• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 88-Betrayal

Once the tower of light fell upon them—enveloping the three in its warm, welcoming embrace—that was the moment they knew not to be afraid. It was the moment they stopped fighting for themselves and began fighting for one another, as a single unit, as one, powerful team of warriors.

Grimlock drove his sword straight into the spark of the last standing Decepticon Heavy Soldier. The Decepticon struggled against the massive blade embedded within his chest, his claws reaching upwards to try and pry the blade out of him.

The Dinobot grabbed the Decepticon’s left arm and proceeded to rip the entire Transformer in half. Grimlock roared in satisfaction, tossing the severed body of his foe to join the others that tried to push past them.

He and his Dinobots, his brothers in arms, stood amongst the ruins and corpses of a fallen army failed to obey their masters’ request for invasion. The dead lay among them in piles, charred crisps of Alliance soldiers in bundles alongside their Decepticon partners. Limbs and heads scattered the torn bridge where Energon and blood dripped from the sides and out into the ocean below. All that remained, all that still functioned on that bridge were three Autobots.

They were covered head to toe in Energon.

They didn’t care. They won.

After several seconds ticked away with nothing but the heavy breathing from Slug and Snarl, Grimlock brought his gaze upwards to the skies ahead, trying his hardest to ignore the dead bodies of equines he had so effortlessly slaughtered. Each strike was a painful reminder, a horrifying flashback of when he was nothing but a mindless beast. How he had almost killed his friends…how he had almost eaten Fluttershy…

Primus…he could still remember it all.

The clouds hovered away from the afternoon sun, giving light to the battleground for the umpteenth time that fateful day. The colors were amazing. Heavy orange, bright yellow, sky blue, purple, pink, white…


Purple, pink, and white?

The sudden brightness of the sky must’ve captured the attention of both Slug and Snarl as well, because soon enough all three Dinobots were staring at the rainbow streak across the bridge and over their heads. They all followed its bright trail lead into Manehattan, even falling down to where it was below the buildings.

That’s not what surprised Grimlock. The rainbow merely caught his interest. What surprised the Dinobot was the mighty Trypticon rising over the buildings deep within the city, his jaws opening wide to release a powerful roar into the burning winds.


All of Manehattan heard the wail of the Decepticon titan. The whole damned world heard it.

Grimlock especially heard it. He replied with a war cry of his own.

“Dinobots,” he began, allowing his orange blade to shrink back into his fist, allowing him to perform the inevitable, “transform…and charge!”

The Autobots beasts roared in mixtures of retaliation, hunger, anger, and excitement in a flurry of sudden yelps and low growls. Grimlock led the way, as usual, and stomped his way back into Manehattan. The three cleared the bridge of the dead that lay among its surface.

Brimstone used his last bullet on the advancing Pegasus flying in from above. The resistance Pegasus cried in pain once the Energon bullet tore through his right wing, bringing him down in a terrible crash that would result in permanent damage to his vertebrae.

With the sky cleared, Brimstone lead the charge over the fourth line, the final stronghold.

“Push forward!” the young unicorn screamed, jamming his empty rifle towards what remained. His Alliance brothers and sisters screamed alongside him, galloping or flying right over the tattered third line. Brimstone jumped into the ditch that gave the resistance sanctuary from their firepower. At once he was attacked.

Brimstone grappled against the resistance fighter trying his hardest to knock him on his flank. The unicorn would not allow it, and he charged up a spell that sent a volt of electricity straight into the chest of the resistance pony. He jammed the side of his rifle against the pony’s skull, knocking him flat on his back. Brimstone allowed his rifle to transform back into his foreleg. He activated a small, black shaft from his hoof instead and drove the blade straight into his…


The bandana wrapped around the muzzle of the resistance pony had slipped down, revealing a muzzle much too small for any stallion to have. The terrified expression Brimstone stared at belonged to a mare.

He didn’t know why he stopped. His dark blade was so close to ending the pony’s life and being one step closer to victory for the Alliance. For some reason, the same reason he stopped himself from stabbing her in the throat…was her eyes. If anything she was confused, as if the meaning of warfare was all but new to her. Her eyes held the same pain, the same confusion as his…

As his…wife.

The day she died, the day Brimstone would never forget, all she could do was stare at him, scream his name while he continued to reach for her, cry for her. The Decepticons had ended her life, had ended his reason for life…and here he stood fighting alongside them like brothers in the same war.

He hadn’t known that he lowered his weapon. The mare sent the stallion in front of her a confused yet thankful look, and then she took off to the left, right out of the resistance lines and quickly to safety. Alliance ponies swarmed past the lone stallion in the fourth line, completely ignoring their fellow soldier standing amongst what remained of his sanity and what made him equine.

