

“Wait!” Rainbowdash stopped Twilight before she ran out, pointing to the fact that outside two more black knights outside breaking into some of the home of the villagers.

“Dang it!” Twilight snapped, she chewed on her finger trying to think of a plan. She looked around trying to find a way out the mess.

Rainbowdash tapped Twilight on the shoulder while she continued her thoughts “Uh Twilight, no pressure but think faster.” The guard inside the inn was now heading closer to the back entrance, he was done questioning the customers.

Twilight started to sweat they were being closed in, if something didn’t happen soon, they were sitting ducks. They needed a miracle and fast.

“Stop you...ugh.” Screamed one of the knights from outside, the one inside turned around and rushed to see what was happening while the one’s in the back rushed away as well to check out the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked trying to see.

“I don’t know, but now’s our chance to get out of here...run!” Twilight then jumped out of the door and run across the field that led into the woods, the others following behind, as she did out of the corner of her eye she saw a hooded figure fighting the black knights and doing quiet a good job at it too. To her surprise it was the same on from before who rescued them from the vines.

“Were almost their Twi.” Applejack shouted interrupting her thoughts ash Twilight looked up to see they were now finally into the woods away from the black knights, who were apparently hunting them.

“Just a bit further girls then were in the clear.” The six girls continued to run and run as fast they could, not sure where they’re next stop would lead them, but they knew that if they were going to get Twilight’s crown back, the most important thing to do was to survive.

Days passed after the incident with the book and things in Twilight regular routine seemed to becoming different. For starters normally during lunch she would spend her time alone with a good book, but now those two girls Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie now always joined her. Sometimes separately sometimes together depending if whether or not they could stand one another. The days when they were together with Twilight, if they weren't bickering with one another then Pinkie would gone and on about some nonsense, only on days when Fluttershy came alone was Twilight able to read her book in piece. But those weren't the only changes happening, things in the town just felt better.

For one thing Henry seemed happier, his normally glum persona wa replaced by better, but Twilight couldn't put her finger on it. Another thing that Twilight had heard about was the local John Doe had woken up at the hospital and was identified as David Nolan and then the week after that a massive earthquake happened causing a part of the town mine to collapse. It's been a wild ride here in storybrooke. However something's still didn't change.

"Ha! You're such a doormat!"

Twilight and Pinkie were walking the school halls together to find Fluttershy cornered by Sunset Shimmer, again.

"Sorry." Fluttershy whispered

“Stop!” Twilight yelled, Sunset looked up and scowled.

“Okay, this is getting annoying.” she replied.

“Then stop bullying her.” Twilight demanded holding her own, Pinkie crouched behind her seeming a bit intimidated.

“Leave.” Sunset snarled as Fluttershy rushed off.

“Well...look at the time, sorry Twilight got to go to class.” Pinkie ran of at the speed of light leaving Twilight and Sunset alone, having what looked like a old western showdown. Sunset was the first to make a move as she walked up closer to Twilight.

“I know you found that book.”

“That was Henry’s book that you tried to throw in a dump.”

“Pfft...It was a stupid book, it belonged in the garbage.” Sunset replied giving Twilight a sinister looking smirk.

“That’s not your decision.” Twilight defended.

“Yeah, it is, I rule the school, my step mom rules the town, so…

“So what...your the town princess.” Twilight rebuttled.

Sunset eyes widened as she gave a evil smile. “Exactly.”

The bell rang, Sunset looked at the clock and shoved Twilight out her way. “Better hope that nothing happens to the books YOU love so much Twilight.” With that she huffed off, leaving Twilight on the ground by herself, alone, until.

“Woah.” Twilight immediately looked up to see Rainbowdash in shock holding her soccerball in her arm.

Twilight slowly got up. “Oh...hi.” she said wiping a small tear from her eye.

“You know, for a moment, you were pretty awesome there.” Rainbowdash said helping Twilight straighten out.


“Yeah, standing up to Sunset Shimmer like that...pretty sweet in my book.” Rainbow said with a smile.


“We should totally hang out after school.” Rainbowdash exclaimed sounding hopeful. “I’m usually not doing anything, we could hang out at Grannies or something.”

“Don’t you have practice after school.” Twilight asked looking at the soccer ball.

“Yeah, about they those chumps kicked me off the team.” Rainbow Dash explained. “Guess they want to lose or something.”

“Really? You're the best player this school has.” Twilight said sounding shocked.

“Yeah, they said something about me needing to learn team Spirit and being loyal to the team or something I don’t know...so Grannies, what do you say.”

“Um...okay.” A part of Twilight wanted to say no, she was used to just sitting at home reading one her books, or staying at the school library most of the time. “I like to normally stay at the school library after school, you could meet me there.”

“Okay, sounds cool.” See you then. Rainbowdash headed out kicking her soccer ball while walking, Twilight headed to her own class.

Unknown to both of them however Sunset Shimmer listened in to the entire conversation, a brief scowl appeared on her face. She huffed off down the hall and entered a abounded class room where three big muscular almost dog like kids were sitting around, ironically eating dog treats.

“You three!” She barked causing them all to jump.

“Agh, Sunset Shimmer...what’s it’s that you want.”

“I got a little job for you three?”

The three brutes looked at each other trying to get the other’s opinion on the matter. “Reward?”

Sunset went into her pockets looking for something, when she found it she dangled it front of the three brutes like a piece of raw stake being dangled in front of a dog. “How about these diamond encrusted earrings.” She said giving them all a evil grin.

“Diamonds! Yes Diamonds Diamonds!” The three of them reached out to grab the earings Sunset pulling back.

“Uh, uh, job first, diamonds second! Got it!”

The three brutes agreed.

Sunset Shimmer gave a evil grin. “Perfect.”

The school day had ended and like always Twilight headed to the library for a bit of after school studying, although this time she was going to have company, she was a bit worried that she might have sent the wrong idea by telling Rainbowdash to meet her at the library to hang out, although she was nice Rainbowdash was never the most studious student at the school, but she hoped she would enjoy her company anyway. Twilight made her way down the hall only to see in her horror the library completely trashed, bookshelves toppled books ripped, it was a nightmare.

“What happened!” Twilight yelled sounding horrified.

“Jeez, this is some workout.” Twilight turned around to see Rainbowdash walking up the library. She turned to see Twilight panting heavily. “Jeez Twilight what’s wrong.”

“Whats wrong! What’s wrong! The School library is a wreck that’s what’s wrong!” Twilight yelled grabbing Rainbowdash by the color of her shirt.

“Okay, okay, calm down, I didn’t know the library was so important to you.”

“Important! Important! Rainbowdash, the library is my sanctuary a place for me to breath and relax.”

Rainbowdash seems a bit bewildered by Twilight lust for the library. “Well it looks like your sanctuary is now battlefield, but hey, maybe you can relax at Grannies. Come on.” Rainbowdash grabbed Twilight by the arms as she almost had to drag her out of the school.

Once Twilight stopped resisting the two of them arrived at Grannies for a nice beverage and Coco. As Rainbowdash lounged and indulged herself in her coco Twilight still couldn’t believe that the school library was a wreck and probably going to be closed down for a couple of weeks if not a few months.

“Calm down Twilight, it’s not like you still can’t read or anything, although still, reading is boring compared to a good soccer game.”

“Rainbowdash, the school library was pretty much the only thing this town had to a actual public library not since the town library closed down. Plus all those books are now ruined, and there were barely any as it is.”

“You know, how long has that placed been closed.” Rainbowdash asked.

Twilight was about to answer but then she thought about it, and it came to her, she didn’t remember when that place closed down, as far as she knew that place had been closed since as long as she could remember. “You know, I’m not sure. But all I know is that it’s boarded up and no one’s allowed in.”

Then suddenly Rainbowdash jumped up a wide grin appeared on her face. “Well, who’s to say no one’s allowed in…

“Rainbow...what are you…

“I say we break in their and go check it out and bring some of the books to the school, plus come on a it’s old abandoned library, maybe there’s a ghost there. That’d be cool” Rainbowdash beamed at the thought of haunted spirits inhabiting a old building.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t know…

“Come on Twi...Maybe there are some cool books inside? It’s not like anyone’s going to miss them, and if the place opens again you can just donate them back.”

Twilight thought about it, the thought of unique books that the school didn’t have did intrigue her, but on the other hand breaking into closed off areas seemed a bit risque however books won out in the end.

“Okay...fine, what time?”

“Tonight, like at 9:00.”

“Okay see you then.”

Rainbow Dash got up from the table. “So, you want to go for a jog or something I love a good walk.”

Twilight smiled. “Sure.”

“I hate walking.” Rainbowdash moaned as her and the rest of the group continued to walk through the dark thick woods of the Enchanted Forest.

“Come on Rainbow, don’t tell me you getting tired already.” Applejack said with a friendly smirk.

“Tired never!” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Come on girls, we should been getting there soon...hopefully.” Twilight said, however she was unsure of herself as she held the map in her hands not taking the main road made travel very difficult.

“That’s good, these woods are getting dirt all over my corset.” Rarity whined dusting off the bits of twig and leaf that attached themselves to her cloths.

“Well, I’m sure will be there….” Twilight stopped as she heard the snapping of a twig from the distance. Everyone froze, someone was with them.

“Uh oh.” Fluttershy whispered. “Were we followed?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight whispered back.

“I say lets take them.” Rainbowdash argued.

“Rainbow don’t…

“Alright, come out and face us like...like...whatever the heck you are!” Rainbowdash yelled out sticking out her firsts ready for a fight. “Put um up! put um up!”

The woods began to rustle even louder as someone began to slowly approach, causing even Rainbowdash surge of confidence to dwindle, as she was afraid of what was to come. As the footsteps grew louder and louder the girls huddled together preparing for the worse, but what they got was something quite, charming.

A tall rugged looking man wearing a leather jacket with a cotton undershirt and tights arrived on the scene. The girls were a bit amazed and taken in by this quiet charming individual who approached them.

“Um, hello.” Twilight was the first to say sheepishly still not sure whether or not he was friend or foe.

“Greetings, strange to see such young maidens traveling these next of the woods.” He said.

“Were kind of lost.” Pinkie answered with much more confidence than Twilight. “Can you help us mystery man.”

The strange man gave them a look for a moment contemplating his option and then he smiled. “Of course, I’ll be happy to get you out, but first…

Suddenly more rustling came. “Come this way. Quickly” With haste the mystery man escorted them to to one of the trees, the girls followed his direction although they felt uneasy doing so.

“Um...excuse me...Mr…?” Fluttershy stopped not knowing what his name was.

“It doesn’t matter.” He said.

“Oh well, why are we hiding.” She said in a low whisper.

“I set a trap for a bandit who stole my mother's wedding ring from me.” He explained.

“Oh how awful.” Fluttershy exclaimed.

More rustling came from the woods, Twilight looked from the branch to see who the bandit was, and to her shock, it was the same mysterious cloaked figure who had saved them twice now since they had arrived in this place.


“I see Twilight.” Rarity said.

“Me too.” Applejack responded.

Pinkie looked around. “What I don’t see any…” the trap had been set causing the bandit to be lifted her into a next that dangled from a tree.

“Wait here till it’s safe.” The mysterious man said as he made his way out towards the bandit, He got up to head for the trap while the others just waited behind the tree, however they were able to hear every word of the conversation.

“I told you I’d find you.” The mysterious man said with a smirk as he made his way to get a good look at the bandit. “No matter what you do, I will always find you.

The bandit finally spoke and to the girls surprised she was a woman. “Is this the only way you can trap a woman, by entrapping her?” she asked.

“It’s the only way I catch thieving scum.” The mysetrious man retorted.

“Well aren’t you a real prince Charming.”

“I have a name you know.”

“Don’t care charming suites you. Now CUT ME DOWN charming.”

Charming gave a small chuckle. “I’ll release you when I return the leather pouch you stole with my jewel.”

The girls watched the entire conversation go on from behind the forest, Twilight however felt she needed to do something, this was the person who save them twice, and it felt wrong if they didn’t at least vouch for her. She looked at the girls. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking girls.”

“Yep.” They all said. Twilight got out from behind the tree revealing herself to the bandit andC harming .

“Stop, she’s okay.” Twilight said. Charming turned around a bit surprised.

“Who’s this?” The bandit asked.

“Stop, this bandit saved us twice since we came here. She can’t be that bad.” Twilight said.

“Saved you?” Charming asked sounding puzzled.

“Yeah, a couple days ago from some creepy vines.” Pinkie explained. “They were all over us and we were all like AAH and then she came and she was all ike WOOSH WOOSH! and then there were these scary looking Knights and they were all like GRR and she was all like GRR and we were all RUN!”

“PINKIE!” The girls exclaimed.


Twilight took a deep breath before continuing. “My point is, she can’t be that bad.”

Charming took a deep sigh as he pondered it for a moment. “Well, although it is commendable for saving your life from attacking trees, she still stole my mothers ring.” He took a pause “ Also I’m afraid they’re is a reason she attacked those Dark Knights.” Charming went into his pocket and pulled out a wanted poster with her face on it. It said, Wanted Snow White.

“She’s Snow White, former Princess of the Realm.” He then looked up at Snow. “So...help me get my ring back or I turn you over to the Queen.”

“The Queen!” The girls yelled in shock.

“Well that’s funny the Queen’s hunting us to.” Pinkie said..


“Oops...Did I say to much?”



Charming then looked at the girls and then back at Snow, he almost looked annoyed. “Is today just meeting bandits day or what?”

“Okay, okay...I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of gaining true love. I’ll help you.” Snow said

“Good.” He looks at the girls. “And you’ll come with us.”

“Are you still going to help us?” Twilight asked.

“I have no quarms with you, and to fair, I feel sometimes the Queen’s enemies tend be the the innocent victims...most of the time.”

“Oh thank you!” Twilight said hugging james.

“Okay, okay...can someone cut me down.” Snow White yelled out sounding annoyed. James looked up at Snow with a smirk and then with a swish of his sword he cut her down causing her to plop on the ground flat on her face.


Nine o clock Storybrooke, Twilight wearing a nice purple sweater to keep herself warm was at the old abandoned library waiting for Rainbowdash to arrive, her dog spike was with being kept warm by Twilight hugging embrace.

“Oh I don’t know Spike, this is probably a bad idea.” She asked her loyal companion. “What do you think.


“Hmm...I don’t know.” Twilight responded as if she could understand him.

“Hey Twilight.” Finally Rainbowdash arrived and to her surprise she was joined by none other than Applejack who did not seem to be happy to be there. “And Applejack?”

“I’m only here to make sure THIS one.” Applejack glared at Rainbowdash. “Doesn’t do anything to get you in harms way.”

“Sorry Twi, unfortunately I had a run in with her and she insisted I tell her what was up. Then she insisted on coming!” Rainbowdash glared back at Applejack. Twilight sensed the tension which made her even more hesitant about going along with this stupid idea

“I knew this was a bad idea maybe I should…

“Oh no you don’t.” Rainbowdash pulled Twilight by the swetter. “Were doing this, were here, and we’re all in.”

“Rainbow...Can’t you just let the poor girl…” But she wouldn’t listen, Rainbowdash started grabbing the boards on the door and started taking them down. She tried to open the door but it was locked, so she tried to knock it down.

“It’s locked Rainbowdash, don’t you see the gosh darn lock in front of yuh.” Applejack yelled.

Rainbowdash looked at the lock and growled. “Dang! Well maybe if I...just...try...harder.” She continued to slam her body into the door.

“HAY!” The girls jumped as they saw a large pick up truck heading their way. “What are you doing?” It took a while to see who was driving the car, however the driver opened his door and walked up to them.

“Hey I know you, you’re that David Nolan guy who was in a coma in the hospital.” Rainbowdash said pointing to him.

“Yeah, and either people enter buildings differently now or you’re doing something illegal.” He said accusingly.

“Hey we’re just curious.” Rainbowdash said. “This place has been closed for like ever. We just want to see what’s inside.”

“And you thinking breaking down the door is going to help.” David replied.

“Uh...yes.” Rainbowdash said.

“See I told you this was a stupid idea.” Applejack complained.

“Hey, I just wanted to help Twilight out, since the school library got trashed.” Rainbow argued.

“The school library got trashed?” David said sounding concerned. “How?”

“I don’t know?” Twilight said. “It happened today actually. But a whole bunch of books got ripped up and the shelves are completely destroyed.”

David scratched his chin until he realized something. “Hold on did you say your name was Twilight...Twilight Sparkle?”


“You’re friends with Mary Margaret right?” He asked.

“Yes, I know Miss Blanchard.” Twilight said. “We were hoping to that maybe we’d just sneak in and give some of the books to the school since the one’s at the school were ruined.”

David then walked away and headed to the back of his pickup truck. “Well if you're going to enter the library.” he said to then pull out to large heavy pliers. “Then at least don’t break your shoulder doing it.” He headed to the door and took down the lock with ease, allowing them to open the door to the library. “Mi-ladies.” he said jokingly in a prince like manner as he let the girls enter the library first.

“Thanks dude! I knew you were cool!” Rainbow beamed.

“I’m only doing this because Mary Margaret was helpful to me for my time in the hospital, maybe helping the school library will be a way to repay her.” David said as he followed the girls.

“I still think this is a stupid idea.” Applejack moaned

As they entered the library Twilight was amazed by how many books there were in the place, considering it was abounded. There were books on all sorts of topics, science and math, but also several books on fantasy, sci-fi, many of the classic fairy tales were in this walls as well.

“Wow, you’ve hit the motherlode of books.” Rainbowdash commented as she herself was in awe by the library. “Now to find that ghost.”

“They’re aren’t any ghost Rainbowdash. It’s a library, it’s like saying there’s a dragon underneath the town.”

“That be cool too.”

Applejack rolled her eyes.

Twilight continued to pick out some of the books that the school didn’t have or she personally thought were interesting, classic tales like cat in the hat, other’s like Snow white, even a few on the joys of mathematics, however one book caught her eye in ways that the others didn’t. It was a older looking book, very much like Henry’s slowly she took it out of the shelf, looking at the cover it had a image of a majestic Unicorn.

“Wutcha got there Twi.” Applejack asked looking over her shoulder.

“It’s one of the books I found.” Twilight said continuing to stare at the book, she didn’t know why but it felt familiar to her.

“Well open it up and start reading.” Rainbowdash said, curious as well.
“Okay...here it goes. The first part’s called The Mare in the Moon.”

Charming, Snow, and the rest of the girls have been traveling for what seemed like hours into the woods, Snow leading the way. For the most part everyone was quiet, there was a uneasy tension within the group. As they made their way through the forest with the mystrious man or as Snow called him Charming, notice her playing around with a vile she wore around her neck.

“Though you weren’t the jewelry type. What’s that around you neck.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Charming, not quite trusting Snow White still grabbed the vile from her neck Snow immediately trying to take it back, the rest of the girls stopped in their tracks.

“Carful! It’s a weapon.”

“Of dust? What kind of weapon is dust?” Charming asked seeming perplexed.

“Fairy dust.” Snow said trying to grab it back.

“Thought that was a good thing?

“When it comes from a good fairy but that stuff is deadly, it transforms the most fearsome of adversaries into something that can be easily squashed.”

“Then why didn’t use it on me.”

Snow paused looking at Charming pondering the question herself, finally she spoke in a very monotone voice. “Because you’re not worth it. Charming however decided it would be best to keep the dust in his pocket just in case of any double dealing.

“I’ve actually read books about evil fairy dust.” Twilight told the girls as they walked behind Snow and Charming. “It’s actually quite powerful especially in the wrong hands.”

“Wonder why she has it then?” Applejack pondered.

“How come you have the fairy dust Snow White?” Pinkie asked as she popped behind Snow from out of nowhere causing her to jump in surprise however she calmed down quickly.

“I’m saving it for someone special.” She responded.

Pinkie squealed in delight “Oh, like a surprise I like surprises, oh who’s it for, is for a bestest friend, or a really bestest friend or...

“She means if for the Queen my Pink haired friend.” Charming responded. He looked at Snow. “Gotta lot of anger there don’t you Snow.

Snow was quiet for a moment looking down, both Charming and the girls seemed curious about why exactly that was, although they didn’t know one another Snow didn’t seem like the vengeful or angry type.

“The charges on her posters our lies you know, didn’t stop her from sending her huntsman to rip out my heart.”

Fluttershy face turned green thinking of that gruesome image.

“What happened?” Charming asked.

“Well not everyone is a soulless royal, he took pity on me and let me go, been hiding in the forest ever since. Been amassing a fortune so I can leave this place escape to another realm. Somewhere isolated where I can never be hurt.”

“Sounds lonely.” Charming said.

“Lonelier than a arranged marriage.”

“Hey at least I don’t prey on the innocent.”

“Until now I’ve only stolen from the queen, I thought that carriage was one her’s only she uses that trail.”

“I took the sinque route.” Charming defended.

“Very Funny. All I’m doing charming is what it take to surive.”

Twilight didn’t know why but she felt she needed to add her two cents into the conversation, even if she knew deep down it wasn’t her place .“Aren’t you going to miss your friends?” Twilight asked, causing Snow to turn around. She was quiet as she thought about it.

‘Yes. But then they won’t be hurt either.”

They kept on walking for a few seconds in silence before Charming spoke up again. “What did you do to incur so much wrath.”

“She accuses me of ruining her life.”

“Did you?”

Snow paused for a few seconds before answering. “Yes.” before continuing onward. With that Charming just remained silent as well as the girls.

“So ladies, where do you hail from? One of the nearby Kingdoms or are you subjects of my realm.” He asked.

The girls all looked at each for a moment, deciding whether or not to tell Charming their story or not, however after a few nods and looks they all agreed honesty for them would be the best policy in this circumstances. However before they could Snow stopped them near the stream.

“I’m thirsty...may I.”

Charming thought about it. “Of course, make it fast.” The two of them headed down by the river while the girls waited at the edge of the forest.

“So thinks it’s a good idea to tell them.” Rainbowdash asked Twilight.

“I think we can trust them.” Twilight said. “Applejack what do you think.”

“I think so, that Snow White seems honest enough despite being a bandit and all.”

“She seems to have been through some rough times.” Fluttershy added.

“I would be quite irritated myself if I was hunted and had to wear that outfit all the time.” Rarity said.

