• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,606 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch3 - WarGames (Improved version)

My Little Medic


Chapter 3


“Ah-ten-SHUN!” Spitfire yelled as the line of ponies saluted.

As everyday for the past week, everypony gathered in the training area to polish their skills as only mere days separated them from the upcoming show. If the pressure wasn’t heavy enough, one could add growing expectations after a month-and-half long break.

Among the Wonderbolts on Soarin’s head in particular stood Twilight Sparkle, who saluted as well, while Spike and their guards observed her from the sidelines. Twilight’s attention turned from Spitfire to several boxes that were present behind the captain as she glared at them curiously. Surely something was up.

“I am sure you all are expecting yet another day filled with flying exercises to prepare your lazy flanks for the upcoming show, but in case any of you have forgotten, we are still a paramilitary organization that is called upon in case of emergency!” Spitfire said as she walked around her subordinates, both her steps and face firm. “Our nation may be peaceful, but the world is filled with dangers: from small and annoying parasprites to giant hungry beasts. While the Royal Guards take care of those threats head on, they do not posses our speed and agility!” She stopped and unfurled her wings. “Our mission is to get to any location that needs help faster than any guard.” She circled around the line of pegasi in less than a second as the wind pushed dust around their hooves while Twilight had to grab Soarin’s ear in order to not fall off. “We need to be able to rescue civilians, strike the threat hard, and get out before anypony gets hurt, is that clear?”

“Ma’am yes ma’am!” Wonderbolts responded in unison while Twilight set up sound dampening barrier around herself to save her fragile ears from the vocal torture.

Spitfire pointed at several boxes that were set behind her and said, “It has been quite a while since we performed any combat related training, and after your vacation, Celestia knows how much we need one.”

As she approached the small box in front, her wing pushed away the black blanket that covered it, displaying various types of gem-based weaponry. With a swift move of her hoof, she pointed at Soarin’s head and said, “Twilight Sparkle! Besides the test about Wonderbolts’ history, you also passed all tests about theoretical knowledge of Wonderbolts equipment with nearly perfect scores. Would you be so kind and remind us the basics about our most crucial armament?” Spitfire asked as she spread her right wing while her left forehoof grabbed a long sharp violet gem.

Twilight quickly appeared on captain’s wing in a flash as she stood on her rear-hooves and pointed her foreleg at the gem. “Yes ma’am! What you all see here is called an AGPG, which stands for Air-Ground-Piercing-Gem.” In the flash of another teleportation, she reappeared on the stone as she pointed at a small enhanced rune on the back side. “The moment this magical rune is activated, the magic stored in it will push this gem with great force, and considering the size of this one, it will push with strength rivaling levitation of at least ten average unicorns.” While turning around, she pointed a small rope that was attached in the middle. “This part on the other hoof can be easily attached to a wing. The rope itself is strong enough to keep it stable even at mach 5 speed, but is also constructed to break the moment the button on it is pressed, which in turn activate the rune that will launch this gem towards the target. Aiming is the hardest part as the pegasus need to dive towards it with their wings spread and unmoving, which is why this kind of weaponry is restricted only for Wonderbolts, and even then, only after passing a special form of training.”

Spitfire nodded as Twilight went towards the sharp edge of the gem and poked it, a simple gesture to test it's sharpness. During her harsh life, Twilight often endured contact with many sharp objects, and even the softer part of her hoof resisted hoof-standing on a guard's spear. And yet, a mere poke at the enhanced gem was enough to create a small wound.

Twilight quickly healed it before facing the group as she spoke, “The main reason why this model is called piercing gem is because it’s bottom edge was enchanted by the most talented unicorns Equestria has to offer. Although the strongest models were enchanted by the princess herself and are capable of penetrating any armor, force field or even dragon scale.” With help of her levitation, and much to Spitfire’s surprise, she levitated over a smaller gem with a similar edge. “While the piercing model is the most expensive and powerful, this one,” she pointed her hoof at the smaller gem above her head, “is its smaller brother, AGBD, which stands for, Air-Ground-Barrier-Destroyer. Unlike the piercing gem, this one is specialized to penetrate even the hardest magical barriers and force fields. When compared to the piercing model, it is far cheaper, lighter, easier to use, aim and faster to mass produce.” She cleared her throat with a cough before continuing, “The downside however is that it cannot do as much damage against solid objects as it is a specialized weapon.” After releasing a deep breath, she asked, “Any questions?”

