• Published 15th Mar 2014
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Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Once Again In Canterlot

Once Again In Canterlot

Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

So six days after the picnic at Sweet Apple Acres, on a Friday, Wesker would once again be traveling to Canterlot, the pristine capital of Equestria. Only this time, though, it wasn’t by chariot, but by train. A rather archaic and sickly colorful version of a train, but a train nonetheless. The scientist and the Elements of Harmony met at afternoon at Ponyville station with their luggage on their backs. It was a cloudy day, and some rain was scheduled later for the small town.

The weather did little to discourage the large number of pony families and even an older gryphon couple from looking forward to their weekend trip. The Elements were accompanied by Spike, who was weighed down with Miss Rarity’s baggage just like a packing mule, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. To Wesker’s delight, he found that the four children would not be traveling with them - they were just seeing off their loved ones. One less distraction to deal with while he attempted to fix his mistake.

Spike had managed to persuade his overprotective caretaker, to leave him behind in Ponyville to watch over the library for the few days she was out of town. Though, judging by the evil eye Twilight was giving the young lizard, it appeared to have been a rather heated conversation. Whereas the three fillies were supposed to stay at Scootaloo's home under the supervision of her parents and were obviously excited to spent such an extended period of time together. Still, they seemed genuinely sad about their sisters and even the man leaving, who they called ‘Uncle Wesker’ now, much to his dismay.

That aside, Wesker did not travel unprepared, either. Just like the mares, he had taken measures to ensure that his businesses were handled properly. While he was away, he had instructed his 'accomplice' Clean Cut, to continue running experiments at his lab and file whatever paperwork was necessary. It was his hope that keeping Clean Cut busy would keep him from brooding over the mess Chrysalis left behind for them to clean up.

While it was planned as a five day trip, Wesker was aware that more time may be required, especially if the man could come up with a feasible method to free the former Queen of the changelings without issue. Wesker had to be cautious, he could take advantage of the chaos such an escape would bring, but to ensure nothing could be linked to him would be challenging. He could not accept failure, he would not be forced to hide in the shadows again if it was within his control.

Then, when the train conductor, a rather average beige-colored earth pony mare, exclaimed the train would leave soon, words of parting were exchanged. Fortunately, no tears were shed and most of them were in a good mood. In Wesker's opinion, these ponies tended to be far too emotional at times. And as a result he felt like an actor around them. He idly wondered if his acting successfully masked his lack of genuine emotions, since he was sure it could be recognized as such. Perhaps they viewed him as an individual that rarely showed his emotions? Whereas back on Earth he had often been told that he seemed distant, cold and calculating, even intimidating. He had been fairly fond of that sentiment, yet would it serve him here?

However, now he believed that if it wasn’t for the understanding and good will of the ponies, he would have be called out a fake a long time ago. Having people (or in this case ponies), who called themselves his friends was an unusual experience for him. Yes, he had considered Will Birkin his friend, but ultimately it was their common interest in science and a similar outlook on life that brought them together. Yet with these ponies he didn’t share that kind of bond. Frankly, he wasn’t great in social situations. But he would adapt - as always.

Finally, they entered this colorful monstrosity, leaving Ponyville behind, as the train doors were closed and with a small hiss the vehicle started to move shakily. They had a private cabinet, which was paid by the crown and Prince Blueblood, who had taken an immense - and worrisome - interest in the obscure circumstances pertaining to his mother’s death, just like all expenses of the journey. The man was rather glad he didn’t need to share his cabinet with one of the obnoxious pony families and their annoying spawn. In addition, they would be paid rather generously for their services, too, or at least Twilight had told him as much. Which was a nice plus, he figured, as he was only fixing his own mess.

Now, he would be alone with the ponies for the coming hours. Fortunately, he had brought along some books, so he didn’t need to waste his time by taking part in their mindless chatter. There were far more important things demanding his attention now. He would need all the information he could get, if his plan was to be a success.

