• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 89-Beasts of War

The battle of Manehattan had taken its toll on the citizens of the fair city. Near the outskirts within the Manehattan Judicial Building, ponies that stacked up in the hundreds cradled together for warmth, safety, and out of fear of what the war was doing to their home.

For the ponies of Manehattan, they hadn’t been more terrified in their entire lives. For the Equestrian Resistance fighters, they felt no different.

A total of twenty resistance soldiers were tasked by Captain Armor to guard the citizens they were currently watching over with their lives. Hundreds of innocent ponies were taken to the near coast of the city and placed within the safe walls of the Judicial Building. There were hardly any firefights where they were hidden, save for a few tremors and gunshots here and there.

The twenty resistance fighters lined the glass doors behind them, some taking shifts of watching the streets while others scanned the bundles of ponies cradling together within the massive foyer. There were friends, families even who had managed to escape the battleground and make it to the safe zone.

One resistance fighter eyed a mare holding her crying foal, shushing him silently while slowly rocking the young Pegasus back and forth in her hooves. She wasn’t the only one. Foals of all shapes and sizes were amongst the citizens, giving the worn crowd little life. His eyes narrowed, the grip on his rifle tightening. There was no way any Decepticon or Alliance traitor was getting passed him.

“You see anything?”

The resistance pony brought his gaze over to his fellow squad members. They were peering outside, squinting to see passed the glass and into the street ahead of them. They all brought up their eyes, scanning the clouds and ash.

One after another, they shook their heads, taking a step back.

“No Decepticon bombers or Alliance airships. The bombing run must’ve long since ended,” a light blue stallion wrapped in rags stated, turning his bandana-covered muzzle over to his squad. They all nodded.

“Good,” said another, propping up his rifle. “Maybe now we can actually get into the fight instead of waiting here.”

“We’re not leaving,” the stallion muttered catching the attention of his squad of four. After removing his gaze from the terrified families sitting in the foyer, the stallion brought his eyes over to his squad, his expression solid as stone.

“Captain’s orders. We’re not abandoning these citizens no matter what.”

His hard stare fell upon the pony propped against his rifle. He stood up from the rifle, glaring at his own comrade. “I’m not gonna stay here while my own brothers and sisters shed their blood for the revolution!”

Some citizens began to turn their heads over to the arguing soldiers, many of them growing worried concerns. Those concerns shifted to looks of confusion once the dark shadow began to fall over the streets. The resistance fighters paid no heed to the sudden change of atmosphere outside, they were all too concerned with the atmosphere inside.

“You’re needed here, soldier! With us! With these ponies! Do you think the Decepticons or the Alliance are going to hesitate to fire at a crowd of unarmed civilians?” he shouted, the words affecting his entire squad. The agitated pony fell silent, his ears drooping.

The pony from before continued, pointing his hoof out into the foyer. “We are aiding in the revolution in more ways than you can count, and we need all able-bodied stallions prepared for any-”

Another tremor came, demolishing the sentence of the resistance fighter into a thousand pieces. Hundreds of screams erupted from the Judicial Building, all eyes of the resistance ponies turning to see what the commotion was about. The citizens of Manehattan were all backing away from the glass doors, their eyes glued to the outside darkness.

It was no ordinary tremor like before. It didn’t just shake the chairs and benches scattered within the foyer like the previous. No, this tremor shook the entire confines of the building, bringing forth and an all new type of terror to what was behind it all along. The resistance fighters turned around, their eyes nearly popping out of the skulls with what they saw.

“Get back, all of you!” a soldier shouted, backing away from the glass doors. His squad mirrored his actions, clutching their rifles close to their hearts as they, too, backed away.

The titan’s foot came crashing down into the street.

More screams from the civilians. From their position, the resistance fighters could make out a towering figure standing almost higher than all the buildings to its left and right. Somehow, by some godlike force of nature, the massive titan seemed to be pushed backwards, its large feet digging into the street with its hands clawing at the building sides, trying to find support.

Thousands of pieces of building rubble and debris rained from the titan’s clawing, spilling into the street and even in front of the Judicial Building. The resistance fighters readied their weapons, their eyes trained solely on the lone titan coming to halt to their far left. The screams of the Manehattan ponies still scratched their eardrums, but they didn’t let that bother them. They would protect the ponies behind them with every shred of their life, even if it meant being buried alive from the titan’s power.


