• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,607 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch18 - Entrance of Lightning

My Little Medic


Chapter 18

Entrance of Lightning

“You two have fun,” Twilight said as she waved her hoof at Steel Blade and Spike from her spot on Soarin’s back, who returned the gesture while standing in front of the entrance to the stadium. She turned to Overwatch and asked, “What about you? Aren’t you going to enjoy a free day? There are so many places to visit in Manehattan. So many libraries and museums.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I have to decline,” Overwatch responded with a raised foreleg. “Somepony needs to keep an eye on you to make sure that you don’t get yourself into trouble.”

“And she has lots of other services to do,” Spitfire said as she passed the female guard while shooting her a satisfied smile. “How did you enjoy cleaning bathrooms yesterday?”

Overwatch looked to the side and fixed her scarf. “I’ve seen worse.”

“Good to hear,” Spitfire said with a smirk. “Tomorrow I want you to play the role of a plumber. Apparently there are some feathers stuck in drainage pipes in the shower area. It’s about time for somepony to take care of it.”

“Will do, ma’am.” Overwatch saluted and raised her muzzle with pride.

Twilight looked at Spitfire, who went ahead towards the entrance for participating staff, and next back at her loyal guard, and asked, “So… two months of labor?”

Overwatch nodded. “Still worth it.”

“If you say so,” Twilight responded before her attention shifted towards a few pegasi and two unicorns with sunglasses on their muzzles. They wore grey vests, each lined with a couple tightly fitting pockets. Around their waists they wore bronze belts with several sturdy metal rings affixed them with each one looped onto an assortment of bags or a piece of equipment. They were all dressed uniformly, with the exception of the two pegasi, who wore groomed mustaches beneath their noses.. She approached Soarin’s neck and poked him. “Shouldn’t I be with the support staff?”

“Oh, right,” Soarin’ responded before slowing down. After waiting a moment for the staff to catch up he walked to the side and spread out one of his wings, forming a small bridge between his and one of the unicorn’s back. “Hop on.”

Twilight walked across the feathery bridge as she lit her horn and scanned Soarin’s wing structure before next sitting on the worker’s back, while he just stared ahead professionally. “Best of luck, and break a leg… I mean, don’t break any legs, and if you do, I will heal them…”

Soarin’s ears curled at his friend's words. He waved his forehoof before galloping to catch up with his team.

Okay Twilight, this is your day. Stay on guard, stay in shape, and be ready to heal any injury, Twilight thought as she took a deep breath and tightened her raised foreleg. The team is counting on me, and I won’t fail them.

With determined steps, the captain and her team approached the platform in the middle of the stadium while feeling grass under their hooves.

Memories of performances from half a year ago returned with full force, bringing Spitfire into a nostalgic state. This is it. Everything is back to normal. Now is the time to show everypony what the new and improved Wonderbolts are capable of.

She looked back at her team, which had stopped in front of the podium and looked at the large crowd, but none showing any sight of stage fright… besides Soarin’ who seemed worried ever since he parted his way with the medic.

Step by step, Spitfire walked upstairs until reaching the top, now facing the large crowd and… a group of pegasi in dark grey uniforms with several yellow lightnings decorating it. One specific figure stood out who she quickly recognized walking upstairs towards her..

“Mares and gentlecolts. After a very long time, we are once again greeting the Wonderbolts in our proud city. Give them a warm welcome they deserve!” the commentator spoke from the podium, his glowing horn projecting his voice across the stadium. A microphone crossed with a horn was visible on his flank.

Sound of clopping and cheering overtook the area, and a round of fireworks alongside confetti dropped by several pegasi followed.

Good old Manehattan. They never hold back with visual effects, Spitfire thought as her attention focused on the approaching commentator.

With gesture of his hoof, he asked for captain of both teams to come over and said to the crowd, “Today’s show however is very unique, because we will witness a spectacle delivered by two teams. Please give a warm welcome to the Lightnings!”

As the crowd cheered once again—though not as loudly as before—the Lightnings’ Captain rubbed her chest with a hoof and said in a confident tone, “Maybe we will one day change the name from Lightnings to Thunderbolts.”