Suddenly the heard the sound of feeting coming toward them as they saw Snow running across the woods.

“Hey were she’s going?” Rainbowdash added.

“And where’s that Charmin fellah.” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Hey Snow.” Rainbowdsah got up to go after her, the rest following her pace. Snow continued to run out of the woods until she was back on the main road again the rest of the girls right behind.

“Hey Snow where’s….” Rainbowdash couldn’t finish her sentence however for suddenly the sound of horses were heard coming down the road, they were being ridden by three black knights.

“Uh oh.” Fluttershy whispered as she quivered in fear.

“Huh...Look who we found.” The head knight said as she got up his horse. “They’re nowhere to hide the Queen want’s your heart.” He got out a knife and headed toward Snow White. “And were not going to disappoint her.” He then looked at the girls and grinned. “Ah, the six girls who the Queen also desire’s, lucky for you, she wants you alive.”

Two of the others guards got out there swords and pointed them at the mane six while the leader of the group took Snow White and bolted her against a tree with his hands holding the knife to her heart. He was about to plunge into her body, but then that next second a WOOSH sound came and the guard became pale, until he collapsed on the ground with a knife on his back. Everyone turns around to see Charming who is soaking wet, pull out his sword ready for action. The second black knight pulls out his sword as he and charming duel with one another Snow and the girls watching in awe. Snow using this opportunity of distraction gets up and tries to escape but is picked up by one of the Black Knights on a horse and is rushed away.

“Yo charming.” Rainbowdash yells, pointing in Snow’s direction. Without a moments notice Charming knocked out the other guard and began to follow the other Knight, he got out his arrow and aimed it a few inches away from the horse, and seconds later he fired it, managing to knock out the guard and keep Snow and the horse alive. With the knight gone Snow managed to get her balance and get on the horse slowing it down. Charming and the girls ran to her position to make sure she was okay.

“You alright.” Charming asked, Snow was panting and seeming a bit bewildered.

“You...You saved me.”

“Seemed like the honorable thing to do.”

There was a brief pause as the two of them just looked at each other waiting for the other to speak.

“Ready.” Charming finally said.

“For what?”

“My jewels.”

Snow seemed a bit taken aback but snapped out of it and got back to reality.” Right...you got a wedding got get to, and you got to help...these girls with whatever the problem was, anyway the trolls I sold them to are just beyond the next bridge we need to be careful.”

“What trolls?”

“You clearly never met them.”

“Aren’t they little people.”

“No those are dwarves. Show a little respect they’ll cut of your hand sooner before you can shake it.”

Rarity and Fluttershy grimaced at that gruesome image.

“I thought trolls were friendly.” Fluttershy whispered seeming horrified.

“I guess they aren’t here.” Rainbowdash whispered back.

“Well then lets get this over with.” Charming said as he began get ready to follow snow.

“Yes, we both got places to be so lets go.” Snow replied

“You have you isolated corner to find.

“And you have a loveless fiance to please.”

Charming turns around to look at the girls. “Well come on girls, maybe on the way you can explain why the Queen is out for your head too.”

Twilight face blushed. “Well...it’s a interesting story.”

“Well that was a cute story and all Twi. But I don’t see anything special about it.” Applejack said as she and Rainbowdash looked over Twilight shoulder at the book Twilight had found at the town library. Twilight however still couldn’t shake off the feeling that this book was special, something about seemed all too familiar.

“Come on it’s just a book, nothing special.” Rainbowdash said snapping Twilight out of her deep though. “So come on, I want to put these books into David’s Truck so we can get them ready for the school.

David himself was busy looking at some of the books himself, many of them sleazy romance novels about couples who couldn’t be together for one of them was married to someone else.

“Hey David, were ready.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Okay I’ll get my truck ready.” As he went out the truck he felt himself almost something pink and soft. He looked up to see Mary Margaret walking down the street.


“Um..Um Mary Margaret, uh...Hi. What are you doing out so late.”

“I had to go the store to get something for Emma. What are you doing here...and with you truck.” She noticed the truck backed up to the library.

“Um...Uh. Well you me and …

“Miss Blanchard.” Twilight jumped as she too walked out side.

“Twilight? What are you doing here.” Applejack and Rainbowdash came out from behind looking nervous.

Mary Margaret looked at them all with confusion. “Okay, what is going on.”

Applejack and Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash to explain however she just remained silent and scared. “Uh...Well...uh…

“It was my idea.” David said stepping in. “I heard about the school library and I heard they’re were books here in the library so I thought I’d...borrow some.”

“By breaking into the library.” Mary Margaret replied raising a eyebrow.

“I know, not the best thought out plan but...I really wanted to help.”

Mary Margaret seemed a bit flabbergasted by how someone would go to help the school that she worked for. She and David locked eyes with one another however this moment was interrupted by the sound of cracking fist. Everyone turned around to see a group of dog looking individuals approaching them looking ready for a fight.

“What do you want?”

“Books for Diamonds!” One of them demanded.

“We don’t have any diamonds.” David said.

“We were promised diamonds for books.”

“What are they talking about.” Rainbowdash whispered Twilight shrugged but she was nervous.

“Well if you want these books you’re going to have go through me.”

The three thugs looked at each other, and nodded, it appeared there was going to be a fight.

“Equestria?” Charming said, sounding amazed. “So you from another realm entirely.”

“Yep.” Twilight said nodding.

“And Sunset Shimmer took this magic crown of your’s and now your looking at it.” Snow asked trying to make sure she got the whole stoy.

“Pretty much our story in a nutshell.” Applejack answered.

“Strange, I knew Sunset Shimmer from the castle, she was Regina lady in waiting, they became pretty close.”

“How long as she been with her.” Twilight asked.

“She arrived a few weeks before my Father’s death, so only a couple of months to maybe a year. She always had a arrogant attitude.” Snow responded.

“But why would she want you’re crown? Stealing it just seems petty to me.” Charming replied.

“I don’t know but the Crown has magical abilities, and it would be awful if it fell into the wrong hands.”

“Heh, maybe we could borrow some of the fairy dust of yours.” Rainbow Dash joked Snow not taking pleasure in it though.

“Well, Snow looks like you found someone you can share stories with,”

“We actually haven’t been here that long.” Twilight explained.

“Then you don’t know how harsh it can get, trust me, these are the easy days.” Snow responded causing Twilight to gulp, her confidence was not boosted by this statement.

“Well as long she us by her side she can’t fail.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed putting her arm over Twilight shoulder for support.

Snow rolled her eyes a bit by the hopeful optimism. “I hope your right kid, things are just going to get worse for you the longer you stay here.”

As Snow and Charming road on horse the girls followed by foot along the road until they found themselves near a creepy looking stone bridge, a dark mist covering the ground beneath it. Something about it seemed dark and sinister, as if a evil presence had been lurking here for centuries.

Snow and Charming stopped and got of the horse, Snow immediately sending it away. “Trolls don’t like horses. We walk from here, follow me and keep quiet. You six stay here.”

Snow and Charming slowly approach the bridge, the girls staying behind huddling together, not sure what to expect.

“Look.” Pinkie whispered, the girls looked at were she was pointing and to her horror saw horrible creatures with sharp teeth wearing nothing but black rags their hair rugged and messy slowly crawling up the bridges.

“Those must be the trolls.” Twilight deduced as they encircled Snow and Charming. Twilight tried to hear what was going on and managed to pick up some of the talking.

“Why you here.” The troll demanded in a deep gruff voice.

“I want to make another trade. “Snow answered.

“Who’s he!”

“He’s no one.”

“Looks like they’re not into charming that much.” Rainbowdash replied watching the situation unfold from afar.

“Shhh..I’m trying to listen in.” Twilight said.

“Uh, oh.” Applejack said also watching.


“Looks like things are going south fast.’ The trolls began to fidget and move around harshly until finally Charming got out his sword as one of them took Snow by the neck while the others took out the supplies and trinkets from Charming’s person.

“We gotta help them.” Fluttershy said.

“I got a idea.” Rainbow Dash grabbed a large pebble and threw at the troll holding charming. “Hey ugly take that!” The troll released Charming allowing him to pick up his sword and fight, first tacking down the one holding Snow.

“Go I’m right behind you.” Snow got up picking up her fairy dust and ran off.

“Snow!” Twilight yelled out. She stopped to see Charming had been cornered by some of the trolls. Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to help but they to got knocked out by the trolls. Snow hesitated she had her chance, either to run now and be free or to help her friends.

On the bridge the Trolls were ready to gut Prince Charming like a fish. “Royal blood is the sweetest of them all.” The Troll lifted his sword ready to take the plunge but before he could strike he was covered by a blast of light and dust and transformed into a bug. The other two looked around to see Snow White standing their with the fairy dust in her hands. Before they could strike Snow poured more dust into her hand and blasted it at them turning them into bugs. The battle was over, they won.

Charming slowly got up to see what happened. “You...you saved me.”

“It was the honorable thing to do.”

“What about yoru special someone?”

“I’ll think of something else.”

Charming straightened up a bit before looking up at Snow again. “Thank you.” The two of them got their supplies and joined up the girls who were waiting outside the bridge.

“Anyway...how can I let prince Charming die.” Snow said with a smirk.

“I told you, I have a name...it’s James.”

“It’s nice to meet you James.” She said this time actually smiling. “We should go there could be more coming.” She looked at the girls. “Come on you six, you can stick with us the rest of the way.”

The Girls, David and Mary Margaret were surrounded by these three tough looking dogs, they had had their hands raised like claws ready to slash their enemies in whole. Rainbow Dash was especially sacred, preferring to run than fight.

“Well, look at the time...gotta bail!” Rainbow Dash ran off, one of the thugs tried to get her but David gave him a good kick in the shins slowing him down dramatically.

“Well ain’t that just like Rainbow, running off instead of staying for a fight.” Applejack replied. “Some loyalty from the that girl.”

While one thug was down the other two were much tougher managing to get the jump on David, Applejack tried her best to pull them off him but even her strength wasn’t enough, Spike bit one of the thugs leg but that was more of nuisance than anything else.

Rainbow Dash continued to run as far away from the fight as possible, but she could still hear the struggle from behind.

“HELP!” she heard Twilight scream from the distance. She stopped in her tracks and turned around looking back, hesitant to return, wanting so much to run and keep on running and save her own skin.

Twilight was cornered, two of the thugs were about to tackle her. “Please don’t hurt me to bad.” she squeaked, they were about to strike, until suddenly one of them stopped mid strike and slowly fell to the ground unconscious, the other looked around to see a soccer ball in front of him. Rainbowdash had come back.

“Hey! Pick on someone your own size.” Rainbowdash said. The thugs growled at her and ran toward her ready to strike, but Rainbowdash took them out one by one either with her sheer muscle or her soccer ball.

“Rainbow Dash! Your back.” Applejack said looking amazed.

“Yeah well...I couldn’t let Twilight get hurt now could I.” Rainbow Dash said as she took out another thug.

David and Mary Margaret too took a out a few thugs as well, to David’s surprises Mary Margaret was able to hold her own quite well in a fight.

“Your a school teacher?” David asked.

“I work out.”

Finally after a few more moments of sparing the thugs ran of knowing they were beaten.

“Huh that’s right run you dogs!” Rainbow Dash yelled as they headed off. “Showed them huh.”

“Yeah, I guess we did.” David saw chuckling once the air had finally cleared.

“Wonder why they attacked us.” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know. But I actually did recognize one of them.” Rainbow Dash said. “He goes to our school.”

“He does?” Twilight then pondered for a moment. “Hey...you don’t think…

“It wouldn’t surprise me.” Applejack nodded.

“But why?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Who knows.” Twilight said, as she put that book with the Unicorn on the cover in her personal bag. “But come on lets take some of these books for the school.

“Are you sure this isn’t stealing.” Mary Margaret asked still sounding concerned.

“Well if it is, then if this place opens, we can always donate them back.” David compromised.

She shrugged. “I guess so.” With that the girls, David and Mary Margaret began loading the books onto the truck so the school would soon have new books for it’s library.

In a dark alleyway next to the library, Sunset Shimmer had watched the whole event unfold, her anger grew with every second it passed. She turned around to see the three thugs standing next to her kneeling down in fear. She looked at them with scorn.

“I told you to teach them a lesson!” She yelled. “Does it look like they learned one!”


“Exactly and also those two...” She pointed to David and Mary Margaret “...are becoming close. Do you know what would happen if they get to chumy..”

The three thugs looked at each confused, Sunset rubbed her forhead in exhaustion.

“Ugh, you two are just as bad as Snips and Snails.” Sunset looked at Twilight her eyes narrowing. “First that Emma arrives to ruin the town and now Twilight is starting to be chummy with the girls...It’s time to step up my game. Time to make a deal with the Dark One."

Snow, Charming, and the girls walked a little bit more till they reached the main road. Now was the time to part ways. Charming eventually stopped and looked at Snow with a grin, the two of them continued to exchange a few ackward looks and grunts and grins, the girls merely watched.

“Oooh, I can sense some lovable tension.” Rarity whispered to Rainbowdash

Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue. “Ugh, romance.”

“Uh...I think you want this.” Charming finally replied as he pulled out Snow’s bag of stolen goods. Snow looked at it for a moment confused until realizing what it was.

“Oh right the gold. Thank you.” She strapped the bag to her belt. “And uh...you can’t get married without this.” She pulled out the ring.

Charming grinned. “I know not your style.”

“Only one way to find out.” Snow put on the ring to test on herself she looked at it for a moment, almost entranced by it. The ring fit her quite well, as if it were made for her and her alone. However the moment past as she took it out and gave it Charming. “Yeah not my style. I’m sure your Fiance will love it.”

“Yeah.” Charming said, and although he smiled he couldn’t help but sound disappointed. “You can have the rest of you…

“Oh no. Thanks…We both got what we wanted.”

Charming smiled. “Well if you need anything.”

“You’ll know were to find me.”


Snow sighed but still continued to smile. “I almost beleived that. Well goodbye prince Charming.”

“It’s James.”

“Nah...I still like Charming better.” Before she left she walked over to Twilight and her friends. “Well girls, good luck on finding your crown.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said shaking Snow’s hand.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful, it’s going to get a lot harder from here on out and Sunset Shimmer is really looking for that crown and she’s got the Queen behind her, it’s going to difficult.”

“Well as long as we stick together, we’ll win.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Lets hope you're right.” Snow said. “But if you ever need to contact me, send a mesage with one of the blue birds, they know where to find me.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, she gave Fluttershy a look to see if she anything about bluebird communication.

“Well...goodbye.” With that Snow headed off leaving the girls and Charming behind. After a few moments of pause Charming turned to the girls himself.

“Well ladies, I said once I was done with the bandit I’d help and I’m a man of word.” Charming said.

“Thank you James.” Twilight said giving him a slight bow. “We are very grateful, but we don’t know what you could do, we don’t even know where are crown is.”

“You said you’re crown was magical correct?” Charming asked.


Suddenly the atmosphere darkened a bit as Charming looked around to see if anyone was listening as he slowly walked up to Twilight and talked in a hush whisper. “I know someone, someone well versed in magic.”


“A wizard, a very powerful wizard, the most powerful in all the realms. Normally I would not reccomend him in any circumstance but if you dealing with the Queen he seems to be your only option at the moment. But I warn you he is quite devious be carful around him”

Twilight and the others got a little nervous as they were told about this powerful wizard but they knew they needed to do what it took to find the crown and so they had no choice.

“Who is this wizard.” Twilight asked hesistit.

“His name.... Is Rumplestiliskin.”

Trial by Fire

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Chapter 4
Ever since they’re little escapade at the library Twilight had continued to obsess over the the book she had found with the Unicorn on the cover. Although the night she had just starred at it going over the contents within it, trying to figure out where she had seen this book before. But every time she went through the book one phrase continued to pop out of her Elements of Harmony .

“Such a strange phrase.” Twilight said as she sat at personal desk at home looking over the book, her dog Spike standing beside her wagging his tail. “Oh, I’m being silly, this is just fantasy nonsense. But still...I just can’t shake this feeling. I wonder if this is how Henry feels.”


Twilight turned around and saw her Alarm clock said 7:50 am in the morning, her eyes snapped open. “I’ve been up all night! And I’m going to be late for school!” With this realization she jumped out of her chair grabbed her bag and rushed out of the house and ran straight onto the road to hear the loud squeak of the someone hitting the breaks on the car.

“AGH!” Twilight covered her eyes ready for the impact, thankfully it never came.

“What in tarnation!” Twilight opened her eyes to see a big red truck standing right in front of her and from one of the window’s Applejack popped out her head. “Twilight, what are you doing running the middle of the road.

Twilight took a deep sigh of relief that she wasn’t hurt. “Sorry Applejack, I realized I was going to be late for school.”

“Oh...well hop in then I’m heading there myself.”

“Really...thanks.” Twilight entered the truck, the front seat was a bit dirty and looked like it had not been washed in weeks but she wasn’t going to complain. Applejack started up the agnestition as they drove on out.

“Thank you so much.” Twilight said.

“No problem Twi. Always happy to help, feel free to have to Cider on the way.” Applejack pointed to one of the boxes of Sweet Apple cider underneath the seat.

“Oh, thank you. But I’m not thirsty right now, but I appreciate the offer.”

“Don’t worry, maybe you’d like to come to the farm after school, my Granny Smith cooking a nice Apple pie for dessert tonight.”

Twilight seemed hesitant about another invite Applejack took notice.

“Don’t worry though we won’t be breaking in anywhere this time. Still felt that was a stupid idea, but at least the school library has a new collection of books, so….you know.”

“Well...I guess that would be nice.” Twilight replied. “Okay then, I’m in.”

“Great! I hope you enjoy the Cider, my family is providing the Cider for this years Fall Formal pageant, we provide it every year.” Applejack said sounding proud of this achievment.

“Fall Formal?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, it’s some stupid pageant thing Mr.Gold shop sponsors every year to advertise his store or something.”

Twilight then remembered that she had heard about this pageant before. “Hey doesn’t Sunset Shimmer run in that pageant every year.”

“Yeah, that’s the last thing that girl needs. Another ego boost. Of course she and the Mayor always scare off anyone who has a chance of running against her.”

Twilight grimaced at having both Sunset and Mayor Regina as a enemy, that would be the last thing she needed. After some more idle chit chat Applejack pulled up the car to the school, and dropped off Twilight.

“Well see you after school?” Applejack asked.

“Sure. Till then.”

“Oh great, the nerd and the hick.” The two girls looked up to see Sunset Shimmer looking at them smugly.

“Do you just like picking on Twilight.” Applejack asked sounding annoyed, almost ready to smack Sunset a new one.

“Careful they’re Applejack, from what I here, it took some convincing to get Gold to give you another month to pay for the rent of the farm.” Sunset replied mockingly.

“Yeah, well he’s paying a pretty penny for our Apple family Cyder.”

“That’s not what I heard, I heard he found two new guys to supply him with the Cyder cheaper and faster.” Sunset mocked. “Heard he’s planning on giving them your land to build a factor.”

“WHAT!” Where do you hear that.” Applejack yelled out. “Who are these two?”

“The Flim Flam brothers.” Sunset said. “They’re good friends of mom’s so I suggested told them that you’re barn might be up for sale soon.”

“WHY YOU!” Applejack looked like she was going to sock Sunset right in the gut by Twilight held her back not wanting to cause any trouble.

“I guess you country folk aren’t that bright.” With a laugh Sunset headed off Applejack continuing to glare at her.

“Sorry Applejack.”

“I’m not losing my barn that easily.” Applejack replied.

“Well...maybe...maybe you could talk to Mr.Gold, maybe he’ll see reason.”

“Reason!” Ha! That no good swindler always goes with anyone who make him a quick buck.”

“Well...you should still try.” Twilight said sounding determined.

“I really doubt it Twi. You don’t know him like I do.”

After a few days of travel Twilight and her friends had finally arrived to the location known as the Dark Castle. The trip itself was not as perilous as they thought, they had stayed in the forest for the most part only taking the main road only when needed to avoid detection from the Queen’s forces. But now they had arrived, in front of the gates of a mighty castle, the place itself seemed like any other castle that could be found in Equestria, however the atmosphere itself seemed dark, and twisted, like some ancient malice had lived here for centuries.

“This place is scary.” Fluttershy whispered shaking a bit.

“They don’t call it the Dark Castle for nothin.” Applejack said looking up at the castle.

“Well I’m not scared, I can take on some wizard.” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Well then, lets get going.” Twilight looked walked up toward the gates about to knock however slowly the door slowly opened up revealing a grant hallway with suits of armor and other artifacts located in it.

“Hello.” Twilight said as she slowly walked into the castle the rest of the girls following. “Anyone home.”

“Man this place is big.” Rainbowdash said as they started to walk down the hall.

“Look, I see a light in coming from the room.” Fluttershy pointed out to a door with a glow coming from it.

“Maybe he’s in their.” The girls slowly snuck across the hall towards the door, and saw a divine looking living quarters with a long table in the center and back of a chair. The entire area was filled with all sorts of antiques and nick knacks, and other sorts of strange artifacts.

Rainbow Dash peered her head. “Think he’s in their.”

Suddenly a high pitched laugh echoed through the halls terrifying the girls. “Does that answer your question dearie.”

“Rumplestiliskin?” Twilight questioned as she entered the room.

“Come in, come in dearier, it’s not nice to lurk in hallways, it’s rude you know.” The Dark One said in a high pitched voice. The rest of the girls plus spike entered the room as they only wondering what exactly they would find. Finally they heard movement coming from the chair as a body began to emerge from it and what the girl saw shocked them.

They saw was a man, but he didn’t seem quite human. His skin was a mixture of gold and green giving it a very scaly like figure. His cloths matched as well a crocodile like suite with leather over shirt with a spike like color around it but underneath both the jacket and shirt was a tunic that gave it almost a royal flair. His hair too was a mess and his eyes, his eyes were wide and almost demonic. But what did one expect from the Dark One himself.

“Greetings my little dearies...I am Rumplestiliskin.” He said giving them all a little bow.

Twilight decided to be polite and return the bow. “Thank you, my name is…

“Your name...is Princess Twilight Sparkle, of a Equestria.” Rumplestiltskin said stopping Twilight in mid sentence. She was shocked.

