• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,889 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

  • ...

First Case - Mind Games

Although they left Whizzer unconscious on Bosco's floor, they still had no idea why Whizzer had been bringing video tapes to Bosco's store of his own volition. Unwilling to ignore a mystery, Sam grabbed one of the video tapes - the only one still in one piece after Trixie's magical assault - to bring back to the office to watch, hoping to get answers.

As Sam put the video into the VCR, he smiled. "Alright Max, Trixie, are you both ready for an...ocular workout?" The description on the back of the video had not given a very clear explanation of the material.

"No! Stop!" Max cried out, rushing forward. "We don't have any popcorn!"

"And Trixie's horn hurts from blasting Mr. Pee Pee," the azure filly pointed out.

"Sweet alligator dentures soaking in formaldehyde, that was close," Sam replied. "Quick before it starts, popcorn and juice!"

The trio quickly went downstairs to the apartment for popcorn and a box of apple juice for Trixie. By the time they returned to the office, however, the video had played its short segment...and left Jimmy Two-Teeth completely hypnotized!

"We've got to find this Brady Culture before he hypnotizes every consumer of cheap self help videos!" Sam proclaimed.

"Why?" Trixie asked. "People who use those don't really contribute much, do they?"

"Maybe not, but do you really want a crazed madman with access to a brain washed army that size?" Sam queried.

"Only if it's Daddy!" Trixie proclaimed.

Max grinned widely. "Can I have Brady Culture's hair when we're done?"

"Only if you keep it on a leash," Sam cautioned.

"Does that mean Trixie gets to walk it?" Trixie asked eagerly.

Chuckling, Sam led the way out to continue their investigation.

On a hunch, Sam led the trio over to Sybil Pandemik's office, to see if she could give them any leads. However, he was rather unnerved by the one who awaited them. The brightly garbed munchkin rubbed his eyes before greeting them. "Hi, I'm Sybil Pandemik, liscensed psychotherapist. You look like you could use some therapy."

Trixie tilted her head. "You do not look like Sybil," Trixie pointed out. While she hadn't been introduced to the woman in question - who seemed to change occupations on a weekly basis - Max had pointed the career minded woman out before.

"I've been trying out a new look," 'Sybil' replied.

"Trixie can accept that," Trixie replied. "You humans all look alike to Trixie."

"Max, what have you been teaching her?" Sam demanded.

"Only what she needs to know to drive you crazy, Sam."

"I should have known," Sam groaned.

"Hey!" Max called out. "He's one of the Soda Poppers! It's Peepers!"

"I'm not Peepers," 'Sybil' argued. "I'm Sybil Pandemik, licensed psychotherapist."

Sam stroked his chin. "Alright then, 'Sybil'. How about some psychoanalysis?"

"Certainly," the suspicious figure replied happily. "Tell me what's bothering you."

Sam thought for a time. "I've been feeling less frisky than usual."

"Trixie read that happens when grown ups become parents," Trixie interrupted.

"Not that kind of frisky!" Sam insisted as Max cackled.

"Well then," Peepers suggested, "you might try Brady Culture's Eye-bo video - that'll put a spring back in your step. Your eyes, too."

Though Trixie started to get into a combat stance, Sam waved her to stop. "It's just one," he mumbled to her. "There's something else that's been bothering me," he told Peepers as Trixie, despite his directive, began to circle.

"Sure. Tell me what's bothering you," Peepers replied.

Thinking for a bit, Sam spoke again. "Every time I watch television I want to shoot something."

"I thought that was normal?" Max asked, giving Trixie a thumbs up.

"It is," Peepers replied. "But you may want to try Brady Culture's Eye-bo-"

Trixie cut him off by shooting him with the 'tear gas'. As he broke into tears, Max followed up with a boxing glove to the back of the head.

"Trixie!" Sam complained.

"What?' Trixie asked. "He's pushing a hypnotism video. He's obviously hypnotized."

The ruckus bumped the closet door open. "Thank goodness," Sybil said as she stepped out. "I was in there so long I was inventing life stories for the mothballs. I need to sit down." With that, she took a seat behind her desk.

As she sat back in her chair, she finally took notice of the unconscious former child star. "What happened here?"

"He was hypnotized into impersonating you," Trixie proclaimed. "...probably."

"If he was, is there any way to snap him out of it?" Sam asked.

"Well, now that you've knocked him unconscious..." Sybil stroked her chin as she glanced over at Peepers thoughtfully. "Take control of your mind!" she commanded the unconscious form. "Destroy the intruder in your dreams! Regain control!"

Peepers slowly pushed himself back to his feet. "Ugh...what hit me?"

"That would be me," Max piped up.

"Trixie too!"

"Any idea what happened to you?" Sam asked.

Peepers shook his head. "We all checked into Brady Culture's Home for Former Child Stars," he replied. "The next thing I know, I'm waking up here with a killer headache. ...I need to get out of here!" With that, Peepers zipped away out of the office.

"Hmm..." Sam mused, stroking his chin. "This plot is thickening like three day old pea soup atop a volcanic heat vent." He turned to Sybil. "Any suggestions on how to handle other hypnosis victims?"

"Well, once you've rendered them susceptible to new hypnotic input, simply use the same command I used to bring them back to normal," she replied. "In the meantime...how would you like some genuine psychoanalysis?"

"Gee, do you really think I need it?" Sam asked in concern.

"Well, I think we need to talk about your imaginary friend," Sybil said soothingly, gesturing towards Max.

"Wait, I'm imaginary?" Max asked. "Well, that certainly explains a lot."

"D...Daddy's not real?" Trixie asked, a catch in her voice.

Sybil glanced over at Trixie. "Well, he's certainly outside the realm of credulity..."

"But...but Daddy pulled Trixie out of the hat..." Trixie sobbed, moisture beading her eyes. "Does...does that mean Trixie's...not real?"

Seeing that both Sam and Max were starting to become less than tranquil about Trixie's sorrow, Sybil hastened to reassure her. "Not entirely. It's entirely possible that the actions of Max as an imaginary being are somehow enacted by Sam subconsciously in order to reinforce the delusion, for whatever reason he feels he needs it."

Sam blinked in confusion. "But wait, if Max is imaginary, how come you can see him?"

"I'm a trained psychotherapist," Sybil explained. "Comes with the job."

"Then how come Trixie can see me?" Max asked.

"Hmmm..." Sybil thought about that for a time. "I'll have to think on that. It's come across shared delusion in the official literature before, but this is my first encounter with it in person. Give me a chance to read up on it, then come back and I'll give you both some free psychoanalysis. It's the least I can do for saving me."

"Alright," Sam replied. "We'll use the time to see what we can do for the other hypnosis victims."

Seeing how disturbed Trixie was, Max picked her up and carried her out as he followed Sam back to the case.