Wesker had spent the last two hours and thirty minutes reading, losing himself in a book about the history and layout of Canterlot Castle. Could his part in this investigation, or his rank bestowed upon him, allow him control over security, or would just the knowledge behind their routines and security measures be all he needed? As he turned a page, he overheard a rather interesting conversation between Rarity and Applejack.

“Ah, before I forget!” Rarity exclaimed suddenly, “Dear, do you have any clue why the girls are acting so strange, lately?”

“No,” answered the farm mare, “Ahm not sure what ya talking about, Sugarcube?... Ah have to admit, though. That ah was quite busy with the farm work. Getting up early, working until the last rays of the sun, then going to bed. Ah had to finish the harvest before we traveled to Canterlot. It’s this time of the year again, remember? Is it crusader-related?”

“Ah, I see. I still remember when Big Mac was injured and you tried to do the work all yourself. Even after we convinced you to allow us to help, it was quite a time-consuming task...” said Rarity thoughtfully, “But back on topic, I do belive that it is crusader-related. When I ran into Cherilee at the Spa this week, she informed me that our sisters have been bullying their fellow students around. She told me she would have brought it up at the next parent’s consultation day, if she didn’t meet me beforehoof. But I'm having trouble believing it, honestly, it seems so unlike those three considering what they have been through in the last year. Sweetie Belle has always been such a good filly.”

“Hey girls, you talking about the squirts?” Rainbow Dash chirped in, looking up from one of those laughable Daring Doo books. Of course, this prismatic idiot was not interested in books of real value, just this rubbish. The cow pony nodded.

Mulling over what Rarity just told her, Applejack asked, “And yer not pulling my leg? I've known you long enough to realize you may be making this out to be more than it is.”

“Applejack?! How could you accuse moi of such!?” she whined, half in joke, half serious.

Rainbow snickered, while Applejack returned with a flat look hiding a small smirk, “Okay, Rarity… So what exactly is mah little sister doing?”

“She said that they have been bossing and bullying the other children around. Telling them that they are the more valuable individuals for NOT having cutie marks… What an incredulous thought! I seriously believe at this point that they have developed some kind of inferiority complex due to not getting their cutie marks yet.

After catching her breath, Rarity sighed, “Foals grow up so fast these days. When I was still young, it certainly was different. Some fillies of Sweetie’s age even have colt friends… although I doubt it’s anything serious.” she continued, “Anyway, this is not where it stops, they have been making fun of the other fillies’ and colts’ special talents. For example they told Snails - I don’t know if you remember him, a rather lanky colt with a snail cutie mark - that certainly his cutie mark stands for him being slow…” she added, “mentally.”

“Yer serious? I can't believe they would be that mean,” replied Applejack in shock,

Rainbow being the reserved Pegasus that she is, only snickered slightly and stated “Pffft... Wasn't that one of the colts that brought the Ursa Minor into town? I can't say its helping his case!'

“Rainbow! That is not the point, it was very rude and ill-mannered,” Rarity interjected.

The farm pony answered, “Ah know… Do ya have any clue, why they are misbehaving?”

“I talked with Sweetibelle, after I heard of it, and she doesn’t want to tell me. She is avoiding my questions, I feel it,” Rarity said, putting her hoof to her chin.

“Meh, it’s just the other fillies being jealous or jerks themselves I bet. Those three are pretty cool after all. Not as cool as me of course, but they are on the right track, especially Scootaloo, my number one fan!” Rainbow Dash said, earning long sighs and rolled eyes from the girls.

Oblivious to her friends amusement she continued, putting a hoof at her heart, “When I was a younger some ponies couldn’t handle my awesomeness, either. Greatness like mine casts long shadows, you know! I bet Cherilee is just overreacting, foals are foals afterall. Fortunately, being the modest mare I am. I learned to hold back my own awesomeness, so I don’t intimidate other ponies with my coolness, as much anymore – well, most of the time!”

