• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,607 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch4 - Battle for Fillydelphia, Part 1 (improved version)

My Little Medic


Chapter 4

Battle for Fillydelphia
Part 1

Multiple times during a show, several young ponies would point their hooves at the sky from amazement and scream names of their heroes, ask for autographs, while more eager pegasi would swear that they will train hard, only to one day become Wonderbolts themselves. The elite pegasi would in turn give a show of a lifetime, sign some autographs and give a few inspiring speeches to their fans. Today, however, was not the time for autographs, more or less for entertaining shows, as the Wonderbolts flew through the sky, armed and ready to kill.

As always, the young ones pointed at the sky and cheered, but their parents didn’t share their enthusiasm. It didn’t take long before murmurs covered the streets, foals were taken indoors while many worried citizens started to seek information from the authorities.

Unnoticed by anypony was a tiny unicorn perched in a comfortable spot in her saddle on Soarin’s back, while her forelegs were anchored against his fur. With her eyes half-closed while her mane and tail flapped because of the wind, she asked, “How far away we are from Fillydelphia?” Upon being ignored or just not heard among the noise of wind, she repeated the question louder.

“At our current speed, we will arrive in around fifteen minutes, give or take a few minutes,” Soarin’ responded. “How are you and your saddle holding up? Not too fast for you?”

Twilight chuckled before speaking, “I managed to hold onto Spitfire flying up a mountain at near the speed of sound, I’m sure the saddle and I can handle you… no offense.”

“None taken,” Soarin’ said cheerfully, trying to get his head of the stress. “Besides, we are all saving our energy, so if you think this is my top speed, think again.”

Twilight chuckled and looked around, focusing on her teammates who were flying in a wing formation. On the left side she could see at least eight Wonderbolts veterans, while on her right were only four rookies. Their wings were formed from fourteen pegasi armed with at least four offensive gems attached to their wings and one tiny medic on Soarin’s back. The beak in this formation was Spitfire, flying ahead of the team, leading them to the city. After ignoring few loud yells of ‘Wonderbolts’ coming from the ground, Soarin’s worried voice captured Twilight’s attention. “Still, why did you beg the captain to let you fly with us rather than with your guards? During our mission, looking after you may be distracting–” Twilight’s ears drooped while Soarin’ quickly corrected himself, “What I meant was… umm… We wouldn’t want you to get hurt, and I’m sure your mentor shares our sentiment.”

Twilight thought about how to respond. Steel Blade was nowhere as fast as the Wonderbolts; even the rookies pulled into this mission to make up for number disadvantage could outrun him with ease, and carrying ammo and Overwatch would only slow him down even more. “I know, but what if you or your friends get hurt and I can’t get there in time to help?”

“True, but I’d rather face an army of giant worms than Princess Celestia if you get hurt during this mission,” Soarin’ said before giggling. “Anyway, promise me that you will stay on the sidelines on this, I would… your mentor and friends would hate to see you hurt.”

Twilight’s ears drooped once more as she turned her head to the side with a weak smile. She often faced dangers and challenges, but they were mostly challenges, and she had friends and guards who supported and kept their eyes on her. But now she was on a mission where everypony’s lives were in serious danger, a mission where her magic could make a big difference, a situation where she could use her raw power for more than just exercise, and Soarin’ just asked her to stay aside. Not wanting to give fake promises, she decided to change the topic, searching her head for anything else to talk about, only for Overwatch’s words to pop into her mind.


“Hey Twilight, may I have a word with you?” Overwatch called as the little unicorn stopped her gallop in the hallway, letting other pegasi pass by while a little saddle levitated above her head.

In a flash, Twilight appeared on her guard’s muzzle while looking her in the eye with a panicked expression while Twilight’s tail flapped energetically to the sides. “For the last time, I am going to participate in this mission. I understand that you and Steelie want to keep me safe, but I have responsibilities as a medic, and Spitfire cannot wait for Steelie to catch up.” She stomped her hoof on Overwatch’s nose before pointing at her guard who walked with a huge container on his back. “We have an agreement that Steelie will haul additional ammunition in a chariot, but until he arrives at Fillydelphia, I will try to assist whe–” Overwatch’s armored hoof sealed Twilight’s mouth as unrecognizable mumbling followed.

“Shush, Twilight. As stupid as it is, I trust that friend of yours to keep you safe. What I want to talk about you is Spitfire,” Overwatch said while Twilight anchored her legs against her muzzle.

Twilight’s tail calmed down as she tilted her head to the side. “Spitfire? What about her?”

“She is worried and stressed. Haven't you noticed?” Overwatch asked.

“Of course she is stressed. She has to lead her team into a battle; Their lives rest on her leadership skills!”

Overwatch shook her head as Twilight yelped but did not release the muzzle. “That’s not what I meant. From the day that her subordinates returned from their vacation, I noticed a lot of tension between her and… never mind. Just do something for me.”

“ Sure.” Twilight said as she relaxed her legs and stood while finding it odd to be asked to do something when she was about to participate in a dangerous mission, but if anything, she owed her guards a lot. “What is it that you want me to do?”

Overwatch smiled and spoke slowly, careful not to throw Twilight of balance. “Talk with Spitfire for me.” Noticing the confused blinking of her little charge, she continued, “Just ask what is bothering her, and if something happened between her and her team.”


