• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

Like ants, thousands of ponies, oblivious to their own irrelevance, were crawling down the streets of the massive city beneath the chariot. The pristine white streets spanned over the whole place forming a giant spider’s net. Compared to Ponyville, it seemed to be a rather modern city. From the air, Wesker could make out fast food restaurants, cinemas, and even some night clubs. The level of technology in this world was indeed very ambivalent. But that was to be expected judging by the nature of their magic.

If not for Twilight’s curious nature it would have been a very peaceful flight, but now he had to answer all her questions. He successfully avoided or only answered vaguely while he stayed in Golden Oaks burying himself in work. She even brought some kind of IQ test to this undesired ‘meeting’.

Although Spike had been left at the library, Twilight instantly afterwards sent her collected results to the palace via magic. Since she became an alicorn she no longer needed the baby dragon's services, but she didn't tell him yet because it would be 'a huge blow to his self-esteem', as she put it.

“For the protocol… Your name is?”

She scribbled furiously in her notebook,

“Dr. Albert Wesker.”


“Dr. of bioengineering.”

“Interesting. How old are you?”

“50 years old, born on the first of November 1959.”

“Wow, that’s pretty old. The average life span of a pony is only around 60 years. For unicorns it is 70. “

“It depends. In the more civilized regions it is around 80, in some only around 50. But judging on my research data I’m an exception, since there seems to be no natural limit to my life. Only through external force can I perish.”

“So you’re immortal?”

“You could say that.”

“It’s still a miracle to me how we can’t know your species.”

“... I have a theory.”

Now was the time to explain the lavender alicorn his situation before these ancient princesses in Canterlot could reveal a flaw in his story. He didn’t know how much knowledge about their world they exactly possessed, but they were around for more than 1000 years, so it had to be enormous. If only one thing he said didn’t add up or even could be spotted as an outright lie, his whole story would collapse like a house of cards. That would mean more questions - a terrible start with the rulers of Equestria, the individuals his very fate hinged upon.

“There is a chance I’m not even from this world,” he paused, “I have no clue how I got here. I should be dead, but instead I awoke in this wicked forest.”

“So you say you are an alien? How do you speak our language?” she asked skeptically.

“I’m unsure about the details, but it’s possible I came from another universe. Are you familiar with the parallel universe theory?”


“It could explain the similarities of our worlds. The differences are what make me doubt this is earth, though. Some things simply don't add up. For example: the continents form completely different landmasses and also our astral bodies used to move on their own. So if this was Earth, it must be millions of years in the future or something dramatically changed my home world. That is rather unlikely. Either way I’m stuck here. ”

She was silent for a minute.

“You said you should be dead?”

“That’s a difficult subject, Twilight. One I’d rather like to avoid. But I will try to explain it… Unlike your world mine is not a bunch of rainbows and sunshine… Judging by the books you kindly lent me, there live around 200 Million sentient individuals on this planet. Is that correct?”

“220 Million to be exact, but yes.”

“What would you say if I told you that on Earth, that’s where I come from, 7 billion humans live on a surface that is barely larger than Equis’.”

“7 Billion?” she asked in shock.

“Yes, we have outgrown the planet’s capability to sustain us. We are overpopulated, but still mankind continues as if it was nothing. Every day we are one step closer to self-destruction. There is war, pestilence, and suffering. I wanted to help… I wanted to end our misery, but some short-sighted individuals didn’t agree with my methods. They hunted me down. And although they were after my life I didn’t lay a finger on them, even when it was in my power to end their pitiful existences... I tried to show them their mistakes, but they were too self-righteous, too foolish to see the bigger picture. They didn’t change their ways. Some then, shortly before I could deliver the cure, confronted me... Humanity was denied my blessing. And after I was defeated by those fools, I was thrown into a volcano. I can remember how the hot lava burned the skin of my flesh, how my hair went aflame and my consciousness lapsed out like a candle in the wind. That should have been my death.”


There was an unreadable expression on the mare’s face.

“They destroyed the work of my life,” he bitterly added, “and they manipulated me.”

'That's one Oscar for Mr. Albert Wesker.'

'Shut up!'

And suddenly Wesker found himself in Twilight's warm embrace. A wicked grin spread on Wesker's face. He had finally won the alicorn over!

Going through the city was awkward to say at least. Twilight was a very famous mare. Several times she had saved Equestria. She was a princess after all. So it was no wonder masses of ponies flooded her way when she entered the city's restless streets. Naturally also her strange companion didn't go unnoticed. But even here he felt the vague sensation of being spied on, as if the silent observers from Ponyville had followed him.

