• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,594 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

  • ...


My Little Medic



“Done,” Twilight said as she levitated away the large document and placed it onto the pile of finished paperwork, a pen floating at her side. Not wasting a moment, she levitated over another document and started to write.

After finishing her own paperwork, Spitfire placed the document onto the pile and looked at her little helper, who was now atop a thin pole. She looked at the clock on the wall, and next back at Twilight as she couldn’t believe that the little mare had not moved an inch for the past two hours.

Spitfire tilted her head closer to her friend, watching as the little unicorn in a Wonderbolt’s uniform kept her right foreleg straightened ahead and left foreleg curled against her neck, her hind legs straightened backwards, and a metal claw affixed to a pole held her by her belly. Twilight’s horn was lit as she worked on another document with the help of a levitated pen.

I don’t know if she is just making it harder for herself by helping me with my paperwork, or if she’s just using this as a distraction, but she is a damn good assistant, Spitfire thought as she looked at the pile of papers. Never before have I finished my paperwork so fast.

Spitfire kept looking at her friend with mixed feelings. Part of her was still angry at Twilight because of the huge misunderstanding that led her to giving Blueblood a massage and listening to his boring speeches. She wanted to watch Twilight struggle.

Another part of her, however, was grateful to Twilight for opening her eyes. She had to admit that meeting Fancy Pants’ family was quite enjoyable, and her dislike towards unicorns, and maybe even nobility, was weakened considerably. She learned that some nobles also know the meanings of hard work and deserved a chance. She learned that Blueblood was great at acting, and that there is a good pony underneath his public appearance. Even now, she was grateful to Twilight for assisting her with boring paperwork.

Usually after finishing, Spitfire would support her head with her forelegs and kick back in her chair, but this time she didn't feel like it. How could she relax in comfort when her friend was struggling on the table right next to her?

Unsure what to do, and with more free time than usual, Spitfire spoke, “Twilight.”

“Yes?” Twilight responded, but didn’t move her head from her steady position.

“I was wondering, how about we both agree to void our bet?”

“Uhh... I refuse.”

“But why not? The bet was a draw after all,” Spitfire said as she rolled a small rounded platform so they could look each others in the eyes. “Sure, the party turned into a disaster because of Blueblood’s actions, though I was mostly responsible for the damage, so you lost, however...” She paused and raised her forehoof in a lecturing gesture, “It turned out that Blueblood was just acting like a jerk. After he dropped his performance, I didn’t have any problems with talking with him. So you won as well.”

“That’s why I am going to act like a statue as we agreed in the bet. I will also help you with paperwork in the meantime,” Twilight said while keeping her head as immobile as possible. “And you will try to befriend him.” She smiled warmly and closed her eyes. “I’m sure you both will get along just fine.”

Spitfire sighed, knowing full well that she wasn’t going to win this argument. “To be honest, Soarin’ is now trying to get along with Blueblood more than me.” With the help of her wings, she placed a rolled letter in front of Twilight. “I was planning to send Fancy Pants and White Path an invitation to a private show as a gift to thank them for inviting us to a party… that actually wasn’t boring.

“Awww… that’s so nice of you,” Twilight said. “What about Fleur?”

“My team already talked with her. The moment Fleur de Lis gets some free time after her modeling session, Lighthoof is inviting her to our headquarters,” Spitfire said before adding in more amused tone. “Apparently, Lighthoof enjoyed competing against Fleur so much, that she wanted a round two in the ‘jumping from clouds’ game. She asked me to ask you if you can provide Fleur with a cloud walking spell.”

“Will do.”

“Oh, and Fleur de Lis asked me to give you a contract to sign. She said that since you were the model for a hat and toy line, it is only fair if you will get a ten percent royalty,” Spitfire said as she noticed a small movement from Twilight’s immobile body. “The amount of bits you will earn from this will be much higher than what I will pay you after six months of work, and you can always negotiate to earn more.”

Twilight’s ears twitched as sweat started to form on her face. But she didn’t budge. “That’s… too kind of them… I am not sure I deserve so many bits.”

“What? Why?”

Twilight thought for a moment before answering. “While I find the idea that various pieces of merchandises in my shape and size are for sale in many shops to be embarrassing, I didn’t really put any effort into making those toys. I shouldn’t earn bits I don’t deserve.”

“I personally would advise you to not refuse gifts, even if you don’t feel worthy of them. On a side note, a few of the rookies, especially Flutter Bolt, asked for a free day to spend some time with your parents. They volunteered for some sort of magical project that Twilight Velvet and Night Light are working on.”