The little mare looked at Spitfire with worry as the captain was silent for most of the flight. There was still some time left before they would arrive and she didn’t seem busy at the moment. “Hey, Soarin,” Twilight called. “Can you ask Spitfire if I can talk with her until we arrive?”

Soarin’ thought for a moment. He didn’t want to bother the captain, more or less break the wing formation. With determined nod, he called, “Captain Spitfire! Twilight would like to talk with you. Permission to break formation?”

“Granted,” Spitfire replied while not bothering to look back. Ignoring the glare Soarin’ received from his teammates, he approached Spitfire as they both flew next to one another. “What is it Twilight. Our operation will start in about ten minutes, so speak quickly.”

Twilight gulped before taking a deep breath. “What’s bothering you?”

“Besides a dangerous missions that we are obviously not prepared for?” Spitfire asked with roll of her eyes.

“Yes. I hope you don’t mind me asking, and I would understand if you refused–”

“Get on with it!”

Twilight closed her eyes in surprise at her sudden outburst. “Is something wrong between you and your team?”

Suddenly the pegasus turned her head to look at Twilight, her expression serious while she responded with an angry tone. “Whatever gave you that idea? The fact that the other Wonderbolts hardly followed my instructions unless I used my authority as the captain? The lack of effort in training until you healed Soarin’s wing? Or-!” she paused upon noticing the scared expression on her trembling little friend, who tried to desperately hide it behind her tail. Meanwhile Soarin’ straightened his foreleg protectively between her and the shocked unicorn. Spitfire’s ears drooped slightly as she looked down in guilt. “Sorry, Twilight,” she said calmly. “It’s just... I’m worried that my team may not respect or trust me any longer.”

“What do you mean!?” Twilight shouted while her tail no longer covered her face. “Is this me, are they still–”

“It’s not you, Twilight. They are slowly warming up to you, it’s me.”

Noticing a growing depression on the always strong captain, Soarin’ decided to join. “What’s bothering you? Can you tell us?”

The silence continued for half a minute while Soarin’ and Twilight waited patiently for their friend to speak while looking occasionally at the rest of the team, who looked back with mixed expressions; several were filled with excitement, as if they could not wait to participate in action. Most likely the newest members who enrolled in the Wonderbolts Academy just half a year ago and unaware of the dangers that awaited them, so eager to prove their worth. Most expressions however were filled with doubt and uncertainty.

Spitfire rubbed her forelegs before sighing deeply, pushing her goggles up. If the expression failed to show the distress the captain felt, her exposed eyes filled with dread did. “If I had asked for volunteers a year ago to help me teach a unicorn about pegasus’ magic, I assure you, at least half of the team would have given up their vacation and volunteered.” Noticing her friends nodding while they listened with full attention, she continued, “If, one year ago, I had hired you as a medic, Twilight, Sure, they would not trust you. Sure, they would not believe me when I told them about your skills, but they would not hesitate to take risks during training and give you a chance.”

Twilight nodded and opened her mouth, but Soarin’ spoke first, “Now that I think about it, they do seem to be a bit less enthusiastic and cooperative with you. Do you know why?”

“If I knew, I would have dealt with it already, but I have my suspicions. Soarin’, do you remember what I told you about the difference between the Wonderbolts and Royal Guards?” Spitfire asked as Soarin’ nodded while Twilight looked between her friends in confusion. “The guards’ strength lies in discipline. As the main military organization under leadership of the Princess herself, they follow orders to the letter and can act like statues for hours… not that it can change the fact that majority of them are a bunch of soft noobs that can barely beat up a pack of Timberwolves, but–”

“Ma’am,” Soarin’ interrupted as he pointed his hoof towards the horizon. “We will arrive in five minutes.”

Spitfire raised her eyebrow at this subtle ‘get on with it’ line and continued. “Wonderbolts are more like militia, we don’t rely on tight discipline. As long as we respect and trust one another, we are an unstoppable team and work like a well oiled machine, but if the respect disappears and a month long vacation follows it… You saw the consequences.”

Twilight looked at Spitfire with pity before lowering her head. She was so caught up in her own problems that she didn’t noticed Spitfire’s. “Is there... is there anything I can do?” Twilight said with sadness, only to feel a hoof carefully placed under her chin as it raised her head and she was greeted with a warm smile.

“Just be yourself. That’s all I can ask of you.”

Twilight nodded with a growing smile before pushing the captain’s hoof away, when suddenly her students nature got the best of her. “Wait a moment. According to the history, Wonderbolts’ were formed from the military, so when did it turn into a militia?”

Spitfire was about to answer, but Soarin’ beat her to it. “It is true that the Wonderbolts were formed and named by General Firefly before the war against the Griffon Empire. After that, they became an elite military air force. But as Equestria became more peaceful with every century, Royal Guards were capable of handling the minor threats on their own and the Wonderbolts were called upon only in times of emergency,” Soarin’ lectured, once again smiling cheerfully at the opportunity to share his knowledge with eager listener.

“Let me guess. The Wonderbolts started as a military organization, representing the army by organizing performances in times of peace, but overtime they were called upon less and less, turning into an organization called into arms like militia in times of emergency or war.” Twilight said as she took a deep breath and continued, “That explains quite a bit, but I must say that the Wonderbolts are quite respected and well armed considering the lack of discipline and separate leadership.”

