• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,910 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

  • ...

Dangerous Toys

The trio entered the spaceship to explore it, seeking answers regarding the violent vision of the future Max had given them from the Eyes of Yog-Soggoth. Well, Sam wanted answers. Max just wanted incredible psychic powers.

Reaching the upper level, however, they found the brain that had helped them in the vision...dead.

"Well, this is unexpected," Sam pointed out.

"But hardly inconvenient," Max countered. "Trixie! You can read minds because of the future vision, right? Read him!"

"Trixie will...try," Trixie offered. She focused on the brain, energizing her horn.

The eyes...the eyes...

Trixie shivered, letting go of her magic. "That's all Trixie can get."

"We'll figure it out in a bit," Sam suggested. "While you were reading the brain, a mole man went in for one of those 'vacations' Skunkape offers them, and apparently they're used as a fuel resource."

Trixie blinked up at him. "...and?"

"And we swiped the stuff he left behind!" Max said happily. "A hard hat and the ticket!"

Trixie thought about that for a bit, and something clicked in her head. "The Eyes of Yog-Soggoth!" she said suddenly. "The Future Sight! Use them on the brain!"

"That's right!" Sam said eagerly. "He was alive in the future vision, so we should be able to use a future vision of him to figure out how to revive him!"

Grinning, Max turned the Future Sight on the brain.

"You did it Sam, Max, and Trixie!" the brain congratulated them. "You awakened me from from the sleep of one hundred deaths! How did you do it?"

"Well, that's encouraging," Sam commented dryly.

"Uncle Sam comes up with solutions!" Trixie pointed out. "Maybe the vision can be extended by focusing on him?"

Shrugging, Max gave it a try.

"You did it Sam, Max, and Trixie!" the brain congratulated them...again. "You awakened me from from the sleep of one hundred deaths! How did you do it?"

"Easy-Peasy!" Sam proclaimed. "All it took was Stinky's Demon Broth and Momma Bosco's futuristic power core!"

"Well, we heard me!" Sam stated. "We've gotta find some demon broth and Momma Bosco's futuristic power core!"

"Then first stop should be talking to Stinky?" Trixie suggested.

"Great idea!" Max proclaimed.

Inside Stinky's, the trio saw Flint Paper sitting at the table eating getting ready to eat some spaghetti. "Trixie will talk to old Stinky about the Demon Broth!" Trixie proclaimed. "Uncle Sam, Daddy, you see if Flint knows anything!"

"Hang on a minute," Sam interrupted. "How come you're sending us off to another corner of the restaurant while you do the exciting stuff?"

"Duh, Sam!" Max pointed out. "Trixie's adorable wiles work better without excess baggage."

"Fair point," Sam admitted. "Though I don't like being called baggage."

Smiling, Trixie approached Grandpa Stinky. "Have you got any Demon Broth?" she asked cutely.

"Ay, that I do," Stinky growled. "But ya can't have any!"

"Please?" Trixie pleaded.

"Nay!" Stinky growled back. "I won't be letting ya steal my recipe!"

"Pwease?" Trixie begged, exaggerating her adorability.

"Nay! Your cuteness won't be workin' on me at all!"

Trixie paused. Her cuteness had never failed to break someone. She thought about Stinky for a time, trying to get a read on him.

"I got no use fer cuteness. You gotta show some backbone if you wanna impress me."

Trixie blinked, realizing she'd accidentally read Stinky's mind. Grinning, she pulled her gun out of her hat and put it to Stinky's crotch, pulling the hammer back. "Please?" she asked again, her magic glow visible around the trigger.

Stinky laughed uproariously. "That's more like it, lil' lady!" he proclaimed, grabbing the bottle off the counter and stuffing it in Trixie's hat. "That's how you ask for somethin'!"

"Trixie will remember that!" Trixie said happily.

Sam and Max rejoined her on their way out of the diner. "Any luck on the demon broth?" they asked.

"Got it!" Trixie said proudly. "How'd it go with Flint Paper?"

"We saved him from a peanut allergy attack and a tomahawk to the back of the head," Max said happily.

"And found out that Stinky might actually not be Stinky's granddaughter, and possibly plotting with Skunkape," Sam added.

"So...nothing important?" Trixie asked.

"Not really, no," Max replied.

"So now we should go ask the ghost of Momma Bosco about the futuristic power core!" Sam proclaimed happily.

Momma Bosco's new lab was dark, spooky, and high tech. While Sam and Max spoke with Harry Moleman - presumably to set up Harry's involvement in the future vision - Trixie approached Momma Bosco. "Hi Momma Bosco!" she said happily, getting close enough to the ghost's high perch to speak with her. "Remember the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"Oh, the little time travelling unicorn!" Momma Bosco said happily, warping down to be closer to Trixie. "What brings you here?"

"We had a mystic artifact generated future vision involving using Demon Broth and your futuristic power core to resurrect a brain in a jar," Trixie replied easily. "Have you got one?"

Momma Bosco chuckled. "It's never a dull case for you three, is it? Time travel, Hell raising, and now mystical artifacts using visions of the future to figure out how to make the visions come true...you do have exciting times, don't you?"

"And that's just on the job!" Trixie proclaimed happily.

"What sort of mystic artifact?" Momma Bosco asked. "Maybe I can figure out how it works, and give you more advice."

"The alien gorilla called them the Eyes of Yog-Soggoth," Trixie explained.

"Wait...you mean its one of the toys from the Devil's Toybox?" Momma Bosco asked in surprise.

"...the what now?" Trixie asked in confusion.

"After your time travel visit, I studied everything I could on ancient myths and legends on the off chance you might be involved in them," she replied. "The Devil's Toybox is a rather dangerous artifact, as are all the toys involved with it. Just...how involved are you three with them?"

"Well...Daddy goes all lightningy whenever he touches one," Trixie explained. "And the Eyes gave us all a future vision where Trixie got spells based on all the toys we encountered...and Trixie still had the spells back in the present, though not as strong as the toys."

Momma Bosco frowned. "Trixie...you need to be careful with those toys...and especially the spells you get from them. Their powers are not of this world. They come from the Elder Gods."

Trixie nodded. "Trixie promises to be careful. Now...about the futuristic power battery?"

"Stolen from my lab last night," Momma Bosco replied. "Sorry I can't help." She frowned. "You know...that General didn't seem so bad on the News...but if he's after the Toys, maybe I'd better reconsider."

"I have the sudden urge to mention a time stream alteration," Jane piped up.

Trixie blinked. "Mommy, can you detect the energy wavelengths given off by the futuristic power core if Momma Bosco gives you the specs on them?"

"Indeed I could," Jane replied. "...it appears to be in the sewer passage beneath Straight and Narrow, directly below a secret passage in Stinky's Diner."

"So...the best way to get to it would be to have Daddy throw Trixie across to it, use the substitution spell to switch places with Daddy, and have Daddy break physics the way he normally does to follow us back up out of the sewers?" Trixie asked.

"I would recommend having Sam throw you, as he has longer arms, but otherwise yes," Jane replied.

"I could really use that power core back..." Momma Bosco began. "But...I suppose I can let you use it. Saving the world from alien invasion targeting dangerous artifacts and all that."

"Thanks Momma Bosco!" Trixie said happily, turning to go tell Sam and Max where to go for the power core.