Upon noticing Spike had raised his hand and given a few small jumps, she asked, “Yes Spike?”

“Ever since visiting the royal museum, I always wondered why so many cool inventions are never used in public, so what I want to ask is…” Spike started while rubbing back of his neck. “Why do guards use only spears, swords and shields when there are cannons and muskets they could use instead? Even Wonderbolts seems to be better armed, and they’re only half military!”

Twilight was about to answer, only for Fleetfoot to cut her off as she walked ahead of the group. “Allow me to answer with a small demonstration.” Noticing Spike’s and Spitfire’s nod, she spread her wings and dashed upwards, only to dive down to the ground with a straightened hoof before hitting a random pony-size stone on the ground. It shattered, dust spreading around it in a large cloud. The Wonderbolt quickly returned to her group while rubbing pebbles off her hoof and added, “Show me a firearm that can do that much damage without an expensive enhancement.” Her teammates immediately chuckled while Spike retreated to Twilight’s guards.

The little unicorn reassumed her lecture, refreshing the memories of the Wonderbolts about basics before teleporting to her spot on Soarin’s head. “You did great, Twilight. I cannot believe you found enough time to read so much about it among all of your other activities,” Soarin’ said and lightly patted his friend on the head with his wing.

Twilight smiled with a blush. “A good schedule my dear Soarin’. I always read whenever I am too tired to exercise, so I always find enough time for a lecture,” she said while two Wonderbolts on Soarin’s sides rolled their eyes.

“Now with this out of the way, I want all of you to form two member teams with one leader and one wing pony. You will all participate in various wargames and the team with best score will get a free pass tomorrow!” Spitfire said before pointing at a bigger box behind the small one. “You will be using training ammunition as it is not lethal and less expensive.” Noticing another salute, she added, “Considering that we now have a very adept medic on our side, we can increase the difficulty a bit.” Several Wonderbolts shot Twilight a glare while Spitfire looked towards the guards. “Specialist Overwatch! According to your profile, you’re an experienced scout and sniper. Would you care to assist by playing a role of anti-aerial defense for today’s simulations?”

Overwatch rubbed her chin as she thought deeply. She looked at the line of Wonderbolts who stared back at her with mild interest, and quickly noticed distress on Soarin’s face. With a smirk, she said, “With pleasure,” as Soarin’ gulped. Who said that work can’t be fun.


“Next!” shouted Spitfire while Twilight sighed, hardly maintaining balance on her trembling hooves as Steel Blade brought over yet another unconscious pegasus, placing him next to his four comrades. With a shake of her head, she jumped from the Wonderbolt’s belly onto Spike’s hand.

Spike walked towards the next patient and knelt, holding his hand in front of to the wound as Twilight crawled closer to it. Unlike Soarin’s burned wing, this pegasus had just a spot of burned fur and a couple bruises, but even if the injuries were minor, having to continuously heal them added up and greatly taxed the unicorn’s reserves. Twilight’s ears dropped lazily against her head while her horn guided another portion of healing magic. With each passing second she felt her headache getting stronger while generating magic getting harder as everything started spinning in front of her eyes. With her dizziness intensifying, she ceased the healing process as her head slowly sank into her patient’s fur.

Steel Blade carefully lifted Twilight from her spot and placed her on his wing with her back pressed between soft feathers. The dazed unicorn massaged her head before looking at him with half-closed eyes as he spoke, “Take a break, Twilight. You shouldn’t strain yourself.”

Spike looked at her with worry and nodded. “Yeah. Overwatch is knocking them down faster then you can even heal them.”

Twilight didn’t bother to move from her comfortable spot on her pillow of feathers as she turned her head to look at Overwatch. “I’m not surprised. Aiming under fire is very difficult. I just hope that she is not going too hard on them.”

“Quite the opposite,” a familiar voice reached Twilight’s ear as she ended up in the shadow of the captain. With three pairs of eyes on her, Spitfire pointed at her teammates and frowned. “It has been too long since our last combat simulation. If anything, your guard is barely fighting at the level they should be able to handle.”

