• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 90-Spike

A hoof painted with different colored lightning bolts punched the bed so hard it hit the ceiling and went straight through to the next floor. The hoof came back down and pushed up the mare it belonged to. She was a bit wobbly at first, but soon shook her head to regain focus. Her glare was quick to form.

Rainbow Dash jetted out from the building side she was punched into and came roaring out into the open. Her trail of rainbow lights flew straight down, intended on ramming the lone Decepticon in the middle of what remained of Manehattan’s train station. Her speed, amplified from the Rainbow Power, was almost unseen, unheard of. She could’ve easily created a sonic rainboom with how fast she was going, yet refrained from down so…for now.

She stuck out her hooves, fully intending on smashing them against the Decepticon’s back while he was turned. Rainbow Dash was met with the side of a cannon hitting her right in the cheek, the force being strong enough to send her bouncing to the ground in a cartoonish fashion.

It was a cycle that didn’t seem to end for Shockwave.

Every few seconds, a new pony would appear and try to attack him. They would get a lucky shot here and there, but only because he was being constantly distracted by the unicorn’s weak magical blasts. Other than that, Shockwave handled the rainbow-powered ponies quite easily, only having a few frustrations with the purple one…and the pink one.

“Shining! Cover me!” Princess Twilight screamed, her rainbow-colored wings pushing her off the ground. Shining Armor replied without answering her, moving forward and dodging pieces of rubble while shooting off spell after spell.

Twilight flew in, using her amplified magic to fire a beam of energy into Shockwave’s exposed chest. The Decepticon yelled in surprise, taking a few steps back as the beam sliced against his chest in a vertical fashion. He looked up to see the purple Alicorn whiz by his head. Shockwave swung his fist outwards, his blade missing her by inches.

“Blasted equines,” Shockwave growled with his voice dripping pure strength from the darkness in his chest. More blasts of Shining Armor’s spells hit him in the back, only remaining as a mild annoyance at the point Shockwave was driven to. He kept his attention on the Alicorn swooping down for another strike.

Shockwave chuckled, aiming his cannon for her. “Not a smart move, Sparkle. I expected more from-”

The same, pink nuisance appeared right in front of him, latching her forelegs around his optic.

“Peek-a-boo! I see you!” Pinkie shouted, bringing her face down to stare into Shockwave’s powerful, red eye. The Decepticon swung his head back, screaming curses and stumbling across the gravel, trying to get the pink menace off of him. He couldn’t grab her with his cannon, considering its lack of appendages. Quickly, Shockwave jammed his sword into the earth, reaching towards his face with his fingers extended.

“Rarity and Rainbow Dash see you too!”

“What are you pestering on about this time?!”

Before his fingers could grab her, the pink one suddenly jumped upwards, and Shockwave was met with the rainbow mare delivering a powerful punch directly to his eye. Shockwave howled in mixtures of anger and pain, but it didn’t stop there. From the force of Rainbow’s punch, Shockwave skidded backwards, his entire body enveloped in a light blue aura. He was lifted off the ground and thrown against the nearest building side like a ragdoll.

He roared in short bursts of pain. Several bits and pieces of building rubble fell on his shoulders. The Decepticon paid no heed for the little things and looked up. Floating twenty or so feet in front of him were the two mares responsible for his current predicament.

“Together!” Rarity and Rainbow Dash chimed, smacking their hooves to one another.

They were both instantly blown back from a purple beam.

As the two mares flew into the far off buildings, Shockwave trudged out of his own, bricks falling from his shoulders. “Together?” he repeated, staring at the two holes left from the ponies’ crashes. “Are you certain that strategy will aid in your favor? So far I have not witnessed anything impressive.”

“You won’t have to search long!”

Just like that, a purple bullet slammed against the side of Shockwave’s head. A pink one followed in her path, instead choosing to zoom around the Decepticon’s chest and body and deliver a few smacks here and there. As the Decepticon struggled to capture the two, a certain Earth pony watched on from afar, her emerald eyes narrowing.

Just about ready to join her friends, a small whimper stopped her. Applejack spun her head around, catching a small glimpse of a long, multicolored, pink mane hidden behind a few slabs of rising concrete. The Earth pony sighed, fully facing the rubble.