Spitfire raised an eyebrow. One look at the dusty uniforms, low number of team members, lack of support staff and the attitude of the captain already told her that she was dealing with an amateurish team. But she didn’t let down her guard and eyed the captain of the Lightnings. Amateurish or not, if they managed to get permission to have a performance with us in Manehattan, they must have some skills to back up their mouths.

“Captain Spitfire, Captain Lightning Dust, is there anything you would like to say before the show starts?” the commentator asked.

“Of course I do,” Lightning Dust said before Spitfire could even open her mouth. The moment the commentator enhanced her voice, she turned to the crowd and spoke, “A few months ago, I watched the Wonderbolts performance and I thought: Wow, those guys are getting worse and worse. Then later when I heard that they took a one month long vacation, I thought: How about I pick up some young and vigorous pegasi and show the elderly some fresh talent.”

Spitfire half-closed her eyes. Lightning Dust. I was warned about her overconfidence, but I didn’t expect this, she thought as a memory of a folder filled with data about young talents flashed through her mind. If I recall correctly, the only pony faster than Dust would be Rainbow Dash if the rumor about the sonic rainboom was proved true, but without any evidence to support, Lightning Dust would be the most talented pony on the list.

“While the Wonderbolts were relaxing themselves, my team and I dominated the competition and took over the spotlight. We were preparing ourselves to show our talents and beat the Wonderbolts at their own game,” Lightning Dust continued.

However, from what I heard while Dash is self centered, she at least knows the basics of teamwork as a weather manager. Lightning Dust on the other hoof worked alone and had an ego far greater than her talent. How she managed to put together a team of fliers is beyond me.

Lightning Dust pointed at Spitfire and added, “But after we heard about their spectacular comeback. How the Wonderbolts laid a beating upon giant wormlike monsters in Fillydelphia and challenged the Royal Guards to a hoofball match, I thought that maybe they would put a decent challenge after all.” She looked at Spitfire and asked, “So what do you say, Captain Spitfire. Are you ready to show us that your team isn’t old news just yet?”

Spitfire closed her eyes and smirked as the commentator enhanced her voice. After taking a deep breath, she said firmly, “You talk a lot, but are you as skilled as your mouth? Can your wings back up your words?”

Lightning Dust grit her teeth. “So you want to see what I’m capable of? It is on!

“You heard the captains,” the commentator said to the crowd. “We will now see if the sky belongs to skilled veterans, or talented youngsters, but one thing is certain: It will be a showdown worth watching!”

“I can understand polishing goggles, but is doing the same with their forelegs and hooves really necessary?” Twilight asked as she looked up at her co-worker unicorn who pressed a polisher against Blaze’s foreleg, his magic both levitating and powering the device.

“Ensuring that the team looks as presentable as possible during a spectacle is very important, Miss Sparkle,” he responded while fully focused on his work. “Not everything we do needs to be practical.”

The little mare used the opportunity to jump onto Blaze’s back and examine his wings for any signs of injury, as a few of Spitfire’s tricks would require passing through rings that were on fire. After not noticing any burn marks, she scanned its structure. That’s four wings. Only two or three more Wonderbolts and I will have enough data for my spell, she thought before jumping off, now focused on the show. “The Wonderbolts sure are in high gear today,” she said with admiration.

“You think this is spectacular, watch me,” Blaze said as he spread his wings and dashed to his team. Twilight could see how he joined his teammates to form a five-pony wing formation, trails of smoke right behind them. The group quickly spread out in five directions and flew, leaving a pattern in the sky in the shape of a star, which caused a weak blush on Twilight’s face as she looked at her own cutie mark.

I must admit. The Wonderbolts have great coordination and teamwork. Like gears in a watch, each one knows their role and performs it perfectly. Her attention shifted to the competition, who didn’t seem to be doing too well. Lightning Dust flew down in zigzags while leaving a trail of electricity behind her, but two members of her team failed to catch up.

Twilight started to trot in place, her eyes opening widely as she saw Lightning Dust approach the ground with increasing speed. Pull up, pull up, she thought while calculating her distance. I won’t get there in time with short range teleportation, and my magic isn’t strong enough to slow Dust down, this is bad.

Twilight’s mane slowly turned into a mess and sweat started to fall down her forehead. Her heartbeat became rapid as she counted, Three hundred meters… two hundred… one hundred. She blinked her eyes before noticing as Lightning Dust changed her course, now flying several meters above the ground. Twilight sat, wiped sweat from her head and held forehoof on her throat before sighing.