“Yeah, and Soarin’ asked me out on a date tomorrow after the work. He even gave me a hoof-made Twilight plush, and you won’t guess in what costume.”

“Commander Easyglider,” Twilight said.

“Commander Easyglider.” Spitfire tilted her head to the side. “What, how did you know?”

“The better question is, why are you telling me all of this?” Twilight asked.

“Just trying to keep up a conversation, that’s all,” Spitfire responded.

“I see…” Twilight said while considering her next words. “Speaking of my family. While helping you with the paperwork, I noticed a document with details about a group training session including guards and the Wonderbolts. What is it all about?”

“It was your brother’s idea. He wants to pick up few guards from Canterlot that in his opinion are in terrible shape to participate in a training with my team. Something about improving the relationship between the guards and the Wonderbolts,” Spitfire said before frowning. “Oh, and he mentioned that Cadence is considering working as a psychiatrist. She hopes to help ponies with personal and love related problems.”

Twilight wished she could spread her forelegs and cheer, but did her best to restrain her excitement. “That’s great. I suppose that after helping you and Soarin’ with your issues, she decided to see if she can help other ponies as well.”

Spitfire looked to the side and rolled her eyes. “Yeah... helped. Hopefully this time it won’t involve accidentally getting everypony drunk.”

“You’re still angry about that?”

Spitfire was about to respond, when suddenly a knocking sound reached her ears. She quickly rolled the platform so Twilight could face the door, and next said, “Come in.”


A pegasus entered the room, her uniform was blue with two holes for wings while a saddlebag was attached on her side. “Direct letters to the Captain of the Wonderbolts.”

Spitfire nodded and gestured for the mailmare to come closer. As the pegasus did and took out few letters with her mouth, she placed them on the table. “Here you go. Are there any letters you would like to send, Captain Spitfire?”

“As always,” Spitfire responded before standing from her chair. “Give me a second,” she said before opening a drawer.

The mailmare waited patiently, when suddenly a statue of unicorn in a Wonderbolt uniform captured her attention. “I see you’ve redecorated.” She lowered her head and examined it. “But why are the wings missing?”

Much to the pegasus’s surprise, the statue opened it’s eyes and said, “I'll devour your soul.”

“Whaaa!” the pegasus yelped and lost her balance as she fell on her back. She pointed at the statue. “It’s… alive!”

Spitfire approached the mailmare and helped her stand, and next they both examined the statue. She poked it carefully and shrugged. “Nope, no ghosts or possessed objects here.”

“But… but…”

Spitfire turned around and approached cabinet as she reassumed her searching.

Twilight once again opened her eyes and waved her foreleg. “Welcome to Spitfire’s office. Would you like some tea, or maybe some water?” she asked before levitating over a cup of water towards the mailmare.

“It is alive!”

Spitfire turned around, noticing cup with water between mailmare’s hooves. “What is alive, cup, or the water inside it?”

“That statue!”

“Yeah… right…” Spitfire said sarcastically before turning around once again.

The confused pegasus took few slow steps and examined the statue while poking it.

“Careful!” Twilight responded before levitating the pegasus away and assaulting her with the help of the mailmare’s hat. “It’s not fun when somepony pokes you, is it?”

Spitfire turned around and placed all letters on the table. “Here you go… is something wrong?”

“Is something wrong? Is something wrong!? This statue is possesed, that’s what’s wrong!”

Spitfire sighed. “I believe you’re overworking yourself.”

The pegasus took a few slow breaths in attempt to calm her nerves, wondering if maybe the officer was right, when suddenly the letters levitated into her saddlebag, causing her to flinch. She pointed her forehoof accusingly at the statue and said, “Did you see that?”

“See what?” Spitfire asked.

“The letters floated into my saddlebag.”

Spitfire lowered her head and shook it. “I threw the letters into your saddlebag just a moment ago. They aren’t possessed.”

An eye twitched as the pegasus slowly turned towards the exit while looking at the statue. “It’s just my imagination, it’s just my imagination…”

“Goodbye, and visit us again!” Twilight shouted as she waved her forehoof.

The mailmare bit her lips but refused to say a word as she slowly walked outside and closed the door behind her.


After few seconds of waiting, both Spitfire and Twilight bursted into laughter.

“Did you see the look on her face,” Spitfire asked as she held her belly with a forehoof. ”That will never get old.”

Twilight smirked. “The look on her face will be nothing compared to yours in several seconds.”

Spitfire reasserted herself and took few calming breath. “What do you mean?”