Slowly, a small head emerged, followed by the rest of the mare’s flowing, pink mane. Applejack trotted over to her, keeping the same urgency previously seen in her eyes but still holding a bit of calm, knowing strength as he watched the glowing yellow Pegasus emerge from behind the concrete. Fluttershy stared at her, her own body shivering as the sounds of the battle raged on behind Applejack.

Applejack removed her hat, placing it over her heart.

“Ya can’t keep on hidin’ like this, ‘Shy. There’s a war goin’ on an’ we can’t fight it without ya,” the mare drawled, trying her hardest to ignore the screams of anger from her Alicorn friend.

Fluttershy whimpered, her hooves showcasing her cutie mark gently placed over the concrete she sat behind. “I…I can’t do it, Applejack. I’m not a fighter like you or Rainbow Dash. All I’m meant for is to be the pushover pony, just a small help for the rest of you girls to perform the real heroic actions.”

“Don’t say any o’ that now!” Applejack warned, frightening the already shell-shocked Pegasus. Applejack sighed once more, pointing her colorful hoof to the fight between her friends and the lone Decepticon scientist. “Shockwave’s right there hurtin’ our friends, yer friends! If we don’t do anything ta help them, Shockwave will jus’ end up killin’ Twilight, Pinkie Pie, an’ the rest of our friends! Is that what ya want, ‘Shy, ta have some alien kill all yer friends knowin’ ya could’ve done somethin’ ta change that?!”

The weight of Applejack’s words final dawned on the Pegasus, causing her to fully rise up from behind the concrete. Fluttershy’s stare shifted from her friend and over to the lone-standing alien. Shockwave used his free hand to swipe at Pinkie Pie, delivering a swift punch to the pink pony and sending her flying into the nearest pile of rubble. The Decepticon reared back, ripping his sword from the ground and waiting for the Alicorn to perform another flyby.

“My friends…” Fluttershy whispered, her voice growing dangerously deeper and stronger. Her glare began to form, her vision seeing nothing but red between her and Shockwave. She rose up from behind the concrete, her body glowing bright yellow.

“My friends… You’re not hurting MY FRIENDS!”

Applejack acted quickly. “Time ta see what this ‘rainbow magic’ can really do,” she muttered to herself, imaging something to tie up the situation before them. On command and out of thin air, a lasso made out of pure rainbows appeared in front of the orange mare, rotating around magically beside her as she narrowed her eyes on the Decepticon.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack shouted, using her own form of the Rainbow Power to launch the magical lasso forward and wrap around the Decepticon’s legs, completely going through his legs in the process. Shockwave looked down, stunned to see a rainbow of lights circle his legs and tighten around them.

“What sorcery is this?!” the Decepticon questioned, suddenly beginning to lose his balance.

With Applejack’s rainbow lasso latched around his legs, Fluttershy darted off and rammed the Decepticon square in the chest. Fluttershy bounced off the Decepticon, falling down to land in a pile of debris. Fluttershy rubbed her head in mild pain. She wore a face of anger still, glaring at the Decepticon who began to fall from the force of the hit.

“GAH!” Shockwave bellowed once his back hit the ground. He looked to his right to see the princess slide next to him, her horn glowing bright and wings outstretched. With his increased speed, Shockwave swung his blade right across his entire arm’s length, intending to see the Alicorn’s head go flying. Instead, Twilight ducked from the blade’s edge, firing her beam of energy at the Decepticon’s chest.

“Enough!” Shockwave said, pointing his cannon straight for his feet still enveloped from the rainbow lasso. He fired one shot, a single, purple blast that hit Applejack right in the chest and sent the Earth pony against the far building side. Her back hit the wall with a powerful thud, causing a cry to erupt from the pony’s jaws as she fell to the ground.

Twilight looked over to her injured friend, her ferocious glare only increasing. She brought her attention back to Shockwave who was currently standing back up. Once he got to his knees, Twilight fired another energy blast right for his chest, then another that hit him right in the face. Shockwave lifted up his right arm, reaching over and bringing his blade down right where the Alicorn stood. She vanished.

Just as quick, she reappeared in a bright flash right in front of Shockwave’s face, her hoof connecting to it.

Optimus Prime watched it all with eyes filled with horror.

Hunched over, clutching his abdomen as fresh Energon leaked out from the deep wound, Optimus watched as each of his equine friends were defeated by Shockwave, beaten to a near and painful death. They fought valiantly, their new magic being able to stand against even the powers of the Dark Spark flowing through Shockwave’s veins. But it was not enough. All that remained were Fluttershy—the poor pony struggling to get up from her earlier crash—Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle. The remainder of Twilight’s friend had fallen in pain or exhaustion, over-powered from the Dark Spark’s wicked nature and the one who possessed it.

