• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 3,429 Views, 64 Comments

Once Upon a Equestrian Girl - jidbrony

Fairy Tales are considered myths, legends, fake. But what if that is a lie, what if they're real, and what if they will play a part for the fate of Equestria itself.

  • ...

Vines at the Dump

Chapter 2
After that very strange night of meeting Emma Twilight woke up to once again begin another day of her regular mundane lifestyle. Once again Twilight did her daily routine as always, getting up, brushing her teeth, eating her cereal, and heading off to school early to get in some pre class studying.

As Twilight walked down road like she always did, her dog Spike by her side she noticed something different on this day. The clock tower on top of the old abandoned library which for as long as she could remember, has always been stuck, actually moved.

“Hmm, must have finally fixed it.” Twilight mumbled. “That’s nice.”

Twilight finally turned a corner only to stop mid track as she came across…

“Madam Mayor!” Twilight shouted stopping dead heat in her tracks, she had just ran into Regina the town’s mayor and another one of the most feared people in the town. “I’m so sorry! I didn't see where I was going I...”

“Enough.” Regina said in a very serious yet deadpan tone. “Just...head on to school or wherever you're going.”

“Yes, again so sorry…” Twilight began to head off before Regina stopped her again.

“Just a moment.” Twilight froze and slowly turned around. “Yes...Madam Mayor.”

“Twilight Sparkle, that’s your name right.” Regina asked.

“Yes.” Twilight mumbled.

“Your friends with my son Henry right.” Regina asked moving in closer to Twilight.

“Um...Well, I do know Henry and help him every now and then with his homework.” Twilight said trying to very careful with her words. “But we’re not I mean….”

“Good enough.” Regina interrupted. “I would wish if you no longer talked to him anymore.”

Twilight blinked, she wasn’t sure what she had done. “Miss. Mills, I...I don’t understand, did I do something wrong, I’ve always been nice to Henry.”

“I don’t want my Son hanging around a negative influence.” Regina interrupted again sounding quite forceful on the matter.

“Negative? Me. Why?” Twilight asked.

“Do you of the felon Emma Swan.” Regina asked.


“Yes, felon as in she committed a crime.” Regina voice become more angry. “I heard you aided her last night, but showing her Grannies.”

“I, I...I didn't know.”

“Well...It’s a good thing I handled things before they got out of hand, however i can no longer trust your judgment, thus I no longer consider you as someone my son should be around.” Regina finished in a very business like fashion. She then turned around and marched off, leaving Twilight stunned.

Spike merely growled at her as Regina left. “Well, I see where Sunset gets it from.” Twilight muttered as she picked Spike up. “Just because she mayor of the town doesn’t make her a queen or anything like that.”

Twilight headed off not knowing just how wrong those words were.

“Sorry it had to this way...princess.” Sunset jumped through the portal leaving Twilight and the rest of her friends behind. There was a blinding flash of light until Sunset found herself in the middle of the woods, no longer she was a pony but her body was now human female. She wore a regal black gown with a combination of red and yellow highlights, it made her look like a member of a royal court and a powerful sorceress mixed into one.

Now that she was through the portal Sunset began to immediately look around the surrounding area for the missing crown. However the more she looked she wasn’t able to find it.

“Ugh...Where is it!” Sunset yelled getting annoyed.

“CAUGH CAUGH!” Sunset looked up to see a crow screeching at the top of it’s lungs looking at Sunset as if talking to her. Sunset’s eyes narrowed as she groaned.

“Ugh...Fine!...I’m coming.” Suddenly Sunset disappeared in a green puff of smoke, only to reappear in magnificent marble room, the walls covered from head to toe with mirrors of all shapes and sizes. Sunset looked around as if expecting someone to meet her there .

“Did you get it?” Sunset turned her head and saw walking up to her, a tall slim, regal looking woman wearing similar if more outlandish black robes, she was Sunset’s mentor and alley in this realm, she was the Evil Queen, Regina.

“No.” Sunset grumbled she sat down on the fur covered bed in the corner of the room. “I lost it. Stupid Sparkle, I had it in my hooves! Now it’s lost somewhere in the Enchanted Forest.”

Regina raised an eyebrow before smiling. “Well, don’t fear my dear. If it’s somewhere in the land will find it, in time.”