“How do you…

“How I know that you and your friends are prancy pretty ponies from another land, simple. I know everything.” Rumpelstiltskin said with tooth filled gin. “Well that and...I’ve been to Equestria on a few occasion here and their.”

“You’ve been to Equestria.” Twilight said looking surprised.

“Indeed I have. So tell me did Princess Luna ever succeed in that eternal night business, I sure hope those powers I loaned her did the trick.”

“Wait...WHAT!” Twilight yelled looking shock.

“Kidding dearie, I already know you defeated her and she’s back to normal.” Rumple giggled. “Those Elements of Harmony are powerful things after all, I’m not surprised at all that Sunset Shimmer would try to steal one for herself.”

“Well that’s why we came to you Rumplestiltskin, we were hoping you can help us get it back.” Twilight replied sounding hopeful.


“Yes, do you know where it is.”

“Well if you thinking Sunset Shimmer has it then you’re in luck, she doesn’t.” Rumplestiltskin replied.

Twilight took a sigh of relief and smiled for once some good news on this journey. “Then you know where it is.”


Suddenly all those hopes dashed away as quickly as they had arrived. “So, you won’t help.”

“Well, the question I ask you dearie is why do you need my magical forte when you have all the magic you need.”

Twilight and the others look confused.

“What in tarnation are you talking about buddy.” Appleajack.

“Oh come now honest Applejack, even someone such as I knows the power of the magic of friendship.” Rumplestiliskin replied popping up from behind Applejack. “BUT! You also have something, a little more...practical.” Suddenly his demonic eyes shifted back to Twilight. “Tell me my dear, you are a alicorn correct?”

“Yes.” Twilight replied sounding scared.

“That’s all I needed to know, will you please if you will hold out your arm. and open your pawm. That’s where you hoof would be.”

Twilight was hesitant as well as the rest of her friends, they all looked at Rumplestiliskin with suspicion looks.

“Do not fear dearie, it won’t hurt at all, I just want to show you something.” As per request Twilight straighten out her arm and opened her palm. With his scaly hands Rumple slowly and gently took Twilights hand wrapping his scaly one around hers.

“Magic.” He said. “Is constant, it can never be destroyed, it only changes forum. It also works differently depending on the world, so...being a Alicorn, you are infused with it.”

“What does that mean?” Rainbow Dash asked sounding confused.

“It means my loyal friend. That while her horn is gone, a new way of changing magic, must be found.” Rumple gripped his hand over Twilight a little hard as suddenly a purple aurora began to engulf her pond until in turned in a big ball of pure energy.

“What is that!” Twilight yelled.

Rumple let go and the ball of energy evaporated. “That...was magic.”

School had ended and as promised Twilight had decided to join Applejack for a visit to her farm of Sweet Apple acres. During the ride their Applejack still was upset over the whole idea of Mr.Gold forcing them out their farm.

“Don’t worry Applejack maybe he’ll see reason.” Twilight said. “He can’t be that mean.”

“Oh trust me Twilight he is. if they gave a prize for being mean the winner would be him. Trust me old Gold loves his money, thinks it’s gives him power over us.” Applejack replied.

“I bet if he were candy I’d bet it would be sour!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as he popped up from behind the front seat causing Applejack to lose control of her truck for a couple of moments.

“PINKIE PIE!” What in the heck are you doing here!” Applejack yelled.

“I was stowing away in your car.” Pinkie said.

“Why!” Applejack yelled.

“I don’t know just cuz.”

Twilight was also weirded out by Pinkie Pie’s weird behavior.

“So Twilight how you doing.” Pinkie asked filling the silence.


“Heard about your adventure in the library, that David Nolan sounds so awesome, like a knight in shining armor taking down those thugs...one two...sock up.” Pinkie said making punching sounds.

“Yeah….I guess.” Twilight said.

“Oh speaking of, still fretting over that book you found.” Applejack asked Twilight.

“Um...A little.”

“Oh, oh you should ask Henry, he might have a good theory.” Pinkie interjected. “He’s normally good at those kind of mysterious thing.”

“Hmm...Maybe...I don’t…

“What in tarnation!” Applejack yelled out as she immediately stopped her car. Twilight looked outside to see a fancy looking black car parked right outside Sweet Apple Acres.

“Gold.” Applejack burst open the door and walked out waiting outside for them was Mr.Gold who was waiting for them.

“Ah Miss Applejack, and I see your brough Miss Sparkle and Miss Pie along as well, greating ladies.”

“HELLO!” Pinkie waved.

“What the hay are you doing here. We don’t owe you money for a few more weeks.” Applejack said.

“Yes, that is the true, however I’ve been made a offer for this place, and let me say quite a profitable offer in that.” Mr.Gold explained. “Two brothers by the name of Flim and Flam, they can open a Cider making factory here, and i can raise the rent for them to quite a hefty fee.”

“WHAT! Those two, they’re crooks.” Applejack exclaimed.

“Perhaps, but they’re cider making device is quite unique and much more efficient than your...traditional methods. Speaking of.” Gold signaled someone to come closer to them, suddenly two men dressed like a classic barbershop quartet one of them had a mustache.

“Flim, Flam, you apparently know Miss Applejack, these are who compatriots Miss Sparkle and Miss Pie.”

“Greetings Ladies.” Flim Said.

“Greetings indeed.” Flam echoed.

“Now gentlemen if you please, show these fine ladies you’re little money making device.” Gold asked. One of the brothers pulled out a remote and pushed the big red button in the center, suddenly the sound of roaring engine as a strange looking device emerged.

“This is the Super Cider Squeezy 6000.” Flam declared sounding proud.

“It can make Cider, better faster and cheaper than any farmer could.” Film boasted.

Mr.Gold grinned. “As you can see Miss Apple these two believe in innovation, sadly something you’re family does not.”

“You can’t do that we signed a contract and…

“And the contract states you have must pay the first of the quarter and I extended that contract by a week.” Mr Gold finished.

“Please Mr.Gold.” Twilight walked up to help out her friend. “Maybe...maybe Applejack’s cider is better than those two. Isn’t quality a product better than quantity.”

Mr. Gold thought about it for a moment and scratched his chin, suddenly a idea popped in his head as his crooked grin wrapped itself around his face. “I’m going to make you an offer then Applejack. You have one week to pay the rent, instead how about we have a competition, whoever sells the most cider before the end of the week wins. Deal?” He held out his hand.

Applejack took it. “What you know we can’t sell that much cider.”

“Well then trial by fire.” Rumple replied. “Do we have deal.”

Applejack mused it over for a moment not sure she was willing to risk her home and livelihood, but she knew she was between a rock and hardplace. “Deal.”

“Very good, feel free to have your friends help you after all.” He looks at Twilight with a grin. “Friendship is magic.” With that he headed to car and drove on off Applejack glaring at him while he did.

“Why he’s a no good varmint.” Applejack muttered.

“At least he gave you a chance to save your farm.” Twilight said trying to comfort her friend.

“Yeah, and a fun way too.” Pinkie Pie said. “Oh I could make awesome Apple Family Cider posters, I’ll get to work on it ASAP!”

Applejack was still upset. “Still...that Gold...he’s just such a jerk! I wonder how anyone or if anyone could stand him!”

Twilight continued to look at her hand and see the ball of energy that was around it.

“My magic?”

“Yep.” Rumple replied grinning. “It’s still here, and you just didn’t know it I also believe generous Rarity also has it, as well.” He then looks at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “Perhaps next time my kind and loyal friend you should consider touching a cloud and seeing what happens and of course the laughable Pinkie Pie, your’s is a magic I will never fathom.”

“Thank you.” Pinkie Pie smiled as she randomly pulled a cookie from her hair and ate it.

Twilight continued to look at her arm with shock, surprised her magic was still with her and that she could use it. However then a horrible thought popped into her mind. “Wait...if I can use magic does that mean.”

“I’m afraid so.” Rumplestiltskin replied sounding his voice become morbid. “And she’s been around the Evil Queen herself, and I assure you, she’s taught her a trick or too.”

“So what, you sayin we’re screwed.” Rainbow Dash asked bluntly.

“No not necessarily, you are ...as you so elegantly put it, screwed if you don’t know how to control the magic.” Rumplestiltskin answered back. “You see, magic works differently between the realms, in some places it is a weak and neglected stuff of legend, in other worlds such as here and in Equestria, it is strong and hardy! But! Still works differently. Obviously in Equestria Miss Sparkle had her horn to release the magic that contained within her, but now...she’ll have to find another way to wield it.”

“Could you show me how.” Twilight asked sounding hopeful.

“Well I could, but that depends...are you willing to pay the price.”

“The price?” Twilight asked sounding scared.

Rumplestiltskin gave a smile as he started walking around the room. “I have trained my share of witches, wizards, and demons over the centuries, even had the delight of training a trio of sirens once. But in the end, they never fully understood the most important thing about magic.”

“What’s that?”

“Simple, all…

“Rumplestiltskin?” A voice came from behind the girls, it was a lovely kind sounding voice, turning around they saw a young woman with long flowing brown hair, wearing a lovely blue and white dress carrying a broom with her entering the room.

“Oh...I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

“Hello!” Pinkie Pie waved. “I’m Pinkie Pie what’s your name.”

“Belle.” She replied.

“Hi Belle.”

After that brief introduction Belle then looked back to Rumplestiltskin. “I...uh...I finished cleaning the east wing like you said.”

“Did your brings those books down like I asked.”

“Um, yes i have them here.” Belle pulled out a majestic looking book and handed it to Rumple.

“Thank you dearie. You may clean the outside halls till I’m done conducting business.”

“But I just cleaned them this morning.” Belle argued.

“Then do them again.”

“And this afternoon.”

“Third times the charm.”

“And this…

“Okay okay fine.” Rumpelstiltskin was getting annoyed. “Then just wait outside the door and ...I don’t know, read a book or dream or whatever it is you do when you're not cleaning.” Belle agreed but not without rolling eyes as she headed out.

“Bye Belle.” Pinkie waved.

Once Belle was gone Rumplestiltskin turned his attention back to the girls. “Sorry dearies, but good help these days is really hard to find as you can see. Now back to business...the price.” Rumple walked up Twilight outstretching the spell book in his hand. “I’ll give you this simple book of spell, and in exchange… I want...uh...a full pardon, for any and all crimes I may or may not have committed in Equestria.”

“WHAT!” All the girls yelled out shocked by the request.

“So you want to get away with anything in Equestria!” Applejack accused.

“No...I just want to make sure that if I should ever return, certain alicorns won’t get in my way.” He replied.

“Don’t do it Twilight! He’s going to go to Equestria and terroize everyone.”

“Oh come, come dearie, it’s true that in the past I was a nasty, but I mended most of my ways. Besides, how do you plan on surviving in this world without magic.”

Twilight thought about it, on the one hand she needed some type of magic if she were to find the element of harmony, however to let someone like Rumpelstiltskin who just by the look of him she knew would cause great damage in Equestria if he were given free reign a royal pardon. This was quite a conundrum. But Twilight knew in her heart what the right decestion was.


“What?” Rumplestiltskin seemed puzzled.

“No, I’m sorry but I can’t do something like that, I can’t put the citizens of Equestria in that kind of risk. Even without magic I’ll find another way to find the Element of Harmony.”

“Yeah, you tell him Twilight.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Good for you darling.” Rarity added.

Rumplestiltskin much to Twilight’s surprise smiled causing everyone to shudder a bit. “Hmm...I like you Miss Sparkle, you have guts and by the looks of it so do your friend. But I’m afraid if you won’t pay the price then ...I can’t help you. Belle!”

Belle popped her head from the hallway and entered the room. Rumplestiltskin handed her the book.

“Please show are lovely guest out, and return the book back to the library when you done.”

“Okay. Um...This way.”

“Ta ta My Little Dearies, if you should be willing to change your mind...I’m always up for a deal.”

The girls left Rumplestilskins chambers and followed Belle down the hallway to the castles front gait.

Belle stopped them. "Wait." She then pulled out the spell book. "I want you to take it."

The girls looked at each other not sure what if she was genuine or not.

"What?" Rainbow Dash finally blurted out.

"I overheard your conversation with Rumple and I think it's unfair he won't help you, so here, take the book.” Belle handed Twilight the book everyone still seemed bewildered by her actions.

“But what if he finds out you did this.” Twilight asked sounding concerned.

“It won’t matter I can handle him.” Belle replied.

“Sorry for not believing you darling, but from I’ve seen that man is nothing more than a beast.” Rarity replied.

“I know Rumple is difficult but trust me, even if he finds out, he won’t hurt me. I’ll just try to explain what I did and get him to see reason.”

“Yeah, but if he comes after us for taking his book.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“I doubt he’ll find out, he rarely looks at this book anymore.” Belle said. “Don’t worry, just trust me, I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt you.”

“But what if he hurts you.” Fluttershy said.

“He won’t… I know him. He’s not as monstrous as people make him out to be.”

“I still don’t know about this.” Applejack said sounding hesitant.

“Well...It’s a risk I think we should take.” Twilight suggested taking the book from Belle. “Again are you sure…

“Don’t worry, sometimes you don’t know what’s really in a person’s heart until you truly know them.”

“That Gold’s heart is as black as dust.” Applejack shouted to the high heavens during dinner, Twilight was asked to join them along with Pinkie Pie, Applejack’s whole family was there her Granny smith, her little sitter Applebloom and big brother Macintosh.


“Don’t worry Applejack, I bet we can sell three times the Cider those Flim Flam brothers can.” Applebloom said trying to boost her sister’s confidence.

“I hope so little sis. Otherwise I don’t know what were going to do.”

“Hey I know...Maybe Rarity could help you.” Pinkie Pie suggested. “She has really good business savvy. Her dresses are horrible but she know’s her business.”

Applejack’s face soon turned red and her eyes narrowed. “Oh no! Not again! Last time me and Rarity worked on a project it ended in disaster for the both of us.”

“What happened.” Twilight asked sounding curious.

“Girl got all controlling and wanted to make everything fancy shmancy, said my stuff was uncouth.” Applejack yelled.

“What were you doing with her?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh, I don’t know some school project or somethin, taught me though never to work with her again.”

“Well, maybe she’ll be a little more understanding since the stakes are so high.” Twilight suggested.
“No way Twi! Me and the family can do this on our own.

“Okay.” Twilight said worried that Applejack was letting her own pride get the best of her family.

As the next few days passed Twilight’s fear’s began to come to fruition, Applejack tried her best to sell as much Apple Family Cider as possible and while the usual takes would help out, Mary Margaret, Granny, Doctor Hopper, Twilight, Pinkie, and Henry, it still wasn’t enough, one could say many thing but one could not deny they were excellent salesmen, they knew exactly how to rally the crowds and get them to buy their product. Each day Twilight would see Applejack by her stand in market place or going around town going door to door trying to sell cider, and fail. Applejack’s was getting more and more stressed by the day.

“Excuse me miss would you like some…” The woman closed the door before Applejack could finish her pitch. “Oh...okay nevermind.”


Applejack turned around to see Twilight walking down the street. “Oh hey Twi...just uh...just selling some cider.”

“How’s it going?”

“Good. Good.” Applejack lied, she tried putting on a good face but Twilight saw straight through her ruse.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah...I’m sure.”

Twilight continued to stare disapprovingly at Applejack until finally she took a deep sigh. “Okay, okay you got me...I’m doing terrible, I’ve barely sold have my stock.”

“Then maybe you could use some help...someone who knows business.” Twilight replied.

Applejack grumbled and moaned for a few moments. “Oh...Alright fine! Will to go Rarity’s. But you’re coming with me.”


Applejack and Twilight walked down to the town’s few fashion boutiques, it was small but quaint, and apparently it actually had some well made dresses. Twilight was surprised from what everyone said in school Rarity was known to be a horrible fashion designer, Twilight though they weren’t have bad herself.

“Hello Rarity...anyone home.” Twilight called.

“Oh, just a minute!” Rarity answered back with a singing tune to it. After few moments of of ruffling she arrived to the front of the store. “Welcome to Rarity’s…” She stopped as she saw both Twilight and Applejack standing there, her face turning morbid. “Oh...hello Twilight.”


Applejack merely folded her arms and frowned.

"Applejack." Rarity said acknowledging her presence.


Twilight felt uncomfortable and decided to break the ice. "Um Rarity, Applejack needs your help."

"Oh really, she didn't seem that way two years ago when we had to….

“Well you were so controlling during the whole thing! I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”

“I was just trying to make things elegant and beautiful…

“Well I was just trying to make things pratical and…

“Girls! Stop!” Twilight yelled out, tried all the complaining and whining, finally making things calm. “Sorry, but that was get annyoing.”

“Well she started it.” Applejack yelled.


“It doesn’t matter.” Twilight interrupted before the fighting started again. “Look Applejack your farm is in trouble and…

“Wait...what? Your farm, what about your farm?” Rarity asked sounding concerned.

“Mr.Gold is going to force them off the land if they don’t sell more Apple cider than the flim flam brothers.” Twilight explained causing Rarity to gasp.

“Mr.Gold!” Suddenly a small glare appeared on her face. “That no good, fashion blind….um...pardon my language but I won’t let that greedy, selfish degenerate gold ruin another life, you know what I had to do to get this building for my boutique.”

“What did you have do?” Twilight asked.

“Remember the Spring Fling?”

“Yes.” Twilight said remembering how she was humiliated by Sunset Shimmer during that local town padgent.

“Gold made me participate.” Rarity explained. “Don’t know why everyone knew Sunset Shimmer was going to win anyway, maybe he just wanted to see me humiliated or Sunset asked him to give her more victims for her to mess with. Either way...I want to see him go down!”

Applejack was surprised by Rarity’s vigor to take down gold. “Well then, if you want to help me sell my cider, then what do you have my mind.”

Rarity gave a small smirk. “Well…”

“Any luck.”


“How bout now!.”


“How about now!”



“What about…


For two days now Twilight had been trying to find a way to see if she were able to reconnect with her magic, looking over the spell book to find any answer to this mystery. The girls had set up camp in the middle of the woods a few miles away from Rumplestiltskin castle. They wanted to get as much distance from that place as possible, but even they couldn’t go on for the rest of the knight.

“Ugh...I just can’t get it.” Twilight yelled sounding exhausted, she had concentrated as hard as she could but she still couldn’t activate her magic. Not one bolt of fire power not even a little levitation, nothing work.

“Don’t worry Twilight, we’ve been in worse predicaments than this.” Applejack said trying to buck up he friend.”

Rarity nodded “Applejack’s right, you really shouldn’t be so discourage, you’ll figure it out, you always do.”

“Well, you might want to figure out how we’re going to stay dry, it’s about to rain soon.’ Rainbow Dash said looking up at the clouds.

“How can you tell.” Applejack asked.

“Clouds are same no matter where you go I guess, I can tell a rain cloud when I see one, and that looks like a big one.” Rainbow Dash acknowledge.

“To bad you can’t just grab it and move it out of the way.” Fluttershy said. However this gave Rainbow Dash an idea.

“That’s it! Twilight levitate me up the cloud and let me move it.”

“WHAT!” Twilight snapped. “Are you kidding me, I can barely move a twig, how in the hay do you think I’ll be able to move you.”

“Well...maybe you’ll be able to do something in crisis.” Rainbow suggested. “Sometimes a little trial by fire is the best way forward.”

“But even I do, what the chances of you being able to touch the cloud let alone move it.”

“We have to try, I say it’s worth a shot.”

Twilight thought about it, but after hearing the loud booming thunder she decided it would at least be best to try. “Okay, lets do this.” Rainbow Dash positioned herself in front of Twilight. Twilight closed her eyes and held out her hands toward Rainbow Dash focusing with all her might.

“Just imagine you got your horn, and that you’re in Equestria.” Applejack suggested.

Pinkie Pie was also cheering Twilight on. “Yeah, be the crane...be the crane…

“What does that have to do with a levitation spell?” Rarity asked.

“Oops, wrong story.”

“Shhh…” Twilight needed everyone to be quiet, magic required concentration, especially when she was using it in a way she never knew how to before. However Twilight did feel something, a small tingle coming from inside of her. She opened her eyes but still wasn’t able to see anything.

A lightning bolt struck as the rain finally began to poor down causing everyone to get wet.

“Don’t stop now Twi!” Rainbow Dash said noticing her friend faltering. “Come on, lift me up, so I can show that cloud who’s boss.”

Twilight did as she was told but still didn’t know if she could, be she saw her friends getting wet from the rain triyng to hide under the trees to stay dry.

“Hey, something happening.” Rainbow Dash said, noticing a pink aura coming around her. Slowly her feet began to rise into the air and slowly head up into the sky, Twilight arms rising with them. “You’re doing it Twi, okay now get me to that cloud.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, her confidence in herself and her abilities rising. Twilight raised her arms higher to get Rainbow Dash into the postition of the cloud.

“Just a little closer Tw.”

“Careful Twi, we want to get her down safely too.” Applejack said getting nervous watching her friend go higher into the sky.

“Okay...little more...little more…” Rainbow Dash said feeling the rain hit her harder as she got to the cloud. Then she adjusted herself in the air and kicked her leg straight into the cloud center causing it to disappear, noticing that it worked Rainbow kicked another cloud, then another, then another, creating a little patch of dry spot for the girls to sleep in the night.

“Okay got it! Okay Twi...Now just lower me down.”

“I’ll try.” Twilight began to lower Rainbow Dash back to the ground however she began to slowly lose control as her friend felt heavier in her hand. The Pink aura around Rainbow began to fade. “Uh oh...come on just a little more.” But it was too late, Twilight lost control as she felt onto the ground and Rainbow Dash began a free fall.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled.

“I got her.” Applejack said ready to catch her friend, she was a few feet down to the ground ready to make impact until, she stopped. Rainbow Dash was once again floating in mid air as she slowly began to make her way to safety back onto the surface.

She sighed in relief. “Nice catch buddy.”

“Uh...Rainbow Dash, this isn’t me.” Twilight replied still lying on the ground.

“Then if it’s not you then who….

Suddenly a high pitched giggling laugh echoed through the forest, and then to their horror, Rumplestiltskin emerged from one of the trees extending one of his hands in Rainbow’s direction his fingers curled as if he was holding a doll in his hands. “Hello dearies.” He lowered his arm a little more and then opened his palm causing Rainbow to plop down to the ground.

