• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,911 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

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Sixth Case - Phenomenal Cosmic Power

Trixie continued to cry as the three not-Maxes laughingly staggered around. Sam was struggling with the red one, keeping the gun pointed away from Max and Trixie. The blue one had fallen asleep on the green one, pinning it to the ground so it couldn't eat Trixie as it was attempting to do. What was left of Max smiled beatifically, looking around like there wasn't a thought in his head. Hugh Bliss remained in the crystal, moaning about how good everyone's happiness felt.

"What's wrong, Trixie sweetheart?" Max asked, looking down at Trixie with that horrid, empty smile.

"Y-y-you're not my Daddy!" Trixie wailed. "I want my Daddy back!"

"Oh don't be like that!" Max replied, his voice sing song. "I am your Daddy, just blissful now. Can't you be happy with me?"

Trixie continued to cry, burying her face in her forehooves.

Max seemed to be thoughtful for a time. "Oh, I know! How about I buy you that mockingbird?"

Sam could have sworn he heard something snap with the sound of shattering glass. "Uh oh."

Trixie slowly stood up, her sorrow pushed aside by sudden fury. This...this charlatan, empty shell of her Daddy dared to pretend with Daddy's song? Hugh Bliss had gone too far! "Give me back my Daddy!" she hissed out, her near silent voice somehow cutting all sound off, as though no sound in the universe dared obscure that message.

"What was that?" Hugh Bliss asked happily.

"Give me back my Daddy!" Trixie screamed out. Her magic erupted, not from her horn, but from her entire body in a blazing blue aura that flared like flames.

"Wuh oh!" Hugh replied happily.

"Give me back my Daddy!" Trixie roared, propelling herself upward in an impressively accurate shoryuken for a pony body. The magic around her upraised hoof converted into actual flame as she phased into the crystal and uppercut Hugh Bliss right out of the crystal.

Hugh Bliss landed lightly on his feet some distance away, straightening his jaw.

The rainbow colored hypno-beam vanished, a powder blue one shooting up to Earth at the same time Trixie's magical aura faded. "Gimme...back my...Da-"

A beam of white light shot up through the hypno-beam, shooting straight into Trixie's horn. Her back arched as her eyes, mouth, and the marks on her flanks flared with pure white light. "-DIIIII!" she finished as her proclamation turned into a scream as her body was near overloaded with raw magical energy.

"What is this?" Max asked curiously.

"Great Gallifreyan Paradoxes of first contact and a Master's election mistakes!" Sam spouted topically. "That hypno-beam didn't just make everyone on Earth think they were Trixie! Because of her magic, it also locked them into the same mindset she's in right now! The psychic potentia of every living thing on the planet is locked into rage at Hugh Bliss for what he did to you, Max, and being channeled right straight back into Trixie through her horn, which is converting it into pure magical energy!"

"Which means what, exactly?" the blue Max asked apathetically.

"It means I'm screwed!" Hugh Bliss said happily, his eyes full of fear.

"Give me back my Daddy!" Trixie roared, her voice one and many. A blast of lightning ripped from her horn to plunge right through Hugh Bliss...leaving behind a swarming mass of blue specks in his place.

"What the?" Sam gasped in shock.

"Hi," the thing spoke, its voice echoing. "We're Hugh Bliss."

"I think I'm going to be sick to my brand new stomach," the green Max complained.

"We are a space faring colony of sentient bacteria!" Hugh Bliss singsonged in its new echoey voice.

"A sentence I really did not expect to hear today," Sam commented dryly.

"We cannot be harmed by-"

Hugh Bliss's words were cut off as a new flare of lightning incinerated the bacteria that made up his arm.

Hugh Bliss stared at the stump where nearly a quarter of its composition had once been. "That's not possible!" it proclaimed in fear. "Nothing of this universe can do that!"

"Then it's a good thing Trixie isn't from this universe, isn't it?" Sam pointed out.

"Give me back my Daddy!" Trixie screamed again, her magic flaring brightly.

Lightning flared out, incinerating the three colored Maxes, leaving only the white bits behind, which then fused with Max, making him whole again. "What did I miss?" he asked, confused.

"Trixie's throwing a temper tantrum powered by an entire planet's psychic energy over Hugh Bliss butchering your personality," Sam explained.

"She's gone all Avatar State!" Max said happily, pointing. "Even her butt tats are glowing!"

"Good to have you back, little buddy," Sam said happily.

Trixie let off one last, loud scream, and all the magic gathered was released in a single wave directed at Hugh Bliss.

As Hugh Bliss was torn asunder, the last thing its optics registered in the blazing white light was a winged silhouette.

When the light faded, there was nothing left of Hugh Bliss. Trixie fell from the crystal as the hypno-beam shut off. Max happened to be under her to catch her. He quickly checked her over to see if channeling that much power had in any way damaged her, but she seemed fine. "That was awesome!" he cried out happily. "Do it again!"

Trixie managed to smile up at him. "Daddy..." she said happily, nuzzling into his chest.

"Are you alright, Trixie?" Sam asked, stepping up to kneel beside them.

"Just tired," Trixie murmured. "Even the Gre...the Gr...even GaP Trixie needs to rest after channeling an entire planet's magical power," Trixie muttered, too tired to even say her full title.

Sam chuckled indulgently. "Well, we've stopped Hugh Bliss-"

"We?" Trixie and Max asked quickly.

Sam chuckled. "Alright, Trixie's stopped Hugh Bliss. However, the entire world currently believes it's the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Can we fix it with the hypno-beam?" Trixie asked. "Use it to send a knock out pulse and the de-hypno-instructions?"

"That will not work," Jane said from the computer systems around them. "That last magic surge broke it."

"So we have to drive around the entire planet and punch everyone?" Max asked eagerly. "Sounds like fun!"

"Can't we just leave them all as is?" Trixie asked. "Trixie wants to rest..."

"Well, if you don't mind a planet full of impostors..." Sam teased.

Trixie's eyes popped open. "But I'm GaP Trixie!" she complained.

Max grinned at the obvious cue. "The real GaP Trixie?" he asked, getting a nod from Trixie in reply.

"All the other GaP Trixie's?" Sam asked.

"Their minds just need fixing!" Trixie insisted.

"Then won't the real GaP Trixie please step out!" Jane proclaimed, turning one of the statues into a spotlight.

"Please step out!" Sam added, gesturing dramatically as a second spotlight joined the first.

"Please step out!" Max concluded, setting Trixie down in the spotlight as the third illuminated her.

Grinning, Trixie stepped out into the spotlight, pulling a microphone from her hat. She tapped it for a bit. "Test, test, testing!" She looked up. "Mom! Trixie needs music!"

Author's Note:

Roll Credits.