“Yeah, but the mirror still open, Twilight will soon be looking for it.” Sunset argued.

“Then we’ll have the home advantage. Guards!” Two of Regina’s black knights entered the room.

“Yes my queen!”

“Sent a legion of knights after a missing crown, post a reward of gold to anyone who finds it.” Regina commanded.

“Yes my queen!” The Two guards then left to obey their ruler’s command.

“Pfft, like that’s going to make a difference.” Sunset said sounding pessimistic about her allies plan.

“Perhaps but it is a precaution, we need to insure that when this Princess arrives, she won’t be as warmly welcomed as we hope.”

“Regina.” Suddenly a voice emerged and one of the mirrors on the wall began to glow as a face appeared on it. “Perhaps I can be of assistance on...welcoming our new arrivals.” Suddenly the mirror began to fizzle and then show a image of six girls sitting in the middle of the woods having difficulty walking.

“It’s her!” Sunset said getting up walking up to the mirror. Slowly a evil smirk appeared on her face. “Hmm...Maybe we should give them a...Enchanted Forest welcome. Lets say, a thousand pieces of gold for her head.”

“That's my pupil. Now, let me give them my own welcome to the realm greeting.” Regina then looked into the mirror hand extended and clenched her fist.

“Ugh, how far till the road Twilight.” Rainbowdash asked as she and the rest of the girls tried to walk through the treacherous woods.

“I don’t know, the bird told us to go this way. That’s...what he said right Fluttershy.” Twilight said getting annoyed at Rainbow’s complaining.

“Yes.” Fluttershy muttered. “I’m pretty sure.”

“Pretty sure, or your sure, sure.” Pinkie Pie asked. “That’s an important distinction.”

“Um...Pretty sure.” Fluttershy muttered again, getting nervous.

“I wish i had my wings, then I’d just be able to fly and see how far we needed to go.” Rainbowdash groaned.

“Well you don’t RD so please, stop your bellyaching.” Applejack scolded.


“What was that!” Rarity asked looking around thinking they were being followed, all she saw was nothing but empty forest.

“Sure it was just you steppin on a twig Rarity.” Applejack said, continuing onward.


“There it is again.” Rarity said sounding scared.

“Rarity please, it’s just nature doin it’s thing. Nothing else.” Applejack reason.

“Well then nature is weird because this vine is crawling on my leg.” Pinkie commented. Suddenly everyone turned around to see the vine grabbing Pinkie Pie by the leg as it tighten its grip and lifted her up into the air.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled but before she could do anything Twilight herself got caught up in one of the vines and was lifted up into the air, soon everyone else was caught by the vines and lifted into the air.

“What...Uh...Going...On!” Rainbowdash yelled as she struggled to get out of the vine’s grip only for more vines to grab onto different parts of her body.

“I have no idea, but it looks like….this forest...is alive.” Twilight said as she was being flinged back and forth as more vines began to cover them slowly suffocating each and every one of them to death.

“Ugh.” Twilight tripped on a vine as she headed outside to the school’s soccer field hoping to find a nice quiet place to read outside, she felt getting fresh air every now and then was important for her, that and her parents wanted her not to be stuck in a stuffy library all day.

She pondered about what happened this morning and what Miss Mills said to her about Henry.

“Hey Twilight.” She looked up and saw Henry standing right next to her. Henry was petting Spike on the head giving him a little scratch behind the ears which he enjoyed.

“Uh...Henry.” Twilight said sounding a bit astonished. “I ...uh…”

“I know, I’m not supposed to see you anymore.” Henry said. “My mom told me, but i’m not going to.”

“Aren’t you worried about getting in trouble?” Twilight asked, sounding concerned. She didn’t want to get him in trouble.

“I don’t care.” Henry responded. “I found my real mom now.”

Twilight looked disapprovingly at the young boy after that statement. “Now Henry...

“Heads up!” Twilight looked up to see a soccer ball heading straight toward her she covered her face with her book blocking the impact.

“Sorry about that.” A young girl ran up to her she was athletic, agile with long Rainbow colored hair.

“No problem...uh...uh…”

“Rainbowdash.” Henry said.

“Hey aren’t you the Sunset’s little brother.” Rainbowdash asked.

“Step brother, but don’t worry, we don’t get along.” Henry said reassuringly.

