• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,606 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch9 - A Past Long Forgotten - Part 1

My Little Medic


Chapter 9

A Past Long Forgotten
Part 1

The briefing room, where the Wonderbolts received their instructions for upcoming shows or in rare situations, a mission. A room that for the last several months served as Twilight’s classroom for her studies or a little library where she could read books in peace. A room that was now filled with Wonderbolts and Twilight’s family for a bonding session.

If the Captain of the Wonderbolts learned anything from being with Twilight, it's that something bad always happened, like her first encounter with Whirlwind and his friends, or her first days as a medic. Her family was of nobility and she knew her fellow Wonderbolts wouldn't be so easy going with these ponies despite slowly trusting Twilight. She was going to make sure that nothing bad happened on her watch.

To help her team get used to the Captain of the Royal Guards as well as Twilight’s family without any sort of drama, she organized a bonding session where both sides would learn about one another and put their differences aside. She never expected it would turn into a slideshow.


Near the exit of the briefing room sat a disguised alicorn, as she watched the slideshow in silence with Shining Armor by her side. Her attention focused for a moment on Wonderbolts whose perceptive eyes would see pass basic illusion, hoping that her advanced spell was good enough to fool them. Her attention quickly shifted towards the cloud they sat on. Clouds she had to stay away from as mere contact with them would display her pegasus magic and expose her secret.

On her left, she could see Twilight’s guards who were giggling and watching the embarrassing pictures with grins, while Spike was cracking up in laughter on Overwatch’s back.

“And this is our daughter’s third attempt to steal cookies from a kitchen shelf,” Twilight Velvet said enthusiastically as she pointed at a big screen on the wall, or rather the picture displayed on it with help of a simple projector. With her hoof pointing at the rope, she continued, “As you can all see, our young Twilight tied a rope to her tail and used a handle as a support for it. With the help of her forelegs, she pulled herself up to the shelf.”

Velvet pointed her hoof at another picture under it where Twilight’s legs were anchored around the rope while forelegs were straightened towards the handle of a shelf as if pulling it. Chuckles filled the room. “Our daughter sure had a lot of imagination to make up for her weak levitation strength. Poor dear was so excited when she grabbed the jar with cookies that she forgot how big it is. It’s weight quickly pulled her to the floor.” She giggled, pointing at the last picture on the bottom that displayed a levitated jar with the filly’s legs protruding from inside, and next to it was similar picture with the filly’s head peeking from inside the jar with a few cookies in her mouth. Some of the Wonderbolts murmured ‘aww’ and one even hugged part of the cloud he was sitting on. “Luckily we were nearby taking pictures of her in secret, or else the kitchen would have turned into a mess with our daughter in the middle… maybe even hurt!”

Cadence felt the hold on her neck tighten as she could only imagine how red Twilight’s face was at the moment. The disguised alicorn smiled at the warmness on her neck. It has been only a month and few days since she last spent time with the tiny mare, but she already missed her, and she knew that the feeling was mutual. With a quick look at her chuckling special somepony, she thought, I wonder if Twilight would prefer to spend her time and sit on her brother’s neck over mine. I hope the tension between her and Shiny will pass soon, or else our visit will be very awkward.

Somewhat curious after seeing the last picture, she whispered to the mare hiding under her long colorful mane, “Hey Twilight, I was wondering. Considering that you’re far smaller than when you were as a filly, are you strong enough to lift jar of cookies at your current size?”

Twilight slowly peeked from under the massive mane and said quietly, “Yes, I am. When I was exercising by putting the golden regalia on my mentor during our morning routine. At one point I started to tie myself to her chest plate and climbed up her foreleg towards her back.” Noticing a new embarassing picture and several of the Wonderbolts looking at her. She quickly dived behind the mane before continuing, her voice a bit muffled, “After more than a minute of hassle and effort, I managed to put it on her neck, and I can easily say that it must have been far heavier than even the largest cookie jar.”

“You’ve really come a long way, haven’t you?” Cadence asked, her voice filled with respect and pride.

“Yes, I did, though sometimes I wonder that maybe I overdid it a bit,” she said before adding hesitantly. “What I mean is… that I probably became too strong for my own good.”