Twilight nodded before looking at the training area alongside others, only to hear another loud THUD as Spitfire’s facehoof followed.

This was going to be a long day.


Overwatch huffed at her horn and smiled proudly at her yet another success.

Sweat fell down Soarin's face and his legs trembled as the sound of crashing pegasus reached his ears. His eyes closed, unable to look at the impact between the Wonderbolt and the ground. In any other wargame his agility would be enough to outrun even most skilled sniper, but not this one. In front of him at long distance he could see a target made of wood, shaped like a pony, surrounded by rapid firing cannons filled with paint-rounds and crew aiming them, but none of those possessed as much threat as Overwatch on top of the watchtower who drew yet another ‘shot-down’ mark on a small blackboard next to her. Suddenly, Soarin’ felt something touch his shoulder. He flinched and whipped his head 180 degrees. Upon noticing Fleetfoot’s hoof, he calmed down and yelled, “Don’t sneak up on me like that! Do you want me to have a heart attack?”

Fleethoof giggled, “Hehe, sorry for startling you. I just wanted to get your attention. It’s our turn after all.”

Soarin’ turned around to look at the watchtower and, despite the distance, he could see smug written all over Overwatch's face, as the guard pointed at him before poking her own horn. He was about to make a step back, but a weak push from behind made him feel as if he was between anvil and hammer. After one last check that the training missiles were firmly attached to his wings, he dashed, flying up with increasing speed. It didn’t took long before Fleetfoot was right next to him as they both flew in wing’s formation.

“Target acquired,” Fleetfoot said before diving towards the target at maximum speed while Soarin’ struggled to keep up with her. The whistling sound of paintballs passing his body gave him an idea to avoid being hit. He yelled a maneuver to his wingpony, “Commence Delta-4!”

“Commence a what now?” asked Fleetfoot while blinking in confusion.

Soarin’ rolled his eyes before adding, “Leader does a barrel roll while wingpony dives under the line of fire.”

“You should have said so!” Fleetfoot responded before starting to fly in circles while the projectiles failed to keep up with her.

“I thought I did,” Soarin’ added before rolling to his left with one swift flap of his right wing just in time for few paint rounds to pass next to him. His eyes opened widely as he shot Fleetfoot an annoyed glare. “Hey, I am the leader and you are the wing pony!” he shouted while pointing his hoof accusingly at his partner. He whispered to himself in a sad tone, “I should be the one doing the barrel roll…”

Noticing that he was being ignored while a few more projectiles passed above his head, he sighed and dived towards the ground. The target was getting closer with every passing second while the anti-air was focused on Fleetfoot. After two second to adjust his trajectory, Soarin’ spread his wings straight to the sides, attached missiles ready to fire. Suddenly, something flashed on the corner of his eye, and, out of pure reflex, he flapped his wings, pushing himself up while a beam of magic passed mere inches under his belly. Soarin’ flew to the left and right, avoiding beam after beam, all the while he was unable to attack the objective. Despite the heavy firepower that magically enhanced projectiles provided, aiming them required the Wonderbolt to fly still with unmoving wings which made him an easy target if enemy was shooting back, and even launchers that could be used with hooves had weak points on their own.

Soarin’ made a retreat as Overwatch didn’t gave him any openings for attack. His attention focused on Fleetfoot who, despite her own best efforts, could not get a clear shot under the heavy fire. Come on, there has to be a way, use your head! Soarin’ thought while circling around the target. After a quick examination, the idea struck him. With a 135 turn, he flew towards the target once again, flying left and right to avoid Overwatch’s fire. Three, two, one… The barrage that shot at Fleetfoot silenced as most of rapid firing cannons ran out of ammo, leaving the guard to aim at two Wonderbolts attacking from two sides. Noticing that his foe was targeting the other Wonderbolt, he spread his wings once again.

“Almost there, just a little longer,” Soarin’ murmured before pressing two buttons with his hooves, only to feel pain in his wing as the guard turned to aim at him just in time. With his wing wounded, Sorain’ flew in random directions while two projectiles launched from under his wings, passing the target while heading…

Overwatch’s eyes widened as the watchtower was hit. Training rounds or not, the thirty year old watchtower didn’t prove much resistance as both the guard and medical equipment started to fall off. The female guard’s attention focused on Steel Blade that headed towards her rescue, only for Spitfire to pass him and catch her.

