• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,606 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch5 - Battle for Fillydelphia, Part 2 (Improved version)

My Little Medic


Chapter 5

Battle for Fillydelphia
Part 2

Twilight looked around in confusion, surprised by the big change of environment. Ponies, while still far larger, were no longer giants to her. Wave Chill’s hoof, that used to be big enough to flatten her to the floor, now only covered a portion of her back. Curious, Twilight cast a scanning spell on herself while her attention focused on the now even smaller wall on the edge of the roof. With one swift swing of her hoof, she delivered a solid punch against the stone, only to turn the tiny dent she left before into a big one while cracks formed around it. The small unicorn shook the rubble from her hoof while analyzing the data from her scanning spell. It seems that my weight grew to 8.5 kg, which mean my raw power and strength should be nine times stronger if the protection spell is still in effect, Twilight thought before turning towards the shocked Wonderbolt who just stared at her silently. “I’m ready.”

Before Wave Chill could respond, Twilight stood on her rear hooves and pulled her hoof towards herself while focusing her magic. As she feared, the healing process, while less draining, proved to be far harder as she guided her magic to heal cuts and wounds alike. The Wonderbolt yelped in pain before biting her lips, but Twilight could already tell that her always precise magical surgery became far more painful. With part of the foreleg healed, Twilight climbed onto it and focused on second half while it trembled under her weight. With a swift pull, she tore apart the covered in blood bandage before her eyes opened widely at the suffering painted in the pegasus’ eyes. She wanted to unroll the bandage but failed to account for increased raw power. If I returned to my normal size now, I would probably throw him off of this roof, Twilight thought as the aura around her horn shrunk.

The healing of wounded ponies ended up successful while Twilight hardly spent half of her reserves, but she could see that her healing had become more painful and clumsy when Flutter Bolt’s wing while no longer broken, was still in no shape to flap at full speed. “S-sorry,” Twilight said as she lowered her head in shame. “I–” she failed to finish as her mouth was sealed with a hoof.

“No sweat,” Flutter Bolt said with a smile while he stroked Twilight on the head with his other hoof and next rubbed her neck. “Who’s a good medic? You’re a good medic.”

Twilight shot Flutter Bolt an angered glare as she pushed his hooves away while Wave Chill punched him in the foreleg. “Stop treating her like a pet, that’s very disrespectful.”

“Aww, but her new size is perfect for that, look,” Flutter Bolt responded as he rubbed top of Twilight’s head who lowered it and growled in annoyance. “Besides, she acted like a living doll before our arrival, I’m sure she won’t mind.”

Wave Chill slapped his hoof and added with a hostile tone, “She was doing it to cheer up a scared colt, so he wouldn’t feel lonely and cry, also, remember what happened with the last Wonderbolt who called her a pet?”

“Details and nitpicking,” he responded with a flick of his tail against the mares head, nonchalant.

The trio was about to argue, only to hear a familiar voice, “Attention!”

Twilight and the Wonderbolts ran towards Spitfire who placed two ponies on the roof before landing on it herself. The rescued ponies seemed to be angry at one another as the bronze earth pony with a magnifying glass as his cutie mark growled at the unicorn who reattached his monocle and walked away with a frown.

“Ma’am,” Twilight said with a salute while the two Wonderbolts’ rookies followed her example.

Spitfire opened her mouth, only to close it as she knelt and looked at the lavender unicorn with one widely opened eye. “There is something odd about you.” Twilight didn’t move a muscle as she still held her foreleg in salute, almost feeling Spitfire’s breath on her face. “Have you grown since our last meeting?”

The little unicorn smiled awkwardly. “N-no…” With Spitfire’s muzzle touching hers, she added, “maybe...”

Spitfire chuckled. “You cannot fool me, Twilight, but it is nice to see that you’re taking your job seriously.”

“T-thanks,” Twilight replied and lowered her foreleg as Spitfire reassumed her authoritative posture. “Permission to give my report.”


“There were far too many civilians for this roof to handle, so a few volunteers made a hole in it. Nopony has left this building yet, but most of them are inside on the top floors,” Twilight reported before poking her horn. “I healed their most hazardous wounds, leaving less serious bruises to bandages and first aid in order to conserve my magic.”