The titan didn’t seem to pay much attention to the miniscule heartbeats below it. Despite its glowing blue eyes piercing the ash clouds from what the resistance fighters could see from their position, the titan didn’t seem to have its focus on them, rather on something directly ahead of it. The Autobot symbol glowing just as bright as the titan’s eyes brought a feeling of relief to the ponies.

That feeling of relief died just as quick as the cries of terror within the building.

Following the Autobot titan’s appearance, a second force with just as equal or greater power emerged from the far right of the resistance fighters’ field of vision. At first, nothing was there, as if whatever looming force was hiding in the smoke and dust. Then out of the smoke came a massive clawed foot, the lights attached to its shell glowing violently purple.

The foot came crashing down into the streets, sending off a second tremor that silenced all noise within the Judicial Building and possibly half of Manehattan.

With the silence growing colder as the seconds ticked away, each and every breathing pony remaining within the building flinched once a deep voice emerged from the outside, presumably from one of the titans.

Omega Supreme observed his foe, his blue optics scanning all possible battle strategies. He spoke soon, the wings on his back spreading outwards as if to intimidate. The fingers on his right fist slowly started to twirl in a circle, preparing for an energy blast.

The Autobot titan spoke.


The dust settled around the feet and legs of the second titan. It took another step forward, its gargantuan claws flexing amongst one another as the symbol of the Decepticon power burned brightly against its outwards chest. Its red optics glared down the Autobot titan that stood before it, daring to challenge it.

Trypticon opened his jaws, releasing a powerful roar for the entire city to hear.


His jaws remained partially open, only letting loose a heavy amount of steam from his jagged teeth. The two towering forces of good and evil stared one another down. Their optics locked, daring the other to make the first move. Trypticon would soon be the one to step forward first, then again and again and again.

With his claws outstretched, the Decepticon beast rushed the Autobot, screeching the entire charge. His large tail smacked against the building sides with each step he took. Omega Supreme quickly brought up his right fist, the red energy ball now fully formed and ready to fire. However, Trypticon got to him first and dug his claws into the Autobot’s shoulders.

With his never-ending strength, Trypticon pushed his mighty titan foe into a bundle of buildings. The aftermath was something only an earthquake or other earth-shattering event could cause. The buildings behind the Autobot came crumbling down from the force of the Autobot’s crash, destroying glass and reducing the once proud skyscrapers to nothing but dust and debris.

The two unstoppable forces of death and destruction didn’t stop there. They were far from over.

Omega Supreme, his backside pressed against the remains of the buildings he was pushed into, looked up to see the Decepticon titan rearing forward, his jaws open wide and aimed clearly for the Autobot’s neck. Omega Supreme quickly responded with a fist to the beast’s lower jaw.


The Autobot titan rose from the dust and ashes of the fallen skyscraper, huge bits and pieces of the building falling from his back. Trypticon stepped forward, ignoring his wounded jaw and screeching with just as much power and force as he previously had. Omega lifted his left arm, the long, outwards tip glowing violently bright. It was only until Trypticon got close enough to Omega Supreme did he release his full package: a seemingly-endless barrage of missiles.

The missiles, though weak at first, impacted the mighty Trypticon relentlessly with no end in sight. Trypticon screamed in mixtures of anger and annoyance, but soon found his screams to fall into the category he never wished to experience. Pain.

They kept on coming, and Trypticon could no longer hold himself up. Soon enough, the beast found himself backing away. Lifting up his massive arms to block the thousand more missiles headed his way, Trypticon realized he had backed straight into a bundle of buildings. The missiles stopped, surprisingly.

Trypticon looked up. Through the smoke from the constant eruptions of the raining missiles, Trypticon could see something else…something glowing bright…red.

He didn’t have the time to move away from Omega’s energy beam.

The blast struck Trypticon straight in the chest, eliciting a powerful cry from the war beast. The Decepticon titan lost his balance instantly, falling backwards to join the buildings he landed on into a dark, smoky oblivion. Omega continued the beam for several more seconds before letting his fingers slow down, the beam dissipating from his fist.

