• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 68-You Have No Soul

“Wake up, you wretched equine!”

The dried blood cracked once Twilight opened her eyelids. The ending of her rest was instantly greeted by Shockwave’s horrific face and even more horrific eye. Twilight growled.

“More torture, I presume?” she weakly asked, her broken wings swaying back and forth when she began to move around. The chains around her straining hooves made it difficult to move.

Twilight rested her back against the cold metal, her tired eyes looking up at her oppressor. “Or are you here to finally kill me?”

Shockwave actually chuckled a bit before staring at his blaster. “I would rather not, if it’s all the same with you,” he told her, adjusting the cannon that replaced his left arm. “I’m simply here to inform you of your newest cellmate before I return to my guest. Noctune is visiting for the time being, discussing certain…topics that suddenly popped up centering on the slaves in the Energon camps.”

Twilight grimaced at the thought of the wretched Energon camps. Yet, her eyebrow rose suspiciously at the sound of a new cellmate. She groaned, muttering, “A cellmate would be nice. Everything else in here is either dead or doesn’t have a conscience.” Shockwave chuckled at those words, finding them quite amusing.

The princess stared Shockwave dead in the eye, forcing no bit of humor in her next tone.

“So…when are you finally gonna grow some backbone and kill me?”

“Oh, foolish little princess…I do not wish to kill you…yet. The only reason you’re still alive is because of one thing…” Shockwave explained, walking closer to be eye to eye with the withered Alicorn. His purple eye gazed into hers, its core burning with the feeling of hatred.

“My vengeance,” he whispered sharply.

When Twilight didn’t answer, only giving the Decepticon leader of fierce glare in return, Shockwave continued. “I have suffered hundreds of years of watching my world break. My brothers scavenged over fallen warriors just to acquire whatever morsel of Energon droplets they could find. I watched my race, my home, fall apart because of the Autobots…and you.”

“I didn’t do anything to you,” Twilight hissed through gritted teeth, the dried blood on her face adding to the ferocity in her glare.

Shockwave punched the wall directly to Twilight’s left, intendedly missing the princess.

“Do not play games with me, Twilight!” he silently screamed, his purple eye burning against the Alicorn. “I know you… You’re far smarter than this, girl. You let go of Optimus Prime. You determined the fate of both of our worlds. You couldn’t surrender like the weak, worthless insects you all are! You stopped us from saving Cybertron with your act, and in turn…you destroyed the Cybertronian race.”

Twilight moaned in pain, cracking her back with her eyes shut tight. The chains rattled in protest to her movements. When her eyes opened, the red veins mixed with the fire added to the hatred in her gaze.

“And I know you, Shockwave…and you're far smarter than this,” she muttered. She managed a weak smile when Shockwave took a step back. “Everything you and Megatron have done…everything you’ve wrought upon Cybertron was your own fault. Trying to blame me for the fall of your species is very…illogical.”

Shockwave’s neck twitched, forcing him to reach up and hold the side of his face still. His eye flashed red two times.

He could hear her give a little chuckle.

“Feeling a little twitchy, scientist? I should know…staying in a lab for too long really starts to mess with your head.”

Shockwave craned his neck, feeling the servos and wires readjust perfectly. He brought his head down, letting his eye align with the princess’.

He said, “Foolish equine…I’ve stayed in a lab for nearly my entire life, and a few hundred years in nothing compared to a million. You’re an Alicorn, meaning you can live for a much longer lifespan. Not as long as us Cybertronians, but long enough to feel the same suffering I went through struggling to even survive on that rust-covered cesspool you dumped us on.”

Twilight sneered. “You’re trying to occupy Equestria for hundreds of years? That’s your goal, to stay here, suck up our energy, torture us, and then leave?”

Shockwave actually laughed, sending shivers down the Alicorn’s spine. The laughter rebounded off the walls, permanently penetrating Twilight’s ears. He stopped and stared silently at her. Twilight stared back, her glare deteriorating.

“Not even close, foolish girl,” Shockwave said, snapping his fingers. The door behind Shockwave opened, allowing three large entities to enter alongside a hovering table twice as long as any of the figures.

Shockwave continued, even though Twilight’s eyes weren’t even on him anymore. “Keeping you here, locked up, like the slave you were always meant to be, gives me little satisfaction to quench my thirst for vengeance against you and this world for sending me back to mine. Cybertron was dead when we all were forced to return, and I was forced to watch it crumble for hundreds of years. That is what I’m doing, that is what we’re all doing, Princess Twilight. We’re simply returning the favor.”

The entities turned out to be Sharpshot, Kickback, and Hardshell. Twilight watched as the three Insecticons pushed the hovering table right next to Shockwave. She couldn’t identify whatever lied on the table, but it was very large and bulky.

“Sadly, nor I or my Decepticons can wait hundreds of years on this world to make you feel that same pain. So, for the benefit of the Decepticon lust for vengeance and assurance of our species’ survival…a final solution was developed. This final solution will suck the energy out of Equis, destroying the planet and saving Cybertron in the process.”

“You’ve tried that, Shockwave,” Twilight retorted. “If it hasn’t worked before, what makes you think it’ll work now?”

Shockwave held up his right hand, only his pointing finger being erected upwards. He brought his gaze over to a small tray being levitated to his left, a small number of items resting on the tray. Twilight’s eyes grew wide once the items appeared in the light.

“No…” she whimpered. “Oh…no…”

“Oh…yes,” Shockwave responded, bringing his eye over to the tray of items. “We’ve learned from our past mistakes, your highness, and we’ve even prepared for what this world had in store. Your Rainbow Power, for instance, is the most powerful existent force this world has ever witnessed. It’s a true shame that it cannot be performed unless all bearers are present.”