“That was close,” she said to herself as her attention focused on the Lightnings who started to fly in circles and… formed a giant tornado. Twilight shifted her attention to the Wonderbolts who now hovered in mid air and focused on the whirlwind.

It didn’t take long before two pegasi failed to control the growing winds and were thrown upward out from the tornado before falling down to the ground, both dizzy. Lighthoof and Fleetfoot dived towards them, capturing in mid air before they could crash.

Twilight looked at the shrinking tornado once again, which revealed a rolling Lightning Dust, now on a collision course with the ground. Spitfire, Blaze and Rapidfire immediately flew towards her, but were too late as the pegasus slammed against the grass with great force, leaving a small crater as the result.

Not wasting a moment, she galloped towards the hole.


“Is he going to be alright?” Twilight asked as she now stood next to Spitfire’s foreleg while keeping some distance from impacted area.

“She only hit soft earth, so I’m certain she will be fine,” Spitfire said before adding, “As for her pride, I am not so sure.”

Twilight watched as the pegasus walked towards the door for participating staff with lowered head, her teammates followed after thanking Fleetfoot and Lighthoof. The little mare levitated herself towards Spitfire’s ear and asked, “Can I… make sure she is healthy?”

Spitfire looked at her medic and said in a confident tone, “Sure. Lightning Dust’s team doesn't seem to have any medical staff or even a first aid kit, and if you can heal her fast enough, she will be able to continue her part of the show.” She smiled warmly and added with pride, “It’s very nice of you to help the opposition.”

Twilight nodded before pointing at the stretching Wonderbolts. “What about your squad?”

Spitfire gestured for her little friend to go and said, “Nah, we’ll be fine. There will be a half an hour long break in ten minutes anyway before our second performance, so enjoy your break.”

“If you say so. I’d better hurry and help him before he leaves,” Twilight responded before descending to the ground. She bent her legs and prepared for gallop, when suddenly Spitfire’s hoof blocked her path. She looked up and asked, “Yes?”

“Lightning Dust is a female.”

“He is?” Twilight responded with shock.


“How can he be a mare with that voice?” Twilight murmured to herself as she galloped through a long hallway. She prepared to round the next corner, when suddenly a loud yelling stopped her.


“I know that you’re frustrated, but you don’t need to vent it on us,” responded one of the pegasi with a defensively raised foreleg.

Twilight peeked from behind the wall as she saw Lightning Dust pointing at her two teammates accusingly.

“Yes I do! Not only were you unable to perform anything spectacular, you weaklings screwed up the tornado.” Lightning Dust slammed her hoof against the ground as Twilight could feel the impact under her legs. “You embarrassed me in front of the Wonderbolts and Manehattan!”

Bursting Cloud growled. “I’ve had enough. You treat your team like dirt, no wonder everypony left one at a time. If you want to fly solo so much, then I am out!”

“We couldn’t perform a single trick because you refused to slow down and cooperate with us, not to mention that your tornado maneuver of that size put our health at risk,” the mare responded before unzipping her uniform and throwing it to the ground. “I don’t care if your skills helped us get so far. The bits and fame aren’t worth following your lead.”

Twilight could see as two big dark grey uniforms now lay crumpled on the floor while Lightning Dust was left alone in the hallway. She could easily notice several holes on Dust’s uniform and badly messed-up feathers on her left wing. With a surge of determination, she approached as the pegasus was too busy yelling to notice her. “Fine, leave, I don’t need ponies who slow me down! I shouldn’t have formed this team to begin with!”

“Excuse me!”

Lightning Dust turned around, hostility still present on her face, “What?!” She blinked in confusion when she didn’t see anypony.

“Down here!” Twilight shouted, now standing on her rear hooves. Upon noticing that the pegasus now looked down, she waved towards her.

Lightning Dust blinked rapidly and next rubbed her eyes, but the little pony was still standing in front of her hooves. She immediately slammed her forehoof against her floor as Twilight flinched in response. Dust raised her head and yelled, “Whoever you are, I’m not in the mood for games!” She grit her teeth and gestured threateningly with her tightened forehoof. “Now show yourself, or else my hoof will show your face what I think about your stupid puppet show!”

