• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 11,910 Views, 1,116 Comments

On the Corner of Straight and Narrow - Tatsurou

Sam and Max raise a filly Trixie while solving mysteries.

  • ...

How To Save Christmas

As the trio arrived at the North Pole, they saw another trio standing outside Santa's workshop. "What the hell are they doing here?" Max demanded, gesturing to the Soda Poppers.

Sam sighed. "I don't know."

"Probably just here about their Christmas lists," Trixie suggested. "We need to go see Santa!" Trixie led the way into Santa's workshop, blinking and smiling as Whizzer waved at her. She didn't really understand it, but it made Peepers and Specs angry, so she enjoyed it.

Entering the workshop, an elf called out to them. "You've got to help us!" he pleaded. "He'll kill us all!"

"Why would you do that, Daddy?" Trixie asked.

"For the sport?" Max suggested.

"Not him!" another elf proclaimed. "Santa!"

Santa could be seen behind a door.

"He forced us to make all those awful, hurtful toys!" the first elf explained. "We don't know what's gotten into him."

Santa then stuck a machine gun out of the door's peephole and opened fire on the elves, who screamed and ducked. "The snow will turn red with the blood of the naughty!" Santa proclaimed before opening fire again.

"The cartoons always made him seem a lot more jolly," Max muttered.

Sam, Max, and Trixie took their own paths while investigating the workshop and Santa's apparent insanity. Trixie examined a shipping box that had evil purple ooze pouring out the edges while Sam and Max gave an elf an existential crisis to help him cry so a tree could grow. Trixie didn't really understand that.

Glancing around, Trixie noticed a lot of really creepy toys, the sort her Daddy obviously liked. However, failing to see any other clues, she met back up with Sam and Max. "Any ideas?" she asked.

"Nothing conclusive," Sam admitted.

"Any idea who Shambling Corporate Presence is?" Max asked. "Doesn't sound like a Christmasy name, but it's on the Mimesweeper score board."

"That is the name of a powerful demon," Jane explained from Trixie's goggles. "It does not belong here."

Trixie gasped. "Santa must be possessed by a demon!"

"So how do we stop him?" Sam asked.

"Bullets?" Max offered, pulling out his gun.

"But what about Christmas?" Trixie whined.

"Oh, all right," Max conceded. "We'll get the demon out of him before shooting him."

"Scans indicate that demonic exorcism instructions might be found inside Santa's Office," Jane indicated.

"Just what sort of scans give you that information?" Sam demanded.

"Scanning the TvTropes website," Jane replied.

"Fair enough," Sam allowed. "How do we get in?"

"The chimney?" Trixie suggested.

Back outside, Sam used the elf tears to make a tiny topiary turn gigantic.

"Hey Sam," Max spoke up, "give me the rest of those elf tears. I've got a date with an unsuspecting metropolis."

"Sorry, little buddy," Sam replied. "They only work on plants."

"You win again, Tokyo!" Max proclaimed angrily.

"Mama," Trixie asked, "is there a spell Trixie could use to turn a plant into an animal?"

"The level of magic required to perform a conversion of the size suggested would be prohibitive," Jane pointed out.

"What if Trixie cast the spell after Daddy poured the tears, but before the plant turned gigantic?" Trixie suggested.

Sam handed the watering can of elf tears to Trixie. "If it works go nuts."

"Yay!" Trixie proclaimed happily. She then looked up the tree. "...how does Trixie get up that?"

Both Sam and Max paused, realizing that Trixie's quadrapedal build lacked the brachiating capacity required to climb. "I don't think you can, Trixie-"

Grabbing Trixie, Max interrupted Sam by stuffing her into his coat. "You get to ride!" Max said happily.

"Yay!" Trixie squealed happily, throwing her hooves up. "Mush, Uncle Sam, mush!"

Rolling his eyes, Sam walked to the side of the giant topiary. "Hey, there's an escalator over here."

"Convenient!" Max pointed out as they rode up it before sliding down the chimney.

Entering the office, Trixie had sense enough to stop Sam or Max from making any noise, so they didn't get shot at. They then looked around the office for clues. Sam found a record of satanic Christmas songs, which he pocketed because it stood out and was therefore likely to be important. Trixie found a parchment with exorcism instructions, rolled out on a podium. "These must be what Mama was talking about," Trixie said, stuffing them in her hat. "But why would..." She blinked, a crazy idea suddenly appearing in her thoughts. "Santa didn't shoot at us, just the elves..." She turned. "Santa! Is one of the elves possessed?"

Santa spun to face them, but held his fire. "Yes! But I don't know which one!" he proclaimed. "And the demon wants to possess me, so I can't go out there to get what I need to properly exorcise the demon!"

Trixie smiled. "We'll get them! And we'll save Christmas!"

"You'll need the help of the Christmas Spirits," Santa pointed out, gesturing to the safe he was standing on.

Opening the safe, Trixie pulled out the bottle and pulled out the cork. Three balls of light floated out to take the form of spirits that somewhat resembled Santa. The one in the middle was the only one in a Santa outfit. The one on the right looked somewhat younger in dress, while the one on the left was definitely older, and had an eyepatch.

"Who dares to disturb our-oh what a cute pony!" the middle spirit proclaimed, swooping down to pet Trixie. The other two spirits quickly joined him.

Trixie blinked. "So...you'll help us exorcise the demon?" she asked nervously.

"Well, we'll need to check your records a bit," the more retro spirit pointed out.

All three spirits pulled out scrolls and went over them for a time. When they rolled them up, the eye patch wearing spirit nodded.

"Wait, really?" Santa asked in shock. "They're on the nice list?"

"It's a bit convoluted," the central spirit pointed out, "but currently they are. Their past, present, and future Christmases check out."

"That's a lot to take in," Sam pointed out.

"My whole life's been a lie!" Max wailed.

"And it's mostly because of this sweet little filly," the retro spirit pointed out.

"Okay, maybe it hasn't," Sam corrected.

"So now we need to collect these horsemen of the apocalypse action figures?" Trixie pointed out.

The eye patch wearing spirit nodded as the three spirits returned to the bottle.

"This is going to be fun!" Max said happily, rubbing his hands together.