“Actually, being an organization formed with athletes focusing on sporting events ensured that the Wonderbolts were the fastest pegasi in Equestria and in top shape all the time. Royal Guards are trained in the barracks, sure, but for the past few centuries the most they do is patrol or stand like statues. They’re more for a show if you ask me.” Soarin’ responded.

Spitfire smiled lightly and raised her nose proudly. “We may not be a military, but we can get into a hostile situation before the Royal Guards could even rally their flanks.”

Twilight nodded and said, “I see. So while Wonderbolts’ lack discipline and rarely practice their combat abilities, they are the only ones skilled enough to use enhanced gems and as a small organization it’s easy to rally at sudden notice.” Twilight looked to the side with grimaced, suddenly feeling uneasy. “Hopefully their skills will make up for lack of combat experience.”

Spitfire sighed. “I hope you’re right,” as she pointed the buildings that came into view. She whispered, “It’s about to get rough. I’ll regain respect of my teammates in due time, but for now we have bigger fish to catch. Try to stay safe.”


The Wonderbolts kept flying over the city, passing above small suburban homes, before reaching the tall ones. For any unicorn or earth pony, the town looked pretty normal, but for the Wonderbolts, the disaster was more visible with every passing kilometer. Upon hearing screams from a panicked crowd while smoke, dust and rubble became visible, Spitfire looked around before pointing at the tallest building she could find. “We’ll regroup there, follow me!”

Murmurs among the Wonderbolts followed as they landed on top of the building while their wings dropped, unable to close because of weaponry attached to them. Not bothering to stand in line, they gathered around their captain, awaiting instructions.

“Listen up because I won’t repeat myself! This roof from now on will be our rallying point. If anypony gets hurt, tired or finds a wounded civilian, gather here!” Spitfire said while looking between each Wonderbolt. With a firm stomp of her hoof, she continued, “Each of you have two AGPGs and two AGEGs, but it’s all the ammo we have until Steel Blade brings more, and it’ll take him at least an hour to arrive. It’ll be even longer until the Royal Guards get here, so aim well and don’t waste your ammo.” The stone surface under her hooves suddenly trembled, while a series of loud crashes reached her ears. Not wasting a moment, she walked to the edge of building while her team followed. “Keep the AGPGs for the biggest targets only. If any of you run out of ammo, focus on searching for civilians, especially the wounded ones. Is that clear?”

“Yes ma’am,” the group responded hesitantly with lack of enthusiasm in their voices.

“I can’t hear you!” Spitfire yelled as she turned to her team.

“Yes, ma’am!” Wonderbolts yelled with fake fervor in their voices and forced smiles. Fleetfoot and Lighthoof stepped ahead of the group.

“Ma’am, there’s something we would like to discuss with you,” Fleetfoot said.

“We can talk after the mission.” Spitfire said and spread her wings looking at Twilight who was no longer attached to the saddle. “Twilight!” She said while the little unicorn saluted in response. “I want you to stay here until further instructions and heal any Wonderbolt and civilian that’s brought in.” After pointing her hoof at the scenery that seemed more like a battlefield, she added, “This building is tall enough that it should be relatively safe. Just stay out of danger, and do your best. Can I count on you?”

Twilight slowly nodded and replied, “I will do my best,” only to turn her head to the side and bite her lips. Didn’t she prove her worth to Spitfire before, that she could take care of herself in face of danger? She wanted to help more, especially now when Spitfire struggled to keep her team together, and yet here she was, kept away from the dangers while her friends and team risked their lives.

“Then let’s not delay a second more!” Spitfire shouted before flapping her wings as she dived from the roof towards the enemy, Soarin’ quickly followed. Wonderbolts looked at each other and nodded before following as well.

Twilight knelt and pressed her hooves against the floor as she slid on it, pushed away by the wind caused by the flaps of several strong wings. After shaking her head, she galloped before jumping onto a small wall on the edge of the roof to look as her team disappeared one by one between large buildings or engaged in battle with the creatures. For minutes, Twilight could do nothing but stare at the explosions, breaking windows, and ponies running away from the giant worms that, from this great height, seemed like ants running away from snakes.

The little unicorn lay down and placed her head on a foreleg while her ears flopped to the side, looking at the ponies she could only pity. For the past thirteen years she herself lived in a world of giants where everypony and most living beings were colossal to her. Even if many proved nothing but kind, Twilight often had to run and dodge, evading being stomped or sat upon, sometime unsuccessfully. If anypony did, she knew how it felt to be small, to run for her life from giants that could crush her. Twilight shivered, suddenly feeling even smaller. If compared to ponies she was nothing but a large rat, to those humongous worms that were destroying the city and hunting ponies for breakfast, she was as insignificant as an ant. If only she was bigger and had access to her full power…

The screams filled the street as unicorns and earth ponies alike ran for their lives, jumping over obstacles like food stands and flower stands, carts, rubble and the glass of broken windows. A giant head with a mouth like a flower in bloom shredded its way out of a building, fragments of the wall and dust spreading around the area. A few more courageous pegasi grabbed the first nearby pony and flew out of the cloud of dust with closed eyes, while the rest coughed, unable to see a thing past their noses.