“I’m not a puppet!” Twilight yelled, but was clearly ignored as she barely evaded being slammed by Dust’s foreleg. “I know it may be hard to believe, but I’m real, flesh and bones, just shrunken.”

Lightning Dust tried to fly in search for the intruder, but landed five seconds later and bit her lips, her wing closing on its own. “Stupid wing.” Suddenly, she felt something pull her back as she was now surrounded by lavender aura while her wing was forcefully spread.

“I work for the Wonderbolts as a medic, and I came to help you. It is not a trick,” Twilight said as she examined the injury.

“Release me this instant,” Lightning Dust responded as she looked around in search of the source of magic. “Did one of those pathetic teams I beat send you to make a fun of me?”

Twilight sighed as she struggled to keep the pegasus immobile. Think Twilight, how can I prove to him… I mean her, that I’m not some sort of puppet She released Lightning Dust from her levitation, which caused him to fall forward onto her face.

The pegasus growled, when suddenly the little mare appeared on her muzzle. “I can teleport, see. I’m a real pony.”

With swift move, Lightning Dust jumped back on to her hooves, forcing Twilight to anchor herself against her muzzle. Not wasting a moment, she grabbed the little mare and said, “So you relocated a puppet, big deal. If you don’t want to lose it, better come out from your hiding spot!”

Twilight would facehoof if not for two large hooves holding her immobile. Only the most powerful and experienced unicorns know how to use and can perform a teleportation spell. Why is she so dense? With her horn lit, she shot a thin beam of magic as it spread ice upon Dust’s muzzle.

“Can a unicorn make a puppet shoot ice spells?” Twilight asked, “I don’t think so.”

Lightning Dust released the little mare who landed on the floor, and next rubbed the ice from her own nose, when suddenly a fireball passed in front of it while leaving a little black mark on the ceiling. She slowly looked down at the little mare and said hesitantly, “You’re… real?!”

Twilight once again stood on her rear hooves and said, “Yes, I am! I know it must be very confusing to you, but I can explain everything.” Suddenly, the pegasus started to chuckle with a sheepish smile and hoof on her mouth. “What’s so funny?”

Lightning Dust responded between laughter, “You… you look just like that popular hat mascot that lots of ponies in the crowd wear.”

"Not here too!" she bemoaned. Her ears curled.

“You can’t be serious,” Spike said as he looked up at the female shopkeeper of the souvenir kiosk. “Thirty five bits for Twilight's hat. That’s highway robbery.”

“Quite the contrary. It is the newest hat-line created and recommended by Fancy Pants himself. Imported from Canterlot. If you didn’t know, he is a leading figure when it comes to fashion and trends,” the mare responded.

Spike crossed his forelegs. “I know that. I had a sleepover in his residence and played with his son.”

“Of course you did,” the shopkeeper responded as she rolled her eyes. She slowly levitated back the hat from Spike’s hold and said, “I’m already selling it ten bits cheaper than most of the shops.”

“Seems like a fair deal to me,” Steel Blade said while wearing one himself, package under his arm. “They even have a Twilight in a wizard hat and cape plushy, limited edition.”

“I see you have a keen eye dear customer,” the mare said before tilting her head towards the pegasus guard. With hoof raised up to her face, she whispered, “Just between us, there is a rumor circling around that this toy is based on a student of the princess herself.”

“You don’t say,” Spike said with sarcastic tone, his arms still crossed.

The shopkeeper ignored young drake’s comment and added, “I even heard that she was shrunk by her mentor, isn’t that just silly?”

“She was shrunk, and I’m her number one assistant,” Spike commented.

The unicorn mare laughed before asking, “Would you like to buy it?”

Steel Blade nodded before opening a bag filled with bits. “The hat and Twilight the Mage please.”

The shopkeeper nodded before counting the payment. Finally, she looked down at Spike and asked, “And would you like to buy something, young dragon?”

“My name is Spike,” he retorted, “and for such a price, no way. I will just ask Fancy Pants if I can have few of those toys for free.”

The shopkeeper shook her head and said to herself, “Kids these days.”

“Are you sure you’re not some magically controlled toy, or some sort of miniature golem?” Lightning Dust asked, her mood somewhat improved.