“Just watch,” Twilight said as her horn lit, and several small weights attached to a thin thread levitated over, tying itself to legs of the little mare. Twilight’s legs trembled a little, but she quickly stabilized herself.

“What are those?” Spitfire asked as she took a closer look.

“I need to exercise to stay in shape, so I thought that attaching some weights while I hold still would do,” Twilight responded. “I brought those in advance and placed them in the corner of the room so I could attach them once I am done helping you with paper work.”

Spitfire’s mouth opened agape. “You… you can’t be serious.” She slammed her forehoof against the table, causing Twilight to tremble. “Are you telling me that you not only want to help me with paperwork, but also hold still for hours while struggling against those weights?”

“Pretty much. And there is more.”

Spitfire massaged her forehead. “Of course there is more. You are Twilight Sparkle after all, miniature student of the princess, magnet for trouble, and expert in turning the world upside down for everypony who has the pleasure of being your friend.” An insane smile grew across Spitfire’s lips as she added, “Humour me.”

Twilight closed her eyes and bit her lips, focusing more and more magic before her own body started to flash brightly. Spitfire covered her eyes with a foreleg, waiting for the light to weaken.

After several seconds, Spitfire slowly lowered her foreleg as her sharp eyes picked up two lavender wings on Twilight’s sides.

The little unicorn breathed heavily while her legs trembled because of the additional weight that was attached to them. Few drops of sweat fell down Twilight’s forehead. “So… what do you… think?” she asked between her breaths.

“Are those… real?”

Twilight wished she could nod her head, but kept it immobile. “Well… they are artificial. I am sure you remember how I once mentioned that I was working on wings that would let ponies fly just like pegasi?”

“Now that you mention it.” Spitfire rubbed her chin. “I think you did… but it was a long time ago. I assumed you were joking.”

“Joking about magic, who do you think I am?” Twilight responded with a hint of anger. “By the way, thanks for letting me scan your wings when I was giving you a massage. I will need to thank the others as well. The data I gathered from each of you really helped with this project.”

“You’re… welcome…”

A blush appeared on Twilight’s cheeks as she continued, “Also… considering that you and Soarin’ are dating now…” The little mare raised her legs slightly as she fought against the attached weights, wishing she wasn’t stuck in such awkward position while her words caught in her throat. “Soarin’ asked me to preen his wings yesterday so he would look presentable. Please, don’t be mad.”

Spitfire chuckled. “Of course I am not mad at you. You were just helping Soarin’ prepare for an upcoming date.” In attempt to change the topic, Spitfire pointed at the miniature wings and asked, “Do those wings even work?

Twilight’s foreleg lowered itself a little, but straightened out a moment later as Twilight kept struggling against the distracting weights. More drops of sweat fell down her head. “Sadly, it will take a long time before I will be able to fly with those, but it is a good start.... now… how do I spread them?”

After moment to analyze today’s events, Spitfire rubbed her eyes, and next slapped herself in the face. After making sure that it was not a dream, and that the little mare in front of her really grew a pair of wings that were nothing like butterfly ones, she asked, “So… you are going to work for me for a few months?”

“Yes, I will. Isn’t that great?”

Spitfire took a very deep breath and laughed. “Yeah… great.”

Suddenly, noise of opening door reached Spitfire’s ear as her attention focused on a mailmare. “I apologize for interrupting, but I forgot… did the unicorn statue suddenly grew a pair of wings?”

Spitfire stared back at the pegasus for a moment before answering slowly, “No…”

The mailmare lowered her head and said in a depressed tone. “I really need a vacation.”

Spitfire nodded. “Me too.”

Author's Note:

And so this side story has reached its end. I hope that I didn’t drag it for too long.

Special thanks to Alticron and Malefactory for assistance. Without their help, I don’t know how long it would take to finish it.

Please don’t hesitate to leave commanders what you thought of recent chapters, and maybe about past chapters. Which chapters were best and which worst, what you liked or didn't like overall in the story. What you thought of certain characters and so on. I am always willing to read and reply on feedback.

I know that this sidestory wasn’t as good as main stories, but I hope it was enjoyable regardless. Don't forget to upvote if in your opinion this story deserve it, and if it deserve downvote, I would be grateful for a comment telling me what was wrong so I could improve.

Also, I recently uploaded another story about Fluttershy being a pureblood vampony. I know this is not related to Twinyverse, but it would be really nice of you if you would give it a chance - Trial's of Blood and Kindness


Comments ( 88 )

It took me a moment to do small final modifications to the Epilogue, but it is uploaded now.

As long as the mail-mare is not Ditzy, I approve.