More screams followed as the giant yellow worm rose from the dust, a few tentacles emerging from its body, holding two earth ponies and three unicorns that struggled to free themselves. They tried biting it, punching it, pushing with levitation, but it was to no avail. Another tentacle advanced towards a bronze earth pony with hammer and brick as a cutie mark, yelling and rubbing his eyes, only to duck just in time as a window behind him was struck instead. The tentacle pierced a wall inside the building, and ended up trapped in it.

With his vision slowly recovering, his fear was replaced by anger and determination as he jumped onto the taut tentacle and ran towards the worm. “Don’t you dare hurt her, you overgrown earthworm!” he shouted, while jumping over another tentacle without slowing down. With a quick flex of his legs, he jumped to the side onto another tentacle and ran towards his goal, a trapped pony. With his hind legs anchored, he moved his forelegs to pull the trapped female unicorn, whose teeth were gritted while her horn flashed with an orange aura. “I won’t let you end up as a snack for some flesh-eating monster, don’t give up!”

The stranglehold of the tentacle pressed hard against the pony’s belly, trying to keep her in place but failing. With every second the unicorn was pulled further as now her legs were tied instead. “One, two, three, NOW!” With one last pull, the unicorn slid from her prison and fell to the ground while her saviour lost his balance and grabbed the tentacle with his foreleg, only for his eyes to widen as it surrounded his belly, trapping him instead. “R-run!” he shouted, while several flower pots, sharp fragments of glass and random rubble were being thrown against the tentacle with the help of simple levitation. The trapped pony could only watch as a one ton wall fragment bounced off, while several knives and nails bent without leaving a single mark on the target.

With the rest of his strength he waved to his wife in a final goodbye; a grateful feeling suffused him for whichever pegasus took their children into the sky, away from those beasts. With every second he was being moved closer to the giant’s mouth alongside some other poor souls, closing his eyes to not look into whatever horrors awaited him inside its throat. Suddenly, he felt the hold around his stomach weakening while a loud splashing sound reached his ear. Slowly opening one eye, he peeked, only to open them widely while green started to cover his face. Before he could understand what was happening, another object flew into the monster’s belly, piercing it from both sides as it didn’t stop there, but instead dug itself several meters into the ground. The worm quickly collapsed, slamming its massive form against the street as it ruptured from it’s weight. With a weak push of his foreleg, he freed himself before he was embraced into a tight hug. The mare wasn’t aware of his battered body, and the clutch sent him yelping in pain.


Both ponies hugged one another while dust slowly descended, only to look at the sky and notice a trail of smoke coming from behind Wonderbolts’ themselves. Breathing heavily, they waved towards them while screaming their thanks, only to feel the earth tremble under their hooves as another worm emerged from under the ground, this one grey and even bigger than the last one while something similar to dragon scales covered it’s body. Screams of terror followed as the ponies ran, once again chased by a giant monster.


“Target down,” one of the pegasi said, his nose raised proudly upon hearing the noise of twenty ton giant slamming against the street, his wings felt somewhat lighter.

While his teammates cheered, Soarin’ looked at them in worry, all their piercing rounds already used while taking down only three of those monsters. He looked curiously at the fallen worm, his sharp eyes noticing spots that the worm was hit before catching up to his teammates. “You wasted all your ammo!” Soarin’ shouted. “The worms that you just killed are called sand worms, they are very big, but their insides are exposed for an attack. You could take one out with lighter round if you aimed into his mouth, piercing round should be reserved for rock worms or the biggest Sartocs.”

The Wonderbolt rookie rolled his eyes. “Stop being such a party pooper. We just took out a giant monster and saved lives, can you stop complaining and–” His response was interrupted by loud noise that came from behind. Not wasting a moment, he made 180 turn and flew towards the target, his wings spread.

“No!” Soarin’ shouted while struggling to catch up with the rookie, but it was too late as two small gems flew from under his wings towards it.

The Wonderbolt smiled at the sight of the explosion, only for it to vanish the moment smoke and flames dispersed without leaving a scratch on the worm’s body. Other Wonderbolts looked at it with their mouths agape while Soarin’ grimaced. While his captain was leading the veterans, she assigned the newly recruited rookies that had finished at the Wonderbolts’ Academy no more than a year and a half ago to him. Despite his lecturing and advice, or even orders, his team ignored him and followed their emotions, wasting all their piercing rounds.

Upon hearing loud screeches coming from enraged worm, Soarin’ turned to his team. “Clashing Strike, Ace Lottery!” he shouted while pointing at two of his teammates who looked back at him, closing their mouths. “I want you both to get the civilians out of its attack range!” They both nodded and dived towards the escaping ponies. Noticing it, he turned towards the ammo-less pegasus. “Flutter Bolt, you and the rest will distract it. I will need a clear opening to get a piercing round to its hea-” his speech was interrupted by another screech from the monstrous worm, Clashing Strike and Ace circling around to attack tentacles and rescue ponies. Flutter Bolt trembled, shocked, so did the other rookie. Soarin’ opened his mouth, but no encouraging words came into his mouth. “Well, what are you waiting for, go and distract it with loud noises! Those worms are blind but can hear exceptionally well. Go on! Make some noise!” The two Wonderbolts didn’t budge and shook their heads. Soarin’ cursed himself for being stuck with such louts, only to notice the last Wonderbolt following his order while shaking.