Shockwave gripped the tray to his left and pushed it outwards in front of him. With his right palm, Shockwave levitated the four items resting on the tray to be floating right in front of the Alicorn. Twilight recognized two of the items. The other two were a complete mystery.

The ones she recognized was the unmistakable Matrix of Leadership, the symbol of Optimus Prime’s power and a remnant of the core of Cybertron itself. The other was the Crystal Heart trapped in what appeared to be metal sphere, its glowing blue light emanating from the hole in the front.

The other two…

One was almost as identical to the metal sphere the Crystal Heart was trapped inside, except it was glowing bright orange on the top and bottom. The last item…was the most strange.

It looked just like the Matrix of Leadership, but had a feeling of darkness and foreboding that Twilight had never felt before in her breaking heart. It was light silver with a hint of glowing purple in its core. A dark mist floated off from the object, some of it actually trying to reach Twilight. The Alicorn struggled in her chains, but the mist never touched her. It sat there in mid-air, illuminating the darkness with its own.

She could hear Shockwave’s voice, but she dared not take her eyes off the relics floating in front of her.

“The Crystal Heart… This powerful relic was responsible for upsetting the Space Bridge portal, as well as wiping out over a billion Decepticon lives. With this in our possession, it will be used as an excellent power source…a replacement spark, if you will.”

Shockwave levitated the next two items in front of him. “Optimus Prime’s Matrix was acquired years earlier back on Cybertron. In our possession, we can be certain that it will not interfere with our true intentions,” he explained, turning his head over to the next item. “Prime’s T-cog. We have the replacement spark, the Crystal Heart, and with this powerful relic we hold the final component needed to fulfill our plan.”

The three relics slowly descended back onto the tray, leaving only one floating in front of Shockwave’s chest. Twilight’s eyes bugged out of her skull, her chest heaving and out. Shockwave brought his right hand forward, letting the last relic fall gently into his palm.

“Allow me to introduce…the Dark Spark.”

Twilight gulped down whatever saliva she had left.

Shockwave continued. The purple mist floated off the object as his purple eye lit up with every word. “The antithesis to the Matrix of Leadership and the weapon that will be this world’s destruction, the Dark Spark has the power to reshape the universe at one’s command. With this weapon, this…devastating weapon, we’ll suck this planet dry of energy in seconds and restore Cybertron. However, this can only be accomplished by those worthy enough to wield its true strength…and I am not that being.”

“You lied… After everything I’ve done for you and this is thanks I get?! That Dark Spark you hold was lost in billions of pieces of Cybertronian metal, and I was the one who scrounged in the rust and scavenged it! For you!”

Shockwave paid little heed to the Decepticon Commander completely at his mercy, his attention all too drawn to his table littered with surgical devices. After several more seconds followed by several more shouts and curses, Shockwave finally turned back, a special device in his right palm.

“I truly am sorry…Switchblade…but Cybertron’s future comes first before all of my fellow brothers,” Shockwave explained, moving closer and closer to the squirming Decepticon. The chains that held him down rattled in protest, but the Decepticon was not freed.

Shockwave stopped in front of him, the device geared towards Switchblade’s chest. The Decepticon’s optics grew wide with fear.

“You have served your purpose rather…logically.”

The device was jammed forward, a searing cut followed by countless cycles of screaming.


Then nothing.

Nothing but hours of pure, flowing Energon.

Shockwave’s purple eye lit back up, returning to reality. He allowed the Dark Spark to float down to join the other three relics on the tray. Shockwave lifted up his head, noticing the horrified expression etched on Twilight’s face. Sadly, Shockwave couldn’t smile.

“What do you mean you’re not that being?” Twilight managed to squeak out, her entire body shivering. The chains rattled alongside her body’s movements, yet she still forced herself to speak over them. “And…w-what do you th-think Noctune will do when he finds out that you’re trying to destroy Equis?”

“Noctune will never find out of the Decepticons’ true plan. He was but a pawn and nothing more, a simple sacrificial aid in our cause,” Shockwave explained, turning around to face the three Insecticons. They all looked to their leader for assurance, for guidance. Shockwave nodded once.

With that, the Insecticons laid out the floating table to allow two large cables to fall from the dark ceiling and attach themselves to the table sides. The cables were instantly thrust back towards the far-off wall, bringing the table with it to be standing straight up. Twilight’s head followed it the entire time.

Not a piece fell off from the table. From its position earlier, Twilight couldn’t make up what the large and bulky objects were jutting out from it. Now…from its position hanging off the wall…it gave an all new form.

A body…


An arm or two…

And a head.

“I may not be that being, Princess Twilight,” Shockwave’s voice finally returned, bringing the Alicorn’s attention back to it. She continued to shiver, her eyes growing wild and fresh sweat pouring from her forehead.

Shockwave turned to stare at her, his lonesome optic gazing into the fear in her eyes.

“But he existed before…he wielded it before…and I was there to see him use it. Without Prime’s Matrix, there isn’t a way for him to save this planet. With the Dark Spark, we can ensure that no power on this planet can stop us. With Prime’s T-cog and the Crystal Heart in my possession, I have the final components for reviving my true master.”

The lights flickered on, revealing what was on the table the Insecticons brought in.


Twilight’s screams were heard throughout the Nemesis.

He backed away from the door, having heard all he needed to. He didn’t need the princess’ screams to assault his eardrums anymore. He had what he came for, even discovering something far grimmer than he could’ve imagined.

What he heard… Every single word.




Noctune slowly began to smile, yet there was murder ripe in his eyes.

“Son of a bitch.”

Author's Note:

That little flashback was a bit for mirageandjazz11’s spin-off series. :pinkiesmile:

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