“Rumplestiltskin.” Twilight said getting up and huddling with her friends. “Uh...what are you doing here.”

Rumple smiled disingenuously and slowly walked toward them. “Oh, I was just in the neighborhood, and well...I was also hoping to get back my stolen property.”

“Stolen...uh...what stolen….” A poof of red smoke came from behind Twilight bag as Rumple held up his spell book.

“This...my dear...was stolen.” Rumple replied holding the book in his hand. “And you...are the thieves.”

“We didn’t steal anything.” Applejack replied, technically it was true.

“Yes...you did.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “And I’m afraid I can’t let that stand.”

“What are you going to do us.” Fluttershy asked quivering in fear.

“Oh...don’t be scared my little dearie, I will give you the chance to defend yourself, I hope your friend will be able to harness her magic in combat.”

“But...but…” Twilight was speechless she had just managed to get levitation down, now she had to do full on combat. This was madness.

“You know what they say dearie. Trial by fire.” With that Rumplestiltskin opened his pawm as a ball of fire emerged from it, it was time to duel.

Rarity business savvy was quite impressive even for someone of her young age. After Applejack had explained the situation in further detail, Rarity knew that the best way they were going to win this was to usher in a full on sales pitch to get people to buy the cider at any cost. The two of them had spent most of the day at Rarity’s boutique Twilight staying to play as a moderator in case things got out of hand.

“Well the first thing I would suggest would be to increase the price of you’re cider products.” Rarity said, Applejack looked stunned.

“What! Are you nuts were trying to sell the cider!”

“Yes, but Mr.Gold won’t be looking for numbers of quality he’ll be looking for the amount of profit you bring in.” Rarity said. “And by the looks of your uh...profit charts, the price of you’re cider is way under than you’re production.”

“Okay, fine, but we still need to SELL the stuff.” Applejack protested.

“We will, we will. Second is that we need to spice up your cider.”

“My cider is fine!”

“No, no ,no darling. We will never compromise the product, we just need to make it look good on the outside.” Rarity implied.

“I don’t like where this is going.” Applejack muttered.

“Come on Applejack, it could really help.” Twilight muttered.

“Oh..fine! What do you suggest on that.”

Rarity scratched her chin and had a suggestive smile on her face. “Well…

The next morning came, Applejack decided to make their big pitch to sell the cider at the school, since most of the kids Twilight’s age liked cider anyway. Twilight arrived ahead of the crowd before Rarity and Applejack to get a good layout of the area.

“Hey Twilight.”

“Oh hey Henry.” Twilight replied seeing her young friend walking up to her.

“What’s up?”

“I’m waiting for Applejack and Rarity they’re going to try and sell some cider here at the school before the day starts.”Twilight said.

“Oh yeah, I heard about that. Can’t believe you got those two to work together especially after the last time they tried.” Henry responded.

“What happened last time?” Twilight asked.

“Well I heard that….

Suddenly the sound of loud pop music approached began to approach the school. Twilight turned around to see Applejack’s truck with two audio amplifiers tucked into the back of it, and rigged out with a orange and red color of Apple’s. Suddenly Rarity and Applejack popped out wearing outfits similar to the Flim Flam brothers however there were a bit more colorful and sparkly.

“This idea is stupid.” Applejack muttered under her breath to Rarity however seemed to revel in the attention.

“Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, or in this case, showmanship, with showmanship.” Rarity then hopped out and pulled out a box of cider. “Come one, come all and delight yourself in this illuminating elixir of wonders.”

“A what of what now?” Applejack asked.

“Just go along with it.” Rarity muttered.

Applejack gritted her teeth but finally put on a good face. “That’s right delight in this uh...deletictple...uh drink.” Her acting was atrocious at best but she at least tried to put on a good pitch for the cider.

“Well I’ll take one.” Henry stepped up taking a drink of cider.

“Thanks Henry.” Applejack said, she looked up to see if any of the pop and circumstance was working.
Sadly it was not.

"So what makes this stuff better than the other stuff." One of the students asked Applejack.

"Well uh....uh...

"Well for one thing this stuff is the prime of Storybrooke." Rarity explained.

"Yeah but it's expensive." He accused.

"It's the lifeblood of the entire town. Quiet worth the price don't you think. " Rarity battered her eyelashes for added effect.

"Well...okay. I'll take two.

"Thank you for your patronage." Rarity beamed excepting the mans money.

Once he was out of earshot Applejsck became annoyed again. "What the hay was all that about...lifeblood and stuff."

"Just spicing up your product, making it a bit more appealing."

"The appeal should be in the taste."

"I know that but sometimes the customer doesn't...you try."

Applejack hesitated but saw customer walking up to her. "Hey there try a taste of they uh...blood of the town."

Rarity face palmed. "Life blood get it right."

"Whatever." The customer went away.

She turned to Rarity again looking even angrier than before. “It ain’t workin!”

“Well you’re just not enthused. I’ve managed to get five people myself to buy from me.” Rarity said, as another person bought a batch of cider from her.

“Yeah, but that’s only six people total.” Applejack said.

“Yes, but since we increased the price the profit margin is up.” Rarity assured.

“Well not up for long.”

Rarity and Applejack turned around to see Flim and Flam riding up with a several truck’s load of cider, and cheap cider at that.

“Come one come, all for some cheap and inexpensive Cider and don’t worry there's plenty for everyone.” Suddenly the crowds began to gather the Flim Flim brothers leaving Rarity and Applejack in the water.

Twilight watched the whole scene dissapointed.

“Ha! Oh this is to rich.” Sunset Shimmer said as she was taping the whole thing on her cell phone.

Twilight growled. “Do you have to be here now.”

“Hey! I go to this school too you know. To bad the hick can’t learn about modern day technology.”

“Hay!” I know all about modern day doo hickeys.” Applejack yelled. “I got a cell phone too you know.”

Sunset laughed “Please whatever. Looks like you’re old fashion selling means failed, and Rarity’s...whatever the heck she tried ways failed to. Get ready to give up the farming business Applejack.” Sunset laughed some more as she walked off.

Applejack growled and gritted her teeth wanting so much to punch Sunset in the face. “Why I would love to pound her face into a ….

“Applejack please...calm down.” Rarity said. “Will find a way, I won’t let her and Gold win!”

“How!” Applejack yelled. “They got the tech the skills and what we have bubcess.”

“Well if we stick together then maybe…

“Forget it Twi...since when has ...sticking together. Ever helped!”

“RUN!” Twilight screamed as Rumple threw a giant ball of fire at her almost sourcing her skin.

“Good doge dearie, but I’m afraid it won’t be good enough.” Rumple threw another fire ball at them again, missing. “Hmm...Perhaps something a little more earthly” Gesturing his hands again all the vines and routes of the trees began to move tying their technical like arms around the girls and Spike legs.

However this time they were prepared, as Rainbow Dash got out a dagger that Twilight bought from the village sliced down the roots of the trees, only for them to magically grow back.

“Twilight, if you have magic, now would be a good time to use it.” Rainbow Dash said continuing to cut the roots of the trees.

Twilight looked around to see her friends about to get caught in the trees web. Her friends were in trouble and she had to do something. She pushed her hands and to her suprised created a surge of energy that pushed Rumplestiltskin onto the ground.

“I did it.”

“Enjoy it while you can dearie.” Still on the ground Rumple magically pushed Twilight slamming her into the trees.

“Twilight.” The girls shouted.

“I’m okay.”

“No for long I’m afraid dearie.” Rumplestiltskin watched as the trees branches extended and began to encircle Twilight grasping her chest and started squeeze the air right out of her. Rumple continued to watch his insane smile widening as Twilight face began to turn red.

“Come on dearie!...Don’t tell me this is all you got.” With his other free hand he used his magical energies to grab a hold their throats and slowly squeeze the air of their lungs as well.

“So this it how it ends my little dearies...slowly suffocating, and all because you stole from me. I guess the people of Equestria will have to get used to life when Sunset Shimmer and Regina find a way to your world, and thinks of all the friends and family that…” Suddenly Twilight eyes opened up and glew bright white along with the rest of her friends. Rumple looked surprised and almost fearful as a colorful burst of energy emerged from all six of their bodies throttling Rumple a few feet away from them crashing straight threw one of the trees and making him land on his back.

Slowly the vines crushing Twilight released themselves and her friends plopped on the ground having the ability to breath again. Once Twilight was able to gain her baring she got up to see if they were alright.

“Girls. Are you okay.”

“Were good.” Rainbow Dash asid.

“Never better. “ Spike replied

Slowly Twilight helped them all get up and dust up the dir from their dresses. “What happened?” Fluttershy asked.


The girls turned around to see Rumpelstiltskin slowly get up from the ground looking exhausted by unphased by the experience. “Magic happened.”

The girls stepped back waiting for another strike but the malevolent imp merely smiled at them.

"Congratulations dearies you passed my test with flying colors, see what happens when friends stick together. "

The girls were stunned.

"What...this was a test." Twilight said shocked.

Rainbow Dash winced at the sound of this. "Your sick man."

"Perhaps." Rumple replied. "But it was effective. Like I said trial fire. It can make us do things we never expected."

Twilight was still confused. "So the book...

"Oh I knew Belle would give you the book if she overheard your plight. She...she..." Rumplestiltskin paused, a small genuine smile appearing on his face as he looked down at the ground. "She's kind like that... Always wanting to help those with...noble causes." Suddenly he snapped out of his daze as his more crooked smile returned. "Anyway, yes as for the book itself you may actually keep."

"Really." Pinkie said. "But what about your royal pardon?"

"Oh that, that was just another test, to see if you willing to do whatever it took to be victorious and thankfully Im this case you stuck to your morals. Besides it's just a simple spell book, mostly the basics. I'm sure it will help in journey. Which, believe you and me is going to get a lot more difficult from here."

Everyone grimaced.

Rumple then looked at the sky as it continue to darken. "Well I better run my little dearies, but should you ever need assistance I will be able to help for a price of course." He began to walk off but turned around one more time to look at Twilight directly. "Oh and miss sparkle don't forget..."


"Friendship is magic." And with that high the imp vanished in a puff of read smoke. Leaving the girls and Spike alone with a spell book.

"So...basically, he played us like chumps." Rainbow Dash moaned .

"That guy is nuttier than a tree with squirrels ." Applejack added.

Fluttershy sighed heavily all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked her friend.

She looked up at Twilight. "I don't know why, but I really miss Discord all of a sudden."

The last two days passed and while Applejack attempted one more time to beat the Flim Flam brothers at their own game of thrills and showmanship it didn't help at all. She still didn't sell any cider and I just wasn't in Applejacks nature to brag or boast.

Once the week was finall up Twilight had decided to pay Applejack a visit at her farm hoping to make sure she was doing okay. As she arrived she saw a black car in front of the farm and to her horror Mr. Gold returning to it.

"Ah Miss Sparkle just the girl I wanted to see."

"Mr.Gold." Twilight gulped.

"Why so glum Miss Sparkle, I thought you'd be please to here that young Applejack could keep her farm."

"Well I....wait what!"

"That's right." Mr Gold smiled. "Apparently while effective and cheap the Flim Flam brothers cider was...less than adiquet in terms of taste."


"Really, so I decided that perhaps I return to the status quo."

Twilight beamed. "Oh that's wonderful news Mr.Gold, I'm so happy for Applejack."

"Indeed and I would hate for anything to ruin this lovely moment."

Suddenly the atmosphere around Twilight darkned, something was wrong, very wrong. Slowly Mr. Gold pulled out his cell phone and stated typing on it.

"You see dearie I actually know the reasons for the brothers failure, and I think you'll be quiet interested in seeing." He gave Twilight his phone to show her image of the Flim Flam brothers cider making device. Suddenly however a figure arrived carrying a huge crowbar and began to smash the device. As Twilight looked harder at the image she was to figure out who was responsible for this.


"Yes...indeed, it's amazing what desperation can make us do."

Twilight looked back up at Mr.Gold who took his phone back. "But why show me this if you told them they can keep their farm."

"Well that all depends on what you do next.""

"What I do?"

"Yes..." Mr Gold went into his suite and pulled out a flire. "As you probably know Miss. Sparkle I will be throwing. The annual town ball The Fall Formal, and as you know there is a little competion to become Princess. So basically I want you to run."

Twilight was speechless. "Uh...uh

"Run or I'll have to tell the Apple family the sad truth and I hate to ruin their....honest reputation."

Twiligt was still speechless. "Me...but why? I'm not Princess material or sociable or..or."

"I don't need you to win, just run." Mr . Gold assured her. "And yet I think you put yourself down more than warranted."

"But Sunset Shimmer will..."

"Oh I think you can handle her. Beside I myself am getting tired of her and The Mayors stranglehold on the town myself, which is why I believe the time has come for a change and I believe you...will be a part of it.”

This was a harsh decision on the one hand Twilight had no social skills whatsoever sure she can hold a conversation but note night to win a popularity contest. But on the other hand if she didn't someone would lose their home and livelihood.

"Okay..,I'll do it."

"Excellent. Then we have a deal."

Twilight scowled at Gold who merely took it with a smile. “Applejack was right, no one can really stand you.”

However instead of a frown Mr.Gold kept his calm and his crooked smile. “I know Miss Sparkle...I know.”

The darkness had covered the sky by the time Rumplestiltskin returned home to his mighty fortress in the forest. He enjoyed in the delight of returning home, and even better the continuation of his plans. As he entered the hall he saw Belle carrying a basket of straw walking down the stairs.

“Rumplestiltskin I didn’t know you were...oh no..” Belle suddenly realize what happened. “You didn’t….

Rumple wanted to speak but Belle rushed to him. “Look, it was my fault, I was the one who…


“I didn’t think it was fair that you wouldn’t help, which it isn’t by the way and…


“I don’t think they’ll use those…

“Belle! Please.” Rumplestiltskin said gently taking her hand. “They’re fine...I didn’t hurt them...well...they’re not dead if that’s what’s your wondering.”

“You didn’t…”

“No...In fact everything went exactly as I planned it.” Rumplestiltskin replied calmly,

Belle was confused, this wasn’t like Rumple to be so calm when someone stole something of his, she had witnessed first hand what happened to those who stole from him and new what he was almost capable of.

“Wait...so, you tricked me?”

“It was necessary.” Rumple replied. Suddenly Belle smacked him in the head. “What was that for!”

“You tricked me! If you wanted them to have that book then why didn’t you just give it to them in the first place.”

“Because I needed to test them! I’m not just going to hand magic willy nilly!”

“Yes but that doesn’t give you the right to trick me like that! Or making me think you went and killed six innocent girls.


“Doesn’t matter!” Belle huffed off and walked upstairs.

“Belle wait!” She stopped to look down at Rumpelstiltskin who just stood there looking up at her his eyes widened and face saddened. “Um...Sorry for tricking you.”

Belle sighed knowing this was as good as Rumplestiltskin was going to get at that moment, for she had been with him for quite some time now and knew that while he still had dark ways, he was not always the beast everyone made him out to be. “Apology accepted Rumple...Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Belle.” He watched Belle walk upstairs to her bedchamber in the library encapsulated by not only her beauty but also by her sheer kindness and strength. She seemed to be the only person in the realm who could truly stand him.

“Well who could that be?” Rumplestiltskin asked himself as his imp like nature returned, with a snap of fingers he opened the door and to his perceived delight a young girl with fiery red hair wearing a regal red dress with black highlights stormed into the room.

“Ah...Sunset Shimmer and what do I owe the displeasure.”

“You better show me more respect Rumple if all goes according to plan Regina will soon make me Princess of the realm.”

The evil imp giggled in delight. “Oh...How that word never sounded so hollow coming from you.”

“Please, once I am princess and all the crown’s power belongs to me everyone will love and respect me.”

Rumple giggled again even more insanely. “Love and respect...HA!...Sorry dearie that won’t happen they’ll still hate yuh. Magic can do much but no that!”

Sunset merely scoffed at Rumple. “Whatever, anyway I’m here because I need you’re help with a problem of mine.”

“Would this problem go by the name of Twilight Sparkle perhaps.”

At this moment Sunset looked shocked, she was unaware of what had transpired a few days ago. “How do you…

“She was here few days ago at the castle, asking for help, and I did...I gave her magic back. Or at least, helped her hone her ability to degree.”

“WHAT! That little….she has her magic.”

“Well, she’s learning.” Rumple said smiling. “But she seems like a quick learner so if you want to take her out you better find her soon dearie.

“What! Why!” Sunset asked. “I thought you are my side.”

“No dearie, I’m on my side.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “I’ll only help if you have something I want and at the moment...you don’t.”

Sunset was no enraged by Rumple’s treatment toward her, he had always been annoying but now he was just being insulting to her. She stomped her feet and rushed off. “Fine! Whatever, when I’ll get that crown I’ll be powerful enough to get rid of her and you and be the greatest princess in all the realms!”
“Oh you poor poor dearie.” Rumplestiltskin said shaking his head in disappointment. “You forget the most important rule of magic.”

“What?” Sunset asked as she turned her head around to look at Rumple straight into those insane demonic eyes.

“All Magic comes with a price!”

The Girl who Cheats

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Chapter 5

As Mr.Gold had said, his wish was to weaken the grip of Regina and Sunset on the town, and to Twilight’s surprise, it was coming true. But sadly, in tragedy, for one thing the local town Sheriff Graham passed away, leaving the sheriffs office in the hand’s of his newly appointed deputy, Emma Swan. Regina however had managed to counter this with the appointment of a new Sheriff Sidney Glass, one of her close personal friends .However Twilight didn’t have any time for these tragedies that moment thanks to her deal with Mr.Gold she was now going to be forced to sign up for the Fall Formal pageant less he release the secret about the foul play during the cider selling competition.

As she approached city hall she was going over what exactly she was going to do to win. If she was even going to try, she knew if she didn’t Gold, would definitely release those images even if didn’t care if Twilight won, something about his tone said otherwise.

“Hey kid.” Twilight thoughts burst as she looked up to see Emma walking towards her.

“Oh, Emma hi.” Twilight waved. “What are you doing here.”

“I’m here to discuss with the mayor about my job.” Emma said with a confrontational tone.

“I thought she appointed Mr.Glass?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah well Gold help me find a loophole.”

“Gold?” Twilight said sounding nervous. Great first he makes Twilight run for a beauty pageant now he’s helping Emma run for mayor, Gold wasn’t kidding about changing the status quo.

“So kid what are you doing here, doubt you're here to see the Mayor.” Emma said snapping Twilight out of her thoughts.

“What...oh...I um am...uh…*sigh* signing up for the fall formal Princess competition”

Emma blinked a seemed taken aback. “I didn’t take you for the competition type.”

“Well...I um...kind of doing it as a favor to a friend.” Twilight said not wanting to reveal to much.

“What did she dare you or something.” Emma asked.

“No...No...Just doing it as a friendly favor.”

“Well...good luck kid. I’ll guess I’ll vote for you then. See you kid.” With that Emma left and entered city hall while Twilight went up to sign up sheet for those running for Fall Formal Princess. She saw the sign up sheet posted on the ads board on that was on the front lawn of City hall.

“Well here goes nothing.” She started slowly putting her name on the sheet, putting her name on the second line, the top was already taken by non other that Sunset Shimmer herself. Once the deed was done Twilight turned around to head out. Or she would have had she not hit something in her way.


Twilight looked up to see what she hit. It wasn’t a what but a who, a fellow student by the looks of it. He was a young tall man wearing a sports jacket, with a white undershirt and spiky blue hair.

“Oh...sorry about that.” he said helping Twilight get up.

“Um...Thanks.” Twilight said rubbing her shoulder he looked at the boy’s face, he was quiet handsome that was for sure, causing Twilight to blush a bit.

“So uh...What are you up to.” He asked, rubbing the back of his forehead. He looked at the sign up sheet. “You’re running for Fall Formal Princess?”

“Um...yeah.” Twilight replied. “I’m doing it as a favor for a friend.”

“Cool. I’m Flash by the way, Flash Sentry.”

“Twilight Sparkle.” She replied shaking his hand the two of them smiling.

“So...what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I’m waiting for my girlfriend.” he replied. “She’s….


Twilight and Flash turned around to see Sunset walking out of the Mayor’s office. “I’m back...a Mayor’s daughter work is never…” She stopped and saw he and Twilight working together and narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing!”

“I was just taking to….

“Shut up!” Sunset snapped. “What are YOU doing!” she asked Twilight looking at her with a pen in her hand.

“I was uh...just signing up for….

“The Fall Formal!” Sunset pushed Twilight out the way to look at the sign up sheet. At first she scowled at Twilight but suddenly she burst out laugh. “You...you actually think...pfft ha! You can beat me...ha!”

Flash didn’t seem happy by his girlfriend behavior. “Sunset.”

“Oh please Flash...it’s hilarious.” Sunset laughed holding onto her gut. “I mean, what idiot convinced you to even join.”

Twilight was getting tired of Sunset insults. “Mr.Gold!” She shouted.

Suddenly Sunset stopped wrapping as her face turned to one of both shock, horror, and anger. “What? Gold?”

“That’s right. He thinks I could win too.” Twilight said, noticing Sunset face with Mr.Gold name being dropped.

Sunset then recomposed herself. “Pfft, whatever...He must slipping then. He sure bet on the wrong horse to win. Everyone know’s I always win the crown. Even if some idiot dares stands against me.”

“Well...maybe not this year.” Twilight argued.

“Please, do you know what happens to those who challenge me.”

“Yes...but that still isn’t going to stop me anyway.” Twilight replied sounding defiant.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Whatever Sparkle….Flash.” She snapepd her fingers signalling him to follower as she walked off with a strut.

“Sorry about that.” Flash muttered as he followed Sunset, Twilight watched as the two of them left, the only thing Twilight could think of at this moment. Was she always like this.

The Forest was quiet and peaceful, nothing seemed out of the ordinary the, woodland critters was bustling, and the trees blew gently in the quiet breeze. However suddenly the breeze began to harden, and become faster and faster the sky twirling and twirling until a bright flash of energy crashed in the middle of the woods creating a small crater in the ground. Slowly the dust began to clear revealing something in the crater, that something was a girl. A young girl, couldn’t be no older than 16 laying on the ground face flat on the dir, her red hair with yellow stripe highlights disheveled she was wearing a pathetic looking dress that looked more like rags. Slowly she got up her bright cyan eyes looking around wondering where she was.