“And when we arrived and our injuries overwhelmed her, she cast some sort of magnifying spell on herself, and look at her,” Flutter Bolt said as he pet Twilight, much to her annoyance. “The healing process was much more painful than usual, but after being smashed against a building and crashing into rubble mixed with broken glass, who am I to complain?”

Twilight growled before capturing the Wonderbolt’s foreleg with her levitation as she murmured, “If you don’t want to end up in the rubble again, stop treating me like a cat.” With a weak push, Flutter Bolt’s foreleg levitated to the side while pulling the shocked pegasus towards a ventilation shaft and a loud crash followed. Ignoring Wave Chill’s giggle and several stares from civilians that stepped back away from the little mare, Twilight’s eyes opened widely and her tail shot upward before she turned back to the captain who raised her eyebrow. “Oops…”

Spitfire knelt to Twilight’s eye level and said firmly, “Once this mission is over, we are getting Princess Celestia to shrink you back.” With an encouraging smile growing across her face, she whispered, “And promise me you won’t return to normal size until you’re done working for me, okay?”

Twilight scratched her neck and said, “I promise,” while some muffled groans came from the pegasus whose head was still stuck in the ventilation shaft. “I’d better help him, please excuse me.”


Spitfire looked away from Twilight who helped the rookie free himself and looked into the air, focusing on Soarin’ who quickly descended before landing in front of her with a firm salute. With a depressed smile, she asked, “How is the new leader doing, Lieutenant?”

“Not good,” Soarin’ responded as he lowered his foreleg. “They abandoned your plan to evacuate civilians and instead they are trying to lure the invaders out of the city.”

Spitfire’s mouth opened agape while her eyes threatened to escape her skull. “What? What!?”

“Fleetfoot was appointed as leader with six votes to two. She said that rather than evacuate ponies one by one while those worms destroy the city, they will act as bait and lure them out. She said that with their speed and agility, this task would be a breeze.”

Spitfire facehooved. “Oh those feather brains… did they forget that among the invaders are a few of the most agile worms in the world? If they encounter even one Tatzlwurm, this plan will crumble!”

Soarin’ was about to respond, when suddenly a lavender aura pulled him down, smashing him against the roof before his little friend embraced his neck in a tight hug.

“Soarin’, what happened to you?” Twilight asked in worry as she tightened her hug even more, her forelegs long enough to embrace both sides of his neck. “Your smell is pungent… did one of those worms eat you? Do you have any toxic burns that need taking care off?”

“I… am… f-fine,” Soarin’ murmured, hardly managing to push words out of his squeezed throat while struggling to breathe. He knew that Twilight was strong for her size, but not that strong. “C-can you please r-release my n-neck…” Much to his relief, the grip weakened, as the little unicorn took a few steps back and gave him an awkward smile.

“Sorry,” Twilight apologised as she had once again forgotten about her larger size. So far in almost every moment of her life, she had to push herself to her limits and use every bit of her strength and magic in the most trivial activities, and even after increasing her size, she was doing it. Twilight looked down at the small crack on the roof from the impact with the pegasus’ head, next she looked upon her tiny forelegs that, without restraints, were strong enough to take the breath out of her bigger friend. She didn’t even need to lose control over her magic to cause damage, and if she returned to her normal size… Twilight shivered at the idea. Her attention slowly shifted to holes in Soarin’s uniform as she pointed them. “If you weren’t eaten, than what happened? And what’s up with the smell?”

Soarin’ blushed while putting a forehoof on his embarrassed face. “I kind of… crashed into the point where I launched my AGPG, and ended up in… you don’t want to know.”

Suddenly several faces turned green, gagging at the idea of being covered in that. Twilight slowly nodded while considering what it would feel like to be eaten alive. Hopefully she would never find out.

“Odd…” Soarin’ said as he slowly lowered his foreleg. “You seem different…”

“Different?” Twilight said before smiling warmly. “You could say that.”