“How so?”

“Well… When I was a little filly, I could barely hold a jar of cookies, and now I can carry multiple of them at once. And do I need to even point out how strong my magic is? If I ever returned to my normal size, it would become an issue.”

“Good point,” Cadence said before her smile saddened with this new piece of information. Usually Twilight was always proud of her strength and power and how much she improved thanks to her hard work. The fact that Twilight was worried about her own power for the first time was not a good sign.

With her little friend distracted from the embarrassed pictures, Cadence decided to change the topic. “By the way, why are you hiding behind my mane rather than Shiny’s? I’m sure you missed him a lot, so why me?” Not hearing any response for several seconds, Cadence added, “I saw how tense you were whenever he was near you. Did something happened between you and your brother?”

Silence persisted. Cadence was about to plead, but Twilight responded first, “He’s… angry.”

“Angry? I would say he seems more worried than angry.”

“Not just at me,” Twilight responded nervously. “He’s angry at the Wonderbolts for all the risk that I put myself in by working for them, angry at me for risking my life in a dangerous mission and maybe even mad at himself for not arriving in Fillydelphia right away to protect me.” Twilight sighed. “I just… I know that what I did was right, but I’m afraid of facing him at the moment, much less my parents.”

Cadence closed her eyes and lowered her head slightly. This was going to be an awkward family reunion.

“And this is a picture of how our daughter tried to paint her first art at the age of six,” Night Light said while pointing at picture where Twilight tried to levitate paint and brush. In the picture was Twilight covered in paint while canvas is about to fall onto her. “She literally put all of herself into painting it.”

With the help of her levitation, Velvet opened her saddlebag and displayed a small piece of art in front of everypony. Multiple colors in the shape of a filly pressed flat against canvas causing the Wonderbolts to burst into laughter. The ones drinking tea or water spit it on the floor.

Cadence giggled as well. She knew that Twilight’s parents were doing it on purpose to punish their daughter for willingly risking her life, but it was still better than if they demanded that Twilight stop being Celestia’s student or force her to return to normal size.

“May I ask you for a favour?”

Cadence blinked rapidly, distracted from her thoughts as she answered cheerfully, “Sure Twilight, ask me anything.”

“Well...,” she whispered. “I, my mentor and parents, Shiny, Blueblood, Fancy Pants’ family and most trusted guards already know that you’re an alicorn. I was wondering if you could you maybe expand that list by two of my new friends?”

“Friends? Wait, let me guess,” Cadence whispered quickly as her attention focused on Captain Spitfire and her lieutenant. “You mean your pegasus magic tutor and that handsome Wonderbolt whose head you often used as cushion for your flank?” Twilight frowned as Cadence giggled at receiving the expected reaction. She cleared her throat with a cough and added, this time more firmly. “But seriously, I can’t just give up my secret to everypony, especially the leaders of an organization such as the Wonderbolts. Can they be trusted with a secret?”

Twilight was silent for few seconds before answering. “Well, Soarin can keep a secret for sure. When I asked him not to tell Spitfire about me being bullied, he didn’t.”

Cadence’s eyes opened widely. Who would dare to bully the Princess’s student herself, more or less a cheerful and kind pony like Twilight?

“As for Spitfire, I can’t tell. I never asked her to keep any secret, so I don’t know.”

“I see…” Cadence said slowly while making a mental note to ask about the bullies later. “I’ll consider it.”

“And now it is time for the gem of our pictures collection!” Twilight Velvet and Night Light said together as two packs with pictures levitated from their saddlebags. Having everypony’s full attention, they took away the photo album and displayed the new attraction instead.

Shining Armor's jaw immediately dropped to the floor, his eyes opened widely and his tail shot upward. Cadence was stunned as well and a dead silence overtook the room.

With almost all eyes focused on the screen, Night Light spoke. “You’re not mistaken. That white mare with shield as cutie mark is indeed our son, Shining Armor.” With the Wonderbolts shooting the Captain of the Royal Guards a shocked glare, he added, “And the pink stallion is his marefriend.”

