• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 50-The Rules Have Changed

Princess Twilight was visibly and mentally terrified.

All the courage, all the valor, all the strength she had left inside of her was gone, never to return to the weak pony she imagined to be. All that was left was just a sniveling, crying, shaking princess lying in the grass as her friend got blown to shreds.

The first rocket hit Optimus in the abdomen, sending fire and shrapnel across the dirt road in a fury of explosions. He roared in pain from the blast, both of his hands instantly covering the leaking wound. Prime didn’t even look up in time for the second rocket to make its impact.

Optimus was hit in the chest, barely to the side and missing his spark only by inches. That meant nothing to Optimus. All he could think about was the pain. The entire left portion of his chest was blown apart, leaving strands of Cybertronian metal hanging off like strings on a puppet. Twilight covered her head when little pieces of shrapnel rained from above, several bits landing on her.

She didn’t even want to look up anymore. But for some reason she had to.

The last rocket was the most devastating, hitting Prime square in the chest. The aftermath was unlike anything Twilight or Spike had ever seen done to someone, their friend for that matter.

Optimus Prime was launched backwards, farther past where the pony and dragon were laying down. The gaping hole in his chest was on fire, several thousand strands and scraps of Prime’s metal dancing around the dirt once they hit the ground. Prime’s back landed on the dirt road with a deafening thud.

All Princess Twilight could do was stare, jaw dropped and eyes boggled.

“Oh my… No…” Twilight cried, tears streaming down her face. Optimus began to move, deep groans emanating from his wreckage.

Twilight stood up despite the pain, her eyes wide with shock. “Optimus! Hold on, I’m coming!” she shouted, taking off onto the dirt road.

She was immediately tackled by the baby dragon back into the grass, the two of them tumbling to a halt far from Prime. Twilight shook her head to get the grass out, her accusing eyes landing on the dragon on her back.

“Spike, what do you think you’re-!”

Spike reached around and slammed his claw over Twilight’s muzzle, not a sound escaping except the frustrated breaths from her nose. He leaned towards her ear, whispering, “Don’t…move…Twilight.”

“Why? Can’t you see Optimus is in trouble?!” she hissed through gritted teeth, his claw still forcing her jaws together. Spike didn’t answer. All he did was slowly turn her head to the far left…

And that’s when she saw it.

The ship that had destroyed half of Optimus Prime had transformed. As expected, the Decepticon Shockwave stood fully upright, slowly beginning to make his way down the dirt road away from Twilight’s crystal castle.

Twilight and Spike watched on in silent horror. He was here, on their planet, alive and well. After a year of darkness, a year of solitude, Twilight finally stared upon the essence of Shockwave once again, the Decepticon second in command.

Fires and ash rained around him. Like a beast free from the torments of Tartarus, Shockwave walked slowly and easily towards his target, his right hand tightening and relaxing with every few steps. Twilight spread her right wing to conceal Spike. Every single muscle in her body screeched to a halt as Shockwave’s dark shadow cascaded across the two, his giant footsteps crushing the dirt and Optimus’ metal. His purple eye glowed fiercely in the smoke. Strangely, though, and to Twilight’s relief, Shockwave didn’t see them on the sidelines, hiding, quivering.

Twilight’s and Spike’s eyes followed Shockwave as he approached Optimus with the carefree appearance only a pony could express. They both silently gasped in unison. Optimus was getting back up, and he had almost accomplished getting to all fours when Shockwave had finally stopped right behind him.

His blaster that replaced his left arm began to glow at the end. Shockwave pointed it at Prime’s back. Twilight screamed.

Luckily, the sound of Shockwave’s blaster had drowned out any existence of Twilight’s cries of terror. Optimus, on the other hand, was screaming in agony as the purple blast tore through his back and erupted out of whatever remained of his chest. Liquid Energon, Prime’s blood, splattered across the dirt, some drips even landing on Twilight’s cheek to join her tears.

Optimus’ optics were wide with shock, his broken body falling back to the dirt to join the rest of him. Optimus landed flat on his chest with a softer thud than before, his eyes beginning to close.

Twilight bit her lip so hard she could’ve drawn blood. But she didn’t. Her jaw fell once again, her eyes burning with fresh new tears to see that Shockwave wasn’t done. The Decepticon stood over the fallen Prime, his foot pushing against Optimus’ body like he was just a piece of trash in his way.

