• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student,

The tragedy that has befallen Ponyville is worrying. Usually the spawn of the Everfree are not seen outside the forrest's limits. Never before has such a violent attack occurred. We have to take precautions in order to avoid a repetition. Twenty of my best Solar Guards are on their way to Ponyville. These troops will arrive in the next two weeks and are under your command.

Of course the treasury will cover the expenses for healing the ponies harmed in this incident. Ponyville will be restored to its former glory.
Regarding the subject known as Albert Wesker I must admit I am impressed. Not only your report, but even more from the one of Ponyville's policepony Vigilant Watch, who portrayed him in a very heroic manner.

Therefore I contacted Ponyville Hospital to receive a more detailed report of his recovery. Since they wrote that Mr. Wesker is almost completely healed, except a non-clarified more permanent, but harmless condition, he should be able to travel in a couple of days.
My sister and I wish to meet him once he leaves the care of the hospital. Especially Luna who is very interested in meeting this unknown species, but I as well am very curious.

Princess Celestia

Only one day after he awoke, Wesker was released and returned to the library. The initial weakness had left him and he felt as strong as ever, even though a lingering sense of strangeness remained.

The voice didn't bother him again - as promised - but still his sense of reality was shaken. Although his brilliant mind was constantly occupied trying to figure out the reasons and consequences of this phenomenon, it was still unfathomable.

Twilight and her friends were determined to cure the man, but soon nurse Redheart received information from Canterlot Hospital, a comprehensive analysis of Wesker's blood work. Unfortunately it was unpleasant news.

It would take at least two more weeks before a suitable modification of the standard potion treatment could be finished. Nevertheless the hospital's staff seemed to be rather excited about their 'discovery' and promised to inform them about any new developments, as a note appended at the detailed chart explained.

Learning this the human decided to pay them a visit, when he got the chance. Information in the wrong hands (or hoofs) was a potential treat to his plans.

Meanwhile Wesker continued his research on the manticore poison and began analyzing the surprisingly complex structure of a certain blue flower responsible for most of his worries. With Twilight’s magical help he started to refine the research equipment and soon he was successful.

When Twilight informed him that there would be a meeting with Princess Celestia the two of them agreed to schedule for the weekend in Canterlot Castle, he even doubled his efforts. All day and night he spent in the small lab, except a few trips into the forest.

The sun monarch was an unknown variable in this equation and depending on how this turned out this could end very violently. She, as primus inter pares of Equestria’s rulers, had absolute power. The Princess was practically a god and if the legend hold truth she even controlled the sun.

The mere thought of this was ‘unsettling’. Therefore preparation was important to increase his chances in the case of confrontation.

However after extensive studies he found out that he couldn't remove all of the poison's components, that carried venom, if he still wanted it to work. Otherwise the fluid would lose its effect and become completely useless. So the protection came with a price.

If he injected himself with his magic jammer he would feel a slightly burning sensation in his veins, which would get stronger the nearer it got to the heart, whenever he came in contact with magic. In addition he lost some of his dexterity and speed while his virus was fighting off the poison. The magic nullifying effect lasted roughly for about five hours, before it had to be renewed.

A series of tests with animals from the Everfree proved that the poison left in his 'medicine' couldn't kill. But it would lead to an extended period of unconsciousness for all those pathetic beings genetically inferior to Wesker.

The reaction of the townsfolk was ambivalent. Some ponies celebrated his victory. He was invited to countless parties and many ponies came to him to thank him personally. Politely he refused all of them - he simply couldn’t stand this naive foolishness.

He doing this out of the ‘goodness of his heart’? Ridiculous...

But there was also hostility and insecurity among Ponyville’s population. His display of unrestrained violence, the almost animalistic look of rage when he slayed the mythological beasts, frightened the pacifistic ponies. Fearful looks and muffled whispers followed him wherever he went.

However that wasn’t the most irritating change that occurred after he successfully defended the town. If being genderswapped wasn't enough, now the stallion’s were watching him lustfully. Albert, or Alberta, as Pinkie Pie called him now, was quite sure that some animosity originated from this fact, since the majority of Ponyville’s population were mares.

Now they were jealous mares and those tended to gossip, just like their human counterparts. Not that he was interested in that kind of bestiality. Even as a human he was very careful to pick his mating partners. He couldn’t afford to impregnate random women. If he was to have a son he would personally care for the potential heir of his vision.

Even when the scientist entered the wicked Everfree, a place considered very dangerous by the local population, he could swear, though, that a pair of eyes still followed him.

Maybe his imagination just got the better of the former chairman of Umbrella... Wesker had always been a very cautious, some would say 'paranoid', personality.

And probably those were members of some kind of overzealous neighborhood watch team.

But he doubted that...

To Twilight he kept his research hidden under the disguise of finding a cure that wouldn't need exotic ingredients like Zecora's. As far as he could tell the alicorn believed him - just like the rest of the Elements of Harmony.

Even this arrogant fool Rainbow Dash hesitantly, but not less genuinely, apologized for her rude behavior towards the human when Twilight left them alone to sign the release papers.

Out of the six ponies, who were the Elements of Harmony, Rarity lived up to her element the most.

Since his old clothing, as ragged as it was now after his little ‘adventure’, didn’t fit anymore, Wesker was forced to wear the lab coat to cover his indecency. But how Rarity pointed out it was no attire to attend an audience with Princess Celestia herself. So Wesker was truly grateful when she generously brought him new clothes, even if these three new sets emphasized his ‘female aspects’ a bit too much for his liking.

That doesn’t mean any of them were anything but nice, though. The human was overwhelmed with presents.

After the week was over, he packed his belongings and he and Twilight entered the chariot waiting before the library’s entrance. Soon they were on their way to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Hi there,
so Wesker is finally going to meet the princesses...
I wonder if this will go well.

However don't expect updates in the next two or three weeks. I will be on vacation.

Also, 200 Favs. Yay!