The pegasus walked closer and lowered his head as he examined his little friend. “I’m more than sure that you had been smaller than that. Have you grown recently?”

“No… Whatever gave you that idea?” Twilight said sarcastically with roll of her eyes.

“Are you sure?” Soarin’ asked as he lifted his foreleg above Twilight, measuring her height and size of her back with a hoof. “I could swear you are bigger than before, but if you are saying that nothing changed, then I believe you.”

Twilight’s eyes opened widely. “Are you serious?” Upon noticing his nod, she facehooved.

“Of course I am. You are my friend, and you would not lie to me.”

“Lie… but I…” Twilight responded as confusion overtook her. Was her friend really so naive, or was he trusting to a fault… or he was just terrible at catching sarcasm? Suddenly she felt a hoof poking her in the nose as her friend shot her a smirk.

“Got you.”

Twilight laughed. Not that Soarin’s joke was good or well executed, but she found his attempt somewhat funny. Their chat however was interrupted by a solid slam of Spitfire’s hoof as the surface under it cracked, nearly creating a hole. The little unicorn and Soarin’ looked towards their captain who stared back at them grimly.

“Soarin’, Twilight, I need to ensure that my subordinates don’t get themselves killed, I expect both of you to take care of these civilians and hold the fort, am I clear?”

“Ma’am, yes ma’am!”

“What about us?” Flutter Bolt spoke up, capturing Spitfire’s attention.

“You both stay here. This mission just became far more dangerous, and I won’t have time to keep you rookies safe. Do a small patrol nearby this building and if you find somepony in trouble, get them here, but don’t stray too far,” Spitfire said before spreading her wings as she dove into the mayhem. If her team was serious about luring as many invaders as possible out of the city borders, she would have no trouble tracking them down, and hopefully save their flanks in time.


“Are you serious?” Twilight shouted while Soarin’ nodded.

For the past few minutes, the little unicorn and Wonderbolt lieutenant shared their stories as Twilight could not believe what she had just heard. Not only was her friend almost crushed under the weight of a monster, but apparently Spitfire had lost control over her team.

“I was shocked too when I found out, but it is not uncommon for the Wonderbolts to demand a change of leadership. While I must say that the timing for it was poor, it is up to Spitfire to win back their trust and respect if she wants to stay in charge.”

“I guess you’re right, still, I feel kind of bad, being unable to help… especially since I was partially responsible for all the mess she’s in,” Twilight said, only to feel somepony stroking her mane. “Will you give it a bre–” she paused herself upon noticing Soarin’s foreleg straightened towards her head and sighed. As much as she didn’t liked receiving a cat’s treatment, for Soarin’, she would bear it.

“Please, do not blame yourself, it–” Soarin’ stopped upon feeling something tremble under his hooves. “Did you feel that too?”

Twilight felt it indeed. Wasting no time, she ran to the edge of the roof and stood on her rear hooves as she looked around, tall enough now to see beyond the small wall without jumping onto it. “No… no… this can’t be happening!” Her eyes opened widely and mouth agape as she resisted the urge to scream.

“What is it?” Soarin’ asked curiously while approaching his panicked friend, only for the sight to fill him with terror and fear. “We have a big problem.”

Finding the Wonderbolts was not hard, all it took Spitfire was to follow a trail of destruction left by the invaders that headed towards a suburban area. The captain slowly lowered her height as she took a closer look at the trail on the street, only for an uplifted and cracked area to capture her attention. Whatever followed her subordinates alongside the rock and sand worms, it headed underground. Spitfire’s eyes opened widely as she sped up with her teeth grit and tail flapping against the wind. If her fears were true, than her squad was in mortal danger.

Slowly in the distance, a huge cloud of dust caught her attention alongside several small pegasi flying in circles above it, her hawk-like eyes allowing her to notice a few attacks against the giant opponents. They struck like a bee with hit and run tactics. Maybe my team is not as out of shape as they appeared during their training, Spitfire thought while slowly reaching her team. Maybe her hesitation to lure as many worms out of the city as possible was a mistake, maybe she would have to give up her leadership to a worthy leader?