“Okay, cool.” Rainbowdash said. “What’s your name.”

“That’s Twilight.” Henry said. “She one of my friends.”

“Hey, cool. Nice to meet yuh. So...want to play a round” Rainbowdash asked bouncing the ball on her knees.

“Uh...No thanks, I’m reading at the moment.” Twilight said showing her the book.
“Ah...I see egghead type.”

“I’m not a egghead! I am well read.” Twilight said annoyed at that remark.

“Yeah, egghead, but hey, it’s cool. Some people just aren’t into awesomeness like me.” Rainbowdash boasted.

“Well see you later, “ Rainbowdash headed off to continue with soccer practice.

“Well she’s very...boastful.” Twilight said, giving Rainbowdash a bit of glare.

“Yeah, but she’s always like that, but she’s very loyal too that’s why she’s your best friend.” Henry said.

“Wait...What...but I don’t even know her.” Twilight said sounding confused.

“That’s because you don’t remember, but my real mom going to help you.” Henry said. “Now come on.” Henry grabbed Twilight by the hand and started dragging her off. “I want to show you something.

“Hey where are we going!” Twilight asked, sounding unsure.

“Trust me.”

Henry rushed Twilight all the way over to the local diner named Grannies there the two of them along with Spike went in. He pointed to one of the tables where Twilight saw Emma sitting drinking a nice warm cup of Coco.

“Henry? What are you doing here? Isn't it school or something.” Emma asked seeming confused.

“I brought someone to help with operation Cobra. This is my friend Twilight.” Henry had Twilight sit down next to Emma.

“Hey Emma.” Twilight said sheepishly. “Remember me.”

“Yeah,you helped me last night.” Emma said.

“Yeah..heh.” Twilight seemed a bit nervous she didn't exactly know why Henry had brought them here.

“Okay, so here’s the plan….

“Wait...Henry, why I am here, you haven’t really explained.” Twilight asked.

“Oh yeah, Operation Cobra, it’s our code name for breaking the curse.” Henry explain.

“Curse?...What curse?” Suddenly Twilight remembered what Mary Margaret had told her yesterday about Henry’s little theory about the town. “Wait...Henry, stop, look…

“Just play along…” Emma whispered.

“Henry, you do realize that were not fairy tale characters right?” Twilight asked.

“No, your not a fairy tale character…” Henry said.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief…”Oh good, for a moment I though…

“Your a pony princess from Equestria…”

“Pony Princess really kid.” Emma said, sounding skeptical.

“Yeah, see look.” Henry then got out his book that said ONCE UPON A TIME and opened it. “See look.” he showed Twilight a page of six individual ponies each with their own unique color patterns. “See, the purple one is you, and there’s Rainbowdash, see.”

Twilight looked at the book cover. “Well...I kind of...I mean, in the right light..” Henry then turned a few more pages and pointed to another picture in the book.

“See, there you are as a human, that’s when you first came to the Fairy Tale World.” Henry explained.

Twilight again looked at the image seemed to reflex her in some ways, but still, she wasn’t buying Henry’s theory.

“Uh...Henry? Are you sure.”

“Yeah, see there are all your friends.”

“I don’t even know these girls? I only met three of them...” Twilight looked at the book noticing that the picture in the book had images of three of the girls she had met earlier.

“Hello!” Twilight looked up, to see one of the waitresses standing in front of her, she seemed like a bubbly girl with a big pink fluffy hair. “Hey, you're new here, I’m Pinkie Pie welcome to Storybrooke.”

“Hi.” Emma said giving her a small wave.

“Hey! I could throw you a Welcome to Storybrooke part, I rarely get to throw those since no one new ever shows up here.”

“Um...No, no thanks.” Emma said sounding a bit hesitant at Pinkies quick offer to throw her a party.

“Oh, okay.” Pinkie hair suddenly deflated a little.

“Sorry.” Emma said.

“No...It’s okay, most people say my parties aren’t that good anyway.” Pinkie sighed. “Trust me I know...I don’t even like my parties.”

Twilight and Emma just exchanged looks, first at each other then at Henry.

Suddenly Pinkie perked up. “So, can I get you anything?”

“I’ll have a milkshake please.” Henry asked.