Optimus Prime clawed at the ground, dragging himself forward. He looked up and witnessed the brother and sister fighting force go up against the Decepticon now fully standing.

Twilight! Shining Armor! Get away from him! You have no idea what powers he now has!” Optimus screamed out, his wound coming quickly to constantly remind him of the pain he was currently enduring. Sadly, his words of warning were not acknowledged in the slightest as the siblings charged on.

“Go, Twilight, I’ll distract him!” Shining Armor shouted, stepping on top of near pile of building debris. He charged up a new spell, firing its deadly magic at the Decepticon. Shockwave anticipated the blast, and with miraculous strength deflected the beam of magic and sent it straight off to the building to his right.

With the stallion flabbergasted on how anypony could’ve easily deflected one of his strongest spells, Shockwave capitalized on the pony’s confusion by sending a cannon blast right where the unicorn was standing. The pile of rubble he stood on erupted once the blast hit its target, sending the captain flying off somewhere lost amongst the battleground.

As Optimus watched his friend get blown away from the sound of Shockwave’s cannon, a new sound approached from behind. They were the sounds of horns. Optimus spun his head around to witness a snow-white vehicle appear from the littered streets and drive off from its intended purpose. Optimus watched as two, miniature machine guns appeared from the vehicle’s roof.

“Somebody order some backup?” the vehicle shouted in a recognizable tone, one Optimus knew by the pure memory he had regained. It was his friend.

A far more dread thought emerged in Prime’s mind.

“Jazz, no! He’ll kill you!” Prime told him, reaching his palm out as the vehicle roared right on by, ignoring him and firing away. Optimus could only watch with his chest planted in the dust as Jazz’s hail of gunfire connected to Shockwave’s exposed body parts.

The Autobot transformed, his legs spinning and arms twirling in a dance of warfare and precision. In a heartbeat, Jazz shot his grappling hook over to pile of rubble, snatching the largest piece amongst it. Instead of being dragged over to the hook’s destination, Jazz reared his right arm back, bringing forth the large piece of earth connected to the grapple. He swung the piece forward, the rock hitting Shockwave in the side of the head.

“Gah! Autobot wretch! Learn your place!” Shockwave screamed. He brought his attention over to the Autobot rushing him, forgetting about the Alicorn still flying above his head. A dire mistake. A magical beam of energy rained from above and impacted Shockwave’s left shoulder, forcing his arm and therefore his cannon down.

He looked on, forced to watch as the Autobot pointed his shotgun right for him.

The Energon pellets tore apart Shockwave’s left shoulder, causing the Decepticon to fly backwards from the force of the shot. As he landed, Shockwave planted his right palm into the earth, his blade skidding against the shattered battleground. His fall was not so long, and soon Shockwave was back on his feet in no time whatsoever, the Dark Spark granting him better quickness.

It also gave him enhanced hindsight. He spun around, his sword joining him in slicing Jazz across the chest.

“Perhaps you’ve forgotten what the Dark Spark is capable of. Allow me to reiterate…” Shockwave spoke, jamming his cannon forward and blasting Jazz in the chest. Twilight watched on with stunned vision as her Autobot friend was blown back from the blast of Shockwave’s cannon, his body flying into a far off building down the street.

Her face rejoined together to from her signature glare, her teeth showing as a rabid animal would when eyeing its prey. Her horn charged up for another spell, her target being the single Decepticon directly beneath her. But before she could bring her true power down on him, something stopped the Princess of Friendship. It was the same thing that stopped Shockwave dead in his tracks.

A roar.

An earth-shattering, heart-stopping, blood-freezing roar.

It was a sound all too familiar to the scientist. Inevitably, he turned left to be met with an angry triceratops goring him into the wall.

He was tired of waiting.

He was tired of watching others fight in a war while he sat and cheered from the sidelines. He was tired of watching his friend, Optimus Prime, get thrown aside like some weak puppet attached to Shockwave’s will. He was tired of seeing Twilight and the others fight the battle for him, risking their own lives against a force that couldn’t be stopped by them alone.

Spike had enough.

