• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

The room was lit by a shimmering green flame, blinding the man's sensitive eyes. Reflexively, his right hand dove into the depths of his pocket and grabbed the syringe full of slightly copper-colored fluid he always kept near since he’d developed it. His left he used to shade his eyes from the violent, ominous light. Wesker had no clue what was going on, but there was no time for senseless pondering. The situation was dangerous. That much he knew for certain. His brain switched to survival mode, and he entered a fighting stance.

His eyesight gradually returned. Before him stood a dozen interesting creatures. Their forms resembled a normal pony's, but they had an insect-like appearance. They were plated with dark, holed chitin and featured both horns and wasp-like wings.

'Changelings!' the man realized.

Albert had read about the bugs when he looked into Equestria's history, still trying to make sense of these lands. Once a great race of emotion sucking vampires with an enormous population, prone to violence and deceit, their downfall had come suddenly. A coalition of ponies, zebras, griffons and minotaurs had ended their bloody crusades and pushed them beyond their respective borders into the wastelands. For hundreds of years it had been relatively silent about the insectoid quadrupeds. Only whispering tales had been told, making them sound like some kind of boogie men parents used to scare their foals if they didn't want to go to bed. They became mythological creatures.

But just one year prior under the rule of Queen Chrysalis, they returned, trying and failing to conquer Canterlot to restore their once glorious empire. Little was known about their inner organization or their physical abilities. Some argued they formed herds just like ponies, others assumed they were under the control of some kind of hive mind and only very few were truly sentient.

Judging by the battered appearance of his pursuers they might be the last remaining changelings after the disaster that was Canterlot. The scientist assumed the only green-eyed individual might be the Queen herself. The physical differences were obvious. She was much taller than the rest of the changelings. She had neon green hair and on her head rested a crown-like object. Although she tried to hide it, Wesker could tell there was deep desperation in her eyes. The former captain of the stars had a sixth sense for someone's weaknesses, just like a wolf for his prey. Chrysalis looked malnourished.

“Creature,” she exclaimed loudly, her horn ablaze with green magic, “Resistance is futile. Surrender now and no harm will come to you!”

The man silently fell to his knees, while with some clever sleight of hand he slipped the syringe out of his pockets and hid it behind his back. He bowed his head slightly, lowering his gaze to the floor, a submissive look on his face. Respectfully, he began to speak, struggling not to reveal his true intentions by breaking into his cold, emotionless laughter,

“Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings. How could I, a mere human, challenge your power?"

In his peripheral vision he could watch Chrysalis laughing maniacally. She didn't know what she signed up for. There were more toys to play with in his pocket than the single syringe. The scientist felt for his veins.

“I only feel deep respect for you, for you were brave enough to challenge the sun tyrant,” he continued.

The man injected the syringe in the vein of his left hand. Instantly the familiar feeling of weakness washed over him. Only a few more moments before he could end this charade.

He realized how he missed his pistol, seeing a victorious grin spreading on the bug's face. One shot and it would vanish from her stupid face – forever. What a waste of space she was. Such foolishness deserved punishment. At the next possible convenience, he would ask the local blacksmith to deliver the necessary parts for the weapon. He was more than familiar with the inner workings of such a device. His knowledge wasn't limited to biology after all.

She probably believed she could simply fight him with magic. Her careless behavior suggested she didn't know he could defend himself against her petty assaults utilizing his magic jammer. She was even so bold to step nearer to the crouched form of the super human.

“I feel flattered. Allow me this little measure of precaution,” she said, her voice a cacophony of chirps and hisses.

Two changelings with shackles in their fanged maws, neared Wesker from the right. Did they really think he would let them restrain him? Patiently the man waited until they were in his reach.

CRACK! He ripped the horn of the first off before anyone could respond and pierced the second's eye with it. To someone else it must have looked like he had teleported, so fast did he move. Both dropped to the floor, rivers of gooey green blood staining it. Left behind was a speechless changeling Queen. That was certainly unexpected. One moment she had believed all her problems to be solved, an overwhelming victory, and then her dreams were so violently crushed by the person who was supposed to save the remains of her weakened race. But her mind caught up with the ghoulish act before her and her horn was set aflame with green, dancing magic, fueled by mind-numbing anger.

The man, straightening back to his full height, spoke up slowly, his voice carrying a tone of danger and impending doom, “Do you even know who you are dealing with? I will crush you under my boot, disgusting, hideous bug. Probably even a fool like you can fathom the graveness of your mistake. Playtime is over. I will enjoy killing you. And before the end, you will relish death over your suffering, pitiful life.”

As if on a silent signal, all the remaining changelings, a half dozen or so, swarmed the man. Preoccupied with fending them off, he didn't realize a bolt of green magic was heading into his direction. It hit him square in the chest, and he fell over. However he didn't stay down for long. The shot that could have killed a medium-sized dragon easily could only blacken the white lab coat he was wearing. The flesh under the fabric remained untouched. The queen's victorious grin changed to a look of horror once more and another changelings went down as Wesker broke its neck with a powerful kick.

“I don't know where you get your confidence Chrisss.... alis,” he exclaimed, cobra-striking a fourth changeling, who had dared to sneak near from behind. More blood stained the walls. It would be a pain in the rear to clean that off, later, the blond man realized, his hair whipping in the flurry of the fight.

Fear gripped the queen's heart. They had no chance, and if she didn't want her race to end, she had to escape. Chrysalis tried to fly to the closed door, but she was already too late.

Wesker’s hands closed around the fragile throat of the Changeling Queen, pinning her at a wall. Even though her loyal changelings tried to free her with all their might, the bipedal being before her didn't even flinch. Wesker just swatted them away with his left hand like annoying flies swirling around a meal. Bloodlust flooded the man's mind, but he needed to restrain himself. Killing the queen could have severe consequences.

He remembered one of his favorite quotes from Clausewitz's "On War":

“Strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”

Capturing was much more beneficial. He could either deliver one of the worst enemies of Equestria or the scientist could reinitiate an old project again. “Good old, Jill,” he chuckled. The man would definitely try the later. A second syringe pierced the Queen's black chitin and his grip lost some strength.

“Sleep, sweetheart,” he whispered hatefully into her right ear, while the last of her children perished from the face of the planet by the violent hands of the blond.

Now she finally had lost everything.