From his position, Omega Supreme could see nothing. Not even his optical sensors could pick up what lied in the ruins. He made a single, cautious step forward, keeping his fist at the ready just in case. Slowly, creating small tremors that passed through the streets, Omega Supreme leaned his head in closer to the tan dust, listening for a sound, looking for movement.

He didn’t have to wait long.

Trypticon howled a war cry so powerful it forever shattered the Autobot’s hearing processors. Just like a predator hunting for his prey in the wild, the powerful and mighty Trypticon jumped through the dust, flying in the air for a very short period of time, and landing feet-first against the Autobot’s chest. He dug his claws against the Autobot’s shoulders, rearing forward and chomping down on the area he presumed to be the neck.

Omega Supreme fell this time, creating an earthquake so powerful it shook the island of Manehattan.

The streets of Manehattan had never been filled with so much color. Throughout the years since it was first constructed during Equestria’s early ages, Manehattan appeared dull, housing only merchants and rich, noble ponies. As it aged, so did its color. Lights of the late-night town gave life and vigor to its rustic age. The lights and late-night festivities only increased as time grew on.

As of now, the only color in Manehattan was that of crimson and bright blue, and the remaining colors of the rainbow.

The single streak of rainbow light soared faster than any pony could comprehend. It took nifty turns and daring strikes whenever it came to a certain portion of the massive city. When it was near, the rainbow seemed to “attack” the Decepticons and Alliance forces, sparing the resistance fighters. “Attack” did not seem to be the right word. Whenever the rainbow passed, the enemy army there was simply…gone.

The survivors, the resistance, would look to the sky to see that rainbow vanish just as quickly as it had come to save them. And for some strange reason, they could hear a mare’s cheer come from it. Even stranger, the rainbow dropped off several Autobots as it flew by.

“Woohoo! Take that, and that, and some of this! Not so tough now, are ya?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, her hooves of pure lightning smashing into the faces of stunned Decepticon troopers, sending them flying down the road or into near buildings. She wasn’t the only one fighting back with her newfound power.

Rarity shot numerous magical beams at the enemies she flew over, the power resonating within adding even more strength to her magic. Applejack, still quite unused to flying, stayed close to the group, only breaking off at some points to deliver a quick buck to the skull of a nearby Decepticon. Pinkie’s trail of light was constantly zigzagging, impacting Decepticons or Alliance forces with tremendous power. Fluttershy remained connected with the pact, not keen to fighting even though she held the power to do so. Princess Twilight led the charge, her Rainbow Power being the force that connected all of them together.

The six mares blasted through the streets of Manehattan, making turn after turn at each intersection, searching for what was lost, and where their power was truly needed. Yes, the main battle was important, basically the whole reason the Rainbow Power was brought forth in the first place. However, Twilight soon felt that their power was not needed for the battle of Manehattan…rather for something far direr.

Not only that but…

She saw the reason why their Rainbow Power wasn’t needed for the main battle.

As the six flew overhead, dodging or plainly blasting through enemy objections, they all witnessed a strange scene play out beneath them, and even from above. It all started with Decepticon Jets falling from the clouds in a flurry of flames, landing in the streets with heavenly eruptions from the crashes.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack screamed, her amplified vocal cords giving her voice more power so all her friends could hear her. She watched through her glowing gold mane filled with red and pink stripes to see a Decepticon Jet nearly land on top of her.

“What was that all about?” Pinkie asked, her massive pink mane flying wildly as she soared alongside her friends, the colors giving her mane new light.

“I don’t know!” Twilight shouted, her eyes scanning the roads. They each grew massive, her hoof dotted with stars pointing downwards. “Look!” she said, her voice filled with surprise.

Each of her friends slowed down, ceasing the rainbow of light to witness what Twilight had found. They almost couldn’t believe it at first. From their elevated positions and the smoke in the air, they could have identified the squad of ponies beneath them as resistance fighters. That’s what they wanted to think, but the truth, the fact was laid out right in front of them, shocking each mare to the bone enveloped with rainbow magic.

The squad of ponies was not resistance, they were Alliance. They were firing at a group of Decepticons.