Confused by the sudden silence, Twilight peeked out from behind her foalsitter’s neck, only to rub her eyes, unable to believe what she saw. “But… but…” she coughed several times before adding loudly, “but Philomena told me that she didn’t show those pictures to anypony… How could she?”

Loud laughter replaced the dead silence as every single Wonderbolt fell off their cloud and started to slam their hooves against the floor. The tables were pushed to the side or knocked over in the chaos and whatever food or drink on them, was now covering the floor.

Spitfire approached on her shaking hooves, resisting the urge to fall over in hysterical laughter as well. “So you like swapping gender in your free time, Captain? Should we call you,” she paused for dramatic effect. “Miss Captain Armor?”

Shining’s mouth slowly closed as he grit his teeth and hardened his glare, frowning at the smug look on Spitfire’s face. The moment Spitfire took an example from her team and dropped to the floor, he whispered to himself, “When I am done with you, Philomena, you will not have a single feather on your body while your stomach will be filled with every single picture you sent to my parents.”

The Wonderbolts’ Captain put a hoof on her mouth and restrained her laughter. She looked up at the boiling mad officer and asked, “So, what’s your method?”

“Method?” Shining responded with an angry tone.

“Yea! Do you make yourself look like a female with an illusion spell, and even change your voice with that magic of yours?” Spitfire said while Cadence took a step back, suddenly nervous after hearing the word ‘illusion’. The Wonderbolt smirked and added with mocking tone, “Maybe you went beyond that and put tons of makeup on in order change your features?”

Shining didn’t dare to respond, afraid of saying something he might regret while his tail started to release smoke.

“Actually,” Twilight Velvet said, calming the laughing ponies slightly as they turned towards her, “It was not an illusion, nor any sort of makeup.”

The laughter was quickly replaced with confusion as several Wonderbolts got back to their hooves. A few even picking up the tables back to their original location and food from the floor. Night Light continued where Velvet left, “There was a note behind one of the pictures saying that our little Twiny made a potion for April Foal's Day. She switched the genders of our son and her very special somepony as a prank.”

Slowly, every Wonderbolt, both guards, and a young dragon turned their heads to Cadence, or rather a tiny pony looking speechlessly back at them from behind her neck, her ears drooping. She smiled and chuckled awkwardly as several pegasi took a step back. Surely none of them will look at any drink the same way for a while from now on. The little unicorn quickly dove into Cadence’s mane who now became the center of attention. She sighed.

Overwatch chuckled with a hoof on her mouth as she murmured to herself, “Gender swapping as a prank, why didn’t I think of that? No wonder Shiny wanted us to prank his sister in return, not to mention all the anger and embarrassment he tried to hide.” She turned her head and shot her dragon passenger a smirk. “Surely this prank was a mix between craziness and brilliance. What do you think, Spike... Spike?”

The dragon who was scratching his chin in contemplation looked up and said enthusiastically, “What do you think of Mrs. Armoria? Shining Diamond Shield? Or maybe just Lady Armor?”

Overwatch raised her eyebrow. “Trying to find a nickname for Twilight’s brother?”

Spike smiled at the guard. “Yep… I knew that with Philomena’s guidance, Twilight would be on the roll on this pranking rivalry, but to turn her own brother into a big sister. This demands a nickname… How about Lady Shield and… and… Cad... Caden… Cader... okay, I got nothing.” He took one quick look at the picture on the screen, barely suppressing his laughter.

The female guard looked back at the disguised alicorn who stared back as if hearing Spike’s ideas. She could easy tell by one look at her smile that the adventurous lady already came up with few of her own.

With the gender changing unicorn out of their sight, every Wonderbolt focused on Shining Armor, hooves on their mouths. Smirks and snickers followed, as well as a rain of mocking insults. Spitfire spoke first, “I hope your stay in the Wonderbolts for the next three days will be pleasant and our cooperation fruitful... Ma’am.”

And then all Tartarus broke lose.

The bonding session turned into a complete disaster the moment the Wonderbolts began mocking Shining Armor, who failed to restrain himself despite his parent's presence. With Twilight Sparkle, Velvet and Night Light trying desperately to calm down the situation, Cadence asked Spitfire and Soarin’ for a tour around headquarters, hoping to separate them from the angered captain before the situation would get out of hoof.