Twilight stomped as she kept eyeing the pegasus while sitting in his shadow. “I keep telling you, I was shrunk.”

“By who?”

“By the princess,” Twilight responded.

Lightning Dust chuckled again before asking, “And what did you do to make her do that, steal her cake?”

“This wasn’t a punishment,” Twilight responded before facehooving as she let out an annoyed groan. “This isn’t going anywhere, and we are low on time.” She stood on her rear hooves and pointed at the messed wing. “I wanted to offer my assistance in healing your wing.”

Lightning Dust looked at her own wing, and next shifted to the little mare. “Heal my wing, are you kidding?”

Twilight shook her head before spreading her forelegs, “No, I am not. I work as a medic for the Wonderbolts, and I’m more than capable to help you.” She pressed forehoof against her chest and added with pleading tone, “You have to believe me.”

Lightning Dust frowned and looked to the side. “No pony touches my wing, especially not a small fry like you.” She turned around and added, “Now stop wasting my time.”

Twilight galloped and bypassed the walking pegasus before jumping onto her muzzle. “There’s still time before the end of the show.. You have nothing to lose anyway.”

With a shake of her head, Lightning Dust threw Twilight off and stepped away. “I have better things to do than talk with microscopic ponies, now out of the way.”

Twilight was about to jump out of the way, when a memory of Spitfire’s lessons flashed in her mind. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

Lightning Dust stopped, her forehoof raised above the ground. “Scared…” She pointed at herself while looking down. “Scared, me?” She shook her head. “I’m not afraid.”

“Prove it!” Twilight challenged. “I bet that I can get your wing back in shape in less than five minutes. Or are you afraid of me?”

Lightning Dust closed her eyes for a moment before spreading her wing as she bit her lips in pain. “F-fine, you have five minutes,” she started before adding with threatening tone, “But if you make it worse, you'll spend five minutes between my hooves." She smirked. "I am kind of curious what sound you will make if I squeeze you."

Twilight didn’t bother to responded as she climbed up onto Dust’s back, and next approached the spread wing. Her horn lit as she scanned it in search for injury. “It doesn’t look as bad as I thought. It shouldn’t take long.”

“Yeah, right,” Dust responded with lack of enthusiasm. “Now hurry up. I had a really very bad day, and I need to visit a normal size doctor to look at my injury.”

Twilight bit her lips and focused her magic, carefully pulling and fixing the bent bone structure. Much to Dust’s credit, she didn’t yelp in pain, though one look at her angered face told Twilight that her patience was running low.

With a bit of effort, advanced healing magic and help of her levitation, Twilight slowly straightened the pegasus’s wing and returned its structure back to normal. Two minutes later, the little mare wiped sweat from her forehead and smiled proudly at her work. “Done.”

Lightning Dust took few slow breaths and opened her eyes, now looking at the little unicorn on her wing with shock. “R-really?”

Twilight poked the wing and next walked onto pegasus back. She sat and raised her muzzle proudly. “It is as good as new, try it out.”

Lightning Dust closed and opened her wing a few times before waving it. “It no longer hurts, how did you do that?”

“I am not a Wonderbolt medic for nothing. Compared to healing a wing filled with holes made by enhanced arrows, your injury was a piece of cake. Not to mention that Pegasus anatomy is specialized to endure a solid crash, making my job so much easier.”

Lightning Dust flew upward, forcing Twilight to anchor herself against her back. After flying a short distance. She slowly descended and smiled warmly. “Wow, and here I thought you were a fraud or something, but you really pulled your weight.” She giggled. “Not that you have much weight to begin with.”

“That’s not funny,” Twilight responded with crossed forelegs.

Lightning Dust pat the little mare on the back, pushing her a little onto the spread wing. “Lighten up a bit,” she chuckled, “I was just kidding.” After kneeling, Dust spread her wing to the ground, letting Twilight slide off of it. “Thanks a lot by the way. I owe you for this one. Lightning Dust by the way.”

Twilight walked towards Dust’s lowered face and nodded. “You’re very welcome.” She raised her forehoof and said, “Twilight Sparkle.” Much to her surprise, Lightning Dust didn’t shook her forehoof gently, but instead hoof-bumped, pushing Twilight away as she rolled on the floor. After shaking her head, she pointed pointed where she came from and shouted, “You’d better hurry up if you don’t want to keep your fans waiting.