“Coming right up Henry. What about you...uh…”


“Gotcha. What about you Twilight?”

“No I’m good.” Twilight said.

“Okie Dokie Loki.” Pinkie headed off to get Henry his drink.

Henry then looked at Twilight. “See, that’s another one of your friends, she used to throw great parties! At least that’s what the book says.”

“Henry, I’m not a Fairy Tale character.” Twilight said trying to have her friend see reason.

“That’s because you just don’t remember yet. But look, see, this is the story of when and your friends first arrived in the Enchanted Forest.”

“Ugh...Having...trouble...breathing…” Twilight tried to scream as the vines continued to tighten their grip on them.

“Ugh...Come on you stupid...nature.” Rainbowdash struggled trying to get a hold of the vines as if trying to snap them in half.

“I’m feel sick.” Spike said his face turning green from being flung all over the place.

“WEEEE!” Pinkie was the only one enjoying herself. “This is so much fun, it’s like jumping in a bounce house, except this one’s trying to kill you.”

"Pinkie...this is...serious!" Twilight shouted, trying to think of a way to get out. Suddenly a arrow emerged through the woods hitting the vine causing it to coil in pain causing it to loosen its group on Twilight making her fall to the ground.

Five more arrows hit the vines releasing the other five. After a few moments of riling in pain the vines regrouped ready to attack the mysterious assailant.

As the girls got up the slowly began to make our more and more of their surroundings. They saw a mysterious figure coveted by a hooded cloak attack the vines cutting them with their sword. One by one the no steroid vines were slashed as they screamed in agony only to finally be silenced. The Hooded figure took a sigh fighting those monstrous vines took a lot out of her. The figure then turned and looked at the girls who seemed both grateful but also a bit fearful.

“Um...Thank you.” Twilight said, hesitantly. Suddenly the figure pointed her arm leftward.

“What’s he doing.” Rainbowdash said.

“I think they want us to go that way.” Twilight deduced.

Suddenly the figure rushed off into the woods.

“Wait!...Hold on…” Twilight shouted hoping they’d come back, it was too late the mysterious figure was already deep into the woods, leaving the girls behind.

“Well, now what?” Applejack asked.

“I guess we go in that direction.” Twilight said pointing to where the mysterious figure had pointed continuing to walk into the thick eerie forest, hoping that sooner or later they’d find some source of civilization.

Back at the Queen’s palace, Sunset and Regina looked in the mirror knowing their plan had failed, Sunset was furious at the defeat, but Regina just had a smirk on her face.

“Well, that was a bust, some plan.” Sunset groaned.

“Not necessarily.” Regina snicked. “I believe having the six girls here will give both exactly what we want. “You’ll have the magic you desperately desire, and I’ll soon have Snow White’s head on a silver platter!”

Sunset Shimmer didn't understand at first, she thought for a moment of what Regina was talking about, until suddenly it clicked. As it did, a twisted malevolent smile appeared on her face, she now knew what Regina meant, as she liked what she heard.

Twilight left Grannies diner after a few more hours of listening to Henry spout his ridiculous theory about Storybrooke being nothing more than a prison for Fairy Tale and mythical creatures. But she didn't want to hurt the poor boy’s feelings and merely indulged him while he did. She even decided to agree to Henry’s request to take his book with her for the rest of the day to hide it from both Regina and Sunset.

Emma followed her for a few moments as they were both heading in the same direction.

“Sorry about that kid.” Emma said.

“Oh, about Henry...well...I guess we should just indulge him.” Twilight said. “ He’s had it a bit rough .His mom and step sister are well…”

“Pieces of work.” Emma suggested.

“Yeah. I’m sure his mom cares for him, but Sunset just constantly picks on the poor guy to no end.” Twilight nodded.

“Well, curse or no curse, that I’m willing to help him on.” Emma said.

“It’s nice to know Henry has someone looking out for him.” Twilight responded a small smile appearing on her face.

“Well see you later kid.” Emma headed off in another direction while Twilight headed in another, leaving Twilight and Spike on their own.

“Ouch...Ouch!” Twilight looked around to see another one of her fellow students from school getting pecked on the head by a ugly looking raven.

“Hey...Stop that.” Twilight shouted as she helped the poor girl get away from the raven, it flocked off after a few more attempts to pluck her head off.