The young drake climbed over the pile of rubble he had been hiding behind, getting a much clearer view of the battleground ahead of him. Shockwave had defeated his rainbow-powered friends one by one and stood against his very first caretaker. Twilight never backed down. Luckily, she wasn’t alone. The Dinobots came to her aid. Spike waited for Grimlock to pass, the massive beast of flame and metal stomping right over to the wall Slug and rammed Shockwave into.

It was his chance. Spike jumped off the rubble and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. Passed the remains of the Decepticon War Machine, Spike slid to a screeching halt right under Optimus Prime’s faceplate.

“Optimus!” the baby dragon shouted, his voice dry but filled with great worry.

He lay on his left side, using his left arm for support to prop himself upwards. His head was low, heavy gasps of breath being ejected and injected into his faceplate. His right hand, hunched over his chest, was pressed firmly against the wound on the left side of his abdomen, the Dark Spark’s magic mixing with Prime’s Energon and creating purple ooze to spill out into the shattered debris.

Yet he was still alive. He knew he was alive because he could still hear voices.

Prime barely lifted his head, his broken gaze landing on the baby dragon looking up at him with terrified eyes. Optimus grunted, planting his left palm into the ground.

“Spike… Get out of here. It’s not safe,” Optimus wheezed, slowly beginning to push himself up.

Spike opened his jaw to respond, but lost the words once a blue fist smacked him aside.

Optimus’ optics grew wide, his hearing processors assaulted by the sound of the dragon screaming and grunting in pain as he landed in a pile of debris. His eyes shifted from Spike and up towards the attacker, a Decepticon with a cracked, red visor.

That same fist reared down and gripped Prime around his throat, raising him above the earth and slamming his back into the side of the building. Optimus wrapped his fingers around the arm of his assaulter, finding his own vision forced into that of the Decepticon’s. It spoke to him, its fingers tightening around Prime’s throat. That voice brought back terrible memories, memories that Prime had just regained moments earlier.

“Optimus Prime: damages are absolute. Energon levels greatly decreasing. Chances for retaliation: 32%,” Soundwave spoke, his chilling tone vibrating through his arm and into Optimus. His cracked visor slowly moved down, eyeing Prime’s chest. “Matrix of Leadership located. Mission…incomplete.”

He reared his left fist back, aimed clearly for Prime’s weakened chest. Optimus did nothing, the pain overwhelming his entire body. He stared on, in mixtures of pain and horror as Soundwave drove his fist forward…

…only to have it sliced clean off his arm.

The Decepticon stopped instantly. His voice instantly screamed in what appeared to be disgruntled, agitated, high-pitched, undecipherable tones. Soundwave brought his head over to his left hand, seeing nothing but a light blue stump where it once remained. There was something else…

A red Autobot stood beside him, its own right arm showcasing an Energon blade.

Cliffjumper smirked. “Mission incomplete? Yeah, let’s keep it that way.”

Soundwave made the same noise from before, this time dropping Optimus and lunging for the Autobot. Cliffjumper dipped to the left, clipping the Decepticon’s legs and tripping him. With him down, Cliffjumper moved in and capitalized in every which way possible. Optimus slowly slid back down the building side, his knees buckling and forcing the Prime to fall forwards and onto his chest.

Spike did just the same.

Having just pushed himself off the building debris, the young dragon planted his claws into the shattered earth, his knees digging into the ground as his world spun. He let himself have a few breaths of assurance, slowly bringing up his head to see Prime from a distance. Behind the Autobot leader stood an Autobot and Decepticon fighting to the death, the latter beginning to take the advantage. It wouldn’t be long before the Autobot was defeated.

Spike shifted his tired eyes from Prime and over to something blinding him. He lifted up a claw, his lips curling up in agitation from the light. Quickly, the dragon brought down his claw, his eyes narrowed and searching for the source of the blinding light. He found it quite easily, and he couldn’t believe what he saw.

Reflecting Celestia’s afternoon sunlight and resting on the broken pieces of rubble and rebar was Optimus Prime’s sword.

Rebuilding every bit of strength he had in his heart, the young dragon rose up from the burning debris and limped towards the shimmering blade. Through the corner of his eye, he could see Grimlock and the two other Dinobots actually struggling to defeat the overpowered Shockwave. They chomped, slashed, and scorched every bit of ground they could hit, but Shockwave was everywhere at once, as if time and space did not exist around him.

