• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,910 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

  • ...

Curious Toys

Sam, Max, and Trixie approached as the ship came in for a landing on the street between Stinky's and Bosco's. The mouth opened, and a ramp that looked way too much like a tongue extended outward. The space gorilla from the future vision stepped into the light.

"Creatures of Earth!" he proclaimed. "I am General Skun-ka'pe! Hear my words!"

The ramp then extended, carrying him down to ground level.

"So...anyone want to take bets on what strategy he takes?" Max asked.

"My money's on 'take me to your leader'," Sam chimed in.

"Trixie bets a 'to serve man' approach!"

"Had I funds, I would lay them on a Mars Attacks stratagem," Jane piped up.

"So, claiming to come in peace right up until he starts blasting?" Max clarified.


"Well, my money's on a Vash approach!" Max proclaimed. "Always go with the classics!"

Skunkape began speaking as he reached the ground. "I have come to you...with a message of peace and love!"

Max snapped his fingers. "So close!"

"Uh...sorry about that building," Skunkape said, gesturing to where Sybil's office had been relocated to before he landed on it.

"So...what does it all mean?" Max asked.

"It means we need to find a way on board that spaceship!" Sam proclaimed.

Max pulled out his gun.

"We know from the flash forward bullets don't hurt him," Trixie pointed out.

"Then how are we supposed to get on board?" Max demanded.

"We could try asking nicely," Sam suggested.

"When has that ever worked?" Max countered derisively.

"We could try having Trixie ask nicely," Sam counter-offered.

"Huh. That does have a high rate of success," Max allowed.

As they approached Skunkape, Agent Superball greeted them. "Greetings Mr. President, Vice President, First Daughter Trixie."

"President?" Skunkape asked, his eyebrows going up as he examined Max. "You are the one in charge of this planet?"

"Actually, that'd be Trixie," Max replied. "I'm officially in charge, but at this point no world leader does anything unless she approves, since she's hit such universal approval from voting populations that being blamed for making her cry is guaranteed to result in social revolution and the overthrow of the government."

Skunkape blinked. "An...unusual government structure, but just the one I wanted to see." He brought his hands together as he laughed somewhat wickedly.

"Trixie needs an adult," Trixie stated bluntly.

"Are not your father and his Vice-President adequate?" Skunkape asked courteously.

"I just felt a disturbance in the plot," Max commented dryly. "As though hundreds of fans had no idea how to react to the derailing of a reference joke they were starting to get tired of."

Skunkape stared at Max for a time, then cleared his throat. "I have come to your pitif- beautiful world for a peaceful exchange of technology. All the wonders of the galaxy...yours." He then began to laugh again.

"It's beginning to sound like Trixie or I will win the pot," Jane commented quietly.

"What's the catch?" Sam demanded.

"No catch," Skunkape assured them as he laughed again. "All I ask in return is help while my...research assistants search for...an artifact of interest to my people." Behind the ship, another space gorilla could be seen beating someone up, though he stopped when attention turned to him.

"By any chance is it a toy filled with extra-dimensional eldritch energy that lets the wielder see the future if they have the proper mental properties?" Trixie asked.

Skunkape gasped in surprise. "You have seen it?"

"Nope!" Trixie replied. "But Trixie recently learned to use magic to see four seconds into the future, and knew that was what you were looking for. Is it part of a set?"

"Well, yes..." Skunkape admitted reluctantly. "But I have no interest in the others, I assure you. Merely this one, the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth."

"So you don't intend to use it to track down dozens if not hundreds of similarly energized toys across the globe with the intention of universal domination?" Max asked eagerly.

"Of...course not," Skunkape replied hesitantly, now chuckling nervously. "Wherever would you get that idea?"

"Well, it could be a crazed vision of a violent future," Sam offered.

"Or being genre savvy," Trixie suggested.

"Or simple paranoia," Jane mused.

"But to be perfectly honest," Max concluded, "it's mostly wishful thinking. I always wanted to fight an alien invasion!"

Skunkape was visibly sweating at this point. "Well, I can assure you that I have no hostile intentions whatsoever. Why don't you explore my ship? You will find nothing of any danger to your world, I can assure you."

"Anything we have to watch out for while on board?" Sam asked. "You know, to make sure Trixie doesn't get hurt or anything like that?"

"Security systems and the like?" Max clarified.

"All disengaged for visitors," Skunkape hastened to assure them. "My vast array of technology is free to all."

"Want a banana?" Trixie asked.

"Oh, so because I resemble a gorilla you assume I want a banana," Skunkape growled. "It's nice to see Earthlings are still so charmingly rustic."

Trixie wilted in on herself. "Trixie just thought...you might be hungry after your long trip...but Trixie already ate the rest of her lunch...and only had a banana left to offer." She sniffled.

"Yeah, General," Sam pointed out. "No need to go accusing a little filly of speciesism when she's just trying to be nice."

"Somebody's got a persecution complex!" Max pointed out.

Skunkape swallowed, feeling terribly guilty as Trixie started to whimper. "I'm terribly sorry, little one," he apologized. "I would love to have your banana."

"I got it recorded," Jane explained. "It has already been posted to every 'silly video' site on the net. It has made 50,000 hits."

Trixie smirked. "Gotcha!" she said, blowing Skunkape a raspberry.

Skunkape frowned. "Clever girl," he growled.