• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 95-A New World to Call Home

“We were once a peaceful race of intelligent beings… meant to show the universe of our accomplishments and feats. Never did we expect civil war to ravage our home world of Cybertron until life was all but impossible, a distant memory.

“Through horrific battles that forever made their mark, both on my brothers and my home, we lived on, forced to remain as a constant reminder of what we once were, the evils we once committed to fight back tyranny. What I’ve done…it will always haunt me. But today, we stand as a testament of time, a testament of the future for Cybertronians taking shelter among the cosmos.

“Wherever you all are…I wish to let you know that we are alive…here…on Equis. We’ve come a long way, lost so many, gained much more, but finally…here on Equis…we have found what we have truly been searching for. We have finally found peace.

“Now, with the world watching us, waiting for us to make a grand statement, I say to them…that we shall remain here…in hiding. We will not leave the world we had built, the friendships we formed, the happiness we have finally acquired, but we will wait in the shadows when the world needs us once again. When that time comes, when peace is threatened…we will be ready.”

True, definitive peace.

The midnight-colored Autobot breathed out a sigh of happiness from within. His legs crossed, his hands pressed to his knees, his optics shut, the Autobot sat on the edge of the tallest mountain he could find, facing Celestia’s waning sunset.

Cool breezes flowed in, gracing his toned armor and the bright lights that reflected off of it. The Autobot breathed in again, his chest stretching and his dark insignia jutting outwards. The ridge of the mountainside spoke to him, whispered its calming breeze into his hearing processors, forever speaking to him in his time of rest.

His mission was complete, he knew that.

The voice of Alpha Trion had fallen silent. The Autobot smiled, his optics still shut.

For the first time in his life…Drift had found peace.

True, definitive peace.

Pinkie Pie bounced onto the hills surrounding Sweet Apple Acres, a basket handle held between her teeth. Once she reached the top of the hill, she was instantly greeted and beckoned over from Rarity and Applejack, their little sisters sitting by their sides. Scootaloo was there as well. Her smile increased once Pinkie came to the scene.

The pink party pony hopped over to them, laying down the basket and removing the contents from within. A blanket was laid out, followed by several servings of drinks and baked goods. The six mares sat and enjoyed their small picnic, making small talk and laughing heartedly at Pinkie Pie’s humorous actions.

Applejack contained her laughter, her brilliant, emerald irises turning towards the far end of the orchard. Resting on the hill with Princess Celestia’s sunset wading over the landscape, three vehicles sat side by side, facing the orange blossoms spreading across the heavy clouds. Their glowing red symbols shined in the shadows, never growing dim.

Jazz, Cliffjumper, and Ironhide…they were their silent guardians.

And they were forever by their side to the end of time.

Applejack smiled at that. She was so glad the Autobots had finally found their peace. And she could speak for her and her friends, just seeing the smiles on their faces…this was their peace, too.

She didn’t know about Rarity or Pinkie, but she did know thing. This was definitely her peace.

The lowly draconequus watched from the tree branch, smiling at the scene beneath him. He could always remember the yellow Autobot Fluttershy always talked about, cried about. It was a time the draconequus acted out of his will, embracing the whimpering Pegasus and gently rubbing her mane while always telling her it was going to be alright.

He always loved being right.

Beneath him, that yellow Autobot stood three or so feet behind the Pegasus, watching her approach the large tombstone, a bundle of flowers in her hooves. The sunset gave the hills a humble glow, warm in the heart and soul. The draconequus for once didn’t mind Celestia’s sunlight hitting him, embracing him. His crooked eyes stared at the two beneath him.

Fluttershy laid the bundle of daisies at the foot of the tombstone, backing away and eyeing the writing forever carved into the stone. It read, “Autobot Jetfire. Soldier, friend, hero.”

She sniffled hard, bringing up a foreleg to wipe her eyes. Bumblebee made an approach to move forward, but stopped once he heard her delicate, little voice.

“Goodbye…Jetfire. Thanks for being our hero.”

The Pegasus turned her eyes to the Autobot and smiled the biggest smile she had in a long time. Bumblebee, never reluctant, smiled back. She approached the yellow bot, flew up to him and hugged his chest so slowly. So slow, yet Bumblebee didn’t mind one bit.

The draconequus smiled happily, releasing a sigh of relief. It had been so long since he’s seen his friend smile like that. For once, that’s all that he seemed to care about. He just wanted to see Fluttershy happy again, like how she went going completely out of her way for his friendship. For him…

For her, Discord just wanted her to be happy.