While Dash continued to rant, Applejack leaned over to Rarity and whispered something in her right ear. The white-furred unicorn mare stifled a laugh and a very unlady-like blush spread over her cheeks. Applejack couldn’t hold it anymore, laughing out loudly and her friend joined wholeheartedly.

That ended the prismatic tomboy’s ego trip. “...Hey, what gives?” Dash said, as she realized that she likely was the butt of the joke. Furiously snorting, she looked back into her book, “If you don’t need my advice you could have told me! That’s just another example for what I said... ” She pouted, but this didn’t help her, either. Now Pinkie, who had joined them in this corner of the train cabinet, was laughing about the hilarious expression on the face of the prismatic mare, too. “...that’s not cool,” she told herself silently, trying not to lose her temper to embarrass herself further.

“C'mon, Rainbow, you know we're just teasing, right girls?” Applejack said, as the three of them had calmed down and she noticed the pegasus’ slightly downtrodden expression. Hyperactively, Pinkie Pie nodded and blubbered something unintelligible. The fashionista agreed graciously, “Darling, it was not our intention to hurt you.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’m not hurt in the slightest. Nothing to forgive,” answered the prismatic mare, but her voice told a different story. The three mares were used to her over inflated ego. But honestly, sometimes someone needed to remind her that she was just a normal pony, a pony with flaws. They were aware that her childhood was a sore point in her life. It hadn’t been the best, as she was more than once the target of bullies and it was possible there was even more to that since no one had ever met her parents. Even at Heart’s Warming Eve the prismatic Pegasus didn’t leave Ponyville to visit them in Las Pegasus, their current place of residence.

Applejack inquired, leaning to the fashionista, “Back to the topic, Why didn’t you tell me earlier when we still waited for the train. I’m sure we could have figured it out together.”
“Applejack, you don’t part from your loved ones in a dispute. What if something happened to them? You would never forgive yourself that the last memory of them is having an argument. Only a few weeks ago Sweetie was barely clinging to life, and she would be dead if our hero here hadn’t saved her,” she muttered, pointing at Wesker.
“Well, I suppose you’re right,” said Applejack quietly.

This rather saddening thought put a damper on the fairly cheerful atmosphere. Even Pinkie Pie was quiet, remembering the gruel details of a certain night. A period of uncomfortable silence followed. After a few seconds, however, the farm mare broke the silence,

“I will need to talk to mah sister when I come back. She will get a chance to explain herself, but if what Cheerilee said is true, I'll talk some sense into her. No apple, especially my sister, will be known as a bully!”

‘Just great,’ Wesker thought exasperatedly, ‘I hope cleaning up the mess left behind by those three fillies won’t become a common occurrence. The first time I needed to save this Sweetibelle from the poison of a manticore, then their failed attempt at being cowgirls, and now I have to help them and myself in order to avoid the ire of their sisters. Those fillies have managed to surprise me again... I suppose their reputation is well deserved.'

When the seven of them emerged from the train, three hours later, they entered a large, half-open station building, being support by an enormous iron scaffolding structure. The ceiling was made of glass and allowed the sun to pass directly to the ground. It was a rather crowded and busy station. Several train lines passed through it, while a few stores lined the sides of the spacious building.

A surprise awaited the group. Luna, the princess of the night, stood near the tracks. She was accompanied by two of her lunar guards, Thestrals in a deep blue. Luna was smiling brightly at her visitors, waving cheerfully with her hoof. Then she approached the six mares and the man. The common ponies around her watched her curiously, but returned to their business after a few moments, as her guards shot them some sharp glances.

Wesker figured that part of the reason the ponies didn’t approach her was that some of them were still wary of the princess of the night. If it was her sister, who was waiting in the train station, even with a dozen of guards to keep the commoners away. He would imagine most of the ponies would still try to talk to her and offer praise or gratitude. For hundreds of years Luna had been the cruel mare in the moon, a mythos, yet only two years ago was she reformed and the curse was lifted. Their worry was understandable.