She began to get up but fell down again the girl looked at her legs noticing something wrong. “What...what happened.” She extended her arms and hands to her face. “What happened to my hooves!” She began panting heavily for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “Okay, okay, calm down Sunset Shimmer...just...just walk normally.” The girl began to crawl on all fours as she began to climb her way out of the ditch she found herself. IT was difficult, her whole body had changed and she didn’t know how it worked. She kept falling and landing on her back.

“UGH! This is ridiculous!” Sunset screamed!

“Need some help dearie.” A shadow suddenly emerged over Sunset, looking up she saw the outline of a strange man standing above her. Slowly his hand extended toward her revealing that it the skin was that of scaly gold the nails horrid and dirty. But Sunset didn’t care, she wanted out of the ditch and she’d take anyone’s help as this point. As he helped her out Sunset began to see more of her mysterious assailant she saw that he was a strange looking individual, the rest of his skin was a scaly gold, his cloth were crocodile leather and a mish mash of other messy material, his hair was a curly brown and his eyes, his eyes were that of a demonic hobgoblin, almost lizard like. As he helped her out he merely smiled at her showing off his crooked teeth. Once out Sunset stood up mimicking her rescuer's posture.

“Th...Thank you.” She said.

“You’re welcome dearie, not every day we get new arrivals.” He responded.

“New arrivals?” Her mysterious rescuer pointed with his scaly finger to the sky the remainder of the swirling vortex disappearing returning the skies to normal. “Oh...right...I guess, I’m not really from around here I guess.”

“That much is certain.”

The two of them just looked at each for a few moments in silence Sunset not sure what to do now, she was in a whole new world away from home, and in a strange new form.

"So...what are you?" Sunset asked looking inquisitively at him

"Well that is a rude question indeed. I am not a what my dear." He said.

"Sorry. Sunset replied annoyed with his playful nature. "Who, are you then."

"That's more like." The mysterious figure than stood in front of Sunset and gave a little bow as said. "Rumplestilskin."

"Now then I've told you my name tell me yours."

"Sunset Shimmer."

Rumplestiltskin. "My, my what a name, what a name indeed. So specific so symbolic."

"Why do you care?"

"Names are my stock and trade dearie, to know a name is to know a person very core." Rumplestiltskin then his arm around her shoulder making her feel a bit uncomfortable.

“Come dearie, walk with me, I’ll take you to the near by village for a drink and along the way you can tell me your tale.”

Not having any other options she decided to accept his offer but with hesitation and suspicion. “So dearie...tell me your tale.”

As the two of them walked across the forest, Sunset told the mysterious man about her tale where she was from, who she knew and why she had come to this realm. The mysterious figure took intrigue with every aspect of her tale, the ups the downs, and especially his favorite part seemed to be, the desire for power.

“My, my dearie you had quiet an adventure getting here.” The mysterious figure replied. “You seem like a girl who knows what she wants in life. An aspect I’ve always valued myself.”

"Thank you..,wish others did." Sunset mumbled.

"What's even more amazing is the fact that you've only been here for a few seconds and you've managed to adapt to your me form quiet well."

Sunset then looked down to see that she was using these strange lower hooves to walk quiet well.


"No problem...so...let me get this straight one more time, you were a unicorn once, correct."


"From a real of sentient horses?"

"Yes I know that is surprising but it's true."

"Let me ask did you know ...magic."

A small smug appeared on Sunsets face. "Like I said I was the personal protege to the princess of the realm. I was quiet powerful."

"Oh I bet in fact on our world we have a little saying about magic."

Sunset groaned. "Let me guess Friendship is Magic."

Rumplestiltskin. "Your land is a strange one indeed then for that is not however see magic here." He then smiled showing off his crooked teeth. "Here...magic, is power."

A small evil grin appeared on her face as she heard the phrase. "I like the way this world thinks."

Rumple took a look at Sunset and smiled. "You know, I like your coffers. So I'm going to help you out, my name has some weight behind it, I know the royal family of this realm, I'm on good relations with the queen, she's looking for a lady in waiting, I'll by you some suitable attire and go the castle, they are allowing most maidens to attend."

Sunset pondered it for a meant she had nothing in this world and with heragoc surly gone she had to find someway to survive. "It's okay rather have someone looking for a princess though."

Rumplestiltskin did one of his high pitched giggles. "Well Hi diddly dee isn't the princess life for thee."

Sunset lowered her head looking saddened.

Rumple took notice for he said. "I know it's not exactly what you're looking for when you came to this real but trust me, it is a start."

“Yeah but still, why would I, seems like a step down not up!” Sunset grumbled.

Rumplestiltskin however was not taken aback by her stubborn nature, in fact her smiled. “You know...I wasn’t going to say anything, but… you see...I have a little gift.”

“Really what?” Sunset asked.

“I can see the future.” Rumplestiltskin replied.

Sunset rolled her eyes she wasn’t taking any of this nonsense. “The future really, we had fortune tellers back in Equestria too, we called them con men.”

“Really a world with magic, and yet no one could see the future.” The imp asked sounding puzzled.

“Well...not everyone, I heard the Princess could…

“Then why can’t I?”

Sunset pondered his notion for a moment still feeling skeptical. “Well then, tell me what you see, and I see if I believe you.”

“Deal.” Rumplestiltskin closed his eyes and began to move his hands around as if searching for something. “I see...I see you… you’re...you’re holding a crown in your hands. You're smiling, a grin a victory and great triumph has come to you.”

Sunset was slowly becoming intrigued but she still wasn’t quite sure if he was telling the truth.

“Now...now I see you putting on the crown, you’ve sprout wings and...and…”

“What!” Sunset asked now becoming excitied, only one other object showed her sprouting wings before. “Yes...yes...come on.”

Rumplestiltskin opened his eyes and grinned. “And you’ll have more power than you could have ever imagined.” A brief moment of pause as Sunset began to take in everything he had said.

“So dearie, well you except my offer and take the first step into gaining that power. For I foresaw becoming the Lady in Waiting to the queen is a crucial first step in that journey.”

Sunset looked up at Rumple and nodded. "Deal!"

Monday came and all the students had gathered in the auditorium . Mr Gold had arrived at the school to make the big announcement to the youth about the Fall Formal, for only those of youth could run for Princess. Twilight was there along with the other girls who she had found herself being around note and more with.

Principle Celestia took the stage. "Students, today I am pleased to welcom Storybrookes own Mr.Gold who is one again hosting the Fall Formal ball."

Mr Gold then walked up to the podium a small smile appearing on his face. "Dearies, as you know, when people hear the word princess they think it as something one is born to become, but what very people realize that it's not. To be a princess or any member of royality for that manner, is something that is earned, by proving yourself worthy of that title. Through deeds and heart." Mr. Gold looked at the audience, more specifically at Twilight and she could swear he gave a small wink.

"And now dearies, the prize. For every Princess deserves a crown." Rumple got something from under the podium, it was a crown, a golden encased crown with a purple diamond in the shape of a star engraved in it. He held it up for everyone to get a good look. Twilight looked at the crown, and felt her brain twitch, she didn’t know why but something about that crown looked all so familiar.


Twilight turned around to see Henry, who was sitting next to her lean in edgewise. “That’s your’s.”

“What?” Twilight whispered.

“That’s your crown.” Henry said. “The one Sunset Shimmer stole from you from Equestria.

“Henry not now!” Twilight whispered angrily.

“That’s your’s.” Henry whispered back.

While Henry continued to convince Twilight about the ownership of the crown, Sunset Shimmer to looked at that trinket with a look of realization on her face, she too recognized that crown...and she was furious.

“GOLD!” Sunset Shimmer slammed the doors of Mr.Gold’s pawn shop opened as she looked for it’s infamous owner. She stormed her way looking through all the mysterious antiques and knick knacks that piled the shelves. Jewels, diamonds, and even collectables anything that was everything could be found in Mr.Gold’s Pawn shop.

Not seeing him, Sunset went to the back of the shop where he would normally be found. “Gold!” Again he wasn’t there just more items plastered around the place. Tired of waiting Sunset began to muse through some of the items, picking them and examining them, seeing if she liked anything she saw. She then a cute little tea cup sitting on one of the stoles, it had a tiny little chip on the top. Sunset was going about to pick up and take a look, when suddenly in one fell swoop the tip of a metal can swing right up to her neck pinning her against the wall. Looking around Sunset saw Mr.Gold glaring at her almost to the point that if she had touch that cup he would have killed her on the stop.

Breathing heavily Gold finally spoke. “Don’t...touch...the merchandise.”

“Okay, okay!” Sunset said panicking. Gold released her from his cane’s grip and quickly returned to his normal demeanor.

“Now then what can I do for you Miss Shimmer, does anything tickle your fancy?”

Sunset calmed down after nearly being killed by Mr.Gold but suddenly remembered why she came to the shop causing her temper to return “That crown...That’s my crown.”

“Well aren’t we confident.” Mr.Gold taunted.

“You know what I mean.”

“No...No I don’t. Perhaps you should try being something that I like to call... specific.”

“The crown! That crown! My Crown! How long have you had it.” Sunset yelled.

Mr.Gold continued to keep calm giving her a small smile. “I’ve had that crown for a long time, been in my shop for years, one of the many trinkets I’ve found over the years.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“Then whatever do you mean then?” Gold asked. Sunset was fuming with rage. “Are you sure you’re okay dearie you’re face is turning red.

“Ugh...Forget you!” Sunset then stormed off slamming the door on her way leaving Gold standing their.

“Well then dearie, enjoy your day and good luck in the competition.”

Sunset had decided that if Gold wasn’t going to help then perhaps the only person she even considered a friend, the Mayor herself, Regina Mills. Sunset stormed her way into the mayor’s office slamming both of the doors open, noticing Regina at her desk doing her mayoral duties.

“I see we’re in a chipper mood today.” Regina stated not even taking the time to look up and focusing instead of her work.

“Gold is impossible.” Sunset mumbled.

Regina gave a small laugh. “Tell me something i don’t know.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Listen! I need you to rig the Fall Formal for me.”

This finally caught Regina’s attention as she looked up from her paper work. “Really? You’ve never had a problem before.”

“Yeah, well before we there weren’t any real stakes.” Sunset said.

“Yes, you not winning a popularity contest with stakes, I shiver already.”

“NO! ...The prize...It’s the Crown.”

“What?” Regina curiosity now perked up. “What crown?”

“The...Crown, the one we’ve been looking for, the one that will give us EXACTLY what we want.”

Regina thought about it for a moment. “I see you’re point.”

“Exactly, and Gold has it.” Sunset replied sounding annoyed. “And what’s worse, he’s making Twilight Sparkle, run for Fall Formal Princess.

Regina pondered things over for a moment thinking of her next move. “First Swan now this…” Regina continued to think it over. “I believe we need to delegate our efforts, for now I have to deal with this Sheriff elections, but don’t worry I’ll come up with a plan for Gold.”

“Maybe you should steal that tea cup of his in his shop, he seemed really attached for it for some stupid reason.”

Regina smirked as an idea came to her head. “I think I have a idea for later, in the mean time you deal with any rivalries that are challenging you at the moment.”

A evil grin appeared on Sunset face. “Don’t worry, that I know how to do.”

Sunset Shimmer, now wearing a regal looking pink dress which Rumpelstiltskin had described as, “Frilly but will get you through the door, now made her way to a very regal looking castle which seemed to be made completely out of a strange silver material. Before she left however Rumplestiltskin gave Sunset a quick rundown of all the body parts that now made up her new body and how they worked. With that knowledge in hand she walked up to the castle gates, a guard was standing by.

“Halt, state your business.” The young guard said.

Sunset stopped a bit nervous at being halted by a fully trained armed guard that wasn’t from Canterlot but she knew how to handle herself. “I’m here for the position of Lady in Weighting for the Queen, I hear she is looking for one.”

The Guard nodded. “Come with me, you’re in luck, the tryouts are starting today.” The guard began to escort Sunset Shimmer inside the castle, it was quite beautiful, the floor was made of marble, and the ceiling with aligned with beautiful chandeliers. Sunset marveled at it’s beauty and wonder this place was worth of royalty indeed.

“This place is amazing.” Sunset said.

“Indeed it is.” The Guard replied.

Sunset looked up at the guard, she couldn’t help but notice how dashing he was, especially those big blue eyes of his.

"So...how long have you been a royal guard?"

"This is actually first year." The Guard responded. "I was personally selected by the king himself.

"Fascinating." Sunset replied

"It's been my dream to be a knight since I was a boy." He said. "To protect our kingdom from whatever evils it may face."

"Sounds noble."

"It is."

They began to descend a flight of stairs until the reached a secluded hallway a few other maidens were there probably also seeking the same position .

“These are the queen’s private chamber’s the guard said pointing to the door. She shall be with you soon.

He left Sunset alone with the other maidens who were also seeking such a position.Sunset merely stood in silence avoiding eye contact with the others as they waited for the doors to open.

Sunset sat there and contemplated to herself. She was alone, knew no one and worse without magic. "What am I doing here."

Finally the doors opened however instead of a regal king a elderly looking man emerged. His face was strained, as it has see much abuse.

"Greetings madams I am Henry Mills, the Queens Chief of Staff, and I will be overseeing the choosing process."

All the girls gave a small bow to him.

"Thank you. Now I will be giving you each a series of task for you to complete and whoever does these task with the most efficiency gets the position."

" Great a test, using these. " Sunset looked at her hands in despair.

"The first task is quite simple, tell me your name."

The first candidate stepped up, a young girl twenty at the oldest wearing a lovely blue silk dress with red heels. "Joan."

The second candidate then stepped up she was wearing a green dress with a silver bow tied around it. "My name is Elizabeth."

Finally it was Sunset tern. "My name is Sunset Shimmer."

“Thank you, now that names are out of the way. Time for your first official duties…” As he said, they’re first official duties were to test out how they were in terms of poise and posture. The Queen’s father and chief of staff asked the ladies be show off their elegance and regality as best possible. Sunset found this annoying, and impractical, serving royalty wasn’t about how one looked or walked, it was about how competent you were with your duties. Thankfully though being around royalty and the elite herself had caused her to know how to walk with the regality of that of a royal. However to make the task a bit more difficult they were forced to carry books on the top of their heads and balance them while walking.

As they began walking across the hall Sunset notice that the other two candidates stumbling a bit, almost losing their balance. Suddenly the words Rumpelstiltskin had spoke poped in her head. ”More power than you could ever imagine” .Sensing an opportunity she slowly outstretched her leg causing the girl named Joan to trip and fall flat on her face. While down Sunset had a little smirk on her face

“Hope you didn’t hurt yourself.” Sunset replied with fake sincerity as she passed her by.

“Alright ladies, that’s enough. Now for a much harder task.” Henry Mills lead the candidates out into the Castle gardens, it was quite lovely for it was filled with the most beautiful of plants and wildlife. Even a few birds chirping on the trees, and strangely a few crows as well. “Her majesty always loved the sanctuary of the gardens, one important thing her majesty does is tend to her Apple tree, it is her prized possession. So, for you next task, I wish for you to practice your trimming

With that they girls were given their own shrubs to trim.

“Great another mundane task.” Sunset replied. “I’m beginning to wonder if this was worth it.” Sunset continued to grumble to herself as she passed one of the other candidates shrubbed, she saw that she wasn’t paying attention to her shrub still in awe by the castle grounds. Again sensing another opportunity to sabotage her opponent and once again the words that Rumpelstiltskin had spoke returned to her head. “ More power then you could ever image .Sunset managed to slash one of the antlers off of the moose shaped shrub as she walked over to her own ironically shapened Pony shrub.

“I noticed that.” Sunset looked up to see a women walking up to her, she wasn’t one of the candidates but a older woman with black hair and regal disposition to her.
“Whatever.” Sunset pouted focusing on her task. “Beside, they’re probably dunces anyone, I deserve this position.”

“So you’re willing to whatever it takes to get it?” The woman asked sounding more curious than disappointed.

“Why do you care?” Sunset asked.

“Just curious?” The woman asked again. “Although I know for a fact that the Queen has many a strain artifacts hidden within her room perhaps it will...help, with this little competition of yours.”

The woman began to leave before Sunset turned around one more time

“Who are you?” Sunset asked.

“Just someone who live in the castle.”

With that she left leaving Sunset to ponder who the mystery woman was, but more importantly how to get into the Queen’s private chamber.

“But it’s your book Twilight.” Henry said as the two of them walked across the school halls together. Ever since the assembly Henry had been going over and over again about how that crown Gold should them was rightfully Twilight and how she was a pony princess from a land called Equestria. To Twilight this just silly.

“Henry, Fairy tales aren’t real okay, I know that you think we’re all fiction but we’re not! Okay.” Twilight said, reaffirming his position.

“I know you think that but you’re wrong...not that it really matter though.” Henry mood suddenly looked glum.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s my mom, my real mom...she’s running against Sidney for Sheriff.”

“Yeah...so.” Twilight asked.

“Bad things happen to those up against me mom, my step-mom, like with Sheriff Graham.”


“I just know my mom did something to him...I just know it.”

The two of them walked over to Twilight’s locker. “Come on Henry! I think you’re blowing your suspicion way out of proportion.”

“No! Bad things happen to those who oppose my mom and Sunset.”

“Oh please no they…AGH!” Suddenly Twilight found herself covered from head to toe in a pile of mud as well as her entire locker for that matter.

“See...bad things.” Henry replied. “This is just a taste. I know it.”

Twilight tried to move away for a locker but slipped and fell to the ground. However she did not feel the impact of the floor hit her head. Confused she looked up to see Flash Sentry holding onto her before she fell onto the floor. Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment “Oh..um..hello.”

“Hey Twilight.” Flash then saw Henry. “Hey little Dude.”

He turned back to Twilight looking confused. “What happened?”

“Sunset happened.” Henry replied.

“Well they’re no proof that…

“Nah...this is her handy work.” Flash said looking at the mud stained locker. “She’s done to others before. Sadly.”

“Yeah and you helped.” Henry added.

“I...I ...you know how she is.” Flash argued.

“You don’t see me helping my step mom.” Henry replied.

“Okay...guys...stop!” Twilight said. “I’m a mess, can someone help me out here.”

“Here let me help.” Flash took out his undershirt and gave it to Twilight buttoning up his jacket so he wasn’t seen shirtless.

“Thanks.” Twilight said taking the shirt, her own clothes continuing to drip with mud. She entered the girls bathroom alone Flash and Henry waiting outside while she changed.

“So...uh...little dude, how are you doing.”

They just looked at each other for a moment, as they watched students pass by.

“Do you like Twilight?”

“What?” Flash face turned red. “Well, she seems nice...but I’m...you know...dating your sister.”

“Do you like Sunset?”

“I’m dating her.” Flash replied bluntly.

“But do you like her?”

However Flash wasn’t able to answer that question for suddenly Sunset arrived looking all high and mighty. “Flash? What are you doing with my dork of step brother.”


“He was just hazing me.” Henry winked at him.

“Ah yeah..you know...because...dork and all.” Flash was a terrible actor.

“Why do you have you're jacket button up.” She asked.

“It’s cold.”

Sunset merely rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the hand as the two of them walked off. “Whatever come on. We’re going to hang out at my mom’s office the rest of the day.” She then saw Twilight’s locker opened and gave a evil grin. “See the egghead got my little suprise, ha. Oh I can’t wait for her to see what I got in store.” Flash turned around to look at Henry with a worried expression, Henry nodded as he and Sunset walked off.

Once the two of them had gone, Twilight came out of the bathroom wearing Flash’s shirt and looking much cleaner. “Thanks again Flash for…” Twilight looked around to see where Flash had went.

“Where’s Flash?”

“Sunset came and took him to my mom’s office.” Henry explained.

“Oh...okay.” Twilight lowered her head a bit disappointed that she didn’t at least get to say thanks to Flash.

After school Twilight began her walk back home, still wearing Flash’s shirt and having her own blouse in her backpack.

“Hey kid.” Twilight looked around to see Emma driving by in her BMW. “Need a ride?”

“Oh...Emma...uh…” A heavy breeze began to blow into town. “Sure.” Twilight entered the old rickety card.

“So...nice shirt.” Emma commented.

“Oh, it’s not mine, it’s a friend. Mine is well…” Emma looked at Twilight bag to see Twilight's blouse a complete mess.

“Let me guess, prank.”

“More like punishment.” Twilight said. “Lets just say Sunset Shimmer doesn’t like healthy competition.” She took a deep sigh. “Maybe I should just drop out of the fall formal altogether.


Twilight looked up surprised by Emma’s bluntess. “What?’

“No! You can’t let them push you around are tell you what you can or can’t do. Give them a inch they’ll walk all over you. That’s what i’ve learned.”

“What am I supposed to do, go to Sunset Shimmer and beat her up.” Twilight said.

“No...Although it might be a good idea, but anyway….you got to actually compete, show her that she just can’t get away with anything.” Emma explained. “Confront her. Tell her off, she Henry the good guys can win.”


Emma coughed realizing she revealed too much I her perk up speech. "Uh, nothing kid."

While Emma might have slipped up her words did ring resonate with Twilight. “Hmm...Maybe you’re right.” Slowly her confidence in herself came to her. “Hey Emma, uh...could you take me to town hall. My friend’s their and I never got thanks.”

“Sure...I was heading there anyway. So...he work at city hall after school or what?” Emma asked.

“No,no he’s uh...he’s kind of Sunset Shimmer’s boyfriend.”

Emma then became stone face. “Careful kid, if Sunset anything like Regina then...she won’t take well to you being chummy with her boyfriend. Trust me...I have experiance.”

Twilight grimace.

Emma notice and gave a smirk. “But then again ...sticking it to those two isn’t necessarily bad thing.”

After a few moments driving Emma pulled up to City hall and she and Twilight entered together, a bit confident than when they left and headed to the mayor’s office. Outside Twilight saw Sunset sitting outside the Mayor’s office. Sunset looked up and gave a small smirk at both of them.