This was a nice, fun side story that did a great job fleshing out the universe. I look forward to more Tinyverse stories, and the finishing of Ponyville's Tiny Librarian.

i hope to see at least 1 more side story made focusing on events during twilights stay in ponyville and im glad cause now i can read the entire first book in my Free Editor

Poor mailmare:D

But maybe some vacation will do her good.

Sadly it's over. I'd like to se more twiny stories^^

I couldnt stop laughing during this chapter, a very good finish to this side-story!


As long as the mail-mare is not Ditzy, I approve.

Don't worry, Ditzy can't be everywhere.

12 dislikes. Seems Overwatch have a fanbase on her own.

But what about previous chapter? No one commented on previous chapter.

i am not entirely sure how to leave a commander but i really liked this side story and i love the whole tiny Twilight concept. ^_^

loved this story.

also that scene with the mail mare near the end was amazing.

These last two chapters were excellent!

White Path really is completely incorrigible if you give him free reign, isn't he? The snowball fight redux was amusing, if short. It was just a tad bit one-sided though, with Twiny and Celestia on the same team. I think that one of the best parts of the chapter were the interaction between Blueblood and Spitfire, though perhaps largely from anticipation of the eventual explosion.

That was a kinda mean prank Twiny and Spitfire pulled on the poor mailmare in the epilogue here. It honestly would have seemed a lot better if they eventually let her know she was being pranked. However, that said it was still funny. You did a very good job of wrapping up the threads of My Little Medic here, though there are more than a couple that may show up again in later stories.


White Path really is completely incorrigible if you give him free reign, isn't he?

He sure is. I suppouse he have a bit of Pinkie's personality and energy and can hardly contorl it when excited.

It was just a tad bit one-sided though, with Twiny and Celestia on the same team.

Spike really wanted to hit Twilight with a snowball, and White Path wanted to defend fortress, so they kind of ended up in weaker team.

You did a very good job of wrapping up the threads of My Little Medic here, though there are more than a couple that may show up again in later stories.

For example?

Amazing job--I'd normally be depressed to see the end of a great story like this, but Ponyville's Tiny Librarian is still running, so I am left with only the satisfaction of having completed reading a wonderful fic.

Give us a chance to reread this then you'll get more posts on past chapters. As for my favorite chapter...

Hmm that's a tough one. Twilight playing with white path for the first time is def up there but my fav... Probably where Twilight has to increase her size and the problems she runs into with more power.

I'm sorry to say I can't help but be a little disappointed, throughout the whole story I kept expecting Twilight to quote the Medic from TF2 xD

Awesome story. I loved it.

I love this story, this series, and this very idea. Yaaaaay!


For example?

Three threads come to mind immediately that I expect are likely to show up again: Lightning Dust is the first, she has a personal connection to Twilight this time around and has hopefully learned a bit of empathy; the Del Gambino family is another, they've taken an interest in Twilight (or at least a few of them have) and they have connections that could lead to running into them unexpectedly; White Path is the last thread himself, he's pretty obviously taken with Twiny and has been friends with her for years so I would not at all be surprised for him to try to find a way to end up in Ponyville to visit his little friend.

Let me quess. You hoped she would say: "It's time for examination." ?

I am sure I can fit those situations into one of my stories. The issue is that it will take extremely long before that happens.


Much to the pegasus’s surprise, the statue opened it’s eyes and said, “I'll devour your soul.” LMAO!!!!! That's just awesome lol :rainbowlaugh:

That was a fun story, and now BACK TO THE MAIN ONE AWAY!!! :pinkiehappy:

Please tell me Twilight and Spitfire weren't trolling Ditzy/Derpy Doo. That's just mean. I honestly hope if White Path is kidnapped that the Don sends Twilight a message to pass onto Shining telling some likely locations he might be at. The Don's group seems fairly low key and decent hearted given that they warned Fancy Pants about the danger, so I would love to see them show up again helping from the shadows.


Please tell me Twilight and Spitfire weren't trolling Ditzy/Derpy Doo

ope, complitly diferent mare.

As for White Path, he is safe. One of Don's ponies is already fighting against the foalnappers.