“Wave Chill!” Soarin’ shouted while following the scared Wonderbolt, hoping that fear wouldn’t distract Wave from her task. With his wings spread, Soarin’ flew towards his target while it was too busy chasing a Wonderbolt throwing rocks at it to get its attention. The distance quickly went from just under a kilometer to a mere hundred meter, but it was not close enough. With one flap of his wings, he slightly altered his course, flying right towards the worm’s heart. ’Why are you studying worm anatomy? We’re not veterinarians, we’re performers, stars even! You don’t gotta be an egghead’ Well, who’s laughing now? Soarin’ thought with a smirk. With his wings spread once again while being only thirty meters from the target, he pressed the button and closed his eyes, wincing as he slammed into and partially through the worm’s armor, gross viscera gooping into his coat. He blanched as some got in his mouth; the stuff tasted terrible.

With his breath held, Soarin’ fell onto the street, feeling his back hit it before opening his eyes. A stark shadow fills his vision, and he realized that the worm’s body has begun to fall... towards him. With a surge of adrenaline, he rolled, galloped, then flew away as a loud series of crashing followed him. No longer in danger, he released his breath while his heart beat rapidly and his legs trembled. Was this how Twilight felt all the time? The rush of adrenaline and fear while avoiding being crushed by ponies, animals and heavy objects, jumping and running for her life. How does it even feel to be squeezed under a heavy weight? Knowing Twilight’s luck, she probably ended up bodyslammed more than once. I wonder if she finds it as unpleasant as I would’ve found being squashed by that worm. Would that be too delicate a topic for her? I can imagine it now. ‘Hey Twilight, I was almost squashed by a giant worm and I would like to ask, how does it feel when somepony stomps or bodyslams you against the floor?’ Soarin’ thought, trying to get his attention away from what just happened.

“Sir!” Somepony called as it caused him to flinch as he breathed rapidly, only to see Wave Chill looking at him with an expression mixing both terrified worry and awe-struck inspiration. “That was incredible, Lieutenant Soarin’, you slammed into that huge thing and then shot a piercing gem into his heart! That- that was amazing! When did Spitfire’s mascot turn into a badass? Have you been training hard while everypony went on vacation, Sir?”

Soarin’ cleared his goggles of something green and viscous, grateful that the goggles were part of his uniform. He listened with rapt attention to the praise his teammate doled out, unused to such adulation. And being the hero felt... nice. His moment of glory did last long for him though, and he took a deep breath to try slowing his racing heart and shaking legs. “I just wish these worms didn’t attack in such large groups; then we’d be able to just redirect them with some effort, not kill them.”

Wave Chill nodded in sad agreement. “Yeah... I joined the ‘Bolts to save ponies and do stunts, not to kill things.”

Both Wonderbolts looked at the fallen monsters in respectful silence, only for it to be interrupted. “Wow, you really kick flank out there, Soarin’, that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen!” Flutter Bolt said, smiling broadly at him. He slowly glided in a circle around the Wonderbolts shooting him annoyed looks. Soarin’ made a mental note to talk with Spitfire about not recruiting new members into the Wonderbolts just because of their skills and speed. Taking the time to ensure that the most skilled applicants can work in a team and keep a level head couldn’t hurt.

“So let me get this straight,” a unicorn mare said, voice laced with disbelief. “Princess Celestia shrunk you to this size, and the Wonderbolts hired you as their medic?”

“Pretty much.” Twilight nodded from her new sitting spot on the unicorn’s hoof that was raised in front of the mare’s face as she finished healing the last bruise. Twilight’s attention focused on a big red mark on the unicorn’s lower-breast area. Whatever squeezed that poor mare had to be very powerful. From Twilight’s personal experience of being trapped in bone-crushing hugs, she knew it couldn’t have been comfortable. “Does it still hurt?”

“Just a little bit, your magic really did wonders for my injuries.” She said before lifting her foreleg towards Twilight while straightening the tip of her hoof for the little unicorn to shake. “My name is Screwdriver Nails, nice to meet you.”

“And my name is Hammer Brick, nice to meet you too,” the bronze earth pony said who sat next to the healed unicorn, giving the little mare a cheerful smile. “I’ve got to say, this has been one heckuva wild dream! It’ll be sad to wake up and forget all this.”

“Wake up? You think this is a dream?” Twilight said while tilting her head to the side.

“Yeah, a dream! Why wouldn’t it be a dream? We were chased and almost eaten alive by humongous worms, almost squeezed like grapes, saved by the Wonderbolts, and now an unicorn the size of a small puppy proclaiming herself as student of our beloved princess is healing bruises and wounds twice her size.” Hammer Brick chuckled. “I hope I remember at least a few details; this would make an excellent campfire story!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, “It’s not a dream. I assure you.” Even after a short, fruitless debate, the couple still refused to believe that it wasn’t a dream. Twilight looked at their cutie marks, raising an eyebrow as she made the connection to their names. “Seriously? You both renamed yourself after your cutie marks?”

“The moment we got them, yes. We like to keep things simple,” Screwdriver Nails said as Twilight giggled.

“Simple? That’d be like Celestia naming herself ‘Sun’! Although... ‘Bright sunshine’ would work.” The peaceful discussion was interrupted by more ponies being dropped off on the roof, some shocked and some hurt. Twilight jumped, trotting swiftly across the roof to the group. She sighed as the group began to murmur amongst themselves about why she looked like a rat-sized unicorn. Twilight muttered to herself, “Here we go again...”