Shockwave turned Prime over with his foot so that he was lying on his back. His purple eye gazed over the shattered state the last of the Primes was in. Most of Optimus’ chest was gone; pieces of it were simply lying around his body. Energon began to spew from Prime’s visible circuits, painting his body in glowing blue liquid. Optimus groaned in agony every few seconds, his body twitching all over. Despite it all, Optimus Prime looked up. He met Shockwave’s deadly stare all the way.

He chuckled.

The sick freak chuckled.

The sick freak spoke.

“Optimus…Prime…it has been far too long. We have an appointment, you and I,” Shockwave explained, his tone of voice a thousand times colder than Twilight had previously heard. The Decepticon approached Optimus’ left side, millions of ash debris flying over his head.

He chuckled a bit, catching a large piece of ash between his fingers. “It unfortunately turns out that you hold the final component I need to conquer this world. We can’t have…little obstacles in our path to taking this world for the Decepticons. Surely you understand?”

Optimus began to gag at the liquid Energon in his throat. Shockwave looked back down to see the last Prime in clear, uncontainable pain. His chest was sending sparks dancing across the ground.

Shockwave slowly got down to one knee, his right hand gently caressing the side of Prime’s face. “Do not fear, my little subject. You will not die today… You’ll live to see this world fall…I’ll make sure of it.”

Optimus was barely conscious at this point. He looked up at the demented Decepticon and stared right into his purple eye. The darkness was unlike anything Optimus had felt before when he stared into the lone eye. Forgotten, raging, unfathomable evil raced across visions in Prime’s memory. A light, a screech, a tearing at his spark. He had seen that eye before…but where?

“Who are you?”

The Decepticon shook his head. He reached down and scooped up a pile of dirt. “Names are like legends: They all fade away in time,” Shockwave hissed, his hand letting loose the dirt into the burning winds. His voice sent continuous chills down Twilight’s spine. “You and I, we’re legends, beings meant to show the universe of our power. But while your name, Optimus, will indeed disappear, mine will not. This world shall know my name, the cause I fight for, and the reason we have returned to this planet.”

Shockwave stood back up. He began to walk back in front of Optimus.

“We will never fade away, Optimus Prime,” Shockwave announced, his voice a whisper but still loud enough for Prime to hear, “we only…transform.”

Ignoring all the pain rushing through his body, begging him to stay down, Optimus began to move in order to sit up straight. He was beginning to rise, triumph and surprise filling his circuits. That triumph and hope was quickly stomped down by Shockwave’s foot on Prime’s shoulder.

“That is not a wise decision,” Shockwave threatened, the end of his blaster pointed at Prime’s face. He brought up his right wrist with Optimus at his mercy, and he spoke into his wrist saying, “Soundwave, bring in the Nemesis. I have the cargo. It is time to evacuate.”

Princess Twilight and Spike both heard a soft “Affirmative” escape from Shockwave’s wrist. The two stared on silently from the grass, hidden beneath the blades as Shockwave held Prime under his complete mercy. The gentle breeze of Ponyville’s winds was instantly washed away from a new sound, a sound neither Spike nor Twilight had ever heard.

The two spun their heads around back to the castle.

They gasped.

And not a single breath was taken after that.

Twilight’s glorious castle was gone, shrouded by the smoke being created from the fires of Ponyville. In its wake, in its destruction, in its darkness, it came out. At first it was silent, at first it was like a ghost, unseen and unheard, now it was there. Now it was in Ponyville. Now nopony could stop it.

The Nemesis hovered directly over Twilight’s castle, its cloak that kept it hidden on its journey had deactivated, giving the pony princess and dragon a full view. Gently scraping the tip and no more of the castle, the Nemesis continued onwards towards Shockwave and Optimus Prime. Twilight and Spike had to cover their heads from the strong gust of wind that escaped from the Nemesis’ engines.

The Alicorn managed a second to open her eyes without getting smoke or ash into them. And with that second she saw the unbelievable, the unstoppable, and the incomprehensible force of the Decepticons’ evil.

One of the tow cables from the Nemesis, now directly above Shockwave and Optimus, launched downwards. Shockwave backed away from the fallen cargo as the tow cable reached down and latched onto him. Optimus could only hiss in pain as the tow cable crunched against his sides, locking him in place for the journey back.

The two cable began to rise with Optimus in its grasp.

It was at that moment that Twilight couldn’t stand by and watch. She had lost all fear inside of her, dashed it aside to help her friend. Despite her pain, despite her heart-wrenching in sorrow, despite it all…Twilight ran out into the dirt road and screamed, “Hey!”