5792601 Well, if they ever do manage to get theri hooves on White Path, I fully expect him to be a little smartass and make the kidnappers pay a ransom to get Fancy Pants to take him back. And then, just after they've sent the payment... TWILIGHT BUSTS DOWN THE WALLS AND KICKS THEIR FLANKS WITH WHATEVER FRIENDS SHE'S GOT WITH HER.:trollestia:

Thank you again for such a wonderful story in the Twinyverse. I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward for more. However here a few thoughts about this side story. What I really enjoyed about Celestias Tiny Student was that Twilight was always so fragile and vulnerable and had to cope with that. In this story she is more like a indestructible hero (fighting against giant worms, Mary Sue would be the right key word here). One chapter I which bothered me especially in this context was the chapter about twilights family. Not only is her brother and Cadance so powerful (as they are in the head canon), but also her parents. A bit less of that would improve further stories. Also If found it strange that Cadance talks so openly about her identity (which she for example also has hidden from Twilight, so Celestias personal protégé quite a while).

While dealing with giant worms, Twilight increased her size (she wasn't at her full size, but still about 10 times heavier than before),

As for Twilihgt's parrents being OP, there is a reason for it. Surely unicorns who gave birth to Shining Armor who is Captain of the Royal Guards and can create giant size shields that can slow down an entire army, and Twilight who in my story had to much power that she had to be shrunk to prevent it form going out of control, must be very powerful as well.

They aren't as experienced in combat and Shining who was training his fighitng skills, and they aren't as tough and skilled as Twilight whose life was one large endless adventure, but in terms of experience and power, they aren't slacking.

As for Cadence being so open about her past. she is doing it only to ponies that Twilight trust, and her story focused only on her time when she was a Wonderbolt. In case of Twilight, she isn't giving to much informations about her past to not make her worry about her.

And yea, I must admit that Twilight in this story seems like understructive hero, but it is because she went through a lot in tiny student. She is sitll small, but no longer fragile wtih her skills and power at her dispousal. Maybe I made her a bit more powerful than she should be, but I didn't expect it to be such an issue.


Thanks, for the reply. Don't understand me wrong it is still a great story, I just missed a bit one of the parts I enjoyed most about Celestias Tiny Student here, which is Twilight struggle with the giant world. I'm a little afraid what would happen, when Twilight grows to full size again. It sounds that she literally will be able to move mountains then. Give the poor villains a chance! ;)

Fixed, thanks, also, base on avatar you use, I suspect that you really enjoyed Ghost the animation.

I must agree, this story was way to long for a side story. I suppouse that I wanted to put a lot of worldbuilding and events into it and went a bit of overboard.

I mean, the final few chapters, whilst cute, seemed a little...pointless. I was expecting something else to happen (Ie with the mafia or something) but it just sort of fizzled out. And actually seemed a little repetitive from the other stories/chapters.

To be fair, I let mafia members participate in this story in the background. The story was already too long as it was, so I didn't want to add any large fighting scene as we had one in last chapters.

As for it being a bit repetitive, I just wanted to give White Path to have some shinanigans with Celestia and participate in snowball fight he missed the first time around (Tiny student ch8 ). It was meant to also to show progress for both Twilight and Celestia. In the first story, when Celestia swung her snowball, it pushed Twilight against wall of her own fortress and end up stuck in it. In this case the scenario is similar, but Twilight was nearly pierced through a wall that was far bigger, and even ended up knocked out. It was meant to show that while Twilight is now way tougher and stronger as she was constantly challenging herself, it is Celestia who really make the most progress thanks to her training. After all, she haven't had any real workout for centuries, so her training in past years got her back into shape. (In RPG terms, it is like Celestia got from lv 15 to lv50, while Twilight got from lv45 to lv65).


I know that this sidestory wasn’t as good as main stories

All I noticed was that the grammar was worse.

I like how it started with the climax and went from there.

I read this after well into the sequel to the main story & I don't know if this helped reinforce what Celestia decided to do or if it makes it more perplexing.


That's saying something

Well, she had few centuries to learn a thing or two.

Either they're very high in importance, or VERY low.

Who, guards or the Wonderbolts?

I wonder if during those history exams, Cadence thinks: I already know this information, i've been there and I've seen and expirienced it.

Pretty much, at least in some cases. She isn't as old as Celestia after all.


Well, even if they overheard her, all she needed to do was to say "I said 'Sweet Celestia', you just hear me wrong."

I said almost, don't be throwing in Cockatrices, however you spell it..

Those would leave at leaast 1 or 2 stoned guards behind, no need to worry.


Being disquised as a pegasus with withnesses around kind of limit Cadence's ability to cast spells. She need to be careful about it.

Ok Google won't work so I can't do the clip I want.
Anyways it's a clip from the 'Black Trailer' for RWBY
I know i've talked about it on this site before.

You keep repeating RWBY as if Cadence was a member of that organization, or did I watch the wrong trailer.

What freaking monster is that?

Badland version of Chimera, or if you prefer it instead, Chimera ver. MK2

Oh it's only disables the wings? I thought it was a full-on paralysis poison. Talk about saving the freaking plot.