“Are you okay?” Spitfire asked while effortlessly holding the guard in mid air.

Overwatch looked between Spitfire and Steel Blade who looked at them both in shock. With a frown, she yelled at the captain, “Killjoy!”

Meanwhile Soarin’ circled as one of his wing hung motionless. “The same wing, she just had to hit me in the same wing,” Soarin’ said with annoyance before covering his face with his forelegs. The seconds passed while his body still didn't crash into anything. On the second thought, why would he. He is in the training facility with the most elite fliers in Equestria, surely crashing into the ground was never an option. Slowly removing his forelegs, Soarin’ looked around for his saviour, only to find himself suspended in a lavender levitation field as Twilight struggled to keep him above the ground.

After being gently placed, the little mare immediately teleported from Spike’s hand onto his wing while Soarin’ was hit by a sense of de-ja vu. “Twilight? But what about Spitfire?” He looked around as the captain, holding Overwatch in her embrace, captured his attention. “Fleetfoot?” he said before looking towards the destroyed target while his wing pony walked with her nose raised proudly. “And what about them?” Spike pointed his hand towards group of napping Wonderbolts. Soarin’ once heard a saying: If not exercising, pegasi become lazy. But this? This was utterly ridiculous. With a deep sigh, he looked at his wing with a smile and said, “At least I can count on you, Twilight… Twilight?” Soarin’ raised his foreleg and poked his little friend who wriggled in response. He could see Twilight curled into a ball on his now healed wing with a few feathers trapped between her tiny legs in a vice grip. One look at Twilight sleeping and covered in sweat told him enough as despite her raw power and strong spirit, even she could not last long with her size disadvantage.

After receiving a nod from Spike and later from a blushing Spitfire, he slowly walked towards the exit while carrying Twilight to her room. As he kept walking, the Steel Blades’ voice captured his attention as the guard challenged Spitfire into aerial combat. Just as Soarin’ was about to reach the door, a screaming Steel Blade crashed into a wall before two guided training gems hit him and exploded as red paint covered his entire body.

Too bad Twilight was asleep. He could really use some help right now. “Sweet dreams,” he said while doing his best to slide Twilight onto her pillow while resisting the urge to nuzzle her. She was stubbornly attached to his wing though, and he didn’t want to be hunted by her guard for being “too friendly”.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” asked a bronze earth pony with magnifying glass as cutie mark while cart full of eggs was attached to his back. He looked to his side at the unicorn with monocle on his face and elegant black suit that almost covered his half-rock, half-gem cutie mark.

“Naturally,” he responded with a snobbish accent while a huge green egg levitated in front of his nose. “I know a very rich collector that will pay us a fortune for our discovery. Fillydelphia is but a mile away, and once we reach it, we will live in luxury.”

The earth pony looked back at the cart nervously. “Are you sure that mom will not get angry when she finds out that her eggs are missing?”

“You worry too much, my fellow. One giant worm is no match for the Royal Guards, and if it will indeed follow, it will be their problem, not ours,” the monocled unicorn responded while his partner sighed.

“I hope you’re right.”


Twilight jumped from her pillow like a rocket upon hearing a loud alarm that echoed throughout the entire headquarters while several light tubes flashed in red all over the place. It didn’t take long before she was lifted by Steel Blade and was brought to the briefing room, all Wonderbolts present and in uniforms.

Without saying a word, Twilight climbed to Soarin’s table while Overwatch, Spike and Steel Blade sat in the corner, not daring to speak under Spitfire’s serious glare. The tension grew with every second as the captain pointed at a map of Equestria on the wall, or rather on a specific location, a city called Fillydelphia.

With swift move of her hoof, she put goggles on her face and spoke, “I won't sugar coat anything. The situation looks bad. The city named Fillydelphia is currently under invasion by hundreds of hungry carnivorous worms and the Wonderbolts have been called to arms. Our mission is to arrive there as fast as possible, assist with evacuation and–” she paused and lifted an AGPG as she attached it on her wing. “We are permitted to use lethal force when necessary!”