Still shocked and confused, Twilight lifted her gaze farther down the street while her friends kept their eyes down, their jaws slacked. She paid witness to a sight that both surprised her and gave her heart a strange new feeling, a feeling she could not begin to explain.

Down the road, the Decepticon army was being slaughtered by the Alliance. Squads of Alliance mares and stallions swarmed one or two Decepticon soldiers each, firing a hail of gunfire on the flabbergasted alien warmongers. The few remaining Spider Tanks helped in taking down Decepticon Heavy Soldiers, their shells penetrating the heavy armor of the beasts and bringing them down with relative ease. The Decepticons tried to fight back, but they were simply overrun. The Alliance’s strength in numbers greatly outmatched the Decepticons’ strength in brutality. It showed with the battle unfolding before the six mares’ very eyes.

Rainbow Dash scoffed, her lightning-like mane sending sparks of energy coursing through its waves. “Well, that was inevitable. It just goes to show what two forces of evil will do for world domination, even betraying one another,” she commented, her hooves crossing over with a disappointed gaze lowered down to the streets.

“Let these barbarians have their brutish fun, while we will not allow the ‘world domination’ part to play through, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity added, sending a tiny grin over to colorful friend.

Twilight nodded, turning her head from one building to the next. “Right…the Alliance and the Decepticons will take care of each other…so now we just have to find…”

Her ears perked up. The Alicorn gasped, turning her eyes over to the far left. Across several shattered rooftops, the princess could see through the toppled buildings of what appeared to be the aftermath of two monsters fighting one another. With the familiar screech she heard earlier, that idea wasn’t tossed aside. However, she did see something through the remains of the buildings.

Something that looked a lot like…


Without warning, Twilight Sparkle took off as quick as her Rainbow Power allowed her. The rest of her friends screamed her name, taking off right on Twilight’s extended, rainbow-filled tail. Their speed easily matched up to Twilight’s, and before they knew it they were all flying alongside each other, all staring at the same destination.

There he was. Optimus Prime was fighting Shockwave right next to a large drill. Their swords clashed together, sending a powerful crack through the air. Somehow, Shockwave managed to knock Optimus’ sword aside, delivering a quick and powerful slash to the Autobot’s chest. Prime flew backwards, barely regaining his footing. Shockwave approached him fast, his sword raised above his head to deliver the final blow.

Twilight gritted her teeth, her eyes locked on its intended target. A ferocious cry erupted from the Princess of Friendship as she and friends glowed as bright as the sun, their beam of rainbows impacting the massive drill.

Shockwave only saw the bright flash. The next thing he knew his War Machine was on fire.

The scientist stared up from the ground, his purple eye showing signs of great worry. The trail of rainbows had died, its tail leading straight into the burning cinder that remained in the power centrifuge. The legs of the War Machine stumbled, the beam that had been drilling into the planet long since extinguished. The fires grew massive, rising above the top of the machine so close to reaching the core. And then it exploded.

Optimus Prime raised his shield to block the debris and flames that spewed out from the demolished War Machine. Doing so made him lose his footing, causing the Prime to fall backwards. Shockwave stood his ground, lifting only his one good hand to block out the bright lights. Once he brought it down, the Decepticon quickly dipped to the right to dodge the War Machine’s burning remains from nearly crushing him.

He skidded to a halt, his vision landing on what remained.

“No…it cannot be,” he muttered, the grip on his sword lessening ever so slowly. There, lying in front of him was all there was to breach Equis’ core, creating a perfect shot for the Dark Spark’s wicked power. Whatever remained of the War Machine burned before his glowing, purple optic. It burned alongside the hope for saving Cybertron.

His home…burning…never to be saved. His home…

Six figures slowly descended to his right.

Shockwave turned his attention over to the right, and immediately the grip on his sword tightened. The Dark Spark within his chest glowed fiercely, a new type of feeling boiling up from its raw power and filling the Decepticon with strength once again. He turned their way, his optic landing on the new forms of the equines he despised so much.

Their manes were now three times the size they were previously, flowing as majestically and freely as the solar or lunar goddess’. They shined bright, an array of light practically emanating from their very bodies, filling the area with a soft glow. Shockwave also noticed their own individual cutie marks residing on their coats, or their hooves to be precise. Their colors flowed like a rainbow, bringing forth the idea that had come together in Shockwave’s mind.