As she expected, Fleetfoot noticed her and headed her way with smug written all over her face. “You’re just in time to see how a true captain gets missions done.”

Spitfire shouted in response, “I will congratulate you later!” as she pointed towards the ground that was being pushed upwards by some sort of digging creature, the trail hardly noticeable among the dust. “Order the team to fly up and spread out, before–” She failed to finish her sentence as all she could do was to watch the horror in front of her with her mouth agape.

From under the ground launched a long snake-like worm covered in violet scales, it’s head pink with some sort of red mane. Time slowed down as the monster flew higher and higher at an alarming speed, it’s mouth opening in three directions while black coils were shooting from it. “Rapidfire!” Spitfire and Fleetfoot shouted in unison while the Wonderbolt flew to the side in attempt to evade. Try as he did, it was for naught; the coils grabbed him with impressive precision.

With their comrade in danger, three nearby Wonderbolts dove towards their captured teammate who was being pulled down to the ground. With quick strikes against the coils, they freed Rapidfire from the beast. Their attention focused on the falling worm who slammed into the ground and disappeared in a cloud of dust and debris.

Rapidfire wiped sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath before thanking his teammates. Their celebration didn’t last long however as more coils sprang from dust, straightening on at least half kilometer distance.

Lightning Streak flew up with full speed, hardly escaping his doom. Spitfire and Fleetfoot advanced towards it as the coils pulled two Wonderbolts. The rest of the team watched in terror before steeling their nerves, rushing to their friends rescue despite growing fear, only for two more worms to launch from the ground.

Spitfire, now a few kilometers away from her team, examined the situation with only a few seconds to come up with a plan. On the ground she saw dust spreading over the area limiting visibility, but she knew what lurked in the dust, and while she was now safe from the horde of monsters, getting too close would be suicidal. Slightly above her were two Tatzlwurm’s, often called kings among worms. Despite being smaller than sand or rock worms and much rarer, for their size they were one of most agile monsters in the world, and even Wonderbolts’ were no match for them. As seconds passed, more of the pegasi ended up captured by the coils while Rapidfire and Flag Collector were dragged to the ground. Focusing on the Tatzlwurm that was about to land, Spitfire dove, her speed almost breaking the sound barrier.

Five seconds before the monster would fall to the ground and seven seconds before she would reach it, Spitfire spread her wing, ammo she conserved now needed more than ever. Suddenly more heads of worms emerged from the dust, all focused on the dragged pegasi, ready to tear up the incoming prey. With a press of the button, a light round flew towards it's opened mouth before exploding as coils were torn apart, releasing the pegasi. Spitfire didn’t dare to smile just yet though as this maneuver lead her dangerously close to the ground, tentacles and hungry mouths striking against her.

Despite evading countless strikes as the earth trembled from missed impacts, the dust managed to cover Spitfire’s goggles. Now blinded to her surroundings, she could only hear breaking glass and feel pain in multiple spots on her body. With a swift move of her hoof, she wiped the dust, only to see the wall of a house in front of her eyes. Straightening a foreleg, she struck against the wooden surface, penetrating it with little effort, only to break another window right after. Once outside, Spitfire flew upward, gaining distance from the grounded attackers, only to hear the roar of a Tatzlwurm that launched itself towards her. I blow up your mouth with an explosive gem, and you still want more? Spitfire thought as she flew to the side, allowing the monster to pass her. At least without those coils, you are not a threat to aerial targets.

Ignoring the glass stuck in her body, Spitfire flew back towards her team who apparently were holding up, fighting against the other two Tatzlwurms. Fleetfoot and Lighthoof, with sharp objects between their hooves, slashed a few coils, freeing two Wonderbolts from one of those monsters.

When the situation seemed to improve, loud screams captured the captain’s attention. She flew towards the source of voice in an instant, but unlike last time, the distance between Sunrise and Misty Fly and the ground was far smaller. Before anypony could reach them, a giant mouth closed, trapping both Wonderbolts inside.