“...And this is where the excuses of a pegasi eat after each training session. A majority of the pie storages is emptied by my clumsy lieutenant alone,” Spitfire said with a chuckle. Still in a great mood after the slide show. Spitfire was never a fan of the Royal Guards, and to learn about the most embarrassing situation their captain ended up in. Was this her birthday or what? Her wing poked the saddlebag she wore as it contained one picture she managed to save before Shining tore up every single one of them.

“This again?” Soarin frowned. “I get it. I am a fat clumsy lieutenant who loves eating pie. You don’t have to tell every single pony we welcome here.”

Spitfire punched Soarin’s foreleg lightly in a teasing gesture. “But it’s part of my tradition to let every new pony know. Lighten up a bit.”

“Since when?”

“Since you became my lieutenant, duh.”

“Hey Cadence, are you hungry?” Spitfire asked as the disguised alicorn looked back at her absentmindedly.

Cadence observed the arguing couple, focused more on them than the tour itself and thought, Overwatch was right. Those two are really made for each other, though Soarin’ seems to be a bit hesitant for some reason. I wonder if he’s just shy, or does this go much deeper. She shook her foreleg in refusal. “I already ate, thanks you for the offer regardless.”

“Suit yourself,” Spitfire responded. She pointed towards the exit and added, “Our next stop is the training area. Since you’re Twilight’s friend–”

“And Foalsitter,” Cadence added. If she was going to share her secret with them, she might as well mention that. “Not that she needs one despite her size, but she always enjoyed my company and liked to play with me whenever her mentor was away.”

“Good for you,” Spitfire responded as she walked towards the exit, both Soarin’ and disguised alicorn followed. “As I was saying. Since you’re Twilight’s friend, and as you just mentioned, foalsitter, you’ll get a special private show, free of charge.”

Cadence nodded as her memories from the past slowly came back to her. The hallway decorations may have changed quite a lot, but she would not forget where they lead, nor she would forget the room numbers. 007, 008, 009, 010, 011. 011, Cadence stopped, her muscles refused to heed her call while her eyes stared at the number. Even if the door was no longer made of the same material, even if its’ color was different, even if the door was renovated or replaced several times, so did the list of names described next to it. She still remembered it.

“Is something wrong?”

Cadence shook her head, her attention focused on both Wonderbolts who made some significant distance from her. She quickly trotted towards them and shouted, “Sorry, I got sidetracked, that’s all”

As the trio continued, Cadence’s smile faltered. Every step in this familiar area bringing back more forgotten memories, memories of friends that long since passed away.

“May I ask you a question?” Soarin’ asked, waking Cadence from her thoughts.

“Huh, what? Oh, sure, ask…” Cadence responded hesitantly.

“Were you angry at Twilight when she… you know. Turned you into a stallion?”

A weak smile formed on her lips as she stopped. With a smug on her face, she raised her head upward proudly, her foreleg lifted in regal gesture. She spoke nonchalantly, “Why should I be? It was far from the weirdest things that ever happened to me.” Noticing confused stares that spoke a word “really”, she continued, “I can even say that becoming a stallion for such limited time was quite adventurous. When you spend time with Twilight, your life is filled with surprises.” Cadence added with joking tone as she puffed her chest. “Also, feel free to call me, Mr. Cadenzar, I won’t mind.”

Both Wonderbolts chuckled at the joke while Cadence whispered a nickname she came up for Shining. Spitfire and Soarin’ fall flat against the floor as loud laughter overtook the hallway.

“I… I… my stomach…” Spitfire said between laughter, rolling on the floor. “This is just too rich… I am so going to use this nickname the next time I see him.”

Cadence stopped giggling and raised her eyebrow. “Speaking of using, you’re not going to use that picture you took against my special somepony to get him off your back, will you?”

Spitfire raised back to her hooves and took few breaths to calm down before shaking her head. “No way. I and my team will prove to him that we can work together better than any of his guard’s squads fair and square. I took this picture just as souvenir.”