“Rainbow Power…” the Decepticon whispered, taking a step closer to the six. Twilight stepped forward, clawing at the ground while simultaneously sending her ferocious glare at the Decepticon. Shockwave shook his head slowly from side to side.

“It is even more sickening up close,” he said, causing uproar amongst the rainbow-wielding ponies.

The first was Rainbow Dash, who stepped forward with her multi-colored wings outstretched. She growled, shouting, “Then you’re gonna hate what’s comin’ for ya!”

Like a bullet, she sped towards the lone Decepticon with her trail of light following, and like a bullet against pure, impenetrable metal, Rainbow Dash was deflected. The Pegasus was launched backwards, her entire body launching into the nearest building side and crashing straight through it. The mares all gasped, turning their eyes in unison to the single fist sticking in the air.

Shockwave promptly lowered his fist, his sword following it in its grasp. Twilight was beyond bewildered. Not only did he deflect Rainbow Dash, especially with her Rainbow Power giving her increased speed and agility, but he anticipated it, jamming his fist in the area Rainbow was going to be. Shockwave was not that fast.

Her eyes drifted over to the dark, purple crystal protruding from his chest. The same gaze of shocked terror Twilight had lingered over to Shockwave’ cannon, the device extending and glowing brighter at the tip. Slowly, the Decepticon approached the five remaining mares. His voice dripped with pure malice, true hatred, and unreachable darkness. It was something Twilight would’ve never expected from him.

“You just destroyed the one thing left to save my world,” Shockwave growled, pointing his cannon to the remaining five. “Allow me to return the favor.”

They tried to escape, they really did. But even as they flew above the ground, Twilight could see the blast coming much faster than it ever had before. In fact, she could feel herself strangely slowing down, as if the world played in fast motion while she and her friends remained normal, unaffected.

The crystal in Shockwave’s chest was glowing, as were his fists. The blast was so powerful it launched each respected mare to a different position on the battleground. Rarity and Fluttershy landed on a large pile of rubble. Applejack and Pinkie Pie skidded next to a building side. As for Twilight, she was launched forward from the blast, flying over Shockwave’s head and crashing dead center in the street.

Shockwave turned around, eyeing the violet Alicorn struggling to get up. He aimed his cannon right for her backside. Another cowardly act, but a logical one nonetheless.

No! Stay away from her!”

Shockwave spun towards the voice, nearly dodging the tip of Prime’s blade so dangerously close to his face. The Decepticon jammed his right arm up, snagging Optimus arm and flinging the Autobot over his shoulder. Optimus stood back up quickly enough, ready to strike yet again at his oppressor.

His optics grew wide. He roared a painful cry. All he could see was the muzzle of Shockwave’s cannon with smoke slowly dissipating from it. Optimus brought his gaze downwards to see where it had gone. He could see a purple wound on the left side of his abdomen, the darkness slowly growing alongside the mark.

Optimus barely had enough time to lift up his shield. Shockwave fired another blast.

With the Dark Spark’s energy coursing through Shockwave’s circuits, all his newfound strengths were powered beyond the Decepticon’s intellect. He was stronger, his weapons far more powerful, his speed and dexterity much more complex and intricate. With the Dark Spark, there was no telling what Shockwave was capable of. With the Dark Spark, Shockwave was unstoppable.

That single blast completely shattered Optimus Prime’s shield.

The Prime flew backwards from the force of Shockwave’s cannon blast, his back hitting the building to the far left of the battleground. What remained of his shield fell apart from his left arm as he fell flat on his chest. With his sword merely feet away from him, Optimus got up to his hands and knees, his optics locked on the blade.

When he reached for it, all he received was the sharpened end of Shockwave’s sword.

Prime flew back, hitting the same building again and this time remaining in a sitting position. He looked up, fresh Energon pouring from his faceplate to witness Shockwave jam the blade forward straight into Prime’s previous wound, the first blast Shockwave had indented on Prime’s abdomen.