“There you go, are you alright?” Twilight asked, looking at the girl. She was a meek looking girl, with long flowing light Pink hair.

“Thank you.” She muttered, looking down on the ground. “Animals don’t tend to like me very much.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.” Twilight said feeling sorry for her. However her statement might not have been entirely true for Spike the dog went up to Fluttershy wagging his tail a big smile on his face. Fluttershy seemed hesitant at first to pet him, slowly Fluttershy extended her and touched Spike and slowly began to pet him.

“Your dog is very cute.” The Girl said said as she petted him with more confidence.

“Thank you, I've had him for a long time.” Twilight said. “So, what’s your name?”

The Girls seemed hesitant first not wanting to speak, she was very quiet as she muttered something.

“Sorry what?”

She muttered again, this time even quieter than before.

“What? Come on you can tell me.” Twilight said, trying to be as kind and encouraging as before.

The girl took a large gulp and breathed. “Um...Fluttershy.” she finally said getting it out.

Twilight extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, I'm Twilight.”

“Awww...how cute, loser meets cowrd.” Twilight and Fluttershy turned around to see Sunset Shimmer, giving the two a evil look. Fluttershy cringed as she hid behind Twilight.

Twilight scowled a bit. “Not now Sunset.”

Sunset looks down to see Twilight holding Henry’s book under her shoulder. Immediately she grabs it from Twilight.


Sunset opens the book and looks at it. "Pathetic" she mumbles. "Fairy tales, I should put it where it belongs... In the garbage."

“Give it back!” Twilight demanded, getting angry.

“Mmmm...No.” Sunset then ran off with the book in hand. Twilight went to chase after her, she wasn’t going to let her get away with Henry’s book. To her surprise Fluttershy followed behind, although more out of fear than of courage. The chase was on, Sunset managed to outpace them while Twilight kept only a few steps ahead, Sunset however turned a corner and was able to climb over the metal fence while Twilight slammed face first into it and feel.

“Ugh…” Twilight slowly got up to see Sunset running away with the book. “Oh no.” She muttered.

“Um...Sorry.” Fluttershy said standing right behind Twilight not sure what to do.

Twilight groaned. “Great, I promised Henry I’d keep a any eye on that book.”

“Maybe I can help.” Twilight and Fluttershy turned around and to Twilight surprise Pinkie Pie was standing behind them with a big grin on her face.


“Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie acknowledged.

“Yeah, Pinkie Pie, thanks for helping but Sunset's long gone by now.” Twilight said dusting off her skirt.

“Yeah, but we need to track the book not Sunset.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I don’t know Twilight I wouldn't trust her.” Fluttershy said a sense of resentment in her voice.

“Hey! I can be helpful!” Pinkie said suddenly glaring.

“Like how you were helpful at the silent auction!” Fluttershy argued back.

"Oh come on you said..."

"Girls please!" Twilight shouted. "Look I just need to get back that book I don't care who helps."

"Well I'll help...but just for you." Fluttershy says eyeing Pinkie Pie.

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie responds "But only because I like helping.

"Okay great. So uh Pinkie how can you help?"

"Pinkie sense!" She shouted

"What?" Twilight sounded skeptical.

"Pinkie sense it allows me get a certain sense on certain things. It sort of like my own brand of magic."

"Uh...magic?" Twilight seemed a bit weirded out by this idea.

"See I told you she wasn't helpful." Fluttershy whispered.

"Trust me It can work." Pinkie said, suddenly she began to motion her hands as if trying to get a sense for something in the air suddenly her body began to shake. "Ooh got it, come on!"

"Great were still lost." Twilight groaned as they continued their journey through the woods after being rescued by the mysterious figure.

"It's getting dark out here." Fluttershy said shaking in fear.

Rarity moaned "If we don't find civilization soon...

"Wait!" Pinkie interrupted her body beginning to shake. "My Pinkie sense is kicking in!" Pinkie started running deeper into the woods .

"Wait...Pinkie!" Twilight started running after her followed by the rest. Pinkies speed increased she ran left, right, zig zag, every direction one could think of into the woods.

"Where in tarnation is she goin?" Applejack asked having trouble keeping up speed.

Pinkie continued to increase her speed. “Where almost there girls.”

“Where?” Rainbowdash yelled.