Half an hour passed and still more ponies were crowding around the newly coronated princess.
The cacophony of voices was disrupted by an especially overzealous paparazzo, a yellow pegasus stallion with a fedora, waving a hoof in front of Wesker’s face, “What is that new pet of yours?”

Wesker grunted in frustration, while Twilight explained for the fourth or fifth time that the human was not her pet, nor her lover, a science experiment, or a shaved diamond dog.

Then someone grabbed his ass.

“Hey, baby,” a sultry, masculine voice whispered.

Wesker turned around, his expression hardening.

“I like them, when they are furious,” a blonde unicorn told one of his companions, just loud enough for the human to hear. Then he winked in the scientist's direction. He and his friends stood all alone, the rest of the crowd forming a huge clearing around them.

“And what an exotic specimen that is,” the Unicorn added, his horn beginning to glow. Then a magical force wiggled the humans breasts.

Wesker felt violated - and wrong, very wrong.

This was the metaphorical straw that broke the camel’s back. He had been defeated and sent to a world that was not his own, a world where he was an alien, an oddity, a freak. The law's of physics and nature were twisted ridiculously - sun and moon were raised by winged unicorns for goodness sake! They were rather guidelines than 'real' rules... The former chairman's view on reality had been challenged. Science was only considered an alternative. And then the only thing was taken from Wesker that was left, his body. This voice... It had been a hard week.

The human snapped.

Enough of this foolishness! Who was this pathetic snob to humiliate the scientist?

He slapped the white-furred unicorn, with just enough force to leave a red hand print. He could barely restrain himself from doing worse.
Behind him, the human could hear Twilight. Except the typical clicks of cameras taking photos everything was silent.

“You’ll pay for that, commoner. You'll never forget the day you assaulted me, Prince Blueblood,” the unicorn suddenly screamed, entering a fighting stance, "You foal can't even comprehend, who you made your enemy! I'm the nie-"

But before things could escalate even further the alicorn and the human were gone with a plop, the usual nausea of teleportation washing over Wesker. The rest of the wait until the audience with the sun princess was spent on the castle grounds, where he made a very interesting acquaintance.

Personal Diaries of Princess Luna (Volume CCCXI), excerpt from the 18 of June 2014 A.C. :


When I first saw our guest, standing idly at the balustrade of a small balcony connected to a main corridor, watching the humble streets beneath him, I must admit, I was disappointed.

That was supposed the hero of Ponyville? This was the mighty warrior, who slayed three Everfree monsters with its bare hooves? An exiled immortal? The betrayed savior of his own world? The alien?


This bipedal was barely taller than me. He looked rather weak, fragile compared to a manticore. His silhouette was curvy, like a mare's. The skin, or what was not covered by tight clothing, was fleshy and scaleless. It's fore hooves were clawless and pointy.

This was definitely not how a warrior was supposed to look. It was no 'unpleasant' view, but a being of beauty. However I seriously doubted it was male as my sister's former student, Twilight Sparkle, had described in her comprehensive report.

“Good afternoon, sweetheart,” a voice greeted me. Confusedly I looked back to the strange being. He adjusted his shades and turned around, his gaze locking with mine.

"Where I come from it is considered rude to stare."

The statement caught me aback and I blushed furiously. This pony was either very bold or rude. Or both. The nerve...

Even directly after my banishment, no pony had talked to me like that. There had been whispers and rumors... But nopony had the courage to tell me what they thought. I remember several occasions where I entered a room in the castle and instantly the conversations died down, only followed by awkward hoof shuffling.


And those eyes... Even despite his sunglasses I could see this cat-like slits glow beneath the shiny surface. A fire just like in the old days, when stallions were still stallions - not whiny, prissy weaklings.

Times had changed. Not for the better.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, he stood before me, crossing several meters with one big leap. So dexterous and elegant.
His features, although I could see they were clearly female now, were predatorous. While he spoke I could make out a pair of canines in his mouth. And there was an aura of competence and... danger around him.

At a loss of words I stammered an apology, “I apologize. It was not my intention to intrude.”

“I see... Where are my manners? It's an honor to meet you, Princess,” he bowed slightly.


I must admit, first looks deceive.

After endless lessons about the castle's history, it seemed this was Twilight's way to cope with the earlier conflict on the streets of Canterlot, finally the time had come. A unicorn clad in the day guard's golden armor accompanied the both of them to the throne room.

Author's Note:

I'm finally back from vacation. As you might have noticed, this is kind of a setup chapter.
But don't worry, soon there will be more action again.