“I’ll pass,” Dust responded.

Twilight blinked in confusion and took a step back. Her straightened forehoof turned and pointed Dust accusingly as she shouted, “B-b-but… why? I thought you really wanted to participate, especially after what you told to your teammates.”

Lightning Dust stood up to her full height and shrugged. “Easy come, easy go. My team left me, and the rules require minimum three participants.”

“I see…” Twilight responded, suddenly out of words. “Glad I could be of assistance anyway, and sorry if it didn’t help you continue your show in the end.” She jumped towards the floor and waved her forehoof. “I will be on my way, bye, and good luck.”

As she walked, the sound of one step for each of her five was reaching Twilight’s ears. After moment of walking, she stopped and turned around, now facing the pegasus. “Why are you following me?”

“To talk with you, duh. It’s not like I have anything better to do,” Dust responded.

Twilight crossed her forelegs. “Funny. Not long ago, you were acting yelling at your friends and didn’t want to have anything to do with me. Why such a sudden change of heart?”

Lightning Dust picked up the little mare with her hooves and said in an enthusiastic tone, “Because you’re cool. I mean, you are like the size of a young bunny, and yet you managed to heal my wing in no time.” She looked to the side and frowned. "Also, they weren’t my friends, just teammates. I really dislike hanging out with ponies who are out of my league.” She looked at the little mare and carefully placed on tip of her wing while holding it in front of her face. "You on the other hoof, proved to be useful and skilled, and so you gained my respect."

Respect? Twilight closed her eyes and thought as Spitfire’s lessons and experience she had with the Wonderbolts. The elite fliers didn’t like me until I proved myself and gained their respect, and Lightning Dust was easy to provoke when I called him… her a coward. I suppose Dust and the Wonderbolts have something in common. She rubbed her chin. Maybe the pain from the crash and hurting wing was the reason she was so aggressive. She seems much calmer and nicer now.

“I feel so much better thanks to you, and I don’t really have anything to do at the moment. If you’re not busy, we can eat donuts and talk with each other,” Dust said as she stared at the little mare expectantly. “I would really like to find out why you’re so small and where you learnt your healing skills. Wanna hang out?”

Twilight looked the pegasus in the eye, barely recognizing her since she healed her wing. The half a hour break has probably started, and he… she seems to need somepony to cheer her up. With a weak nod, Twilight responded hesitantly, “I’m on a break at the moment… so I suppose we can.”

“Cool,” Dust responded before raising her wing as Twilight slid onto her back. “I know a nice shop where we can buy some donuts, how fast can I fly with you on my back?”

Twilight responded in a prideful tone, “I’ve ridden on Spitfire before. You don’t need to hold back on speed.”

“I like your attitude. Hang on tight.”


Overwatch waited for Spitfire to land on the ground for a short break before approaching. “Where’s Twilight?” she asked in a worried tone as she looked around nervously.

Spitfire pointed towards nearby door. “She wanted to heal Lightning Dust’s wing, so I allowed her.”

“And you let her go without an escort?” Overwatch asked, her stare serious. Upon noticing a hesitant nod, she added, "And here I thought that you learned already."

“Learned what?” Spitfire asked curiously. “She just went to help a wounded pegasus and should be back in a few minutes. What’s the worse that could happen?”

Overwatch raised her eyebrow. “After spending more than a month together, you still ask this question?”

Spitfire took a step back as her pupils shrunk. “You really think…”

Overwatch nodded. “Knowing Twilight, she already did. Now if you'll excuse me,” she said and walked towards the door, “I need to retrieve Twilight before any sort of disaster happens.”

Spitfire looked at Overwatch with worry as the fear that not everything would go according to plan grew in her mind. After a moment of thinking, she shrugged and said to herself, “Nah, I'm sure that Overwatch is exaggerating. Twilight is a grown mare and she can take care of herself." Slowly, her confident smile was replaced with one of worry as she added, "I hope."

Author's Note:

Edited by:

Proof-readed by:

Pre-readed by:
Rated Ponystar

I hope I didn't overdid Lightning Dust's character in it. If yes, don't hesitate to leave tell me in a comment.
This chapter takes place 2-3 years before events of episode "Wonderbolts Academy."