“Yea. I would never hurt Twilight by ruining her brother’s reputation or let any of my subordinates do that. Who do you think I am?”

“Fair enough,” Cadence responded, once again following the duo until they finally arrived at the training area. As promised, Spitfire and Soarin’ organized a small performance, showing off their tricks and moves as Cadence’s memories resurfaced with full force.

“Attention,” said a tall pegasus with a large mustache. His uniform consisting of black material that covered his hind legs up to middle part of his stomach, and violet one that reached his neck and forelegs. Several medals and the insignia of a colonel rank decorating it. On his hat one would notice a golden emblem with lightning. “We have gathered here today to welcome the newest addition to the Wonderbolts.”

Cadence observed the officer nervously as she was flanked by two more recruits who followed her example. Not that she was new to the military protocol as she was a member of the EUP many times, mostly as a messenger, scout, or medic during the war against griffons where .she died multiple times... or so it seemed. But this time she was about to join a very prestigious organization as the Wonderbolts.

“Private Air Breaker, Braveheart and Soft Breeze!” He said in ordering tone as Cadence and two pegasi on her side saluted.

“Sir, yes sir!”

“From today forward, I will be your commanding officer. You will refer to me as Colonel Purple Dart. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Colonel Purple Dart, sir!”

Cadence noticed a weak smile under his massive mustache as he spoke, “You have completed your training and all your entry exams, but it was just a first step to become an elite flier. From now on the difficulty will be far higher, and if you fail to meet my expectations, you will be kicked on the spot. Do I make myself clear?”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Join with the rest in the line, and remember, I want to see your best. Don’t disappoint me,” He added while pointing his hoof towards others Wonderbolts.

Wasting no time, Cadence joined with others and listened with rapt attention.

“First off, I would like to give an important announcement,” he started before lifting his foreleg as it trembled slightly. “I have served as the leader of this proud organization since before any of you even took your first breath, but my age is slowly catching up to me.” He coughed. “In around ten years, the EUP guard will be reformed as Royal Guard since our peaceful nation no longer needs military forces. As a side effect, the ties between the Wonderbolts and the military will break, and for this organization to survive, it will focus mostly on sports and show performances.” He pointed at himself. “Once this happens, I will retire, and you rookies will have to stand up and choose a leader from your own ranks.”

With a raised voice, he shouted. “Do your best, prove your leadership skills and competence, gain respect of your comrades, and maybe one day the most elite fliers in Equestria will look at you as their captain! Do not dare to let this organization fall into disgrace!”

“Sir, yes sir!”


“Did you even pay attention to us at all?” Spitfire asked with annoyance as she landed in front of the disguised alicorn. Her stare filled with accusation.

Cadence took a deep breath and lowered her head apologetically. “I’m really sorry. It’s just… this place and your performance brought back many memories. I will pay more attention next time, I promise.”

“Memories?” Spitfire asked while tilting her head to the side in confusion. “And what would a unicorn foalsitter in service of the crown would remember about a flying organization? I’m more than sure that I never met you before.”

Cadence bit her lips as she understood that she said too much, but she had to face the captain about it sooner or later. After a few nervous looks to the sides, she scratched back of her neck and asked, “Spitfire, can you keep a secret?”

The captain raised her eyebrow. “Secret? Is there something I should know about?” Meanwhile Soarin’ landed next to Spitfire and started looking between her and the pink unicorn.

“Twilight asked me to share my deepest secret with you both, but it’s imperative that you tell nopony about it.” Cadence responded.

“If that’s the case, how about this,” Spitfire started as she put a hoof on her chest, her head raised proudly. “I swear, on my honor as Captain of the Wonderbolts, that I will keep your secret to my grave. Done. Was that good enough for you?”

She nodded. “It is, but I think it would be best if I showed you rather than tell. May I have access to the archive with former members in your office, Captain?”

Spitfire scratched her chin. “Well, normally only the captain and lieutenant or the princess herself can have access to those. In rare occasion we let our members read them under our supervision, but civilians…” Noticing a pleading stare on unicorn’s face, she added, “On the other side. You, alongside Twilight’s family, have permission to inspect the Wonderbolts from Princess Celestia. So I guess it kind of give you the rights to look into those… I think.”