Optimus screamed in agonizing pain, the dark blade impaling his wound. Shockwave dug the tip deeper and deeper, watching the Energon flow and sparks dance from the wound. He stopped halfway through, instead choosing to wait for Prime to look at him, look at him straight in the eye as he killed him. He didn’t have to wait long.

“The Dark Spark will destroy this world, but in its wake…another will be saved,” Shockwave said to the Prime in a whispering tone. He leaned in. “As you Autobots say…‘with all that you are’, I presume? Well, with all that I am…I will use the Dark Spark’s power to regenerate Cybertron’s core. I do not know how I will accomplish this, but I cannot allow these equines or any other species on this planet getting in my way.”

He ripped the blade out from Prime’s cut. Optimus roared out a painful cry, planting his palms against the wound.

“They will prolong the inevitable,” Shockwave said, causing Optimus to look up to him. “They must be eradicated, Optimus, for the good of Cybertron, for the good of our race. You can deny it all you want but you cannot live here, Prime. Cybertron is where we belong…and the Dark Spark can bring us back to an age long forgotten, consumed by war. Do not…do not…give up this gift, Optimus.”

Shining Armor drove his sword into the heart of the feral, Decepticon panther. It clawed the stallion’s hooves, growling and hissing in pain, but soon enough rested against his might and fell back. Shining ripped his blade out, turning his attention to what remained of his resistance group.


Behind him, all that remained were the corpses of his squad and the bodies of the Decepticon minions, all lost forever. He breathed a heavy breath, turning his eyes back to where he was intended to fight since he arrived alongside the princesses.

There, in the center of the street ahead of him, lied his sister.

“Twily!” Shining cried, galloping over to the Alicorn struggling to get to her hooves. The snow-white unicorn lifted up the princess with his muzzle directly under her chin, bringing her up from the broken cement.

Twilight looked at him, her eyes tired and her breath ragged. Still, her mane flowed proud against the wind that wasn’t there, tickling the side of Shining’s exposed neck.

“Shiny…” the princess whispered, quickly moving in and nuzzling her older brother. Shining returned her embrace, remembering that he hadn’t seen his sister in over a month. The thought of that brought the unicorn to wrap his strong forelegs around the Alicorn, hugging her tightly. He could feel his sister quiver in his grasp, small whimpers escaping her breath.

He heard her speak, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

“I…I-I missed you s-so much, BBBFF.”

“Me too, Twily…” Shining Armor muttered, gently stroking his sister’s back. “Me too…”

The two’s embrace was cut short by a painful scream. Both brother and sister looked towards the direction of the cry, both of their gazes landing on the purple Decepticon standing over the last Prime hunched over, clutching his abdomen. His back was turned to them, his arm extending upwards with the sword in tow, fully intending on bringing it down.

Like a brother and sister bond, the two stood up, their glares matching perfectly with one another, each one trained at the same target. Shining Armor looked over to Twilight, noticing her bright, rainbow colors and flowing mane. Twilight looked over to Shining, taking notice of his dented and scratched armor. He nodded to her, levitating his sword out in front of him. She nodded to him, her horn glowing several different colors.

The brother took off first, firing one magical spell after another at the Decepticon’s backside.

“Hey! Over here! Come and get me!” Shining Armor bellowed, firing another spell that hit Shockwave in the shoulder. His weak blasts didn’t do much to the scientist, merely leaving a small burn mark. However, his intention wasn’t to hurt him.

Shockwave lowered his sword, turning around to face the owner of the voice and of the attacks. He could see a white unicorn charging right for him, leaping over slabs of concrete and building debris while simultaneously launching spell after spell from his horn. The magic grazed Shockwave’s chest, nothing more.

He pointed his cannon towards the nuisance.

Twilight Sparkle teleported to Shockwave’s far left. Just as fast, her horn charged up and sent a rainbow-powered bolt of magic straight for the Decepticon’s weapon. The bolt hit its target precisely, causing Shockwave to stumble right from the force of the magical strike.

He spun back around. His optic landed on the Alicorn, Twilight Sparkle, glaring at him from a distance, her rainbow wings outstretched in a sign of intimidation.

Shockwave’s optic burned bright red and remained that way.

“I’ve had just about enough of you, Sparkle.”

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