“Here.” Pinkie finally jumped out of the woods to reveal a road and few feet away from it, a small town.

“Pinkie...uh...uh...how did you?”

“Yours till doubt Pinkie sense Twilight, come on you should know better.” Pinkie scolded.

Twilight sighed. “Yeah, your right. Thanks Pinkie.” She turns around to look at the others. “Come on girls, lets see if we can’t find a place to stay for the night.”

The girls entered the town, the style of the structures reminded them a lot of ponyville, however instead of colorful ponies walking around the streets, strange bipedal creatures filled the streets. Many of them didn’t look very friendly some gave the girls strange looks while other just stood in the middle of the streets minding their own business.

“Oh, look I found a place a Inn.” Pinkie said enthusiastically to a building with a sign at the door that said Prancing Pony. “Must have rooms made especially ponies.”

“Well, lets go in then.” Rainbowdash said as she opened the door for her friends. The entered into a small tavern like area, people were either smoking, drinking, or both. The girls seemed a bit weirded out by everyone, but that wouldn’t stop them.

"So, what do we do?" Applejack asked. "This place seems shifty."

"Don't worry Twi, I can take on anything that comes at us." Rainbowdash boated doing some Kung fu.

"You could barley walk this mornin RD, how can you even fight." Applejack retorted.

"Girls come on, let's see if we can spend the night hear and continue on till morning. Besides we should probably find out a bit about..."

"Hello Mr.Barkeeper do you know where we are!" Everyone turned around stunned to see Pinkie Pie sitting at the bar with a drink at hand.

"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled.

"Well miss your in the town of Hamiilon." The bartender replied.

Twilight was taken a back and decided to join Pinkie. "Um... Where exactly is the town in, where not from around here you see."

"Oh this is the Enchanted Forest my dear"The bartender responded.

"The Enchanted Forest." Twilight mumbled contemplating. She wondered if this place was literally enchanted, which were the case mention there was magic involved, but without her horn she wondered if her connection to magic had been severed. Twilight looked to the others signaling them to join her. They did so without hesitation.

"So what yuh find out." Applejack asked.

"Well we know wherever are. This place is called the Enchanted Forest." Twilight told them.

Rainbowdash groaned "That doesn't tell us much, like how to find Sunset Shimmer."

The bartender suddenly dropped one of the cups her was cleaning. "Uh...you ladies know Sunset Shimmer." He asks sounding scarred.

"Um... Not really, should we." Twilight asked sounding concerned.

The bartender seemed nervous as he looked around hoping no one was listening. "She's only the right hand of the Evil Queen Regina."

"Evil..,Queen?" Twilight sounded nervous apparently Sunset had made a dark and powerful friend here.

"Yeah... Terrible, she has been hunting are rightful ruler the princess Sniw White for ages, as for that Sunset girl she jus popped up one day by the Queens side, although she's just as bad as her." The Bartender explained. "I hope you don't run into them during your travels from what I heard those two witches like to turn their enemies into worms and feed then to the crowd."

"How in tarnation do they do that." Applejack asked.

"Magic of course." The bartender responded as if Applejack should have known that already.

So this world had magic after all, as Twilight pondered over this news, she knew that her quest to get the crown would be even more difficult especially if Sunset had a friends in this, Evil Queen.

“Were here!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she had lead both Twilight and Fluttershy to the Storybrooke dump.

“Ugh...It stinks.” Twilight said plugging her nose. “Are you sure the book here’s.”

“Sure as sure can be.” Pinkie nodded.

Twilight sighed. “Well, better start digging.”

“Don’t worry, my Pinkie sense is like a magnet, we won’t have to go through...most of this pile of hideous and gross garbage.” Pinkie added trying to cheer Twilight up.

“Maybe...um...maybe we should split up just in case.” Fluttershy meekly suggested.

“Oh come on my Pinkie sense can totally find the book.” Pinkie retorted sounding annoyed at Fluttershy’s doubt.

“Like it sensed that I wanted a silent auction.” Fluttershy grumbled.

“Hey!” Pinkie yelled.

“Girls please, not now!” Twilight said getting in front of the two of them. “They’ll be plenty of time to fight later, I really need to find that book, my friend Henry is counting on me.”