Cadence smiled and asked hastily as her horn flashed in blue aura. “How old is your office, Spitfire? Has it been relocated in the past?”

“Nope. Besides redecorating or renovation, it’s as old as this organization. Why do you ask?” Spitfire asked, only for a flash of magic to blind her for a moment. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them, only to take a step back, her wide eyes scanning the office in confusion. “H-how did you know where?”

“To teleport? Let’s just say I have a great memory. Everything will become clear in a moment,” Cadence said, pointing her hoof at the wardrobe next to the table in the middle of the room. The office itself had one door in front of the table filled with documents, a window with curtains behind it from where one could see the training area. On the sides near the walls were several wardrobes, each one filled with a multitude of information, books and some small snacks. In the corner was a water container and a few empty cups.

“Can I look into archives between five and six centuries ago into letter ‘B’? A Wonderbolt named Braveheart to be precise?”

Spitfire was speechless as a number of unanswered questions flew through her head: How did she know where the archives were? No civilian should know the filing system used by the Wonderbolts.

Before she even raised her hoof or spoke a single word, Soarin’ beat her to the punch. “Here you go.” Both the captain and disguised alicorn looked at the lieutenant as he put an envelope filled with pictures and data onto the table. He asked “Where did you learn about her?”

With a simple levitation, Cadence unpacked the envelope and levitated pictures of her old team. One large pink pegasus with a golden wing inside a heart as a cutie mark sitting alongside others in a group picture. “Kind of a long story,” she responded, looking at Soarin’. “And you? You found her file rather quickly.”

“My mom told me stories about Wonderbolts’ many times. One which involved my ancestors named Air Breaker and Soft Breeze.” Cadence blinked in surprise as the situation suddenly became very awkward. How was she going to tell Soarin’ that she and his ancestors from five and half century ago were her classmates and wing ponies? Soarin’s smile suddenly disappeared as he continued with depressed tone, “Apparently they fell in love with each other one year after… after Braveheart…” he took a deep breath and sighed. “Died.”

Now it was beyond awkward.

Cadence made few steps back towards the exit, keen to retreat from the room, but Spitfire’s voice stopped her. “Enough is enough. I expect some solid explanations, NOW!”

With her wings, ears and tail dropping to the floor, she sat and responded. “I already told you that it would be better if I showed you.” Her horn lit in a powerful aura as her body flashed brightly. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw stunned expressions on both Wonderbolts.

“Is this some sort of stupid joke?” Spitfire asked, growling. “Using illusions to look like a Wonderbolt who died defending his wing pony is very disrespectful.”

Cadence just saluted. “Sergeant Major Braveheart reporting for duty. Ma’am.”

Spitfire was about to yell at this insult, but half closed her eyes instead as her stare hardened. She examined every part of Cadence’s body while poking her wings. With one swift move, she touched the invisible horn, but while she could feel it, her mind refused to acknowledge it’s existence for some reasons. Surely mind influencing magic was involved. “What kind of shape shifting illusion is that? It’s nothing like I ever seen.”

“Advanced illusion, ma’am. It can fool more than just eyes. It’s a branch of magic I mastered over the centuries.”

“Centuries? How?”

In yet another flash. Cadence’s body started to blind the Wonderbolts, only to reveal far larger wings and a horn. Her cutie mark a crystal heart.

“I’m an alicorn,” Cadence said with neutral tone as she scanned Spitfire and Soarin’ for any sight of movement. She sighed as they both stared at her like statues. With a few firm steps, she approached and poked them while not receiving any reaction in response. She frowned. “Every… single… time!”

Author's Note:

According to your voting, my editor decided to not bother about old Equestrian in the flashback, as mix between old Equestiran and modern way of speach would be a bit troublesome to write.

For those who are wondering when Twilight swapped genders of her brother and foalsitter, check April Foal's Day Chapter 3
It happen after hospital scene.

I hope that you all liked the beggining of Cadence's backstory. The rest will be in next chapter that will come very soon. As always, do not hesitate to leave your feedback.