“Target at three o’clock!” Spitfire shouted while Fleetfoot and Lighthoof turned towards their targets. Two sand worms, distracted by the panic and noise of destroyed buildings didn’t hear the whiz made by explosive gems flying into their mouths while Wonderbolts passed a mere meter above theirs heads. Both worms fell onto the ground as green goo started to flow from their throats.

For some reason, the worms seemed to gather mostly around the rich residency. The more foolish ponies seemed to think that saving their money and possessions was a high priority, and now were running as fast as they could to escape the thundering worms following them with goods on their backs or levitated.

Despite conserving their ammo by aiming for the worm’s weak points, the Wonderbolts were quickly running out against such numbers, as a few of the ammo-less veterans were now focusing on evacuating ponies. Once again, Spitfire found something to admire in Soarin’ as the enthusiastic Wonderbolt presented her with a list of weak points during their briefing. Even Twilight was impressed and looked into his pages just in case she would face one. Not that Spitfire would let the little unicorn fight against giant worms, and if Princess Celestia found out that she let Twilight join this dangerous mission, she would probably share Hurricane’s squad punishment.

Noticing sweat covering the pegasi after flying back and forth without break, she pointed towards a roof on top of undamaged mansion. “Alright team, take a moment to catch your breath,” she said while shaking her hoof in ‘follow me’ gesture.

Noticing that her captain was observing the surrounding area from the top, Fleetfoot landed next to her and asked, “Most of us are out of ammo, ma’am,” while pointing at Spitfire’s wings. “Are you going to use them?”

Spitfire looked at gems attached to her wings. “I’m keeping them in reserve. Those are our last rounds and we don’t know when we’ll need them.”

Fleetfoot rolled her eyes while Light Hoof, Blaze and many others climbed up the roof towards their captain before crossing their forelegs. Spitfire frowned and said, “I take it you all want to talk, but make it quick.”

With a quick look towards the other Wonderbolts who nodded to her, Fleetfoot looked at her captain with determination and spoke, “The rest of the team and I have agreed that a change of leadership is order.” Fleetfoot said, pointing at Spitfire. The captain was taken aback with her mouth agape. “You do nothing but order us around, yell, and make us do all the work while you take your sweet time.”

Spitfire bit her lip as a storm raged in her mind. Of all the times, why now? Why did they have to question her authority in the middle of a battlefield of all places? With a flap of her wings she flew to Fleetfoot while pressing her own muzzle against hers. “Since you obviously hadn’t noticed, I am doing a lot of work. I’m the one who organizes every show we have to do, makes sure we have funding, and has to keep all of you from slacking off!”

Fleetfoot held her ground as she pushed her muzzle against Spitfires’. “Excuses! You always found time to train alongside your team while fulfilling your responsibilities as Captain. What happened to the Spitfire who gave us an example, who trained and worked side by side with her teammates, who kicked flanks and surpassed her own records? Where has she gone?”

Spitfire grit her teeth and sharpened her glare. “I am right in front of you. Just because I stopped being a show-off doesn’t mean I lost my talents.”

Both Wonderbolts looked at one another in silence, only to break their small dominance game the moment Soarin’ and his squad arrived.

“Ma’am, reporting in,” Soarin’ said with a salute. Surprised by Spitfire’s glare, he lowered his head while his ears curled. “Permission to s-speak… please.” Upon noticing a nod, he said hesitantly. “We evacuated the eastern and southern streets, but the area is still overrun and we’re out of ammo. Wave Chill and Flutter Bolt were wounded during the last pass and are tending to them as we speak.”

Spitfire was about to respond, but Fleetfoot beat her to it. “So the majority of the team is here, perfect.”

Spitfire and Soarin’ blinked at her in confusion while the rest of the pegasi assembled around them. “Did… I miss anything?” Soarin’ asked and scratched his back while looking between Spitfire and the rest.

“Quite a lot actually,” Lighthoof said with a smirk on her face. “We decided that somepony else should be given a chance to lead. Spitfire isn’t bad...” the captain frowned at this statement, “but we all agreed that she’s losing her touch.”

“Sorry for not getting you into our meetings,” Rapidfire said while placing hoof on Soarin’s shoulder, “but you’re blindly loyal to Spitfire and you wouldn’t stand up to her no matter what.”

The captain growled as she looked around. Accomplishing this mission would require trust and cooperation from her team, something she didn’t have. She closed her eyes and thought deeply while screams reached her ears, only to bite her lip and swallow her pride. “I’m not suited to lead any longer, you say? In this case, how about this: You’ll choose a temporary leader for this mission, and if he or she proves themselves, I will consider stepping down as your captain. Do those terms work for you?” Noticing nods and not wasting anymore time, Spitfire dived towards the terrified civilians, ignoring the ammo attached to her wings that slowed her down. If she had to step down as leader for the sake of her team, so be it. But she won’t waste time arguing over it while ponies lives were at stake.


Soarin’ rubbed his eyes in disbelief as most of the team calmly questioned Spitfire’s authority. When did everything start to fall apart? Maybe from the day they met Twilight? It was not the first time the Wonderbolts demanded a change of leadership; it had happened a few times for past commanders, but for it to be Spitfire… With a quick shake of his head, he cleared his mind and focused on the debating pegasi.

“Okay Fleetfoot, are you ready to take the lead?” Lighthoof asked.

“Hey, what about Soarin?”

