• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,910 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

  • ...


As the Divine and Beautiful Trixie matured, she slowly outgrew her adorability to everyone but Max. However, she grew into a true beauty. Her mane and tail shimmered with an inner light as they flowed in their own mystic breeze. Her coat glowed with health, and her eyes shimmered with inner starlight. Even those who were not attracted to tiny equines found their hearts stopping when she smiled regally at them.

Of course, as she passed puberty, those smiles became fewer and further between. Her demeanor began to become more waspish and irritable. Her 'divine punishments for misdeeds' became more frequent, and more mean spirited. It was slowly becoming a dark time for the believers. However, the molemen spoke of how this time came for all beings, and all would be better once she matured. Parents across the world nodded wisely. Adolescence was always a trying time, and strict limitations had to be implemented to prevent teenagers from becoming monsters. ...but the only one who could put limitations on the Goddess of Earth didn't seem to be in a limiting mood.

Eventually, however, even Max realized that Trixie was upset about something, shortly after her 18th birthday - a lavish public ceremony and holiday by day, and a private party with just family by night, as it had always been since her ascendance. "What's bothering you, Trixie?" he asked the next day, scratching her behind the ear.

Trixie struggled against the caress at first, the very sign that had told Max that this wasn't just Trixie becoming an evil overlord as he'd thought. "Trixie is...lonesome," she said finally.

"Want to go hit a ball game?" Max offered. "Or a movie? Or a night club?"

"Perhaps invite Sybil and Bosco up to the Sky Fortress for a quasi-family reunion?" Sam offered.

Trixie glanced away. "Not that kind of lonesome," she pouted.

Max and Sam both gazed at her in confusion.

"Trixie wants sex, dammit!" she snapped.

"Oh..." Sam and Max replied together.

"So, we should be finding you a gigolo?" Max offered.

"Trixie doesn't just want meaningless sex," she complained. "Trixie wants a consort! Someone to worship Trixie as a mare rather than as a goddess, to make Trixie feel good...and someday give Trixie babies."

"So we should be setting up some sort of 'divine bachelorette' contest?" Sam offered, unaware that the entirety of this conversation was being broadcast through the Speech Stones. "Sending out to the world for all the unmarried young men to submit themselves to compete for the chance to court you?"

"Humans? Ick!" Trixie stuck her tongue out as she made gagging noises. "Trixie doesn't want to date humans! They're all hairless and icky!"

Overnight, the market dropped out from under razors and shaving cream. In other news, there was a massive boom in 'miracle hair grow' products for the entire body.

In unrelated news, before the year was out, Bigfoot sightings had increased dramatically...though 99% of them turned out to just be 'exceptionally hairy humans'.

"Well, what else can we do?" Max asked. "Open a dimensional gateway connected to the world of your origins so you can pick a likely stallion you can drag back here kicking and screaming to lock up in a sex dungeon?"

Trixie smiled eagerly. "That can work!"

"Well, I don't know about the sex dungeon," Sam pointed out, "but Mama Bosco does have that Dimensional Destabilizer we used to retrieve the Cthulic Powered Robot. It could be possible to use it to connect to whatever world you come from."

"You can do that?" Trixie demanded eagerly. "Why didn't you tell Trixie years ago?"

"We didn't think you wanted to go back," Max pointed out.

"Well...Trixie doesn't, really," she replied. "But Trixie wants a stallion of her own! Let's go!"

"To Mama Bosco's!" Sam proclaimed, taking the controls of the Sky Fortress to guide them there.

Mama Bosco smiled down at Trixie. "Jane thought you'd need something like this one of these days," she said easily. "We've been spending the past few years scanning the multiverse to find the exact dimension you come from."

"...exact?" Trixie asked, confused.

"Well, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of variations of individual dimensions," Mama Bosco explained. "While it was easy enough to find the dimension cluster where the prime world was inhabited by ponies, finding the one that was presently missing its variation of you was a bit harder."

"Eventually, I came up with the idea of looking at the timeline point of your arrival, and tracing it into the cluster to find the timeline you were plucked from," Jane explained. "Once we succeeded, we had to create a quantum stabilization effect so that - when the dimensions were connected again - time would pass at the same rate on both sides of the bridge, and the laws of physics would more or less normalize."

"We finished all that three years ago," Mama Bosco explained.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam demanded. "You saw how Trixie was getting!"

"We had not yet gathered enough planetary psychic energy to stabilize the gateway," Jane explained. "We needed enough so that it would be a stable bridge, and last for more than ten seconds."

"How were you gathering the energy?" Max asked curiously.

"From the Speech Stones during morning and evening worship," Jane replied. "The entire planet united in thought and action in worshiping Trixie provided a surge of psychic energy to be properly harvested. I've been storing that carefully since the worship became planet wide."

"We can now open the bridge and keep it open for a whole week," Mama Bosco concluded. "And once we've opened it once, we'll be able to do it far more efficiently next time. Should only take a week or so of energy harvesting between gate openings to recharge."

