• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,594 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch15 - The Moment of Truth - Part 1

My Little Medic


Chapter 15

The Moment of Truth
Part 1

A weak breeze of fresh air filled the office by an open window, replacing the heated atmosphere with bits of pleasant cold.

Feeling the wind on her face as it rustled her mane and feathers, Spitfire observed the training area with mild interest as she reflected on yesterday’s events. What’s going on? I just don’t understand it anymore, she thought before looking at the cloudless sky, no doubt cleared by her subordinates. Just a few months ago, I did what I usually do; train my team, do paperwork, prepare stunts for upcoming shows…

Spitfire sighed as she perched her head on her hooves, her elbows resting on the window sill. She looked straight ahead with a bored expression and contemplated, But ever since I met Twilight, my world has turned upside down. Noticing a few leaves flying through the air, she counted each passing one. First, my subordinates got a month long vacation. Second, my profession changed from a captain to a teacher. Third, we beat up some griffon and unicorn foal nappers, and in the end we got one heck of a small medic in our ranks. As more leaves passed by, her thought processes sped up. Bullying, insubordination, invasion, fighting among our ranks, finding ourselves under the supervision of a magically talented family and royalty, learning of the existence of an alicorn who was once a Wonderbolt, and a hoofball match against the royal guards. She facehooved while frowning.

“And on top of all that, my entire team passed out drunk while I slept with my lieutenant,” Spitfire said to herself in frustration before raising herself from her depressed position. She took a few steps back and slammed the window shut before half closing the curtains. “Can this get any worse?” Upon hearing a knocking sound at her door, she added with roll of her eyes, "Well, great."

With a swift move, she turned around and focused on the door as she approached the table, two towers of the paperwork slightly blocking her view. “Come in!” she said with firm and authoritative tone.

Slowly, the door opened as a blue head of a pegasus peeked inside. “If… if I’m interrupting… I’ll…”

“Come inside,” Spitfire started before asking with calm and annoyed tone. “What is it this time, Soarin’?”

“I… I came to…” he started before entering the room hesitantly, carefully closing the door behind him with his rear hoof. There was a flower bouquet between his right wing and small box of chocolates between his left one. “I came to,” he gulped and struggled to push the last word, “apologize.”

“And here we go again,” Spitfire said before pushing the towers of paper to the side. She gestured for Soarin’ to sit closer on the other side of the table and said, “I keep telling you, it wasn’t your fault. Braveheart, Cadence, or whatever I should call her. She supplied the hard cider to the party and got all of us drunk.” Spitfire raised her forehoof and pressed against her own chest. “Furthermore, I was the one who lost control over my drinking habits and forced you to do the same. You were hesitant to drink it from the start.”

“Yes, but–” Soarin’ said, but was cut off.

“No buts,” she responded with a slam of her forehoof, which caused Soarin’ to flinch and piles of documents to jump. “Do you remember what I told you? How I want either to slap or, or…”

“Hug me?” Soarin' added hesitantly.

Spitfire nodded before continuing, “...Whenever you take the blame for everything. You didn’t mess up, and I am not angry, nor do I hold a grudge about what happened.”

“I know… but still...”

Spitfire clopped her hooves together before raising her foreleg in a lecturing gesture. “You apologised five times already and demanded to be punished at least three. I even had to tear apart your letter of resignation from the Wonderbolts and next refuse your demand to demote you. I don’t care what others will say. You did nothing wrong.”

Soarin’ rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he looked to the side. After a moment of gathering courage to speak, he asked, “Why… it would save you a lot of troubles…” He raised his head and looked at the captain with pleading stare. “Why can’t you put all the blame on me, punish me and get it done? It would… be so much easier for you.”

Spitfire massaged her forehead. “I’m not going to make you the black sheep to get away with the consequences. Can’t you at least once think about yourself?”

Lowering his head, Soarin’ sighed and said, “But supporting my team is the only thing I am good at… Something I can do to make up for slowing them down. You already gave me… so much slack when I barely kept up with the team during all of our training. Closed a blind eye to many of my failures.”

Spitfire once again slammed her hoof against the table, this time causing a small crack upon the wooden surface. “Are you accusing me of playing favorites?”