The group turned to Clashing Strike and laughed.

“What about him?” Lighthoof asked as she flew towards the angered lieutenant and poked him. “We all know he’s too soft to lead. No backbone, for one.”

With his cheeks red, Soarin’ pushed the hoof away, only for rookies to get between him and the chuckling ponies as Ace Lottery spoke, “Give him a break. Did you all forgot how he faced the flaming obstacle course? Not to mention he was the only one to read all the intel before the mission!”

“Yeah, and just half an hour ago, he headbutted a rock worm and finished it with a point-blank shot! I vote for Soarin’ to take the lead for this mission.”

Lighthoof smirked while rubbing her own nose. “That would explain the smell.”

Fleetfoot silenced the group with gesture of her hoof before addressing the lieutenant with warm smile. “I won’t deny that he improved since our vacation.” Her warm smile suddenly vanished while her hoof pointed towards Soarin’ accusingly. “However! We all know that he was promoted to lieutenant only because the captain liked him.” Fleetfoot crossed her forearms and shook her head. “No favouritism on my watch.”

Soarin’ face-hoofed and yelled, “What’s wrong with you all?!” Fleetfoot flinched, captured off guard by his sudden outburst. The angered lieutenant pointed his hoof towards Spitfire who just moments later flew into a crumbling mansion. “I could care less about my rank, but Spitfire was a good captain and pony, she doesn’t deserve any of this!”

A few Wonderbolts looked to the side in guilt, but more turned to Fleetfoot for instruction as she just shook her head. “Whirlwind, Hurricane and Winter Wonder said exactly the same, often defending Spitfire behind her back. After the captain sided with Twilight rather than with them, letting Celestia take them away, she should have seen this coming.”

“No more… please,” Twilight murmured with a sad tone while her ears and tail drooped. The roof was filled with ponies: some terrified and sad as they looked at the destruction of their city, some unconscious as Twilight and a few volunteers brought pillows, blankets and anything soft for them to rest on, and many attending to their own wounds. Far too many for her to handle.

As the little unicorn ran from place to place, assisting wherever she could, the sound of a crying child captured her attention. With a swift turn of her head, she saw a few survivors trying to cheer up a young colt. She observed in silence as they said a few encouraging words, carefully wiped his tears, shared a few candies and gave him a blanket before leaving. Step by step, Twilight approached as quietly as a mouse, not taking her attention away from the young earth pony whose head was pressed against the blanket.

“Are… are you okay?” Twilight whispered as she tugged at the blanket. After not receiving any reaction, she jumped onto the blanket and patted the colt on the cheek before repeating herself.

“Y-yes…I’m… f-fine,” he responded, slowly pushing the blanket from his face before looking around. “Where- who?”

“Over here,” Twilight called while standing on her rear hooves, waving her forelegs. The young earth pony looked at her with wide eyes as his hoof moved above her head.

“No strings or magic? You’re… not a puppet?”

Twilight shook her head. “Nope, just a pony.”

“B-but… you’re so small. You look like one of my plush toys and.. wait, you’re that hat decoration my mom brought from Canterlot. Even the size is right.”

Twilight blushed. When she first met Fancy Pants while looking at him from Fleur’s head, he said that every pony in Canterlot would one day wear Twilight hats. Did he actually pull this off? With a quick shake of her head, Twilight focused on the young pony again. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, what’s yours?”

“G-Green Apple,” The colt responded before lowering his head while his sad look returned.

Twilight put her hooves on Apple’s cheek and lit her horn, healing a few hardly noticeable bruises from the colt’s face while looking into his eyes with concern. “Are you afraid?” Twilight asked. After not receiving any response, she continued, “I know how you feel, trust me, I’ve been there, but now you are safe and no monster will harm you.” Still being ignored, Twilight levitated the blanket slightly and looked under it, searching for any injuries. Upon finding nothing but a few small bandages, she released the blanket and sat on it. “You don’t seem injured, so why are you sad?” Tears once again started to form in the colt’s eyes as he refused to look at her. Twilight placed her fore hooves on Green Apple’s nose as she gave him a puppy stare, her eyes wide, ears curled and pout on her face. “I really want to help, please, tell me.”

Green Apple bit his lips as he fought against the ancient technique of the puppy stare, but quickly surrendered as he spoke in a depressed tone, “My mom… she told me to go with mister Wonderbolt, that he will take me away from those scary, mean monsters.” A tear slid from his right eye. “She told me that she would join me soon…” Apple said while pointing his hoof at the crowd of busy ponies. “Where is my mom?”

“I… I am sorry for bringing that up,” Twilight said as she nuzzled colt’s muzzle. “Your mom must be hiding somewhere, I’m sure. Is there something I can do to cheer you up?”

Green Apple wanted to shake his head in response, but the little unicorn’s hooves still touched his muzzle. “Can you… can you find my mom?”

Twilight looked to the side, closed in her thoughts. She was a very powerful and talented unicorn, for her, teleporting around the town in search for missing ponies would be a breeze. But she was appointed for healing duty and ordered not to leave her post by Spitfire herself, and despite her skills in a game of tag, what would she do when facing worms the size of a small buildings? If only I had access to my full power… but what if I lost control and caused more destruction than the monsters themselves? Twilight shook her head. She already passed her final exam a few years ago, and she hasn’t surged even once ever since.