“I think I’ll let you handle this one I’ve got my own problem to deal with.” Emma headed into the Mayor’s office leaving Sunset and Twilight alone.

“Where’s Flash?” Twilight asked.

“He left, he needed to go home.” Sunset explained. “Here to give him back his shirt.”

“Wait how do you…

“You’re still wearing it.”


“Plus I made him tell me.” Sunset said. “Took a while but I wormed it out of him.” she gave another smirk impressed by her handy work.

Twilight face turned red with anger. “You are a jerk you know that.”

“Yet I rule the school and the town.” Sunset replied.

Suddenly the Offices door opened as Regina and Emma came out apparently having their own argument about old documents and Henry. Now that the office was free Sunset decided to walk in Twilight following her.

“You’re mean, and cruel and…

“Bla, bla, bla.” Sunset mocked. “Like I care. Sometimes the peasants need to know their place.”

“That’s how you think you’ll get your way, by cheating and humiliating others.”

Sunset then turned on Twilight becoming menacingly now. “Just be happy that’s the only thing I’m doing cause trust me Sparkle, i can be much worse!”

Night had befallen the castle and Sunset had entered the spare room provided for her and the other candidates to sleep. Sunset herself however was asleep instead she was awake in her room pondering her next room, contemplating about what that women had said about the Queen’s chamber and how it had strange artifacts that could be useful to her.

“I could just sneek in and...No...NO...Well.”

More power then you could ever imagine

Sunset continued to think.

More power then you could ever imagine

“Okay, okay...I’ll do it.” Sunset exited her room and headed to the halls trying to find the location of the Queen’s private chambers, however before she could she ran into someone.


Sunset froze however taking a few seconds to think about it she recognized the voice.

“Sunset Shimmer?” She looked up to see the young guard she had met on her first day patrolling the halls. “What are you doing up?”

“Oh...uh...couldn’t sleep.”



“Yeah, I heard the task have been quite difficult, only the best for the Queen I supposed.”


“So...need any help or something.” The guard asked adjusting his helemt making sure it was on straight.

“Uh...yes, I want to get up bright and early for the next trials and hope to know the quickest way to the Queen’s chamber.”

“Oh just take the third hall and the second sarcase then make a left.” The young guard replied.

“Thank you.” Sunset gave him a small bow. He left the hall to patrol the other areas of the castle, once he was fully out of side Sunset headed straight to the Queen’s chamber. Most of the halls were empty every now and then they’ll be a guard patrolling the hall but Sunset manage to avoid their detection. Then she spotted the chamber, strangely the door was open, but it meant less work for her. She slowly opened the door and entered the chamber, strangely the room was empty, perhaps the Queen was out for a late night banquet.

“Well, i’m in the chamber, now were the stuff?” Sunset looked around the room for a few moments trying to find something that looked promising. She looked through some of the draws and cupboards and all she saw was jewels.

“Ugh..no of this is going to help, not unless I choke them with this necklace.”Sunset kept looking through some of drawers until she found a small box that a had bright green glow to it. Opening it was a vile of green glowing liquid. It was some sort of potion, or poison. Sunset lift up the veil to take a deeper look, opening up the cork to smell it.

“What is this?” Sunset asked herself. “It smells like…

“A neurotic position.” Sunset turned up, the same strange woman from before was in the room. “It’s a toxin that will weaken the minds of any who drink it.”

“So, basically it’ll make them drunk, could have just spiked their drinks with cider.” Sunset replied sounding unimpressed by the vile.

“No.” The woman replied. “Because these effects are permanent.”

Suddenly Sunset took another look at the vile again, looking shocked. A poison that effects would be permanent, never again to be normal, and to carry that damage to the end of your days. She looked up the mysterious woman again, confused. “Who are you?”

“Just someone who’s is interested to see how far you will go.” The woman replied.

“How far I will go to what?”


Sunset then looked at the vile one more time and just like all the other times an opportunity came to her the words of the Rumplestiltskin entered her mind. ”More power then you could ever imagine.” With a clench of her first Sunst took the file and headed out leaving the strange woman alone in the chamber with a smirk on her face.
“That doesn’t give you the write to just push people around.” Twilight yelled.

“It gives me every right. The peasants need to know their place and sometimes fear is the only...”

BOOM! A loud explosion had come from downstairs, suddenly a bunch of smoke raced it way into the office.

“A fire!” Twilight yelled.

“Yeah, I see that!” Sunset retorted.

Twilight rushed out to the hall but saw the fire was blocking the staircase. “We’re trapped.”

“Great!” Sunset yelled as she was looking for a way out. “Now what?”

Twilight quickly scattered her way trying to find a way out the smoke continuing to enter the office thickening the air. Then she the top of a tree branch.

"Sunset!" Twilight called as she opened the window. "We can use this way...Hay” Sunset pushed Twilight out the way to jump out the window and head for the tree. “Why...ugh never mind.” Twilight followed behind managing to stick the landing on the tree.

“Careful Sparkle, you’re going to break the branch!” Sunset yelled as Twilight caused the branch to shake a bit. Suddenly it broke causing Sunset to lose balance and fall Twilight catching her and hanging out to the edge of the tree before she plummeted to the ground.

“Hang on!” Twilight yelled.
“Yeah like I want to die.” Sunset replied sarcastically. Twilight continued have one arm hanging on the tree the other holding on to Sunset Shimmer who kept dangling. Twilight then notices another branch next to her one that was long and dangly.

“Sunset...I’m going to jump!”

“What! Are you insane! You want to kill me don’t you!”

“NO! Just trust me!”

“I’ll trust you as far as I can through you!”

“Well...hang on anyway!”

“Sparkle you better…” Twilight then throttled her way to the other branch grabbing onto it and held on it as it dangled them closer to the ground until was safe to jump. Then with a thud the two girls landed on the ground, a bit bruised but unharmed. Well except for Sunset Shimmer

“Ugh! You idiot, i think I twisted my knee.”

Twilight went to help her up. “Here let me help…”

“No! I got it you…AGH!” Sunset fell back on the ground. “Fine! Just try not to touch me too much.”

Twilight carried Sunset all the way to the front of the town office where they already saw fire trucks and ambulances near by Emma and Regina apparently a bit bruised up but nothing too serious seemed to appear.

“Kid.” Emma said noticing Twilight walking up to them. “And...you?” she noticed Sunset.

Sunset merely moaned as Twilight helped her into one of the stretches set out by the ambulance medics. She turned her head to see Regina sitting on one as well as they both exchanged looks of humiliation and annoyance at their rescuers.

“Well this is humilating.” Sunset groaned.

Regina merely nodded “Agreed, we shall never speak of it again.”

“So...you okay kid.” Emma asked.

“Yeah...What happened.”

Emma looked at the Mayor’s office as the fire continued to burn. “I don’t know, but I;m going to find out.”

In fact Emma did find out and the truth was rather shocking, although there was no evidence to prove it, apparently it was Mr.Gold who set up this little show, in order to get Emma the popularity boost needed to win the Sheriff election. Emma admitted this during the debate between her and Sidney Glass and even then Emma still one anyway. However Gold’s little fireworks display also had effects at the school as well.

“I heard you single handedly carried Sunset on you’re back.” Rainbow Dash questioned, she had met Twilight in the hall earlier.

“That’s not what I heard you took out the whole fire by yourself.” Pinkie commented.

“Girls please, I just helped out like any GOOD PERSON would.” She emphasized that last part seeing Sunset Shimmer walking down the halls, for once Sunset just ignored her looking annoyed.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but now you’re the talk of the school.” Rainbow Dash said. “This will help big time winning the Fall Formal.”

“Really.” Twilight asked. “You mean, you think I have a chance.”

“Of course.” Rainbow Dash said. “If our new Sheriff Swan can stand up to Mr.Gold of all people who says you can’t beat Sunset Shimmer.

“I reckon you can kick her to the curve in a instance.” Applejack said she and Fluttershy were walking up to Twilight, Rainbow Dash groaned but decided it was best not to lick old wounds right now. “You know Twi, if you need any help, just like me know. I’ll even...uh...you know...deal with you know who over their.” Applejack tilted her head towards Rainbow Dash who just gave her death eyes.

“Same here.” Fluttershy also indicated. “I’ll be happy to help too...as long as it not to scary.

“Here, here.” Rarity then walked up to the group. “I’ll be willing to tolerate unpleasant company if it means, kicking Sunset Shimmers...uh...back end.”

“I’ll help through the ultimate party!” Pinkie cheered. “Boy, with you and Emma Swan taking on the evil Trio things in this town are going to get interesting”

Twilight looked confused. “Evil trio? Wait...who’s the third person!”

Late morning had come the Castle and the next of task was about to begin, Sunset got up nice and early even had time to wash and clean her hair. They’re final task apparently was to take place in the castle kitchens and they had to personally deliver a meal to the Queen herself in her private chamber’s.

“Hmm...Where are the other two candidates.” Mr.Mill asked looking around Sunset was the only one in the room so far.

“Who know? I hope they didn’t sleep in.” Sunset said with a fake tone of concern.

Suddenly a constant clanging sound came from the hall as the two other candidates stumbled their way around their eye diluted as if they had taken way too many sips of whisky. They fumbled their way into the kitchen barely able to stay straight.

“Well then now that we are all here. You may deliver these meals to the Queen in person, and then she will decide who gets the job.” Mr. Mills left not even taking notice at the fact that too ladies look drunks as heck. The two of them fumbled to get their trays Sunset the only one’ managing to do it without a single problem.

“Oh dear ladies is anything wrong?” Sunset asked again with that same false sense of concern.

“I don’t know, I feel really woozy.” Joan said.

“Oh dear, I hope it wasn’t anything you had to drink this morning.” Sunset said. “Heh, heh.” She took the plate and left the two ditzes at the kitchen as they struggled to get their trays up. As she did again, she saw the young guard who he had met the last day


“I’m busy.” She grunted.

“Sorry...sorry...but uh, where are the other two candidates.” The guard asked.

“I don’t know, must have been stressed seems to me they had too much to drink.” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Pressure must have gotten to them.” The guard reasoned.

“Guess so. Well...time to finish my final task.” With a swift stride Sunset walked the stairs to the queens chamber every step she took she felt the sweet breeze of victory blowing on her face, and it felt good. This was going to be her first step she felt into something wonderful.

Slowly she opened the door to the Queen’s bed chambers ready to meet the royal once and for all. Sunset put on her best innocent face as possible. “Greetings your majesty I am…. You!”

Sunset looked up and saw standing right in front of her the woman, the same woman who had told her to poison the two other candidates earlier, the same woman who wanted to see how far she was willing to go to suceed.

“Now, now is that any way to address a Queen.” She replied with a smirk.

Sunset was still speechless.

“Surprised you didn’t drop the tray, good coordination.” The Queen replied.

Sunset was still speechless. "You...you...you're the Queen?"

“I hope this slip of intelligence is just mere shock and not something I’ll have to constantly deal with.” The Queen replied. “But yes, I will re-iterate, I am the Queen, Regina is my name.”

Sunset was still in a bit of shock but stood up tall and handed the Queen the meal to finish her task. “I guess you wanted this.”

“Not really, but I’m glad you remembered anyway.” With a woosh of her hand Regina magically put the tray of food away. Sunset just looked at her empty hands in shock. “How did you….

“Magic dear, that should be obvious.”

“Magic? You have magic.”

“Of course, this is a place with magic.” The Queen replied. “I thought you were aware of that.”

Sunset was still in a bit of shock her mind racing several different direction, magic, betrayal what the heck was going on. “Hold on.” She finally said. “Why did you want me to take out the other candidates, are you even looking for a Lady in Waiting.”

Regina gave a small chuckle and smirked. “Not exactly. No those two were merely ploys, test subjects to see if you were willing to do anything to achieve victory...and thankfully you passed my test with flying colors.”

“Test? This was all a test?” Sunset asked sounding surprised. “Why?’

“Because my dear, believe or not, I see a lot of myself in you, after hearing your story, I found someone to share in my ambitions.”

“Your ambition?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, don’t you think you deserve a happy ending? To be the princess you’ve always wanted to be.”

Sunset still seemed confused.

Regina noticed and smiled. “Don’t worry, if you accept my offer I shall explain to you what will soon happen to this realm and Kingdom.”


“To be my protege and to learn the magic that I know.” Regina said causing Sunset to gasp.

“But...But I can’t do magic here.”

“Of course you can, magic works differently between lands. Just because you don’t have you’re horn doesn’t mean you can’t activate your magic through some other means.” Regina answered.

Suddenly after a few moments of conversation Sunset came to another realization. “Wait...how do you even know I’m a unicorn, how do you even know I wanted to be...

“A princess dearie.” Sunset turned around to see a figure in the shadow’s slowly walking toward them revealing himself. It was Rumplestiltskin. He looks at Regina with a toothy grin. “I see our young friend here know’s you’re little secret.”


“Calm, down dearie.” Rumplestiltskin said. “Let me explain, you see me and the Queen here have been...well…

“Partners.” Regina said giving the imp a glare.

“I was going to say I’ve been the master and she’s been my student, but okay as of NOW we are partners.” Rumplestiltskin replied. “However like I said, I see the future, and I foresaw a third partner joining our little group of our’s and that...my dear...is YOU!”

“Me? Why me?”

Rumpelstiltskin giggled with a high pitched voice. “Simple...you’re powerful, you were the protege of Princess Celestia herself. Surely someone like that is destined for something greater. Obviously that’s why you left Equestria and came here correct.”

“Yes.” Sunset said almost sounding guilty for a few seconds before looking back up a the two of them.

“Exactly.” Regina said. “That’s why we want to help you, become the person you’ve always wanted to be. A real princess.”
“And how am you going to do that.” Sunset asked now sounding suspcious.

“Magic of course.” Rumple answered.

“Which i will be teaching.” Regina answered emphasizing the fact that she would be the teacher of the group.

“But NOT without my help.” Rumplestiltskin added. Sunset began to notice that the two of them seemed like the type that bickered quite often with one another.

“How exactly are you going to do that?” Sunset asked again.

“Simple.” Rumplestiltskin said. “Hold out your arm.”

Sunset took a few steps back not sure whether or not to trust him. Both he and this Regina had lied and manipulated her to get to this point. This wasn’t quite the best way to make new friends, not that Sunset needed friends herself.

“Come on dearie...trust me….I’m your friend.” Rumplestiltskin said.

“Do you want to become a princess?” Regina asked. “You were willing to poison two innocents to get this far. Why stop now.”

She looked up at Regina and then at Rumple and decided that she probably didn’t have a choice to back up now. So she extended her arm as if to be injected by a needle. Slowly Rumple’s hand made it’s way to her arm and squeezed onto it.

“Now...close your hand dearie.” Rumple commanded. Sunset did as she was told. As Rumplestiltskin held onto her she began to feel a small tingling in her hand as if something hot was about to burst out from it.

“Now...open it.”

Sunset did and suddenly the heat went away but the tingling continued for floating above her pawn was a giant ball of light green energy.

“Is that….

“Magic.” RUmplestiltskin said.

“And quite powerful magic too.” Regina added.

Rumplestiltskin let go and the ball of energy vanished leaving a light green dust floating to the air. “Well ta dah dearie you magic has been restored thanks to your truly.” The imp gloated.

“It is quite amazing my dear.” Regina added. “Such power in the hand’s of a princess would be worth of my teaching.”

“Well...I wouldn’t say that.” Rumple teased much to Regina’s annoyance for she glared at him. “But then again...it’s your job, not mine, I’ll only pop in when need be...now dearies, if you excuse me I have things to do. I’ll leave you too...Royals to your work. See you soon.” With a wave and a giggle he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Does he always do that.” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow.

“Sadly yes.” Regina moaned. “But, we won’t have to deal with him every day. Now sha’ll we begin.”

Sunset looked at her hand again still sensing the magic that had come from it. “So...you’ll teach me magic...real...magic.”

“Well I hope that you’re experiences from your land means you know a thing or two about the basics of magic. But what I’ll teach you is something they don’t have in a land of...ponies.”

“Like what?” Sunset asked.

“That guard you were talking to earlier, I noticed a few blushes when you spoke to him.” Regina said. “How would you like to have his heart.”

“You mean, make him fall in love with me.”

“No...I mean really, have his heart.” Regina explained.

Sunset thought it over and a small smile appeared on her face. “So...where do we start.”

“We begin with the first rule of magic.”

“What’s that?”

“Magic...is power.”

After her little run in with the girls Twilight spent the rest of the day alone, it was nice to think that at least she'll have some help with the Fall Formal, even from people who couldn't stand each other at the moment. But she was still nervous, she was taking on Sunset Shimmer the meanest nastiest person in school if not the town, apart from The Mayor or Mr. Gold. She was starting to feel woozy in the pit of her stomach.

“Hey Twilight.” Flash Sentry said as he walked up to her in the hall. “I just wanted to see how you were feeling, I heard about what happened at City hall.”

“Oh I’m fine.” Twilight lied. “You.”

“Okay...um...yeah.” Flash scratched the back of his head trying to think of what to say.

“Oh, I wanted to say thanks for the T-Shirt.” Twilight said. “That’s why I went to city hall in the first place.”

“Well, no problem.” Flash said. “Hey are you still running for Fall Formal Princes.”

“Well...yes...kind of...I’m not sure where to start.” Twilight said getting nervous now.

“Well you got my vote.”

“Wait? Aren’t you and Sunset dating?”

“Well...I’m kind of thinking of ending things with her.” Flash replied.

“Really?” Twilight spirits slightly brightened up but she didn’t want to seem rude about it.

“Yeah, she and I ...well...she’s been acting more nasty lately, I don’t think I can handle it any more.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Twilight said sounding sincere in her concern. “Anything I can do.”

“No, no...I’m good, but if you need any help winning any more votes give me a shout out. Kay.”

“Kay...thanks Flash.”

Unaware that they were being watched Sunset Shimmer had overheard the entire conversation, in a fiery rage she stopped her way to her locker pushing anyone who go in her way against the wall. Once at her locker she shuffled through the various items and books, throwing everything against the wall not caring for their well being.

“Where is it! Where is it!” She screamed her eyes slowly watering. Then she found it a box, a very fancy wooden box with little engravings on the edges. Slowly she opened it emulating from it was a red glow. The glow came from a heart, a real actual heart. She took out the hear and held on to it, slowly she began to enclose her fingers about to crush the heart. But each time she tried she faltered as if she did not have the willpower to what she wanted to do.

“AGH! Stupid Flash!...why are you such uh...and Twilight's and those five pathetic...AGH!” Suddenly Sunset stopped coming to a realization, and slowly evil grin appeared on her face. “Fine, you want to be Twilight’s friend sure...go ahead, you be Twilight’s friend...while I watch the whole thing from here.” Sunset held the heart and just looked at it with a smug, for it was going to be the key to her victory in the Fall Formal, and finally her getting that crown that was rightfully hers.

The Mysterious Mr. D

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Emma and Henry were walking back home e the streets were quiet as usual, like they were most nights, everything was at peace. Until suddenly a motorcycle came out of know where carrying two passengers. The first man a young strapping guy with a beard and leather jacket with a sent of mysterious behind him, he started to approach Emma while the other a much older gentleman with crazy white hair and mismatched clothing wild gray hair, twisted eyes and a swirly beard.

“Is this storybrooke.” He asked

“Yeah.” Emma replied, giving him a suspicious look. He was a newcomer form out of nowhere.

“Any place to get a room around here.”

“You plan on staying.” Henry asked looking suspiciously at him as well, but in a more interested and curious way.

“That’s the plan Just looking for a place to get a bed.” He replied looking at Henry with a bit of a smug grin.

Emma was still mesmerized by this strange, he looked at the other stranger who seemed to be waiting for him. “Uh...Grannies bed and breakfast is just up the road another two blocks down the way.”

The stranger walked away back to his motorcycle and began to talk to his partner for a moment the two seem to know each other quiet well.

“Hey I didn’t get your name.” Emma called out before he got back on his bike.

“I didn’t give it.” WIth those final words he got on his motorcycle and headed out leaving his companion on the streets waving. Then the other figure walked up toward him, this time with more a smile.

“Greetings young lady and young lad.” He said with a little bow and a chuckle.

“Hi.” Henry said, not sure what to make of this one.

“So...uh...who are you?” Emma asked looking at this wild eyed gentleman. If the motorcycle guy was crazy this was looked completely off his rail. The way he moved the way he talked there was nothing normal or strait about him, he was just one mismatch of chaos.

“My name is Mr.D it stands for Mr. D.” He said with a smile. “I’m so excited to be here oh, this is going to be so much fun!”

“Yeah...well...who’s your friend.” Emma asked looking at where the Motorcycle said.

“Ah yes him, well he told me not to tell you, sorry, he’s mysterious like that. I however am a complete open book, ask me anything. I wear a size seven pair of underwear and my favorite color is jelly.”

Emma and Henry exchange looks at one another both signaling the fact that this guy seemed a little of his rocker. Even Henry who believed that this town was a place of cursed fairy tales and ponies.

“Uh...okay. So, why are you here?” Emma asked.

“I have a few friends here.” He responded. “They just don’t know it yet.”

“Uh...how is that possible.” Emma asked,

“Well sometimes you know a friend, before they know you, or they know you they just don’t realize it yet.” Mr.D explained causing Emma even more confusion.

“Oh great, another riddler.” Emma whispered to Henry.

“Reminds me of Mr.Gold a little.” Henry whispered back. Mr.D must have heard for his ears perked up.

“Mr.Gold? Who’s Mr.Gold.” he asked sounding curious, as if he had heard that name in a long lost life or something.

“He’s the local pawn broker. His shop closed but it’s just around the corner to the left.” Emma said.

“Why thank you...uh...what’s your name.”

“Emma Swan.”

“And I’m Henry.”

“Well thank you Emma and young Henry.” Mr.D gave a little bow. “Well I’m off to the bed and breakfast, I hope they have tea and cucumber sandwiches.” With those parting words he left with a spring in his step and a tune to whistle. Emma just watched with both mistrust and bewilderment at what she just witnessed.

“Henry...didn’t you say nobody comes to Storybrooke.”


“Well...this is gonna be weird.”