It depends where it hit. Those pegasi were lucky none hit their legs, or else their mobility would be greatly removed.

So it's steroids for magic?

Nope. It is just much more easy to levitate it towards the angered beast from a save distance. Much more easy to use it with magic than with hooves.

So im guessing it's deadly liquid to chimera equipped with needles.

More like mix between sleeping and paralize substantion to calm down hostile monsters without killing them. It works better on smaller targets.

Too bad, look at your buttmark, it's got you ruling the Crystal Empire all over it.

True. Sadly however, it resulted in it to be banished by Sombra. Being ruler whose kingdom is banished for a thousand years kind of weaken one's confidence.

And so we have that "rich kid complains about doing nothing and wants to be normal / poor kid has to do everything and wants to be rich" situation
Um, didn't that happen one time in a kid's show, or is it just me?

Probably, but being original isn't as easy as you think. As for Cadence, I think that she prefer to explore and live among ponies while helping them directly rather than from behind walls of a castle while sitting on a throne.

Not really. I mean most of it was told in this chapter alone.

A long chapter if you asks me.

... Either it's me, or you made this sound very wrong.

Whatever do you mean?:twilightsheepish:

Wait, they already have them filed?

They are possible candidats under observation, but nothing is certain yet.


Why do I always feel like the character does when this happens?
Um.. Let me think of something..
Fack. Anyways I hope you get it.


Hey Griffon? Stop asking personal questions please?

Griffon Ambassador: Never!!!

Twi: *sigh* My hope is ruined now..

That's what happen when you lower your luck status to increase your strength and endurance. You can never get a break form bad luck.

I have a bad feeling this might not end well..

For the parents of Twilight, they live up to the title.

Apple don't fell away from the tree if you asks me. Twilight's raw power didn't appear out of nowhere, though her physical condition is result of harsh training.

Twi could probably lift twenty of those

I think you overstaminate her. Dizzytron is HUGE.

1. Indentation missing


This must be around the time Luna was banished

You won't say :ajsmug:

Hold up, I want to ask a question. Does anyone else like reading with the dark theme?
Or is it just me?

If you like Dark themes, check up my other story Trial of Blood and Kindness

Does she always start out like this?

Probably a habbit she gained after being Captain for too long.

I MUST have missed something.

Celestia shared her plans with Cadence and Shining. I am not sure if I mentioned it in Tiny Student story, but they know it at this point.

Does she have any privacy for others?

To be fair, ponies often walk around nakes all the time, so this isn't such a big deal.

So ranged ponies are kings of the hill against only flying ponies. Fairness, everyone.

Just a friendly combat simulation. How many times you can shot down an earth pony before unicorns on a tower will shot down you. Seems fair to me.

Why not ask Luna to do that one? She crushed stone!

That would be an overkill. Twilight is tough, but she don't want to die. Also, Cadence probably was holding back her full strenght against Twilight's plea,


S5 E1 Spike scene, it is.

This is a good day.

And probably the longest reacts you ever did. Also, welcome back.


I don't know if that's racist, or true..

Probably both to some degree, though you can't blame the commentator considering how annoyed he was.

I don't know if I want to know how the author of that informational anatomy book knows this information...

Maybe the author was a pegasus, who knows.

Unless you warn everyone before the match that you might use a healing spell that only has a VERY dim flash and heals ponies in one second, even when the ponies are in action.

True, but sometimes Twiny forget how small she is. Also, while she is good at magical surgery thanks to her size, she can't really heal ponies in seconds. Even small bruises are big for her and require time to heal.

Put that 'ask' into 'asked' please

Replaced "ask" with "asked" as you asked.

It's her dream to be crushed, isn't it?

Rather, resist being crushed.

I don't think any of us likes this.

Don't like what?

Twilight, you did this.

To be fair, she couldn't predict this would happen, just like she didn't predict in the show that Spike would turn into giant, should he steal stuff out of greed.

Shiny, I think you're screwed

He sure is.

Leave it to Cadence to scare the crap out of Shiny

She have experience in it.

Flutter Bolt is the kid who played with Twi like a doll during the fight, isn't he?

Actaully, that was Little Seed. Flutter Bolt threated Twilight like a cat before ending up with his head stuck in ventilation.

So yeah, I somehow managed to create a HUGE react on a sport chapter, even though im not all that sporty.

No need to worry. The sport event is over, so now it is time for the aftermatch celebration.


Soarin' loves pie
I wonder if he would take a liking to Pinkie because of her last name, and her profession...