With the Autobot here…maybe that could be accomplished. With Jetfire and Omega Supreme smiling down at them, it was definitely a possibility.

Rainbow Dash stood on the edge of a tall hill, her chest puffed out and her eyes staring straight ahead. The sunset’s bright gleams of light showered over her, covering her face and chest in its warm touch, hardly breaking passed the mountains in the distance.

The Pegasus stopped squinting once a shadow stepped forward, covering her in it.

That shadow fell to one knee, its burning red visor falling down to be with her face to face, eye to eye. Rainbow Dash smiled, her gaze softening against the new warmth of the red visor. She could see her reflection within the redness, seeing her eyes grow watery. Quickly, she wiped her eyes with a foreleg, chuckling softly.

Grimlock leaned his head in.

Rainbow Dash did the same.

With no added force whatsoever, the two pressed their foreheads together, Rainbow’s eyes shutting with her smile still present, still there, never leaving her…just like her friend. The two remained that way for some time, refusing to break contact with one another. Rainbow could’ve stayed like that forever, with her friend close by, always there for her. Sadly, all things came to an end.

Grimlock stood up, leaving the Pegasus staring up at him with wet eyes.

He backed away, smashing his fists into the earth and transforming. Rainbow closed her eyes, her smile wavering. She hated what was coming next, she didn’t want it to happen, but it had to. This is where they belonged…away from the innocent…in their own little slice of peace. She opened her eyes, watching the big bozo turn around and stomp off towards the forest.

Snarl and Slug came to Grimlock’s sides, following their leader as they moved closer to the wilderness where they would remain in hiding. Rainbow Dash watched them leave, a frown growing on her face, forcing the tears to stay in. The last time she could look at him, at her Autobot friend, was just his butt swaying from side to side.

He stopped.

Slowly, Grimlock spun his head around, meeting Rainbow Dash’s stare all the way. The Pegasus’ jaw dropped, her eyes growing wide as the Dinobot reared his head back, releasing a single, powerful roar for the entire world to hear. Slug and Snarl joined in, their heads pointed to the heavens and their jaws separated, giving the world their presence.

Rainbow Dash smiled. She looked back to see Swoop fly over her head, screeching as he did so. He flew over his brother’s head, leading the way to their new home in the wilderness of Equestria’s landscape. Grimlock ceased his roaring, giving Rainbow one last look before turning around and stomping away.

Rainbow wiped her eyes once. She watched as all four of them disappeared side by side, brothers in arms, forever together.

Without a second thought, the Element of Loyalty spread her wings and flew away back to her own slice of peace.

Princess Twilight Sparkle motioned her eyes away from her former mentor’s beautiful sunset and onto the bot whose shoulder she sat on. Optimus Prime remained where he was, his blue optics that shined with the strength of the Autobot leader staring straight into the brightness that Celestia had complete and utter power over.

He felt something lean onto him. Lightly turning to the left, Optimus sighed contently when he caught the Princess of Friendship leaning her head against his faceplate, her own sigh joining his in a chorus of happiness and peace. Spike did the same, remaining on Prime’s right shoulder and simply resting his palm on Optimus’ faceplate.

Prime welcomed the act, placing his palms against his hips. For the longest time, the three said nothing, simply enjoying each other’s company. It had been the first time they shared a moment like the one currently, the first time in a long time. Twilight yearned for moments like this, finally by Prime’s side. Optimus felt no different, finally by her side. And Spike’s.

How could he ever forget Spike?

The Autobot leader, the last Prime turned around and slowly made his return to his new home, Ponyville, where he would forever remain alongside the Princess of Friendship and her dragon assistant. And they were all content with that, enjoying the peace that came with friendship.

“I am Optimus Prime, leader of the free Cybertronians, and I send this warning to any foe hiding within the multi-verse, plotting against peace. I only allow you to know one thing: the Autobots will defend the ponies living here. We will defend the peace and honor this world holds until the bitter end. We will defend…our home.”

The Prime, the princess, and the dragon left together, allowing the land to fall into Luna’s lovely night with their departure back to Ponyville. As soon as the Prime had disappeared from sight, a light appeared on the hilltop, swaying back and forth and side to side.

A firefly hovered where the two previously stood, its ghostly yellow light shimmering like a beacon. A firefly, flying in the exact area Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike sat that one, fateful night. A tiny angel, speaking to the darkness.

Till all are one.

With that, the firefly vanished.

Author's Note:

Epilogue coming your way! :twilightsmile:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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