• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 31-The Invitation to Preparation

“So, what you’re saying is that Grimlock acted as if he never saw you before?” Princess Twilight asked the shivering Pegasus sitting in her throne. Fluttershy only responded with a weak nod, her eyes low and her voice forgotten.

Twilight, currently walking back and forth in front of the shaken Pegasus like somepony who was interrogating her, tapped her chin with one hoof, her mind still grasping the new information.

“That can’t be right,” she told herself. Fluttershy only listened and did not look up at her. “Grimlock would never lash out at anypony ever since he met Rainbow Dash,” Twilight pointed out, her eyes suddenly taking an all new shade of sadness. “Then again…Optimus would never lash out at me like he did at Sweet Apple Acres.”

The Alicorn turned to Fluttershy. She looked up at Twilight right as she began speaking.

“I guess we can both safely assume that Grimlock has suffered the same fate as Optimus. But unlike Prime, he seems to have reverted back to his primal instincts and will defend himself if he feels threatened,” she gently placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I think it would be best if we both told Rainbow Dash about this…and that she can’t fly off and see him. It could be very dangerous.”

Fluttershy finally spoke at the mentioning of her best friend. “But…what about how Rainbow Dash feels about this?” she asked, causing Twilight’s eyebrow to arch upwards. “Grimlock was the Autobot she felt closest to. Don’t you think she’ll just ignore us and go after him anyway?”

Twilight shook her head. “I think she’ll understand when we say that he’s just like Optimus and won’t recognize you, but unlike Optimus he’ll actually try to kill you.”

The Pegasus shivered once more, a tiny whimper escaping her lips.

“It was…so scary,” Fluttershy whispered. “He…he just… What he did to Optimus… What he was going to do to me…” small tears flowed from her eyes. The Alicorn acted quickly and brought Fluttershy down from her throne, wrapping her up in a warm hug.

“It’s alright Fluttershy…” Twilight whispered into her ear, her hoof gently rubbing her back. “You have Optimus to thank for saving you.”

The thought of Grimlock’s red eyes staring into her own caused Fluttershy to hyperventilate. Twilight brought her in closer. She truly hadn’t been afraid of Grimlock ever since she first met him standing outside her door, staring at her with that glowing red visor. Since that accident long ago, Fluttershy always saw him as a friend, a friend she could trust even the worst of situations.

He sacrificed his life to rescue her and her friends from the Changeling Hives, he gave up his life so the Space Bridge Portal would not destroy her home, and he has proven to be brave and compassionate even though he was the most ill-tempered out of all the Autobots.

Why did she continue to feel afraid of him?

That question would have to be answered, maybe with the help of her friends, for another time. A new thought suddenly popped into Fluttershy’s ahead. She broke away from Twilight’s hug and wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

“Where…where is Optimus?” she asked. “I haven’t seen him since we got back to Ponyville,” a guilty look was seen on the Pegasus’ face, “and…I guess I still need to thank him.”

Twilight was happy to answer that question. She smiled and said, “Optimus said he needed to rest and spent his time around Sweet Apple Acres.” She giggled at the thought. “And yesterday when I went there to see how he was doing, Apple Bloom and her friends were trying to get Optimus to help them get their cutie marks,” she smiled and shook her head. “Those girls will never learn.”

Fluttershy tried to speak, but even her little voice was drowned out by the three loud knocks resonating from the front doors of Twilight’s castle.

The Alicorn and her yellow friend looked at each other before Twilight made the first move.

“I GOT IT!” Spike’s noticeable voice shouted from the downstairs. Twilight sat back down, chuckling at her own action. Fluttershy forced a little smile. That was it. Just a little smile.

Sooner than both of them could expect for the little-legged dragon, Spike emerged from the entrance to Twilight’s throne room. He was out of breath, but he didn’t seem to mind. A rolled up letter was hiding in his claws.

“You’ve got mail, princess!” Spike said to make himself be heard.

The dragon made his way over to the two mares. Twilight thanked him and removed the pink rubber band holding the mail together. As she unraveled it, a stream of confetti and streamers burst outwards, frightening both Spike and Fluttershy. Twilight, however, only smiled and shook her head.