“I’m sorry!” he responded defensively, his head once again low.

Spitfire closed her eyes and massaged her forehead once again. Soarin’, I just can’t get angry at you… but sometimes you can be really annoying. She took a few calming breaths before saying slowly, “Listen Soarin’, rewarding and punishing is meant to set up an example for others, and to motivate a subordinate to better themselves.” She raised her lieutenant's head with a hoof and said while looking him in the eyes, “You are more intelligent than rest of the team, but not as athletic. You make mistakes, but work hard to fix them. What good would punishment do for you? It won’t motivate you, that’s for sure.”


“I don’t want you to abandon your reading and hobbies, and force you to train harder. It will just make you miserable and unhappy, and it would break your morale in the field.” She retreated her forehoof and looked to the side as she spoke with more authoritative tone, “A great captain would not play favourites and treat all his subordinates equally. A great captain would punish you much harder for your mistakes and force you to train longer than others. Well… it seems I’m not all that great, but no pony is perfect.”

Soarin’ shook his head and shouted in panic, “N-no… you are a great captain!” With a blush, he took a step back and curled his head while hiding it behind his forehoof. “You are… for me… sorry. I got ahead of myself.”

Spitfire chuckled before responding with much more cheerful tone, “It’s fine. As cheesy as it sounds, we both opened our hearts to each other, and I’m grateful for that.” She walked around the table and gently placed her wing on Soarin’s back, rubbing her feathers softly against his fur. As the lieutenant just looked to the other side, Spitfire spoke, “Look on the bright side. Nopony blamed or complained about us ever since that party two days ago. Maybe there are some rumours circling around, but I’m sure it’s nothing serious.”

“Maybe we should be honest about it…” Soarin’ suggested while receiving a dumbfounded stare from his captain. “I mean… we kept our feelings hidden for so long, but they will find out sooner or later, if they haven’t already.”

Spitfire sighed. She remembered how two alarmed Wonderbolts ran into her room, only to see the mess and Soarin’ lying flat on the floor. Wave Chill swore she won’t tell anypony about what she saw, but I doubt she managed to keep Flutter Bolt from doing so. Maybe Soarin’ is right. Maybe it is best to explain the situation rather than let rumours to spread.

With a weak surge of determination, Spitfire looked at Soarin’ and nodded. “Alright, we will tell them and accept the consequences.”

“R-really?” Soarin’ asked with wide eyes and stare filled with shock, as the captain returned it with a regretful smile.

“Yes, really. Though if it will turn out for better or worse, I can’t tell.”

As both pegasi approached the door, Spitfire stopped and pointed at gifts held under Soarin’s wings. “You forgot about these.”

The stallion stopped in his tracks and turned around. “Oh… right.” He sat and carefully spread his left wing as he grabbed the box of chocolates before offering it to Spitfire. “It was meant to be… an apology gift.”

Spitfire raised her eyebrow. “You know what, Soarin’,” she started. “Stallions usually don’t give mares flowers and chocolates to apologize for sleeping with them.”

“I suppose it’s a bit… out of place now that I think about it,” Soarin’ said with blush on his cheek as Spitfire shot him a ‘you think?’ look before taking the box of chocolates with her wing.

Once the captain placed it on the table next to the documents, she turned her head to look at the flowers that were held between Soarin’s forehooves as he presented the bouquet while hiding his head behind it. “I bought you the chocolates to ap-p-apologise, but not the flowers... I… I really like you Spitfire… like… really, really like… Please accept those…”

Spitfire stood in silence for a few seconds as she was about to turn around, but her forehoof was still raised above the floor. She saw as the bouquet of flowers started to tremble before falling down from Soarin’s shaking forelegs. And the moment they hit the floor, the stallion dashed for the exit.

The captain lowered her foreleg and blinked in confusion as her attention was now focused on the flowers spread on the floor. First he keeps apologizing, demands to be demoted or even kicked from the team, and now this… Spitfire thought before sighing as she carefully picked up the flowers with her wings and hooves. I didn’t expect that he would gather the courage for something like this after everything that happened. She raised her head to look at the opened door. I better catch up with him before he sinks under the floor from embarrassment.

“You can’t be serious,” Overwatch said as she walked next to Cadence, her expression a mix of annoyance and anger.