He sure would, which makes me wonder. Are there many if any Soarpie ship stories?


Soarin: No, I was FROZEN TODAY.

SOmeone just needs to animate this whole story.
Or atleast make it a comic

Comic would be nice, but chances for this to happen are 0.01%

Soarin': Um, us waking up in the same bed tomorrow morning with a note from Cadence and Overwatch saying "HELL YES, WE GOT YOU TWO TOGETHER!! ... Now when's the wedding?"



How is the cold pleasant?

When it is hot and you are sweating, a bit of cold wind is all you need,

I think that would be a "Thanks for the fun night, I want more" gift


0-0 ... Twilight knows about hardcore shipping!!!

I doubt it, but considering how much she love to learn about everything, even this topic may be in her line of interest. You know, for science.


Welcome to another episode of: Tips from Twi!

Todays tip is: If you and a group of friends each need to say something, play Spin the Bottle, but instead of kissing, that person says what they need.

A solution both fun and effective.

I call it: Spin the Truth!

It have a nice ring to it.

Spitfire had an eye twitch, then a few seconds later, she screamed, "ARE YOU BUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!" While saying this, her mane and tail caught on fire.

Why I didn't think of that?

Screw it, i am rewritting this scene right now.

Here is the result:
Spitfire looked at the closest wall while wondering if she would wake up if she slammed into it at high speed. After a moment of contemplation as her tired brain tried to comprehend the situation, her eye twitched, and a few seconds later her mane and tail caught on fire. Her mouth shut tight as she resisted the urge to shout, but each Wonderbolt recognized her angered glare as ‘are you bucking kidding me!’

Twilight Velvet whispered to her husband. “And here I thought only we could do that.”

Night Light responded quietly. “She must posses a very powerful magic. Her name is quite fitting if I may add.”

The angered captain took a deep calming breath and gave her subordinates a creepy smile. She asked, “So none of you have anything against me dating Soarin’?” Her mane and tail returned to normal.

Ya know, after those pictures, no. Give it about a week and we'll see.

Twilight is to forgiving for her own good.


Spike: I am going to torch your rump and send you back to Celestia

Tia: Please don't, I don't want a heavy, bulky stallion falling on me while im trying to get to sleep.. That would be akward for him, me, and Twi..

Spike: You have a point.

Totally, though I am unsure if his breath is strong enough to relocate an entire stalion. Maybe when he will grow up, though he could always send Twilight instead, surely it would be less awkward.



This didn't happen again, though one can say that this experience she had here prepared her for what was going to happen in the future.


Any idea what officer's uniform would suit him the most?

Welcome to another episode of TwiTips!
Today's tip: if you don't want to have goodbye hugs with your parents, ask for an all out magical duel with you're more powerful brother.

I wonder if one of Dragon Ball characters would take this advice... nah.

Twi: If I remember correctly, he said he had a love interest in me..

That's something better not to mention to anyone.

Then again, she can put a freeze spell on her body so she doesn't have to fight gravity all the time..
She still has her head thawed so she can talk,

I believe she had enough of ice for one day.


This reminds me of another story, a comic actually, on Deviant Art

I think I skimmed over this story once. I was decent and everyone were in character, though I still think that people should be far more surpriced and freak out after seeing a flying talking alicorn who can use magic. A bit of underreaction.

Overwatch plays a serious game of hard to beat..

And she is good at it.

Typical Twiny

Typical Twiny is best Twiny.

Lightning Dust?

Seson 3 episode 7 Wonderbolts' Academy. Surely you watched it.

... The hell Dust?

Cocky as always.

I just want to know if it's some spell on their suits, a smoke machine on their legs or something else..

It was never explained in the show, so I just roll with it. Considering that Dash leave Rainbowlike trail behind her when she fly, and how Twilight left an odd trail of her own when she flew after receiving boost from 3 alicorns, I assume it is caused by their inner magic,

Twi has a 6-pointed star..
And what's with 5-pointed stars in the Yankee Stadium?! NEXT EVERYONE'S GONNA GET SENT TO OTHER TERRITORIES!!

Silly wonderbolts. They should take a better look at Twilight's cutie mark before performing that trick, on the other side, her cutie mark is so tiny.

So she still hold the Wonderbolts in high regard, high enough to where she doesn't want to look bad..
Seems like she still looks up to them after all

Pretty much.
Trash talk when someone is performing in front of a large crowd isn't always honest.

Twi: I was baked in a cake one time. Fell into some cake mix and couldn't get out before the cook stuffed me in the oven. Oh and I was eaten by the princess, luckily she didn't chew..