Days, weeks, months, years, no it couldn’t have been that long, but for all they know, Twilight and company have been spending a long time in the woods, only making a few stops at a local village and market to replenish on supplies, all the while Twilight hand been spending time trying to figure out how magic worked in this realm. So only a little progress had been made, for one Twilight was able to conjure a small purple beam of energy like the one her horns were able to fire. Another tactic she tried was doing what her friend Discord did when using his magic and snap her fingers, in some cases it worked, she accidentally conjured a orange once doing it, another time she transported Fluttershy up a tree and turned Applejacks cowgirl hat into a fedora, thankfully she managed to turn it back after a few tries.

“Ugh...magic is so hard without my horn.” Twilight groaned rubbing her head. IT had been a few days of running and walking through the dark damp tree infested woods, she was getting tired, her new hooves or legs as they were called ached, her arms cranked and her back hurt. What was worse no magic, meant not being able to find the crown. Things were feeling desperate.

“Don’t worry sugarcube, you’ll get the hang of it eventually, I know you will.” Applejack encourage, as she started the firewood, she was always a natural at camping even when they were ponies.

Twilight took a deep sigh. “I hope so. Rumplestiltskin said, the magic will help locate the crown...somehow.”

“I still don’t trust that Rumple guy...first he tries to kill us, then he tells us that it’s all a test. Guy makes Discord look like Celestia.” Rainbow Dash humped, kicking a rock out of sheer boredom.

“Either way, it’s probably a good thing Twilight can do magic, he said Sunset cood, and that she’s knows how to use it well.” Rainbow Dash reminded them. “And we need every tool possible to take her and Queen down.”

“Not if we have anything to say about it.”

The girls and Spike turned around and suddenly got up and huddled together as several Black Guards appeared from the woods brandishing their swords, ready for a battle.

“The Queen’s been looking for you.” The head guard said looking at him with a sinister grin branding his sword and pointing it towards Twilight's neck. “She and are soon to be crowned Princess will be delighted to see you.”

“Princess?” Twilight said. “You mean Sunset Shimmer?”

He didn’t answer instead trying to swing his sword at her, only to miss. Twilight held out her hand and to her surprised fired one of those beams of energy at the guard pushing him back making him land on his back.

“Get them!”

The guards launched a full frontal assault, the girls tried their best to defend themselves, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were able to punch a few out of commission and even grab a hold of their swords. Rarity and Fluttershy stood behind either gathering rocks to throw at their heads. While Pinkie Pie was doing several wacky and mysterious things, she even managed to throw a cake she got out of nowhere into one of the guards faced.

“Girls we have to run.” Twilight said, as she was dueling with one of the guards with a sword she managed to swipe.

“Come on Twi, we can take them.” Rainbow Dash yelled kicking a guard the shin.

“No Rainbow Dash, I don’t think we …” She ducked missing a swipe of the guards Sword. “Can!”

“Ugh...Fine.” Rainbow Dash groaned, as the guard and her lock sword with one another. With kick and punch she freed herself from it's iron grasp “Scatter!”

They all headed off into the woods running as fast as their legs could carry them. Sweating out of fear knowing that if they got captured noting but horror and terror awaited them.

Twilight grabbed Spike and put him on her back so he could keep up with them, his legs to short to run on their own. He managed to use this new found distance to keep an eye on what was going on. “We have incoming.” He yelled pointing to the black guards chasing after them. They slowly began to catch up to them, Twilight managed to think as best she could thinking of what to do next.

“Twilight we should split up." Rainbow Dash yelled as she caught up to Twilight.

"Rainbow no!" Twilight didn't want to be suppurated from her friends, she needed them as much as they needed her.

"If we thin them out they'll be easier to take on."

“But we won’t be able to find each other.” Applejack reasoned.

“Then we just hope to believe we do.”

Twilight thought it over seeing the swarm toward then gaining closer and closer toward them. She looked at Rainbow Dash and nodded.

"Everyone scatter!" With that one command they all went their separate way, Rainbow Dash and Applejack headed west, Pinkie Pie headed in a southward direction while Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy and Spike headed north. The six girls and one baby dragon who stood together through thick and thin, were now separated, all heading their separate ways.

“No...Can’t do that, oh...not doing that...uh...I don’t know how that’s possible.” Twilight was at Granny’s diner reading every single thing she could on beauty pageants and how to win them. “I’m still not cut out for this.” Twilight had been spending all day reading some books Rarity gave her on pageantry and how to be the most effective at winning.

“Just be yourself.” Twilight looked up to see Mary Margaret with a cup of coffee, sitting alone by herself. “Normally, just being yourself is the best way to win anything.”

“Thanks Mary Margaret, but trying win against someone like Sunset Shimmer isn’t going to be easy.”

“Nothing in life is.”

Suddenly the doors to the diner opened as David entered the room, he was hear to get a nice cup of coffee before he headed off to work at the animal shelter. Before he heads out he walks up to Mary Margaret's table.

“Good morning.”

“Morning.” She says sounding surprised.

“Um...Um...I should go I’m going to be late for work.”

“Oh how’s that going.”

“Well the apes haven't taken over.”

“Yet.” The two of them share a laugh.

“Not on my watch.”

David leads with the coffee in his hands. Mary Margaret looks out the window to see his wife Catherine in the car the two of them seem very happy together, this leaves Mary Margaret almost saddened, as if her heart was slowly getting crushed before her eyes and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Twilight looked at her and then outside, and then back at Mary Margaret, it took a while but finally she came to realize what was happning.

Oh my goodness, Miss. Blanchert is…

“This is making a Volcano.” Emma came in interrupting Twilight’s train of thought.

Mary Margaret looked shocked not expecting her to come. “I was…”

“I get it.” Emma nodded in understanding.

“He comes here every morning at Seven fifteen a.m to get coffee.”

Twilight listened into the entire conversation while holding up her book to hide that fact she was, but she quite shocked that her old teacher Miss.Blanchard would so this. Sure she guessed the heart wanted what it wanted but it was still a bizarre situation, she knew best not to get involved instead focusing on how to win the Fall Formal.

A few miles down from Grannies across the road, was the animal shelter, and every day Fluttershy would stand there wanting to enter, hoping to see the animals, of course she never had the courage to for the animals never were quiet fond of her. For some reason though despite their feeling towards her, her feelings toward them never faltered, she adored animals, all of them big and small. She wished she had the courage to enter.

“Huh...Maybe next time.” Fluttershy turned around to leave only to find herself hitting something, or someone.

“Oopsie poopsie, my apologies.” Fluttershy looked up to find the unrecognizable voice, she saw a strange man with crazy white hair and swirl goatee beard. “Hello.”

“Epp!” She took a few steps back, not recognizing the strange. “Um...hello…” she whispered sounding scared.

“Ah, yes you don’t know me right. I am Mr.D.” He gave a little bow to her Fluttershy still seeming bewildered. “Oh, oh, can I guess your name, please, please...I’m kind of physic.”

Fluttershy was silent, a bit bewildered by this individual and also very nervous. He was strange, bizarre, someone who pops out of nowhere and just starts asking random question and being friendly was something Fluttershy wasn't used to, it freaked her out a bit. Okay, more than a bit, a lot actually. She was horrible in conversation with people she did new now to meet a complete strange, this was a scary situation she was in.


“Yay! Goodie. Okay, your name is...Ingrid.”


“Of course not that was kidding it’s...Marian.”


“Okay, I know i got it, it’s….Fluttershy.”

“N...Actually yes.” She nodded, surprised he actually got it correct, her name wasn't a common one..

“Excellent! Score one!” Mr. D said cheering doing a little gig. “See psychic.”

“Um...okay.” Fluttershy whispered slowly taking a few steps back from this strange indvidual. “I’m going to now.”

“Oh, wait my dear, mind if I join you…

“Oh, I don’t know if I…

“Come on, I’m new here, I don’t have many friends and I don’t really know this place that well. I could get lost.”

“Oh, well...okay. What exactly do you want to do.”

“I could use a tour of the town.” He asked hopefully.


The two of them headed out, she did what she promised and showed him around the town pointing out all the stops, grannies, the library, the sheriff's office, she did it of course with a air of timidness and a whisper. However during the whole thing Fluttershy thought and thought and still she wasn’t sure why she was showing him around, she didn’t even know him, nor did she really want to. She barely was brave enough to be with people she liked, yet for some strange reason this strange felt so odd, she felt comfortable around him, oh sure he was strange, but it’s as if they knew each other, but from where.

“So, Mr.D is it, what does D stand for.”

“Sorry that information is classified till further notice.” He replied acting very seriously.

“Oh...sorry, are you a secret agent? Or a spy.” she asked curious but also scared.

“I wish! No, but I have to be mysterious till further notice.” He said giving her a smile.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“No, need to apologize, asking question is the key, always question everything. Especially now. “


“Trust me. You’re going to want to.” He replied his tone changed from one of pure seriousness. Fluttershy shuddered a bit at his response. “Oh, I think I see one of my friends coming.”

“Really! Well you know what they saw about friends, they’ll always find you.” Mr.D looks around to see who was coming this way. It was Twilight was drenched in one of the books she brought to the diner.

“Hi Twilight.” Fluttershy waved, she looked up from her book and saw Fluttershy and then she noticed Mr. D and looked a bit shocked.

“Oh uh...Hi Fluttershy...who’s your...uh...friend?”

“Ah Hello there, I’m Mr.D newcomer to town.” Mr. D said shaking Twilight’s hand with much enthusiasm, sadly Twilight did not share in it. “I’m so excited to meet you. Your associate Fluttershy was showing me around town.”

“Hello...uh...Mr.D.” Twilight said. “Well hope Fluttershy gives you a lovely tour of the …

“Now...now, no need to be rude, stay for a while and lets talk, the more company the merrier.” Mr. D said as he grabbed hold of her holding her back causing her backpack to open up, the books inside it falling to the ground.

“Oopsie! Doopsie! I am so sorry, here let me help.” Mr. D picked up the books until he stopped though when he saw the Book with the Unicorn emblem on it. He picked it up staring at it for a moment. “Well, well, what a very fascinating looking book you have here.”

“What...that...oh thanks.” Twilight picking up her remaining book and storing them in bag.

“Now this is one remarkable looking book!” Mr. D was now looking inside the book contents, scanning the pages through. “Tell me how much have you read.”

“Just that story about the two Pony sisters, why?” Twilight asked, distracted by her disheveled books to really understand what they were talking about.

“Well, now that’s not enough, you must read the whole thing. It’s important to learn.” Mr. D said sounding quiet serious.

“Uh...sure, can I have it back please.” Twilight held out her arm.

“What...oh yes of course how silly of me, here you go my dear.”

“Thanks.” Twilight headed off leaving Fluttershy alone with Mr. D again.

“Also, what are these books on pageants all about?” Mr.D asked.


“She’s running for Princess of the Fall Formal.” Fluttershy explained.

Mr. D squealed with delight. “Oooh! Really! Oh goody goody, I love a little competition. How much fun, you know I’m a bit of a expert of getting peopled rallied up. If you ever require any assistance.”

“Um...Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll be fine.” Twilight said blushing as she headed off.

“Bye, bye dear, remember to read the whole Pony book!”

“Why does she have to read the book.” Fluttershy asked.

“Because books are important to read that’s why.” Mr. D responded. “Well that and may save the fate of multiple worlds, but reading books is important just the same.”

Fluttershy did a double take. “Wait, what?”

“Tut, tut, no need to fret right now. Please continue the tour of the town. Tell me, do you have a place that serves cucumber sandwiches.”

A few blocks standing in the corner Sunset Shimmer watched as Fluttershy and this mysterious Mr.D walked down the streets, she glared at him, wondering who he and the other mysterious figure who had popped by to her house and talked to Henry was. Snips and Snails were standing right next to her with dull expression on their faces. She turned them and pointed at Mr. D

“Follow him.”

They saluted and headed off to do their Evil Princess’s bidding.

Rainbow Dash was now on her own, running away from two of the Queen’s Guard’s, although she wasn’t able to fly, she still had a good need for speed. She really wished she had wings right now, so she just fly away from these two idiots and be done with it.

“Get back here!” The Guard shouted.

“Hah! Try to catch me you…AGH!” Rainbow Dash flew a feet into the air and then landed face flat onto the ground the dirt and mud getting into her mouth. “Ugh...My head.” Suddenly two shadows covered her she looked up to see two guards standing in front of her.

“Hello there love.” The first guard said. “Queen’s been dying to see you.”

“I bet she has. Well you tell her that she can see me, only if she let’s my first meet her face!”

“Insolence!” The guard grabs Rainbow Dash by the collar of her cloak and started to drag her. “You will punished before the Queen herself.”

“And our soon to be crowned Prin…” suddenly the second guard gasped for air and remained completely still. Slowly he felt to ground revealing a arrow penetrating his back. The guard carrying Rainbow Dash put a dagger to her neck.

“Come out or the girl dies!”

“I thought the Queen wanted me alive.”

“She’ll understand… I hope”

The guard looked around the empty forest hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious assailant but all he saw was the neverending layer’s of trees that spanned for miles on end. All the while there was a constant uneasy silence. Then, a rustling came from the woods again, then another from the right. The Guard slowly dragged Rainbow Dash and himself to behind one of the trees.

“I’ll tell you I’ll gut her...I’ll gut her right in the …” Suddenly the guard felt a hand grab hold of his arm that was holding the knife. Only for another hand to pop behind the tree punching the guard straight in the face knocking his lights out.

Rainbow Dash was free from her grasp she fell onto the ground and crawled a few inches away from him in case he needed to make a run for it. She looks up to see who had saved her and stopped to realize who it was. Her face beamed with joy.


Snow White emerged wearing her woodsmen gear also carrying a giant spear with her. “Rainbow Dash? I haven’t seen you since I parted ways with Charming.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash got up. “Been a while.”

“Where are the others.” Snow asked looking for her friends.

“We split up. Those guards were chasing us, I thought if we separated then at least one of us would escape and be able to help the other out in case we get caught. That Queen and Sunset want all of us.”

“Still...being separated from your friends.”

“I know it’s hard but hopefully will find each other.” Suddenly Rainbow Dash rememberd something. “Oh...and Snow uh...I should probably tell yuh...Um, the guard was talking and uh...I think you’ve been replaced.”

“Yeah...Wait...What?” Snow looked confused.

“Yeah, well the guard’s were talking and they called Sunset the soon to be crowned Princess.”

“Princess?...Ugh, Regina.” Snow moaned as she started walking off. “Come on! I have a little hut where we can rest.

“Hey wait up.” Rainbow Dash followed behind. The two of them headed off into the woods. “So uh...that Queen must really hate your guts if she wants to replace you.”

“You have no idea.” Snow replied with a huff.

The two of them headed through the woods for a few minutes until they entered into a feeld of hay a small cabin in the distance.

“That where you live.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No, I just come here when I need to meet with a friend.”

“Oh...cool.” Rainbow Dash said, as she sat down on one of the log’s Snow sitting next to her. “So...how are thing going.”

“Fine...Just living off the land, in solitude...alone...hiding…” Snow sighed.

“Sounds rough.” Rainbow Dash replied sounding sympathetic to Snow’s plight.

“Yeah…” Suddenly a pigeon came down towards Snow and landed right on her. She stared at it until she realized there was a small piece of parchment on it. She Rainbow watched as she opened it and saw that on her face a wide beaming smile appeared she looked at her. “But I think it’s about to get better. Snow put the letter down and began to prepare her equipement, Rainbow Dash picked up the letter to read it herself

[i[Dearest Snow.
I have not heard from you since our meeting and can only assume you found the happiness you so desired. But I must let you know, not a day goes by that I have not thought of you. In two day’s time, I am to be married. Come to me before then. Come to me and show me you feel the same and we can be together forever. And if you don’t, I will have my answer.


Mr.Gold was busy cleaning up his front desk insuring that everything was in tip top shape for another day of business. Suddenly the bell to his shop rang he looked up to see a familiar sight. “Ah...Madame Mayor, to what do I owe the honor.”

“Enough games Gold. I know you know!” Regina accused.

“I know a lot of things, please be specific.” He retorted with a smirk.

“Then tell me why you helped Miss. Swan win the Sheriff’s election.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mr.Gold replied as she kept cleaning the cupboards and shelves, almost ignoring the fact he was talking to the mayor.

“Oh please, she practically accused outright, and besides...who’d else have the guts to bomb my office.”

“One you’re enemies.”

“Yeah...you're on the top of that list.”

“Oh...come now, that’s not fair, we’ve been best friends for too long for you to think that Madame Mayor.”

“And will you drop the act I know you know.”

“Again, what is it that I know?” Mr. Gold asked pondering. “You’re starting to sound like your step daughter, vague and confused.”

The Door to gold’s shopped opened again, as Sunset Shimmer entered. “Well speak of the demon.” Mr.Gold replied with a smirk as Sunset marched up to Regina.

“Hey one of those newcomers I saw talking to Twilight.” She said as she pulled out her phone to show Regina the image she caught with it. Mr.Gold leaned in to see it for himself as well.

“Well, well, isn’t he quite the interesting looking figure. You know I think I saw him walking with Miss Shy.” Mr. Gold replied with a smile. “Nice to see the town’s tourist industry is finally blooming.”

Regina rolled her eyes. “Great, now we have two of them. Who’s this one called.”

“I heard he was called Mr.D”

“Great, another mystery man with annoying last name.” Regina glared at Gold for a couple of seconds who continued to clean his front desk, he just responded with a smile and wink.

“Should we do something.” Sunset asked sounding nervous.

“If you want to learn anything about them, perhaps I could help. For a price of course.” Mr.Gold interrupted continuing his cleaning.

“Were fine Gold.” Regina responded. “ I think I can handle.”

“Really, because if last I checked, anything you can do I can do better.” He taunted.

“No you can’t.”

“Yes, I can.”

“No you can’t”

“Yes I can.”

“Guys! Please!” Sunset interrupted getting annoyed by the two’s constant bickering. “Focus!”

Regina coughed as she recomposed herself. “Right. Like I said Gold, we can handle this.”

“Fine. But please if you see this Mr.D please tell him to come to my shop if he wishes, he seems like a man with fine taste.” Mr.Gold said, as he watched the two fine strong ladies head off.

“Oh, and uh...Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset turned around.

“Don’t forget, you still have a pageant to win.”

“Yeah...And Sparkle and her friends…

“Who said they were friends.” Mr. Gold interrupted.

“Well they’re helping…

“Doesn’t mean they’re friends. I just means they’re working together...after all the enemy of my enemy if my friend until that enemy is gone.”


“Meaning! You only need to keep this from becoming a real friendship. Trust me as long as their in this state, you have nothing to fear.”

“And were back at the animal shelter again.” Fluttershy said as she had finally finished up the tour of the town, they had been to every important landmark and shop that the town had to offer. Mr. D relished at the tour and enjoyed his time spent.

“Oh that was quite the delightful tour.” Mr.D said chuckling. “I did quite enjoy it. We should do it again sometime.”

“But you know where everything is.” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, but it still fun anyway. Who knows I might forget, I’ve only been here for one day.”

“Hmm...I guess that make sense.”

“And even if it doesn’t it’s still fun anyway.”

“True.” Fluttershy then heard a door open and saw Mary Margaret walking up towards them she seems to be carrying something in her hand.

“Miss Blanchard” Fluttershy said with a smile, then she saw it, a adorable dove in a cahe. “Is that your pet dove.” she asked

“What? No, I need to get this bird back to it’s flock, it’s wing is broken.”

“Oh no that’s horrible.”

“Yes, yes, quite horrible indeed.” Mr. D concurred although he didn’t seem as sincere in his concern as Fluttershy was.
“Do you need any help.” Fluttershy said looking at the poor little bird.

“Um...Sure.” Mary Margaret said. “Here you can help me carry the cage.”

Fluttershy took the cage, the dove flapped his wings a big seeming a bit scared. “Don’t worry little guy, will get you back to your flock.”

“And I’ll be more than happy to help you.” Mr. D stepped him with a cheeky grin, extending his hand to Mary Margaret. “Mr.D at your service Miss Blanchard, but I am curious why no one from the animal shelter is helping you, the do seem to be the experts in these matters.”

“Well...I did go to them to nurse the wing, but as for getting him back to his flock... I felt I should do this on my own.” She said trying to conceal her voice of a secret.

“Interesting. Well, pick your battles that what I always say.” Mr. D said shrugging off his suspicions.

“Oh, but aren’t you and Mr. Nolan friends.” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes...kind of. It’s, complicated.”

The bird began to flutter in cage signaling it wanted to be freed. “We better get going.”

Rainbow Dash and Snow White crossed the woods together until they reached what looked like a magnificent castle surrounded by the stone wall. They both wore cloaks to conceal themselves from any unwanted attention, Snow had insisted on going it alone but Rainbow Dash being the ever loyal friend wanted to help.

“Follow my lead.” Snow whispered as the two of them entered the castle together.

Inside the castle courtyard where a few guards patrolling the way Snow and Rainbow Dash tried to remain as silent as possible not avoiding detection.

“Remember, be a subtle as possible.” She walked up to one of the guards. “Flowers for Prince James wedding.” She held up a empty basket Rainbow Dash standing behind her her faced covered by the hood.

The Guard looked at Snow and Rainbow with contempt. “Top of the northeast spire. Take the service stairwell. The guards will toss you over the walls.”
The two heroines walk past the guard as they enter the castle taking of their cloak for greater speed. They continues down a hall, when she hears the sound of a door opening. Snow White hides behind a pillar as the person walks past. She realizes it’s Prince Charming, but is suddenly grabbed from behind by a guard.

“Ugh...let go!” Rainbow Dash yelled as another guard got her as well.

“So much for subtlety.” Snow looks at the guard with contempt. “I am a royal emissary.

“The King will decide your fate...and the fate of your friend.”

Snow and Rainbow Dash try to shake of the guard unsuccessfully but the guards grip was to great . The guard takes her to the dungeon and throws her in one of the cells throwing them both in like garbage.

“Agh!” Rainbow Dash was the first to get up. “Well...This stinks.”

Snow tried finding a way out even trying to climb out if that was even possible but sadly to no avail. Snow landed on the ground while Rainbow just leaned on the wall.

“Lets face it...there’s no way out.”

