• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Welcome (?)

Welcome (?)

Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

A few minutes later, after talking about the concrete details of their agreement, the two of them, human and pony, rejoined the rest of the group in the library’s main room where they were chatting lively with a lizard-like creature. When the four mares noticed the figure of the man, instant, awkward silence conquered the room - the baby dragon gulped loudly, his eyes were widening to comical dimensions.

They told him about their strange guest, but Spike didn’t expect the bipedal to be as tall as he was. An aura of cold, villainous calculation surrounded the blond-haired man. And those eyes... Twilight’s assistant trembled slightly, an action triggered by his primeval instincts. This was a predator.

Oblivious to her friend’s stupor, the alicorn turned to Spike, who continued to stare hypnotized at the calm giant, like a sheep at a wolf. He was still a baby, unfit to fight for his own life. A wave of fear washed over him.


“Arrgh!” he replied suddenly, startled by the sudden interruption of his thoughts.

“This is Mr. Wesker,” she explained, worried by Spike’s reaction, while the dragon himself still eyed the suspicious human. But the panic was gone now - the presence of his adoptive mother soothed his fear.

Twilight asked, “Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course, Twilight!” the boyish-sounding dragon answered, fake confidence thick in his voice. The purple alicorn just shrugged and turned to Albert.

“This is Spike, my number one assistant. He’s a baby dragon.”

The man’s eyes fixated on the small reptile and he replied, “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Bending down he lightly extended his fleshy claw. Wordlessly, the dragon took Wesker's hand as they exchanged a brief handshake, Spike’s whole body becoming tense.

Then Twilight spread the “happy” news, “Listen girls. Mr. Wesker will stay here in the library to help me with my scientific studies until we can either prepare other living arrangements, or he decides to leave. Please help him to integrate into Ponyville by giving him all the support he needs.”

Wesker could clearly see the poorly hidden frustration on the cyan mare’s face following the announcement. Considering her recent actions, she seemed to be a rather impulsive character - someone to keep an eye on. Her misdirected ire could interfere with the scientist’s plans. Like Redfield her emotional character would likely prevent her from seeing the bigger picture by stopping her from overcoming premade, self-righteous judgment.

“I will also talk to the mayor in order to introduce Mr. Wesker formerly to the Ponyvillians, so there won’t be another freak out.”

“That’s a fine idea, sugarcube, but ah really have to find my sis’. Also it’s applebuckin season... And those trees aren’t buckin themselves. Ah’ll leave now,” Applejack announced.

“Me too, I have weather duty today,” added Rainbow Dash.

“Me three. Me three!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, “I promised to help the Cakes.”

“Well then... See you.” the alicorn Princess replied neutrally, while her friends exited the library. Only Wesker, Rarity and Spike were now left inside.

When the door slammed shut, Spike said with a small smile, handing his adoptive mother a still unopened scroll, “Twilight, I just remembered, a letter from Princess Celestia arrived, while you and Mr. Wesker were downstairs. I’ll clean up your mess upstairs now.”

Dear, Princess Twilight, my most faithful student,

Unfortunately I am not aware of a species matching your description. However, I am very proud of you. You handled what could have become a complete diplomatic disaster like the professional you indeed are. My trust was not misplaced in you.

Princess Celestia.

‘That was rather uninformative,’ Twilight mused.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed satisfied that her bipedal guest took a book from one of the shelves and started to read on the small couch. At least somepony other than herself appreciated what the library had to offer.

Rarity took her purple friend aside and whispered, “Are you sure about this, dear? Rushing into this might be the wrong approach. You hardly know Mr. Wesker, and although he seems to be mannered and gentle, I’m unsure if you should live under the same roof as him. Listen dear, I don't judge ponies based on their appearances, but this stallion just screams evil. It’s no wonder that poor Spikey-wikey is terrified to the bones.”

Twilight replied in disbelief, “Rarity, I’m disappointed in you. Didn’t we learn that just because someone looks different. He is not a bad pony?”

“But he’s a complete stranger!” the fashionista answered, her voice slightly raised, “It’s only for your best interest.”

“I’m capable of handling the situation,” she responded seriously. “Where would he stay if not here? Back to the Everfree? Definitely not... You, the Element of Generosity, should know best that refusing to help a pony in need is just wrong. There’s so much potential for cultural exchange and studies. I can’t pass this opportunity.”

Rarity hung her head in shame, embarrassed by her friend’s harsh words.

‘Perhaps I was a bit too rude. She was only concerned about my well-being,’ thought Twilight, pulling the white-furred unicorn into a hug.

“I’m sorry, Rarity. I appreciate your worry, but I’m a grown mare. I can handle him myself.”

“Just be careful, dear,” the fashionista answered defeated.

“When you’re done over there discussing my fate, would you please answer me a few questions?” startled Wesker the two ponies.

Twilight and Rarity, both blushing heavily, trotted over to the small couch. What Wesker just inquired was - to say at least - disturbing. His assumption was true! This wasn’t Earth... But how?

An atlas lay before him on a small sideboard, the open page displaying a world map. Except a few names that sounded comically similar, like the country of “Germaneigh” for example, there was nothing he could recognize - no continents, no countries, no mountains, no rivers, and no oceans that he knew.

“How exact are these maps?” asked Wesker pointing at the book.

“That’s the latest edition of ‘Equestria and the world’. It just arrived last month and except a few minor errors it’s pretty accurate,” the alicorn responded confusedly.