Brimstone slowly brought his eyes over to his left. He could witness Bruticus stomp over what remained of the resistance lines, knocking the two attacking Autobots aside with just one swipe of his mighty hand. More Decepticon soldiers ran past his feet, firing away at the fleeing resistance army. Discord was the only one standing, somehow keeping Bruticus and the Decepticon army at bay for the time being. It wouldn’t be long before he would also fall to the mighty Decepticon.

The young unicorn sighed through his mouth, his weary eyes staring into the burning symbol on Bruticus’ chest.

“Noctune…you lied to us…to me…”

More Alliance ponies galloped right past him in a blur of screams and shouts.

“You promised peace…you promised sanctity…you promised far too many things you could not offer…”

Bruticus managed to grasp the slippery Discord in his mighty fist, tightening his grip around the struggling draconequus.

“But worst of all…you promised they would fall this day… You promised the Decepticons would pay for what they’ve done. Once again…you promised far too many things.”

His rifle felt very heavy. Brimstone reached for his right foreleg and unhooked the device wrapped around it. The metallic shards jumbled together in the device once it hit the shattered concrete, joining the lone rifles and empty bullet shells.


Brimstone brought his eyes back to the Decepticon titan. As if time seemed to slow down, he witnessed a rainbow as bright as the sun burst straight through Bruticus’ backside, searing one of his arms clean off his body. Discord was freed from the severed arm, having flown safely to the ground to watch the rainbow streak fade away.

The young unicorn, so full of loss, turned his head away from the madness of war. Bruticus’ roars of pain felt like mere whistles of wind flowing past his ears. He turned around and walked away. That’s all Brimstone could offer, that’s all he could push himself to do. He turned around and walked away.

As he walked straight down the heart of the tattered road, only stopping to watch as three rampaging Autobots took the only portions of road left standing since the explosion brought downtown straight underground. Even the Autobots appeared to be stampeding in slow motion, completely ignoring the lone stallion in the middle of the road.

Brimstone slowly walked over to the sidewalk, the only portion that remained since the eruption. As he made his retreat, through the corner of his eye, Brimstone could see what remained of the towering colossus fall to his knees. The largest Autobot appeared from behind Bruticus, chomping down and ripping the Decepticon’s head clean off. They each took turns ripping the Combaticons apart.

He made his slow retreat out of the city of Manehattan. Brimstone left the battle to fend for its own selfish desires, having lost all the will to fight for a cause he knew was wrong from the beginning. He retreated.

He retreated from the Alliance. He retreated.

And for the first time in his life…it felt good.

“Come on, Optimus… Oh! That’s gotta hurt! Come on, I know you can do it! Swing, duck, jab! Yes! Nice hit, Optimus!”

A large shadow fell over the excited baby dragon, instantly silencing him.

Having recovered from the rifle’s powerful kick, Spike managed to claw his way through the battlefield, helping out in any small he could. Like a child to a candy store, or a baby dragon to pile of gems in his case, Spike watched on from the street as Optimus Prime and Shockwave went toe-to-toe. It was quite the exciting battle, having watched Optimus overpower all three Decepticons and even kill Galvatron.

It was all going so well for Optimus…


That was until Trypticon had been summoned.

While the Autobot and Decepticon fought for their lives against one another near the War Machine continuing to drill into the ground, the towering Trypticon took his first few steps forward over the two Cybertronians and into the street. Spike made sure to get an extra safe distance to watch the shadow pass safely over him.

From where he stood behind piles of rubble, Spike watched on with eyes as wide as saucers once Trypticon and Omega Supreme made first contact, two titans colliding, two opposing forces of good and evil on the grandest of scales coming together.

Trypticon screeched and dug his claws into Omega’s shoulder. He reared forward and bit down on the area he presumed to be Omega’s neck. The two titans stumbled off deeper into the city, bringing down skyscrapers until nothing but dust remained from their destruction. Spike kept on watching them until Trypticon’s tail disappeared amongst the smoke.

With them out of the way to deal with whatever titans did when they confronted one another, Spike moved in closer back to the battle he had been focusing on since he arrived to the scene not too long ago. He dipped from one rubble shielding to the next, growing closer and closer to Optimus Prime and Shockwave.

He stuck his head out from the nearest piece of debris. His reptilian eyes quietly watched the last Prime go in for jab at Shockwave’s forehead with his shield. His connection worked, and Shockwave stumbled backwards, recovering far too quickly from such a powerful strike.

Planting his claw against the debris, Spike mumbled, “Come on, Prime, I know you can do it! You’ve pulled through so much worse than…this…?”