He had already arrived before he knew it. Spike reached down, his tiny claws feeling the rough edges of the sword’s pommel. He breathed through his nose, a determined expression growing across his brow. Cringing, the dragon wrapped his claws around whatever edge he could acquire from the handle of the sword ten times his size. He pulled. Every bit of strength he had transferred to his arms and legs, adding to the amount of force he wrought on the object imbedded in the earth.

Spike looked to his right, still pulling with all his might.

Optimus looked to his right, still pushing with all his strength.

“Cliffjumper…” Prime breathed, his broken optics staring at the backside of his friend. The red Autobot fought with all that he was, as Optimus always remembered him to do. It wasn’t enough, and Soundwave was slowly gaining the advantage.

A terrifying roar caught both of their attention. Spike and Optimus stared straight ahead, witnessing the absolute impossible transpire before them.

Shockwave dug his feet into the ground, creating paths of shattered rubble as he was pushed back further and further from the stegosaurs’ unending strength. Mentally cursing himself for having given the beast the strength in the first place, Shockwave rammed the muzzle of his cannon down on the Dinobot’s forward, firing just one shot.

Snarl roared in pain and collapsed. Shockwave backed off a good ten yards before stopping, giving himself enough room just in case his failed creations intended to strike again. They joined together, Grimlock and Slug, slowly beginning to circle the lone scientist. To his surprise, the stegosaurus began to stand back up. He cursed himself once more.

Shockwave found himself beginning to back away. It wouldn’t be long before he was outnumbered. He was in their playground now, he was their prey, and it would not be too long before they joined together to feed on the intruder. Grimlock was the first, charging headlong towards the Decepticon with his jaws separated.

He would’ve succeeded…if he had not been forced into a standstill.

To their great surprise, the three Dinobots slowly began to rise from the earth, slashing and wriggling their miniscule limbs in short bursts of anger and panic. Grimlock roared, shaking his head side to side as he continued to rise into the air. He found himself stopping, his glare landing on the Decepticon he hated the most.

Shockwave stood silently, his hand raised into the air.

From their position, Grimlock could still see a purple mist surround the Decepticon’s palm.

His eye burned bright red. “Dark Spark…grant me strength,” Shockwave whispered, crushing his palm into a fist.

Shockwave!” Grimlock roared one last time before he and his fellow Dinobots were flung in different directions with speeds that seemed impossible for the massive Autobots. Grimlock’s back impacted the building directly in front of Shockwave, the mighty beast falling down into the street with a roar of pain joining him. Snarl and Slug both flew and tumbled down different directions in the street, their bodies disappearing behind the building debris.

Shockwave cracked his neck, the servos realigning. “Pestering children…always needing a lesson in obedience,” he told himself, reaching out his palm to allow the sword to levitate back into it.

Right before the sword could even be lifted from the ground, a purple bullet rammed into Shockwave’s back, flinging the Decepticon halfway across the battleground. The Decepticon got up far too quickly, his eye landing on the floating Alicorn fifty yards in front of him. Her mane flowed with no wind to guide it, the brilliant colors of the rainbow flowing through like rivers of peaceful water.

Her eyes, however, showed anything but peace.

“Perhaps the lesson isn’t over,” the Decepticon chuckled, sticking his hand out to receive his sword. The weapon soared from the rubble, its handle placed perfectly in Shockwave’s right palm. It arrived just as quickly as the princess, giving Shockwave hardly any time to counter her attack.


Optimus Prime rose to one knee.

Spike was directly ahead of him, struggling to drag the large sword over to the Autobot. Optimus rotated his head to the dragon, only catching a few glimpses of Spike’s words of worry.

“…on, Prime! You can…it! I’m coming for ya, don’t worry!” the baby dragon screamed, dragging the sword centimeter by centimeter closer to the last Prime. Optimus hardly caught his words, his hearing processors far too damaged to be repaired. His cracked optics scanned the battlefield, falling on Cliffjumper getting kicked square in the spark, his body going straight through the building side.

Optimus kept on pushing his broken gaze farther and farther away. Spike’s screams had completely faded, Prime’s minimal attention landing back to the battle between Shockwave and Twilight. His friend…fighting his worst enemy. Alone.

The amplified Twilight Sparkle zoomed with speeds completely unreal to both her and Shockwave. She dove, rose, zoomed, and dashed her way past Shockwave’s sword strikes and cannon blasts, delivering her own strikes and magical blasts to the areas she presumed to be Shockwave’s weak points. He had no weak points.