"Then prepare the gate!" Trixie proclaimed. "Trixie shall make a good impression as she returns to her home world as a goddess!"

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, fillies and colts were at play, and the Crystal Castle sparkled in the early morning light. It looked to be a perfect day...which was why long time adult citizens were double checking their home insurance to be sure they were paid up and covered 'acts of plot convenience'.

When six particular mares' Cutie Marks began vibrating around town, several of the older citizens vacated to their bunkers, just to be on the safe side.

Twilight, for her part, stared at the Map in worry once all her friends had gathered. All six Cutie Marks floated over the Map, focusing in on Ponyville fields. Just as it zoomed in enough that individual foals playing together could be picked out, a rip appeared in the air between the circling Cutie Marks, and the Map failed.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack demanded in confusion.

"I...I have no idea," Twilight admitted fearfully. "Whatever it is, we need to get to Ponyville Fields."

At the fields, the six mares found a rip in the air at ground level that was slowly widening. Ponies from all around town had gathered to see what was going on, since it didn't seem to be destroying anything or releasing horrors of any sort. It was, however, slowly opening wider.

Twilight took a quick glance into the rip and gasped. "It's...it's a dimensional gate!"

"How do you know that so quick?" Rainbow demanded.

"Because the energy vortex inside is identical to the one through the mirror portal!" Twilight replied, quickly writing a letter to Princess Celestia and having Spike send it.

"Well that's a good thing, right?" Pinkie suggested. "Maybe your friends from that world are coming here-"

"Do you have any idea how much power it takes to anchor a dimensional portal?" Twilight interrupted. "Let alone create one that isn't anchored on both sides? I don't even want to think what could be coming through that could have that much power." She spread her wings. "Everypony step back!" she ordered, pitching her voice so everypony present could hear.

At that moment, the portal overcome the dimensional inertia keeping it shut and flared open, stabilizing as a gateway, a swirling vortex of colors and light visible within it. Two figures stepped out, barely recognizable to most Ponyvillians, although Fluttershy had to be held back from flying forward to snuggle them, since they were, 'so cuuute!'

Sam and Max turned to face each other, kneeling before the portal. "Presenting the living Goddess of Earth," Sam intoned ritualistically.

"Let all who behold her know love and despair, for she is all powerful!" Max intoned.

"Her divine countenance brings grace!"

"Her beauty brings glory!"

They raised their voices together. "Her Holiness, the Divine and Beautiful Trixie!"

Trixie strutted out through the portal, her head lifted as her horn glittered in the sunlight. Her wings were spread wide to display her majestic glory as her mane and tail shimmered and waved. Garbed in a gown of white silk, a crown of gold and diamonds rested just behind her horn. "Behold, ponies!" she proclaimed. "For Trixie has returned to-"

"Trixie?" Twilight gasped in disbelief. "Is that really you?" she stepped forward in excitement. "Where have you been? How did you become an alicorn? When did this happen?"

Trixie stared at Twilight in disbelief. "You!" she stated in shock. "You are the one who always showed Trixie up in her dreams of the other life!" She stared from Twilight's horn to her wings. "How is it you have ascended as Trixie-" She paused. "What is an alicorn?"

Twilight smiled. "An alicorn is a pony who has the traits of all three pony tribes! It means you're a Princess now, like me!"

Trixie stared at Twilight, flummoxed. "A mere Princess?" she demanded. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is Goddess of her world, and-"

"What's a Goddess?" Twilight asked.

"A female God," Sam replied.

"What's a god?" Pinkie asked.

Trixie stared at the gathered ponies for a time in disbelief, then turned her nose up with a 'hmph.' "Well, Trixie will not be remaining in this world any longer than she has to. Once she has what she came for, Trixie is returning to Earth where she is loved and worshiped as is proper for a Goddess, rather than here where she is one of...how many Princesses?"

"Including you...five," Twilight replied.

"Five? Ugh!" Trixie shuddered. "Trixie will not be one of many."

"So...what did ya come back for then?" Applejack demanded.

"Trixie has come for a stallion to be her divine consort!" she proclaimed. Glancing around, she spied a particular stallion. "You!" she proclaimed, pointing. "You will be Trixie's consort!"

"Nope!" The stallion said quickly. He then began to back up as fast as his legs could take him, saying, "Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope..." as he raced away, Trixie hot on his hooves.

As most of Ponyville stared, Celestia came in for a landing. "I came as soon as I got your letter, Twilight," she said as she folded her wings. "You said something about an interdimensional portal? Please-"

"Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope..." The stallion sped past them backwards going the other way, putting on a burst of speed that had Rainbow Dash whistling respectfully.

"Come back you big red hunk of burning love!" Trixie called as she pursued. "Give Trixie your demigod babies!"

"...explain?" Celestia concluded as she stared after them.

"...I really wish I could," Twilight replied.


Comments ( 77 )

End Like that? It was the best now... Trixie Vs Celestia incoming. As the people on earth watch the battle and Trixie need to fight so that her followers don't turn into Celestia followers or Twilight followers. Sam and Max with cheerleader outfits try to get Trixie to win.