His words seemed to fail him. Spike stared on in silence. Emerging from the Nemesis’ crash site, a dark brown stallion slowly approached the two Transformers.

The first change Optimus noticed about Shockwave was his speed, then his agility, his strength, his swordsmanship, and so on. With the power of the Dark Spark fueling his actions, Optimus Prime knew that he was not facing the same Shockwave he had moments earlier. It was not the same calculating scientist using mere logic as his one and only ally.

The Shockwave he was facing now was fueled with pure darkness, unfathomable hatred, and uncontrollable dark magic Prime had only imagined in legends…and one other time. Megatron never was able to wield its full powers. With Shockwave…

Optimus truly didn’t know what to expect. So he fought with all that he had either way.

“You tried to twist my mind! You failed!” Optimus shouted, ducking underneath Shockwave’s cannon. The Decepticon halted his fire, the end of his cannon dimming which allowed Prime to smack the weapon away from his personal space.

Shockwave grunted in annoyance, the dark crystal burning bright purple against his chest. “You know nothing!” he retaliated, jamming the tip of his sword straight for Optimus while he was bent low to the ground. Optimus brought up his own blade, deflecting the dark sword’s tip dangerously close to his face.

The two continued in a dance of will and strength, a fight between the Matrix and the Dark Spark. Both wielded a power far greater than any omnipotent force in the universe. Both would use them to their own advantages; Prime for freedom, Shockwave for redemption.

The Decepticon swung his massive sword that once belonged to his failed creation. Optimus ducked beneath the sword’s edge, sliding on his knees to Shockwave’s far left. He popped up instantly and swung his shield straight for the Decepticon, but was surprised to notice that Shockwave had spun from his weapon’s intended strike, appearing on Prime’s defenseless right.

He kicked him square in the chest. Optimus fell backwards, kicking up dust and rocks.

“The Dark Spark grants me strength in ways you cannot imagine, Prime! Not even your Matrix can overcome its darkness! It is ever-growing, it will have no equal, and it will consume all that breathes!” Shockwave shouted, jamming his sword straight into Prime’s leg.

Optimus howled in pain, but he didn’t stop there. The pain didn’t stop there. Shockwave literally dragged the wounded Prime closer to him, only stopping to rip out his blade and levitate the Prime back to his feet. Optimus hung in the air, kicking with his feet and struggling to move his forearms back and forth. Shockwave offered no ease.

He looked the floating Prime up and down, his visor shimmering bright purple. “Do you know why I spared your pathetic corpse the intention of an eternal scrapyard?” he asked, expecting a response but not getting one.

Shockwave grunted. “I believed you could offer the equines true pain and misery, the type of pain I was forced to follow! I did this so that if we could not beat them down physically, then I knew for certain we can beat them morally!”

To Optimus’ horror, as he struggled with all the willpower he could offer, he stared down the barrel of Shockwave’s cannon, the muzzle glowing bright. He fired only once, and with that one blast amplified by the Dark Spark’s wicked strength, it was strong enough to blast Optimus back several yards. Optimus skidded and tumbled like a rag doll with a smoking chest, his weapons scattering as he rolled.

Finally, he came to a rest at the edge of what remained of Manehattan’s train station. With his chest to the gravel, the Prime could do nothing but lie in pain as he listened to the approaching footsteps. He planted his fists into the ground, grunting as he pushed himself up.

He was immediately brought back down by a force far stronger than he.

Shockwave drove the bottom of his foot down on the back of the fallen Prime. He clenched the blade’s handle in his lone, right hand, his optic burning with ferocity. With his sights set, Shockwave brought back the sword, speaking his last words to the Prime.

“I see my mistake…and I will not make it again.”

He drove the blade forward-


The power in the voice compelled even the corrupt scientist to cease his actions. The tip of his sword was nowhere near his intended target directly in Prime’s back, it was still held back, standing oh-so still in the raining ashes from the War Machine’s constant drilling. Curious, Shockwave lifted his foot from Prime’s back, turning fully around to face the owner of the familiar voice.

“Noctune…” Shockwave breathed, his optic landing on the lone stallion standing in the midst of the battleground he and Prime fought upon. His ally stood breathing far too heavily, a somewhat foreboding smile plastered on the left side of his face. That’s all he showed, the left side of his face and the smile to go with it.

He looked awful, yet he didn’t show it.

“What has happened to you?” Shockwave began, taking a small step towards the stallion.

“Oh, cut the bullshit, Shockwave!”

He then stopped in his tracks, momentarily stunned.

Noctune continued, the grin growing wider on the left side of his face, the other half remaining dark. “You know, when I first met you I believed we could’ve created something beautiful. Two races joined in an alliance would reach no ends, and I was the idiot who actually believed in that…believed in you!”