“I am very serious,” the disguised alicorn responded, stepping determinedly as she looked ahead, completely ignoring Overwatch’s stare.

The guard frowned. “Why can’t you just keep it quiet? Ever since your party, Soarin’ and Spitfire became much more open with their feelings. They made the first step,” she started before continuing in a more frustrated tone, “and you already apologised for confusing apple cider with hard cider! If you tell everypony that we tried to get their officers together, what will it accomplish?”

Cadence raised her muzzle proudly before responding, “They deserve to know the truth. We need to dismiss all false rumours, and convince the rest of the Wonderbolts not to call the relationship between their captain and lieutenant as… how Spitfire called it… frienderie-ri-rysation… fraternization or something like that.”

Overwatch rolled her eyes. “So long story short. You want to tell the entire team of the Wonderbolts that we were trying to ship their captain and lieutenant together because they are made for each other, and ask them politely to give them some slack?”

“Pretty much,” Cadence said as she sped up her pace with Overwatch following suit. “I messed up, and I will clean up after myself.” She looked to the side at the guard and added, “If you want, I will take all the blame and not mention you at all.”

Overwatch stared thoughtfully at the ceiling for a moment before looking back to Cadence as she said in a calmer tone, “You know, I hardly recognize you anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Cadence asked as she slowed down and gave the guard a questioning look.

“When I first met you, what I saw was a fragile and caring foalsitter,” Overwatch started. “You were terrified that Twilight would hurt herself, and it took you a while to get used to her adventurous spirit.” She sighed. “I won’t deny that you were a calm, patient and kind pony, but you often seemed sad and deep in thought.”

The disguised alicorn half closed her eyes and shot the guard a suspicious look. “And how can you tell?” She tilted her head towards the guard, now looking Overwatch in the eyes. “If I didn’t know you better, I would say that your special talent must be reading other ponies.”

Overwatch rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Whenever Twilight asked you about your past, you always came up with an excuse to leave, changed the topic, or told her a half truth.” Seeing that the disguised alicorn’s eyes opened widely, she added, “Do I even need to mention the sad smiles you gave whenever she wasn’t looking? I’m not just some sort of statue that doesn’t see what’s going on.”

As both mares stared at each others in silence. Cadence spoke first, “You are quite perceptive.” The alicorn looked to the side and added in a sad tone, “I… I can’t tell you much… but my past wasn’t always filled with lollipops and rainbows. But I don’t wish to worry anypony, especially Twilight.”

Overwatch nodded. “So you keep secrets, bury your past and focus on the future?”

“Precisely,” Cadence said before turning her head to look at the guard as she pressed her muzzle against Overwatch’s. “I know that you’re very curious and like to put your nose in others’ business, but I also get the impression that you hide secrets of your own.”

“What gave you that idea?” Overwatch responded firmly as she held her ground, but the alicorn just pressed the muzzle hard.

“I was hiding my identity among common ponies quite often. I can tell when somepony is hiding something from me.” She smiled. “How about this: you stay away from the secrets of my past, and I won’t look into yours.”

The guard looked ahead and raised her muzzle prouldy. “Fair enough. Anyway, as I was saying. I always saw you as kind, a bit sad and somewhat fragile pony, but you changed.”

“In what sense?”

Overwatch cleared her throat and said firmly, “Your confidence improved while a happy smile became a regular occurrence on your face.”

As both ponies reached the door leading into the training area, they sat in front of it and looked at each other. The guard raised her forehoof and continued, “You became more cunning, more open about some of your past experiences. Enthusiasm isn’t something you can easily hide.”

Cadence rubbed back of her neck. “You… you are right. Now that I think about it, ever since I met Twilight ... and later her brother, I changed.” She giggled with forehoof raised up to her face. “I didn’t even notice.”

“I bet you found the prank where you and Shining Armor switched gender temporarily quite entertaining,” the guard said.

“It was kind of fun. I especially loved when Shining found me with the few mares that tried to invite me on a date. Oh, the look on his face.”

Overwatch crossed her forelegs and shot Cadence a sly smile. “I bet he thought that you were scoring mares left and right.”