She flew downwards, impacting the Decepticon right in the crystal embedded in his chest. Again and again, Twilight delivered a volley of punches to the crystal, earning a few painful grunts from Shockwave. That was all she got. A few grunts. Shockwave knocked her off, swinging his sword out and missing the Alicorn by inches. Twilight ducked, but was unprepared for Shockwave’s cannon glowing at the tip.

All she could do was create a magical shield and take it.

The blast had sent the Alicorn flying like a cannonball straight into the ground, creating a crater large enough to fit a small Autobot. Shockwave didn’t stop there, leaping into the crater with his sword joining him. Twilight saw him coming from miles away and charged her horn, her teeth grinding against one another. She formed a second shield, simply watching with her back pressed against the earth as Shockwave drove the tip of his sword right for her shield, unsuccessfully breaking it.

“Get up, Optimus! Soundwave’s getting closer! We need you!”

Momentarily breaking contact with Shockwave’s and Twilight’s skirmish, Optimus brought his gaze down to the small dragon, analyzing his expression of terror closely. Spike turned his gaze over to the right, causing Prime to do the same. Standing over the fallen form of Cliffjumper was Soundwave.

He slowly turned around, his red visor glowing fiercely.

Soundwave spun around. One step at a time, the Decepticon began his approach to the wounded Prime, his remaining right fist morphing into a TechVolt. Optimus only stared in horror, his pain preventing him from getting fully up. Another scream came from ahead. Prime brought his vision back to the skirmish, his fears confirmed. The scream came from Twilight.

Shockwave yelled in frustration, jamming his sword’s tip into the rainbow shield again and again. “I should’ve finished you off on the ship, you wretched equine!” he shouted, driving his sword straight down, this time breaking through the dome protecting the Alicorn.

Twilight screamed as the shards of the rainbow shield fell on top of her. She looked up one last time, noticing the tip of Shockwave’s sword directly inside of her protection, broken through the dome. She frowned, forcing every bit of strength from her bones to her magical shield.

“Well, maybe you’re not as smart as you thought you were!” Twilight retorted, earning her something much more satisfying than a few grunts of pain.

Anger. Shockwave bellowed in pure anger, ripping his blade out and driving the amplified edge straight down, the Dark Spark’s added power shattering Twilight’s last bit of resistance. The Alicorn gave one last scream, the back of her head hitting the crumbled ground with her eyelids slowly falling. Shockwave stood back up. His aimed the tip of his cannon right at her pointblank.

“Another failed promise…from another failed princess,” Shockwave whispered.

Twilight gave one last glare before closing her eyes.

Spike turned from Shockwave to Soundwave, the Decepticon merely feet away from Prime. He raised his weapon, the tip aimed for Optimus’ head. The ashes rained, the world fell apart, and Spike was in the middle of it all. And he didn’t back down.

He didn’t give up.

He dropped Prime’s sword, taking only two steps closer to Soundwave.

The glare, the fire in his eyes burned to a level he hadn’t felt in a long time. It was not the first time. Back when he first felt it, they were in trouble, innocent ponies with a cloud of sharpened ice ready to crush them. He took a stand even though he believed he was useless, how he failed constantly and believed he would never rise up from that. For the longest time…he trusted those thoughts. But for that moment…he cast them aside.

This was not some random citizen in danger. This was his friend. Optimus Prime was inches away from death. The fire Spike felt was nothing like before. It was much, much stronger.

He took one more step forward, breathed in…and did what all dragons do best.

Soundwave only saw the light approach from his right side. The rest was consumed in a flash of burning pain spreading across every bit of circuit in his body. His voice broke, releasing the same, painful screech as before, this time rising to levels that nearly crushed the dragon’s eardrums. Had he not kept the fire spewing from his lungs, Spike would’ve collapsed, shielding his ears from the sound.

But he kept going…only for so long. The fire from the baby dragon lasted for about four seconds. That was all the time Optimus needed.

Even though he only stared at his backside, Optimus could tell what Shockwave was preparing to do, with the words he had just offered to Twilight as a final goodbye. The light within his chest could not be contained any longer. Prime drove his fist into the ground, his blue optics shining brightly, even through the cracks, directed for Shockwave and Shockwave only.

Twilight’s presence had fallen silent.