Shockwave was so concerned with the tow cable carrying Optimus back up to the Nemesis that he had almost drowned out the voice behind him…if it weren’t for its familiarity.

He slowly turned around, his purple eye landing on the purple uni…Alicorn?

Ah, yes. Now I remember.

Shockwave chuckled and turned around to fully face her wrath. It wouldn’t be very strong, so Shockwave had no worries. Her glare was powerful, though, that was true. But was it as powerful as her strength, her courage? Again, Shockwave had no worries.

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle…or should I say ‘Princess’ Twilight Sparkle?” Shockwave asked out of curiosity, only receiving a snort of anger from the Alicorn. He infuriated her more by giving a little bow, as well as saying, “Forgive my rude behavior, your highness. As you can see I will be out of your hair soon enough. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Twilight growled. She felt Spike come up to her side, but gave him no attention. She slammed her hoof in the dirt and shouted, “I do have something to worry about! Where do you think you’re going with Optimus?!”

The Decepticon stopped in his tracks. He looked up to see that the tow cable was halfway towards the Nemesis. Small pieces of Prime’s metal landed by Shockwave’s feet. He could hear Twilight growling even more from behind.

Shockwave spun around to face her, his purple eye digging into her mind.

“Optimus and I have quite the catching up to do. Even for a creature as simple-minded as you would know that brothers, like Optimus and I, miss each other dearly in a span of over three hundred years.”

“I know that’s not why you’re taking Optimus! Tell me now or else…” Twilight Sparkle threatened, her horn beginning to shudder with pure magic.

Shockwave scoffed. “You think you can stand up against us now? We have the very power to rip your planet apart, but we stop ourselves from doing so. The only reason you’re still breathing is because of the actions of one pony, a pony you will all be bowing down to faster than you know. We’re not dead, Twilight Sparkle, we’re far from it. Optimus is going to help us change the world…for the benefit of both of our species.”

The Decepticon pointed the end of his blaster straight at Twilight and Spike. He could hear the two of them gasp.

“As a princess…I’m certain you understand.”

With those final words given, Shockwave fired one blast from his cannon. Spike stared at the purple light approaching every second closer to them. Twilight’s jaw dropped, but suddenly clenched when she pushed Spike out of the way with the strength held in her hooves. She took the blast, every bit of it.

Spike tumbled around on the grassy hill, coming to a stop at the very bottom. He looked up and screamed, his heart skipping two beats.


The Alicorn princess was lying in the grass far from where Spike had landed. The baby dragon quickly ran over to her, tears already flowing down his cheeks when he noticed the burn marks and blood painted across her coat.

Shockwave couldn’t pay much attention to whatever it was the little dragon was doing. He was all too focused on the other Autobots approaching from ahead. Another time, perhaps, to finish off the Princess of Friendship. The Decepticon turned around and transformed into his jet mode, making a hasty escape to the heavens.

Spike looked up to watch him leave. With Twilight’s head in his arms and his tears landing on her face, Spike continued to stare until he couldn’t anymore. He broke down and hugged Twilight’s mane, crying into it.

The rest of Twilight’s friends arrived momentarily, each of the Autobots behind them, each of them limping. Rainbow Dash shouted one thing and tried to fly off towards the direction of the Nemesis, but her flight was immediately cancelled by Applejack tackling her into the grass.

“Are you crazy, girl?! He’ll kill you!”

“He’s got Optimus! We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”

The two continued to argue with one another, their screams matching the cries of the others. Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down, screaming and trying to tell Optimus to come back. Obviously, she hadn’t seen what just happened. Rarity on the other hoof was shedding tiny tears, her lovely eyes staring through the fires of the skies to see the Nemesis escape.

Each and every Autobot, all five of them, made their approach. Bumblebee fell to his knees, staring up into the clouds towards the direction of the Nemesis. Ironhide and Jazz both held their wounded body parts, no noise, and no sound escaping from either of them. Jetfire and Cliffjumper remained silent as well. No Autobot spoke for that matter. All they could do was stand there as their leader was taken from them.

In Spike’s warm embrace, Princess Twilight’s breathing began to slow down. Her eyes slowly shutting, her hearing fading away, and her body falling still was all she could feel. The Princess of Friendship saw her best friend, Fluttershy, fall in front of her, her screams so loud that her throat shed blood.

It was the last thing she saw before fading away to nothingness.


Author's Note:

New Year's Day requires a special chapter for you guys to enjoy.

Happy New Year's! May this year triumph over 2014! :raritystarry:

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