Dammit Spitfire cursed in her mind while increasing her speed. With her wing spread, she aimed a piercing round at the target’s stomach. Her foe didn’t make it any easier as it swung its tail, pushing piles of rubble towards the captain as it rained at her. Spitfire was about to change her course to evade the material, when suddenly Fleetfoot and Blaze intercepted the rubble, pushing it aside with punches, kicks and their own bodies to clear the path for Spitfire.

Hundred meters, fifty meters, twenty meters, her wing once again spread and aimed into the exposed belly before launching a piercing round. Much to Spitfire’s annoyance, the Tatzlwurm flexed his body as the piercing gem slashed it lightly from the side, leaving but a bleeding cut on it’s scales. The Captain’s eyes widened as the monster’s head opened to grab her. With a rush of adrenaline, Spitfire banked to the side, passing its tail while coils hit the ground behind her. Spitfire’s speed increased while a ruined two level home was in her way. With a yelp, she flew up while her hind legs rubbed against the damaged roof, almost crashing into it. With a quick turn, Spitfire flew at her target once again, who shot coils in response, but before they could catch her something pushed her to the side. Spitfire looked to the left and witnessed Fleetfoot get captured in her stead.

“N-now… you have the opening!” Fleetfoot shouted while flapping her wings, resisting the pulling force.

Spitfire nodded and resumed her course, flying straight for the opened mouth. The Tatzlwurm, distracted by it’s other prey, which caused the captain to smirk before launching a light round into monster’s mouth, tearing apart coils. Spitfire dived into the mouth, just seconds before it closed.

Once free, Fleetfoot gathered her team who was busy keeping other monsters distracted as they gathered above a Tatzlwurm that had now three Wonderbolts inside it’s stomach. The silence maintained as the group murmured to one another from safe distance, their expressions filled with anger and guilt.

Fleetfoot grit her teeth, wishing nothing but to hit her head against something hard as the captain she accused of incompetence now sacrificed herself for the team. “Come on Spitfire. Do not give up now, you’re better than that!” More seconds followed as the team’s hope slowly crumbled. “Come on…” She looked at her wing as she regretted for using all her ammo. Maybe Spitfire was right to keep some for such an emergency.

Gloom quickly turned into a loud cheer as the sound of splashing reached their ears as somepony just flew out of the hole in worm’s stomach. Not wasting a moment, Fleetfoot dove towards Spitfire with her team following her example, quickly grabbing the captain and two other Wonderbolts’. Much to their shock, the trio of pegasi were covered in some sort of green snot as they started to cough before losing consciousness. With three sick Wonderbolts in their hold, the team flew towards the regrouping point, increasing the distance from the ravaging monsters as they hoped in their heart that Twilight was being as capable a medic as Spitfire made her out to be, because three lives would soon be in her tiny hooves.

“This is bad, this is really, really bad!” Twilight repeated herself while screams of panicked ponies filled the roof. With a few Quarray Eels at their doorstep and an army of smaller worms entering the building, all the rescued ponies were now in grave danger.

“We informed everypony inside the building to retreat to the roof,” Wave Chill said as she helped another pony to climb onto the roof by the hole in it.

“But how we will evacuate them all?” Flutter Bolt asked. “I am fast, but even I cannot lift seventy of them at once.”

Twilight took several quick breaths as she analyzed the situation. She needed a plan, and she needed it quick.

Soarin’ thought deeply as well, but time was not on their side. Suddenly with his ears straightened upward as he said, “The south area from here was clear last we checked, and royal guards should arrive in half an hour from that direction. We can make a run for it.”

“But how we will get everypony out of here in time? There are five pegasi and over seventy ponies. Even if each of us will carry two at once, we will need to do several rounds back and forth, and those monsters will be here any minute,” Ace Lottery commented while pointing south. “Unless we get them far enough, those worms will follow.”

Soarin’ scratched his head, when suddenly it became far heavier as he felt hooves pressing against his ear and muzzle while a flash from above caught his attention. “Whaa,” he yelped before reassuming his balance, while Twilight was now standing on his head.

“I have a great idea!” Twilight shouted before poking her own horn, and next pointing towards few unicorns among the crowd. “Each pegasus can can pick up two unicorns, and they can levitate few more ponies. According to my calculations, only four percent of levitated weight becomes pressure on the caster, so pegasi should hardly feel the weight difference.”