“Whatever it is that ails you, I can assure you that we can-”

“Shut up!” Noctune screamed, silencing the Decepticon for the time being. “Now, I realize that even though the times are different…the methods, the ideals, they’re all the same. And you, Shockwave, are just like the others. Worthless, insubordinate, traitorous scum.”

Now the Decepticon was beginning to grow uneasy. He tightened the grip on his sword. Noctune smiled again, the ash falling across his shoulders and sweaty jet-black mane.

“But that doesn’t matter, Shockwave. I can play along too. In fact…”

He lifted up the rest of his face, revealing what the shadows had hidden away. What remained of Noctune’s face was a charred piece of skin resting against the muscles and tendons, dried blood coating the edges of his burn. Shockwave could barely make out small slivers of skull within the burn, all leading up to Noctune’s right eye, completely bare with no eyelids to block out the swirling shades of dark grey.

And yet he still smiled, the grin growing against the muscle to form something far too hideous for anypony to make. The Decepticon stood there, silenced into surprise and shock.

“I’ve never seen more clearly than I have now,” Noctune muttered, continuing his wicked grin. Before he even gave Shockwave the chance to respond, the stallion reached into his jacket and pulled out a small walkie-talkie. Letting the antenna adjust outwards, Noctune brought the device to his mouth. He gave just one order, smiling the entire time.

“Begin Phase Two, commander. Slaughter every alien you see.”

Faster than Noctune could have put his walkie-talkie away, Shockwave looked to the skies to be met with a horrific sight. Passed the swirling clouds of burning city and into the bright afternoon skies, Shockwave received front row seats to his Decepticon army fall one by one at the hands…hooves of the Alliance.

Every Decepticon Jet that flew by were instantly gunned down by floating Alliance airships, their turrets filling the sky with shells and burning cinders of what remained from the Decepticon air dominance. The skies were filled with an all new form of light, one of betrayal and death, and Shockwave knew it was not just the skies.

He quickly brought his shimmering, purple optic back to the stallion. He was laughing. His partner, his betrayer was laughing.

The Dark Spark glowed violently within his chest. Shockwave lost control and pointed his cannon at his newly acquired target.

“You…you traitorous swine!”

And then he fired. One blast was all it took to launch the stallion fifty yards back and keep on going. His flight, his landing, his aftermath, the entire time Noctune kept on laughing. He soon found himself lost in the laughter, sliding on the charred concrete until he came to a rest right be a pile of rubble…and a golden spear.

The solar goddess slowly opened her eyelids, witnessing nothing but the blurred outlines of her friend and her enemy fighting one another to the bitter death. Her hearing was slow to return, but the clashing of swords against shields was soon to be the first thing she heard.

With her other senses returning, unfortunately touch, she could feel the pain soaring throughout her limbs, her wings, and her head. The sharp edges of the rubble she laid against poked her backside, the only portions that weren’t protected by her golden armor as bright as the sun. She could feel the warm ashes slowly fall against her muzzle and limbs, coating her body until she prompted herself to move to the right.

That’s when she saw it.

There lied the pony that had caused the greatest of damage that Equestria had ever felt, the pony that even managed to make her believe there was still some good in his soul for all that he has wrought. But no, now, as the stallion lied to her far right, she could see the scorched side of his face lift off the ground, his wide, right eye staring at her hauntingly.

He smiled. Through his bloody teeth and charred face, he smiled. The solar goddess gasped silently, her vision slowly beginning to blur after staring at the horrific scene for far too long.

He spoke to her. There was no mocking tone, there was no snarky remark, there was but two simple words lost within the darkness that consumed the pony’s voice.

“You lose…”

And then he passed out, his right eye remaining open with the other closed.

Princess Celestia lay on her back against the sharp rubble, her mind wobbling and soul crying out. Slowly, she reached upwards and removed the helmet covering her skull, the helmet that had protected her throughout the revolution. She let it fall from her hooves, clattering against the stone until it came to a rest near her spear.

She did nothing but sit there, staring at nothing as the world fell apart around her, constantly replaying Noctune’s final words to her.

The walkie-talkie next to Noctune buzzed to life.

“…tune? Noctune, can you hear me? This is Alliance Commander Chivalry reporting that all Decepticon forces have been destroyed! I repeat that ALL Decepticon forces have been destroyed! We’re heading for your current position now for backup…which…would be where, sir?”

Silence. Celestia listened carefully, but still stared out into her crumbling home.

“Noctune…? NOCTUNE! Where are you?! Sir?!”

A sigh on the other end.

“We lost him.”

Princess Celestia closed her eyes, letting the darkness finally return to her embrace.

You lose.

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