This didn't happen yet, also, she will chew Twilight for a short moment. Not the best way of waking up if you asks me.


Did the ground crack?

The crash happened during the show. The ground didn't crack in this chapter.

Holy crap, just how many ponies can crack stone or glass in equestria?

That's the price of having inner magic that enhance their bodies. Everything around seems way to vunerable and easy to break. I bet you wouldn't count how many times the Cakes had to repair walls in Sugarcube Corner after Pinkie's wild parties. Twilight and Fluttershy were slammed into it in party of one.

So its not just Twi

That's the running gag. Lighting Dust try to act cool so often, that many keep mistaking her for a stalion. (Also, on side note. I noticed that the cast in MLP is so numberous in females, that even characters I first asusmed were males like Dust and Vinil were males until I found otherwise. I just decided to make a running joke that Dust is a female, but everyone have problem with finding out her true gender.)

She's good at nearly everything, even things she may not know she's good at. (Hint hint future episodes)

She is far form perfect. She may be storng and skilled, but she have flaws that weight her down.

source of joy for the crew, and many other things.

If taken out of contest, this line could be twisted in so many ways.

So it's a 'I have to prove myself to him, and everyone he knows' kind of thing


Twi, you think you can fix that?

Oh, she will try, trust me.

Twi: Improving magic has been something that my family has done for generations. I don't want to be one that stops it.

She may end up pushing it into a next level. Lol.

Or compete in the Young Fliers Competition

To be fair, Dash did that in the show, and it is season 5, and she still isn't a Wonderbolt. Though on the other side, Events between seaosn 1 and 5 seems to take only 1 year, so it makes sense why they didn't draft her right away.

She can use the Royal Canterlot Voice..
Guys, she can do it!!

With her size, she doesn't have much of a choise.

6028985 I love and hate you all at once right now, just got to the chapter Twilights Birthday in "Celestias tiny student" and now I see that I have a sidestory to read before reading the rest of that story as much or if not a little less than C;T;S to read before I can carry on.

Celestia damn you with your brilliant mind and magic with words :twilightsmile::heart:

I just finished this side story and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this delectable story, NOW! back to the original story desu kaaaa neeee!

You finished all those chapters so quickly, wow.

When compared to tiny student, what do you think of this one?

6192640 I like that it doesn't have massive time skips but I understand that writing thirteen years worth of material is just not possible. Plus, with these bits added in its nice to see what went on behind the scenes, instead of carrying on reading and being really lost. So even though I had to track away from the story it made me really happy to have that little bit extra.

It also showed a whole new side to Twilights character as depth anddddd the whole universe that you have made, such as blueblood and the nobles.... not to mention the wonderbolts having a great hatred for them, which in turn was helped by twilight to see that not all of them are so bad.

All in all, I think that my little medic was something that is perfect as it is, I loved every second of reading it.

I just finished celestias tiny student and now I am going to catch up on Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary, thank you for being an amazing author and all those that helped you out are also cool. Thanks for the delectable stories :twilightsmile::heart:


Your welcome. Have fun reading Nightmare's Little Adversary. I will be looking forward to your comments if you leave any.

6194310 I definitely will be doing.

5886132 i actually read this before reading chapter 21 of Celestia's Tiny Student to follow the timeline


To be fair, Twilight caused them a lot of heart attacks during her first visit, and after finding out that she was nearly crushed under a giant worm monster, it is only natural that they want to step in.

Don't underestimate worried parrents.

As for them being arrogant, they are from line of the most powerful unicorns, a rare noble house that instead of allowing power and prestiges to corrupt them, focused all their minds into developing magic evelopment of Equestria. Hard to not feel important and prideful with that kind of background. Twilight on the other side developed quite a lot of humility by learning from the princess, and probably also from being tiny.

And what exacly they did to deserve it?

I did it! After over a year, I finally managed to get myself to read this story, and now I can finally, after even longer of a time, finish the main story! Yay!

I haven't seen him react to anything for months. I fear he is way to busy to read anymore.

That's a lot of breaks.

6660552 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I really like you mane :unsuresweetie:

The mailmare lowered her head and said in a depressed tone. “I really need a vacation.”
Spitfire nodded. “Me too.”

Kinda wish Twilight said me three here. Or said that she didn't need one.

6880428 She keeps joking about characters having crushes on each other and it's annoying.

Pretty much. Hopefully no one will read it literally.

Annoying for you, but others seems to not mind it. It is hard to satisfy entire audience.
Regardless, embarassing others is her hobby, and what's better way to force a blush then to accuse them of having a crush?

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