“You mean the mayor’s kid...Why didn't you say so!” Pinkie exclaimed! “I’ve heard about the poor little guy! Having to live with the two biggest meanies in town.” Pinkie then rushed into the dump and started tracking.

“Well...lets get digging.” Twilight joined in Pinkie Fluttershy slowly following behind.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy got their hands dirty quite literally as they searched the entire dump head to toe, scrounging through piles of dirty garbage and junk. They continued to go through it for what seemed like hours, going through piles and piles of junk, too little to no avail.

“Pinkie are you sure this is where you...sense, the book.” Twilight asked. “Not like sensing a book is even possible.” Twilight mumbled

“I knew this was a bad idea.” Fluttershy muttered to Twilight.

“Hey! My Pinkie sense never fails me!” Pinkie yelled back getting angry at Fluttershy.

“Your Pinkie sense always fails, and who has a sense anyway!” Fluttershy was starting to get angry.


“Oh yeah, well...well...you…

“If your Pinkie sense really worked you would have known I wanted a silent auction hence the term silent.” Fluttershy rage increased.

“But that’s not what you…


“Hey kid!” Suddenly everyone turned around to see Emma, walking toward them.

“Who’s that?” Fluttershy asked Twilight.

“That Emma, Henry’s real mom.”

“I didn't know he had a real mom.” Fluttershy asked.

“Me neither.” Pinkie said.

“Guess your Pinkie sense didn't sense that either.” Fluttershy retorted.

“Shh, not now!” Twilight muttered. “Emma! What are you doing here?”

“I saw you in the dumps, also I found this.” Emma was holding Henry’s book.

“Henry's book!” Twilight cheered for joy. “How did you…”

“I saw that Sunset Shimmer kid, running with it and throwing it at the dumps, but I got it out a few hours ago.

“Oh thank you Emma!” Twilight said extremely grateful. “I was so worried I lost it, and that Henry would…”

“Nah, don’t worry, I took care of it. But uh…mind if I hold on to it for a while, I kind of want to uh...I kind of want to take a look.” Emma said.

“Um...Sure.” Twilight. “Go ahead.”

Emma suddenly looked around noticing how dark it was getting. “Come on, let me walk you guys home.”

“Can we trust her.” Fluttershy asked.

“Don’t worry, she knows Henry.” Twilight acknowledged as she began to follow Emma, Fluttershy and Pinkie following behind.

“See I told you, Pinkie sense never fails.” Pinkie said sounding proud of herself.

“Well...technically, Emma found it.” Twilight said.

“No, we found the book, at the dumps, and Emma was at the dumps, thus the book was at the dumps.” Pinkie rationed. Twilight thought it over, she was kind of right.

“Still can’t get the differences between a silent auction and party though.” Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

Sunset Shimmer was heading home, seeming confident of herself, she had got rid of that stupid book of her step brother Henry’s and managed to mess with Twilight in the process. It was a good day.

“Oof.” Sunset felt something heavy bump into her, she looked up to see the tall skinny body of Mr Gold looking down at her, as he leaned on his cane.

“Sunset, good evening. Having a good time.” Mr. Gold asked.

“Pretty good, now that I got rid of a pesky book.” Sunset Shimmer snickered.

“Book? Hmm, that’s strange. I saw Miss Swan earlier with a book, she with Miss Sparkle and two other girls.”

“What!” Sunset yelled.

Mr. Gold smiled. “My, my, you're just as bad as Regina, she seems to get the same angry look whenever I mention Miss Swan.”

Sunset began to grit her teeth her anger growing with every second. “Why...that...little…”

“Well, I better be going, but, if you ever have a problem with uh...anything, you know where to find me, and I'm always happy to help...for a price, of course. Till next Sunset” With that Mr.Gold left but not before accidentally stepping on Sunset foot with his cane, although she saw a small smirk appear on his face. But it didn't matter Sunset Shimmer was too deep in thought, the anger in her heart growing with each passing second, she now knew that Twilight Sparkle would soon become a threat to her and everything she had made for herself in Storybrooke, especially if Twilight’s was now friends with this, Emma Swan.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I have a announcement! I am deciding that at this moment, I might be doing chapters set in either just the Enchanted Forest or in Storybrooke. I might if I can make it work to do equal Flashbacks and Present day but if I can't or just need the Story to movie forwards then I will do that.