Suddenly the two them heard the sound of whistling coming from the cell next to them.

“Who’s there.”

“What are you looking at, Sister? Tried it all. Steel gets stronger as we grow weaker.” Rainbow and Snow looked to see a grumpy looking dwarf sitting in his cell mooping. Snow didn’t seem to listen however as she kept trying at it.

“Well...I’m not...giving up.”

Rainbow Dash inspired by Snow determination tried to pull on the steal as well. “Neither am I...I’m not going to abounded my friends that easily.

“Give it time...Grumpy.”

“I’m not Grumpy.” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“No My name...Grumpy I’m telling you there’s no way out.”

Snow kept slamming her self into the steal. “There’s someone out there for me – someone I love very much. And I will not lose him.”

“Love huh...Good luck with that.”

“Yeah what do you know about it.” Snow replied seeming sounding smug.

“It’s why I’m stuck in this hole. I had it bad. She was beautiful as a fairy. But I lost her. I was desperate to get her back, so I came up with a plan. I worked at the diamond mines. Traded all my wages to the foreman for a diamond to propose. But I got swindled. It was a stolen rock and I took the blame. I’m no thief, but they think I am. Should’ve known better. But I wasn’t thinking clearly – all because of love. And now here I am – trapped – with no way out.” The Dwarf slowly sunk, the sound in his voice was one of defeat and humiliation, and one of loss.

“Geeze sounds to me you had it rough buddy.” Rainbow Dash said feeling sorry for the guy. “How’d you end up all locked up and stuff.”

“Long story kid…”

Suddenly a rustling came from behind one of the rocks, Rainbow Dash looked through her cell trying to see what it was.

“Maybe I know way out.” Suddenly another Dwarf wearing a wannabe Ninja outfit emerged.

“Stealthy.” Grumpy said sounding actually happy for once.

“Ready to go home.”

“How’d you get here.”

“Doc whipped up the sleeping gas – knocked all the guards out cold. The rest are waiting with transport.”

“There’s more of you.” Snow asked.

“Geez how many dwarves are there in this place.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Who are they...Rainbow haired one is cute.”

“They’re no one Come on-Lets go.”

“Hey he can’t leave us here.” Rainbow Dash yelled looking at Snowing hoping to do something.
“Grumpy!” Snow called out...paused for a moment and smiled. “Good luck. I hope you get your love back

Grumpy groaned really wanting not to turn back. “Son of a ...Give me that.” Taking the keys from stealthy he opens Snow’s and Rainbow’s door and lets them out. “Come one.” With that Snow and Rainbow followed the two door out of the dungeons hoping to escape the castle before they were caught again.

Mary Margaret, Mr.D and Fluttershy took a few moments before arriving at the edge of town the sky was looking a bit bleak but that didn’t stop them anyway from accomplishing their task.

“How far is it.” Mr. D whined. “Me feet hurt.”

“Were almost there.” Mary Margaret said. “I told you that five minutes ago.”

“Yes, and my feet still hurt.”

“Then you shouldn’t have come in the first place.” Fluttershy finally blurted out. Mr.D had been complaining ever since they started walking. “That poor bird is hurt and we need to help it. Now please...stop complaining and be of help.”

Mr .D sulked a bit feeling a bit ashamed of his actions. “Oh...sorry.”

“That’s better.” Suddenly the sound of flapping was heard from the sky.

“Do you hear that...You're flock.” Mary Margaret looked at the bird and then at the sky.

“Oh I gotta see this.” Fluttershy ran up to Mary Margaret to the edge of the cliff, where she was about to release the bird. Mr. D stays behind he didn’t care much about seeing a bird join it’s flock, it wasn’t really in his nature to care. However the moment was ruined by a loud thunder boom causing the two girls to shake and fall of the edge.

“Mr. D...help!” Fluttershy cried. Sprinting into action Mr.D grabbed onto both of their arms however the weight was too heavy, he wasn’t able to pull them back up, one of them was going to slip.

“We need a good look for you darling, something that says I’m proud, yet innocent...strong...but sweet.”

“Uh, Rarity. I think my own look will be fine.” Twilight said she stood on the stage as Rarity took her measurements.

“Nonsense darling, if you going to win the Fall Formal you're going to need to have a look that people remember. Trust me darling I tried my hand at one of these pageants once. Of course I didn’t win thanks to betrayal of a so called friend, who said her family would help out only to be ditched because of some...supposed infestation! Only to then find out their was no infestation and that she claimed...I never asked!...But that’s in the past right.”

“I’m guessing that person was Applejack.”

“Like i said...The past.” Rarity said trying her best not to sound bitter.

Suddenly the doors burst open as Rainbow Dash ran in with a skate board. “Hey peeps what’s the haps.”

Twilight and Rarity both looked at her confused. “Say what now?”

“Ugh...you people need to learn you slang.” Rainbow said as she took of her helmet. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know I can get some of the town’s sports league to help you out if you want.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash that will help.” Twilight said. “Oh, but I still think what I’m doing is silly, I’m not into beauty pageants or Princesses or…”

“Darling please...it’s not about beauty pageants, it’s about showing Sunset Shimmer the what for. Trust me, I wouldn’t working with Rainbow Dash or Applejack if it didn’t have a common enemy.”

“A bit harsh isn’t it.”

“For once I agree with prissy pants.” Rainbow Dash said. “Sometimes having a common enemy brings people together.”

Twilight pondered this notion. “But then what happens once they're defeated.”

“I don’t know...we go our separate ways.”

“Doesn’t seem like a great way to make friends.”

“Well who’s here to make friends darling.” Rarity said suddenly noticing her outburst. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company...you are quite pleasant to be with.”

Twilight sighed. “Thanks...I guess.”

Rainbow Dash looked around. “Hey where’s Fluttershy, wasn’t she supposed to show up today.”

“Hang on...I gotcha….Nope...Losing you.” Mr. D used as much might as possible to pull up the two ladies as she could but he was slowly losing his grip. However another figured soon appeared. It was David Nolan.




David grabbed Mary Margaret hands allowing Mr. D to focus on Fluttershy.

“Hold tight. Come on.” Together the two of them pulled the two ladies off the edge and far back to safety.

Once they were safe David checked Mary Margaret to make sure she was okay. “You’d really think I’d let you come out here alone? You okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine thanks.” She was a bit in shock that she was even here.

“Well it’s good thing you came.” Fluttershy said.

“Although I could have handled the entire situation by myself thank you very much.” Mr. D responded self righteously.

“Yes you handled it marvelously.” David responded with a hint of sarcasm. “David Nolan by the way.”

“Mr. D. “The two shook hands. Mary Margaret on the other hand decided not to stay and head her way out.

“Where are you going?” David asked.

“I came to find the flock.”

“And I came here to get you before you got hurt. We have to go.”

Suddenly the rain began to fall causing everyone to becoming soaking wet, and the ground started to become mud. Mary Margaret find the doves cage the gate is closed.


“Doing this on foot is not the best plan.”

“The gate was closed.”

“I know I saw it’s to late we have to go.”

“I agree with Mr. Nolan on this one.” Mr. D insited.

“No but the fl

David took Mary Margaret by the arm as the two of them looked into each others eyes. “Mary Margaret it’s not safe We need to get out of here come on!”

“Um...He’s right.” Fluttershy whispered her wet hair covering her face.

Finally after some fussing they agreed David covering Mary Margaret so she would keep dry while Fluttershy and Mr. D followed behind.

“Why those too make a cute couple don’t they.” Mr.D commented as they headed off to find shelter. Hoping the rain would clear off soon.

Snow, Grumpy, Stealthy and Rainbow Dash trekked through the lower dungeons inside the castle avoiding detection from any guards that were awake trying their best to keep their wits about them.

As they passed through a entrance Snow stopped them. “Oh hey wait. The stairs.”

“The Stairs?” Rainbow Dash seemed confused.

“No, we sneak out through the courtyard.” Stealthy said.

“No it’s safer if we crawl over the curtain wall. Trust me hiding from royals is my life.”

Grumpy looked at Snow and then at stealthy and then back at Snow. “Sorry lady but Stealthy got me this far.” With that note the two dwarves headed out leaving the Snow and Rainbow on their own.

“Grumpy...Grumpy wait!” Snow called out. She sighed.

“Well Snow...I’m sticking with you. What’s the plan.”

Outside Grumpy and Stealthy were in the courtyard making their escape. All the guards were gone now it was just the two dwarves on their way to freedom and better things in life. Or so they thought for not only did a legion of guards appear but also his majesty King George of the realm emerged.

“HALT! Those two are prioners”

“Grumpy run! We can make it.”

“Stealthy no!”

Stealthy ran as fast as he could Grumpy tried to stop him however a guard on the tower had a arrow. He fired...and Stealthy ...was no more.

“No! Stealthy.” Grumpy ran to his friend as he laid down and out.

King George however bore no interest in the two dwarves he had more pressing matters to attend to. “Where’s the girl.”

“What girl.” Grumpy said with defiance.

“Kill him.”

“Looking for us.” The Guards and King George turned around to see Snow White and Rainbow Dash together holding torches.

“Let him go or this place burns.” Snow demanded.

“Yeah...Flames and all.” Rainbow added.

King George looks at Snow thinking whether or not to call her bluff. Then finally he speaks. “Be gone Dwarf.”

Grumpy looks up at Snow who merely smiles. “Go Grumpy.” Rainbow Dash seemed surprised even shocked.

Wow… Dude ditched us and she’s doesn’t mind. That’s some loyalty. ” Grumpy headed off, but he felt bad deep down

While Grumpy was leaving King George looks at Snow White and Rainbow Dash a fury in his eyes. “Now Snow White...We need to talk.” He turns to his guards. “Make sure the other one doesn’t cause any trouble.”

The guards escorted Snow and Rainbow Dash to the private quarters of King George deep inside the castle where Snow and the King were going to have a little chat, sadly Rainbow Dash was forced to wait outside guarded by two knights to make sure she didn’t stir up any trouble. However that didn’t mean Rainbow was unable to overhear the conversation and get a good peek through a crack at the door.

“So you're the one.” King George taunted as he examined Snow

“I don’t know what…”

“Enough. I know everything. You poisoned his heart, now his marriage. And with that, the entire kingdom. All because of your feelings.”
“What a jerk.” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“I wish feelings could be helped, but they can’t.”

“You go Snow!”

“Quiet.” Yelled the guard as he pushed Rainbow in the shin.

Apparently Snow’s resistance managed to upset the king as well. Of course they can. Love is a disease. And like all diseases, it can be vanquished in one of two ways – a cure or death. Do you know where your beloved is right now? He’s right down that hallway. Packing for his new life.

“Or you’ll kill me.

Rainbow couldn’t tell but she though she saw The King give a small smirk. “Oh, no. I’ll kill him. Killing you would just make him love you more and the marriage – and the kingdom – would ultimately crumble. But if he were to die at an assassin’s hand, he would die a martyr. Midas would forgive, even laud, the death and the merger would be complete.”

Rainbow was shocked. “He’d do that to his own kid.”

However her question was answered when King George sneared. “ He is not my son!” WIth those final words King George stormed out of the room. “Come!” He ordered his guards leaving Snow and Rainbow Dash alone.

“Snow.” Rainbow Dash slowly walked into the other room. “You okay.” She was silent, her face was filled with eternal conflict. “I uh...kind of heard the whole thing.”

Snow was still silent.

“So..what are we going to do.”

Snow looked at Rainbow Dash almost about to cry. “We do what we have to. Go wait for me outside.” With those comforting words Snow left the room leaving Rainbow Dash alone, she didn’t know what was going to happen, but she knew one thing, it couldn’t be good.

The rain continued poor hard causing everyone to get soaked wet, Mr.D and Fluttershy were right behind David Nolan and Mary Margaret but they could tell those two were worried more about each other than them.

“There!” David pointed to a nearby cabin in the middle of the woods. “Come on!”
“Oh thank heavens somewhere dry.” Mr. D said as she rushed inside pushing aside, David, Mary Margaret and Fluttershy to get in first and dry himself off. “Ugh...Mud, dirt shoes, I can’t take.

“Um...Are you sure this is okay.” Fluttershy whispered unsure if she should even enter the unknown cabin.

“Hello. Is anyone there.” Mary Margaret called. Nobody answered. “Who’s cabin is it, are you sure it’s okay to do this..”

“Well, you’re roommates with the Sheriff, so I doubt she’ll arrest us for breaking and entering. Here.” David commented as he started looking for towels. Mr.D and Fluttershy were busy drying themselves from the rain.

“I didn’t even know this town had cabins.” Fluttershy said.”

“What this town has a good chunk of wood.” Mr. D replied he looked around. “Look a extra room my dear, perhaps we should go in there while David and Miss Blanchard talk.” He took her hand and walked her to the other room.

“Um...Why?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh...you know, love needs it’s privacy.”


Mr.D opened the door allowing Fluttershy to enter first. She dried her hair. “So...Um...Mr.D right?” He nodded. “So, why are you so...curious.”

“About what my dear?” He asked sheepishly.

“About ...well, everything. You seemed so eager to talk to me and then help those two out. You haven’t even been in this town for less than a day.”

Mr. D smiled. “Well, I guess I’m just kind of guy.”

Fluttershy seemed suspicious, sure she had met some kind people in her time but never so eager to help or even eager to get into other people business. As she lied on the bed she pondered this notion scratching her head. Finally he spoke again.

“My dear, do you believe in other lives.” He asked. She looked at him confused.

“You mean like death.”

“No, no...I mean like...Other lives...That you could have lived more than one.”

“Um...Not really.” Fluttershy replied, this was a strange question to ask, another life, was that even possible. She doubted it, you only get one right?

“Really, because I do.” Mr. D replied. “I believe that once we were not who we were. We were, someone else. And that our lives we were once something beyond our imagination.”

“So...We are not who we are then?” Fluttershy asked confused by the concept.

“Perhaps.” Mr. D replied. “Or perhaps we’re just living in our own little dream world.” Suddenly the loud rain stopped as the sun began to shine through one of the cabin windows. “Well, won’t you look at that. I give a epic speech and the sun comes out. HA! I am good aren’t I.”

“Uh...I guess?” Fluttershy replied. “You know, this is a nice cabin.” She said looking around, the place made her feel quiet and relaxed. “I wish I lived in a nice place this, or maybe a cottage somewhere in the forest, away from the asl the hustle and bustle.”

Mr. D smiled. “I think you’d have a lovely cottage Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy seemed a bit taken aback by that statement. “Um, thank you Mr. D.” It was weird, Mr. D was older than her, she barely knew him, he was a complete and utter stranger to her in every way possible. Yet, she had this feeling, a feeling of peace, a feeling of familiarity, but also a strange feeling that she wasn’t being judged by him. “Mr.D?”


She was silent. No, no it was a silly notion. “Nevermind. We better go see to help that bird.” She got up from the bed and headed outside, noticing David and Mary Margaret were no longer inside and actually had taken the bird cage with them.

“No Davis stop it’s too painful” Fluttershy heard Mary Margate say outside. She paused something was going on between those two, maybe Mr. D did have a point when he said love.

“It doesn’t have to be. We don’t know if Kathryn’s pregnant.” David Replied. Pregnant now Fluttershy face got red, Mr. D listened in as well.

“It doesn’t matter you choose her.”

“I know, but I still have feelings for you.”

“You can’t have both.”

Mr.D sighed. “Well that’s just silly why can’t you have both.”

“Because that would be wrong, sometimes we have to make sacrifices, you can’t have everything in life.” Fluttershy responded.

“Well that’s no fun.” He muttered.

“But I do have both. I know… I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s like I have these two conflicting lives. Memories of feelings for her and real feelings for you.”

“Who’s to say which is real?”

“I can’t get you out of my head.”

“I know, me too. But we’re going to have to. We’re just going to have to forget each other.”

Rainbow Dash had been waiting outside the edge of the castle walls for what seemed like hours now. Now word from Snow, no guards attacking them, no nothing, things didn’t seem right, they didn’t seem right at all.

“Geez Snow...Where are yu.” She muttered as started to pace back and forth, finally she heard the shuffling of feet heading her way. It was Snow, but something was wrong, she looked as if all the life from her was drained away.

“Snow...Snow? You okay pal?” She asked. Snow just walked past her in plain silence. “Hey wait up.” Rainbow Dash slowly followed behind looking concerned, wanting to say something but afraid to, however that was soon brushed aside as more footsteps were heard, Grumpy their dwarf friend emerged and walked up to Snow.

“You okay sister.” He asked, his voice sounding less gruff and much more caring than before.

There was a moment of silence before finally Snow spoke almost bursting into tears. “Not even close.”

“Oh no, Snow must have told Charming she doesn’t love him, but why?” Rainbow Dash thought.

“You didn’t find him.” Grumpy asked Snow.

“No...I lost him.”
Grumpy patted Snow on the shoulder to comfort her. “Come on.” Slowly more Dwarves began to come around there were at least six of them, including Grumpy that made seven, seven dwarves.

“Were you taking us.” Snow asked. Rainbow Dash seemed confused too.

“Home.” Grumpy responded. “We all lost someone today.”

Then the Dwarf wearing the spectacles spoke. “Now were seven.”

Grumpy nodded. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the two of you. So you’re coming home with us, Snow, Rainbow Dash we’re going to protect you.”

“Protecting?” Rainbow Dash asked seeming a little incensed by the mere notion she needed a babysitter.. “That’s nice and all but….

“The only thing that needed protecting is destroyed – my heart.” Snow interrupted causing Dash to back off realizing that she was hurting now. No time for stubborn pride to get in the way.

“It will get better.” Grumpy responded

“Yes.” Snow replied, Dash was surprised by her quick rebound. However Snow pulled out a vile. “Yes, it will. This will take all of my feelings – all of my pain – and destroy them.”

“Where did she get that.”

“No.” Grumpy put the vial away he was about to let Snow do this.

“But why? You, of all people, should understand. You’ve lost love. What if your pain could be erased?”

Grumpy looked at Snow with the most stern and determined looked Dash had ever seen. Sort of reminded her of herself in a way. Loyalty to friends was something she admired in people. “I don’t want my pain erased. As wretched as it is, I need my pain. It makes me who I am. It makes me Grumpy. Look around, Snow. You’re not alone anymore. I promise you that’s all the cure you need. If the pain’s too much, you can always drink it. But for today, put it away.”

Snow white took a sigh. “Okay.”

A couple days passed, and Rainbow Dash went with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves to their cottage for a bit of rest and to hide while Dash thought of way to find her friends and avoid detection. Life their was somewhat peaceful if not a bit boring though for Rainbow Dash, however she was able to get along with most of the Dwarves surprisingly grumpy, however in the back of her mind a small bitterness rage began to build. She was tired of being away from her friends, tired of being away from Equestria, she missed her house, her wings, and being a pony.

However those thoughts were interrupted when Grumpy came running into the cabin. “Where’s Snow. Where is she.”

“In her room.” Rainbow Dash responded.

Grumpy went in. “Snow! Snow! The royal wedding! The kingdom’s abuzz. It’s off, Snow. He left her. James left Abigail. Did you hear me? Your Prince Charming isn’t getting married.”

“Oh wow that’s great.” Rainbow Dash responded for once a piece of good news had come her way. Isn’t that great snow.”

“Who?” Snow responded.

“Wait what?” Rainbow Dash responded, she looked at Snow, something was wrong, very very wrong, she seemed almost in a daze, looking around Rainbow Dash saw it, the vile...She drank it.

Fluttershy and Mr. D returned to town staying a few steps behind Mary Margaret and David until the two parted ways. Now knowing the secret of their, love affair they both decided it would be best if they kept it between themselves for the time being.

“Well Fluttershy this is where I take my leave for the day.” Mr.D responded giving her a bow. “I sure did have a doozy of time.”

“Why...Why thank you.” Fluttershy responded. “I don’t think I was that fun though.”

“Well, people see fun in all sorts of ways.” Mr. D responded. “Until next time.” With that Mr. D walked off leaving Fluttershy with a bit more confidence today then she had earlier, she still didn’t know why but she liked Mr. D, and hoped to see him again.

As for Mr. D he continued walking across the streets until finally he popped by the one place he had been wanting to go since the day he arrived in this town. Mr. Gold’s pawn shop. He opened the door causing the little belle to ring. Then from the back room Mr. Gold emerged noticing Mr. D arrival. There was a pause as the two of them just looked at each, Mr. Gold breaking the standoff when he smiled.

“Welcome to my shop, my help you help with something.” he said in a very polite voice.

“Oh, nothing I just wanted to meet you in person, everyone talk about you around town.”

Mr. Gold chuckled. “Really. I’m not surprised. I guess my reputation precedes me. Excellent.”

Mr. D laughed. “Oh I bet you like saying that.”

“Yes, now that you’ve met me may I help you with something. My shop has many artifacts, knit knacks and other...unique things.”

“Oh. I’m just browsing now. Although I have been interested in one thing.”

“Oh really, what might that be.” Mr. Gold asked raising an eyebrow.

“Perhaps you could help me with a experiment. I want to see if certain objects can somehow grant the impression of someone living a past life.” Mr. D responded. Now Mr. Gold was curious.

“Oh...how very interesting, well it is possible, but I don’t think I have anything that might be able to help you with that experiment at the moment. Granted anything can cause someone to believe anything if you give them the right nudge.”

“My thoughts exactly so, have anything of interest.” Mr. D asked looking through the cases of artifacts.

“You know...Books can be a way of learning about the past.” Mr. Gold replied.

“I know...But sometimes a little more is required.”

“But what is there is none.”

“Then I just deal with the resources given.”

“But if it’s not enough.”

“Then I’m sure someone came up with a backup plan.”
“Indeed. Especially considering you don’t live in this town.” Mr. Gold replied. Mr.D got up from his knees and started to stare Mr. Gold right in the face.

“So, you don’t like it that I’m here.”

“Of course not, I don’t know you.”

“Or maybe you in a past life.” Mr. D replied. “It’s possible.”

“You're really into that idea aren’t you.”

“More you think.”

Mr. Gold smiled. “Well then...If that is the case.” He extended his hand and Mr. D took. “It is definitely a pleasure to see my favorite God of Chaos...Discord.”

Discord. “Same here...Rumplestiltskin.”