Not receiving a response from the unicorn who gazed off in the distance, deep in thought, Green Apple spoke, “I’m sorry, Miss Twilight, I didn’t mean to ask for such a big favour.” Being brought back to reality by the colt’s apology, she looked at him, unsure of what to say. He then asked, “Can I... ask for a small favour instead?”

The little unicorn smiled cheerfully and nodded. “If it will cheer you up, sure.”

Green Apple’s blush became more visible as he moved his forelegs from under the blanket before rubbing his neck nervously. “Would you… mmm... nevermind.” He turned his head to the side, only for the little unicorn to jump to his muzzle before pulling it towards herself.

“Please, tell me; There’s no need to be shy.”

“Would you… let me hug and play with you like with a plush doll?” Green Apple plead while Twilight released his muzzle and stood on her rear hooves on the blanket. “My toys got smashed when we ran from a big mean monster... and, you’re so tiny, just like my plush doll.”

“And you want me,” Twilight said while pressing her foreleg against her chest, “to act like one?”

“I know, terrible idea. Sorry for asking–”

“Sure,” Twilight said as she lit her horn and levitated colt’s forelegs towards herself before sitting on his hoof. “If this will cheer you up.” She took one more look at the gathered ponies that seemed to be able to take care of themselves. “It is not like I have anything better to do, at least for now.”

Green Apple blinked and said with a weak smile, “R-really?” Twilight nodded, only to feel the colt’s hoof stroking her mane. As much as she hated being called a pet or a toy, much less being treated like one, if it was going to distract that poor little pony from his worries, she could bear a bit of humiliation and play along.


After half an hour of playing, mane stroking, being hugged and performing tricks, the little unicorn was pressed against the colt’s cheek who yawned before closing his eyes. Being trapped between a soft place and an even softer one, she could see passing mares and even stallions smiling at her and repeat lines like, “they look so cute,” much to her embarrassment. Twilight didn’t resist and played her role, even ignoring when the colt moved in his sleep as his head turned to the side, pressing Twilight against the blanket with the weight of his head. At least until the sound of crashing captured her attention.

With the help of her levitation spell, Twilight freed herself carefully to not wake up Green Apple and teleported, only to reappear in front of a pile of wounded ponies. The little mare took a step back at the sight of two beaten Wonderbolts, while the six ponies under them were in a much worse condition. “Flutter Bolt, Wave Chill!” Twilight shouted, before gritting her teeth as she separated the ponies with her magic and placed them on anything soft that was nearby and unoccupied. Considering how heavy ponies were, it must have been quite the undertaking for them to bring three ponies each to such an altitude. They rightfully deserved a rest.

The group of curious ponies surrounded the scene, but none dared to approach as the injuries surpassed the first aid knowledge they possessed. Yelps of pain and splatters of blood filled that area of the roof as Twilight steeled herself for the operations to come. For the next several minutes she healed the major injuries, from acid burns to serious lacerations. She worked vigorously to help the ponies in the worst condition first, but even then her body had it’s limits, and that was becoming apparent sooner than she anticipated.

Feeling a headache coming on, Twilight walked towards the edge of the roof and sat, taking a few deep breaths of fresh air. The little unicorn slammed her hoof against the small wall, leaving a tiny dent in it as her mind waged a war. It was clear that she could not keep it up at her current size, the mission had just became too much for her to handle, and she once swore to her mentor that she wouldn’t hesitate to return to normal size when her talent and power would be needed. Now with lives in danger and monsters ravaging across the city, she needed this power more than ever. But what if something went wrong? What if the princess was unable to shrink her again, or what if her power raged out of control? Twilight’s horn lit, only for the powerful aura to flicker out over and over, unable to finish the spell.

Twilight took another look at the wounded ponies and red bandages, she could not hesitate now. Come on Twilight, stop being selfish. Ponies need you. Twilight thought as she once again charged her spell, but her mind refused to comply. Why am I so worried? I passed my final exam, I have perfect control over my raw power… but what if I go too far? Even now my magic lets me levitate few ponies at once, what if I cause more harm than good at my normal size? The little unicorn closed her eyes and lowered her head. On one side, she needed to grow to have enough magic to help everypony, but would she be able to keep so much power in check? I can’t return to my normal size, or else performing surgery will become too difficult and dangerous, and normal healing spells won’t be effective on heavier wounds, what do I do?

“Are you okay, Twilight?” Wave Chill said, placing her wounded foreleg on Twilight's shoulder. “You’re doing your best, but even I can see that you are being overwhelmed. No pony will blame you for taking a short rest.”

The little medic didn’t dare to respond. She was not doing her best, or else she would release the shrinking spell. Come on Twilight, you can do this. Twilight charged her spell once again as she fought against her biggest fear. I can’t grow too much, or else I will cause more harm than good, but if I don’t grow enough, I can hardly make a difference, Twilight thought, slowly removing the effect of shrinking spell little by little as the wall in front of her became smaller and the hoof on her shoulder became lighter.

“What’s happening?” Wave Chill stepped back and covered her face with her foreleg, almost blinded by Twilight’s flashing body as the little mare grew slightly in front of her eyes. The moment the bright light vanished, Wave Chill could see a pony the size of a cat.

Twilight’s thin legs were now big enough to display her muscular posture, her mane much more inviting to brush and stroke, and the horn on her head no longer looked like a tiny match, but more like the horn of a young foal.