“I see.”

“Is something concerning you?”

Briefly Wesker considered telling her the truth, but his equine hosts were already wary of him. He didn't know what they would do, if the human explained his ‘unique’ situation. Being a different species was one thing, coming from another world was another. He had, after all, overheard the two mare’s conversation.

“It’s nothing, sweetheart,” he coldly replied.

Wesker would overcome this inconvenience in time. Probably it was not that bad for him to disappear from the scene, considering what kind of witch hunt awaited him if he went back, now that he was discovered. Maybe this strange ability of the natives, magic they called it, was the key to return to his old home, Earth, even more powerful than before, destroying his enemies and getting revenge!

The blonde man turned to the fashion pony,

“Miss Rarity, I wanted to inquire whether you can make me a few pieces of clothing. I’d pay for them with the money I will receive for solving the Canterlot University's annual mathematical competition. Twilight told me that after paying my debt to the Apple family there would be at least 3000 Bits left. Is that enough for a few articles?”

“More than enough, dear,” she answered, painfully aware that he must have heard her talk with Twilight.

“I’ll need a lab coat, two pairs of black jeans and shirts. Also a pair of shoes, and shades would be appreciated.” he told her.

“Actually... I’ll do it for free. It’s a wonderful exercise to tailor clothing for a pony with such a... ahem... unique build as yours, Mr. Wesker,”

Rarity made up an excuse, feeling bad for Twilight’s strange guest.

‘Guilt is such a useful tool,’ the former Umbrella chairman thought.

Feeling awkward, the white-furred unicorn finally announced, “And I’ll just start now. See you...”

“Don’t you need my measurements,” the red-eyed human asked.

“No, I’ll fit it later with magic,” she responded, heading to the door, “I’ll be done in the afternoon.”

“Bye, Rarity,” said the lavender librarian.

Shortly after, Twilight also left the library. She still had to talk to the mayor.

“Silly filly, it's the bestest idea! What would a surprise party be without the surprise?” Pinkie Pie, who Twilight just met at the marketplace, obviously NOT busy doing work for the Cakes, 'explained' to the alicorn mare.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? Everypony seemed to be scared by Mr. Wesker's being here. You should at least wait until the official introduction to plan anything...”

“But Twilight! He's not happy. Tell me, did you ever see him smile?”

“No, but for all we know...”

“Aha!” Pinkie interrupted her friend with a victorious scream, “and what would the audience think, if Wessie didn't come to his 'Welcome to Ponyville party?’ He can’t miss it!”

“The audience?”

“Aunt Pinkie will turn this frown upside down, so we can become suuuuuper best friends. There will be cakes and games and fun and...”

“I understand that you're excited, but please do me this one favor and wait until I have sorted out everything,” the alicorn said slightly irritated.

After putting her hoof at her chin, obviously contemplating, Pinkie replied, “Okay, Twilight... If it's so important to you.”

Then she suddenly beamed widely, “Even more time to prepare the party!” and just bounced off.

'Oh, Celestia... What did I get myself in?'

In his peripheral vision, eyes focused on a history book, Wesker caught the dragon staring intensely at him, for at least the fourth or fifth time since Twilight left. Becoming enervated, he closed the volume and looked Spike straight in the eyes.


“Huh.... ehm...”

“A master of words, I see...”

The dragon huffed, causing a tiny cloud of smoke to be released in the air, his expression turning sour, “Hey, it’s not my fault that you, a criminal, ended up freeloading from Twilight!”

“So that’s what this is about?” he stated calmly, not even slightly irritated by the harsh words of the dragon, “You decided to keep an eye on me in order to keep the Princess safe. Well, I always imagined a bodyguard to be more threatening...”

His words strike home, “Twilight is like a mother to me! She raised me since I was just an egg! Of course I’m worried if somepony like you is living with us!”

Slowly Wesker stood up and then, in a blink of an eye, he closed the distance between them. His voice now a low growl, he said,

“Just to make it clear, I have no intention of harming Twilight, nor any other of your friends. This is definitely not what I signed up for, but I don’t need a childish brat to remind me of my mistakes. I thought you, as a dragon under ponies, would understand best what it is like to be different. But instead you insist on your racist misconceptions.”

Spike flinched visibly, while Wesker internally complimented himself for the good act.

Playing with their naive minds was just too easy.

‘Moralists!’ the human laughed silently.

Blushing violently, Twilight’s assistant remembered his days at Canterlot. All these times colts and fillies were laughing at him for unintentionally burning something... The stares when he ate his gems... How he’d cried...

Twilight was currently in Mayor Mare’s office, a room with a large window opposite the entrance. The walls were covered with dark oak and in the middle of the room rested a massive desk, piles of documents lay on the piece of furniture.

Wide-eyed the older mare spat her coffee in the air.

“So you’re telling me, you plan to house a foreign creature in Ponyville and want me to introduce it to the citizens?”

“Yes,” Twilight responded self confidently.

“Well, you are the princess, so don’t blame me if something goes wrong. I will schedule a town meeting this evening.”

"I understand your worries, but really, what could possibly go wrong?"

Several animalistic roars echoed through the mists of the forests. Whatever killed their brother, they would find and end it! Nostrils picked up a strange scent and the pack of manticores began their journey, furiously slaying everything alive, that stood in their way.

Author's Note:

Wow, the fun has just been doubled!
And then there's the prospect of violence and Wesker starts his mind games...