She cleared her throat and read aloud.

“‘Dear Twilight,’” she began, “‘this is Pinkie Pie with a super important message! Since our Autobot friend never truly had a party, I will be throwing one tonight in the middle of Ponyville where everypony is invited! Technically I did throw a party for him when we found him, but that was when he was frozen and couldn’t move. That’s probably why he didn’t enjoy the cake I forcefully shoved into his bumper… Oh, well! A party’s a party! Be sure to meet with Optimus by Ponyville’s entrance in an hour, and then you can lead him to his super-secret surprise party! Sincerely yours, Pinkie Pie.”

Once she was done reading the letter, Spike scratched his head and turned towards Twilight.

“Wait… What did Pinkie do to Optimus?” he asked.

Twilight and Fluttershy didn’t choose to answer or acknowledge his question. They were both busy smiling at each other.

“A party’s a party indeed,” Twilight said.


He always seemed to ask himself that one question.


The ponies were gone, the little ones to be exact. They were always hell-bent on finding these…cutie marks or whatever they were called. Yet to his very small knowledge of this world and its lifestyle, he did not know how to help them find the cutie marks. They bickered constantly, something he could not stand for much longer.

Optimus Prime didn’t enjoy the day he has been having.

From a morning filled with camera flashes and ponies wanting his “autograph,” to an afternoon of thoroughly traveling Ponyville, and finishing it off with late after hours of those three ponies wanting him to join in their adventures, the Prime was exhausted and spent his night in Applejack’s barn. She was grateful enough to let him rest in her property, but only to where Optimus promised that he wouldn’t destroy her barn again. Optimus promised. She laughed it off for some reason.

He spent the last few hours sitting alone in the dark barn, dust particles gently floating in front of his vision and landing on his hands and arms. Optimus didn’t care for what he looked like or if got dirty. Rarity probably would’ve had a fit over his appearance since she seemed to be so concerned over it. Honestly, Optimus felt as if he got pretty scratched up during his fight with that beast in the Everfree, and she didn’t even notice.

These ponies were strange creatures. Some were out there, past the boundaries of Ponyville who wanted him dead for reasons he clearly did not know. Others, and to his knowledge most of them, seemed to be very kind and generous to him especially. They said he was a hero, but once again…Optimus doubted it.

Again, he didn’t even know if Optimus Prime was his real name. He clearly didn’t know a thing about himself, so why did these ponies seem to know more about him when he has never met a single one of them?

Sooner or later, Optimus would have to accept the ideals these ponies were bringing on him. Maybe he was a hero, maybe he wasn’t. Whatever the answer was, Optimus would probably never find out and he would continue living to be treated like a god rather than given the answers he so desperately desired.

Perhaps meeting with those two princesses again would shed some light on his origin…

Then again, they could just leave him in the dark just like Twilight has. It wasn’t infuriating to the Prime, but it was starting to get redundant and annoying. They kept telling him the same thing: He was a hero, he was their friend, and he saved their world. Yet, he received no clear facts, nothing to tell him that they were telling the truth. So once again, Optimus had to keep asking himself that one question over and over again…


Why is he a hero when he knows nothing of his past? Why is he their friend when he clearly has never met any of them before? Why do they say he saved their world, when Optimus has no recollection of where he even came from?

It truly was hard to live the way Optimus was living, unknown of his past or his future. Whatever it held…Optimus Prime would not seem to care. Right now…Optimus didn’t care if he was alive or dead. He just didn’t care.

Optimus closed his eyes and lowered his head onto his forearm.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He groaned. Turning his head towards the repaired barn doors, Optimus noticed a shadow appearing and disappearing and reappearing again from underneath the door. Whatever little light held on the other side, it showed of somepony or something standing right in front of the doors.

Optimus sighed and began to slowly crawl over to the barn doors. When he pushed them aside, he was surprised to see them fall over from his touch.

He could only imagine the discomfort and hard work Applejack would have to go through to fix that. He’ll help, of course, since it was technically his fault for knocking them over…again. However, something caught his interest…and it was standing right in front of him.

Or should he say…she.