Cadence giggled and finished, “Only to find out that we talked about mare’s stuff this whole time. They even told him… or should I say, they told Armorina how lucky she is to have such a loyal gentle-stallion as me as her very special somepony.”

Overwatch barely held a burst of laughter, somewhat wishing she would be there to witness it. After a moment to compose herself, she asked with a cheerful tone, “Now do you see what I mean? And when I asked you to help me with Spitfire and Soarin’, you took charge of the situation and went on with few quite manipulative plans.”

“They weren’t that manipulative…”

The guard rolled her eyes. “Giving Soarin’ a book about writing poems and next telling Spitfire that her lieutenant would like to read her one, suuure. You were sooo innocent. Or when you asked Soarin’ to deliver Spitfire a package as a gift from you, telling him that you’re too shy to do it yourself while asking him not to mention that it was you. Should I go on?”

Cadence shook her head. “I think that’s enough.” After taking few deep breaths and stretching her wings that were hidden under advanced illusion. She pointed at her own cutie mark and spoke, “Everypony has a special talent, something that makes them unique. What do you think mine is?”

Overwatch rubbed her chin, but the moment an answer was about to leave her mouth, Cadence cut her off, “My special talent is spreading love. Love between two ponies, between daughter and mother… Helping others find, cherish and keep it, this is what I was meant to do. How much time passed since I used my talent to help another?”

“How should I know, years, decades?” Overwatch asked.

“Centuries,” Cadence responded, causing the guard to take a step back. “I became adept at more than a hundred different jobs and learned many useful skills, but Equestria doesn’t exactly have a matchmaker profession. The closest I got to use my special talent was when I worked as therapist, helping ponies get together.”

“And you stopped doing it because?”

Cadence sighed as her ears dropped. “Two reasons.” She raised a hoof and said, “First, with the increasing number of mind affecting spells and artifacts all over Equestria, a group of ponies accused me that I used magic to brainwash them. I surrendered my job to not draw too much attention to myself and started over as I always do.”

“And that second reason?“ Overwatch asked while drops of sweat started to fall her face. Her breathing rate increased.

“I couldn’t watch how everypony fell in love with each other… I lost many friends to the sands of time, but also a few I loved myself.” With a swift move, the alicorn slammed her forehoof against the wall, causing several long cracks to spread across it. As Cadence retreated her forehoof, several little fragments of stone flew to the floor and a hoof-shaped hole was left on the wall. ”I couldn’t face the pain of losing a loved one ever again…”

Overwatch wiped sweat from her head and said, “Until Shining Armor? Correct?”

Cadence nodded. “You can call me a fool, but as I foalsat Twilight, she became like family to me, just like auntie Celestia, and Shining Armor is a pony I learned to love.” She pressed forehoof against her chest and added, “I know that the pain I felt centuries ago will once again repeat itself, but I’m willing to endure it for at least one century of happiness.”

As the guard slowly walked backward, the alicorn looked to the side and continued, “Foalsitting Twilight, dating her brother, and helping Soarin’ and Spitfire get along. I felt like a fish in a river, like a…” She turned around and noticed Overwatch walking away on tips of her hooves. “And where do you think you’re going?”

The guard who was now sweating even harder and barely stood on her shaking legs, said, “I… I need to use the bathroom. It’s an emergency.”

Cadence watched as Overwatch ran down the hallway and frowned. “If you don’t want to talk about it, just be honest with me! You don’t need to use ‘I need to go to the bathroom’ excuse every single time!” As the guard was already out of her sight of view. Cadence stomped against the floor. “Fine, be that way.” Her horn lit with magic as small stone fragments levitated into the holes on the wall and floor as they started to rebuild themselves. The cracks on the wall slowly vanished in straight lines.

With a growing determination, Cadence turned back to the door into the training area and pushed it open. She took a deep breath while her attention focused upon gathered group of Wonderbolts and said to herself, “Come on Cadence, you can do this.”

“Oh come on honey. It couldn’t be that bad?” Twilight Velvet said as she walked through a long hallway next to Shining Armor, who was once again in his captain’s uniform. “Your special somepony was the one who supplied the hard cider for the party by accident. Surely she can forgive you for your behaviour.”