Unlike Wesker, these ponies did not know her personally. He could guarantee Princess Luna wasn’t the same pony as the horrible, irrational spirit Nightmare Moon, who wanted eternal night, and brought suffering over its subjects. She was studious, resourceful, introverted and calm - a perfect allegory of the night. However, Wesker wondered if the burning wish of acknowledgment, that had driven her into insanity, was still buried in her heart. More than once she had hinted that she wasn’t that happy about her mostly ceremonial role in the kingdom.

“Welcome to Canterlot, dearest friends,” she said loudly, but nonetheless in a regal tone, “We hope thine trip was to thy liking?”

“Greetings, Luna, it was pleasant overall.” Wesker answered nonchalantly.

Full of respect for the princess of the night the former Elements muttered their greetings and bowed deeply, except Twilight of course, who as a princess herself was not obliged to show the older ruler her respect, but nonetheless flinched slightly when her companions lowered their heads as she had the urge to, as it had been a long ingrained reflex. Wesker just stood by motionless, a slight grin on his face. Neither did he want to submit himself to the mare nor was he one of their ‘precious’ subjects, in fact he wasn’t even a citizen of this country, yet, and until he would finally receive the honors of the title “Defender of Harmony” at the upcoming Gala in two weeks, it wouldn’t change.

With a slight smile at Albert's antics Luna stated “Rise, my ponies,” taking pride in their gesture.

“Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” a surprised Twilight asked.

“Well, Twilight, we... er... I overheard that thy party would be arriving in Canterlot by train, so I just felt like doing it. After all, you are very important ponies,” she winked at Wesker, “And humans, of course. But most of all, you are my friends. Far too few opportunities present themselves, in which I can meet with thee.” she replied, “Please, accompany me to the castle. There is much to discuss.”

As they walked on, Luna, and the Elements lost themselves in mindless chatter. Wesker on the other hand, had no interest in participating. The human clothed in black silently trotted after them. While doing so, Wesker made note of some rather worrisome observations.

First of, Wesker noticed the increased presence of security in this city. The last few times when he had visited the capital he had only seen a handful of guards, now they were standing at every street corner. It seemed like they were taking the threat very seriously, fearing an attack of the non-existent changeling forces.

Secondly, there was a pink dome around the Castle, a force field he assumed.

And thirdly, there were some very rigorous procedures setup at the train station, the man presumed it would be the same for the city’s gates. Whenever a Pony wanted to enter or leave the building, the eight of them excluded of course, they were scanned with a spell by a nearby guard. Also, flying was banned for the moment as several large posters that were lining the streets told the man.

Halfway to the castle, after she had caught up with the recent developments in Ponyville - well, developments were an overstatement for such a small and peaceful community - the princess of the night allowed herself to fall behind the group and started a talk with the man.

“So how is my favorite human doing?” she asked.

“As good as always,” Wesker answered, “There is nothing to complain about. Everything goes according to plan, so to say.”

“Thou and your plans,” she laughed lightly. Or was there a hint of nervousness in her voice?

After a moment of reflection, “Albert, I wish to ask a boon of thee… Princess Cadance and her husband Prince Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother, are in visiting Canterlot. Cadance hath expressed an interest in meeting with thee. Perchance, we could visit with them at the Canterlot Opera House in a few hours? Last when we spoke, thou mentioned great appreciation in the classical arts of music.”

“Normally I would enjoy such an event,” he replied, “Yet, there are more pressing matters at hand. Luna, you know I’m on a mission. Certainly, you have heard about the tragedy that has befallen the Bluebloods?”

A sad expression flashed over her face. ‘Why must this human be so dense?’ Luna asked herself. But then it reverted back as if nothing had happened. She answered,

“I am privy to such, yet thine mission gives reason to attend. Shining Armor is the captain of the Royal Guard and his wife is Blueblood’s cousin. It is both a personal matter and one of necessity.”

“I see,” then with vigor he added, “It would be an honor to accompany you to Canterlot Opera, Princess Luna.”

She smiled.