“Wow! That door nearly turned me into a Pinkie Pancake!” the over-energetic pink monstrosity shouted. Optimus noticed she was wearing a ridiculous outfit consisting of a pole sticking out of her head as well as two more stuck to her back. When she brought her light blue eyes up to him, Optimus could already see the smile growing and growing. It didn’t seem to stop.

“Good afternoon, Optimus Prime! Or should I say good night because the sun’s setting and it’s gonna be dark soon? No, that doesn’t sound right! Because then I’d be telling you good night like I was wishing you goodnight before you went to bed! Well, technically it’s not night yet so-!”

“Pinkie,” Optimus interrupted, silencing the pink mare, “what is it that you want?”

Pinkie Pie’s smile fell, but it was still there…barely. “I just came here to let you know that Twilight wants to meet with you in Ponyville. She wanted to talk with you about a few things.”

Optimus nodded, and then he stared at Pinkie’s outfit, his eyes fixated on the strange design choice.

“Why is it that you’re wearing that?” he asked, his voice low and intimidating.

The pink mare bit her lower lip, her eyes shaking back and forth and her body getting the quick shivers. Sweat dripped from her forehead as Pinkie gulped down whatever saliva was in her mouth. She tried desperately to come up with an answer so her surprise for Optimus won’t be spoiled.

Yes! Perfect! She could just lie about it all! Lying wasn’t all that hard, right? I mean, if Rainbow Dash could do it, then why couldn’t Pinkie? So, the pink mare took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, stood her ground, and when she opened her eyes she made sure she was staring Optimus Prime right in the face when she said…

“Twilight’s gonna take you to a wickedly awesome surprise par-!” she slammed a hoof into her mouth. After an awkward silence, Prime brought his head back a few feet just as Pinkie removed her hoof.

“What I meant to say was that you’re gonna need to bring your party face to the surpri-!” she shoved two hooves into her mouth this time, causing her chin to fall to the dirt. Optimus stared at her. He blinked twice.

Pinkie Pie removed her hooves, sweat dripping from her head. She looked around frantically, before a new thought popped into her mind. Yes! It was the perfect distraction while she made a hasty escape!

“Look,” Pinkie pointed behind Optimus, “something awesome that’s behind you and will probably disappear when you turn to see it because it’s so awesome!"

Optimus was unamused. He didn’t turn his head around nor did he break his eye contact with Pinkie’s. With simply no other option left, Pinkie Pie used her last escape plan possible. It was long shot…but it just might work.

“Um…confetti cannon!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, the tubes sticking out from her head and back spitting out streamers and confetti of all the colors of the rainbow. Optimus stuck his hand out to stop the particles getting in his vision. When he brought his hand down, Pinkie Pie was nowhere to be found, nothing but a dust outline of her fading away into the night air.

Optimus crawled out of the barn, standing back up to full height. He turned towards the direction of the town of Ponyville. His optics softened at the scene. Peaceful, maybe? Serene, of course. Quiet…absolu-

“Remember!” Pinkie screamed, somehow appearing on Prime’s shoulder. Optimus flinched heavily and fell backwards. When he landed, Pinkie Pie came up right to the side of his face, wide eyes and death stares mixed in with the deadly frown she gave him.

“Twilight wants to meet with you in Ponyville! Remember that!” she screamed, her crazy eyes staring right into his terrified ones.

Optimus nodded up and down. “Okay,” he whispered.

Pinkie’s bright smile returned just as quickly as he said that. She bounced up and down, squealing in joy, “EEEE!!! Thank you! You won’t regret this! Now, stop distracting me! I gotta go prepare for the party!”

She sped off faster than anything Optimus had ever seen before. He watched her dust trail heading straight for Ponyville, her laughter following her the entire way.

Optimus Prime sighed and stood back up. Once again, it was quiet on Sweet Apple Acres. Optimus checked both of his shoulders for a second. Yes, it was quiet and he was definitely alone. It wasn’t quiet for long. Crickets began to sing their wondrous tune throughout the night. Optimus turned his head towards the direction of the moon, watching as the top began to slowly rise behind the mountains. He faced away from the moon and walked straight for Ponyville.

The sun set on the last Prime, but even he didn’t know that.

Author's Note:

It's party time. ;-P

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