“Your mother is right,” Night Light said as he walked at his son’s right side. “Cadence was always very understanding whenever you messed up and, even if she is an alicorn, in the end she is just a pony. She makes mistakes like everypony else and most likely feels regret as we speak.”

Shining Armor kept walking with lowered head. “But I should have recognized that it wasn’t normal apple cider and warned her in time. Instead, I ended up getting drunk myself and did Celestia knows what with her.”

“Did you ask her what exactly happened?” Velvet asked.

“Not really,” the stallion responded before looking into his mother’s eyes. “I’ve been kind of… avoiding her ever since… to give her time to calm down.”

Night Light rolled his eyes. “Sometimes it is best to talk about an issue from the start before it escalates. I still remember the first time I dated your mother...“

“Not this again,” Shining groaned as the talk between husband and wife began, leaving him with a mix of depression and annoyance.

As the captain looked ahead and noticed a door into the training area, he murmured to himself, “Maybe a bit of fresh air will calm my nerves before I talk with her… I may as well settle the score with the Wonderbolts in the meanwhile.” He looked at the ceiling and said, “Please Cadence… whatever I did, forgive me.”

“Slow down, Twilight!” Spike shouted as he ran ahead of the tiny mare and blocked her path, only for her to maneuver around his legs. Wasting no time, the young drake continued the chase.

“I’ll slow down only if you will tell me what exactly happened during the celebration we had two days ago!” Twilight yelled before charging her horn. Her ears perked upward at the noise of a falling dragon. Before two big hands of Spike could grab her, she vanished in flash of teleportation and reappeared on top of his head.

With slow steps, she approached Spike’s muzzle and supported her forelegs against it as she shot him an angry glare. “Why does nopony want to tell me anything?” She stomped. “Shining is avoiding me like the plague. My parents asked him what happened while sealing the room so I wouldn’t hear anything. Cadence and Overwatch are also keeping their mouths shut while constantly worrying about something. Spitfire refuses to say a word; both Soarin’ and Steel Blade begged me with puppy-dog eyes to not ask them anything.” She jumped from Spike’s muzzle before turning around and watched as the young drake stood up.

“Because it’s not a big deal. You just ate too much, drank way too much punch and felt very sleepy. That happens when you eat a lot after watching a hoofball match while wrestling my hand for an entire hour,” Spike said with panic before half closing his eyes. He pointed at Twilight and added with more relaxed tone, “You’re strong, Twilight, but you’re not an earth pony. Your stamina can’t catch up with your physical exercises.”

Twilight stomped against the floor with a barely hearable thump. She stood up to her rear hooves and pointed at her adoptive son. “Don’t think you can lie to me! I heard many whispers and small talks about Spitfire and Soarin’ spending the night together, or how my brother and foalsitter became a center of attention during a… how did Fluter Bolt call it?” she wondered while rubbing her chin with a hoof. “Oh yes, ‘a wild dance of love’.” She frowned. “But they always noticed or heard me before it could get to the best part.”

Spike performed one more attempt to restrain his adoptive mother, but Twilight just jumped to the side and climbed up onto his back. With lowered head, he sighed in defeat and spoke, “I really think it's best if you didn’t know... “

“If you aren’t going to tell me, then I will talk with the Wonderbolts, and this time, I won’t step back until I learn the truth,” she said before running up to Spike’s head before jumping from it as if into a pool of water. After a swift and graceful landing, she galloped towards the closed door as her horn lit while charging a teleportation spell. I opened doors without use of my magic around 932 times in a row. I am sure one less won’t get me too far behind reaching a proud record of one thousand.

Twilight opened her eyes as she was now in the humongous training area, now facing… a group of Wonderbolts, Cadence, Shining Armor, her parents, Soarin’ and Spitfire, all standing in a circle while staring at each other in awkward silence. Unnoticed by anypony, she approached, when suddenly a familiar noise captured her attention.

“Twilight, I have been looking everywhere for you,” Steel Blade said, breathing rapidly as he landed behind the mare with a weak thump. The crowd of ponies turned towards them in an instant. Steel Blade looked between Twilight and the group before closing his eyes. “This is going to be a long day.”

Author's Note:

Edited by:

Proof-readed by:

Pre-readed by:
Rated Ponystar