• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,910 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

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Third Case - Safe Bet

As the trio entered the casino, the doorman in the oversized bear head greeted them. "Welcome to Ted E. Bear's Mafia Free Playland and Casino."

"Ahh!" Max cried.

"That face!" Sam agreed.

"Trixie likes it," Trixie commented. "Would make a nice bludgeon."

"My name's Lovey Bear. Boy, do we have some fun and games for you," Lovey Bear said, his voice monotone. "Here, take this token amount of tokens as our way of welcome and go spend a lot of money." He handed tokens to all three of them.

"Trixie can gamble, too?" Trixie asked in shock.

"Ted E. Bear's Mafia Free Playland and Casino does not discriminate its customers on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, or species," Lovey Bear replied. "Only on whether or not they have money."

As Sam and Max had their discussion about the similarities between the bear head and the hypno-bear, Trixie decided to follow the actual mission as a distraction. "Does the carpet match the drapes?"

"If Don Ted E. Bear says so, they do!" Lovey Bear replied.

Realizing this wasn't the mole, Trixie decided to go play some games. She tried playing the 'Whack the Rat' game, but during her play, one of her bullets went wide in her excitement and lodged in the crystal clown nose over the entrance, slightly distorting the reflection it gave off, changing how things looked in the reflection, though it was difficult to notice unless you saw the crystal get hit.

When she finally won the game, she frowned. "A magnet?" she asked. "This is all the prize for Trixie's efforts? Trixie will not be playing this game again!" She turned away with a huff.

Unable to reach the slot machines, Trixie wandered to the table in the center. "What's this game?" she asked.

"A little girl wants to play against me?" the other man at the table asked, his long face bald save for a mustache.

"I almost feel guilty taking your money...almost."

Trixie frowned. "Who are you?"

"Steakcharmer. Leonard Steackcharmer. Best card player in the casino."

Trixie glowered at him, not liking, his attitude. "Trixie will defeat you! None are greater than the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Steakcharmer chuckled evilly. "Your loss."

"What is the game?" Trixie demanded.

"Truest test of skill there is: Indian Poker."

"Trixie knows that game!" Trixie proclaimed. "Trixie will beat you!"

Leonard laughed. "I'm so confident I'll win, I'll bet all 10 million of my tokens against just one of yours."

"You will regret your bravado!" Trixie proclaimed.

As the dealer dealt out the cards, Trixie put hers to her forehead while Leonard did the same. Trixie could see his card was a four of spades. He glanced upwards towards the crystal clown nose and grinned. "I bet everything I've got the higher card. You just gotta bet one."

Trixie grinned widely. "Trixie bets!" She pushed a token forward.

Leonard chuckled as he laid his card down. "Sorry, you lose-"

"The pony wins," the dealer said in a monotone voice as Trixie's card was revealed as the ten of diamonds.

"What?" Leonard gasped out. "I...you...you cheated me!"

Trixie blinked. "Accusing a little girl of cheating? How low are you. You are just upset that you were soundly beaten by the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Pay up, Steakcharmer," the dealer ordered.

"Mama, why weren't you watching over me?" Steakcharmer wailed. "I'm ruined!" He fled the casino in tears.

Shrugging, Trixie pushed her winnings into her hat. Turning to the dealer, she asked, "Does the carpet match the drapes?"

"Wanna play cards?" he replied.

Shrugging, Trixie clambered over to Steakcharmer's seat. Picking up the discarded four, she held it to her hat and glanced upwards. In the reflection of the crystal clown nose, the distortion from her bullet caused the four to look like an ace. "Huh. Cool." Dropping the card, she hopped down from the table and began wandering around the casino.

From what she heard from the bear workers, the Don was in the back room. There was also some sort of password to get in. She turned to ask Sam and Max about the password.

It was at that point she realized she'd gotten separated from them. "Daddy?" she asked nervously. "U-uncle Sam?" She started to shiver fearfully. "Where are you?"

When there was no response, she whimpered deep in her throat and walked up to the guard at the door to the back room. "I can't find my Daddy!" she whined.

The guard shifted as though panicked, although she couldn't see his face. "What does your Daddy look like?"

"Umm...he's got big ears, a big smile, and a big gun?" she offered.

"Hmm..." the guard mumbled. "That describes everyone who works here. Does your Daddy work here?"

Trixie shrugged. "Daddy brought me here on the job..."

"He must work here, then," the guard replied. He gently scooped her up. "The Don will help you find your Daddy, don't you worry." He turned to the door and opened it, stepping through as it closed.

In the back room, the red bear headed figure stepped forward. "Why are you bringing a kid back here?"

"She can't find her father," the guard explained.

The other man sighed. "I'll take it from here." He took Trixie from his arms. "I'm Chuckles. Come on, the Don and I will find where your Daddy is."

Carrying her into the section of the back room, he pointed her at the cameras. "Alright. Do you see your old man?"

Trixie looked at the cameras. She then gasped and pointed. "There he is!" she said happily, pointing Max out.

Chuckles turned to one of the other 'bears'. "Get the dog and rabbit in here."

Before long, Sam and Max were brought back. "Daddy!" Trixie said happily, leaping into Max's arms.

He caught her happily. "There you are, Trixie! Where were you?"

"Winning!" Trixie said happily.

"You should keep better track of your little girl," the Don said. "Family is important, after all."

"We do our best," Sam replied. "But kids this age have a mind of their own."

"All too true," the Don agreed.

Seeing that everyone she hadn't already asked the code phrase of was there, Trixie decided to speak up. "Does the carpet match the drapes?"

"They're cops!" the Don gasped out. "Get them!"

Trixie leapt from Max's arms as Sam and Max raced out of the casino, nearly the entire mob after them. Trixie ran further in, through a door she forced open with magic, into a factory area.

"Stop!" the Don shouted, having removed his bear head to reveal the face of a mole. "This place is fragile! You aren't supposed to be back here!"

Running in fear, Trixie bounced from console to console, accidentally stepping on buttons and throwing switches. Alarms began to blare. "Trixie is not sticking around for whatever happens next!" As the mole tried to fix the controls, Trixie ran out of the casino.

Sam and Max were just pulling back up - having apparently dealt with the mobsters - as she ran out, the exploding casino sending her into the air and flying into Max's arms.

"Looks like we did blow the place up, after all," Sam commented.

"No, Trixie did!" Max corrected. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Trixie didn't mean to..." she pouted cutely.

"Well, we can report to the commissioner that his mole was a traitor. Another case solved!" Sam proclaimed happily.

"Trixie wants ice cream!"

"I want some too!"

"Alright, little buddies. Let's go get some."