“That’s… brilliant, You’ve really outdone yourself, Twilight,” Soarin’ praised as Twilight lowered her head to look into his eyes blushing.

“Thanks, but we don’t have time to waste.”

The pegasi nodded before sharing their plan with the crowd as a mix of hope and doubt filled their eyes. Just as planned, each unicorn levitated at least two others, and the levitated ones added their own magic to carry even more, and soon the sky was filled with five pegasi and over seventy levitated ponies.


Twilight observed watchfully from Soarin’s head. Despite the city unicorns’ having enough magic to levitate the entire group, maintaining a levitation spell was very tiring and she was ready to aid them if somepony would get tired or lose concentration. Twilight didn’t bother to look at the roof behind her as it was already overrun. Everything was going perfectly according to plan, certainly nothing could go wrong.

“Stop it you fool!” a monocled unicorn yelled while being slapped by a bronze earth pony several times.

“Why should I, you got us into this mess. I should have never trusted you, and now my home is probably standing in ruins!”

“Shut up!” monocled unicorn shouted before whispering, “Your big mouth will get us thrown in jail.”

“Jail would be a mercy for a greedy bastard like you,” he responded before punching the other unicorn with his hoof as an aura around the monocled one disappeared. With a loud scream, the elegantly clothed noble fell to the ground, his own horn no longer lit as more ponies started to follow.

Twilight could only watch as everything was falling apart like a domino. Unicorns losing concentration one by one as many started to fall to their deaths. With determined glare, gritting teeth and brightly flashing horn, Twilight caught them with her magic.

“T-Twilight…” Soarin’ murmured with his mouth opened agape, his wide eyes unable to look away from levitated survivors. He knew that his friend was strong despite her size, but at this very moment she was levitating over forty ponies at once. The mare on his back that weighed no more than nine kilograms just managed to levitate six tons. He could feel her small hooves trembling on his back while drops of sweat started to fall onto his neck, his wings flapped faster as they fought to keep the increasing weight on his back from pulling him down. “You can do this, Twilight, don’t give up!”

Give up? Twilight was not having any of it. If her entire life was filled with challenges and exercises, there were all preparing her for this moment. She felt her magic stream from her horn towards the levitated crowd, she felt at least 250 kilograms of pressure weighing on her like a boulder, she felt a growing pain in her muscles and sweat sliding from her head, but it was not going to prevent her from keeping ponies away from the hungry monsters.

“Stop staring like a bunch of fools!” Flutter Bolt yelled to the shocked unicorns who quickly charged magic into their horns.

Twilight lay flat against Soarin’s back as the pegasus could feel breath on his neck. “Huh, that was close,” she said while hearing praises coming from two unicorn’s in Soarin's embrace while many eyes looked at the cat sized unicorn in disbelief.

“Yea. Good thing you decided to grow a bit, because we really need your raw power, also… You’re amazing,” Soarin’ said, adding yet another praise, causing Twilight to blush.

“Thanks, and to be honest, I am happy to be useful. Though I am also scared a bit,” Twilight responded.

“Scared?” Soarin’ spoke while looking at the destruction that filled the area. “I don’t blame you, we are all scared for our lives, especially those who cannot fly.”

“That’s not it,” Twilight said while rubbing Soarin’s neck with a hoof, her ears slightly dropped. “I’m already having trouble keeping my strength and magic in check, and I am the size of a big cat. I’m scared of destruction I would be capable of if I ever returned to my normal size.”

The lieutenant was about to cheer up his little friend, but whatever words escaped his mouth were muffled by a loud noise of impact between a Quarray Eel and a building. Soarin’ looked to the side, seeing a giant red head with pink spots decorating it alongside violet skin under it’s neck and a hair. It’s teeth sharp and exposed while rubble and glass rained from the sky.

Author's Note:

The battle for Fillydelphia continues, and it seems that even 9kg heavy Twilight with the size of a big cat was not prepared for this.
I hope that the conflict between Spitfire and her team was resolved fine in this chapter.