With a rush of adrenaline never before seen from the last Prime, Optimus shot his right hand forward over Spike’s head, the dragon just recently falling onto his back and taking several, much needed breaths. He gripped his sword’s handle, flinging it to the right with speeds Soundwave couldn’t counter against, with power the Decepticon couldn’t block.

The blade flew straight into Soundwave’s abdomen. The pain didn’t end there as Optimus was quick to regain his sword. Soundwave stared into the eyes of the Autobot leader, the shattered gazes locking onto one another for the short moment of life Optimus allowed him. He ripped the sword upwards.

Soundwave’s visor split in two. The red was painted to black.

Optimus allowed the body to fall, streams of Energon spewing from the laceration and landing on Prime’s armor. Optimus did not stop there. He reared forward, wrapping his arms around the TechVolt still attached to the Decepticon’s right arm. Optimus spun the device a full 180, aiming and firing a single bolt of lightning to its intended target.

A direct hit.

The Decepticon scientist began to spasm uncontrollably, the lightning coursing through his body inside and out. He yelled in pain, his chest arching upwards. Curious, Twilight opened her eyes to witness the Decepticon moments away from ending her life now trapped within the power of lightning.

She barely had time to process what happened next.

Tossing the Decepticon’s remains aside, Optimus charged his stunned oppressor, his blade joining him, never leaving his side. Shockwave had barely turned around to be met with Prime’s left fist landing right in his glowing red optic, a powerful crack resounding through the air. Shockwave skidded back from the force of the punch. He looked up, only to witness a large crack going down his vision and the being caught in between it, heading straight for him.

The Dark Spark glowed violently, urging retribution.

The Matrix shined brightly, demanding justice.

Shockwave brought up his sword, deflecting Prime’s onward strikes that just never seemed to end. Step by step, strike by strike, Optimus Prime grew closer to Shockwave, smacking him back while the Decepticon could do nothing but deflect and retreat further away. The Dark Spark wanted more out of its warrior, and it offered Shockwave more power than he could consume.

The Decepticon drove his blade forward, slicing neatly across Prime’s chest. Optimus swung his left arm out, hitting the Decepticon on the side of the head. Shockwave backed off and nearly fell to a knee, his sword raised above him. Optimus roared, driving his sword’s tip right on top of Shockwave’s, sending sparks dancing across their feet.

With the Dark Spark granting him the much needed strength he desired, Shockwave forced time to cease its flow. He eyed Prime’s wound closely, noticing how it didn’t seem to affect him any longer. It was as if all the wretched power the Dark Spark had inflicted had just vanished, eradicated by some unknown force of light and truth.

Shockwave knew what it was that aided Prime.

He lifted up his cannon, aimed right for Optimus’ chest.

The cannon didn’t fire in time. Time…

Time resumed, and Optimus drove his sword straight across Shockwave’s only remaining limb.

The world fell silent, almost taunting the Decepticon as it moved aimlessly on in slow motion. Not by his command, not by the command of the Dark Spark that had suddenly left him, as if saying to Shockwave that he failed and didn’t deserve its power. For the reason Shockwave stared at, he could believe it. For the reason was Shockwave’s severed limb lying to his right.

Optimus plucked Galvatron’s sword out of the air as Shockwave’s right arm fell to the earth. The Decepticon did not quit and attempted to shoot Prime again, almost completely disregarding his limb, the only part of his body that could truly interact with the world. Optimus Prime seemingly lost track of his own sword, gripping the handle of his enemy’s and using it instead.

He sliced Shockwave’s cannon to the right side. With that momentum buildup, Optimus drove his left fist to the side of the Decepticon’s head, sending a deafening thud of metal against metal throughout the battleground. With that punch, Optimus could actually feel the inner workings of Shockwave’s mind break apart. He witnessed liquid Energon spew from the openings in Shockwave’s head, the wounded scientist backpedalling until he finally fell.

Yet he was not done.

Shockwave refused to give up.

He planted the tip of his cannon to the eradicated pieces of rubble he laid upon and forced himself to get up. Just as he got to one knee, Shockwave was forced back to the earth with a searing pain of unimaginable proportions rip through his chest.

Shockwave looked down.

His worst fears had come to life.

Optimus Prime had stabbed him with his own sword, the blade going straight through his back and chest…and into the Dark Spark.

Author's Note:

Dem Beatles ponies doe. :rainbowkiss:

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