.... either that was a random Stallion or Big mac.... and either way it's incredibly funny.

You know what? For a Sam & Max & Trixie fic, that is pretty much a hilariously perfect ending. MUSTACHE APPROVAL! :moustache::moustache::moustache::trixieshiftright::moustache:

Tirek? Meet Max, he WILL be your DOOM today. (If only I could make it look bloody...)

That was so hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Well, now it's onto the rest of the stories in the PWNY-verse. :moustache:

Pffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt! :rainbowlaugh:

Such a beautiful ending to such a beautiful story

A great chapter. Well done.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

6108118 knowing the semi running gag of these stories...it was Mac...

You know you have read a good story when the ending makes you feel that you want more in a good way. :scootangel:

Big Mac needs his own story!

Yeah, that was pretty much an ideal Sam & Max (& Trixie) ending, wasn't it?

Superlative work.

Hey there. Not much I can say other than, excellent job on this story overall. The humor of the wrap-up was quite well done. I'm definitely going to look forward to more of your work as soon as time and inspiration will allow.


Big Mac In the Super Mario Bros World!

Nice wrap up. Can't wait to see the next fic you come up with Tatsurou!!!

Trixmac is one of my favorite ships. I approve. :eeyup::trixieshiftright:

6109386 Big Mac x fallout?
Big Mac doesn't talk a lot so he could easily fill the "silent protagonist" spot, and he's a farmer something that the fallout world desperately needs.

Most funny ending from you I've read so far, good work

6120094 I was thinking more Legend of Zelda, as Link's companion

your truly evil tatsurou truly truly evil :pinkiecrazy:

Tatsuro already said that he wont use LoZ

"I will go with how I was taught" is the same reasoning your teacher used to teach you what you were taught. I guarantee it, assuming you're young enough not to have been taught on a mechanical typewriter. Your teacher (or their teacher, depending on the ages of the people involved) was taught on a mechanical typewriter, where the double spacing would have been correct, and that instruction was blindly handed down the teaching generations without regard to technological changes impacting the written word.

Get a copy of the Chicago Manual of Style (American) or New Hart's Rules (British) for a style guide for general publication. They're the most relevant style guides for writing prose. Neither will tell you to double space.

Double spacing after a sentence is not an issue of grammar. But it it's also not stylistically correct.

So, either change the habits of years because one reader has told me it's not stylistically correct, or stick with the way I've been writing when several readers have thanked me for writing that way since it's easier to read.

I think I'll pass.

I'm not saying you should listen to me, I'm saying you should listen to every typographer in the modern world. I'm some random dude on the internet. They study this kind of thing for their profession. The style guides I've mentioned are pretty much the bottom line on English style throughout the world with the exception of style guides which are more specific, such as the APA style guide when publishing to a psychology journal, or the AP style guide when writing for a newspaper.

On a personal note, I don't actually care if you use two spaces or one. I merely object to the claim that two spaces is grammatically correct, when it is neither a grammatical issue, nor correct.

Max and Angel family reunion! Max and Angel family reunion! Max and Angel family reunion... did not happen? :trixieshiftright:

Of course not. I mean, with so many Links spread across two different time lines, there is really no way to fit it into a PWNyverse fic. ...except maybe Hyrule Warriors. Just not paired with Link.

6876567 Excuse me, it's YESZIRRA
(ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ⋅)


Do a "Max meets Angel" bonus chapter or I will be severely disappointed.



*pulls out insulin machine gun*



First you make me cry and now you make me laugh... Why must you do this to me?:fluttercry:

My final thoughts about this ending:

I wanted a magic duel between Trixie and Twilight now that Trixie is powerful enough to actually hold her own against Twilight!

6995953 hey, don't forget me. I just need to get this stupid hydra bridle on.

Having played the games myself I must say that yes an adorable unicorn filly capable of using magic would indeed have been ridiculously broken.

7315704 Trixie Sama of course. She gets first pick.

"What's a god?" Pinkie asked.

Go read "Can't Spell Slaughter," Pinks. That should explain everything.

What is this a crossover with?

The Telltale Games "Sam and Max" games.

And that's the end of that.

As more or less my first exposure to the Sam&Max franchise, I will say that this have given me some good insight in how that world works. Great characters, funny interactions and...
(Sudden fealing of deja vu when typing this.)
Either way, was a fun read.

Okay, what to read next, hm...
Next up, "The Merc With the Moth"

Man, Big Mac seems to be the go to stud for high powered, dimension warping mares.

7794702 hmm.... sure, I geuss...

7794792 Cool. You'll be the tanks then.

I just discovered this set of fics about a week ago.

Despite knowing nothing about Sam and Max, I just spent an afternoon binge reading this one.

Long Live Trixiecorn. :rainbowlaugh:

Reading her intro speech, my mind added a third person variation of this line to it:

But seriously, this was good. Only had brief glimpses of Sam & Max before. Now I want to check out everything they got. Thanks.

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